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Page 1: Northern Pines 2009

The premier non-denominational Christ-centered family conference in the upper Midwest

Fall 2009

Second Annual Magazine of Northern Pines

Registration Materials Inside

northern pines

A Vacation with a Purpose!

Page 2: Northern Pines 2009

It’s been a couple of months since the end of our 2009 conferences and the memories remain strong. We still want to savor the wonder of this summer’s conferences. The worship was inspiring, the speakers were powerful and insightful, and the relationships with our conferees, both old and new, were so encour-aging. God’s presence was evident in so many ways, and we left Green Lake both refreshed and excited about the upcoming year. As we try and bring closure to this year’s confer-ences, several observations consistently come to mind. First, God continues to prove His faithfulness.

In a year of economic turmoil when many people told us to expect a significant drop in registration, we actually saw an increase in our total numbers, and actually had 42 new first-time families attend. Second, there is a transforming power of God’s Word when it is preached powerfully, accurately, and with genuineness and vulnerability. Finally, we were once again reminded that the ministry of Northern Pines is a not just for a week each summer, but is seen most powerfully in the generations of families who have come year after year and have seen God’s power over time. While there were so many great times this summer, we are already hard at work preparing for our 2010 conferences. Thanks for taking the time to read through our second edition of the Northern Pines magazine. If you joined us this summer, we hope it helps bring back some of your favorite memories. If you didn’t join us this summer, we hope it helps stimulate your interest in experiencing this unique “Vacation with a Pur-pose!” and perhaps telling another family about it as well. We received a mixed compliment this summer. One of our first-timers called Northern Pines a “best-kept secret” when it comes to family vacations. While we’re ex-cited he had such a great experience, we don’t want Northern Pines to be a secret! We want as many people as possible to hear about the ministry of Northern Pines and the difference it can make in a family. To help us get the word out, we are announcing sev-eral new opportunities to help spread the word. On page 12 you’ll find a new video con-test where you can tell your story about what the Northern Pines experience means to you and your family. We are also really excited to announce you can now buy NP apparel straight from the Internet, and it will be delivered right to your home. The details are also on page 12. We hope you’ll wear it wherever you go, and when someone asks you what Northern Pines is, you can tell them your story and maybe they’ll come and see for them-selves. You’ll find the final opportunity, on page 14. It is a new program for grandparents to help continue (or begin) a family tradition of coming to Northern Pines. One more thing...As many of you have heard, instead of bringing in an outside musician in 2010, we are excited about the opportunity to have a worship band next year entirely made up of Northern Pines alumni. We realize how important worship is to people, both in style and in content, and we know some people may have questions about what this will look like. On page 13 there is more information about the worship team and what you can expect next summer.

We’d love to see you next summer at Green Lake! We’re looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us! Dean and Julie

From Dean and JulieContents

Thoughts from a Veteran & a Rookie 3 Children’s program 3

Sr. High & Jr. High 4Kelsey D. and Matt Jaderston each share their unique NP experiences

Words from the Wilderness 5 A CCA Director Note 5Rizpah ,Wilderness Asst. Dir. and Pam Parsons, CCA Asst. Dir. each share about their programs

Family Day & ‘09 Photo Gallery 6-7

2010 Registration Materials 8-9

2010 Speaker/Musician Information 10

Giving to NP, Financial Aid 11

Video Clip Contest; NP Apparel 12

First ever NP Worship Band 13

“A Grandparent’s Legacy” 14

Young Adult Program; Blast from the Past Contest 15

Kaitlyn Hillesland Designs new NP Logo 16

NP Board The Northern Pines Board would like to officially welcome its newest member: John Hunter

The board would also like to extend its gratitude to a member who is leaving the board after many years of service, Brian Miller.

The full Northern Pines Board consists of: John Hunter Sarah Goltz Don Nelson Steve Anseth Heather Gordon Mindy Reid Lisa Barry Iris Johnson Jim Taylor, Chair Ed Boltin Dave Just Tom Vrooman Tim England Desiree Weber

Northern Pines is a publication of Northern Pines Family Camp. It is distributed in the Fall each year at no charge to NP family and friends. To request additional copies or to remove or change your mailing address, please email [email protected] or call 612-861-5100. NP Magazine design and edit Julie Jaderston Photos by Julie, Kaitlyn Hillesland, Tom Vrooman Stories contributed by Dean & Julie Jaderston, NP staff and conferees

Don’t Wait ... Register Today! pg. 8-9

Contacting Northern Pines Phone: 612-861-5100 Mailing address : Northern Pines PO Box 1864 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Email: Dean: [email protected] Julie: [email protected] General Information: [email protected]

Check out our website www.npines.orgNorthern Pines . 2

Page 3: Northern Pines 2009

NP Veteran “Northern Pines has been our highlight of every summer. We so look forward to it and when the children were young, we couldn’t wait until the date. It is a refreshment for families and a true vaca-tion! Now at 60 years old, we are still coming back [and] encouraging others to come as well as encouraging our adult chil-dren to get involved again.

