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GGMM OOBBDD22 MMoodduullee TTrroouubbllee CCooddee CCoommpprreehheennssiivvee LLiisstt GGaass aanndd DDiieesseell

PPCCMM -- TTCCMM -- BBCCMM -- DDDDMM -- II PPCC -- EEBBCCMM (( AABBSS)) -- CCAANNBBUUSS MM eess ssaagg ii nngg P0010 "A" Camshaf t Posi t ion Actuator Circui t (Bank 1) P0011 "A" Camshaf t Posi t ion - T iming Over-Advanced (Bank 1) P0012 "A" Camshaf t Posi t ion - T iming Over-Retarded (Bank 1) P0013 "B" Camshaf t Posi t ion - Actuator Circui t (Bank 1) P0014 "B" Camshaf t Posi t ion - T iming Over-Advanced (Bank 1) P0015 "B" Camshaf t Posi t ion - T iming Over-Retarded (Bank 1) P0020 "A" Camshaf t Posi t ion Actuator Circui t (Bank 2) P0021 "A" Camshaf t Posi t ion - T iming Over-Advanced (Bank 2) P0022 "A" Camshaf t Posi t ion - T iming Over-Retarded (Bank 2) P0023 "B" Camshaf t Posi t ion - Actuator Circui t (Bank 2) P0024 "B" Camshaf t Posi t ion - T iming Over-Advanced (Bank 2) P0025 "B" Camshaf t Posi t ion - T iming Over-Retarded (Bank 2) P0030 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0031 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t Low (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0032 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t High (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0036 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0037 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t Low (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0038 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t High (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0042 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0043 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t Low (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0044 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t High (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0050 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0051 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t Low (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0052 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t High (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0056 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0057 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t Low (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0058 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t High (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0062 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0063 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t Low (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0064 HO2S Heater Contro l Circui t High (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0100 Mass or Volume Air F low Circui t P0101 Mass or Volume Air F low Circui t Range/Performance P0102 Mass or Volume Air F low Circui t Low Input P0103 Mass or Volume Air F low Circui t High Input P0104 Mass or Volume Air F low Circui t In termit tent P0105 Mani fo ld Absolute Pressure /Barometr ic Pressure Circui t P0106 Mani fo ld Absolute Pressure /Barometr ic Pressure Circui t Range/Performance P0107 Mani fo ld Absolute Pressure/Barometr ic Pressure Circui t Low Input P0108 Mani fo ld Absolute Pressure /Barometr ic Pressure Circui t High Input P0109 Mani fo ld Absolute Pressure /Barometr ic Pressure Circui t In termit tent P0110 Intake Air Temperature Circui t P0111 Intake Air Temperature Circui t Range/Performance P0112 Intake Air Temperature Circui t Low Input P0113 Intake Air Temperature Circui t High Input P0114 Intake Air Temperature Circui t In termit tent P0115 Engine Coolant Temperature Circui t P0116 Engine Coolant Temperature Circui t Range/Performance P0117 Engine Coolant Temperature Circui t Low Input P0118 Engine Coolant Temperature Circui t High Input P0119 Engine Coolant Temperature Circui t In termit tent P0120 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "A" Circui t P0121 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "A" Circui t Range/Performance P0122 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "A" Circui t Low Input P0123 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "A" Circui t High Input P0124 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "A" Circui t In termit tent P0125 Insuf f ic ient Coolant Temperature for Closed Loop Fuel Contro l P0126 Insuf f ic ient Coolant Temperature for Stable Operat ion P0127 Intake Air Temperature Too High P0128 Coolant Thermostat (Coolant Temperature Below Thermostat Regulat ing Temperature) P0130 O2 Sensor Circui t (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0131 O2 Sensor Circui t Low Vol tage (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0132 O2 Sensor Circui t High Vol tage (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0133 O2 Sensor Circui t S low Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

