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Page 1: Non-monotone DR-submodular Maximization over General … · 2020. 11. 8. · proposed by [Calinescu et al., 2011], which is a vari-ant of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm, guarantees a (1

Non-monotone DR-submodular Maximization over General Convex Sets

Christoph Durr1 , Nguyễn Kim Thắng2 , Abhinav Srivastav2 and Léo Tible21LIP6, Sorbonne University, France

2IBISC, Univ Évry, University Paris-Saclay, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected]

AbstractMany real-world problems can often be cast as theoptimization of DR-submodular functions definedover a convex set. These functions play an impor-tant role with applications in many areas of appliedmathematics, such as machine learning, computervision, operation research, communication systemsor economics. In addition, they capture a subclassof non-convex optimization that provides both prac-tical and theoretical guarantees.In this paper, we show that for maximizing non-monotone DR-submodular functions over a generalconvex set (such as up-closed convex sets, conicconvex set, etc) the Frank-Wolfe algorithm achievesan approximation guarantee which depends on theconvex set. To the best of our knowledge, this isthe first approximation guarantee for general con-vex sets. Finally we benchmark our algorithm onproblems arising in machine learning domain withthe real-world datasets.

1 IntroductionSubmodular (set function) optimization has been widely stud-ied for decades The domain has been under extensive inves-tigation in recent years due to its numerous applications instatistics and machine learning , for example active learning[Golovin and Krause, 2011], viral marketing [Kempe et al.,2003], network monitoring [Gomez Rodriguez et al., 2010],document summarization [Lin and Bilmes, 2011], crowdteaching [Singla et al., 2014], feature selection [Elenberg etal., 2018], deep neural networks [Elenberg et al., 2017], di-versity models [Djolonga et al., 2016] and recommender sys-tems [Guillory and Bilmes, 2011]. One of the primary reasonfor the popularity of submodular functions, is its diminishingreturns property. This property has been observed in manysettings and is known also as the economy of scale propertyin economics and operations research.

Continuous diminishing-return submodular (DR-submodular) functions are natural extension of submodularset functions to the continuous setting, specifically by extend-ing the notion of diminishing returns property to continuousdomains. These functions have recently gained a significant

attention in both, machine learning and theoretical computerscience communities [Bach, 2016; Bian et al., 2018; 2017a;Chen et al., 2018] while formulating real-world problemssuch as non-concave quadratic programming, revenuemaximization, log-submodularity and mean inference forDeterminantal Point Processes. More examples of this can befound in [Ito and Fujimaki, 2016], [Kulesza et al., 2012], and[Djolonga and Krause, 2014]. Moreover, DR-submodularfunctions captures a subclass of non-convex functions thatenables both exact minimization [Iwata et al., 2001]andapproximate maximization [Bian et al., 2017a] in polynomialtime.

Previous work on the DR-submodular maximization prob-lem has been studied with crucial assumptions on either addi-tional properties of the functions (e.g., monotonicity) or spe-cial structures of the convex sets (e.g., unconstrained or down-closed structures). Though, the majority of real-world prob-lems can be formulated as non-monotone DR-submodularfunctions over a general convex sets.

In this paper, we investigate the problem of maximizingconstrained non-monotone DR-submodular functions. Ourresult provides an approximation algorithm for maximizingsmooth, non-monotone DR-submodular function over generalconvex sets. As the name suggest, general convex sets in-cludes conic convex sets, upward-closed convex sets, mixtureof covering and packing linear constraints, etc. Prior to thiswork, no algorithm with performance guarantee was knownfor the above mentioned problem.

In this paper, we consider non-negative DR-submodularfunctions F , that at any point x ∈ [0, 1]n, F (x) ≥ 0 andthe value of F (x) and its gradient (denoted by ∇F (x)) canbe evaluated in the polynomial time.

Given a convex set K ⊆ [0, 1]n, we aim to design an itera-tive algorithm that produces a solution xT after T iterationssuch that

F (xT ) ≥ maxx∈K

α · F (x)− β

where α, β are some parameters. Such an algorithm is calledan α-approximation with convergence rate β (that dependson, among others, the number of iterations T ).

1.1 Our ContributionsThe problem of maximizing a non-monotone DR-submodularfunction over a general convex set has been proved to be hard.

