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Page 1: Non Memphis United Methodist Church Memphis Monthly Memo · 2017-07-17 · Memphis United Methodist Church 220 W. Jefferson U.S. Postage Paid Memphis, MO 63555 Return Service Requested

Memphis United Methodist Church

220 W. Jefferson

Memphis, MO 63555

Return Service Requested

Apportionment Update...

2017 Conference $ 16,023 Pd. to date $ 3,902 Due $ 12,121

2017 District $ 2,925 Pd. to date $ 2,925 $ 0

Year to Date Giving Report

Income $ 63,435.22

Expenses $ 70,596.00

YTD Balance $ -7,010.78

Savings Acct. 1/1/17 $ 24,307.70

YTD Withdraws $ 7100.00

YTD Balance $ 17,207.70

"Give, and it will be given to you;

good measure, pressed down, shaken

together, running over, they will

pour into your lap. For by your

standard of measure it will be meas-

ured to you in return." Luke 6:38

Thank You For Your Generosity!

Office Hours:

Monday, Wednesday & Friday

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Office Phone: 660-465-8935

Parsonage Phone: 660-465-2082

[email protected]

[email protected]

www.memphisumc.com Facebook: United Methodist Church—Memphis, MO

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

Non-Profit U.S. Postage Paid Memphis, MO 63555 Permit No. 4

Where Does Our Money Go…

Our money goes to maintain a place of worship and do the work God has led us to do. Where does our money come from? It comes from you, the congregation, with your of-ferings. If you have noticed, our expenses are exceeding our income. We have a savings account with money, not desig-nated for any other purpose, and, we have been taking from that for several months to help meet expenses. After a peri-od of time, the money in that account will be gone!! We are in a crisis situation. What can you do to help keep our

Church thriving? Everyone has to be committed to help our Church!! If you miss a Sunday, please make it up in your offerings the next Sunday and add a few more dollars as you can. This will greatly cut our deficit and help us continue to worship God in the way he intends. Pray each and every one of us can find a way to make a greater commitment!!

A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 Volume 17 Issue 08

Inside This


Memphis Monthly Memo

Memphis United Methodist Church

Prayer Blanket Ministry

These blankets are pieced

together from women in

the Martha’s Circle and

prayed over as each knot

is tied on their fringe.

The Prayer Blankets are

given to folks who need to

know someone cares.

Please consider a dona-

tion to our new Ministry.








is M





Birthday & Anniversary Lists

Prayer List and Shut-ins and

Care Center Lists



Love Packages Prayer Request

Liturgists Schedule

Nursery Schedule

Ad Council August Meeting

SCCC Ministries






Baby Shower Announcement

Ministerial Alliance News

Teacher Appreciation

Classes Resume





Calendar of Events 3

Church Contact Information 4

Apportionments Update 4

Mission ~ Vision ~ Values 4

Our Mission…Why Do We Exist… “…to make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.”

Our Vision…Where Are We Going… “…on the greatest journey of our lives – The Journey of Knowing, Loving and Serving God – as we strive to become a Community of deeply committed Chris-tians.”

Our Values…What’s Our Boundaries… “…everything must relate to the Core Value of making Disciples of Jesus Christ Through: 1) Strengthening our Commitment to God; 2) Deepening our Relationships; and, 3) Living Out the Compassion of Jesus Christ for All.”

Nikos Men’s

Devo Breakfast Saturday,

August 12th

7:30 A.M.

Come join us!


Ministry Team

Meeting Sunday, August 13th

4:00 P.M.

If you are a member of this team,

please make plans to attend.

Dates: August 23-27

We are still in need of people to plan and organize our booth at the Antique Fair. We need a General Coordinator, and people to volun-

teer to coordinate: Set-up and Tear-down, Work Schedules, Supplies, Maid-Rites, Pies, and Publicity.

So far, none of these areas are cov-ered. If we are going to have a

booth, plans need to be made now to make it happen. Please call the Church Office @ 465-8935 if you

can help in any of these areas.



Meeting Tuesday,

August 1st 7:00 P.M.

All Women Welcome.




Every Wednesday

5:30 AM

Sunday, August 6 6:00 P.M. Concert

Brent is a talented young man sharing his music, humor, and witness to further

the cause of Christ. An informal time of Fellowship will

follow the concert. Come join us and bring some friends!

Vesper Service

August 23rd

7:00 P.M.

Page 2: Non Memphis United Methodist Church Memphis Monthly Memo · 2017-07-17 · Memphis United Methodist Church 220 W. Jefferson U.S. Postage Paid Memphis, MO 63555 Return Service Requested

Prayer List and Shut-ins and Care Center Lists:

Prayer List: Steve Snodgrass, Nelda Kirkpatrick, Joyce Aylward, Greg Shelley, Lew Prather, Phil Stru-ble, Win & Helen Hill, and Don Troutman

Ongoing Treatment: Ryhan Loos, Mary Anna Troutman, Lonnie Triplett, Joyce Joy, Ron Alexander, Shane Hall, Phil Herteen, Nola Kirkpatrick Boyd, Jo Ann Parrack, Cole Anderson, Jim Campbell, Kent Mallett, Marsha Monroe, John McGraw, and Keeley Brown

