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Northern Victorian Arms Collectors Guild Inc.

Militaria & Collectables Expo 2019

President/Treasurer- John Mclean Ph. 0402 367 055 Secretary- Graham Rogers Ph. 0417 137 232 Dear Dealer/exhibitor Our next Militaria and Collectables Expo will be held on Saturday 2nd of March and Sunday 3rd of March 2019 at the East bank Centre Welsford Street Shepparton. Please read the attached information to book your tables. PLEASE NOTE TABLES WILL BE ALLOCATED ON A FIRST IN FIRST SERVED BASIS, WITH FULL PAYMENT UP FRONT. We are looking forward to seeing you there. John Mclean President DATE AND LOCATION ENTRY AND EXIT EXHIBITORS MERCHANDISE AND DISPLAY MATERIAL ALL ENTRY AND EXIT FOR EXHIBITORS MERCHANDISE AND DISPLAY MATERIAL, ON BOTH FRIDAY AND SUNDAY WILL BE THROUGH THE EAST BANK CENTRE REAR LOADING BAY OR VIA THE NEW DISABLED ACCESS RAMP AT THE NORTHERN END OF THE CENTRE ADVERTISING SETTING UP TIMES FOR DEALERS EXHIBITOR ID PASSES ID TAGS MUST INCLUDE PERSONS NAME AND ARE TO BE WORN AT ALL TIMES WHILE IN THE PREMISES. NO TAG NO ENTRY. SECURITY HAS THE RIGHT TO NOT ALLOW A PERSON ON SITE IF NO TAG IS DISPLAYED. Please advise pass holders name/s on the booking form (attached) TABLE PRICES Table costs are $75.00 per 1.8 metre table. (Tables on the stage area are $45-00 per 1.8 metre table)


1 to 2 tables = 2 passes

3 to 4 tables = 3 passes

5 to 8 tables = 4 passes

We confirm the details of the next Militaria & Collectables Expo at Eastbank Centre, Welsford Street, Shepparton, 2nd & 3rd March, 2019.

Opening times are Saturday 9.00am to 5.00pm and Sunday 9.00am to 3.3Opm.

National and local advertising has been booked in Australian Shooter (SSAA), and Arms Guild Newsletters; local electronic bill board and

newspapers are also advertising the expo.

From 12.00 (Noon) till 08.00pm on Friday 1st March 2019. For Security purposes, if you need to obtain entry to set up after these hours please advise before 06.00pm on Friday 1st March 2019.

Table allocations and passes will be available upon arrival. If you require wall space (limited) or you require to be located

next to a certain dealer/exhibitor please complete the section of the booking form (attached)

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LICENSED FIREARMS DEALERS Must obtain a Display Permit from Victorian Police Licensing & Regulation Division, GPO Box 2807, Melbourne 3001, at least 4 weeks prior before the Expo. Payment of license fee will be required to validate the permit after receipt of it from, Licensing & Regulation Division. It is part of the Victorian Police requirements that DEALERS OF LICENCED FIREARMS supply a list of staff to Registry prior to the show and ALL STAFF handing licensed items MUST hold the appropriate licences. AMMENDMENTS TO CONTROL OF WEAPONS ACT 2000 All blades affected by new regulations in Victoria can only be sold to a person with a prohibited Weapons licence or buyers providing proof of membership to a recognised Society/Club. SWORDS on display that are accessible by the public must be secured in a locked sword rack, placed behind the trade table and out of reach of the public. DAGGERS must be secured in a glass topped locked display case. SWORDS and DAGGERS can only be purchased under the prohibited Weapons Act provided that the purchaser must hold a Chief Commissioners Approval or be a member of a recognised collector society. Identification of such requirements must be provided to the seller and the seller is required to enter those details in a formal register. An EXTRACT from THE CONTROL OF WEAPONS Act 2000 concerning. Identifying Persons Purchasing Prohibited Weapons and Recording Sales of Prohibited Weapons are Detailed at. ANNEX B SECURITY

