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Chapter 1



I was roused out of my state of slumber by the loud (and irritating) noise of my morning alarm. I

tried opening my mascara-filled, glued-together eyes to locate the source of my irritation while

blindly reaching out towards its direction with my hand. I hate Monday mornings (who doesn’t?

Except those geeky, early-riser morning-people.) I am not a morning person, especially not a

Monday morning person. Whoever said that human beings are not nocturnal was a complete dud in

my opinion. But all the grumbling in the world cannot defy the fact that I needed to be in my office

at precisely 9:00 a.m. if I wanted to keep my job.

Grumbling and cursing the world at large, I finally found the snooze button of my alarm and still half 

blinded staggered towards the washroom listening to the voice of my neighbour shouting at her son

as he refused to drink milk (I can sympathise.. with the son. Milk? Eeww!).

This is difference between my hometown Chandigarh and my work town Mumbai. Not that children

like milk in Chandigarh, that’s universal. But the morning noises. In Chandigarh, you wake up to the

noise of whosoever new bird has come to visit Sukhna Lake chirping outside your house. In Mumbai

you wake up to the noise of your neighbours (since they live so close together), or honking of the car

horns from the main road (which is very nearby), or .. well you get my drift.

Still, I would take the honking over the chirping any day, because I love living in Mumbai. Not

because its fast (I genuinely do not know what people mean when they that a particular city is ‘fast’.

Do the people walk faster? Is the speeding limit more? What??) but because it is so lively. I love my

nice 2BHK apartment (even though I pay an impossible amount of rent for this place) which I share

with my flatmate Ashna, who at that time was sleeping in the next room (lucky bitch!).

Ashna works in an IT company. Unlike us poor journalists, she can go whenever she feels like to her

office. All she has to worry about is completing 8 hours per day. Seriously, no time constraint. She

can just wake up whenever she feels like, and waltz into her office and nobody can say anything to

her. God, some people have all the luck.

I staggered out of the washroom and went to the kitchen to prepare my morning tea. Taking the tea

and newspaper and the tea, I sat down at the dining table for 20 minutes of relaxation which i spend

every day. This is the only time I enjoy while getting ready.

Starting from the last page of the local supplement, I glanced at my column. Ranbir looked really

flattering in that picture; thank god I got the arts department to switch the one they had picked up

to go with my column. I glanced at two more of my articles before turning to the second last page

for the comic strips and horoscope. No wonder my mother laughed in my face the first time I told

her I wanted to be a journalist.

“But you don’t even read the paper!” she had said while choking back the laughter and failing.

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“But I do!” I had replied, a little offended that my own mother would laugh at my career choice.

“Sweetheart, gossip column and comic strips are not news.” She had said, still treating this as a joke.

“Sure they are!” I had said, getting a little angry. 

“The only thing you can do is write the gossip column.”

“And that is what I want to be.” 

She had stopped laughing when she had seen how serious I was about this.

“Well then, if you are sure... I will get you the application forms of some universities and you will

have to sit for some tests...” and she had gone on and on about universities and college fee and


I finished my tea and got ready for office. As I was reaching for the door to step out, I realised I had

forgotten to take my ID card. I went back inside to retrieve it from the refrigerator (long story).

There it was,

(God I look ugly in my ID photograph. Well, everybody does. Somehow it never matters how pretty

or photogenic you are, the photo in your ID card will always be a very bad replica of the real you.

Seriously, it’s like a universal law.) 

I grabbed my ID and rushed out the door. The main road was full of people waiting for buses and

autos. I flagged one down and climbed in.

“Goregaon east.” I said while settling down. 

“Where in Goregaon?” 

“You drive I will give you the directions.” I said and sat back to enjoy the 15 minutes ride from my

place in Kandivali, to my office.

We reached the Oberoi mall and I had to give the directions to my office from there. 5 minutes later

we were standing outside my office building. I grabbed my change and ran to the entrance (I was

running late, obviously)

“How are you today aunty?” I said to the guard lady who was checking my bag.

“I am fine. How was your weekend?”

“Oh! It was great! I would love to chat with you but I really have to run.”  

