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Page 1: Nottingham Arrow July Edition

Bumper Summer of fun activities insideplus Splendour – last chance to buy tickets

Summer 2011

Page 2: Nottingham Arrow July Edition

Nottingham wins national awardfor early intervention achievementNottingham City Council’s work on early intervention to help break deprivation and under achievement in families has won a top national award at the MJ (Municipal Journal) Achievement Awards 2011. The city-wide programme strengthens the evidence of what support works best at a local level. Innovative approaches to early intervention being trialled across the city show positive results, with 21,500 families since 2007 benefiting through16 projects that help individuals and families make changesto their lives and lifestyles.

For more information visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/earlyinterventionaward

Infobus gives studentsa taste of travel on the busesA specially-designed info bus will be stopping at all city primary schools giving Year 6 pupils a taste of bus travel. The bus tour comes before most of the pupils move on to secondary schools where many of them will be catching buses for the first time. The info bus gives information about safe travel by bus and details of Citycard 360, Nottingham’s public transport travel card that also offers extra value and discounts at shops, cafes, leisure centres, gyms and attractions.

Official opening of Robin Hood Primary School Robin Hood Primary School in Bestwood Park has undergone a complete refurbishment following a £2.8 million investment from the Government. The long, disjointed school has been completely transformed to create a landmark building at the centre of the local community. Pupils were involved at every stage of this project and worked directly with architects to create a brand new tree house which includes a weather station and can accommodate a whole class.

TallestSunflowerCompetition This year, for the first time, Nottingham City Homes is inviting primary schools to take part in a tallest sunflower competition. We have already written to schools to ask them to take part, but if you know of one in the Nottingham city area who would like to give it a go, just give us a call. We will supply the seeds. All the schools need to do is get a pot and get the children to grow as many as they like.

If you would like your school to take part please call Nottingham City Homeson 0115 915 7419.


news in brief

Councillor Jon Collins is the Leader of Nottingham City Council. He can be contacted by writing toLoxley House, Station Street, Nottingham NG2 3NG;by telephone on 876 4256 or [email protected]

The Chief Executive of Nottingham City Council isJane Todd. She can be contacted by writing toLoxley House, Station Street, Nottingham NG2 3NG;by telephone on 876 3302 or [email protected]

Nottingham ArrowCommunications and MarketingNottingham City CouncilLoxley House, Station Street, Nottingham NG2 3NG

Arrow enquiries: 876 3313General Council enquiries: 876 5555

email: [email protected] visit: www.mynottingham.gov.uk/arrow

Nottingham arrow | Summer 2011 | 3www.mynottingham.gov.uk/news

May’s local elections saw an increased majority for the Labour Group with the make-up of the Council now standing at 50 Labour Councillors and 5 Conservatives. It’s important to be accountable with such a big majority and we will try to seek the views of local people and organisations. But the Council has been elected to make decisions at a local level and we won’t be directed to do things we think are silly or aren’t cost-effective.On the transport front, we are fully supportive of Nottinghamshire County Council’s efforts to upgrade theA453 and it’s disappointing that this wasn’t done when the last Government approved it. The County Council saved £20million when they withdrew their funding for lines 2 and 3 of the tram – money which we at the City Council then had to find. So we are pleased that, with the County Council now pledging £20million for the A453, we have both been able to contribute to such important transport schemes for our area.Finally, I’m sure many of you are looking forward to another summer of great events here in the city. Despite the Government cuts to our funding, we have maintained thingslike the Splendour Festival – and I’m really pleased we will still be running the summer play schemes which I know are extremely popular.

Enjoy the summer!

Welcome to the summer issue of the Arrow,the City Council’s magazine for residents.

Nottingham City Council is proposing changes toon-street parking to help shops and other businessesin the city and to give motorists better choice.

The scheme, which reflects Nottingham’s status as a major city for business and a top shopping destination, will see the city divided into zones where there will be higher charges for popular and busy areas and lower charges for outlying areas. This is in line with other cities including neighbouring competitors Derby and Leicester.

The new arrangements, which will come into operation before the end of July, will update a parking regime which has been in place fora decade which has meant there were blanket charges across the city.

By introducing a zoned approach, it’s expected there will be a better choice for motorists and an improvement for all businesses. Simplifying charges in prime locations should encourage short-stay customers willing to pay a little extra to get close to their destination and increased use, enhancing footfall for local shops and businesses by promoting greater turnover. Meanwhile reducing charges in quieter areas should encourage greater uptake, to the benefit of nearby businesses.

