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Page 1: NUR307: Chapter 17- Houser

Chapter 17

Analyzing and Reporting Qualitative Data

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Goals of Qualitative Analysis

• Reduce the data to meaningful units that can be described, interpreted, reported

• To organize and produce structure to the data collected

• To draw out the meaning from the information and develop themes

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The Challenges of Qualitative Analysis

• No single standard or guideline for the analytic process

• Enormous quantity of data is generated that must be reviewed and summarized

• Balancing rich description with focus and length limitations

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Some General Steps

• Prepare the data for analysis

• Conduct the analysis by developing an in-depth understanding

• Represent the data in reduced form

• Make an interpretation of the larger meaning of the data

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Constant Comparison

A method of analysis that involves the review of data as they are gathered and comparison of new data to what

has been interpreted, in order to support reject earlier conclusions.

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Common Qualitative Analytic Styles

• Template analysis

• Editing analysis

• Immersion / crystallization

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The Phases of Qualitative Analysis

• Comprehending

• Synthesizing

• Theorizing

• Recontextualizing

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Analytic Processes

• Organize and catalog the data

• Review the data for initial impressions

• Identify a classification system

• Develop codes and a codebook

• Evaluate the coded data to identify overall themes

• Report the themes with supporting quotes

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Specific Processes: Phenomenology

• Reflection on the data

• Explication of themes

• Discernment of patterns that form the “essence of the experience”

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Specific Processes: Grounded Theory

• Generate categories of meaning

• Position each category in a theoretical model demonstrating relationships

• Create a story from the interconnectedness of the categories

• Add informants as the theory unfolds to illuminate and/or refute specific conclusions

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Specific Processes: Ethnography

• Triangulation of multiple sources of information

• Use of thick description to draw conclusions

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Criteria for Trustworthiness

• Credibility

• Dependability

• Confirmability

• Transferability

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Reporting Qualitative Results

• Themes are reported with supporting information– Descriptive codes that make up the theme– Verbatim reports from informants

• Quotes are selected for representativeness, not as single anecdotes

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Possible Types of Codes

• Setting and context codes• Perspective codes• Subjects ways of thinking• Process codes• Activity codes• Strategy codes• Relationship codes• Social structure codes

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