As I was preparing for my first trip to Northern Pines, my friends and family kept asking me to describe what the camp was like to them. As I had never been there before I just kept saying, “it’s a Chris-tian family camp.” For some reason, the phrase “family camp” always caught their attention and the idea of a summer camp catering to all ages was hard to understand. In fact, I don’t think I even really understood what “Vacation with a Purpose” truly meant until my first day on the job as a Children’s Teacher when I met some of the littlest campers. What sets Northern Pines apart from other camps is that it really does provide a very unique opportunity for all ages. I learned that very quickly as I began to work with the toddlers and their parents. For three hours every morning I got to play, sing, dance, and listen to the voices of eleven toddlers and that alone was absolutely delightful. More than just getting to spend hours on the playground, one of the most rewarding parts of serving as a Children’s teacher was working with the parents. No matter what we did that day, whether it was a sticker project, finger painting, or even a trip to the playground, the parents were so excited to see and hear about what their kids had done that morning. It meant so much to me when parents would drop their kids off in the morning and say their child had told them all about the craft we had done the day before. I even had a mother write me a postcard expressing her joy over how much her son enjoyed being in my class and that alone made the entire week worthwhile. Going into Northern Pines, I knew having eleven two-year-olds placed in my care each morning was going to be a handful, but what I never expected was that I would experience God in the most tangible way possible. Every time I comforted a crying child, put a Band-Aid on an invisible “ouchie,” or ate another helping of whatever food product had been created in the kitchen, I could feel God pouring His love out onto these little kids through me, and that was incredible. Even if the toddlers in my room didn’t understand the Bible story we read or memorize the verse of the day, seeing the excitement on their faces each morning when they came in and the gratitude on their parent’s faces when they picked their children up for lunch showed me God was touching lives in very special ways.

~Taylor Libby, Two Year Old Teacher

We cannot say enough about the encouragement and spiritual growth we would all receive year after year. It is the only place where you interact with other Christians with like minds and hearts for a whole week, and you have the assurance your children are making good friends and are nurtured by the great children’s lead-ers.”

Thoughts from 2009 Veteran & Rookie



2009 Rookie “This was our first Northern Pines con-ference and it certainly won’t be our last. It was the best family vacation we ever had. It was life- changing and the teaching helped re-orient our thinking for our marriage and family more in line with biblical principles. Vacationing with young children is usually very exhausting, but at NP the child-care and excellent children’s ministry al-lowed us to enjoy some quality husband and wife time. “

Page 4: Northern Pines 2009

Senior HighMy name is Kelsey. I just graduated from high school and am attending college this upcoming fall to study psychology and play softball. For the past five years or so, a great friend of mine, Christy, has been pleading me to attend this “…amazing camp! You will have so much fun!” Each year, I had reasons and excuses not to go: softball, basketball, and soc-cer all in one summer tends to get pretty hectic. Now that I am graduated, my summer has opened quite a bit which has been hard to get

used to. As you have probably guessed, this rare opening is what brought me to the Northern Pines Senior High program this year. Thanks to Christy’s continuous pleading, I decided to attend camp this past summer of 2009. Since I was told Northern Pines is a family camp and most of the conferees have been going year after year since they were five, I insisted on bringing my best friend, Jenny, with me. Knowing that life-long friendships were already present at this camp, I must ad-mit I was somewhat nervous in the beginning. I only knew what Christy told me. “[You’ll] love it! Kelsey, all you do is sweat all day! It’s awesome! And there’s this game called Night-Ball; and it’s basi-cally a stealth capture the flag in a big grassy field with pine trees!” At this point, things were looking pretty good for me! I knew having fun wasn’t going to be an issue, and once again, I would get my workout in! The hard part for me was where I stood with God. My relationship was doubtful and I had so many unanswered questions. I knew I had it in me, but nothing in my life was pulling it out. Going to Northern Pines was the best thing that ever could have happened to me. It taught me so much about the love of God and helped me to “Transform” myself into who I know God wants me to be. All it took was two days. After those first two days, I had no doubt in my mind that going to this camp was going to produce amazing results. Not only did I make lifelong friends in one week, but my heart was filled with the compassion and unconditional love of God. Through all of the campers, counselors, and directors, I have never felt more loved by a group of people through Christ in my life. Very recently my parents announced that they are getting a divorce. This news was the most terrible thing that I have ever had to hear and I know it will haunt me for the rest of my life. Going into camp, I didn’t know what reac-tions to expect from people or from myself. I felt like hid-ing from the world and also from my relationship with God. I

Senior High Camper, Kelsey Junior High Counselor, Matt Jaderston

was so sure that no one would understand my pain and that nothing would take it away. Boy was I wrong… not only were there other families also going through the same situa-tion, but every other person there made me feel whole again. I never knew that such an amazing group of people existed. Ever since I went to Northern Pines, my life has been transformed. I walk tall and strong in the hands of God and use His continuous love to guide me through His journey

planned for me. Going into camp, I was hesitant; nothing in me desired to share my pain that my family is going through. When I left camp, the only thing on my mind was excitement for the next year…

excitement for what God has planned for me and my family. Thank you Northern Pines for creating the greatest experience in my life.

