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ADEY, Alison Susan. Civil Servant. Essay: Emma Page.

ADEY, Robert C. S. Customs Officer. Author of reviews for Cloak and Dagger and The Poisoned Pen; "Behind a Victorian Locked Door", in Antiquarian Book Monthly Review, April 1975; and a forthcoming bibliography of impossible crime. Essay: Peter Antony.

ADLEY, Derek. Accountant. Author of The British Bibliography oJ Edgar Wal/ace, 1969, The Men Behind Boys' Fiction, 1970, The Saint and Leslie Charteris, 1971, and The World oJ Frank Richards, 1975, all with W. O. G. Lofts; and numerous articles on children 's literature, detective fiction, and films. Essays: Roland Daniel; Max Pemberton (with W. O. G. Lofts).

ALBERT, Walter. Associate Professor of French and Italian, University of Pittsburgh. Auth()r of articles in Armchair Detective, Mystery Fancier, French Review, MLN, and Texas Studies in Literature and Language; American correspondent and contributor to Enigmatika. Essays: James Anderson; Michel Butor (appendix); Marion Randolph; translator of essay on Hubert Monteilhet (appendix).

ALDERSON, Martha. Editor of elementary language arts textbooks, Webster Division, McGraw Hili Book Company. Essays (with Neysa Chouteau): Dorothy Cameron Disney; Alistair MacL.ean.

ALDRICH, Pearl G. Editorial Consultant; Editor and Publisher of The Popular Culture Scholar. Author of The Impact oJ Mass Media, 1975, Research Papers: A Manual Jor Beginners, 1976, and the forthcoming book Introducing Popular Culture. Contributor to Ms. Magazine, New Yorker, Armchair Detective, Journal oJ Popular Culture, and Sunday Magazine of Philadelphia Inquirer. Teaches a course in mystery fiction. Essays: Miriam Borgenicht; Heron Carvic; D. M. Devine; John Buxton Hilton.

ALLEY, Kenneth D. Associate Professor of English, Western IIIinois University, Macomb. Author of "High Sierra - Swan Song for an Era," in Journal oJ Popular Film, 1976, and "A Gun for Sale - Graham Greene's Reflection of Moral Chaos," in Essays in Literature, 1978. Essay: E. Richard Johnson.

ATHANASON, Arthur Nlcholas. Associate Professor of English, Michigan State University, East Lansing. Author of" The Mousetrap Phenomenon," in Armchair Detective, 1979. Drama reviewer for World Literature Today. Essays: Francis Beeding; Thomas Burke; Gaston L.eroux (appendix).

BAIRD, Newton. Partner in Talisman Press, Georgetown, California. Co-Editor, An Annotated Bibliography of Cal(fornia Fiction, /664-/970. Author of numerous articles, including a long study of Fredric Brown, in A rmchair Detective. Essays: Fredric Brown; Michael Crichton; Joseph Hansen; Zelda Popkin; Charles Williams.

BAKERMAN, Jane S. Associate Professor of English, Indiana State University, Terre Haute. Adviser and contributor to American Women Writers, 1979. Author of interviews with P. D. James, in Armchair Detective, Ruth RendelI, in Mystery Nook, and Daphne du Maurier, in Writer's Yearbook. Contributor and reviewer for those magazines and Mystery Fancier, Cloak and Dagger, and The Poisoned Pen. Essays: Suzanne Blanc; Vera Caspary; Ursula Curtiss; Daphne du Maurier; Anthony Gilbert; Joseph Harrington; Elisabeth Sanxay Holding; Emma Lathen; Mary McMuIlen; Helen Reilly; Ruth RendelI.

BALL, John. See his own entry. Essay: Elliot Paul.

BANKS, Jelf. Assistant Professor of English, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas. Regular contributor to Poisoned Pen, The Not-So-Private Eye, and


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Mystery Fancier, and has contributed articles to Journal of Popular Culture and Armchair Detective. Essays: Philip Atlee; George Baxt; Richard Condon; Donald Hamilton; Stephen Marlowe; Peter O'Donnell; Mickey Spillane.

BARNES, Melvyn. Borough Librarian and Arts Officer, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, London. Author of Best Detective Fiction,' A Guide from Godwin to the Present, 1975, Youth Library Work, second edition, 1976, and "The Public Librarian ofthe Future," in Prospects for British Librarianship, 1976. Editor of the Remploy "Deerstalker" series of reprints of classic crime fiction. Essays: Frank Arthur; John Austwick; Marian Babson; Margot Bennett; Evelyn Berckman; Anthony Berkeley; Simon Brett; J. J. Connington; John Creasey; Freeman Wills Crofts; Francis Durbridge; Robert Finnegan; J. S. Fletcher; l..eonard Gribble; Edward Grierson; Stanley Hyland; Philip MacDonald; Gil North; John Rhode; John Wainwright.

BAUDOU, Jacques. Film animator; Editor-in-chief of Enigmatika (Paris). Has written on le roman policier, Jules Verne, Jorge Luis Borges, and Maurice Renard. Essay: Hubert Monteilhet (appendix).

BECKER, Jens Peter. English l..ecturer, University of Kiel, Germany. Author of Der Englische Spionageroman, 1973, and Sherlock Holmes & Co., 1975, and Co-Author of Der Detektivroman, 1973 (revised edition, 1978), and Der Detektiverzählung auf der Spur, 1 977 . Has contributed many essays on English and American literature to quarterlies. Essay: Chester Hirnes.