As diligent as we may be in this role & as much as we can advise you about security, ultimately, it’s up to you to ensure that everything is compliant. Security will be located at the site from O800hrs Friday through to finishing time Sunday. FIREARMS SECURITY ALL LICENSED LONGARMS in your possession, at all times at the expo, are to be secured by multi strand plastic coated steel wire, or similar, passing through the trigger guards or actions, the wire must have a locking devise and be secured to the display tables, this includes all items on the table and under the table. ALL LICENCED HANDGUNS Are to be tied and locked in glass cases, or otherwise in locked cases under the table. It is in both yours and the Industry’s interest to be diligent and observe these rules at all times. PROHIBITED WEAPON SECURITY ALL PROHIBITED WEAPON SECURITY MEANS: stored and/or displayed in a manner calculated to ensure that the prohibited weapons are not accessible or available for possession. All prohibited weapons must be displayed in a locked glass topped display case. Swords must be secured in locked sword rack placed out of reach of the public. In circumstances where due to the configuration or bulk of the item this is impractical, for example, imitation long arms and crossbows. These prohibited weapons are to be secured by multi strand plastic coated steel wire, passing through the trigger guard or the action. The wire must have a locking devise and in turn be secured to display tables. A CURRENT LIST of PROHIBITED WEAPONS is attached as ANNEX A. CONTROLLED WEAPON SECURITY Current List of Controlled Weapons: Baton or Cudgel, Bayonet, Cattle Prod, Knife (other than a prohibited weapon) and spear gun. Controlled Weapon Security means: Stored and/or displayed in a manner calculated to ensure the controlled weapon is not accessible for possession. The displayer has a normal duty of care to ensure that any of these items do not constitute a threat to public safety whilst on display. The displayer must be diligent to ensure and prevent any person from removing an item from their display, with the intention to commit a violent act. The controlled weapons on display preferably should be, displayed in a locked glass topped display case or secured to a display board with cable ties and/or secured by multi strand steel wire attached to the display table. DANGEROUS ARTICLES SECURITY

Definition: Dangerous Articles are: ordinary objects which are carried or modified with the intent to be used for violence. This can include things that are otherwise lawful, everyday tools, household items, sporting equipment etc. Dangerous Articles Security means: The displayer has a normal duty of care to ensure that any of these items do not constitute a threat to public safety whilst on display. The displayer must be diligent to ensure and prevent any person from removing an item from their display, with the intention of committing a violent act.

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HANDLING/ REGISTERABLE FIREARMS / PROHIBITED WEAPONS/CONTROLLED WEAPON. Dealers and Stall holders are reminded that it is offence. To allow persons and or members of the public, who do not hold an appropriate Firearms License, Permit, Police Commissioners Exemption or Governor in Councils Exemption (Collectors Club/Society/Guild membership) to touch, handle or posses Registrable Firearms, Ammunition, Prohibited Weapons and or Controlled Weapons. PIRATED VIDEOS Complaints have been raised at past fairs regarding the availability of pirated videos. It is against the law to be in possession of these videos for sale or trade and they are not to be bought to the fair. AMMUNITION NO PROPELLANT, POWDER, OR PRIMERS can be sold at shows in keeping with the “Dangerous Goods & Explosives Act” ONLY SAFETY CARTRIDGES. WHICH MUST BE UNDER GLASS OFFICAL RECEIPTS Must include your name/Company name, type of item and whether a licensable item or antique. If the receipt is for a licensable item, including ammunition, it must have a buyer’s relative licence number. Receipts are required for proof of sale of all items as all parcels are checked and all of the public will pass through an airport type walk through detector. This security is a necessity for firearms and small valuable items. All firearms must be bagged upon sale for exit from the venue. TABLE COVERS. TABLE COVERS AND COVER UP SHEETS MUST BE PROVIDED. THESE MUST COVER ALL GOODS EXPOSED UNDER THE TABLES AS WELL. REFRESHMENTS In the form of tea, coffee, milk, sugar, and biscuits will be available to dealers free for the duration of the show.

HAPPY HOUR SATURDAY 2nd MARCH, 2019 5.30 – 6.30 pm A Happy Hour will be conducted in Victoria Park (Located Opposite the Main Entrance to the Venue) “Time” from 5.30pm to 6.3Opm. Nibbles, beer, red and white wine soft drink and water will be served. Weather permitting? (Vendor’s/ Traders, NVACG Members and Invited Guests are invited to attend. PACKING UP ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON.

