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Sunday, August 27, 2017

You Want Me To Do


Free from the World


Hymn God of Grace and God of Glory cwm rhondda

Prelude Sonata #3 in D minor, Opus 108: 1. Allegro Johannes Brahms Matthew Dietrich, violin

Welcome to Worship at St. Andrew’sWherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, you are welcome at St. Andrew’s. Our mission is to “Proclaim Jesus Christ, Live in Christ, Serve!” To learn more, we invite you to the Hospitality Desk in the Atrium for materials describing activities and events, as well as to the St. Andrew’s website (saintandrews.org). Please join us for fellowship after the service.• Listening devices and LARGE PRINT bulletins are available at the door. Please ask an usher.• Children of all ages are welcome in worship. Childcare is available in the Infant and Toddler Rooms. If you have children who become restless, you may view the service with televisions in the Atrium, Library and Infant Room. • We invite you to fill out and put on a name tag which can be found in the pew rack in front of you.

Continued on next page


Leader: We gather in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.All: Amen

Confession and forgiveness Leader: People of God, in Christ we have been set free. However, often we engage in the slavery to our sin again and again. We have been promised in scripture that God has set us free in Christ Jesus so that we do not have to submit to the yoke of slavery. Let us return our hearts to God who is full of mercy and abounding in steadfast love.

(silence)All: Gracious God, we come back to you to be forgiven. We have broken lives that need mending, we have ignored the poor, refused to forgive and have turned our back on you. We have used our freedom for self-indulgence and used our words to hurt and destroy. Lord, turn our hearts to you, and to the world you so deeply love. We ask this in the name of your Son, our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.Leader: Sisters and brothers, God is full of grace and mercy. In his great love for us we have been sent Jesus and because of him our sin is forgiven. Let praises ring and voices sing!


Hymn Let All Things Now Living the ash grove

Leader: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.All: And also with you.


WE INVITE CHILDREN TO DOCK AT THIS TIMEPlease make sure your child is wearing a nametag with

name and grade level.************* See FRONT OF INSERT for Pickup Locations **************

lesson Romans 8:14-20 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, “Abba! Father!” it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ—if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him. I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the chil-dren of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it.

Prayer of tHe dayLeader: God of beauty and grace, powers in this world promise life and only deliver death. In you, we find our source and life and being. Open our ears to your call of true life, true faith, true love. We ask this in the name of Jesus, the life bringer.All: Amen

Psalm 9:7-10Read in unisonO let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous, you who test the minds and hearts, O righteous God.God is my shield, who saves the upright in heart.

antHem I Believe Ervin Drake, Irvin Graham, Jimmy Shirl & Al Stillman Four Given’ Quartet

antHem He Touched Me William J. Gaither Four Given’ Quartet


Continued on next page

Hymn O Jesus, I Have Promised angel’s story

Holy gosPel John 1:10-13 All: Glory to you, O Lord.

He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God. All: Praise to you, O Christ.

aPostles’ Creed I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, wascrucified,died,andwasburied. He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen


CHildren’s sermon Intern Pastor Tyler Strom

sermon Free From the World Pastor Michael D. Carlson

offering Lean On Me/We Shall Overcome arr. Mark HayesFour Given’ Quartet


With praise and thanksgiving to God ever living,The tasks of our ev’ry-day life we will face.Our faith ever sharing, in love ever caring,

Embracing his children of each tribe and race.With your feast you feed us, with your light now lead us;

Unite us as one in this life that we share.Then may all the living with praise and thanksgiving

Give honor to Christ and his name that we bear.

lamb of godLamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us.Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; grant us peace, grant us peace.

Prayers of tHe CHurCH

Words of institution for tHe saCrament of Holy Communion

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread;and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us;and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen

tHe lord’s Prayer

We believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the bread and wine and grants us the gift of God’s grace and forgiveness. All are welcome to receive this gift. White grape juice is available upon

request. Gluten-free wafers are available at all stations at the front of the Sanctuary.

offertory With Praise and Thanksgiving the ash grove


Please refrain from aPPlause during and folloWing Holy Communion.

Communion musiC There Is A River David and Max Sapp Four Given’ Quartet

Hymn Take My Life, That I May Be patmos

Post-Communion blessing Leader: The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen you and keep you in his grace.All: Amen

Post-Communion Prayer Leader: Holy God, you have infused us with your love, grace, and mercy. May we be advocates of your powerful transforming love for the world to see you in us. We ask this in the blessed name of Jesus.All: Amen


benediCtionLeader: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Hymn God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens holy manna

Postlude Concerto in C major, Opus 48: 3. Vivace giocoso Kabalevsky Matthew Dietrich, violin

Please let our Hospitality Desk staff know if you would like a pastorto pray with you following worship.