BECKER, Mary Helen. Instructor of French, Madison Area Technical College, Wisconsin; Editor of BREFF (Bulletin de Recherches et d'Etudes Feministes Francophones). Author of essays on Proust, French women authors, and art, and translations from the Latin and French; Co-Author, Ecrits de Femmes, 1979. Essays: Pierre Audemars; John Boland; Herbert Brean; Janet Caird; Desmond Cory; L. P. Davies; Michael Delving; Margaret Erskine; Elizabeth Ferrars; Andrew Garve; Dorothy Gilman; Rosemary Harris; Patricia Highsmith; P. M. Hubbard; Alan Hunter; Elizabeth l..emarchand; Mabel Seeley; Van Siller; Phoebe Atwood Taylor.

BEDELL, Jeanne F. Assistant Professor of English, University of Missouri, Rolla. Author of essays on detective and espionage fiction, early modern British literature, and composition. Essays: G. D. H. and Margaret Cole; Bill Knox; Raymond Postgate.

BERGMAN, Carol Ann. Editor, Follett Publishing Company, Chicago. Contributor to Contemporary Poets. Essay: Brian Garfield.

BERTRAM, Manfred A. Senior English Master and Librarian, Christ's Church College, Christchurch, New Zealand. Formerly lecturer at Canterbury University. Author of short stories and poetry. Essay: Ngaio Marsh.

BLEILER, E. F. Editorial Consultant, Charles Scribner's Sons. Formerly Editor, Dover Publications. Has edited works by Ernest Bramah, R. Austin Freeman, Emile Gaboriau, Robert H. van Gulik, and Roy Vickers, and Dime Novelists and Victorian Sensational Novelists. Author of The Checklist of Science-Fiction and Supernatural Fiction, revised edition, 1978. Essays: Frederick Irving Anderson; Gelett Burgess; Wilkie Collins (appendix); Dick Donovan; Sydney Fowler; Jacques FutreIle; Emile Gaboriau (appendix); H. F. Heard; William Hope Hodgson; L. T. Meade; Arthur Morrison; Baroness Orczy; Edgar Allan Poe (appendix); Richmond (appendix); Basil Thomson; Robert H. van Gulik (appendix); Roy Vickers; Mrs. Henry Wood (appendix).

BLEILER, Ellen. Free-Iance writer. Essay: Jessica Mann.


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BREEN, Jon L. Librarian, Rio Hondo College, Whittier, California; Book reviewer ("The Jury Box"), El/ery Queen 's Mystery Magazine. Author of 35 stories and critical works.

BRINEY, R. E. Professor of Mathematics and Chairman of Computer Science Department, Salem State College, Massachusetts; Editor, Rohmer Review. Contributor to The Mystery Writer's Art, 1971, The Conan Grimoire, 1971, and The Mystery Story, 1976; author of numerous articles and bibliographies for journals. Editor, Master o[ Vil/ainy: A Biography o[ Sax Rohmer, 1972; Co-Editor, Multiplying Villainies: Selected Mystery Criticism by Anthony Boucher, 1973; Contributing Editor of Encyclopedia o[ Mystery & Detection, 1976. Member of the Board of Views & Reviews, 1972-75, and The Mystery Library. Essays: Robert Bloch; Anthony Boucher; John Dickson Carr; S. H. Courtier; August Derleth; Patrick Quentin; Sax Rohmer; John Holbrook Vance.

BROBERG, Jan. Critic since 1955; teacher since 1958; Editor of Spektra Crime. Has written five books about detective fiction, edited 12 collections of mystery short stories, and three books of essays about the genre; Co-Author of "Detective Fiction in Sweden" in Armchair Detective, October 1976. A founder of the Swedish Academy of Detection. Essays: Francis Clilford; Edmund Crispin; James McClure.

CAMPENNI, Frank. Member of the English Department, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Author of reviews and articles. Essays: E. V. Cunningham; Ishmael Reed.

CARACCIOW, Peter. Lecturer, Royal Holloway College, London University. Author of studies of Wilkie Collins, Conan Doyle, and Wuthering Heights; Science fiction reviewer for The Tablet, London. Essay: Sheridan Le Fanu (appendix).

CARPENTER, Richard C. Professor of English, Bowling Green State University, Ohio. Author of Thomas Hardy, 1964, and articles on Hawthorne, Conrad, Kay Boyle, and others. Essays: Ray Bradbury; Michael Collins; Eden Phillpotts.

CARTER, Steven. Assistant Professor of English, University of North Carolina, Wilmington; Co-Editor, Tugboat Review. Author of essays on Ross Macdonald, Ishmael Reed, and Julian Symons, and on science fiction writers. Essay: Mark McShane.

CAWELTI, John G. Professor of English, State University of New York at Albany. Author of Apostles o[ the Self-Made Man, 1965; The Six-Gun Mystique, 1971; Adventure, Mystery, and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture, 1976; and many essays on popular literature and culture.

CHOUTEAU, Neysa. Senior Editor, Webster Division, McGraw Hill Book Company. Author of programmed instruction series for industries and an arithmetic skills series. Essays (with Martha Alderson): Dorothy Cameron Disney; Alistair MacLean.

CLEVELAND, Carol. Free-Iance writer. Contributor to American Women Writers and The Academic American Encyclopedia. Essays: Joan Aiken; Charlotte Armstrong; W. J. Burley; Amanda Cross; Dorothy Dunnett; Elizabeth Fenwick; Tim Heald; Tony Hillerman; Michael Z. Lewin; A. A. Milne; Anne Morice; Elizabeth Peters; Ross Thomas; Dorothy Uhnak.

