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  • 7/31/2019 Nuclear Detection Equipment








    P.Swarnalatha ( 12MEE0040)

    K.Chaitanya (12MEE0030)

    B. Ajay Kumar (12MEE0026)

  • 7/31/2019 Nuclear Detection Equipment


    What Is Radioactive Material?

    Radioactivity is a part of nature. Everything is made of atoms. Radioactiveatoms are unstable

    that , they have too much energy. When radioactive atoms spontaneously release their extraenergy, they are said to decay. All radioactive atoms decay eventually, though they do not all

    decay at the same rate. After releasing all their excess energy, the atoms become stable and

    are no longer radioactive. The time required for decay depends upon the type of atom. This

    Fact Sheet explains the process of radioactive decay.

    The Atom

    The explanation of radioactive decay begins with a description of the atom. Atoms are made

    up of three subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. The protons and neutrons

    are packed together in the nucleus at the center of the atom . The space outside the nucleus isoccupied by the electrons. The number of protons in the nucleus determines what material, or

    element, the atom is. For example, if the nucleus contains 8 protons, the atom is oxygen. If

    the nucleus contains 17 protons, the atom is chlorine.

    Isotopes and Nuclides

    While all atoms of the same element contain the same number of protons, the number of

    neutrons may be different. For example, carbon atoms have six protons. If a carbon atom also

    has six neutrons, it is Carbon-12. If it has seven neutrons, it is Carbron-13. A carbon atomcontaining six protons and eight neutrons is Carbon-14. This form, or isotope of carbon is

    radioactive. Carbon-14 is radioactive while Carbon-12 and Carbon-13 are stable. The term

    nuclide is used to refer to any type of atom, so that Carbon-12 and Hydrogen- 2 are nuclides.

    They are not isotopes of each other because they differ in the number of protons that they

    each have in their nucleus. The prefix radio- can be added to either term, making

    radioisotope or radionuclide, whenever the atom referred to is radioactive.

    Radioactive Decay

    When the nucleus of a radionuclide spontaneously called ionizing radiation. Ionizing

    radiation may take the form ofalpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays. The process

    of emitting the radiation is called radioactive decay.


    It is not possible to predict exactly when a particular radioactive atom will decay. However,

    scientists have determined the time required for half of a large number of identical

    radioactive atoms to decay. This time is calledthe half-life.

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    Radioactive substances within the meaning of the Atomic Energy Act are:

    Nuclear fuels, i.e.

    a) plutonium 239 and plutonium 241,

    b) uranium enriched with the isotopes 235 or 233,

    c) any substance containing one or several of the substances mentioned in a) and b),

    d) substances which can be used in a suitable plant to maintain a chain reaction

    which initiates its own repetition and which are determined in an ordinance

    having the force of law.

    Other radioactive substances which - without being nuclear fuel

    a) spontaneously emit ionizing rays,

    b) Contain one or several of the substances mentioned in a) or are contaminatedwith such substances.

    What is Radioactive Pollution?

    Radioactive pollution, like any other kind of pollution, is the release of something

    unwanted into the environment and, in this case, the unwanted thing is radioactive


    The radioactive pollution can also be defined as the physical pollution of air, water

    and the other radioactive materials. The ability of certain materials to emit theproton, gamma rays and electrons by their nuclei is known as the radioactivity.

    There are many causes of radioactive pollution, which can significantly harm the


    Sources of radioactive contaminants:

    Following are the major sources where most of the radioactive waste is generated and is

    responsible for causing radioactive pollution:

    o Production of nuclear fuel

    o Nuclear power reactors

    o Use of Radionuclides in industries for various applications

    o Nuclear tests carried out by Defense Personnel

    o Disposal of nuclear wast

    o Uranium Mining

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    Impact of Radioactive Pollution on human health

    The effects of radioactive pollution or exposure to nuclear radiations were first

    reported in early 20th

    century when people working in uranium mines suffered from

    skin burn and cancer.

    The effects vary from organism to organism and from level of radioactivity of

    nuclear isotopes and it largely depends on the level of exposure to the emissions.

    The radiations destroy the Radioactive particles forms ions when it reacts with

    biological molecules. These ions then form free radicals which slowly and steadily

    start destroying proteins, membranes, and nucleic acids.