Please, DO NOT REMOVE ANY ITEMS FROM YOUR TABLE/S BEFORE 3.30pm ON SUNDAY. It is most unfair to the paying customer ACCOMMODATION Tourist Information Centre: 534 Wyndham St. Shepparton, Ph 03 58 31 4400 Fax 03 58 22 2311 With thanks Ricky Seiter John McLean Graham Rogers Event Co-ordinator President Club Secretary 0400 567 353 0402 367 055 0417 137 232 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Northern Victorian Arms Collectors Guild, P.O. Box 985, Shepparton 3632

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SATURDAY MARCH 2nd. 9:00am to 5:00pm

SUNDAY MARCH 3rd. 9:00am to 3:30pm

Children accompanied by an adult & under 16 - free Wheelchair Access, Ample Parking, Cafe on site.

Admission Adults $12 Concession $10

Notes, Coins, Buttons, Medals, Badges, Cloth Patches,

Ammo, Scopes, Swords, Bayonets, Militaria, Rifles and

Shotguns (Antique and Modern) Revolvers and Pistols

(Antique & Modern), Helmets, Caps, Knives, Bottles, Bric-a

Brac, Display Cabinets, Post Cards, Stamps, Loading Acces-

sories, Fishing Gear, Books & Pamphlets, Scrimshawed

Flasks & other Objects, Lamps, Antique Tins, Antique

Clothing, Ceramics, Trench Art, Ephemera etc.



Shepparton Collectables Antiques & Militaria Expo


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List of prohibited weapons ANNEX. A • Acoustic anti-personnel device • Article concealing a weapon •Ballistic knife • ‘Baton-chucks’ and ‘Bo-chucks’ (or similar device) •Blow gun • Blow gun dart (or similar device) •Butterfly knife •Butterfly sword • Canisters discharging capsicum spray • Canisters discharging other harmful sprays •Catapult • Cat o'nine tails with knotted lashes • ‘Chinese whip’, ‘whip spear’, ‘seven-piece iron chain’, ‘nine-piece iron chain’, ‘Bian Tzu Chiang’ and ‘Lien Tzu Chiang’ (or similar device) •Crossbow •Dagger •Dart projector •Double-end knife • Electric current emitting device •Extendable baton • Flail (or similar article) •Flick knife • Hunting sling or slingshot • Imitaiton firearm (longarm or handgun) • Kama (or similar device) • ‘Kasari-Fundo’, ‘Kusari-Fundo’ and ‘Manrikigusari’ (or similar device) •Knuckle-duster •Knuckle knife • Kubotan (or similar device) •Laser pointer • Mace (or similar article) • ‘Ninja climbing claws’, ‘ninja hand claws’ and ‘ninja foot claws’ (or similar device) •Non-metal/ceramic knife ‘Nunchaku’ (or similar device) • Push knife (or similar device) • Retractable sheath knife •Sai or jitte • Shark Dart (or any other similar device) •Slingshot • ‘Shoge’, ‘ninja Kyokeysu-Shoge’ and ‘Kyotetsu Shoge’ (or similar device) •Studded glove • ‘Suan Ywe Gou’ (or similar device) •Sword •Throwing blade •‘Throwing star’ •‘Tonfa’ • Trench knife (or similar device) •Weighted glove • Whip with metal lashes

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Identifying persons purchasing prohibited weapons ANNEX. B

(1) A person (the "seller") must require a person attempting to purchase a prohibited weapon from the seller (the "purchaser") to produce evidence as to the purchaser's identity—

(a) by means of a passport, driver licence or other document in one of the prescribed categories, if that document bears a photograph of the purchaser; or

(b) by means of 2 documents in the prescribed categories but each in a different category; or

(c) in the case of a purchaser who is authorised under the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 to possess, carry and use defensive equipment (within the meaning of that Act), by means of that authorisation and the purchaser's photographic identification as an IBAC Officer within the meaning of that Act.

Penalty: 60 penalty units.

(2) A person must not sell a prohibited weapon to a person who is unable to produce the required evidence of identity under subsection (1). Penalty: 60 penalty units.

(3) A person must not produce false evidence of identity under subsection (1). Penalty: 120 penalty units.

