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  • Intro Sam Thorne Fda. !

    Graduate of Institute of Integrative Nutrition (US) and Outdoor Educational Studies (UK)!

    Health Coach, Director of Beyond Travel & EdgeTV!

    Health business background, sport, nature, music and travel. !

    www.samthornehealthcoach.com !

    www.beyondhorizons.cz !


  • Unique principles

    No one diet fits all!

    Deconstructing cravings (what are you hungry for?)!

    Adding in enjoyable healthy habits !

    More energy through better relationships, career, physical activity and food.

  • Health,Culture and Happiness

  • Wine, Chocolate & Rock n Roll

    What does being healthy mean?!

    Blue Print study Japan, Italy, Indonesia, Costa Rica!

    Community, compassion, environment, physical activity, quality of food, pace of life, life purpose. !

    Stress and anxiety 40/40 (research has shown our average thoughts are 40% about the past and 40% about the future. !

    What about the soil? Modern farming methods, lack

  • 8 Causes of Cravings

    THE BODY IS AMAZING. It knows when to go to sleep, when to wake up, and when to go to the bath- room. Your heart never misses a beat. Your lungs are always breathing. Trust your body.


    Look at the foods, deficits, and behaviours in your life that are the underlying causes of your cravings. Many people view cravings as weakness, but really they are important messages meant to assist you in maintaining balance. When you experience a craving, deconstruct it. Ask yourself, what does my body want and why?



    Spirituality !

    Exercise !


  • 2. WATER

    2. WATER. Dehydration can manifest as a mild hunger, excess water can also cause cravings!



    Foods eaten by our ancestors, or foods from our childhood

    Healthier versions

    Start 50/50 (introduce

    50% healthier version)


    Craving heavy foods or sugary food is common in the winter



    Can create odd cravings!

    lack of minerals = salt cravings !

    Overall lack of nutrients = craving for non forms of energy such as caffein


    Women experiencing menstruation, menopause, or fluctuating testosterone or oestrogen levels.


    When things are going well we can self-sabotage

  • Self Check

    Where am I at now?

  • Slide 73

    Increase your appetite for life.

    Reprinted with Permission from Integrative Nutrition

  • What are your thoughts?

  • Decoding Ingredient Lists Whats your food hiding from YOU?

  • Decode sneaky packaging!

  • How many of us sometimes find ourselves walking

    down the packaged food aisle?

    ...And how many of us often make decisions based

    on what the front of the pack says?

  • What if...

    ...we didnt bother looking at the front of the pack?!


    ...what if we were smart about sneaky marketing?

  • Most packaging contains misleading info on the front

    - Lets use this box of Fiber One bars as an example!- What do you interpret from this?

    - Fiber...as a woman Im told to eat as much of it as possible...must be healthy

    - Antioxidants...cancer fighting? healthy?

    - Made from natural flavors...the word natural means healthy!

  • Tip #1: Go to the BACK of the pack

  • Ingredient lists & nutrition facts can look complicated...

    Does anyone agree?!What do you look for? !

    What confuses you?

  • #2: How many ingredients?

  • Dont eat anything with more than 5 ingredients...

  • Not all granola bars are created equal

  • #3: Can you pronounce them all?

    Unpronounceable = likely an artificial/processed ingredient! !

    Why are they there? Flavor, texture, shelf life, etc...

  • #4: Avoid Most Foods ending in OSE





    Saccharose !



  • #5: Can you make it at home?

    - Hummus!- Smoothies!- Muffins

  • #1: Ignore the front!!

    #2: Count the ingredients!

    #3: Can you pronounce them?!

    #4: Watch out for the -ose!!

    #5: Can you easily make it yourself?


  • Any questions?

    Reprinted with Permission from Stephanie Miller and Maggie Converse

  • Sugar addictions and what you can do about it.



  • In case you havent noticed,

    there is an obesity epidemic.

  • Slide 3

    Everyone is talking about it

  • The Center for Disease Control

    and Prevention (CDC) has tracked

  • Slide 6

    In 1990 no state was more than 15% obese ...

  • Slide 7

    By 2010 36 states were > than 25% obese!


  • What happened?!

  • Slide 9http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2009/07/sugar-vs-corn-syrup http://www.eatingwell.com/nutrition_health/nutrition_news_information/facts_about_high_fructose_corn_syrup

    1970s Introduction

    of HFCS in the U.S.

    1977 directive to reduce

    fat consumption from 40 to 30%

    1973 Farm Bill

    decreases price of corn

    1977 Quotas and

    tariffs increase price of sugar

    At a policy level:

    New Technology

    Cheap Corn Expensive Sugar

    No Fat = No Flavor!