I am saved! -Kelsey, Senior HIgh Camper

Junior High While we had loads of fun playing junior high classics like 4-line rugby, British Bulldog, and the infamous “AMBUSH!”, they were only a small part of what happened this summer. It was amazing to see how Jesus showed himself so clearly, and how the majority of campers left the week with a deeper walk with Him. This year’s Week 1 theme was “The Final Countdown”, and was a play off the top 5 rea-sons why we follow Jesus. There are always ways in which the campers tend to “sur-prise” us as a staff, and this year was definitely not what we were expecting. There was a feel and attitude this week that seemed to be evidence of some significant spiritual growth in our group. There was an excitement and hope we could almost tangibly feel. Where last year we saw some brokenness and hurt, this year was marked by joy and a desire to grow spiritually. Last year’s tears were replaced by a lot of dancing, laughter, crazy junior high dance parties, more dancing, and well, more dancing. I think a large reason for this change is due to the spiritual growth of the campers. That is one of the best things about counseling year after year; seeing the changes in kids as they grow. We will never forget Cody Cox’s dancing queen video, Zack’s small group epic interpretive dance to haunting Icelandic music, the amazing “dating game” quotes, and many other great memories. But most of all, the impact Christ made in the lives of our campers will be something that stays with them for the rest of their lives.

Matt Jaderston, Junior High Counselor

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Wilderness & CCA Program

It was another fabulous year in the Wilderness Program. Our prayers were answered as children came to know Jesus more authentically and personally. We enjoyed fun-filled adventures on the beautiful property of Green Lake. We took hikes through the trails, swam in the lake, took a tour of the Log Cabin, planned and acted out skits and played favorite Wilderness games. This year in the Wilderness, we studied the Old Testa-ment account of Joshua and the Israelites claiming the Promised Land. We explored the first six chapters of the book of Joshua, emphasizing trusting, obeying, and being strong in the Lord. One verse that was emphasized was Joshua 1:9. “Have I not com-manded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Each morning, the campers had the opportunity to participate in an individual Bible Study in nature. After the last day of morning de-votions, I vividly remember one girl’s enthu-siasm for studying the Bible. She said, “I have never done a Bible study like this be-fore. It has been so great!” Another memo-rable time was when each of the children picked a rock from the lake, remembered a time the Lord had been faithful in the past, and then painted it. Later that night, we had an “Ebenezer stone” sharing time at the campfire. These experiences connected the group, as campers and counselors shared personal stories of God’s faithfulness from their lives.

Rizpah, Wilderness Assistant

Words From the Wilderness

A Note From Pam Parsons, CCA Assistant Director This past summer's CCA program was awesome! I had the privilege of being the Assistant Director of the CCA program, second week, alongside Director Shelly Foy. My entire family came last year for the first time to Northern Pines and served at the camp. We were so impressed with the entire operation that we decided to continue to be involved. My daughter and I were the only ones able to return this year and are so grateful we did! Shelly and Dave (Week 1 Assistant Director) did a fabulous job of putting together a qual-ity and purposeful program for the CCA's and college mentors that serve in this area. Second week was an amazing time of worship, talks, mentoring, building relationships with one another and hav-

ing the opportunity to serve others. It was amazing to see the quality of CCA counselors and CCA's this year who were willing to learn and serve right alongside of us. Because I am so new to the camp, I had a blast getting to know the students and observe their willingness to give up a week of their summer to work with kids! What an honor to see God not only continue to help me grow in every situation, but to watch students ranging from 13-22 years of age grow in their walk with the Lord. My husband and I will return next year as the directors of second week of the CCA program and are anticipating already the students, the kids, the college mentors and peers that we will have the privilege of serving alongside at Northern Pines.

See you next summer, Pam Parsons

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CCA = Child Care Assistant

Our CCA program is an essential part of our family conferences. We encour-age alumni conferees to suggest prospective CCA’s to apply. CCA’s work at Northern Pines assisting the teachers in the morning and taking care of a family’s children each evening.

Those who previously served as CCA’s and want to serve again in 2010 should contact Julie Jaderston by email ( [email protected]), or phone at 612-861-5100. CCA Applications can be downloaded off the North-ern Pines website.

Our CCA program is for boys and girls age 13 and older and/or entering eighth grade in the fall of 2010 through high school. Please note: Male CCA positions are limited.