P0134 O2 Sensor Circui t No Act ivi ty Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0135 O2 Sensor Heater Ci rcui t (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0136 O2 Sensor Circui t (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0137 O2 Sensor Circui t Low Vol tage (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0138 O2 Sensor Circui t High Vol tage (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0139 O2 Sensor Circui t S low Response (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0140 O2 Sensor Circui t No Act ivi ty Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0141 O2 Sensor Heater Ci rcui t (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0142 O2 Sensor Circui t (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0143 O2 Sensor Circui t Low Vol tage (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0144 O2 Sensor Circui t High Vol tage (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0145 O2 Sensor Circui t S low Response (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0146 O2 Sensor Circui t No Act ivi ty Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0147 O2 Sensor Heater Ci rcui t (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0150 O2 Sensor Circui t (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0151 O2 Sensor Circui t Low Vol tage (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0152 O2 Sensor Circui t High Vol tage (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0153 O2 Sensor Circui t S low Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0154 O2 Sensor Circui t No Act ivi ty Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0155 O2 Sensor Heater Ci rcui t (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0156 O2 Sensor Circui t (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0157 O2 Sensor Circui t Low Vol tage (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0158 O2 Sensor Circui t High Vol tage (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0159 O2 Sensor Circui t S low Response (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0160 O2 Sensor Circui t No Act ivi ty Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0161 O2 Sensor Heater Ci rcui t (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0162 O2 Sensor Circui t (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0163 O2 Sensor Circui t Low Vol tage (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0164 O2 Sensor Circui t High Vol tage (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0165 O2 Sensor Circui t S low Response (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0166 O2 Sensor Circui t No Act ivi ty Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0167 O2 Sensor Heater Ci rcui t (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0168 Fuel Temperature Too High P0170 Fuel Tr im (Bank 1) P0171 System too Lean (Bank 1) P0172 System too Rich (Bank 1) P0173 Fuel Tr im (Bank 2) P0174 System too Lean (Bank 2) P0175 System too Rich (Bank 2) P0176 Fuel Composi t ion Sensor Circui t P0177 Fuel Composi t ion Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P0178 Fuel Composi t ion Sensor Circui t Low Input P0179 Fuel Composi t ion Sensor Circui t High Input P0180 Fuel Temperature Sensor "A" Circui t P0181 Fuel Temperature Sensor "A" Circui t Range/Performance P0182 Fuel Temperature Sensor "A" Circui t Low Input P0183 Fuel Temperature Sensor "A" Circui t High Input P0184 Fuel Temperature Sensor "A" Circui t In termit tent P0185 Fuel Temperature Sensor "B" Circui t P0186 Fuel Temperature Sensor "B" Circui t Range/Performance P0187 Fuel Temperature Sensor "B" Circui t Low Input P0188 Fuel Temperature Sensor "B" Circui t High Input P0189 Fuel Temperature Sensor "B" Circui t In termit tent P0190 Fuel Rai l Pressure Sensor Circuit P0191 Fuel Rai l Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0192 Fuel Rai l Pressure Sensor Circui t Low Input P0193 Fuel Rai l Pressure Sensor Circui t High Input P0194 Fuel Rai l Pressure Sensor Circuit In termit tent P0195 Engine Oi l Temperature Sensor Circui t P0196 Engine Oi l Temperature Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P0197 Engine Oi l Temperature Sensor Circui t Low P0198 Engine Oi l Temperature Sensor Circui t High P0199 Engine Oi l Temperature Sensor Circui t In termit tent P0200 In jector Circui t P0201 Cyl inder 1 - In jector Ci rcui t P0202 Cyl inder 2 - In jector Ci rcui t P0203 Cyl inder 3 - In jector Ci rcui t