“Yes yes, I can see that.” She said with a smile while giving me back my bag. I swiped my ID and got

in just as the big clock on the reception showed 8:58 a.m.

Name : Shivani Kashyap

Emp ID : 746283

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I heaved a sigh of relief and walked towards the elevators.

“Hey Shivani!” the new receptionist chirped. Seriously, she does not talk, she chirps in her shrill baby

voice which will sound happy even if she announcing a funeral.

“Hey Shanti!” Yes, ironically, that’s her name. I smiled at her while moving past her desk. I reachedthe elevators just in time to see the doors about to close.

“Please hold the lift!” I shouted as I ran towards the closing doors, which started opening again just

as I reached. I stepped inside hurriedly and looked up at the person I was supposed to thank for

holding the elevator for me. Only he turned out to be Vikas Shrimad from the crime department.

‘Great! Nice start to the day. I so don’t like Mondays.’ I thought as I said “thank you” in the iciest

voice I could manage.

“Welcome” he said, returning the feelings. 

I wouldn’t say I hated Vikas. Just that if he was on fire and I had water, I would drink it.

We had been on good terms once (at least I had been. It’s hard for me to be rude to people.) before

a girl in his department told me that he had made fun of our department and especially me, calling

me vain, shallow and stupid. Had he known me and then formed this opinion about me (which is

highly doubtful. Everybody likes me!), I would still not have felt as hostile towards him.

But the thing was, he didn’t know me at all. He had spoken to me once, to ask me to move forward

in the lunch line as I stood talking to the lunch lady. I know I was blocking the line, but I had to listen

to Meenakshi. She was going through her divorce and was telling me that her husband now wanted

the custody of their only child too. She was so depressed, what did he expect me to do? Just take mylunch and move. So I told Mr. Holier-than-thou that he needs to wait while I comforted Meenakshi.

He waited for a minute giving me all kinds of tough looks and the next thing I know he is calling me

vain, shallow and stupid. Well let me tell you Mr. I-judge-people-in-five-minutes that this incident

would have perceived by any normal person as a good deed done by a kind hearted person. But no,

all he got from that exchange was that I was vain, shallow and stupid.

So now you can imagine how hard it was to spend 7 floors with him in that lift. I finally reached my

floor and without a backward glance walked towards my cubicle.

“Hey Shivi! Ra.One today. PVR.” Said Shweta, my best friend since college who also wrote the movie

reviews for our paper, as I came to her cubicle.

“Totally, It’s SRK” I said. 

I went to my desk and switched on my PC. I logged into my account to find a mail from Shweta in my


To: Shivani Kashayap <shivani.kashayap@???.com>

From: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com>

Subject: Elevator

Was that Vikas in the elevator with you?

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To: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com>

From: Shivani Kashayap <shivani.kashayap@???.com>

Subject: Elevator

Yes it was. Bad morning.


To: Shivani Kashayap <shivani.kashayap@???.com>

From: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com> 

Subject : Elevator

Oh come on! He might have a black heart but you have to admit, the man is easy onthe eyes. I heard from a girl in the printing department that he is quite famous

with the ladies. They have bets going on as to whom he will take to the office

party this year. And who can blame them? Did you check out those forearms? And

that head full of hair? And the fact that he is tall enough for giants like us to

wear heels with and not feel embarrassed.

Shweta ;-)

To: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com> 

From: Shivani Kashayap <shivani.kashayap@???.com>

Subject : ElevatorWhat did you have for breakfast? Marijuana? Cuz you are totally hallucinating.

Vikas is a black hearted soulless devil and I dun wanna waste my time talking

about him. And neither should you. Do I need to remind of a person named Akshit?

Your live in boyfriend?

And more over I have work to do. Saif and Kareena have FINALLY decided to tie the

knot!!! I am totally happy for Kareena. Her weight issues aside, she really knows

how to be committed and deserves to get married.


To: Shivani Kashayap <shivani.kashayap@???.com>

From: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com> 

Subject : Elevator

I am yet to meet a person who feel “happy” when stars get married. Seriously,

you actually CARE don’t you? 

p.s.: I am committed, not dead.