Page 6: Northern Pines 2009

Family Day 2009

Wednesday is Family Day. In order to make it a fun and bonding time for families, the North-ern Pines board of direc-tors organizes a variety of fun family games and events. Relay races, dunk tank, jumping castle, mug decorating, and messy pie-eating contests all provide lots of fun and laughter making Family Day a huge success for everyone.


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Families, Fun, Faith!

Northern Pines offers a unique vacation experi-ence for families of all shapes and sizes. Moms and dads of all ages, single parents, single adults, and grandpar-ents, youth and children can look forward to a week full of excitement, fun, and life-changing relationships.

‘09 Photo Gallery

Northern Pines . 7

Clockwise from top: The Agovino family; Not Necessar-ily Newlywed Game finalists; Re-bekah W. enjoys the lake, Bob Pet-terson and Dr. Stanley Toussaint answer questions during the Q&A time; a couple enjoying the NNN game; Desiree Weber and Mindy Reid prepare for Family Day.

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MEAL OPTIONS A = full meal option B = no breakfast Mon - Sat

Suites in Bauer Lodge: (Families with 3 + children) (A/C)

Bauer, Kern, Lawson , and RWI Lodges: Regular Rooms (A/C)

Houses – sleep from 8 to 20 people (A/C)

Lone Tree (2)

Lodge (A/C)

*Cabins (sleep from 4 to 8 people) No A/C

Non- Elecric Camp Sites (7 people or less per site)

Electric (3)

Camp Sites (7 people or less per site)

Number of Adults(1)

Two Adults $1,690 $1,520

A = $1,520 B = $1,430


A = $1,150 B = $1,010

A = $710 B = $620

A = $790 B = $690

3rd & 4th Adult (in same room)

$470 $470

A = $740 (4) B = $680


A = $560 B = $510

A =$280 B = $230

A = $280 B = $230

Single Adult (in own room)

$1,370 $1090 n/a $870 n/a

A = $430 B = $390

A = $430 B = $390

Single Adult (with/children 0-11) $1,370 $730

A = $730 B = $690

(Call for special pricing options)

(Call for special pricing options) n/a n/a


(1) Adults may apply for a $100 scholarship per adult from Green Lake Conference Center if staying in hotels, lodges or houses. Adults staying in cabins may apply for a $50 scholarship from Green Lake Conference Center.

There are no scholarships available from Green Lake Conference Center for those using camp sites. (2) Lone Tree can only house up to 3 people per room and only has single beds. (3) Three types of electric sites – 1-electric only; 2-electric and water; 3-electric, water, and sewer. (4) 3rd and 4th adult (in the same room) in a house.

FOR EACH CHILD AGE 0-11 ADD AS FOLLOWS (age at time of conference)

Child: infant and 1 year………………….…...… $100 Child: 2 – 5 years………………………….……..… $140 Child: 6 to 11 years (unless in Wilderness)….… $230 (or same as parent’s food option) A: $230; B: $180


Junior Program, “Wilderness”: (Grades 4, 5, and 6) ..……… $370 Junior High: (Grades 7, 8, 9) ….…………….………...…….……… $420* Senior High: (Grades 10,11,12,12+) .........……………….…..... $420* Young Adult: (singles under 25, cabin, no breakfast) …….. $330**

- Wilderness, Junior High, and Senior High programs operate and are housed separately. * Junior High and Senior High Youth may apply for a $100 Scholarship from Green Lake Conference Center. **Young Adults may also register as adults using the regular housing matrix and would then qualify for $100 GL scholarship.


Three children 0 -11: Youngest ½ price Four children 0-11: Two youngest ½ price

*CCA childcare is available for all locations, although some campsites and houses are drop-off service only.

2010 Northern Pines Registration

Select a week:

Week One: Week Two: July 25 – 31 August 1 - 7

Bauer Lodge Suite (3 or more children only)

House (indicate meal option)

A____ B____

Bauer Lodge, Kern Lodge or Roger Williams Inn:

Regular Hotel Room

Lone Lone Tree Lodge

Lawson Lodge

Cabin (select meal option)

A____ B____

Camp Site (non-electric) (select meal option)

A ____ B ____

Camp Site (electric) Camp Site (electric) (select meal option) A____ B____

Type 1___ 2____ 3____ RV length: _______ feet.

Young Adult Shared Housing: Cabin: Camp:

*Please number your first three housing choices.