Drivers should also be aware they now face an instant fine for blocking bus stops and flouting other regulations. The new on-the-spot £35 fines introduced on July 4th are mainly aimed at preventing problems created by hackney cab drivers blocking bus stops and spilling over from taxi ranks onto double yellow lines and Pay and Display bays – but they apply to all drivers in the following areas: Mansfield Road at the entrance to Victoria Centre, Milton Street opposite Burger King, Beastmarket Hill near Lloyds TSB and Station Street opposite Loxley House.

For more details please visit www.mynottingham/parking

2011 National Apprenticeship Awards Following the success of its apprenticeship scheme, the Council was shortlisted in the regional stage of the National Apprenticeships Awards for those organisations that have over 5,000 employees.

The other two finalists were Rolls Royce and the North Notts Health Authority. Rolls Royce won the Regional Award and the Council was ‘Highly Commended’. As a highly commended employer the council is included in a list of England’s top 100 apprenticeship employers. This list was published in supplements in The Times and The Sun newspapers.

Parking changes bring improvements for businesses and visitors

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Don’t just walk on by - pick it up!Follow the example of ‘Seersha the Eco Dog’ during this year’sBig Summer Clean.Seersha hates to see litter lying on the streets and makes a point of picking it up to give to her owner to put it into the nearest litter bin. Seersha was in the Old Market Square to help launch the Big Summer Clean on July 1 where she was busy seeking out and binning all the litter she could find.

What easier way is there to keep Nottingham clean than putting your litter in a litter bin? And if you see some litter lying around that is safe to pick up and bin, why not do it? It is just one way of joining in the Big Summer Clean and doing your bit to help Nottingham sparkle.

Shame on you!This year, as part of the Big Summer Clean, the City Councilwill be publicising the latest information about people convicted and fined for envirocrimes such as dropping cigarette butts and litter, graffiti, fly tipping and leaving their bins on the streets.A ‘rogues gallery of griminals’ – those guilty of committing grime crimes – will be displayed on the Big Summer Clean web site. A whole week of the campaign is being dedicated to the results of enforcing environmental protection laws. Visit www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/bigsummerclean and watch the video of the biggest ever fly tip clearance in the city, how community protection officers carry out local environmental audits to get rid of anti-social behaviour and how big the challenge is to remove graffiti from our streets.

Is My Streetup your street?If you would like to get more involved in your local neighbourhood by working with the City Council, the Police and other agencies you could help make sure where you live always looks good.A new scheme called My Street provides a way to report local problems and get things put right speedily. It also opens up events and activities in your area that help plan and set out local priorities for cleaning and other services. There is direct contact with the local City Council teams to highlight what needs doing to make where you live even better. It’s up to you how much you choose to get involved but it is a real opportunity to influence things that go on where you live in a positive way. To join the scheme all you need to do is visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/mystreet, email [email protected] or call 915 2220.


Nottingham’s Big Summer Clean is well underway with more than 100 events already taking place in neighbourhoods, parks and open spaces across the city.

This is the city’s seventh annual big clean-up and thanks to more people getting involved, the very latest cleaning equipment and new ways of tackling grime, Nottingham is now the UK’s cleanest big city. Now we want to make it sparkle, from Bulwell to Clifton and Bilborough to Bakersfield. The Big Summer Clean offers different ways for people to take part in their local community clean-up which runs until August 31.

The Big Summer Clean offers the chance of some fun in the serious business of grime removal. To join up and clean up, and make new friends at the same time, visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/bigsummerclean or call 0115 915 2000

Love Where You LiveAs part of this year’s Big Summer Clean, the City Council wants to know what you think about your neighbourhood and what else we can do to make it cleaner. Go online to tell us what you like about where you live, how clean it is and identify environmental issues that we can sort out. Complete the online survey now and there is still a chance to win a pair of tickets for Splendour.

It’s never been easierto get in touch This year It is easier than ever to report litter, graffiti and other environmental hot spots in the community. An interactive web-based system allows anyone who spots a problem in their area to mark it on a map. You don’t need to know the exact address, the website provides an easy to fill in form with drop down menus to identify the nature of the problem.

Do your bit in the Big Summer Clean

And still on the theme of eco-dogs, there’s a chance to check out FIDO and other high-tech clean and gleam machines at the enviro-autokarna at Splendour on July 24.

You can sit in the cab of a bin lorry, see how rubbish is squashed, see the dog poop-scooper Poover, catch a demonstration of graffiti removal and make the acquaintance of FIDO, the machine that removes gum and other hard-to-shift rubbish.

Look out for the Poover in action!

To Love Where You Live or report an environmental hot spot visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/bigsummerclean

High-tech clean

The Big Summer Clean starts from July 1 and runs right through until August 31. For the latest Big Summer Clean news visit our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter.