COLE, Don. Radio and television personality, KF AB Broadcasting, Omaha, Nebraska. Regular reviewer for Poisoned Pen and radio interviewer. Essays: Brian Cooper; Miles Tripp.

COX, J. Randolph. Reference and Documents Librarian, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota. Author of bibliographies and studies of John Buchan, the Nick Carter authors, George Harmon Coxe, and others for Dime Novel Roundup, Baker Street Journal, Edgar Wal/ace Newsletter, English Literature in Transition, Xenophile, Armchair Detective, and other journals. Essays: George Harmon Coxe; Frederic Van Rensselaer Dey; Ron


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Goulart; Berkeley Gray; Thomas W. Hanshew; Gavin Lyall; F. Van Wyck Mason; Craig Rice; Arthur Train; Louis Joseph Vance; Dennis Wheatley.

CRAIG, Patricia. Literary critic and reviewer. Author of You 're a Brick, Angela!, 1976, Women and Children First, 1978, and a forthcoming study of fictional women detectives and spies titled Sisters-in-Law, all with Mary Cadogan; author of a forthcoming study of Ulster writing. Contributor to New Statesman, Guardian, Books and Bookmen, Irish Press. Essays: Gwendoline Butler; Joanna Cannan; Antonia Fraser.

CRIDER, Bill. Chairman of the Division of Humanities, Howard Payne University, Brownwood, Texas; Contributing Editor, Paperback Quarterly; publisher of Macavity, a fan magazine. Reviewer for journals on detective fiction; currently editing a study of publishing houses. Essays: Alan Caillou; Henry Klinger; Richard Sale; Lionel White.

CURJEL, Harald. Surgeon Captain, Royal Navy (retired). Member of the Sherlock Holmes Society of London and of two scion societies in America. Essay: Victor Bridges.

DENTON ,Frank. Director of Instructional Resources, North Seattle Community College; Reviewer for Seattle Times; publisher of Ash- Wing, a science fiction magazine. Essays: John Blackburn; Victor Canning; Clive Egleton; Michael Gilbert; Hugh C. Rae.

DONALDSON, Betty. Free-Iance writer. Author of "The Novels of Arthur Upfield" (bibliography) in Armchair Detective, 1974; co-author of How Did They Die?, 1979. Essays: Lillian Jackson Braun; Stephen Coulter; Julian Rathbone; Arthur Upfield.

DONALDSON, Norman. Senior Editor, Chemical Abstracts Service. Author of Chemistry and Technology 0/ Naphthalene Compounds, 1958, and In Search 0/ Dr. Thorndyke, 1971; co-author of How Did They Die?, 1979. Contributor to Armchair Detective, Mystery and Detection Annual, and Thorndyke File. Essays: E. F. Benson; Mary Elizabeth Braddon (appendix); Ernest Bramah; R. Austin Freeman; Ronald A. Knox

DOVE, George N. Dean (retired), College of Arts and Sciences, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City. Contributor to The Reader 's Encyclopedia; author of series on the police procedural novel in Armchair Detective, the critical introduction to the Mystery Library edition of Last Seen Wearing ... , and works-in-progress on Ed McBain and the procedural novel. Essays: Rex Burns; Ed McBain; Maurice Procter; Lawrence Treat; Janwillem van de Wetering (appendix); Hillary Waugh.

DUEREN, Fred. Insurance Claims Supervisor; Conducts "Paper Crimes" column in A rmchair Detective and contributes occasional essays. Essays: Harry Carmichael; Frances Crane; Sebastien Japrisot (appendix); Donaid Mac Kenzie ; Arthur Maling; Lenore Gien Offord; D. B. Olsen; Ludovic Peters; Evelyn Piper; Kelley Roos; Francis Selwyn; Jeremy Sturrock; R. A. J. Walling.

DUKE, Ellzabeth F. Associate Professor of English, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richrnond; Editor of Sunday Book Page in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Essays: Manning Coles; Elizabeth Linington.

EMMONS, Jeanne Carter. Lecturer, Briar Cliff College, Sioux City, Iowa. Essays: Nigel Fitzgerald; Winston Graham.

EVANS, Elizabeth. Associate Professor of English, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. Essay: Helen MacInnes.

FRENCH, Larry L. Formerly General Counsel, Southern IIlinois University,


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EdwardsviIle; Publisher and Editor of Notesfor the Curious, a John Dickson Carr Memorial Journal, and SCHOOLA W. Author of eight books on education law. Regular reviewer and contributer to journals on mystery fiction. Died in 1978. Essays: Lawrence G. Blochman ; Nicholas Meyer.

GEHERIN, David J. Associate Professor of English, Eastern Miehigan University, Ypsilanti. Author of essays on Ross Macdonald and "The Hardboiled Detective in the 70's: Some New Candidates "; the latter artic1e, expanded, will appear as a book in 1980. Essay: John Gregory Dunne.

GILBERT, Elliot L. Professor of English, University of California, Davis. Editor of The World ofMystery Fiction, 1978. Member ofthe editorial board for The Mystery Library; his own fiction has appeared in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine and Best Detective Stories oJthe Year 1970. Essay: Joel Townsley Rogers.

