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Session  #:  T156    Nuts  and  Bolts  of  Simula7on  in  Physician  Assistant  Educa7on  

Jami  S.  Smith,  MPA,  MEd,  PA-­‐C  Rutgers  University  PA  Program    Nina  Multak,  PhD(c),  MPAS,  PA-­‐C  Drexel  University  PA  Department    

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•  Presenters  have  no  disclosures.  

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Objec7ves  •  Iden7fy  the  literature  that  supports  the  use  of  simula7on  educa7onal  strategies  in  medical  and  healthcare  educa7on.  

•  Describe  the  resources  including  supplies,  personnel  and  funding  needed  for  implementa7on  of  simula7on  educa7on  strategies.  

•  Iden7fy  the  ARC-­‐PA  standards  in  which  simula7on-­‐based  educa7on  strategies  can  help  to  meet.  

•  Discuss  the  necessary  components  of  a  simula7on  scenario.  

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Literature  Example  #1  •  DM  Gaba  -­‐  The  future  vision  of  simula1on  in  healthcare  in  The  Journal  of  the  Society  for  Simula7on  in  Healthcare  

•  Diverse  applica7ons  of  simula7on  and  discussion  of  pa7ent  safety  

(Gaba,  2007)  

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Literature  Example  #2  

•  Motola,  I  ,  Devine,  L,  Chung,  HS,  et  al,  Simula1on  in  healthcare  educa1on:  A  best  evidence  prac1cal  guide.  AMEE  Guide  No.  82  in  Medical  Teacher  

•  A  guide  for  educators  on  the  educa7onal  principles  that  lead  to  effec7ve  learning  using  simula7on,  including  topics  such  as  debriefing  and  feedback,  deliberate  prac7ce,  team  training  and  curriculum  integra7on.  

(Motola,  Devine  &  Chung,  et  al,  2007)  

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4  Stages  of  Implementa7on  

1. Establish  the  need  for  change    2. Plan  for  change    3. Ensure  prompt  response  to  opera7onal  problems  

4. Secure  the  viability  of  the  curriculum  

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Iden7fica7on  of  Resources  

•  Personnel  •  Time  •  Facili7es  •  Funding  Costs  

(Kern,  Thomas  &  Hughes,  2009)  

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•  Curriculum  directors    •  Curriculum  faculty  instructors  •  Support  staff    –  Curriculum  administrator    – Administra7ve  assistant  and  support  staff    

– Addi7onal  personnel    

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•  Curriculum  directors    •  Faculty    •  Learners  •  Support  Staff  

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•  Includes  space  for  learning  ac7vity  and  equipment  storage  

•  If  clinical  curricula,  needs  may  include  access  to  pa7ents  and  clinical  equipment  

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Funding  Costs  

•  Redeploying  exis7ng  resources  •  Addi7onal  resources  •  Sufficient  funding  for  a  curriculum  improves  likelihood  that  the  curriculum  evalua7on  and  dissemina7on  will  be  accepted  for  publica7on  in  a  peer  reviewed  journal  

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Obtaining  Support  for  the  Curriculum  

•  Internal  Support  •  External  Support  

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Internal  Support  •  Iden7fy  the  stakeholders    •  Encourage  input  from  stakeholders  during  planning    

•  Help  to  educate  stakeholders    •  May  need  to  develop  conflict  resolu7on  skills  to  nego7ate  and  develop  poli7cal  support  

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External  Support  

•  Poten7al  sources  of  external  funding  – Period  of  external  funding  may  help  to  gain  internal  support  to  sustain  curriculum  afer  cessa7on  of  external  funding  

•  Influence  of  government  agencies  or  professional  socie7es  may  help  to  gain  internal  support  for  curriculum  

•  Consider  faculty  development  monies  from  ins7tu7ons  or  professional  socie7es    

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Administra7on  of  the  Curriculum  

•  Administra7ve  Structure  •  Communica7on  •  Opera7ons  •  Scholarship    

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An7cipa7ng  Barriers  

•  Compensa7on  •  Personnel  

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Components  of  Simula7on  Scenarios    

 Scenario  Title/Focus  

 Scenario  Par<cipants  (Include  healthcare  discipline  and  level  of  training.  Will  the    scenario  be  interdisciplinary?):      ü   Physician  Assistant  student        ü   Dental  professional  student    ü   Nursing  Student    ü   Medical  Student/Resident    ü   Other  healthcare  professional  student    ü   Medical  Student/Resident    ü   Other  par7cipants?    (family  members,  confederates)    

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 Scenario  Content    Consider  purpose  of  scenario?  Can  be  more  than  one    �  Primary  Assessment    

�  Secondary  Assessment  

�  Clinical  Decision  Making        �  Emergency  Response    

�  Cardiac        �      Respiratory          �      Pediatric    

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Learning  Objec<ves  of  Scenario    •  No  more  than  3  or  4  •  Consider  measurable/observable  criteria  to  assess              student  performance/skill  for  each  objec7ve):      1.    2.    3.    4.      