/cleangreennottingham @BigSummerClean

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Outdoor Theatre July and August

Grab your picnic blanket and hamper – Nottingham’s Outdoor Theatre Seasonfor summer 2011 is available to book now and there’s a host of performances that will delight all ages.

There’s a fabulous line up with shows from all the UK’s leading travelling theatre companies that have all received glowing reviews: Illyria, Oddsocks, The Lord Chamberlain’s Men, The Pantaloons, and Heartbreak Productions.

The historic grounds of Nottingham Castle and Newstead Abbey provide enchanting settings in which to enjoy theatre in the summer evening light.

Coming up this summer:

Nottingham Castle

Fri 8 & Sat 9 July MacbethWeds 20 July Pride And PrejudiceFri 29 July PinocchioThurs 4 August The Canterbury TalesFri 26 & Sat 27 August Taming Of The Shrew

Newstead Abbey

Sun 10 July A Midsummer Night’s DreamFri 15 & Sat 16 July Twelfth NightFri 12 August Fantastic Mr FoxFri 19 August The Pirates Of PenzanceTickets offer great value, with prices startingfrom just £12! Booking could not be easier,just pop along to the Royal CentreBox Office or call on 0115 989 5555.


Street Art ExhibitionNottingham Castle | 2 July – 25 September

An exciting new exhibition exploring the transition street art has made from the painted wall to printmaking opens at Nottingham Castle in July.

Drawn from the internationally renowned collection of prints from the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), Street Art: Contemporary Prints from the V&A showcases established and emerging street artists, both British and international, including Banksy, D*Face, Eine, Miss Tic and Swoon.

The exhibition will be supported by an inspiring selection of satellite exhibitions, events, talks and workshops around the city. Local talent will also be showcased and supported during the exhibition.

Normal admission charges to the Castle apply.


Street RacingSaturday 9 July

The 2011 Street Racing running competition returns to Nottingham’s Old Market Square.

Young people aged 6 – 19 years can take part in this exciting FREE event, competing against friends in the heart of the city to the buzz of a cheering crowd. All they need to do is just turn up on the day!

Races are 60m in length and will take place in a specially installed running track. Race times will vary throughout the day, with the first to kick off at 10.30am. Races will be officially timed and this event could unearth Great Britain’s next Olympic hero!

For further information please call 0115 915 2740


Bands in the ParksThroughout July, Augustand September

Enjoy the summer season in the fresh air with FREE outdoor brass and woodwind concerts in Nottingham’s beautiful parks.Everyone is welcome - why not bring a picnic and make a day of it? Taking place until September, sit back and enjoy live brass band music in the Arboretum, Wollaton Hall and Victoria Embankment.

For bands and dates visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/bandsintheparks

From outdoor theatre to live music and street racing, Nottingham really does have something to offer everyone this summer.With many events FREE for peopleto enjoy, find out more about what’s coming up over the summer...What’s on...

Nottinghamshire Pridein the city!Saturday 30 July

Nottinghamshire Pride festival takes place on Saturday 30 July at the Forest Recreation Ground.This FREE festival will run from 12pm until 8pm, kicking off with a march from the Old Market Square at 10.45am, with bhangra dancers and stilt walkers. This year, as well as the usual stalls and speakers, there are music and live performances across three stages.


For information on all the events on these pages – and much morevisit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/whatson or call 08444 775 678

Nottingham Caribbean Carnival Sunday 14 August

The Caribbean Carnival returns to the Forest Recreation Ground on Sunday 14 August, 12pm - 10pm.Fantastic FREE entertainment, including live performances from the main stage, music tents, workshops, stalls, funfair, crèche facilities - truly something for everyone!


Heritage Open Days Thursday 8 – Sunday 11 September

Explore Notiingham’s interesting and historic buildings for FREE!


Visit the beach in Old Market Square and park safely – and close by – at Fletcher Gate or Broadmarsh car parks. 4 hours for £5Cut out this offer and give it to the customer services desk in the car park.

D*Face: Feels So Good Paper, printing inks. Britain, 2009. E.589 - 2009 © D*Face. Courtesy of D*Face



Nottingham Riviera in Old Market SquareSaturday 23 July – Saturday 3 September

The Nottingham Riviera returns to the Old Market Square for more fun and games during the summer holiday.The Square will be transformed into a seaside playground complete with sand, paddling pool, beach café, fairground rides and FREE entertainment. There will be plenty of activities going on every day – perfect to keep all the family entertained!


Nottingham Riviera £1 off parking

Riverside FestivalFriday 5 – Sunday 7 August

Nottingham’s premier family event returns to Victoria Embankment on the banks of the River Trent, offering something for everyone!