GINDIN, James. Professor of English, University of Miehigan, Ann Arbor. Author of Postwar British Fiction, 1962, Harvest ofa Quiet Eye: The Novel ofCompassion, 1971, and The English Climate: An Excursion into a Biography of John Galsworthy, 1979. Essays: Nieholas Blake; John D. MacDonald.

GOTTSCHALK, Jane. Professor of English, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh. Author of essays on detective fiction for A rmchair Detective; has been teaching a course in the subject since 1973. Essays: H. C. Bailey; Ruth Fenisong; Ellis Peters.

GRELLA, George. Associate Professor of English, University of Rochester. Author of studies of lan Fleming, Ross Macdonald, and John le Carre for New Republic, essays on the formal detective novel and hard-boiled mystery fiction, and many other subjects. Essays: Kingsley Amis; W. R. Burnett; Len Deighton; lan Fleming; Charles McCarry; Allan Prior; James Hall Roberts; Lawrence Sanders; Georges Simenon (appendix).

GRIMES, Larry E. Associate Professor of English and Director of Inter-disciplinary Studies, Bethany College, West Virginia. Has written for Studies in Short Fiction, Journal oJ Popu/ar Cu/ture, Popu/ar Culture Scholar, JDM Bibliophile. Essays: Anna Oarke; S. B. Hough.

GROCHOWSKI, Mary Ann. Psychiatrie Social Worker and owner of Suspense Unlimited Bookstore, West AlIis, Wisconsin. Frequent contributor to journals and occasional reviewer of mystery fiction for Milwaukee Journal. Essays: Carol Carnac; James Hadley Chase; Octavus Roy Cohen; Marten Cumberland ; Amber Dean; Dorothy Eden; Robert L. Fish; Hulbert Footner; John Godey; Simon Harvester; Oarence Budington Kelland; Constance and Gwyneth Little; Holly Roth; John Stephen Strange; Lee Thayer; Thurman Warriner; Victor L. Whitechurch; Valentine Williams.

GROFF, Mary. Free-Iance writer. Specializes in artic1es on the English mystery, I 93()-{j0, and contributes a feature to Poisoned Pen on adaptation of true crime to fiction. Essays: Charity Blackstock; Guy Cullingford; Katharine Farrer; Helen Nielsen; Poul Orum (appendix); Robert Player; Shelley Smith; June Thomson; Gien Trevor; Patrick Wayland; Ethel Lina White.

HAGEMANN, E. R. Professor of Humanities, University of Louisville. Has written artic1es on Stephen Crane, J. W. De Forest, Ernest Hemingway, Henry James, B. Traven, and western Ameriean history, and on Paul Cain and Raoul Whitfield. Essay: Raoul Whitfield.

HARRIS, Herbert. See his own entry. Essays: Erie Bruton; John Bude; John Burke; Gwendoline Butler; Margaret Carr; Basil Copper ; Frances Cowen; Rae Foley; Reg Gadney;


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Margot Neville; Roger Ormerod; Rhona Petrie; E. and M. A. Radford; J. F. Straker; Margaret Summerton; John Welcome.

HARWOOD, John. Retired textile worker. Has written for Rohmer Review, Mystery Reader's Newsleller, and Armchair Detective. Essay: Arthur B. Reeve.

HA YNE, Barrie. Professor of English, Innis College, University of Toronto. Author of numerous papers for the Popular Culture Association. Essays: John Buchan; Alec Coppel ; Miriam Allen deFord; Gerard Fairlie; Frances Noyes Hart; Fergus Hume; Cora Jarrett; Thomas Kyd; E. Phillips Oppenheim; Sapper; Helen Simpson and Oemence Dane; Carolyn Wells.

HA YNE, Joanne Harack. Co-ordinator, Programme Development, School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto. Has taught courses regularlyon the detective in literature and delivered papers on the subject for the Popular Culture Association. Essays: Christianna Brand; Lillian de la Torre; Mignon G. Eberhart ; Helen Eustis; Reginald Hili; Hans Hellmut Kirst (appendix); Maurice Leblanc (appendix); Peter Lovesey; Mary Roberts Rinehart; Sara Woods.

.. HEILBRUN, Carolyn G. See her own entry as Amanda Cross. Essay: P. D. James.

HERGENHAN, L. T. Professor of English, University of Queensland, Brisbane; Editor, Australian Literary Studies.

HILL, Reginald. See his own entry. Essays: Desmond Bagley; Tony Kenrick; Michael Kenyon; Berkely Mather; Martin RusselI.

HOCH, Edward D. See his own entry. Essays: William Brittain; John Collier; Dorothy Salisbury Davis; Stanley Ellin; Joyce Harrington; Michael Harrison; Ira Levin; Margaret Miliar; Wade MilIer; Bill Pronzini; S. S. Rafferty; Jack Ritchie.

HOLMAN, C. Hugh. See his own entry. Essays: William Faulkner; S. S. Van Dine.

HUBIN, Allen J. Manager, 3M Company; Founding Editor, Armchair Detective, since 1967. Author of The Bibliography o{ Crime Fiction, /749-1975, 1979. Editor of six volumes of Best Deteclive Stories oI the Year, 1970--1975, and Best oI the Best Detective Stories, 1971. Conducted the weekly "Criminals at Large" column in the New York Times, 1968-1971.