    The rapidly growing cells like that of the skin, bone marrow, blood, intestines, and

    gonads, are more sensitive towards radioactive emissions. On the other hand, cells

    that do not undergo rapid cell division like bone cells, muscle cells, and nervous cells,

    cannot be damaged so easily.

    It has a serious threat to various systems of the body that include the cardiac system,

    neurological system and reproductive system.

    The radioactive rays can cause irreparable damage to the DNA molecules and lead to

    a life-threatening condition. It causes genetic mutations that promote the growth of

    cancerous cells in the body.

    People with heavy radiation exposure are prone to skin cancer, lung cancer, thyroidcancer, etc. The effects of genetic mutation tend to pass on to the future generations as

    well. In other words, if the parents are exposed to nuclear radiation, then their child

    could be born with genetic birth defects and retardation.

    A longer exposure to radioactive radiations can damage the DNA cells that results in

    cancer, genetic defects for the generations to come and even death. cells in human

    body and causes

    Through the Environment

    soil gets contaminated by radioactive substances, It can lead to genetic mutation of

    the plants' DNA and affect its normal functioning.

    Some of the plants may die after such exposure while others may develop weak

    seeds.When any part of the contaminated plant, including the fruits are consumed by

    human beings, then it causes serious health risks.

    Radioactive emissions from nuclear weapons are considered as the most harmful for

    the environment, as they stay in the atmosphere for as long as a hundred years.

    Thus, it affects several generations. Similarly, the radioactive substances from the

    land surface that flows down to the water bodies remain there for years to come

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    Radioactive Waste Management

    Geological disposal

    This is, effectively, the burying of radioactive material.Large geologic formations are locatedand tunnels as deep as 1000m underground are drilled. Rooms are then excavated at the

    bottom of these and radioactive material is stored here until it has decayed enough to not be

    dangerous any more.


    Transmutation of radioactive waste is the process of consuming this radioactive waste and

    turning it into less harmful waste.This is currently not used very often due to high costs,

    however, research is being done to make the process more efficient and more economically

    viable.This currently is our most environmentally friendly radioactive waste management

    technique and, as such, when perfected will effectively solve the problem of radioactive


    Re-use of radioactive waste

    Some radioactive isotopes, such as strontium-90 and caesium-137 are able to be extracted for

    use in other industries such as food irradiation. The re-use of radioactive waste means that the

    quantity of waste produced is reduced, so this serves as another good environmentally

    friendly management scheme.

    Space disposal

    Space disposal is not currently used to reduce radioactive pollution, due to the potential

    problems which could occur when attempting to carry out the procedure. If, for example, a

    rocket used to launch the waste fails (and bear in mind that many rockets would have to be

    used due to the large amount of radioactive waste) then huge amounts of radioactive material

    would be released into the atmosphere, causing significant health risks to people within

    thousands of miles of the launch.Sometime in the future this may be possible, however, for

    now, it is best for us to avoid space disposal.

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    The radioactive pollution can be controlled by number of ways. It includes the stoppage of

    leakage from the radioactive materials including the nuclear reactors, industries andlaboratories. The disposal of radioactive material must be safe and secure. They must be

    stored in the safe places and must be changed into harmless form. The wastes with a very low

    radiation must be put into the sewage. The nuclear power plants must follow all the safe

    instructions. The protective garments must be worn by the workers who work in the nuclear

    plants. The natural radiation must be at the permissible limits and they must not cross it.Part

    of the reason that radioactive pollution is a problem is that radiation can remain for up to a

    million years if levels of certain isotopes are high enough. For this reason radioactive waste

    management is very important and plans stretch up to around 100 years in the future, with

    ongoing evaluations and research into these to make sure radioactive pollution affects us aslittle as possible.Human senses cannot detect ionizing radiation. However, excess and long-

    term exposure may cause adverse health effects. Hand-held radiation measuring instruments

    are the tools used as a first line of defense in the detection of the presence of such radiations

    and are often used to avoid unwarranted exposure to radiation. Using the right type of

    radiation detection equipment provides an effective means of limiting exposures and assists

    in minimizing doses.

    Basic terminology associated with measuring instruments , principal types

    and respective applications to a radiological event.

    If subjected to gamma radiation, different materials will in general absorb different amounts

    of energy. Because both physical and chemical changes can occur as a result of this absorbed

    radiation, the absorbed energy most often described as energy per unit mass. This then is

    referred to as absorbed dose or simply dose.A fundamental distinction exists between

    radiation or radioactivity and dose. In general, radioactivity is measured in counts per minute

    (which when a correcting factor called efficiency is applied) and can be converted to

    disintegrations per minute. In general, the higher the activity, the higher the absorbed dose.