This FREE festival hosts a range of activities for festival goers to enjoy, from a bustling street fair with rides and games to a vibrant mix of live music performances from around the globe.

The Nottingham Mela will be part of Riverside this year, taking place on Sunday 7 August, and celebrating South Asian arts, music and cuisine.

And of course who can forget the highlight of the weekend - the jaw-dropping firework display that kicks off at 10.30pm on Saturday night! www.mynottingham.gov.uk/riverside

/whatsonnottingham @nottm_events

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Under 5sLeisure Centres

Notts TotsWeekly pre-school gymnastics and movement classes for 6 months to 5 year olds at selected leisure centres.

Tots TennisFun tennis sessions for 3–4 year olds at Nottingham Tennis Centre to develop co-ordination, movement and racquet skills. Weekly throughout the year (except when hosting major tournaments).

Please check with the Tennis Centreon 0115 915 0006.

Parent andToddler SwimA chance for parents/carers to bring their young children (under 5s) to the pool to introduce them to water, build confidence and have fun!

Let us helpentertain your kidsthis summer!

For more information call 0800 458 4114 orwww.mynottingham.gov.uk/summeractivitiesFor more information visit

www.mynottingham.gov.uk/summeractivitiesor call 0800 458 4114

Up to 19Summer outdoor activity courses in NottinghamWhy not make this summer your most exciting yet?Our adventure team at Arches Adventure Centre (Lady Bay Bridge) and Colwick Park Adventure Centre are offeringa fantastic range ofactivity coursesincluding archery; the highropes challenge; canoeing;kayaking; abseiling;windsurfing; climbing;narrowboat trips;sailing andmuch more!

Book now for our summer activity programme bycalling 0115 947 6202(ext 246) or email [email protected] more information visitwww.mynottingham.gov.uk/adventure

All information is correct at the time of print but activities are subject to change. *Terms and conditions apply.

Older KidsThere are a huge range of activities taking place for8–15 year olds for just £1 per day at most city leisure centres.These include football, benchball, tag rugby, team games, kickball, rounders, basketball, kwik cricket and more! £1 activities take place9am – 4pm every weekday (no booking required, just turn up on the day).

Don’t forget all the great offers to be had with a Citycard.Got yours yet? Visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/citycard

If sport’s your thing coaching camps in athletics, skateboarding and cricket are available – a great opportunity to learn new skills, get fit and have fun! Please note these camps are not part of the £1 offer.For more information and prices please visit our website.

Robin Hood trails and art exhibitions at Nottingham Castle; wildlife workshops and nature activities at Wollaton Hall and Park; games, quizzes and trails at Newstead Abbey; crafts, baking sessions,

arts and crafts and science demos at Green’s Windmill; or sun dials and old fashioned tips at The Museum of Nottingham Life.

FREE swimming* is available for 16 years and under at all city pools during the summer holidays. Monday – Friday,1.30 – 3.30pm (times may vary)

Looking for a challenge this summer? Read six books over the holidays, collect stickers and rewards then receive a medal and certificate! Plus look out for special events including stories, crafts & special guests

at your local library – this year’s theme is Circus Stars!

Our park rangers are running a range of events including orienteering, wildlife walks, pond dipping and nature exploration in parks across the city.

Sure StartChildren’s Centres

A variety of services and activities for children between the ages of 0–5 years old including Stay and Play Groups; toy libraries; family day

trips and music time sessions.


Story time, Totstime and singing for babies and toddlers with lots of books, toys, music and rhyme are available at a selection of libraries.

Museums and Galleries

A range of hands-on activities are available for under 5s with arts and crafts, quizzes, trails, games and more at Green’s Windmill, Newstead Abbey, Nottingham Castle, Wollaton Hall and The Museum of Nottingham Life.

Wondering how you’re going to keep your kids amused over the long summer break? We’ve gota huge variety of fun, FREE and great value activities for under 5s, older kids and young people.


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A state-of-the-art day centre for physically disabled people opens this summer in St Ann’s.

New modern and fully accessible Day Care Centre opens

Albany House is fully accessible with facilities including a sensory room, assisted bath and shower rooms, and a conservatory. The flower beds in the garden are raised so anyone who enjoys gardening can easily join in.

The day centre, which will be open Sunday to Friday, is based on the ground floor of Albany House on Claremont Road, where 71 flats have also been built. Day centre visitors will also be able to enjoy other onsite facilities including a hairdressers, cafeteria offering freshly cooked meals, and landscaped gardens.