To: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com> 

From: Shivani Kashayap <shivani.kashayap@???.com>

Subject: I actually care

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Of course! How can you not?? Look how cute they both look!


Attachment: Saif_Kareena.jpg

I cannot believe people do not feel the way I do about stars. I mean they are people too. Only

prettier. As a single 27 year old I feel good when SOMEONE gets married.

My phone rang as I was writing the report on the upcoming nuptials. I looked at the caller ID and

picked up at once. It was my source from the modelling industry.

ME: Hello

TONY: Hello madam

ME: What’s the scoop? 

TONY: Natasha. The model. You know?

ME: The one in that fairness cream add? She just got a movie deal with YRF.

TONY: Yes, yes that one. She committed suicide last night. Her maid found her

body this morning in the bath tub.

ME: Oh God! That’s terrible! I am on my way. Thanks Tony! 

TONY: Ok madam.

To: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com>

From: Shivani Kashayap <shivani.kashayap@???.com>

Subject: Scoop!

This just in. You know that fairness cream model? Natasha? She killed herself last

night.Going to get the story. Wanna come?


To: Shivani Kashayap <shivani.kashayap@???.com>

From: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com>

Subject: Scoop!

Oh God! Yeah sure. Meet me near the elevators.

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I locked my PC and went to the elevators where Shweta was already waiting for me.

“How terrible! Why do these people do this? Taking your own life. How unhappy can you be to takesuch a step?” Shweta said as we moved out of the building.

She was shocked, I could see that. So was I, but this is not that uncommon in this industry. These

people get used to money, fame and success that it becomes hard for them to live without it.

Though why would Natasha do it, since she was at such a nice place career wise. It must have been

something personal.

We flagged an auto and gave him the address. Shweta was silent and seemed to be deep in thought.

I had met Shweta on the first day of college when she had come up to me and said

“Is that seat taken?” 

We had been best friends since then. We had both decided to apply for the same newspaper and

luckily got selected in the first one we applied for. We had come to Mumbai where Shweta met

Akshit and moved in with him 2 years ago and I found Ashna to replace her in the flat.

Akshit is in the IT industry too. They are the most perfect couple and are getting married next year. I

don’t know what made Shweta more happy – the fact that she is finally getting married to the man

she loves or the freedom from all the lies she was telling her folks back home about her living


My musings were cut short as the driver stopped the auto in front of the apartments where Natasha

had lived.

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Chapter 2 

We reached Natasha’s apartment. There was chaos everywhere. The neighbours and the reporters

were all gathered around the apartment. We pushed our way through the crowd and reached inside.

It was a nice compact modern flat which would have normally been quite impressive. Now, with all

the different type of people loitering around, it looked more like a fish market.

Taking my recorder out, I set to work; taking notes about the surrounding and trying to pin down

people for comments. Natasha’s body had been taken for the autopsy and the bathroom was sealed.

I finally located Harish Jain, the inspector on duty I am on good terms with and went to him for some

comments and the story.

“Harish! Hi!” I said, reaching him near the bedroom door where he was standing with the constable

giving him some instructions.

“Oh! Shivani! Give me a minute.” He said to me and turned towards the constable “Go and ask

Vikram if he has been able to contact her parents or any relatives yet.” 

He then turned to me and said, “Yes Shivani. You are here for the story, yes?” 

“Yeah... You haven’t been able to contact the parents yet?” I asked, checking whether the recorder

was working.

“No, not yet. We are not even sure if there are any parents. She has completely no contact with

them. Her boyfriend revealed she never really spoke about her family.” 

“Her boyfriend? Rehan Vashisht? That singer who won that reality show last year?” 

“I don’t know about the reality show, but he is a singer. Poor guy. He is devastated. Says he was with

her last night. She was perfectly happy when he dropped her at 10:00. She had an early shoot today.

Her assistant called him asking about her when she didn’t show up for her shoot and wouldn’t pick

up any of her calls. He came here to find police and neighbours and a dead girlfriend.” 

“God! No doubt he is shaken. Where is he right now?” I asked. 

“He is around here somewhere. Listen, this all we have till now. There are talks of a press conferencelater but nothing is sure yet. It’s a plain case of suicide. She had slit her wrist. We will know for sure

after the autopsy though. I will let you know about the conference.” 