Military Service: Logan Remley, David Miller, Steven Kraus, C. W. McCuiston , and Timothy Pippert

Shut Ins & Care Centers: Dedie Priebe, Norma Cotton, Nancy Clatt, Audrie Steeples, Lorraine Rush,

Martha Burns, Charles and Helen Hammack, Donna Meeks, Twila Fulk and Dottie Yoder

Birthday & Anniversary Lists:

Birthdays 02 Landon Pence Win Hill 07 Kelly Ward Ann Luther 13 Harley Saulmon 15 Tom Cotton 17 Irene Armstrong 18 Ryan Baker Cara Reuschel 22 Lynnette Dyer Nathan Pippert Reagan Simerl 25 Olivia Hanselman 26 Phil Struble 27 Sharon Moore 29 Kallen Hamlin 30 Crystal Riebel Ranina Robinson 31 Lori Fulk Tyler Henstorf Tom Reel


06 Ron & Kathy Gardner 09 Gary & Debbie Kittle 11 Dennis & LaDonna Baker 12 Don & Mary Anna Troutman 22 Jeff & Melissa Behrens Robert & Ella Owings 30 Brent & Dana Bondurant

Love Packages July 30-August 2 Please be in prayer

for those working to spread God’s Word to over 35 nations. Thank you for your support of this vital



Calendar of Events for August 2017 Every Sunday:

Energize: 8:00-8:30 a.m. (Early Casual Worship Service)

Educate: 8:45-9:30 a.m. (Sunday School classes for children, youth, & adult)

Integrate: 9:30-9:45 a.m. (A time of fellowship)

Motivate: 9:45-10:00 a.m. (Prequel to Worship/Choruses & Announcements)

Advance: 10:00-11:00 a.m. (Blended Morning Worship Service)-Preschool Nursery provided @ 10:00

Every Wednesday:

Men’s Breakfast 5:30 a.m.

Sunday, July 30-Wednesday, August 2 Love Packages Summer Mission Trip

Tuesday, August 1 7:00 P.M. Martha’s Circle Meeting

Thursday, August 3 5:30 P.M. Packing Party @ Marie Ebeling’s (School Supplies)

Saturday, August 5 11:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. Back to School Fair @ Ignite (Pass out supplies)

Sunday, August 6 9:45 A.M. Brent Vernon will be at Morning Worship

Sunday, August 6 12:30 P.M. First Sunday Communion & Visitation @ SCCC

Sunday, August 6 6:00 P.M. Brent Vernon Concert with sandwiches/finger

foods to follow

Saturday, August 12 7:30 A.M. Nikos Men’s Breakfast. Come join us.

Saturday, August 12 2:00 P.M. Baby Shower for Jordyn Simerl (Church invited)

Sunday, August 13 4:00 P.M. Joint Ministry Team Meeting

Sunday, August 13 Items for School Appreciation Baskets due

Monday, August 14 7:00 P.M. Administrative Council Meeting

Wednesday, August 16-Friday, August 18 Teacher Prep Days at SCR-1

Wednesday, August 16 School Appreciation Baskets Delivered

Monday, August 21 First Day of School @ SCR-1

Tuesday, August 22 6:30 P.M. Hymn Sing @ SCCC

Wednesday, August 23 7:00 P.M. Antique Fair Vesper Service

Wednesday, August 23-Saturday, August 26 Scotland County Antique Fair

Saturday, August 26 8:00 A.M. Fun Run (Correlates with Antique Fair Activity)


August Liturgist Schedule August 06 Ron Gardner

August 13 Jeannie Childress

August 20 Karen Biggs

August 27 Lynnette Dyer

New Coordinator: Karen Biggs, 660-988-8277

August Nursery Schedule

Supervisor Roamer: August 06 Lynnette Dyer Mary Anna Troutman

August 13 Kathy Gardner Brenda Eckland

August 20 Meagan Weber Lori Fulk

August 27 Diana Koontz Mary Anna Troutman

Administrative Council Meeting

Monday, August 14th @ 7:00 P.M.

1st Sunday Communion & Visitation

12:30 P.M.

Sunday, August 6th

Monthly SCCC Hymn Sing

Tuesday, August 22nd @ 6:30 P.M.

You are Invited! To: A Baby Shower For: Jordyn Simerl When: August 12th @ 2:00 P.M.

Where: Memphis UMC (Lower Level)

A new baby boy is due on Oct. 28th

Ministerial Alliance

Back To School Supply Fair Packing Party: Thurs., Aug. 3rd

We will meet at the home of Marie Ebeling

@ 5:30 P.M. to pack school supplies for students.

Ignite Ministries Back to School Bash Saturday, August 5th: 11:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M.

This is the time to come pick up your school sup-

plies if you have registered your children to receive

them. For more info call Marie Ebeling: 465-2445


Baskets Delivery Date: August 16th

Items Due: August 13th

We would like to once again provide some snacks for

School employees to enjoy on teacher work days Au-

gust 16th-18th. If you could help by donating items

such as wrapped candy, gum, granola bars, etc. please

bring them to the Church Office by Aug. 13th to be de-

livered on Aug. 16th. Thank You!

Classes Resume on Monday

August 21, 2017 Let’s be in prayer for our Administration,

faculty, staff, and students as they begin another

academic year. We wish them all a great year!

Love Packages

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