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How to Make & Present a Scholarly Poster

Essi Abassa, BSN, RN

Elsbeth Markie, MS, RN, AE-C

Krissa Pecunes, MS, RN, EFM-C, CBCE

Nursing Scholars Day 2018

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Learning Objectives

At the end of the presentation, the participant

will be able to:1. Identify sites to find research templates.

2. Reiterate the parts of a scholarly poster.

3. List the guidelines and common formats for posters used in poster


4. List common mistakes to avoid when creating a poster.

5. Describe effective techniques for presenting a scholarly poster.

6. Identify locations to have a poster printed.

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• Posters are an effective format to present research

• Using visuals and text, posters can communicate concepts and data

• Allows authors to meet and speak informally to viewers – increase exchange of ideas and networking

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• Creating posters prepare you for publication in a peer reviewed journal

• Posters can seem intimidating

• How and Where do I start?

• What questions do I need to ask?

• Who do I team with?

• When do I start?

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Where do I begin?

Answer these three questions:

• What is the most important/interesting/astounding concept from my research ideas?

• How can I visually share my research with conference attendees? Should I use charts, graphs, photos, images?

• What kind of information can I convey during my talk that will complement my poster?

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EBP/ Research/ Poster Resources

• Inside Hopkins Medicine Professional

Programs Link

• Welch Medical Library In-Person and

Online Options

• Poster Printing Options

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Inside Hopkins Medicine

Professional Practice

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We Have a Policy for That

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Welch Medical Library – EBP

Guidebooks for Nurses

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Welch Medical Library – EBP

Guidebooks for Nurses

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Welch Medical Library – Literature


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Title (same as submitted abstract)

Name and Institution (try to use your institution’s template)

Core Technical Content • Introduction

• Background/ Purpose

• Methods/ Results

• Discussion/ Conclusion

• Literature citation/ Resources

• Acknowledgements


Only necessary graphics

Main Elements of a Poster

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Poster Templates

Research EBP QI



-Describe the process and


-Form critical evaluation and

application of the best and

most relevant research


-Related to a clinical

question that directly

influences nursing practice.

-Summarize information or

research concisely and

attractively to help publicize it

and generate discussion.

-Usually a mixture of brief text

mixed with tables, graphs,

pictures, and other presentation


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Title of the Research ProjectFaculty/staff/researcher names & credentials

Your Department, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD


Figure 4 _ TitleTEXT

Figure 5 _ TitleTEXT

Figure 6 _ TitleTEXT

Figure 7 _ TitleTEXT

Figure 8 _TitleTEXT

Figure 1_TitleTEXT

Figure 2_Title


Figure 3_Title

TEXTFigure 9_Title





Results Conclusions


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Title of the EBP ProjectFaculty/staff/researcher names & credentials

Figure 4 _ TitleTEXT

Figure 5 – TitleText

Figure 6 _ TitleText

Figure 7_ TitleText

Figure 1_ TitleTEXT

Figure 2_Title


Figure 3_Title

TEXTFigure 8_Title


Your Department, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD






Practice Implications



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Title of the QI ProjectFaculty/staff/researcher names & credentials



Figure 4 _ TitleTEXT

Figure 5 – TitleText

Figure 6 _ TitleText

Figure 7_ TitleText

Lessons Learned


Figure 1_ TitleTEXT

Figure 2_Title


Figure 3_Title

TEXTFigure 8_Title


Your Department, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD



Next Steps


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Adobe Illustrator


Best Programs for Posters

Guidelines and common formats for


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Slide: Landscape 56” x 36”

Title: 72-120pt and Bold. Sans-Serif Fonts: Arial, Calibri, Franklin Gothic

Medium, Tahoma, Trebuchet, Verdana.

Names and Department: 60-72pt. Serif Fonts: Arial, Calibri, Franklin

Gothic Medium, Tahoma, Trebuchet, Verdana.

Body: 24pt. Fonts: Book Antigua, Bookman Old Style, Century,

Garamond, Times New Roman.

Poster Layout

Guidelines and common formats for


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Headers: 36-48pt. Arial, Calibri, Franklin Gothic Medium, Tahoma, Trebuchet,


Graphic elements and legends: 24pt. Arial, Calibri, Franklin Gothic Medium,

Tahoma, Trebuchet, Verdana.

Text should be visible from 4 to 6 feet.

Text should be read from top left to bottom right

Keep 40% of poster area empty of text and images

Poster Layout

Guidelines and common formats for


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For research posters, text should be ≤ 800 words: Introduction ≤ 200, Materials and

Methods ≤ 200 word, Results ≤ 200 words, conclusion ≤ 200 (Recommendations are

800 – 1000 words in any poster)

References ≤ 10 citations

Avoid: Blocks of text >10 lines


Dark background

Shiny posters

Complex titles

Guidelines and common formats for


Poster Layout

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Ordered: The sequence should be well-ordered and obvious

Graphics: The graphs and images should tell the story

Focused: Poster should be focused on a single message

Techniques for an Effective Poster


Giving and effective poster presentation:

Have a brief presentation of your poster memorized

Engage the viewers by not reading from your poster

Be prepared to answer questions about your poster

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Printing Options

RT Tracey, Digital Imaging Specialist / Graphics

Johns Hopkins University SOM

Pathology Photography & Digital Imaging

Room 111 Pathology Building

P-410-955-3843, [email protected]

PhD Posters

CRB2 (Koch Cancer Center Research Building)

[email protected] (email only)


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Poster Do Not’s

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“Bad” Example

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Poster Do’s

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Good Example

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• Are great tools to disseminate information

• Are great for networking opportunities at conferences

• Foster collaboration within your practice area

• Can propel you into scholarly writing and publication

• Improve Evidence – based nursing practice

• Improve quality patient care and outcomes

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Tips and Tricks We Have Learned

• Choose a topic you are interested in

• Know your resources

• Rough draft/ brain storm in multiple attempts

• Creative critiques

• Focus may evolve

• Scholarly posters don’t necessarily need to start with a scholarly paper

• Enjoy the process

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Page 30: Nursing Scholars Day 2018 - hopkinsmedicine.org

Kohtz, C. (2017). Poster creation: Guidelines and tips for success. Nursing, 47(3), 43-46.

Keely, B. (2004). Planning and creating effective scientific posters. Journal Of Continuing

Education In Nursing, 35(4), 182-185.

Wells, S. (2016). Knowledge is Power – Using Your Power to Inform Your Colleagues

Through Poster Presentation. Oklahoma Nurse, 61(2), 6-7.

Farrington, M. (2018). Sharing Knowledge Through Poster Presentations. ORL-Head &

Neck Nursing, 36(1), 4-6.


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