    Result: Food manufacturers filled low-fat tasteless foods with HFCS

  • Slide 10

    Not to mention At a personal level:

    Fast FoodStress

    Decreased Activity

  • Slide 11

    Fat consumption went down but sugar,

    calories and weight have

    gone up!

  • Slide 12

    World sugar consumption has doubled since 1985

    98 Million Tons


    160 Million Tons

  • Slide 13

    And global diabetes rates have grown tenfold!

    30 Million People


    346 Million People

  • A lot of people are talking about why sugar and what some call its evil twin, HFCS are to blame.


  • For this discussion, sugar means sweet things with a similar chemical structure, including both sugar as we know it and HFCS.

  • Slide 16

    The average American consumes

    22 teaspoons of sugar a day.

    The average child

    consumes 32 teaspoons

    of sugar a day!

    The American Heart Association recommends:9 teaspoons for men 6 teaspoons for women 3 to 8 teaspoons for children

  • Lets look a little deeper at some of the causes

    of the increased consumption of sugar

    (and HFCS)

  • Slide 18

    Sugar used to be available only to prepare for winter.

    WinterSpring AutumnSummer


  • Slide 19

    We used to eat whole fresh fruits. Now we consume fruit juices. 2.

  • Slide 20

    HFCS is in everything (well, almost!) 3.

  • Slide 21

    4. Manufacturers have exploited the bliss point

  • Slide 22

    5. Food cues are everywhere triggering us 24/7

  • Slide 23

    Researchers are now challenging the traditional belief


    Balanced Weight

    Calories Eaten

    Calories Burned

  • Slide 24

    100 calories 100 calories

    Even common sense tells us that:

  • So lets take a look at what happens in your body when you

    consume sugar.

  • Slide 26

    Sucrose (sugars formal name) is comprised of two molecules bonded together:

    Glucose Fructose

    Glucose = Needed by the body

    Fructose = The F word!

    Because they are bonded together, there are always equal amounts of glucose and fructose in sucrose

  • Slide 27

    High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS is comprised of the same two molecules

    but they arent bound together:





    GlucoseGlucose Fructose





    Because they are not bonded together, food manufacturers can add more fructose to sweeten their product, if they choose.

  • Slide 28

    Glucose is your bodys fuelGlucose is carried by your blood throughout your body to be transformed into energy by your cells. Thats why its called Blood sugar. !All of your cells, particularly those in your brain, require a steady supply of glucose at all times.



  • Slide 29


    od S



    When you eat sugar (or HFCS) it looks like this: 1. Your blood sugar (glucose) rises 2. Your pancreas releases the hormone insulin 3. Insulin brings your blood sugar down

    by transporting glucose to your cells for energy.

    Normal Blood Sugar





  • Slide 30


    od S





    But by the time insulin is released: 1. Your blood sugar has already peaked 2. Insulin carries away too much glucose too late 3. Your blood sugar dips too low 4. You dont have energy, crave sweets, are hungry & cranky!

    Normal Blood Sugar


  • Slide 31


    od S





    Each time your blood sugar spikes you increase the likelihood that

    your body will store excess energy as fat. You gain weight!


    FAT! FAT!

  • Slide 32

    Over time, like the story of the boy who cried wolf, your cells stop responding to insulin as they should.

    This vicious cycle begins.

    You eat.

    Your pancreas makes Insulin.

    Your cells resist Insulin.

    Sugar is stored as fat

    You feel tired & hungry!

    You get fat!

    Insulin ResistanceYour cells dont have glucose

    for energy

  • Slide 33

    Thats the glucose story. In the meantime

    every calorie of fructose is headed straight to your liver

    to be turned into fat.

    Because fructose can only be metabolized by the liver!


  • Slide 34

    The amount of fat in your liver has everything to do with how sick you get.

    Fructose fools your brain into thinking it's starving, causing you to eat more.

    Fructose binds to proteins faster than glucose in what is called the Maillard or 'browning' reaction. This is the aging reaction. Fructose does it seven times faster than glucose!

    Fructose down-regulates the dopamine reactors in your reward system. If you eat one candy bar today, it will be pleasurable. But the next time, youll need more to get the same effect. That's called tolerance and marks addiction.

    To quote Lustig: Youve

    been frucked!

    Why excessive fructose is unhealthy:

  • Public Service Announcement!Mother Nature

    packaged the fructose

    in fruit with an abundance

    of fiber, water and phytonutrients! Fresh fruit is OK

    in moderation.