The day centre at Albany House replaces Nuffield House in Carrington, which is based in a converted two-storey Victorian house that has become outdated and no longer fit for purpose. Albany House will serve people from the north and east of the city. If you or someone you know is interested in visiting the centre it is best to get in touch with your social worker who will be able to find out availability and advise on how to use the social care personal budget for the visits.

For more information contact 0115 960 4970 or 915 2471www.mynottingham.gov.uk/adultsupportandhealth

Woodthorpe Grange Park – new café and toilets now open!The City Council has allocated £200,000 funding to provide a brand new café, new toilet facilities and a replacement pitch and putt office for the park. Why not enjoy your own golf tournament with family and friends? Take advantage of the18 hole pitch and putt golf course - you can hire clubs and balls in the park for a small fee.

The striking new building has been designedto complement its park surroundings and is super eco-friendly! A ‘green’ roof, made of sedum, will encourage plants to grow and birds

to visit and, of course, use carbon dioxideand produce oxygen. In addition, light tubes enable the building to be lit using natural daylight, movement sensors

minimise waste on electric lighting and push-taps automatically shut off to avoid

water wastage.

A further £70,000 of funding from the Council has been invested in the children’s

playground which should be open by thestart of the summer holidays. The new café extends onto a terraced area which overlooks

the new playground so families can enjoythe great outdoors together and should

also be open in time for the summer holidays.

Perhaps you’d prefer a walk around the extensive lakes Colwick Country Park has to offer – a home for birds, butterflies and dragonflies. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or want to try fishing for the first time, Colwick Country Park’s the place to go. You can either hire a boat and fish for brown or rainbow trout, or try your luck at catching carp in the West Lake. Day, weekend and season permits are available.

Nottingham has a variety of parks and wherever you choose this summer you know they’re all safe, green and clean spaces for children to play.

For the grown ups, parks offer tranquilspaces to exercise, think and relax. And even better, there is no admission fee and all parks are accessibleby public transport.

Fancy going boating on a picturesque lake? Highfields Park boating lakehas motor launches and rowing boats for hire. The park also has a putting green play area, magnificent trees, wildflower areas and exotic shrubbery.

To find out more, including events taking place in parks,visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/parks or call 0115 915 2733 /nottinghamparks

Census 2011 updateThank you to everyone who completed their 2011 Census formand encouraged other people to do the same.Although response rate figures will not be published until next year, early indications suggest that the Census was a success in Nottingham. With over 20 million questionnaires needing to be checked and analysed nationally, the information from the Census will be available in the summer of next year. This data will tell us a lot about the city’s population, which will be very useful for all sorts of planning and community purposes. We will update you with results once the Census is published in 2012.

Have a lark in the park!

Five names shortlisted for St Ann’s new joint service centreResidents are being invited to choose the final name for the new St Ann’s Joint Service Centre due to open next spring. A panel of community representatives from St Ann’s have shortlisted five names from over 240 that were suggested by local residents. The shortlisted names are St Ann’s Beacon, The Valley Centre, The Spectrum, Commuserve and The Valley Joint Service Centre. Votes can be posted in ballot boxes at The Chase Neighbourhood Centre, St Ann’s Housing Office, St Ann’s Library, St Ann’s Health Centre and the Renewal Trust Office, or submitted online at www.mynottingham.gov.uk/stannsjsc before Wednesday 31 August. The final name will be revealed at the beginning of September.

The two-storey joint service centre, which is being built off the Wells Road, will cost £11.7 million and has been designed to be environmentally-friendly.It will include three GP practices, NHS health clinics, St Ann’s Library, Nottingham City Homes local housing office and a pharmacy.

Make the mostof the summer

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Open Weekend startscountdown to 2012London OlympicsThere’s just one year to go before the start ofthe 2012 London Olympics – and in Nottinghamthe 12 month countdown begins this month witha special Open Weekend from July 22 to July 24.

FootballOn Sunday July 24, Keep theFaith in Football offers three hours of free football coaching and competitions. The BME Community Football Academy Festival takes place from 12 noon to 3pm at the Forest Recreation Ground. Led by Forest in the City coaches, the community festival is open to all young people between the ages of 8-15 years, regardless of playing experience or ability. To get involved email [email protected] or call 0115 915 2742

Open Weekend offer Get into Olympian shape with Flexible Fitness through a half price joining fee on memberships at Nottingham City Council Leisure Centres.For more information visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/flexiblefitness

Get swimmingfor summer!Make the most of the pool and beach on your summer holiday: now’s the time to take the plunge and learn to swim with Nottingham Swim School!

The swim school provides swimming lessons for all ages, from children to adults, and covers all ability levels. Once you have paid for a course of lessons, you can take advantage of FREE swimming at any of the seven City Council swimming pools during public sessions. This is great for parents who want to keep their children busy and active during the summer holidays.