HUGHES, Dorothy B. See her own entry. Essays: Gavin Black; John and Emery Bonett; Jon Cleary; Paul E. Erdman; Stanton Forbes; Sarah Gainham; Dorothy Gardiner; Arthur D. Goldstein ; Matthew Head; Hammond Innes; Charlotte Jay; Brown Meggs; Gwen Moffat; Richard Martin Stern; Ernest Tidyman; Thomas Walsh.

IRELAND, Donald C. Assistant Headmaster of a boys' preparatory school and proprietor of AI Crime Fiction in Sherborne, Dorset. Author of books on rugby, and contributor to Armchair Detective. Essays: Lionel Black; John G. Brandon; Roger Busby; Mark Corrigan; Hugh Desmond; W. Murdoch Duncan; T. C. H. Jacobs; Hamilton Jobson; Philip Loraine; Philip McCutchan; Ritchie Perry; Angus Ross; Jonathan Ross; Kenneth Royce; Douglas Rutherford.

JEFFARES, A. Norman. Professor of English Studies, University of Stirling; Chairman of the Literature Section, Scottish Arts Council. Has written extensivelyon William Butler Yeats and other Anglo-Irish writers, has edited Restoration Comedy (4 vols.) for the Folio Society, and also writes on American, commonwealth, and I 8th-century English


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literature. Editor of Review of English Literature ; Ariel; A Review of International English Literature; Writers and Critics series; and New Oxford English Series. Essays: Eric Ambler; Erskine Childers; Nicolas Freeling; Bram Stoker.

JEFFREY, Davld K. Associate Professor of English, Auburn University, Alabama; Co­Editor, Southern Humanities Review. Author of many essays in scholarly journals. Essays: Edward S. Aarons; Trevanian; loseph Wambaugh.

JOYNER, Nancy C. Professor of English, Western Carolina U niversity, Cullowhee, North Carolina. Author of Edwin Arlington Robinson; A Reference Guide, 1978; Contributor to Great Writers of the English Language. Essays: C: Hugh Holman; Dorothy B. Hughes; Helen McCloy.

KEATING, H. R. F. See his own entry. Essays: Ted Allbeury; Margery Allingham; Agatha Christie; Lionel Davidson; Peter Dickinson; Arthur Conan Doyle; Ivor Drummond ; Mary Fitt; Dick Francis; Dulcie Gray; William Haggard; Herbert Harris; E. W. Hornung; Mary Kelly; Ivy Litvinov; Laurence Meynell; Anthony Price; George Sims; Michael Underwood; Ted Willis; Margaret Yorke; P. B. Yuill.

KELLEY, George. Business Consultant. Regular contributor to journals on detective fiction; science fiction reviewer for Paperback Quarterly; Editor of MAZES, mystery fan magazine. Essays: Gerald Kersh; Dan l. Marlowe.

KELLY, R. Gordon. Associate Director of the American Studies Program, University of Maryland. College Park. Author of Mother Was a Lady; Self and Society in Selected A merican Children 's Periodicals, 1865-1890, 1974, and articles on literature and history and lohn D. MacDonald. Contributor to Twentieth-Century Children 's Writers. Essays: Noel Behn; lohn Bingham; Peter DriscoII; Roger L. Simon; Elleston Trevor.

KENDLE, Burton. Professor of English. Roosevelt University, Chicago. Author of articles on D. H. Lawrence, lohn Cheever, William March, Tennessee Williams, and others. Contributor to Contemporary Novelists, Contemporary Poets. and Great Writers of the English Language. Essays: Roald Dahl; Robin Maugham; loyce Porter.

KERN, Donna Rose easella. Graduate student in English, Michigan State University, East Lansing; Managing Editor, The Gypsy Scholar. Contributor to American Women Writers. Essays: A. E. Coppard; Max Murray; Bernard Newman; Cecil M. Wills.

KING, Daniel P. Professor and Writer. Regular reviewer for World Literature Today; contributes articles on criminology and criminal law to international jounals. Essays: G. Belton Cobb; Macdonald Hastings; William Le Queux; Edgar Lustgarten; A. E. W. Mason; Nigel Morland.

KING, Margaret J. Editor and Researcher. Humanist Center, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Has written on the detective genre for Antioch Review, Armchair Detective. and MELUS; Contributor to Women Writers of the World. Essays: lohn Ball; Earl Derr Biggers; A. H. Z. Carr; H. R. F. Keating; Harry Kemelman.

KLEIN, H. M. Lecturer in Comparative Literature. University of East Anglia, Norwich. Author of Die Englische Komödie im 18. Jahrhundert and a study of l. B. Priestley. Editor and translator of English dramatic texts. Essays: Friedrich Dürrenmatt (appendix); J. B. Priestley.

KLEIN, Kathleen G. Assistant Professor of English, Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis. Author of articles for Armchair Detective and American Women


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Writers; preparing a book on professional women detectives in fiction. Essays: Joan F1eming; LuciIJe F1etcher; Georgette Heyer; Lillian O'Donnell; Margaret Scherf; Josephine Tey; Patricia Wentworth.

LACHMAN, Marvln. Administrator, New York State Bureau of Disability Determinations, and free-Iance writer. Senior Editor, Encyclopedia qf Mystery and Detection, 1976; co-author, Detectionary, 1971. Author of continuing series on the American Regional Mystery and Sports and the Mystery Story in Armchair Detective; Conducts the column "It's about Crime" in Mystery Fancier. Essays: Ben Benson; Doris Miles Disney; Leslie Ford; James Holding; Sydney Horler; Ed Lacy; Hugh Pentecost; James Powell; Aaron Marc Stein; Nedra Tyre.