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Page 2: Non-monotone DR-submodular Maximization over General … · 2020. 11. 8. · proposed by [Calinescu et al., 2011], which is a vari-ant of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm, guarantees a (1

Specifically, any constant-approximation algorithm for thisproblem must require super-polynomial many value queriesto the function [Vondrák, 2013]. Determining the approxi-mation ratio as a function depending on the problem param-eters and characterizing necessary and sufficient regularityconditions that enable efficient approximation algorithm forthe problem constitute an important direction.

Exploring the underlying properties of DR-submodularity,we show that the celebrated Frank-Wolf algorithm achievesan approximation ratio of

(1−minx∈K ‖x‖∞


)with the con-

vergence rate of O(

nln2 T

), where T is the number of it-

erations applied in the algorithm. (The exact convergencerate with parameter dependencies is O


(lnT )2

)where β

is the smoothness of function F and D is the diameter ofK.) In particular, if the set K contains the origin 0 thenfor arbitrary constant ε > 0, after T = O


(sub-exponential) iterations, the algorithm outputs a solution xT

such that F (xT ) ≥(


)maxx∗∈K F (x∗) − ε. Note that

K containing the origin 0 is not necessarily down-closed1, forexample a setK the intersection of a cone1 and the hypercube[0, 1]n.

As mentioned earlier, due to [Vondrák, 2013], when aim-ing for approximation algorithms for convex sets beyond thedown-closed ones, a super-polynomial number of iterationsis unavoidable. To the best of our knowledge, this is thefirst algorithm approximation guarantee for maximizing non-monotone DR-submodular functions over non-down-closedconvex sets.

1.2 Related WorkThe problem of submodular (set function) minimization hasbeen studied in [Iwata et al., 2001]. See [Bach and oth-ers, 2013] for a survey on connections with applications inmachine learning. Submodular maximization is an NP-hardproblem. Several approximation algorithms have been givenin the offline setting, for example a 1/2-approximation for un-constrained domains [Buchbinder et al., 2015; Buchbinderand Feldman, 2018], a (1 − 1/e)-approximation for mono-tone smooth submodular functions [Calinescu et al., 2011] ora (1/e)-approximation for non-motonotone submodular func-tions on down-closed polytopes [Feldman et al., 2011].

Continuous extension of submodular functions play a cru-cial role in submodular optimization, especially in submod-ular maximization, including the multilinear relaxation andthe softmax extension. These belong to the class of DR-submodular functions. [Bian et al., 2017b] considered theproblem of maximizing monotone DR-functions subject todown-closed convex sets and proved that the greedy methodproposed by [Calinescu et al., 2011], which is a vari-ant of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm, guarantees a (1 − 1/e)-approximation. It has been observed by [Hassani et al.,2017] that the greedy method is not robust in stochastic set-tings (where only unbiased estimates of gradients are avail-able). Subsequently, they showed that the gradient meth-

1We refer to Section 2 for a formal definition

ods achieve 1/2-approximation in stochastic settings. Max-imizing non-monotone DR-submodular functions is harder.Very recently, [Bian et al., 2018] and [Niazadeh et al., 2018]have independently presented algorithms with the same ap-proximation guarantee of 1/2 for the problem of maximizingnon-monotone DR-submodular functions over K = [0, 1]n.Both algorithm are inspired by the bi-greedy algorithm in[Buchbinder et al., 2015; Buchbinder and Feldman, 2018].[Bian et al., 2017a] made a further step by providing an1/e-approximation algorithm over down-closed convex sets.Remark again that when aiming for approximation algo-rithms, the restriction to down-closed polytopes is unavoid-able. Specifically, [Vondrák, 2013] proved that any algorithmfor the problem over a general base of matroids that guar-antees a constant approximation must require exponentiallymany value queries to the function.

2 Preliminaries and NotationsWe introduce some basic notions, concepts and lemmaswhich will be used throughout the paper. We use boldfaceletters, e.g., x, z to represent vectors. We denote xi as the ithentry of x and xt as the decision vector at time step t. For twon-dimensional vectors x,y, we say that x ≤ y iff xi ≤ yi forall 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Moreover, x ∨ y is defined as a vector suchthat (x ∨ y)i = max{xi, yi} and similarly x ∧ y is a vectorsuch that (x ∧ y)i = min{xi, yi}. In the paper, we use theEuclidean norm ‖ · ‖ by default (so the dual norm is itself).The infinity norm ‖ · ‖∞ is defined as ‖x‖∞ = maxni=1 |xi|.