Please additional family who are registering at this time: Name Relationship

Please Mail Registrations to:

Name ____________________ Spouse ___________

Address ____________________________________

City __________________ State _____Zip_________

Phone (________)_____________________________

Email address:_______________________________

First Time: Y / N Introducing Family: _____________

Your Home Church: ___________________________

Children M/F Age* Grade** B-day

A NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of $50 per adult and $20 per child or $150 per family must accompany your reservation. Balance of payments after deposit to hold accommodations: 50% is due on February 1st, and the remaining 50% is due On May 1st or as arranged with registrar, payable in checks in U.S. funds, payable to Northern Pines. Please Note! An additional $50 registration fee will be added to registrations received after January 1, 2010. Cancellations 14 days or less before conference are charged 10% of total registration.

Reservations are treated on a first-come basis, although we do hold a percentage of housing for first-timers.

If you have special concerns or questions, please email us at [email protected] or call 612-861-5100.

Northern Pines of MN PO Box 1864 Minnetonka, MN 55345

If my housing preferences are all full, I am willing to…

__ Accept any accommodations __ Be on a waiting list

* Age as of September 1, 2010 **Grade school year 2010-2011

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How did you hear about Northern PInes?

MEAL OPTIONS A = full meal option B = no breakfast Mon - Sat

Suites in Bauer Lodge: (Families with 3 + children) (A/C)

Bauer, Kern, Lawson , and RWI Lodges: Regular Rooms (A/C)

Houses – sleep from 8 to 20 people (A/C)

Lone Tree (2)

Lodge (A/C)

*Cabins (sleep from 4 to 8 people) No A/C

Non- Elecric Camp Sites (7 people or less per site)

Electric (3)

Camp Sites (7 people or less per site)

Number of Adults(1)

Two Adults $1,690 $1,520

A = $1,520 B = $1,430


A = $1,150 B = $1,010

A = $710 B = $620

A = $790 B = $690

3rd & 4th Adult (in same room)

$470 $470

A = $740 (4) B = $680


A = $560 B = $510

A =$280 B = $230

A = $280 B = $230

Single Adult (in own room)

$1,370 $1090 n/a $870 n/a

A = $430 B = $390

A = $430 B = $390

Single Adult (with/children 0-11) $1,370 $730

A = $730 B = $690

(Call for special pricing options)

(Call for special pricing options) n/a n/a


(1) Adults may apply for a $100 scholarship per adult from Green Lake Conference Center if staying in hotels, lodges or houses. Adults staying in cabins may apply for a $50 scholarship from Green Lake Conference Center.

There are no scholarships available from Green Lake Conference Center for those using camp sites. (2) Lone Tree can only house up to 3 people per room and only has single beds. (3) Three types of electric sites – 1-electric only; 2-electric and water; 3-electric, water, and sewer. (4) 3rd and 4th adult (in the same room) in a house.

FOR EACH CHILD AGE 0-11 ADD AS FOLLOWS (age at time of conference)

Child: infant and 1 year………………….…...… $100 Child: 2 – 5 years………………………….……..… $140 Child: 6 to 11 years (unless in Wilderness)….… $230 (or same as parent’s food option) A: $230; B: $180


Junior Program, “Wilderness”: (Grades 4, 5, and 6) ..……… $370 Junior High: (Grades 7, 8, 9) ….…………….………...…….……… $420* Senior High: (Grades 10,11,12,12+) .........……………….…..... $420* Young Adult: (singles under 25, cabin, no breakfast) …….. $330**

- Wilderness, Junior High, and Senior High programs operate and are housed separately. * Junior High and Senior High Youth may apply for a $100 Scholarship from Green Lake Conference Center. **Young Adults may also register as adults using the regular housing matrix and would then qualify for $100 GL scholarship.


Three children 0 -11: Youngest ½ price Four children 0-11: Two youngest ½ price

*CCA childcare is available for all locations, although some campsites and houses are drop-off service only.

2010 Northern Pines Registration

Select a week:

Week One: Week Two: July 25 – 31 August 1 - 7

Bauer Lodge Suite (3 or more children only)

House (indicate meal option)

A____ B____

Bauer Lodge, Kern Lodge or Roger Williams Inn:

Regular Hotel Room

Lone Lone Tree Lodge

Lawson Lodge

Cabin (select meal option)

A____ B____

Camp Site (non-electric) (select meal option)

A ____ B ____

Camp Site (electric) Camp Site (electric) (select meal option) A____ B____

Type 1___ 2____ 3____ RV length: _______ feet.

Young Adult Shared Housing: Cabin: Camp:

*Please number your first three housing choices.

Please additional family who are registering at this time: Name Relationship

Please Mail Registrations to:

Name ____________________ Spouse ___________

Address ____________________________________

City __________________ State _____Zip_________

Phone (________)_____________________________

Email address:_______________________________

First Time: Y / N Introducing Family: _____________

Your Home Church: ___________________________

Children M/F Age* Grade** B-day

A NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of $50 per adult and $20 per child or $150 per family must accompany your reservation. Balance of payments after deposit to hold accommodations: 50% is due on February 1st, and the remaining 50% is due On May 1st or as arranged with registrar, payable in checks in U.S. funds, payable to Northern Pines. Please Note! An additional $50 registration fee will be added to registrations received after January 1, 2010. Cancellations 14 days or less before conference are charged 10% of total registration.