LAMMERS, Donald. Professor of History, Michigan State University, East Lansing; Member of the Editorial Board, Albion. Author of essays on Nevil Shute for Journal qf British Studies and Centennial Review. Essay: Nevil Shute.

LANDRUM, Larry N. Associate Professor of English, Michigan State University, East Lansing. Co-Editor, Dimensions 0/ Detective Fiction, 1976; Contributed "Guide to Detective Fiction" to Handbook 0/ American Popular Culture, 1978; teaches courses in literature and popular culture. Essays: FrarIk Gruber; Ross Macdonald; Richard S. Prather; lack Webb.

WFfS, W. O. G. Advertising writer and rsearcher, and publisher's consultant. Author of The British Bib/iography 0/ Edgar Wal/ace, 1969, The Men Behind Boys' Fiction, 1970, The Saint and Les/ie Charteris, 1971, and The World 0/ Frank Richards, 1975, all with Derek Adley; and hundreds of articles on juvenile, detective, and other types of fiction. President, Cambridge Old Boys Book Club. Essay (with Derek Adley): Max Pemberton.

WWDER, Christopher. Free-Iance writer. Formerlyon editorial staff of IPC Magazines, London. Wrote first published thriller, a Sexton Blake, at age of 19; currently writes pulp fiction and comicbooks under a variety of pseudonyms; author of critical articles on popular fiction and comicbook artists and authors. Essays: John Newton Chance; John Gardner; Edgar Wallace.

LUNDIN, Ho. Journalist and critic. Author of two studies of detective fiction: Salongsbödlarna, 1971, and Sp8rhundarna, 1973. Member of Swedish Academy of Detection. Essays: Leslie Charteris; Adam Diment; Per Wahlöö and Maj Sjöwall (appendix).

LYNDS, Dennls. See his own entry as Michael Collins. Essays: Brett Halliday; George V. Higgins.

MACDONALD, Andrew F. Specialist in Renaissance Drama, currently teaching international students, University of Texas, Austin. Author of artic1es on Ben Jonson, Shakespeare, English as a second language, teaching methods, and popular culture. Essays: Kenneth Benton; Frederick Forsyth.

MACDONALD, Virginia. Specialist in Renaissance Prose Fiction, English Department, University of Texas, Austin. Author of artic1es on Southwestern writers, popular culture, Shakespearian influences. Essays: Brian Qeeve; Pat F1ower; Robert Harling; Shaun Herron; Stuart Jackman; Marie Belloc Lowndes.

MacDOUGALL, Susan B. Assistant Professor of English, University of Nevada, Reno. Essays: George Bellairs ; The Gordons ; Leonard Holton.

MAIO, Kathleen L. Librarian. Mystery Adviser for Women and Literature: An


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Annotated Bibliography, third and fourth editions. Author of articles on women 's mystery fiction in feminist and popular culture journals. Essays: Anne Hocking ; Jean Potts.

MASSA, Ann. Lecturer in American Literature, University of l..eeds. Author of Vachel Lindsay: Fieldworkerfor the American Dream, 1970, and The American Novel Since 1945, 1975; Co-Author of American Literature, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centu ries , 1978. Essays: Nina Bawden; Ann Bridge; Eispeth Huxley; Robert Ludium; T. S. Stribling.

McCAHERY, James R. Teacher of French and Romanian, Director of International Exchange Programs, Xavier High School, New York. Writes the continuing feature "Series Spotlight" for The Not-So-Private Eye and reviews for Poisoned Pen. Editor of the Mystery Loves Company fan magazine. Essay: Patricia McGerr.

McCONACHIE, Frances D. Teacher of Composition and Literature, DePaul University, Chicago. Essays: Henry SIesar ; Jon Manchip White.

McSHERRY, Frank D., Jr. Commercial Artist and Writer. His most recent book jacket design was for the Mysterious Press edition of Cornell Woolrich's Angels of Darkness, 1978. Work in progress inc1udes a study ofthe theory of criminal behavior. Essays: Jack Boyle; Andrew York.

MERTZ, Stephen. Free-Iance writer. Has written on Michael Avallone for Armchair Detective, on Carroll John Daly for Mystery Fancier, and helped edit Don Pendleton's The Executioner's War Book, 1977. Essays: Willis Todhunter Ballard; Robert Leslie Bellern; Peter Cheyney; Frank Kane.

MEYERSON, Jeffrey. Editor and Publisher, Poisoned Pen, and mail-order book dealer. Has written for many of the other publications in the field. Essays: Thomas Gifford; Gregory Mcdonald.

MURRA Y, Will. Free-Iance writer; Vice-President and Editor, Odyssey Publications Inc.; Editor, Duende, a research journal on pulp magazines. Author of The Duende Hislory of The Shadow Magazine, 1979, and Co-Author of The Man Behind Doc Savage, 1974. Regular contributor and interviewer for Pulp and Xenophile. Essays: Ken Crossen; Carroll John Daly; Lester Dent; Walter B. Gibson; Frederick Nebel; Frank L. Packard; Don Pendleton; R. T. M. Scott.

MUSSELL, Kay J. Director, American Studies Program, American University, Washington, D.C. Author of "Gothic Novels" for Handbook of American Popular Culture, 1978, "The Sexual Woman in Modern Gothic Fiction" for Journal of Popular Cullure, 1975, and a forthcoming study of popular fictional formulas for women in America. Essays: Martha Albrand; Evelyn Anthony; Catherine Gaskin; Mary Stewart; Phyllis A. Whitney.