    However, it is not a one to one relationship. In fact, the absorbed dose will be a reasonable

    measure of the chemical or physical effects created by absorbed energy of a radioactive

    source. Again, the radiation source is measured in counts per unit time (usually counts per

    minute), and the absorbed dose is a measure of a specific amount of energy absorbed by the

    human body [usually measured in roentgen equivalent man (rem) or Sievert (Sv)]. In short,

    some types of detectors count radiation events, whereas others measure the dose to a

    human.It is vital that correct radiation monitoring is carried out when there is likelihood for

    radiation exposure. It is equally important that the correct monitoring instrument is selected

    and used in an emergency setting. Competent user training is also essential for correct

    interpretations on the results obtained bythe instrument and for assessing appropriate doses

    received by humans.

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    3.Nuclear rate meter for measuring surface contamination, which indicates the potential

    internal exposure when a radioactive substance is distributed over a surface

    4.Dose rate meters for measuring an immediate external human exposure to radiation


    Dosimeters measure the total energy absorbed as a consequence of exposure to ionizing

    radiation. Several types of dosimeters are available, including thermoluminescent dosimeters

    (TLDs), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), electronic dosimeter, film dosimeter, and

    direct ion storage. TLD store radiation energy in a crystal such as lithium fluoride that is later

    read by heating the crystal and measuring the glow of light that is proportional to the

    radiation level that first struck the crystal.A dose rate meter measures external hazards in

    units of dose equivalent rate. Dose rate meters provide direct measurements of externalexposure.OSLs are a relatively new technology that differs from TLDs in that trapped

    charges are released using optical rather than thermal energy.Electronic dosimeters measure

    radiation exposure on a real-time basis and provide immediate dose rate readings. Depending

    on the environment, parameterscan be set on the device to warn individuals that they are

    approaching a certain limit of exposure.Film dosimeters are processed in the sameway as

    photographic film. A calibrated light source and sensitive detectors are used to measure the

    amount of light that can pass through the film. This information determines the quantity and

    type of radiation exposing the film.Direct ion storage measures radiation by absorbing

    charges into a miniature (MOSFET) ion chamber. The dosimeter can be instantaneously

    processed and read by an on-site reader. Personnel dosimeters should be worn by all

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    Personnel dosimeters and integrating dose rate meters have the ability to measure the

    dose equivalent caused by an external hazard that is rapidly changing. Dosimeters,

    however,provide a measurement of cumulative exposure to radiation.

    emergency responders while in a radiological zone to assess their radiation exposure. Passive

    dosimeters routinely monitor cumulative doses that result from an external exposure. Active

    dosimeters provide an immediate reading of the dose in microsieverts (mSv) and may also

    provide an immediate alarm signal when the measured dose approaches a value preset by the

    manufacturer or the health physics specialist. Integrating dose rate meters and dosimeters can

    be used to assess an external exposure which is rapidly changing, for example:(1) A task of short duration has to be carried out in the presence of high dose rates, and

    (2) The source [e.g., high dose rates while near the release point of a radiological dispersion

    device (RDD)] emits radiation within a short distance of a radiological device


    Airborne contamination meters are used to detect radioactive aerosols that may be present

    after a nuclear detonation or a chemical explosion involving a RDD. These may be dispersion

    aerosols (dusts), condensation aerosols (smoke), or liquid aerosols (mists). Fallout particles

    from a nuclear weapons detonation or improvised nuclear device (IND) liberate large

    particles from 50 to 200 mm (1/1000th of a millimeter). This means that fallout from nuclear

    weapons or INDs can be easily filtered and/or blocked from entering a shelter or well-sealed

    house. Particles from an RDD can be on the submicron level which means that Hepa filters

    must be used to remove them from contaminated air. Submicron particles also present a

    mechanism for easily entering the lungs. Thus, although an RDD presents a much smaller

    activity level than an IND or nuclear detonation, the harm on a very localized scale can be

    more severe to those who breathe these much smaller particles.Instruments for monitoring

    airborne contamination normally draw suspect contaminated air at a constant rate through a

    filter or past a detector with instantaneous feedback. The problem with the former is that

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    Surface contamination meters are used to detect and measure radioactive substances on

    surfaces. A surface contamination meter can indicate a potential for uptake and

    internal exposure to radiation.