In the paper, we consider a bounded convex set K andw.l.o.g. assume that K ⊆ [0, 1]n. We say that K is general ifK is simply a convex set without any particular property. Kis down-closed if for any vectors x and y such that y ∈ Kand x ≤ y, then x is also in K. A cone is a set C such thatif x ∈ C then αx ∈ C for any constant α > 0. Besides, thediameter of the convex domain K (denoted by D) is definedas supx,y∈K‖x− y‖.

A function F : [0, 1]n → R+ is DR-submodular if for allvectors x,y ∈ [0, 1]n with x ≥ y, any basis vector ei =(0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) and any constant α > 0 such that x +αei ∈ [0, 1]n, y + αei ∈ [0, 1]n, it holds that

F (x + αei)− F (x) ≤ F (y + αei)− F (y). (1)This is called diminishing-return (DR) property. Note that iffunction F is differentiable then the diminishing-return (DR)property (1) is equivalent to

∇F (x) ≤ ∇F (y) ∀x ≥ y ∈ [0, 1]n. (2)Moreover, if F is twice-differentiable then the DR propertyis equivalent to all of the entries of its Hessian being non-positive, i.e., ∂2F

∂xi∂xj≤ 0 for all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n. A differen-

tiable function F : K ⊆ Rn → R is said to be β-smooth iffor any x,y ∈ K, we have

F (y) ≤ F (x) + 〈∇F (x),y − x〉+β

2‖y − x‖2 (3)

or equivalently,∥∥∇F (x)−∇F (y)∥∥ ≤ β‖x− y‖ . (4)

A property of DR-submodular functions, that we will usein our paper, is the following.

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Page 3: Non-monotone DR-submodular Maximization over General … · 2020. 11. 8. · proposed by [Calinescu et al., 2011], which is a vari-ant of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm, guarantees a (1

Lemma 1 ([Hassani et al., 2017], proof of Theorem 4.2).For every x,y ∈ K and any DR-submodular function F :[0, 1]n → R+, it holds that

〈∇F (x),y − x〉 ≥ F (x ∨ y) + F (x ∧ y)− 2F (x).

Consequently, as F is non-negative, 〈∇F (x),y − x〉 ≥F (x ∨ y)− 2F (x).

3 DR-submodular Maximization overGeneral Convex Sets

In this section, we consider the problem of maximizing a DR-submodular function over a general convex set. Approxima-tion algorithms [Bian et al., 2017b; 2017a] have been pre-sented and all of them are adapted variants of the Frank-Wolfemethod. However, those algorithms require that the convexset is down-closed. This structure is crucial in their analysesin order to relate their solution to the optimal solution. Usingsome property of DR-submodularity (specifically, Lemma 1),we show that beyond the down-closed structure, the Frank-Wolf algorithm guarantees an approximation solution for gen-eral convex sets. Below, we present the pseudocode of ourvariant of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm.

Algorithm 1 Frank-Wolfe Algorithm1: Let x1 ← arg minx∈K ‖x‖∞.2: for t = 1 to T do3: Compute vt ← arg maxv∈K〈∇F (xt−1),v〉4: Update xt ← (1− ηt)xt−1 + ηtv

t with step-size ηt =δ

tHTwhere HT is the T -th harmonic number and δ

represents the constant (ln 3)/2.5: end for6: return xT

First, we show that during the execution of the algorithm,the following invariant is maintained.

Lemma 2. It holds that 1 − xti ≥ e−δ−O(1/ ln2 T ) · (1 − x1i )for every 1 ≤ i ≤ n and every 1 ≤ t ≤ T .