Reservations are treated on a first-come basis, although we do hold a percentage of housing for first-timers.

If you have special concerns or questions, please email us at [email protected] or call 612-861-5100.

Northern Pines of MN PO Box 1864 Minnetonka, MN 55345

If my housing preferences are all full, I am willing to…

__ Accept any accommodations __ Be on a waiting list

* Age as of September 1, 2010 **Grade school year 2010-2011

Page 10: Northern Pines 2009

NEW IN 2010! Worship both weeks will be led by our first-ever Northern Pines Praise Band! Comprised of Northern Pines alums who help lead worship in their own churches, this group will lead worship in both contemporary and traditional styles both weeks.

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Week 1 Speakers Week 2 SpeakersDean Jaderston is the Executive Director of Northern Pines along with his wife Julie. They directed the Senior High program at Northern Pines from 1989 to 2007 before they moved to their current position. Dean is also the head men’s basketball coach at Sterling College in Sterling, KS, where he and Julie also serve as youth pastors in their lo-cal church. Dean and Julie have three sons, Matt (20), Mike (18), and Jake (15).

Dr. Barry J. Beitzel is professor of Old Tes-tament and Semitic Languages at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illi-nois. He has been at Trinity since 1976. Dr. Beitzel and his wife, Carol, reside in Gurnee, Illinois. They have three children. In his spare time, Dr. Beitzel enjoys tennis.

Dean Jaderston is the Executive Director of Northern Pines along with his wife Julie. They directed the Senior High program at Northern Pines from 1989 to 2007 before they moved to their current position. Dean is also the head men’s basketball coach at Sterling College in Sterling, KS, where he and Julie also serve as youth pastors in their lo-cal church. Dean and Julie have three sons, Matt (20), Mike (18), and Jake (15).

Mark Hitchcock is the senior pastor of Faith Bible Church in Edmond, Oklahoma. He com-pleted his Ph.D. at Dallas Theological Semi-nary in January 2006. He has authored fifteen books with nearly 500,000 copies in print. Hitchcock and his wife, Cheryl, live in Edmond, Okla. with their two sons, Justin and Samuel.

Mark Hoover is a straightforward commu-nicator who is known for making the truth of God’s Word understandable for everyone through compelling and creative teaching methods. He has served as the Senior Pas-tor at Newspring Church in Wichita, Kansas for over 20 years. Mark and his wife, Mary Alice, were married in 1977 and have three sons, two daughters-in-law, and two grand-daughters.

John Erwin is the founder (1998) and Pres-ident of the National Association of Family Ministries. As a highly organized and prac-tical conference speaker, John has spoken at over 150 events across the country in the past 10 years. He specializes in par-enting seminars, family camps, and men’s retreats. John is currently the senior pas-tor of Moorpark Evangelical Free Church in Moorpark, California. John is married to Cheryl and they have 2 adult children John Daniel and Katie Scott.

Page 11: Northern Pines 2009

In order to keep registration costs as low as possible, Northern Pines is dependent on gifts from our conferees and alumni to cover the cost of staff and non-conference expenses. It is through the generosity of these donors we also fund the financial assistance account which enables us to help families who cannot afford the full conference fee. Many of us tend to think about giving in the form of writing a check, which has become increasingly more difficult for families in this time of recession. In reality, cash gifts make up 80% of charitable contributions nation-wide, but only 7% of assets owned by individuals and families are in the form of cash. This means that many individuals have untapped resources that could be made available to support the causes they are passionate about. Non-cash assets that could be utilized for this innovative way of assisting Northern Pines or other ministries while generating tax benefits for you include: real estate, life insurance, appreciated securities, vehicles, boats, time shares, jewelry, business interests, or gifting thru provisions in estate planning documents. Without faithful supporters, we would not be able to continue strengthening individuals and families through our conferences. As you seek to discover how God is calling you to give, we invite you to contact us for assistance. We have access to resources that can provide professional guidance in helping you convert non-cash assets into tax deductible gifts to Northern Pines.

Giving ~ Financial Aid

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“All vacations... may include rest, relaxation, exercise, adventure, sight seeing, spending time with friends and family, and a time of renewal.

The Northern Pines vacation had the added dimension of nurturing my personal relationship with the Lord. It is the first vacation that I’ve taken that had an ongoing impact on my spiritual life. With their “gut level honesty” and vulnerability, Rob Reinow (teachings on family, relationships and forgiveness) and Bob Petterson (series on the Prodigal Son) have made a difference in my daily life & helped deepen my Celebrate Recovery ministry.

As you can tell, Northern Pines was truly a wonderful experience.”