    Dreamstime Stock Photos

  • Back to the insulin resistance story insulin resistance is bad!

    But its just the first step down a slippery slope

    toward a host of other diseases.

  • Slide 37

    High Blood Pressure

    Elevated Trigly- cerides

    Low HDL Choles-terol

    Large Waist Circum- ference

    High Blood Sugar

    Insulin Resistance

    ObesityMetabolic Syndrome



    60% of Americans suffer from Metabolic Syndrome



    Insulin Resistance

    Type 2 Diabetes

    ObesityMetabolic Syndrome



  • Slide 38

    Now about that Stress Stress increases cravings for sweet, fatty

    and salty foods. It also leads to increased cortisol production. Excess

    cortisol leads to a slower metabolism and fat accumulation in your abdomen -- belly fat! -- and under your arms.

    Cortisol also breaks down muscle for energy, which is not a good way to lose weight!

    Many overweight people most notably those with fat in the belly, and high blood sugar or high blood pressure have elevated cortisol levels.

    This creates a vicious cycle: too much cortisol makes you gain weight.

  • Meanwhile two hunger hormones

    are performing an intricate danceinfluencing your appetite.

    S ti m u l a t e s A p p e ti t e

    Ghrelin The

    hunger hormone

    S u p p r e s s e s a p p e ti t e

    Leptin: The

    fullness hormone


  • Slide 40

    Their relationship looks like this:

    Before Eating After Eating


    Ghrelin Leptin


  • Slide 41

    Before Eating After Eating

    Ghrelin: The Hunger Hormone

    Ghrelin = Appetite_ Ghrelin = Appetite__

    Makes your stomach growl

  • Slide 42


    Fructose does not suppress ghrelin!

    Your appetite does not go down after you eat

    food containing fructose even though your stomach is full!

  • Slide 43

    Leptin is released by your fat cells after youve eaten. It tells your brain that youre full. !It also tells your brain that you have energy to spare, because your stomach is full. This creates a desire to exercise.

    Now lets look at leptin,the fullness hormone

    Im full.

    Lets exercise


  • Slide 44

    But if you have too much insulin In your system from eating too much sugar, insulin blocks leptin from reaching your brain. !Its like leptin calls your brain, but your brain hangs up. !Your brain has become leptin-resistant.

    I cant hear you!

  • Slide 45

    Insulin resistance leads to

    Leptin resistance which leads to

    Never feeling full!

  • Slide 46

    Im still hungry, even though I just


    And I cant even THINK about

    exercising because I might need that

    energy to survive!

  • Slide 47

    Now lets add some brain chemistry to the story. When your system is working as it should,

    eating releases dopamine, creating a feeling of

    pleasure and reward.

    Eat Release dopamine

  • Slide 48

    Then leptin kicks in to suppress the release of dopamine.

    Eating becomes less rewarding. So you stop eating when you are full.

    !But if youve become leptin-resistant, you

    still want to eat.

    Im full. Ill stop eating


  • Slide 49

    To make matters worse: although you still want to eat

    You feel less pleasure when you do!

    Its like living with an urge that cant ever be satisfied!

    Want more

    Dont like as much

  • Slide 50

    Become a sugar addict!

    Become leptin


    Eat Too much


    Become insulin


    Too much insulin

    released too often

    Brain doesnt

    hear leptin signal

    Dopamine not

    properly suppressed

    Constantly hungry

    and craving more sweet


    The Progression:

  • So why cant we

    just say no?!

  • Food can be addictive.

    Sugar can be VERY addictive.(to some people)

  • Slide 53

    The 10 Most Addictive Foods

    1. Ice Cream 2. Candy 3. French Fries 4. Chocolate 5. Cookies

    6. Chips 7. Cake 8. Pasta 9. Donuts 10. Bread


  • Are you a sugar addict? There are ways to find out

  • Slide 55

    Sugar Kills Food

    Addiction Quiz

    Chocolate Chip Cookie


  • What you can do

    Simple ideas to reduce or eliminate sugar

  • Slide 57

    Avoid overt sugar

    Find & reduce covert sugars

    Quit sugar. All sugars.