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SeCng  the  Stage        •  Se;ng:  

In  what  clinical  healthcare  sekng  will  this  scenario  occur?  

 •  Par1cipant  Roles  during  scenario:  

Consider  number  of  par7cipants  and  what  each  par7cipant  will  be  responsible  for  during  the  scenario.    

   •  Scenario  Timing:                  Typically  15-­‐20  minutes    

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Pa<ent  Case  Background  

Narra1ve:      Describe  your  pa7ent  and  his/her  medical  background    including  HPI,  PMH,  drug  therapy,  allergies  etc.          Simulated  Pa1ent  Data:    Chart  clinic  record  -­‐  consider  diagnos7c  tes7ng,  objec7ve  pa7ent  findings  (height,  weight,  pa7ent  care  flow  sheets)  

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Ini<al  manikin  seCngs:          �  Heart  Rate          _____        �  Respiratory  Rate        _____        �  BP              _____        �  Temperature          _____        �  Lung  sounds          _____        �  Heart  sounds          _____        �  Acute  care  sekngs  could  include  O2  satura7on,  heart  rhythm  (ECG)        �  Vocal  Sounds  –  what  will  the  manikin  say?  Be  complaining  of?        

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Supplies  and  Equipment  Needed:          a.  Typical  clinic  supplies        b.  Pa7ent  chart/medical  record      c.  Emergency  response  equipment      d.  Other    Par<cipant  Instruc<on:      What  do  you  expect  the  learner  to  do  prior  to    the  scenario?    How  can  they  best  prepare  themselves  to  be  successful?    

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Debriefing  Plan      Guidelines:      

 1.  What  happens  in  simula7on  stays  in  simula7on        

 2.  Honest  self  and  group  cri7que  is  essen7al        

 3.  Instructor  is  only  the  facilitator  (let  students  talk)        Specific  debriefing  ques1ons:    

 1.  Were  the  learning  objec7ves  met?      

 2.  What  went  well?        

 3.  What  didn’t  go  so  well?      

 4.  How  did  you  feel  about  the  experience?      

 5.  What  did  you  learn  about  yourself?      Evalua1on/Assessment       ©  2014  PAEA  

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ARC-­‐PA  Standards  that  Simula7on  Educa7onal  Strategies  Help  to  Meet  

•  B1:07  The  curriculum  must  include  instruc7on  related  to  the  development  of  problem  solving  and  medical  decision  making  skills.  

•  B1.08  The  curriculum  must  include  instruc7on  to  prepare  students  to  work  collabora5vely  in  inter-­‐professional  pa5ent  centered  teams.  

•  B2.04  The  program  curriculum  must  include  instruc7on  in  interpersonal  and  communica5on  skills  that  result  in  the  effec7ve  exchange  of  informa7on  and  collabora7on  with  pa7ents,  their  families  and  other  health  professionals.  

•  B2.06  The  program  curriculum  must  include  instruc7on  in  the  provision  of  clinical  medical  care  across  the  life  span.  

•  B2.07  The  program  must  include  instruc7on  in  technical  skills  and  procedures  based  on  current  professional  prac7ce.  

•  B2.13  The  program  must  include  instruc7on  in  pa5ent  safety,  quality  improvement,  preven5on  of  medical  errors  and  risk  management.      

(ARC-­‐PA,  2011)  

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•  B1:07  The  curriculum  must  include  instruc7on  related  to  the  development  of  problem  solving  and  medical  decision  making  skills.  

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Problem  Solving  and    Medical  Decision  Making  

•  Scenario:  –  High  fidelity  mannequin  with  complaint  of  chest  pain  –  determine  appropriate  diagnos7c  tes7ng,  interpreta7on  and  treatment  modali7es  based  on  physical  examina7on  and  history  

•  Modality:  –  High  fidelity  mannequin  or  standardized  pa7ent  –  Use  of  cardiac  monitor    

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•  B1.08  The  curriculum  must  include  instruc7on  to  prepare  students  to  work  collabora<vely  in  interprofessional  pa<ent  centered  teams.  