“Sure! Thanks.” I said as he walked away towards the constable he was talking to earlier. 

Since I had my story, my work here was done. The police were asking the people gathered around to

leave the premises as they were sealing the area. I decided to look for Shweta and leave. I found her

in the living room talking to some guy. On closer inspection it turned out to be Rehan.

“Shivani! I was just talking to Rehan about you only. You know Rehan right? He is.. uh.. was

Natasha’s boyfriend.” Shweta said as I approached. 

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Natasha might be one dead model but she sure had some great taste in men. Rehan was some 6’2”

in height with drop dead gorgeous looks with curly black hair down till his shoulder. I could feel my

mouth open. I had heard about him (of course!) seen him on T.V. even written about him but I was

meeting him for the first time and going weak in the knees at the prospect.

“Hi...” I said, proffering my hand for him to take. “I am Shivani Kashayap. I work with ???” 

“I know,” he said in a deep sombre voice, “I have read your column a few times.” 

“Would you mind answering a few questions about Natasha and her.. uh.. this incident?” I asked,

trying to find a way to prolong the conversation.

“Sure. But can we please do it somewhere outside? This place is really....” he drifted off but I caught

his meaning by the pained look on his face.

Talking about his dead girlfriend in her own house must be very weird for him.

“Sure. I know there is a CCD around here somewhere. We can talk over a cup of coffee. Come on


We made our way outside and went to the CCD which was in the nearby market.

We sat down with our orders (Me: cappuccino with two spoons of brown sugar; Shweta: cafe latte

with 1 spoon of white sugar; Rehan: espresso double shot with no sugar. (yuck!!))

“Do you mind if I record this?” I asked switching on my recorder and keeping it on the table between


ME: Interview with Rehan Vashisht regarding death of girlfriend Natasha.

ME: How long have you and Natasha been together?

REHAN: It has been only around three months but we were pretty close.

ME: How did you guys meet?

REHAN: I met her at a common friend’s party. We hit it off immediately and

started dating a week later.

ME: Do you have any idea why Natasha would take such a step?

REHAN: No, none at all. That’s what kills me. She was so happy. She had just

signed this great movie deal and we both were really happy together. We were even

planning a getaway this weekend. She was really excited about that too. I think I

still can’t make myself believe that something like this has happened. I still

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keep feeling that this is just a horrible nightmare and I will wake up any moment.

Only, this is not, and I won’t. 

ME: I can understand how hard this must be for you. After – oh, I think your cell

phone is buzzing.

REHAN: What? Oh, yes. Sorry I need to take this call, it’s my brother. 

ME: Sure. Take your time.

(sound of chair scraping against the floor)

SHWETA: Someone is flirting....

ME: What?

SHWETA: You totally know what. All that hair flipping and eye swapping was not forme was it? Though, I don’t blame you. Just look at that tushi. 

ME: Oh God! What is wrong with you? Though you are right about the tushi. Oh

Shweta! This is so horrible of me! I mean he just lost his girl friend.

SHWETA: Oh come on! They had been going around for just three months. She is dead,

he is not. He will have to move on sometime. And who better than a cute journalist


ME: shush! He is back!

REHAN: hi! Sorry I need to leave. My brother needs to meet regarding something.

Listen, take my card. Let me know when you can reschedule this meeting.

ME: Of course! Thanks and take care.

REHAN: you too. Bye! Bye Shweta! Nice meeting you.


(recording over)

Me and Shweta then had our coffee and returned to our office. I sat down to write the report on

Natasha’s suicide for tomorrow. I refreshed my account and it had a mail from Ashna. 

To: Shivani Kashayap<shivani.kashayap@???.com> 

From: Ashna Malik < [email protected]

Subject: Evening.

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I am getting free early today. Wanna grab a drink in Bandra?


To: Ashna Malik < [email protected]>

From: Shivani Kashayap<shivani.kashayap@???.com> 

Subject: Evening.

Can’t . Have to go Ra.One with Shweta. Office work. Join us? 