MUSTE, John M. Professor of English, Ohio State University, Columbus. Author of Say ThaI We Saw Spain Die, 1966, and numerous essays on modern fiction. Essays: Bill S. Bailinger; Thomas B. Dewey.

NEVlNS, Franels M., Jr. See bis own entry. Essays: Oeve F. Adams; Michael Avallone; Edgar Box; Erle Stan1ey Gardner; Edward D. Hoch; Harry Stephen Keeler; John Lutz; Milton Propper; Ellery Queen; Donald E. Westlake; Cornell Woolrich.

NOLAN, WlIllam F. See his own entry. Essays: Steve Fisher; Ray RusselI.

OCCHIOGROSSO, Frank. Associate Professor of English, Drew University, Madison,


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New Jersey. Regular contributor and reviewer for Armchair Detective; has written on Dashiell Hammett for New Republic. Essays: Kenneth Fearing; Barry Perowne.

OUSBY, lan. Associate Professor of English, University of Maryland, College Park. Author of Bloodhounds oI Heaven: The Detective in English Fiction Irom Godwin to Doyle, 1976. Essays: Charles Dickens (appendix); Geoffrey Household; Christopher St. John Sprigg; Colin Watson.

PARKER, Robert B. See his own entry. Essays: Raymond Chandler; Dashiell Harnrnett.

PATTOW, Donald J. Professor of English, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. Teaches a course in mystery literature and contributes articles to the journals. Essays: Henry Cecil; Robert Eustace ; Wallace Hildick; Richard Keverne; Carolyn Weston.

PIGGOTT, Stuart. Abercromby Professor of Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, now Emeritus. Author of numerous archaeological books and papers. Essay: Glyn Daniel.

PIKE, B. A. Teacher. Author of studies of Margery Allingham and Gladys Mitchell in Armchair Detective, contributions to The Poisoned Pen, an essay for Scott: Modern Judgments, 1968; creates crosswords for The Listener. Essays: Edward Candy; Beverley Nichols; John Trench.

PRONZINI, Bill. See his own entry. Essays: Gil Brewer; Frederick C. Davis; Bruno Fischer; F1etcher Flora; Geoffrey Hornes; Day Keene; Harry Whittington; Collin Wilcox.

PRY, Eimer. Professor of English, DePaul University, Chicago. Author of essays on detective fiction for Poe Studies, Armchair Detective, and WestAmerLit, and other Iiterary studies in Style and the Literary Perspectives series. Essays: Max Brand; Cornelius Hirschberg ; Hugh Marlowe; Vincent Starrett.

RESTAINO, Katherine M. Dean, Saint Peter's College, Englewood Oiffs, New Jersey. Teacher of detective fiction and author of papers for Popular Culture Association. Essays: Samuel Fuller; Joseph Hayes; Norah Lofts; William P. McGivern.

RUDIN, Seymour. Professor of English, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Member of Editorial Board and Performing Arts Critic, Massachusetts Review. Author of articles on theatre for Commentary, Hudson Review, and other journals; contributor of entries on detective fiction to Encyclopedia International, 1963. Essays: Jack Finney; Waters (appendix).

RUSSELL, Ray. See his own entry. Essay: William F. Nolan.

SALISKAS, Joan M. Member of the English Department, University of IIIinois, Urbana. Essay: Brian Freemantle.

SCOTT, Art. Research Chemist; Editor of Elementary, My Dear APA, bi-monthly collection of mystery fan magazines. and publisher of Shot Scott 's Rap Sheet for the series. Essays: Lawrence Block; Carter Brown; Richard Deming; David Dodge; William Campbell Gault; Henry Kane; Jonathan Latimer; James Leasor; Harold Q. Masur; Stuart Palmer; Bart Spicer.

SHIBUK, Charles. Free-Iance writer. Senior Editor, Encyclopedia oI Myster·y and Detection, 1976; co-author, Detectionary, 1971 ; Columnist ("The Paperback Revolution ") for Armchair Detective since 1967. Essays: Anthony Abbot; E. C. Bentley; Leo Bruce; Glyn


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Carr; Elizabeth Daly; Val Gielgud; Bruce Graeme; Patrick Hamilton; Cyril Hare; Richard Hul1; Jack Iams; Selwyn Jepson; Baynard H. Kendrick; C. Daly King; C. H. B. Kitchin; Paul McGuire; Patricia Moyes; C. E. Vul1iamy; Henry Wade; OitIord Witting.

SLUNG, Micheie. Free-Iance writer. Editor, Crime on Her Mind, 1975; McKay­Washburn novels of suspense, 1975-77. Contributor to The Mystery Story, 1976; member of the Mystery Writers of America Awards Committee, and editor of a forthcoming MW A anthology. Essays: Anna Katharine Green; Michael Innes; Hilda Lawrence; Gladys Mitchell; Dorothy L. Sayers.

SMITH, Dwight c., Jr. Associate Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Author of The Mafia Mystique, 1975, and a study ofthe "Mafia" in contemporary fiction for Italian Americana, 1976. Essay: Ovid Demaris.

SNYDER, John. Associate Professor, Literature and Film, University of Houston, Oear Lake City. Author of The Dear Love of Man: Tragic and Lyric Communion in Walt Whitman, 1975, "The Spy Story as Modern Tragedy" in Literature/ Film Quarterly, and other literary criticism. Essays: John le Carre; Alain Robbe-Grillet (appendix).