  • Slide 58

    60 Names for SugarAgave nectar* Caramel* Dextrose Galactose Lactose Raw sugar*

    Barbados sugar* Carob syrup* Diastatic malt Glucose Maltodextrin Refiners syrup*

    Barley malt Castor sugar* Diatase Glucose solids Malt syrup Rice syrup

    Beet sugar* Confectioners sugar* Ethyl maltol Golden sugar* Maltose Sorbitol

    Blackstrap molasses* Corn syrup Evaporated cane juice* Golden syrup* Mannitol Sorghum syrup*

    Brown rice syrup* Corn syrup solids Florida Crystals* Grape sugar* Maple syrup* Sucrose*

    Brown sugar* Date sugar* Free flowing brown sugars*

    HFCS* Molasses* Sugar (granulated)*

    Buttered syrup* Dehydrated cane juice*

    Fructose* Honey* Muscovado* Treacle*

    Cane juice crystals* Demerara sugar* Fruit juice* Icing sugar* Organic raw sugar* Turbinado sugar*

    Cane sugar* Dextran Fruit juice concentrate* Invert sugar* Panocha* Yellow sugar*

    * Contains Fructose

  • Slide 59

    Avoid food with more than 10 grams of sugar per serving.

  • Slide 60

    Dont eat food with any type of sugar in the first four Ingredients.

    Breakfast Cereal

    P.S. Its also a good idea to avoid food with more than five ingredients its probably highly processed and

    probably contains one or more types of sugar!

  • Slide 61

    Dont drink sugar !



  • Slide 62

    Your stomach doesnt have teeth!


  • As if your life

    depends on it.

    Because it does!

    Reduce stress

  • Slide 64


  • Slide 65

    Eat food that you like.

    Because if you dont like what you eat you wont make it part of a permanent lifestyle change!

  • Slide 66

    Food you like too much should probably be removed from your environment. !If youve overeaten it once, Youll probably do it again!

    But not too much

  • Slide 67

    Trick your taste buds.Use fresh herbs and spices to trick your taste buds into thinking Youre eating something sweet. !Many vegetables are also naturally sweet.

  • Slide 68

    Snack.Healthy snacks help balance blood sugar and reduce cravings. !The best snacks have no added sugar, and combine protein and healthy fats with high-quality carbohydrates. !This is the ideal mix to keep hunger and cravings at bay!

  • Slide 69

    Eat Protein.Protein helps to stabilize

    blood sugar levels because it

    does not stimulate the release of insulin, as carbohydrates do.

    !It also helps

    prevent cravings for high-carbohydrate foods.

  • Slide 70

    Eat breakfast.

    78% eat breakfast every day

    75% weigh themselves at least once a week

    62% watch TV less than 10 hours per week

    90% exercise, on average, about one hour a day

    Source: http://www.nwcr.ws/

    Research findings from a study of people who have maintained a 30 pound weight loss one year or longer:

  • Slide 71

    Get some sunshine.Sunshine stimulates the production of vitamin D. !And vitamin D is required for the production of dopamine.

  • Slide 72

    Drink more (water that is)!



    80% Water

    70% Water

    And dont drink your calories(unless theyre green juices or smoothies)!

  • Slide 74

    Slow Down.

    Meditate Journal Yoga Eat mindfully Enjoy nature

  • Slide 75


    Exercise helps maintain a healthy blood sugar level

    by increasing the cells' sensitivity to insulin

    and by controlling weight. !

    Regular brisk walking can significantly cut

    the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.

  • Slide 76

    Crowd out sugar with healthier food choices.

    Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

  • Slide 77

    If you think youre a sugar addict, you may need help to break the addiction. !A Health Coach can support you in making healthier food and lifestyle choices.

    Get Help.

  • To help you integrate todays Bitter Sweet tips into your life,

    SIGN ME UP! http://sam-thorne.healthcoach.integrativenutrition.com/contact

    Free Health Coaching Session

  • Resources

  • Where do I buy food in Prague?

    Health Stores and restaurants: http://zelenamapa.cz/ !

    Online food http://freshbedynky.cz/ !

    Markets http://www.farmarsketrziste.cz/en/ !

    Bulk buy (grains, nuts, seeds etc http://bezobalu.org/)

  • Slide 80

    Books to read

    The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite David Kessler

    Fat Chance: Beating The Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease Robert Lustig

    Food Rules: An Eaters Manual Michael Pollen

    Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us Michael Moss

    Sugar Addicts Total Recovery Program Kathleen DesMaisons

    Sweet Poison: Why Sugar is Making Us Fat David Gillespie

  • Slide 82

    Videos to watch

    The Skinny on Obesity (Six-Part Series) http://www.youtube.com/watch?

    v=h0zD1gj0pXk&list=PL89BD934934EC2AAE&index=7 !

    Sugar: The Bitter Truth (1 hour) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM

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