Leader: Go in peace. Serve the Lord.All: Thanks be to God.


Today’s MusicFour Givin’ Men’s Quartet: Scott Anderson, Steve Cassavant, Bob Storeygard, Pete NasvikMatthew Dietrich, violinistJan Gilbertson organist

Next Sunday in the SanctuarySermon “Free to Serve” Scripture Galatians 5:13, 14; Isaiah 1:16, 17; Matthew 9:35-38Music Kristi Ames, vocal soloist; Jeremy Johnston, marimba soloist

GriefShareThursdays, Sept. 7-Dec. 7, 2017, 6:45 to 8:45 p.m., Sanctuary Building

Join any time. GriefShare is a Christ-centered grief recovery support group. The Bible-based program, focusing on grief topics associated with the death of a loved one, is presented in a 13-week video series featuring nationally respected grief experts. In group discussion you will have an opportunity to share with people who understand how you feel, the pain of your loss, and start the journey from mourning to joy. Call Joanne Zehnder at 651.730.9073 for more information. Register online at saintandrews.org, or contact Lisa Grundtner at 651.762.9117 or [email protected]. Cost is $18 for all materials.


Registration is available for children and youth (K-12) at www.saintandrews.org

CHOIR OR ENSEMBLE Rehearsals 1st Rehearsal Sing Sunday Director First SundayChildren & YouthChoristers (K,1,2) Wednesday 5:30-6:15 p.m. Wed. Sept. 13 10:30 Sunday 1 Miriam Sikora Sun. Oct. 1Orff Ensemble (K,1,2) Wednesday 5:00-5:20 Wed. Sept. 13 as announced Leah Abbe Bloem as announcedCelebration Singers (3,4,5) Wednesday 6:30-7:10 p.m. Wed. Sept. 13 9:00 Sundays 2,4 * Jennifer Starr Sun. Sept. 24Orff Ensemble (3,4,5) Wednesday 5:55-6:20 p.m. Wed. Sept. 13 as announced Leah Abbe Bloem as announcedMiddle School Choir (6,7,8) Wednesday 5:45-6:25 p.m. Wed. Sept. 6 10:30 Sundays 2,4* Jennifer Starr Sun. Sept. 24Orff Ensemble (6,7,8) Wednesday 5:20-5:45 p.m. Wed. Sept. 13 as announced Leah Abbe Bloem as announcedSenior High Choir (9-12) Wednesday 7:25-8:25 p.m. Wed. Sept. 6 9:00 Sundays 1 & 3 Sue Gilsdorf as announced

*Schedule changes will occur. Please see calendar from director or saintandrews.org

Adult Rehearsals 1st Rehearsal Sing Sunday Director First SundayYoung Adult Choir Wednesday 7:30-8:20 p.m. Wed. Sept. 20 as announced Andy Haase as announcedNew Dimension Singers Wednesday 6:15-7:20 p.m. Wed. Aug. 30 10:30 All Jan Gilbertson Sun. Sept. 10St. Andrew’s Choir Wednesday 7:30-9:00 p.m. Wed. Aug. 30 9:00 & 10:30 All Jan Gilbertson Sun. Sept. 10Handbells Monday 7:15-8:15 p.m. Mon. Sept. 11 as announced Jan Gilbertson as announced

Save the date: St. Andrew’s Christmas Festival; Sunday, December 10, 3:30 & 6 p.m.All Choirs and Ensembles sing/play for Christmas Festival, Christmas Eve, Easter Sunday.

For further information: Jan Gilbertson, 651.762.9123, or email: [email protected].

or you may call Dianne Nash at: 651.762.9141.

Music Schedule 2017-18


Mike CarlsonLead Pastor

Erin MorrisDeacon /

Intern Pastor

Sarah BreckenridgeExecutive Pastor

Kyle JacksonPastor of

Congregational Care

Brian NorsmanPastor of Outreach

and Mission

John StraitonDiscipleship Pastor

Traditional WorshipSunday 9 & 10:30 a.m. Sanctuary

Contemporary WorshipSaturday 5 p.m. Great Hall

Sunday 9:30 a.m. Great Hall

First Wednesday WorshipFirst Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary

Nursery at all services.Worship at St. Andrew’s Village Sunday 1 p.m.

St. Andrew’s Worship Times

900 Stillwater Road, Mahtomedi MN 55115www.saintandrews.org


Jenny SungIntern Pastor

Carolyn StaatsIntern Pastor

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