Recording sales of prohibited weapons (1) A person who sells a prohibited weapon must keep a record of the sale in accordance with this section. Penalty: 20 penalty units.

(2) A record under this section— (a) must be in the form, and contain the information, prescribed by the regulations; and (b) must be kept for a period of 3 years after the sale to which it relates.

(3) A police officer, at any reasonable time, may require a person to produce for inspection a record kept under this section.


For the purposes of section 5A(1) of the Act, the prescribed categories of documents are as follows— (a) a full birth certificate or extract of birth; (b) a certificate of Australian citizenship; (c) a marriage certificate; (d) a health care card, pensioner concession card or seniors health card issued by the Commonwealth Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs; (e) any other card issued by the Commonwealth Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs or the Commonwealth Department of Veterans' Affairs that certifies entitlement to Commonwealth health concessions; (f) an identification card issued by a tertiary education institution; (g) a licence issued under the Firearms Act 1996; (h) if the purchaser is an incorporated body—

(1) the certificate of registration or incorporation of the body; (2) a document from a category specified in paragraphs (a) to (g) in relation to the officer of the body who is purchasing on behalf of the body;

(i) if the purchaser is a member of a partnership— (1) the certificate of registration of the partnership; (2) document from a category specified in paragraphs (a) to (g) in relation to the member, who is purchasing on behalf of the partnership.

Recording sales of prohibited weapons

(1) For the purposes of section 5B(2)(a) of the Act, a person who sells a prohibited weapon must keep a record of sale in the form of—

(a) a bound record book; or (b) a computerised record-keeping system.

(2) For the purposes of section 5B(2)(a) of the Act, the prescribed information that must be kept in the record of sale is— (a) an accurate description of the prohibited weapon sold, including any identifying mark or serial number on the weapon; (b) the full name, address, telephone number and date of birth of the purchaser of the prohibited weapon or of the officer of an

incorporated body or member of a partnership who is purchasing on behalf of the body or partnership; (c) evidence of the purchaser's approval under section 8C of the Act from the Chief Commissioner of Police or exemption under

section 8B of the Act from the Governor in Council to purchase the prohibited weapon; (d) details of the identification provided under section 5A of the Act by the purchaser; (e) the date and time of the sale of the prohibited weapon; (f) the name and address of the seller.

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Northern Victorian Arms Collectors Guild Inc. Militaria and Collectables Expo 2019


Surname .....………………………………...............................................................................................……………………

Given Names .........…………………..................................................................…………………………………………….

Company Trade Name ……………………………….....………………………………………………………………………….

Postal Address ............……………………………….....………………………………………………………………………….

City /Town..............................................................State …………………………………… Post Code ……………………


Telephone No B/H…………………………………………….Telephone No A/H……………....……………………………….

Mobile No………………….………....................................................... STANDARD AISLE TABLES:- NUMBER OF 1.8M TABLES @ $75.00/TABLE REQUIRED ..................... WALL TABLES (LIMITED):- NUMBER OF 1.8M TABLES @ $75.00/TABLE REQUIRED ..................... STAGE AREA TABLES (LIMITED):- NUMBER OF 1.8M TABLES @ $45.00/TABLE REQUIRED .....................


OTHER DEALERS NAME................................................................................................................................................. TABLE STAFF NAMES FOR SECUITY PASSES Note pass limit: 1-2 tables = 2 passes , 3-4 tables = 3passes, 5-8 tables = 4 passes

Given Name .....…………………………....................Surname................................................................................

Given Name .....…………………………....................Surname................................................................................

Given Name .....…………………………....................Surname................................................................................

Given Name .....…………………………....................Surname................................................................................

Return form and payment to: Event Co-ordinator Mr. Ricky Seiter 35 Sheehan Crescent, Shepparton 3630 Phone 0400 567 353 Please make deposit and or payment in full with this application to confirm your place. Booking form and pay-ment must be lodged no later than 30th January 2019. Cheques should be made payable to Northern Victorian Arms Collectors Guild Inc. Or if you would prefer you can direct deposit to B.B.S. 633000 (Bendigo Bank) Acc. 101586287 NVACG Inc.

Use your surname or business name as a reference . Include receipt with booking form

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