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2013-2014 NPHI Leadership Institute Students

One of Father William Wasson’s dreams was that his children grow up to care for our ever growing NPH family and to be responsive to their brothers and sisters in need, both at our homes and in the neighboring communities. The Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos International Leadership Institute strives to continue the education and leadership formation the participants received in their home countries, in order to prepare them to serve their NPH family in the future.

Ricardo Mexico

Leadership Institute Fr. Wasson and Miguel Venegas, Executive Director of NPH International

Migdalia Nicaragua

Daphney Haiti

Saribel Guatemala

Cesario Guatemala

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Dennis Honduras

Daphney, Létaille, HaitiDaphney is thrilled to have the opportunity to learn more about leadership and improve her English during her time in Seattle. She is currently studying Administration at the university level in Haiti. Her year of service to NPH naturally led to this career, as she worked in the social work office helping with files, documentation, and child sponsorship. Through her work with the Salesian Sisters, she continues to develop her skills working with people in need. While in the U.S., she hopes to receive training on becoming a better leader so she can help more young people in Haiti. “NPH is my life,” she says. “Like a mother, a guide, a shield. Because of NPH, I was able to continue my education. For all these reasons, NPH is everything.”

Daphney, center and her college friends.

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos International

Dennis Duron, HondurasDennis is currently studying pedagogy at the National University in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. He hopes to finish

his studies, gain work experience, and be able to bring his knowledge to NPH. During his year in Seattle his goals include personal growth, learning more about leadership, improving his English, gaining knowledge

about the other NPH homes, and learning from everyone he encounters here. He refers to NPH as a wonderful family and writes, “It always grabs my attention when a young child says that the best thing that has happened in

their life is coming to NPH, it shows that NPH has meant so much to them and given them love, hope, and new light on their path. Just like it did for me.”

Cesario Lobos Fajardo, GuatemalaCesario is a pscychology student at the Mariano Galvez University in Guatemala. He also assists with the coordination of the high school boys home. During his time in Seattle, he hopes to learn new leadership strategies as well as improve his English since he knows that is a strong tool for his future. Finally, he writes, “I hope to become a better person and am looking forward to sharing time and experiences with everyone I meet there.” He explains that NPH is the only family he has and that words cannot express his gratitude for everything he has received at NPH. He hopes to continue supporting the family in the future and says that “everything I am is because of God and NPH.”

Migdalia Meza Gutierrez, NicaraguaMigdalia is in her fourth year of the Pediatric Nursing Program at the University of Managua. In order to

participate in the leadership institute in Seattle, she is taking a break from her studies which she will complete upon her return. She hopes that when she finishes she will be able to work for NPH. This year, she hopes to prepare to be a strong leader in order to offer all she can to NPH in the future. She reflects, “NPH, my wonderful family. I can’t describe it other than to say it is a blessing from God, my brothers and sisters are everything to me.

Every child is a story - stories that identify us as siblings, stories that help us grow, learn, and get back up again when we fall. I am grateful to have Father Wasson guiding us from heaven as we each take our own path.”

Ricardo Klayen, MexicoRicardo talks about what he has learned during his years at NPH: responsibility, commitment, unconditional giving, and a strong work ethic. All of these skills have served him well during his university studies in Monterrey, Mexico. This past summer, Ricardo completed the final requirements for his Nursing Degree and graduated! Part of his final year of studies included internships and social service. He had the opportunity to work in the internal medicine department as well as the home care and psychiatry departments of two distinct hospitals in Monterrey. During this year in Seattle, Ricardo notes, “I hope to learn much about the culture, leadership, language, and people of the US. Most of all, I wish to understand what kind of leader I am, what kind of leader I can be, and

what I want to change or improve. It is my intent to use these tools for the benefit of the people around me; in my work, in my community, and in my NPH family.”

Dinora Saribel García de León, GuatemalaSaribel is currently studying Business Administration at the Rafael Landivar University in Guatemala. She also

serves NPH as the assistant director of the babies’ house, and as she describes “her babies”, it is easy to see how lucky they are to receive her care. During this year in Seattle, she hopes to improve her English, learn about

the culture of the Northwest and other areas of the United States, grow in her leadership abilities, and to learn about each of the people she will meet while here. In thinking about her NPH family, she says, “NPH means the

opportunity to have the family I dreamt of for so long. It means a brighter future for me and for my brothers and sisters.”

leadershipprogram.nph.org • www.nph.org [email protected]

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos International

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