ST APLES, Katherine. Instructor in English, University of Texas, Austin. Translator of works by Henri Rousseau and of Arthur Rimbaud's Les Illuminations. Essays: Edwin Balmer and William MacHarg; Nicolas Bentley; Pierre Boulle (appendix); Lynn Brock; Jocelyn Davey; John P. Marquand.

STEDMAN, Jane W. Professor of English, Roosevelt University, Chicago. Author of W. S. Gilbert, 1979. Editor of Gilbert Before Sullivan: Six Comic Plays, 1967. Regular contributor to Opera News and to journals of Victorian studies. Originated and teaches a course in Literature and Aesthetics ofHorror. Essays: Caryl Brahms; Shirley Jackson; F. Tennyson Jesse; Joseph Shearing.

STERN, Carol Simpson. Associate Professor, Department of Interpretation, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Research Consultant and Contributor, English Literature in Transition; Theatre and Book Reviewer for Victorian Studies and Chicago Sun­Times. Contributor to Contemporary Poets and Contemporary Novelists. Essays: Tom Ardies; June Drummond; John N. Iannuzzi; Roderic JetIries; Arthur La Bern; Anthony Lejeune; Edmund McGirr.

TALBURT, Nancy Ellen. Professor of English and Assistant to the President, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Co-Editor of A Mystery Reader, 1975, and The American Experience, 1978. Author of articles on mystery fiction in journals and papers for the Popular Culture Association. Essays: Isaac Asimov; Josephine Bell; Phyllis Bentley; W. Somerset Maugham.

THOMPSON, George J. Associate Professor of English, Emporia State University, Kansas. Author of "The Problem of Moral Vision in Dashiel1 Hammett's Detective Novels," 5 instalIments in Armchair Detective, 1973-74. Essays: Francis M. Nevins, Jr.; Robert B. Parker.

TOWNSEND, Guy M. Journalist and Editor, Vevay Newspapers, Indiana; Editor and Publisher, The Mystery Fancier. Author of a study of Josephine Tey's treatment of Richard III. Essays: V. C. Clinton-Baddeley; Hildegarde Dolson; Richard and Frances Lockridge; Marco Page; Rex Stout.

WALL, Cheney.

Donald C. Professor of English, Eastern Washington University, Author of a study of Apartheid in the fiction of James McOure; his own fiction


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has appeared in Mike Shayne 's Mystery Magazine. Chairman of the Mystery and Detective Program, Popular Culture Association Annual Meeting. Essay: Joe Gores.

W ASHBURNE, CaroI. Senior Editor, Elementary Language Arts, Webster Division, McGraw Hili Book Company. Writes professionally for Elementary English and avocationally writes poetry. Essay: Jean Stubbs.

WEA VER, WlIIiam. Critic and Translator. Recipient of the National Book A ward in the United States and the John F1orio Prize in Great Britain, twice, for translations of contemporary Italian fiction. Chief reviewer of crime fiction and music critic for Financial Times, London; critic for the International Herald Tribune. Essays: Catherine Aird; Celia Fremlin; Roy Lewis.

WIEGEL, John A. Professor of English, Miami University, Ohio. Author of Lawrence Durrell, 1965, Colin Wilson, 1975, and B. F. Skinner, 1977. Essay: Colin Wilson.

WHITLEY, John S. Dean, School of English and American Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton. Author of William Golding : Lord 0/ the Flies, 1970, and F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby, 1970. Co-Editor of Charles Dickens' American Notes, 1972. Essays: John Franklin Bardin; Andrew Bergman; James M. Cain; Derek Marlowe; Horace McCoy.

WOOD, Nevllle W. Retired. Collector of major Golden Age authors and Boys Weekly Publications. Member, Sherlock Holmes Society of London. Essays: Christopher Bush; A. Fielding ; Milward Kennedy; Rufus King.

WOODCOCK, George. Free-Iance Writer, Lecturer, and Editor. Author of verse (Selected Poems, 1967), plays, travel books, biographies, and works on history and politics; critical works incJude William Godwin, 1946, The Incomparable Aphra, 1948, The Paradox 0/ Oscar Wilde, 1949, The Crystal Spirit (on Orwell), 1966, Hugh MacLennan, 1969, Odysseus Ever Returning: Canadian Writers and Writing, 1970, Mordecai Richler, 1970, Dawn and the Darkest Hour (on Aldous Huxley), 1972, Herbert Read, 1972, and Thomas Merton, 1978. Editor of anthologies, and of works by Charles Lamb, Malcolm Lowry, Wyndham Lewis, and others. Essays: Aigernon Blackwood; G. K. Chesterton; Roy Fuller; William Godwin (appendix); Graham Greene; J ulian Symons.

WORLEY, Joan Y. Instructor of English, University of Oklahoma, Norman. Essay: James Norman.

YATES, Donald A. Professor of Latin American Literature, Michigan State University, East Lansing. Editor of Tales For a Rainy Night, 1961; Editor and Translator of Latin Blood, 1972. Collaborated in translating and editing Labyrinths by Jorge Luis Borges, 1962; has translated several Argentine detective novels, and published widely on Latin American fiction, the locked-room puzzle, and other literary topics; currently preparing a critical biography of Borges. Essays: M. M'Donnell Bodkin; Jorge Luis Borges (appendix); H. C. Branson; Melville Davisson Post; Clayton Rawson; William Wiegand; Israel Zangwill.


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