The lessons follow the Amateur Swimming Association National Plan for Teaching Swimming – so they’re top quality!

Amanda Cockram is a customer at Ken Martin Leisure Centre and currently has her twin daughters, Lilly and Evie aged 4, enrolled on the swimming lessons in the pre school classes. She said: “My daughters love coming to swimming lessons and it’s great to see them developing their water confidence. The swimming instructor uses a fantastic range of toys and play equipment and my children never wantto get out at the end of the lesson.”

Summer crash course swimming lessons are also available for beginners aged 3+ at John Carroll Leisure Centre, Clifton, Beechdale, and Ken Martin, perfect for learning to swim and staying safe in the water this summer! Crash courses will be available 10am-12 noon Monday - Friday (selected weeks)

For further information.call in to your local Nottingham City Council leisure centre or visitwww.mynottingham.gov.uk/swimschool


Take part in yourlocal Week of ActionMake a visible difference to your local neighbourhood and find out about improvements planned in your area.Have your say on local priorities, get to know your neighbours and meet like-minded people. You’ll get all of this and more as part of the Weeks of Action taking place this year:

•w/c24Sep– Students Fortnight of Action •w/c24Oct–Bilborough •w/c21Nov–Basford Eight Weeks of Action take place in local neighbourhoods across Nottingham each year. Each week includes events to help local people; FREE Smartwater to protect your property; action on speeding and fly tipping; and initiatives to tackle crime and criminals. It’s also a great way of volunteering! A range of organisations, including the City Council and the Police, are on stand by to listen to you and take action to improve your area. If you’ve got an idea, we’ve got the contacts to help make it happen! Help make the forthcoming Weeks of Action even more successful than last year.

For more information callthe Weeks of Action Co-ordinatoron 0115 876 5710 or visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/weekofaction

FREE for all – Rural RidesRural Rides are a series ofFREE guided cycle ridesthat run throughout the year.Leaving from various locations throughout the city and county, Rural Rides are open to all and can be joined alone or with friends.

The rides follow quiet lanes and off-road tracks at a leisurely pace, with frequent stops along the way to take in points of interest. There is a variety of routes, with short and medium rides designed for the casual cyclist, and longer rides for the fitter, more experienced rider. For those less confident, our community rides run regularly from the Meadows, Lenton, and Bulwell.

Get fit, have fun, meet new people, and enjoy the freedom of Nottingham’s great outdoor spaces on two wheels. We are always on the lookout for enthusiastic volunteer ride leaders. And guess what? We’ll train you – for FREE.

For more information visitwww.ridewise.org.uk/rural-rides or contact [email protected]

Best FootForwardThe weekend gets underway in the city on Friday July 22 with Best Foot Forward guided walks at Wollaton Park, the Victoria Embankment and at Basford.Walkers will wear a pedometer to count the steps on their walk and help contribute towards an attempt to walk the distance from Nottingham to the London 2012 Olympic Stadium.

Visit www.wfh.naturalengland.org.uk/ and search forBest Foot Forward

Going Swimmingly FREE fun swimming eventsfor 7 to 16 year olds on Friday 22 July include 2012 Seconds of Mini Polo at Djanogly Community Leisure Centre, Fun Relay races at Portland Leisure Centre organised by Portland Swimming Club, and a 2012 Swim Challenge at Radford Leisure Centre organised by Radford Swimming Club in which adults can also take part. Radford Swimming Club repeat their 2012 Swim Challenge on Sunday morning, July 24.

For full details or to book a place call 0115 915 2758or visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/openweekend

Game OnIt’s Game on at your local leisure centreon Saturday July 23.Take family and friends between 1pm and 4pm for lots of fun, Olympic themed activities and free taster sessions.


Over the next 12 months there will be lots of chances to get involved in sporting, cultural and volunteering activities in Nottingham to celebrate the Games.

To find out more visit www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/gameonnottingham


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The quickest and easiest way is to apply online, following the easy step by step instructions. You can make changes to your online application right up to the closing date. The City Council will send you confirmation that your application has been received to give you peace of mind and will also email you with the decision on your application, which is quicker than waiting for a letter to arrive by post.

Your views wantedTake part in ouronline consultation at www.mynottingham.gov.uk/termsby 9 September 2011.

If you don’t have internet access at home, check to see if your local school is offering computer access to parents or visit your nearest library or children’s centre where you can use a computer to complete an on-line application.

If your application is late it won’t be considered in the first round and your child may not be offered a place at the school you prefer.

To find out moreabout applying fora school place inNottingham or ifyou need help, visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/schooladmissionsor call 0115 841 5568.