To: Shivani Kashayap<shivani.kashayap@???.com> 

From: Ashna Malik < [email protected]

Subject: Evening.

God! You people get paid to watch movies! I hate my job.

RSVP: yeah sure. When? Where?


To: Ashna Malik < [email protected]>

From: Shivani Kashayap<shivani.kashayap@???.com> 

Subject: Evening.

7 p.m. PVR (Oberoi). We can grab drinks later.


To: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com>

From: Shivani Kashayap<shivani.kashayap@???.com> 

Subject: Movie

Ashna is coming for Ra.One too. Get three passes.

P.s: Wanna grab drinks later?


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To: Shivani Kashayap<shivani.kashayap@???.com> 

From: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com>

Subject: Movie

Great. We’ll have fun. 

P.s: Will depend upon the movie.


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Chapter 3

We went to Ra.One that day after work. Coming out of the theatre all Shweta said was, “You know

how I was saying that the drinks will depend upon the movie? Well, right now, I just don’t want a

drink. I need  it!” 

“God! I will never say again that your work is fun if that is what you guys go through in order to earn

money.” Ashna commented. “No amount of money in the world can make me want to see that  


I being an SRK fan (Die Hard) could only take so much criticism so I quickly suggested that we all go

back to the flat and make some margheritas.

“Oh no! I am not in the mood for a slumber party. I have to work tomorrow. Let’s just go out for

dinner somewhere and have a couple of drinks.” Shweta said. 

Anything to take their minds of SRK and his disastrous mistake (what was he thinking?). We took a

cab (I missed my car.) to this lounge called Rainforest. It is our pet place to crash and have good

time. Plus, there is this one waiter who is totally cute and we have fun making him change our

orders and ordering one thing at a time so that he comes to our table again to again.

We reached Rainforest and were greeted by the sight of the cute-waiter tending a table in the

corner. We asked for our regular spot and the cute-waiter came to take our order.

“Hello ladies! What should I bring for you today?” he said handing out the bar menus to us and

taking out his notepad.

Since it was my turn to talk to him (we take turns. Seriously, he is that cute.) I said leaning forward

and fluttering my eyes, “One dry Martini for me and for my friends  – one pinacolada and one


“Sure! Coming up!” 

I smiled at him as he took down our orders and went to retrieve them.

“There goes another yummy tushi. Speaking of which, hey Ashi, guess who was Shivani flirting with

today?” Shweta said, drooling over cute-waiter’s backside. 

“Shivani? Who? Tell fast!” Ashna said excitedly, leaning forward on the table towards Ashna. No

wonder I and Ashna get along so well. She loves a good piece of gossip almost as much as me.

“Yup. You know that singer Rehan.. something. Well turns out Natasha – who was his girlfriend and

also a model – died last night. So obviously, Shivi had to go cover the story. And will the story becomplete without Shivi taking a personal interview of the very cute boyfriend? Of course not. So, we

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ended up having coffee with Mr. God’s-gift-to-women himself. Only it had to be cut short as got a

call in between from his brother and had to leave.” 

“Wow! Did he give you his number? Please tell me he gave you his number!” Ashna said as cute-

waiter brought us our drinks.

“Oh he gave his number don’t worry. He gave Shivani his card and asked her to reschedule.” 

“So you reckon she should call him? I think she should totally call him.” Ashna said sipping her


“She will call him. I will make sure of that.” 

“Can you guys stop talking about me? If you haven’t noticed, I am sitting right here.” I said getting

irritated now. “The guy’s girlfriend just died okay? And yeah he is totally handsome and cute and all,

but he is not my type.” 

“Oh really?” Shweta said sarcastically turning towards me. “What is your type may I ask? That loser

investment banker Ratiesh you were dating a few months back?” 

“He was not a loser. We were just very different.” I countered, knowing full well what was coming


“Not a loser? He took rent from his own parents! Once he asked me to split his auto fare with him.

You know how much I owed him for that ride? Rs. 5. He actually asked me to give him Rs.5 for auto!”

Shweta said, getting worked up as usual at the mention of Ratiesh.