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Interprofessional  Simula7on  

•  Scenario:  – Group  of  interprofessional  learners  brought  together  for  an  obstetric  case  

– Each  student  can  explore  their  individual  role  in  the  midst  of  a  pa7ent  centered  team  

•  Modality:    – high  fidelity  simula7on  and  standardized  pa7ents  –  hybrid  model  

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•  B2.04  The  program  curriculum  must  include  instruc7on  in  interpersonal  and  communica7on  skills  that  result  in  the  effec<ve  exchange  of  informa<on  and  collabora<on  with  pa<ents,  their  families  and  other  health  professionals.  

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Effec7ve  Informa7on  Exchange  

•  Scenario  – OSCE  – Hybrid  scenario  

•  Modali7es  –  Standardized  pa7ent  – High  fidelity  mannequin  and  confederate  family  member  

–  Call  for  a  consult  that  requires  a  summary  of  case  

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•  B2.06  The  program  curriculum  must  include  instruc7on  in  the  provision  of  clinical  medical  care  across  the  life  span.  

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Across  the  Life  Span  

•  Scenario  – Geriatric  pa7ents  for  complete  H&P  – Discussion  of  code  status  and  end  of  life  choices  – Pediatric  or  newborn  exam  or  ill  child  

•  Modality  – Use  of  geriatric  SPs  or  high  fidelity  mannequins  obstetric  (Noelle)  or  peds  (SimBaby)  

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•  B2.07  The  program  must  include  instruc7on  in  technical  skills  and  procedures  based  on  current  professional  prac<ce.  

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Technical  Skills  

•  Task  Trainers    – Urinary  catheteriza7on,  intravenous  cannula7on,  injec7ons,  lumbar  puncture,  central  lines,  suturing  

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Technical  Skills  •  High  fidelity  simulators  – Use  of  a  scenario  in  conjunc7on  with  demonstra7on  of  technical  skills  

– Needle  thoracostomy,  intraosseous  line  placement,  CPR,  defibrilla7on,  intuba7on  

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•  B2.13  The  program  must  include  instruc7on  in  pa<ent  safety,  quality  improvement,  preven<on  of  medical  errors  and  risk  management.      

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Pa7ent  Safety  and  Quality  Improvement  

•  Scenario:  –  High  fidelity  simula7on  involving  incorrect  administra7on  of  medica7ons  and  disclosure  of  mistakes  to  pa7ent  and  family  

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Pa7ent  Safety  and  Quality  Improvement  

•  Scenario  – Cardiac  arrest  management  via  ACLS  – Focus  on  crisis  resource  management  skills  to  improve  quality  of  care  and  pa7ent  safety  •  Leadership  skills  • Assigning  roles  •  Shared  mental  model  • Closed  loop  communica7on  

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•  Use  literature  to  educate  yourself  and  the  stakeholders  in  your  ins7tu7on  

•  Plan  for  the  simula7on  ac7vity  as  well  as  for  the  overall  implementa7on  of  simula7on  into  the  current  curriculum  structure  

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It  is  7me!  Healthcare  simula7on  is  a  extensively  

researched,  widely  published  educa7onal  modality  that  has  a  place  in  the  educa7on  of  

Physician  Assistants.  

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References  Accredita7on    Review  Commission  on  the  Educa7on  of  the  Physician  Assistant,  Inc.,  (2011).  Accredita1on  Standards  for  Physician  Assistant  Educa1on,  4th  Ed.    Gaba,  D.  (2007).  The  future  vision  of  simula7on  in  healthcare.  Simula1on  In  Healthcare,  2(2),  126-­‐-­‐135.    Motola,  I.,  Devine,  L.,  Chung,  H.,  Sullivan,  J.,  &  Issenberg,  S.  (2013).  Simula7on  in  healthcare  educa7on:  A  best  evidence  prac7cal  guide.  AMEE  Guide  No.  82.  Medical  Teacher,  35(10),  1511-­‐-­‐1530.    Kern,  D.,  Thomas,  P.,  Hughes,  M.,  (2009).  Curriculum  development  for  medical  educa1on  (2nd  ed.).  Bal7more:  Johns  Hopkins  University  Press.    Images  reproduced  with  permission  from  Microsof  Office  and  Shuserstock        

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Image  References  

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