• Think the school summer holidays are too long?• Do long holidays mean children forget what they’ve been taught?• Do you find it difficult to get child care?• Would you prefer to take your family on holiday at cheaper off-peak times? Nottingham City Council is considering making changes to school holiday times and would like to know your views. Traditionally schools take a six week holiday in the summer, two weeks off at Christmas and Easter, and then a week off at half term three times a year. Under a new proposal, starting from September 2012, children would have the same amount of time off in total, but the holidays would be spread more evenly throughout the year.

What are thenew proposals?

Schools would have five terms instead of three terms. There would be a two week holiday between each term – which would make it easier for families to go on holiday at cheaper ‘off peak’ times of the year.

The summer holiday would be shortened from six weeks to four weeks – which would make it easier for parents to find childcare.

We believe the new proposal could help more children to achieve at school.

Over long summer holidays children can ‘get out of the habit’ of learning – they can even forget what they’ve been taught. So a shorter summer break could help more children to remember their lessons and return to school in the autumn ready to learn.

The new proposal would create terms of more equal length - which would help teachers to plan and deliver their lessons more easily.

Providing regular two week holidays throughout the year would give families more chances to go on holiday at cheaper times of the year. This means school attendance will improve as fewer parents will take their childrenout of school during term time.

Why would wemake these changes?

Need to know more?Visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/terms for details ofproposed holiday dates for 2012/13 and 2013/14.Alternatively email [email protected] call us on 0115876 5052. 1514

Apply online for a secondary school place between9 September and the deadline date of 31 October 2011

For infant or junior school apply online between 25 November and before the deadline of15 January 2012

If your child is starting school in September 2012,make sure you apply for a place in good time.

Do it online – it’s quick, easy and secure

Applying for yourchild’s school place?

School holidays could be changing – your views wanted!

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Cumin Restaurant62-64 Maid Marion Way, Nottingham. NG1 6BJTel: 0115 9419941 www.thecumin.co.uk

20% offDiscount Voucher off your food bill

Terms and conditions:Please bring this voucher with youValid till 31st August 2011Not valid with any other offerValid 7 days a week for two people (Starter and main course each). Please mention this voucher at time of booking.Cumin also offer FREE parking to all diners at St Cumin also offer FREE parking to all diners at St James Street Car ParkMore details at www.thecumin.co.uk/Arrow

Scissor Sisters, Blondie, Eliza Doolittle, Feeder, Cast and The Bluetones are just some of the acts set to perform at Nottingham’s music event of the summer. Sunday 24 July sees Splendour music festival return for the 4th year running. So why not dig out your festival wellies and get yourself a last minute ticket to what promises to be a great day out for the whole family.

Tickets are selling fast so buy yours now from www.splendourfestival.com or at the Rock City box office on Talbot Street or the Royal Centre. You can also buy tickets at any of the City Council’s leisure centres.

For further information on Splendour visitwww.mynottingham.gov.uk/splendourfestival *Subject to availability. Tickets available at time of Arrow going to print.





Splendour 2011 – last chance to buy tickets!*

Jobs Fair Thursday 22 SeptemberCapital FM Arena, Nottingham

100s of jobs available with some of Nottingham’s biggest employersCare work • Retail • Apprenticeships • Training opportunities • Hospitality • Armed forces • Call centres • Construction • Management and Professional

For more information please visit www.nottinghamjobs.com

It worked for me. I’m now working.



Page 10: Nottingham Arrow July Edition


NewHousingPlan Volunteering for Nottingham

City Museums and GalleriesNottingham City Museums and Galleries want to support and encourage local people to get involved with the work that we do at our 5 heritage sites –Nottingham Castle, Newstead Abbey, Wollaton Hall, Greens Windmill and the Museum of Nottingham life.We are looking for people who can spare some time to join our team of volunteers in a variety of exciting roles, ranging from helping with family learning activities to working with our fascinating collections.

Volunteering with us can help you:•Meet new people and make new friends•Increase your confidence and gain new skills•Provide valuable work experience •Increase your knowledge and understanding of our collection and sites

We welcome applications from all sections of the community. No experience is necessary, just an enthusiasm to want to help out.

For further information on the opportunities available and how to apply contact Jenna Stevens on 0115 876 2205or email [email protected]

Making the mostof your moneyIf you’re having money worries, there area number of advice services available to help you.

Dr Nigel Chapman has retired after 18 years as the Nottinghamshire Coroner.Running the busiest Coroner’s jurisdiction in the country Dr Chapman is highly respected for the way he cared for the bereaved, supported elderly people and for his work with faith communities.