    Measurements must be made using a calibrated instrument with the best available,

    predetermined detection efficiency for the contaminant. The measurements, in counts persecond (cps or s1), need to be converted to becquerels per square centimeter (Bq/cm2).Some

    surface contamination meters are programmable. The user sets the instruments likely

    response to the radionuclide in use and obtains a direct measurement of surface

    contamination (in Bq/cm2).


    A dose rate meter measures absorbed energy from penetrating radiation. A suitable and

    efficient instrument that is matched to the specific task should be capable of providing direct

    readings of the dose equivalent rate in microsieverts per hour (mSv/hr or mSv/hr). A smallernumber of instruments indicate the absorbed dose rate in micrograys per hour (mGy/hr).

    These instruments usually respond only to X-rays, gamma, and/or beta radiations.

    A dose rate meter measures external hazards in units of dose equivalent rate. Dose

    rate meters provide direct measurements of external exposure

    Specialized instruments are necessary to measure neutron dose equivalent rates. Older units

    of dose ratemillirem per hour (mrem/hr), millirad per hour (mrad/hr), and milliroentgen perhour (mR/hr)are still displayed on some instruments (10 mSv/hr is equivalent to 1

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    mrem/hr).Dose rate meters may not be able to provide an accurate response to

    rapidlychanging or pulsed radiation fields. Integrating dose rate meters and dosimeters are

    more appropriate in such circumstances

    Different types of detectors

    Gasfiller detctors

    Since we cannot see, smell or taste radiation, we are dependent on instruments to indicate the

    presence of ionizing radiation`n. The most common type of instrument is a gas filled

    radiation detector. This instrument works on the principle that as radiation passes through air

    or a specific gas, ionization of the molecules in the air occur. When a high voltage is placed

    between two areas of the gas filled space, the positive ions will be attracted to the negative

    side of the detector (the cathode) and the free electrons will travel to the positive side (the

    anode). These charges are collected by the anode and cathode which then form a very smallcurrent in the wires going to the detector. By placing a very sensitive current measuring

    device between the wires from the cathode and anode, the small current measured and

    displayed as a signal. The more radiation which enters the chamber, the more current

    displayed by the instrument.

    Proportional Counter

    A gas-filled discharge device for the detection of ionizing particles and quanta. The counter

    produces a signal with an amplitude proportional to the energy of the particle being detected.

    On passing through the gas inside the counter, a charged particle produces in its path ion-electron pairs, the number of pairs depending on the energy lost by the particle in the gas.

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    When the particle is brought to a full stop in a proportional counter, the impulse is

    proportional to the particles energy. As in the ionization chamber, an electric field sends the

    electrons toward the anode and the ions toward the cathode. In contrast to the ionization

    chamber, the field near the anode of the proportional counter is so strong that the electrons

    acquire energy sufficient for secondary ionization. As a result, instead of a single primary

    electron, an avalanche of electrons arrives at the anode, and the total number of electrons thuscollected far exceeds the number of primary electrons. The ratio of the total number of

    collected electrons to the number of primary electrons is called the gas amplification factor

    (ions also take part in the formation of the impulse).A cylinder usually serves as the cathode

    in a proportional counter, and a fine (10100 ) metal wire, stretched along the axis of the

    cylinder, serves as the anode . Gas amplification occurs near the anode at a distance

    comparable to the wires diameter; beyond this region, the electrons drift under the action of

    the electric field without multiplication. Proportional counters are filled with an inert gas

    (the gas must not absorb drifting electrons) with the addition of a small amount of a

    polyatomic gas, which absorbs the photons formed in the avalanches.

    Proportional counters usually have a gas amplification factor of ~103-10

    4(which may reach


    or more) and and an impulse amplitude of ~10-2

    V when the capacitance of the

    proportional counter is about 20 picofarads. An avalanche develops in ~10-910

    -8sec, but the

    instant at which a signal appears at the output of the proportional counter depends on the path

    of the ionizing particle, that is, on the time required for the electrons to drift to the wire. At a

    radius of approximately 1 cm and a pressure of approximately 1 atmosphere, the delay time

    of the signal with respect to the particles passage is ~106 sec. The sensitivity of the

    proportional counter surpasses that of the scintillation counter but is less than that of the

    semiconductor detector. However, proportional counters allow work in the energy rangebelow 1 kiloelectron volt, where semiconductor detectors cannot be used.Proportional

    counters are used to detect all types of ionizing radiation. There are counters designed to

    detect, for example, alpha particles, electrons, nuclear fission fragments, neutrons, gamma

    quanta, and X-ray quanta. In the case of proportional counters that detect neutrons, gamma,

    and X-ray quanta, interactions with the gas filling the counter are employed to produce

    secondary charged particles that lend themselves to detection. The proportional counter,

    together with the ionization chamber, played an important role in nuclear physics in the