He was not that bad. I mean, he had his flaws. Like the rent thing with his parents. He told me that

he did that only so that they would not feel like they are a burden on him. And he was just very

particular about his money. But he was alright. We just wanted different things from life. He wanted

money and I wanted a lot of things apart from money. Plus, he was simply the most BORING man I

have ever come across. It used to be an effort trying to keep my eyes open during those long

dinners. But in any case, that was a few months back.

“Whatever Shweta. I agree Rehan is cute, but what do we really know about the guy? Apart from

what I have written about his work?” I said, trying to change the subject.

“Oooh! Oooh! Hottie alert! A group of guys just entered and you have got to check out the one inblack!” Ashna almost shrieked, jumping up and down in her seat.

Shweta and I turned to look at this hottie in black Ashna was drooling over. To my horror instead of 

the hottie, I saw Vikas standing at the bar!

It took me another moment to realise that HE was the hottie in question.

Vikas? Hottie?? What is with this world?

But though I was thinking this, I couldn’t help but notice how – to a person not acquainted with his

evil heart – he might look a little hot (okay, alot hot. Bite me.). I mean, he had this manly look about

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him and you could just tell that that black shirt was not hiding flab. Plus, his head was full of heavy

black hair. (two points to Shweta).

But to people like us – who knew how mean and uncaring he was – nothing among those things


“That’s no hottie. That’s just Vikas from work. Crime department.” I said, turning back to my martini.

“You mean you know him?” Ashna asked wide eyed. “Won’t you introduce me? Tell me you’ll

introduce me. Please!” 

“Oh no. We don’t get along. And trust me, you don’t wanna know him. He is not a nice person.” 

“Who cares whether is the spawn of Satan himself? Just look at him! Come on! Introduce me please!

I will do your laundry for a week. Please!!” 

“Gosh! Cocky much? Fine. But make it two weeks, the maid will be back by then.” 


It had to be the martini. Otherwise why would I do what I did just then? I walked right up to Vikas – 

with Ashna trailing me and Shweta enjoying the scene from the table – and said, “Hi Vikas! Nice to

see you here!” 

To say he was shocked would be the understatement of the millennium.

I hurried on before he could react, “This is my friend Ashna.” I said pointing towards Ashna. “And

Ashna this is Vikas. I’ll leave you guys to chat. See you around Vikas!” 

With a last wave to a still in shock Vikas and a wink to Ashna  – who was beaming back at me – I went

back to sit with Shweta who was having a hard time controlling her laughter.

“Oh God! I have not been more embarrassed in my entire life! He looked like he was in physical

pain!” I said taking a big gulp of my martini. “Why does he hate me so much? What did I ever do to


“Oh come now. Stop worrying about him. I agree that he is hot but he is way too rude! Rehan on the

other hand...” Shweta said giving me a sly look.

“Please! Will you cut it out! His girlfriend just died.” 

“But you will call him nonetheless.” 

“No I will not! Well... I will drop a mail though tomorrow. I think.” 

“Aha! I knew it!” Shweta said and sat back with a smug look on her face. She knew me too well to

fall for my he-just-lost-his-girlfriend act. Rehan was hot; and I had to face facts.

I looked over to check out what Ashna was up to. It seemed me and Shweta would have to eat

without her.

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I felt a stab of jealousy towards Ashna. Not because I was into Vikas (God forbid) but because...

well... he HATED me! He hated me but was being so nice to my friend. I mean how unfair was that?

“What may I get you for dinner tonight ladies?” 

I looked up to see cute-waiter standing with his notepad ready to take our orders. Somehow I didnot feel like eating anymore. I asked Shweta whether she was hungry.

“Not enough to be eating alone.” 

“Well in that case we will just have the cheque. Thanks” I told cute-waiter without even smiling at


To : Ashna <+919800126142>

Me and Shweta are heading home. What about you?


To : Shivani <+919004189202>

Na. You guys carry on. Anddon’twait up for me.



“Well looks like Ashna is not joining us.” I told Shweta as we moved out. “Will you come with me

tomorrow to pick up my car from the garage?” 

“Sure. What time?” Shweta said flagging a cab. God I hate travelling in cabs at night. The drivers are

so full of attitude and it takes so long to convince one to take you to your destination.