Proof. Fix a dimension i ∈ [n]. For every t ≥ 2, we have

1− xti = 1− (1− ηt)xt−1i − ηtvti(using the Update step from Algorithm 1)

≥ 1− (1− ηt)xt−1i − ηt (1 ≥ vti )= (1− ηt)(1− xt−1i )

≥ e−ηt−η2t · (1− xt−1i )

(since 1− u ≥ e−u−u2

for 0 ≤ u < 1/2)

Using this recursion, we have,

1− xti ≥ e−∑t



η2t′ · (1− x1i )

≥ e−δ−O(1/ ln2 T ) · (1− x1i )

because∑tt′=2 η

2t′ =




= O(1/(lnT )2


δ is a constant, HT = Θ(lnT ),∑tt′=2

1t′2 = O(1)); and∑t

t′=2 ηt′ = δHT


1t′ ≤ δ


HT≤ δ.

The following lemma was first observed in [Feldman et al.,2011] and was generalized in [Bian et al., 2017a, Lemma 3].Lemma 3 ([Feldman et al., 2011; Bian et al., 2017a]). For ev-ery x,y ∈ K and any DR-submodular function F : [0, 1]n →R+, it holds that F (x ∨ y) ≥

(1− ‖x‖∞

)F (y).

Theorem 1. Let K ⊆ [0, 1]n be a convex set and let F :[0, 1]n → R+ is a non-monotone β-smooth DR-submodularfunction. LetD be the diameter ofK. Then Algorithm 1 yieldsa solution xT ∈ K such that the following inequality holds:











(lnT )2


Proof. Let x∗ ∈ K be the maximum solution of F . Let r =

e−δ−O(1/ ln2 T ) · (1−maxi x1i ). Note that from Lemma 2, it

follows that (1 − ‖xt‖∞) ≥ r for every t. Next we present arecursive formula in terms of F (xt) and F (x∗):


)− rF


= 2F((1− ηt+1)xt + ηt+1v

t+1)− rF


(Using the Update step from Algorithm 1)

≥ 2F(xt)− rF


− 2ηt+1〈∇F((1− ηt+1)xt + ηt+1v

t+1), (xt − vt+1)〉

− β(ηt+1)2‖xt − vt+1‖2(β-smoothness as defined by Inequality (3))

= 2F(xt)− rF


+ 2ηt+1〈∇F(xt), (vt+1 − xt)〉

+ 2ηt+1〈∇F((1− ηt+1)xt + ηt+1v

t+1)(vt+1 − xt)〉

− 2ηt+1〈∇F(xt), (vt+1 − xt)〉

− β(ηt+1)2‖vt+1 − xt‖2

≥ 2F(xt)− rF


+ 2ηt+1〈∇F(xt), (vt+1 − xt)〉

− 2ηt+1

∥∥∥∇F (at)−∇F (xt)∥∥∥∥∥∥(vt+1 − xt)∥∥∥

− β(ηt+1)2‖vt+1 − xt‖2(where at = (1− ηt+1)xt + ηt+1v

t+1)(Using Cauchy-Schwarz)

≥ 2F(xt)− rF


+ 2ηt+1〈∇F(xt), (vt+1 − xt)〉

− 3β(ηt+1)2‖vt+1 − xt‖2(β-smoothness as defined by Inequality (4))

≥ 2F(xt)− rF


+ 2ηt+1〈∇F(xt),x∗ − xt〉

− 3β(ηt+1)2‖vt+1 − xt‖2 (definition of vt+1)

≥ 2F(xt)− rF


+ 2ηt+1

(F(x∗ ∨ xt

)− 2F


Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-20)


Page 4: Non-monotone DR-submodular Maximization over General … · 2020. 11. 8. · proposed by [Calinescu et al., 2011], which is a vari-ant of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm, guarantees a (1

− 3β(ηt+1)2‖vt+1 − xt‖2 (Lemma 1)

≥ 2F(xt)− rF


+ 2ηt+1

(rF(x∗)− 2F


− 3β(ηt+1)2‖vt+1 − xt‖2 (Lemma 3)

≥ (1− 2ηt+1)(

2F(xt)− rF

(x∗))− 3β(ηt)


where D is the diameter of K.Let ht = 2F

(xt)− rF

(x∗). By the previous inequality

and the choice of ηt, we have

ht+1 ≥ (1− 2ηt+1)ht − 3β(ηt)2D2

= (1− 2ηt+1)ht −O(


t2(lnT )2


where we used the facts that HT = Θ(lnT ). Note that theconstants hidden by theO-notation above is small. Therefore,

hT ≥T∏t=2

(1− 2ηt)h1 −O


(lnT )2

) T∑t=1



≥ e−2∑T

t=2 ηt−4∑T

t=2 η2t · h1 −O


t2(lnT )2

)(since (1− u) ≥ e−u−u2

for 0 ≤ u < 1/2)