    1920s and 1930s as virtually the only spectrometric detector.In the late 1960s, the physics

    of high-energy particles found a new use for the proportional counter in the form of a

    proportional chamber, which consists of a large number (10210

    3) of proportional counters

    arranged in coplanar fashion in a gas-filled enclosure. Such a device makes it possible not

    only to measure the ionization of a particle in each individual counter but also to locate the

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    track of the particle. Typical parameters of proportional chambers are a distance between

    adjacent anode wires of ~ 12 mm, a distance between anode and cathode planes of

    approximately 1 cm, and a resolution time of ~ 10-7

    sec. The development of microelectronics

    and the introduction of electronic computers in experimental techniques have made possible

    the development of systems consisting of tens of thousands of individual wires connected

    directly to a computer, which stores and processes all information from the proportionalchamber. Such systems thus function simultaneously as both high-speed spectrometers and

    track registration detectors.The drift chamber, which uses the drift of electrons preceding the

    formation of an avalanche to measure the track of a particle, appeared in the 1970s. By

    alternating the anodes and cathodes of the individual proportional counters in one plane and

    measuring the drift time of electrons, it is possible to measure the track of a particle through

    the chamber with a high degree of precision (~0.1 mm) with only one-tenth as many wires as

    in a proportional chamber.Proportional counters are used not only in nuclear physics but also

    in such fields as the physics of cosmic rays, astrophysics, engineering, medicine, geology,

    and archaeology. For example, an X-ray fluorescence analysis of the lunar soil was carried

    out by means of a proportional counter mounted on Lunokhod 1.

    Geiger-Muller Counter

    Also called a Geiger counter or Geiger tube, an instrument for detecting the presence of and

    measuring ionizing radiation such as alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. A

    Geiger-Mller counter an count individual particles at rates up to about 10,000 per second

    and is used widely in medicine and in prospecting for radioactive ores.

    A fine-wire anode runs along the axis of a metal cylinder which has sealed insulating ends,

    contains a mixture ofargon or neon and methane at low pressure, and acts as the cathode, the

    potential between them being about 1,000 volts. Particles entering through a thin window

    cause ionization in the gas; electrons build up around the anode and a momentary drop in the

    inter-electrode potential occurs which appears as a voltage pulse in an associated counting

    circuit. The methane quenches the ionization, leaving the counter ready to detect further

    incoming particles.

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    The essential components of a scintillation counter are as follows:

    SScintillator. A phosphor contained within a nontransparent enclosure.Ionizing radiations

    interact with the scintillator, which in turn immediately converts some absorbed energy into


    LLight guide transfers the scintillation to the photocathode (C) of the photomultiplier tube


    CPhotocathode is a type of vacuum tube that is translucent, with a lightsensitive coating of

    material (e.g., antimony doped with cesium) on the photomultiplier window. When light is

    absorbed, it produces electrons that cascade down the dynodes and are multiplied by a factor

    of 1E6 to 1E7.

    MPhotomultiplier tube includes electrodes called dynodes. A successively increased

    potential difference (about 2000 V overall) draws electrons to each dynode in turn. The

    number of electrons increases at each dynode. The number of electrons is multiplied by afactor of 1 million to 10 million.

    Scintillation devices on the front side of the photomultiplier tube turn the light into electrons.

    They include materials such as solid organics (anthracene and stilbene), liquid scintillants,

    and solid plastic scintillants and activated inorganic crystals such as sodium iodide and

    cesium iodide, which are activated by trace amounts of thallium [NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl)].


    Solid-state detectors are made of semiconductor materials such as high-purity silicon and

    high purity germanium. Two groups of detectors are junction detectors and bulk conductivitydetectors.

    Principles of surface barrier solid-state counter

    shown enlarged and in section.Solid-state counters contain semiconductor devices

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