I heaved a sigh of relief when a driver finally agreed to take us home.

I reached home and got ready for bed. The last thought I had before sleep took over me was about


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Chapter 4

I was woken from deep and peaceful slumbers by the insistent ringing of the doorbell. I groggily tried

to see the time from my cell phone through mascara glued eyes (I have got to remember to clean

them before I sleep) I showed 3 a.m in the morning. Who the hell was bugging me at this ungodly


I staggered towards the door through half open eyes. I looked through the peephole to find Ashna’s

face smiling back at me. Suppressing a groan I started working on the multiple locks to open the


“Why the hell couldn’t you have used your keys? You know what time – ” 

“Hi Shivani.” Vikas said as I stood on the threshold, fully awake (now!).

“So sorry Shivi! I forgot to take my keys. I told Vikas to drop me off and go but he insisted on safely

seeing me go inside. It’s so late you know.” 

“Oh! So you’ve noticed the time?” I finally found my voice. Weirdest thing was, at that moment all I

could think about was my boxers and tank top – which I wore to bed – and what Vikas thought of it.

Talk about being stupid.

“Don’t be like that Shivi!” Ashna said with pleading eyes.

Well whatever. I was awake and nothing could change that. “Oh fine. Just get in. And next time you

forget your keys, you’ll stay out, okay?” 

“Ok! Done!” Ashna said cheering up and moving past me into the house. “Bye Vikas! See you!” she

said over her shoulder.

Vikas stood there watching her go in, then turned to me and said, “I didn’t know when you said

‘meet my friend ’ you actually meant your roommate” 

“Yeah. Friend, roomie whatever. I hope you guys enjoyed.” 

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“Ashna is... interesting.” Vikas said “but..” 

“Yeah. ‘But’. I got it. She is not only my friend but also my roommate. You obviously don’t wanna get

involved with her. I warned her, she won’t listen. Anyways, thanks for dropping her back safely.

Good night.” I said, moving to close the door.

He was about to say something but thought better of it. With a curt ‘good night’ he turned and left.

Stupid jerk.

I locked the door and went inside to sleep. Ashna was in the washroom, thank god for that, since I

was in no mood to discuss Vikas right now.

I went to my room and switched off the light before she came out and after a very restless hour

finally dozed off.

To: Shivani Kashayap<shivani.kashayap@???.com> 

From: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com>

Subject: Rehan

Call him.


To: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com>

From: Shivani Kashayap<shivani.kashayap@???.com> 

Subject: Rehan


Ps: are you coming to the garage?


To: Shivani Kashayap<shivani.kashayap@???.com> 

From: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com>

Subject: Rehan

You have to! Come on! Ask him for his interview.

Ps: sure. We’ll go during lunch. 


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To: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com>

From: Shivani Kashayap<shivani.kashayap@???.com> 

Subject: Rehan

God fine! I’ll call him. 


Shweta could be very persuasive when she wanted to. I ended up calling Rehan and asking him out

for coffee.

ME: Hello? Rehan?

REHAN: Hi.. yeah.. who is this?

ME: This is Shivani Kashayap from ???

REHAN: Oh! Hi Shivani! How are you?

ME: I am great. Listen, are you free in the evening? Say around sevenish? I kind

of wanted to finish that interview.

REHAN: Hmm.. Can we make it 8 instead? I am a little busy before that.

ME: Sure! 8 sounds good. Do you know Red Lounge in Andheri?

REHAN: Yeah, should I pick you up from somewhere?

ME: No, that’s alright. I will meet you there at 8.

REHAN: Ok. See you then.

ME: Yeah.. Bye!


I felt good after talking to Rehan. At least he sounded happy to hear from me, unlike some people

who cringed at my sight.

To: Shweta Tewari <shweta.tewari@???.com> 

From: Shivani Kashayap<shivani.kashayap@???.com> 

Subject: I called him.

We are meeting at 8 in the Red Lounge.

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I had just started working on my today’s column when I got a message from Harish telling me about

the press conference. Hoping it would be over before lunch time, I gathered my stuff and moved


To: Shweta <+919004786231>

Going to press conference regarding Natasha. C u at lunch (Hopefully!)


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