≥ e−2δ−O(1/ ln2 T ) · h1 −O


(lnT )2

)where the last inequality holds because

∑Tt=2 η

2t =∑T



= O(1/(lnT )2

)(as δ is a constant) and∑T

t=2 ηt = δHT


1t ≤ δ. Hence,

2F(xT)− rF


≥ e−2δ−O(1/(lnT )2


2F(x1)− rF




(lnT )2

)which implies,


≥ r


(1− e−2δ−O

(1/(lnT )2



(lnT )2

)By the definition of r, the multiplicative factor of F


inthe right-hand side is

e−δ−O(1/ ln2 T ) ·(1− e−2δ−O

(1/(lnT )2


(1−maxix1i )

Note that for T sufficiently large, O(1/(lnT )2) � 1. Opti-mizing this factor by choosing δ = ln 3

2 , we get






ix1i )F



(lnT )2

)and the theorem follows.

Remark. The above theorem also indicates that the perfor-mance of the algorithm, specifically the approximation ratio,depends also on the initial starting point x1. This matches tothe observation in non-convex optimization that the quality ofthe output solution depends on, among others, the initializa-tion. The following corollary is a direct consequence of thetheorem for a particular family of convex sets K beyond thedown-closed ones. Note that for any convex set K ⊆ [0, 1]n,the diameter D ≤


Corollary 1. If 0 ∈ K, then the guarantee in Theorem 1 canbe written as:








(lnT )2


where the starting point x1 = 0.

4 ExperimentsIn this section, we validate our algorithm for non-monotoneDR submodular optimization on both real-world and syn-thetic datasets. Our experiments are broadly classified intofollowing two categories:

1. We compare our algorithm against two previousknown algorithms for maximizing non-monotone DR-submodular function over down-closed polytopes men-tioned in [Bian et al., 2017a]. Recall that our algorithmapplies to a more general setting where the convex set isnot required to be down-closed.

2. Next, we show the performance of our algorithmfor maximizing non-monotone DR-submodular functionover general polytopes. Recall that no previous algo-rithm was known to have performance guarantees forthis problem.

All experiments are performed in MATLAB using CPLEXoptimization tool on MAC OS version 10.142.

4.1 Performance over Down-closed PolytopesHere, we benchmark the performance of our variant of theFrank-Wolfe algorithm from Section 3 against the previousknown two algorithms for maximizing continuous DR sub-modular functions over down-closed polytopes mentionedin [Bian et al., 2017a]. We considered QUADPROGIP, whichis a global solver for non-convex quadratic programming, asa baseline. We run all the algorithms for 100 iterations. Allthe results are the average of 20 repeated experiments. Forthe sake of completion, we describe below the problem anddifferent settings used. We follow closely the experimentalsettings from [Bian et al., 2017a], and adapted their sourcecodes to our algorithm.

Quadratic Programming. As a state-of-the-art globalsolver, we used QUADPROGIP to find the global optimum

2The source code is available at https:// sites.google.com/site/abhinavsriva/ ijcai-20-code and https://www.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/~thang

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: Uniform distribution with down-closed polytope and (a) m = b0.5nc (b) m = n (c) m = b1.5nc.

which is used to calculate the approximation ratios. Our prob-lem instances are synthetic quadratic objectives with down-closed polytope constraints, i.e.,

f(x) =1

2x>Hx + h>x + c

and K = {x ∈ Rn+|Ax ≤ b,x ≤ u,A ∈ Rm×n+ , b ∈Rm+}. Note that in previous sections, we have assumed w.l.o.gthat K ⊆ [0, 1]n. By scaling our results hold as well for thegeneral box constraint x ≤ u, provided the entries of u areupper bounded by a constant.

Both objective and constraints were randomly generated,using the following two ways:

Uniform Distribution. H ∈ Rn×n is a symmetric matrixwith uniformly distributed entries in [−1, 0]; A ∈ Rm×n hasuniformly distributed entries in [µ, µ+1], where µ = 0.01 is asmall positive constant in order to make entries of A strictlypositive for down-closed polytopes.