~Sheila Hofer , NP First-Timer

Supporting Northern Pines by Sharing God’s

GiftsIn today’s economy, many young families are looking for ways to save money. We don’t want finances to be an insurmountable obstacle that would prevent a family from attending Northern Pines. Our board has established a financial aid fund and provides scholarships and aid for many different situations, such as:

• First-time and second-time family discounts

• Hardship scholarships• Pastor and Para-church scholarships

for licensed and ordained full-time Christian workers

• Youth Scholarships• Extended Family Scholarships

Each year we have numerous inquiries for financial aid, and all are handled confidentially. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you find your circumstances may keep you from attending this year, or you would like to come but are having a hard time making the finances work. We would like to see as many people as possible experience Northern Pines in 2010. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we can help make that a reality for many conferees who may need some assistance. To inquire about financial aid:

You can emai l the Financial Aid Committee at [email protected] or call the office at (612) 861-5100 and leave a voice mail.


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NP Firsts ~ Video Contest ~ NP Apparel ~ Worship at NP VIDEO CONTEST - $1,000 Grand Prize!

We are so excited to finally announce an opportunity for all conferees to now get their own NP apparel. Just click on the new apparel link on our webpage, or go to the host website directly at http://www.logoprideappar-el.com/northernpines. You’ll be able to purchase a wide variety of items with the new NP logo. This is a great way to help other people hear about the Northern Pines ministry. Casual wear, sportswear, fleece, jackets, polos, and t-shirts are just a few of the items avail-able. All items will be mailed directly to your home, and shipping is free if you order 5 or more items.

NP Apparel now available

“What would be different if I missed Northern Pines? That’s the question we’d like conferees to answer in a video (3 minutes or less). We will be judging these and awarding a $300 registration discount to a winner in the child category (12-and-under), teen age category (13-19), and the adult category (over 21). The overall winner will also receive an additional $1000 dis-count toward their total family registration. All videos need to be submitted by December 15, 2009.

Rules of the contest:

1. All videos need to be 3 minutes or less and should be submitted on a DVD in either a DVD format or a high-resolutioncomputer format (AVI, Quicktime, or MPEG-4).

2. All submissions become property of Northern Pines and may be used for promotional purposes.

3. All prizes must be applied to 2010 or 2011 summer conference registration.

4. While adult supervision and aid may be used in the child video submission, the content and overall presentation must be from the child’s perspective.

5. Videos will be evaluated for creativity, emotional impact, humor, and quality. All decisions by the judges are final.

6. All videos need to be submitted by December 15, 2009. DVD’s should be mailed to: 303 East Main, Sterling, KS 67579

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Tim Lemmen’s Concert “There are no words to explain! It is the most epic experience of your lifetime, and definitely the best part of the week for me. In one moment, you have honestly found yourself a hiding place when Tim leads the most personal and real worship you'll ever experience. The next moment you're jumping around and screaming, all in the name of Jesus! I love that God accepts every form of our praise- even hardcore dancing and ‘two-steppin' it. Tim does an amazing job connecting us young adults to the obvious presence of God, and not letting us get distracted. He's incredibly talented, and can crank out the most face-melting guitar solos, yet not bring any attention whatsoever to himself. His concerts will blow your mind, and all for the glory of God. “

~Olivia, SH camper

NP Firsts ~ Video Contest ~ NP Apparel ~ Worship at NP

In 2010 Northern Pines will experience something new. Instead of bringing in an outside musician, worship will be led by a praise band consisting of Northern Pines alums who are actively involved in worship teams at their own churches. They will bring their experience along with a wide range of talents and styles to Northern Pines. We are really excited about this opportunity to be led in worship by “us”... young adults whose experiences at Northern Pines have become a significant part of their spiritual heritage. We’re also excited about the opportunity having a band brings as it allows us to incorporate a wide variety of worship styles, ranging from our favorite traditional hymns to contemporary worship songs. As we think about the challenges posed by finding music and songs and styles that fit each and every per-son, it brings to mind a short video by Floodlight Productions called “The Gift of Worship” in which the text suggests we often approach worship from a flawed perspective. The video asks:

“Have you ever wondered if we’re more concerned with what worship does FOR us and less concerned with the Object of our worship? It seems like it’s more about what we GET, not what we GIVE… Worship is about Giving our lives (again) to God. Worship is not about us, it’s about Him.” While we might have different preferences as to style and instrumentation, we believe all conferees will value our 2010 worship times. Just as there are

many styles of worship, worship also serves many different purposes. Meditation, celebration, learning, experiencing God’s presence, and simply being thankful are just a few of the ways worship touches our lives. Our worship team will be leading us into God’s presence through a variety of styles and opportunities, and our prayer is that each of us will have some powerful and intimate experiences with God through these times of worship. Our hope is that worship at Northern Pines is never “about us” but instead will always allow us to focus on our Lord and Savior, and to let Him speak to us as He chooses. Please continue to pray for the worship team as they have already started preparations for next year.


