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Page 1: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

Regional autonomous educational institution

of additional professional education

“Novgorod Institute of Educational Development”


Page 2: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945.And renamed into “Novgorod Institute of Educational Development” (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective of NIRO – further professional education and additional education for children and adults.

Page 3: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

A new NIRO team started participation in the the Project 543707-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE

TEMPUS JPHES – “EcoBRU” : Ecological Education for Belarus, Russia and Ukraine,

in Zilina, 7.04 -12.04.2015.

Page 4: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

Tempus pageTempus page was created on the NIRO site. It includes:Information about the project and its goalsPartner universities and links to their sitesActivitiesNovgorod project team informationProject official documents and program scans

Page 5: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.
Page 6: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.
Page 7: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

Programs of professional development were translated into English and sent for the assessment to the University of Latvia in March 2015.

They are signed by the Rector and displayed on the NIRO site.

Social ecology (design of the eco-friendly educational environment in the educational organization)

An ecological component in the professional education.

After discussing in Kiev distance learning programs will be corrected, finished and displayed on the NIRO website in November 2015.

Социальная экология(проектирование экологичной образовательной среды в образовательной организации).

Экологическая составляющая в профессиональном образовании.

Page 8: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.
Page 9: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

Distance learning courses for NIRO staff

Page 10: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

International Scientific conferenceReports will be performed at the international

scientific conference : “Integrated scientific and methodical

support of realization of the state educational policy: theory and practice” ,

12 November 2015 and then published. Reports are dedicated to the problems of distance

learning including ecological component in the professional education and developing of social ecology.

Page 11: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

SPb training courses3-7 October 2015 two

representatives from NIRO have been training on the topic “Methodology and didactics of distance learning.”

Got certificates (32 hours)

Page 12: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

International Scientific conferenceDear colleagues, with great pleasure we invite you to celebrate the 70

anniversary of our institute.The dates 11-12 November 2015.11.11- Official event in the theatre, Kremlin; opening

of the International centre (NIRO), excursions for the guests.

12.11- International scientific conference “Integrated scientific and methodical support of realization of the state educational policy: theory and practice” .

Page 13: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

Veliky NovgorodVeliky Novgorod is one of the oldest Russian cities, the cradle of Russian

democracy, medieval center of trade and crafts. The first reference to Novgorod as a fortified settlement was found in the chronicle of 859. It is believed that a Varangian prince Ryurik, who was summoned to the rule in the IXth century

and founded the Ryurik dynasty, put his armed force's camp just in this place. In the Xth century, this settlement was relocated to the current location (which, according to a version, explains Novgorod's name as «New town»).

Page 14: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

The city was the earliest international trading centre of Eastern Europe. Its location at the joint of the routes connecting the Baltic rim countries to the Mediterranean («From the Varangian to the Greek») provided for the intensive development of the trade, crafts, and culture.

Page 15: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

Novgorod is also known as the earliest centre of education in Russia.

In 1034 Yaroslav-the-Wise founded a school for 300 pupils there. This is confirmed by numerous letters on birch-bark

sent to the city from surrounding villages.

Page 16: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

Veliky Novgorod is one of the most important scientific, cultural and industrial centres of the North-West of Russia. There are theatres, cinemas, concert halls, libraries, art galleries, museums and a wide diversity of shops and restaurants.

It is conveniently located between the two capitals, Moscow (530km) and St. Petersburg (180km).

Page 17: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.
Page 18: Novgorod Institute for teachers was established in 1945. And renamed into Novgorod Institute of Educational Development (NIRO) in 2009. The main objective.

Contacts  RECTOR- Ludmila Starkova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Address: Russia,173003, Veliky Novgorod, Novoluchanskaja Str., 27tel. +7 (8162) 77 14 63, e-mail: [email protected]

Head of the international centre: Irina Melnikova [email protected]

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