Exponential Distribution. Here, the entries of H and Aare sampled from exponential distributions Exp(λ) wheregiven a random variable y ≥ 0, the probability density func-tion of y is defined by λe−λy , and for y < 0, its density isfixed to be 0. Specifically, each entry of H is sampled fromExp(1). Each entry of A is sampled from Exp(0.25) + µ,where µ = 0.01 is a small positive constant.

We set b = 1m, and u to be the tightest upper bound ofK by uj = mini∈[m]


, ∀j ∈ [n]. In order to make f non-monotone, we set h = −0.2 ∗H>u. To make sure that f isnon-negative, first we solve the problem minx∈P


h>x using QUADPROGIP. Let the solution to be x, then weset c = −f(x) + 0.1 ∗ |f(x)|.

The approximation ratios w.r.t. the dimension n are plottedin Figures 1 and 2 for the two distributions. In each figure,we set the number of constraints to be m = b0.5nc, m = nand m = b1.5nc, respectively.

We can observe that our version of Frank-Wolfe (denotedour-frank-wolfe) has comparable performance with the state-of-the-art algorithms when optimizing DR-submodular func-tions over down-closed convex sets. Note that the perfor-mance is clearly consistent with the proven approximationguarantee of 1/e shown in [Bian et al., 2017a]. We also showthat the performance of our algorithm is consistent with theproven approximation guarantee of (1/3

√3) for down-closed

convex sets.

4.2 Performance over General PolytopesWe consider the problem of revenue maximization on a (undi-rected) social network graph G(V,E) where V the set ofvertices (users) and E is set of edges (connections betweenusers). Additionally, there are weightwij of the edge betweenvertex i and vertex j. The goal is to offer for free or adver-tise a product to users so that the revenue increases throughtheir “word-of-mouth" effect on others. If one invests x unitof cost on a user i ∈ V , the user i becomes an advocate ofthe product (independently from other users) with probability1 − (1 − p)x where p ∈ (0, 1) is a parameter. Intuitively,it means that for investing a unit cost to i, we have an extrachance that the user i becomes an advocate with probabilityp [Soma and Yoshida, 2017].

Let S ⊂ V be a set of users who advocate for the product.Note that S is random set. Then the revenue with respect toS is defined as

∑i∈S∑j∈V \S wij . Let f : R|V |+ → R+ be

the expected revenue obtained in this model, that is

f(x) = ES[∑i∈S

∑j∈V \S




wij(1− (1− p)xi)(1− p)xj

It has been shown that f is a non-monotone DR-submodularfunction [Soma and Yoshida, 2017]. We imposed a minimumand a maximum investment constraint on the problem suchthat 0.25 ≤

∑i xi ≤ 1. This, in addition with xi ≥ 0,

forms a general (non-down-closed) convex set K := {x ∈R|V |+ : 0.25 ≤

∑i xi ≤ 1, xi ≥ 0 ∀i}. In our experiments,

we used the Advogato network with 6.5K users (vertices) and61K connections (edges). We set p = 0.0001.

In Figure 3, we show the performance of the Frank-Wolfealgorithm (as mentioned in Section 3) and commonly usedGradient Ascent algorithm. It is imperative to note thatno performance guarantee is known for the Gradient Ascentalgorithm for maximizing a non-monotone DR-submodularfunction over a general constraint polytope. We can clearlyobserve that the Frank-Wolfe algorithm performs at least asgood as the commonly used Gradient Ascent algorithm.

5 ConclusionIn this paper, we have provided performance guarantees forthe problems of maximizing non-monotone submodular/DR-

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(a) (b) (c)Figure 2: Exponential distribution with down-closed polytope and (a) m = b0.5nc, (b) m = n, (c) m = b1.5nc

Figure 3: Revenue Maximization on Advogato dataset

submodular functions over convex sets. This result is com-plemented by experiments in different contexts. Moreover,the results give raise to the question of designing online algo-rithms for non-monotone DR-submodular maximization overa general convex set. Characterizing necessary and suffi-cient regularity conditions/structures that enable efficient al-gorithm with approximation and regret guarantees is an inter-esting direction to pursue.

AcknowledgementsThis research work is supported by the ANR OATA no ANR-15-CE40-0015-01. We would also like to thanks MengxiaoZhang for useful discussions.

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Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-20)


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