JOHN 4:23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

Senior High student's thoughts on np worship

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Bob Nelson Nine years ago, Josie’s grandpar-ents decided they would bring their grand-children to Northern Pines. So far they have made the commitment to do whatever it takes to bring their grand-children to Northern Pines. I asked Josie what this commitment

has meant to her. “Well, ever since I was in 4th grade my grandparents have hauled all of us kids to Northern Pines. It has always been a fun week to be away from the parents, and get spoiled by our grandparents.They have always made Northern Pines such a priority

for us. This past summer, the budget was super tight, and we were almost 100 percent sure they weren’t going to be able to pay for all of us to go. But by God’s grace, we all did. And it was AMAZ-ING once again. My grandparents bringing me to Northern Pines

every year has changed my life. They are two amazing people, and their big gener-

ous hearts reflect the heart of Christ. I love getting to spend a week with them, and all my cousins. Their sacrifice means more to me than they will ever know. My cousins and I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

“A Grandparent’s Legacy”

The most significant accomplishments in my life have resulted from intentional pursuit. Now

that my elderly father is in hospice care, I have be-gun to seriously evaluate my legacy, i.e., how I will be remem-

bered by my children, grandchildren, and “even children yet to be born”. (Psalm 78:6). Sheila and I attended Northern Pines this year to deter-mine if a “Vacation with a Purpose” would be part of our nuclear family’s future. We left camp with several significant take-a-ways:

• Providing for our family’s future attendance at Northern Pines is a gift that both strengthens family bonds today and has lasting and eternal consequences.

• Northern Pines is a great format for enriching existing friendships and meeting new friends. We came with 3 other couples and shared a home this year.

• Week-long teachings on a topic have more impact than a mes-sage once a week. What we learned from the three speakers strengthened both our personal lives and carried over to our ministry with Celebrate Recovery.

Going forward, we expect to attend Northern Pines an-nually with our children and grandchildren.

~Bob Nelson

Grandparent’s Legacy Christmas


Give the gift this Christmas your children and grandchildren will never forget:

A Northern Pines Vacation! Contact Julie Jaderston at [email protected] for more information about our Grandparent’s Legacy Gift

Package or if you’d like to order a gift certificate to give as a Christmas or birthday present.



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My grandparents bringing me to Northern Pines every year has changed my life.

A Thankful Granddaughter

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Young Adult Program ~ Camper Contest

The first 5 people to correctly identify the people in the picture below will receive a FREE NP t-shirt. Email your answer to [email protected].

Blast from the Past! NP Camper Contest

Director’s PerspectiveYoung Adult Program

I’ve had countless conversations with young adults who tell me how challenging it is for them to find healthy social environments with their peers. Nearly every church provides programming for youth, but after high school, there are surprisingly few church-es that provide anything intentionally targeted at meeting the needs of or ministering to the college age adult. Focus On The Family stated the following in an article dated July 2009: “Studies show between 64 and 94 percent of Christian teens leave the Church within a few years of graduating high school.” This is a sad reality to be sure, but it also serves as a wake-up call to the body of Christ. I’m so thankful that Northern Pines is answering that call, and I am very excited to be a part of it!

Since the summer of 2008, Northern Pines has offered a young adult program tailored to single adults, 18 – 28. Join with me in praying for the growth and develop-ment of this new program at Northern Pines. Think about young adults you can invite to camp. Help spread the word by telling others about this unique ministry opportunity. While you’re at it, think about ways to facilitate a college age program or Bible study at your local church. Let’s not let the above statistic be someone else’s mission. Make it yours!

Tim Lemmens, NP Young Adult Program Director

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Northern pines303 East MainSterling, KS 67579

ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED “once again, i have returned home from a wonderful two weeks of northern pines feeling tired and exhausted. while my five hour nap yesterday helped with the ‘tired,’ my collection of bruises and sore muscles still feel fresh and new. this year marked my twentieth year going to northern pines and therefore solidifying itself as one of the most consistent parts of my life. what else can a twenty-two year old honestly say she has been a part of for twenty years besides a family or the act of breathing? this year was extra special to me. much like last year, i set off for np planning on counseling sr.high

first week, and jr.high second, but instead i was asked first week to run around with sr.high taking pictures of them and all the various programs in order to make daily slide-shows for the adults and sr. high as well as gather up a good collection of photos we can use for various publications. the biggest surprise of the week however was seen early on during a pre-camp staff meeting. it was there that i learned they had chosen to use a new logo i had created this year to represent np! what a joy it was to see a piece of my graphic work infused with something as near and dear to my heart as northern pines. I couldn’t stop smiling when i saw it on the sidewalk in chalk. northern pines has always been a huge part of my life but i know now that it will not soon leave.”

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