Dr Chapman has had an enormous impact on many people, going above and beyond the call of duty. He is responsible for many ground-breaking campaigns, including ones to prevent deaths from fire, pressure sores, and MSRA infections. In addition he worked with Nottingham City Council’s IT department to develop a website that allows families to find out more about the coroner’s department,as well as starting the Witness Support Service.

He was very passionate about Nottingham and its citizens, becoming involved in the Reach Out awards and commendations, which recognises people who have ‘gone the extra mile’ to help others. He has also been involved in numerous charity fund raising events often using his own funds to kick-start campaigns.

Dr Chapman has been replaced by new Coroner Mairin Casey who has a strong background in Family Law and an excellent reputation for her work in child care cases.

Housing issues affect us all and are about more than just having somewhere to live. Having a choice about where you live, how healthy and safe you feel, giving children a home in which they can thrive, making sure you can afford to keep warm, living somewhere within reach of a job or training, having a home that’s right for people with particular needs are just some of the housing issues that need to be considered.

That’s why the council and other housing organisations want to hear your views. Any issues you have will vary depending where you live, but we want to know what’s important to you and what could be done in your area to improve housing.

The information you give us will help us develop a new Housing Plan for 2012 to 2015.

The council and its partners are currently workingon a new Housing Plan for Nottingham.

Over the coming months we are planning meetings in neighbourhoods at which you can have your say.You can also take part by answering questions onlineat www.mynottingham.gov.uk/housingplan – where youwill be automatically entered into a prize draw.If you would like a paper copy of the questionnaire,phone 0115 876 3534 and let us know if you need itin an alternative format.

Nottingham Credit Union – needsomething electrical?A scheme is now available to all members of Nottingham Credit Union. If you need a new electrical item like a cooker, a laptop, kettle, fridge, camera or even electrical toys, you can now buy them through the new electrical scheme being provided by the Co-op. The scheme offers great discounts on high end electrical goods to Credit Union members, saving you money on expensive doorstep lenders and weekly payment stores.

Contact the Credit Unionon 0115 828 3121 or visit www.nottinghamcu.co.uk

Nottingham City Council works with welfare advice agencies across the city to provide help and support to you if you’re falling behind on bills, in debt with your bank, struggling with your mortgage, unsure about what support you may be entitled to, or you’re stuck with knowing what’s best for your savings.

Nottingham City Council offers a number of free welfare advice services in the City where you can talk confidentially to an adviser about a range of money issues, including matters around welfare benefits and personal debt.

To see where sessions might be running in your area visit www.mynottingham.gov.uk/adviceandbenefits or call 0115 915 1355.

Check to see if you’re receiving the financial support you may be entitled toIf your personal circumstances have changed, speak to your local advice agencyor Job Centre as you may be entitled to additional benefit support.

Shop around for your energy providerVisit www.direct.gov.uk for top tips on how to save money on energy billsor take a look on www.uswitch.com as this will help you compare energy tariffsof providers in your local area.

Where you can, sign up for Direct Debit on your regular billsOften Direct Debit means you can spread your costs to suit you. You can pay your Council Tax weekly, fortnightly or monthly over 10 or 12 months which could helpwith cash flow. Organisations like energy providers also offer discounts if yousign up for Direct Debit. To sign up for Direct Debit on your Council Tax, callthe Council on 0115 915 4851.

Make your money work for youA new national service called the Money Advice Service is now available for FREE to help you take control of your finances. The service is available online at www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk or you can call the Money Advice Line on 0300 500 5000.To save you money, you can leave them a message and they will call you back.

If you’re in debt or think you’re heading that way,seek help as early as possibleA debt advisor will help you budget, can make sure you are getting the correct welfare benefits you are entitled to and can help you negotiate with your mortgage provider or landlord. Visit www.nationaldebtline.co.uk or call them on 0808 138 1111 or talk to a local debt adviser like your local Citizens Advice Bureau.Visit www.nottinghamcab.org.uk for more details.

Our top 5 tips to save you money1





Page 11: Nottingham Arrow July Edition


r IK







new Bedroom department opening night!8pm-10pm, Friday 19th August 2011

Not a member yet? Visit us instore or online. Join today it’s free! www.IKEA.co.uk/nottinghamExclusive to IKEA FAMILY members as the store will be closed to the public. Show your card at the door toallow your group to enter. Only one transaction per IKEA FAMILY card.

Members only. Everyone is invited.

» 15% off the whole MALM and HEMNES ranges! » Buy any bed and get 20% off any mattress!Other activities include; A tour of the showroom, advice from our design team, free drinks and nibbles, live string quartet, prizes and give-aways.

Join us for an exclusive preview night tour of our inspiring new Bedroom department at the Nottingham IKEA store.

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