P0204 Cyl inder 4 - In jector Ci rcui t P0205 Cyl inder 5 - In jector Ci rcui t P0206 Cyl inder 6 - In jector Ci rcui t P0207 Cyl inder 7 - In jector Ci rcui t P0208 Cyl inder 8 - In jector Ci rcui t P0209 Cyl inder 9 - In jector Ci rcui t P0210 Cyl inder 10 - In jector Ci rcui t P0211 Cyl inder 11 - In jector Ci rcui t P0212 Cyl inder 12 - In jector Ci rcui t P0213 Cold Star t In jector 1 P0214 Cold Star t In jector 2 P0215 Engine Shutof f Solenoid P0216 In ject ion T iming Control Ci rcui t P0217 Engine Coolant Over Temperature Condi t ion P0218 Transmission F lu id Over Temperature Condi t ion P0219 Engine Over speed Condi t ion P0220 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "B" Circui t P0221 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "B" Circui t Range/Performance P0222 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "B" Circui t Low Input P0223 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "B" Circui t High Input P0224 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "B" Circui t In termit tent P0225 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "C" Circui t P0226 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "C" Circui t Range/Performance P0227 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "C" Circui t Low Input P0228 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "C" Circui t High Input P0229 Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor /Switch "C" Circui t In termit tent P0230 Fuel Pump Pr imary Circui t P0231 Fuel Pump Secondary Circui t Low P0232 Fuel Pump Secondary Circui t High P0233 Fuel Pump Secondary Circui t In termit tent P0234 Turbo/Super Charger Over boost Condi t ion P0235 Turbo/Super Charger Boost Sensor "A" Circui t P0236 Turbo/Super Charger Boost Sensor "A" Circui t Range/Performance P0237 Turbo/Super Charger Boost Sensor "A" Circui t Low P0238 Turbo/Super Charger Boost Sensor "A" Circui t High P0239 Turbo/Super Charger Boost Sensor "B" Circui t P0240 Turbo/Super Charger Boost Sensor "B" Circui t Range/Performance P0241 Turbo/Super Charger Boost Sensor "B" Circui t Low P0242 Turbo/Super Charger Boost Sensor "B" Circui t High P0243 Turbo/Super Charger Wastegate Solenoid "A" P0244 Turbo/Super Charger Wastegate Solenoid "A" Range/Performance P0245 Turbo/Super Charger Wastegate Solenoid "A" Low P0246 Turbo/Super Charger Wastegate Solenoid "A" High P0247 Turbo/Super Charger Wastegate Solenoid "B" P0248 Turbo/Super Charger Wastegate Solenoid "B" Range/Performance P0249 Turbo/Super Charger Wastegate Solenoid "B" Low P0250 Turbo/Super Charger Wastegate Solenoid "B" High P0251 In ject ion Pump Fuel Meter ing Control "A" (Cam/Rotor / In jector ) P0252 In ject ion Pump Fuel Meter ing Control "A" Range/Performance P0253 In ject ion Pump Fuel Meter ing Control "A" Low (Cam/Rotor / In jector) P0254 In ject ion Pump Fuel Meter ing Contro l "A" High (Cam/Rotor / In jector) P0255 In ject ion Pump Fuel Meter ing Control "A" Intermit tent (Cam/Rotor / In jector ) P0256 In ject ion Pump Fuel Meter ing Control "B" (Cam/Rotor / In jector ) P0257 In ject ion Pump Fuel Meter ing Control "B" Range/Performance P0258 In ject ion Pump Fuel Meter ing Control "B" Low (Cam/Rotor / In jector) P0259 In ject ion Pump Fuel Meter ing Contro l "B" High (Cam/Rotor / In jector) P0260 In ject ion Pump Fuel Meter ing Control "B" Intermit tent (Cam/Rotor / In jector ) P0261 Cyl inder 1 In jector Ci rcui t Low P0262 Cyl inder 1 In jector Ci rcui t High P0263 Cyl inder 1 Contr ibut ion/Balance P0264 Cyl inder 2 In jector Ci rcui t Low P0265 Cyl inder 2 In jector Ci rcui t High P0266 Cyl inder 2 Contr ibut ion/Balance P0267 Cyl inder 3 In jector Ci rcui t Low P0268 Cyl inder 3 In jector Ci rcui t High P0269 Cyl inder 3 Contr ibut ion/Balance P0270 Cyl inder 4 In jector Ci rcui t Low

P0271 Cyl inder 4 In jector Ci rcui t High P0272 Cyl inder 4 Contr ibut ion/Balance P0273 Cyl inder 5 In jector Ci rcui t Low P0274 Cyl inder 5 In jector Ci rcui t High P0275 Cyl inder 5 Contr ibut ion/Balance P0276 Cyl inder 6 In jector Ci rcui t Low P0277 Cyl inder 6 In jector Ci rcui t High P0278 Cyl inder 6 Contr ibut ion/Balance P0279 Cyl inder 7 In jector Ci rcui t Low P0280 Cyl inder 7 In jector Ci rcui t High P0281 Cyl inder 7 Contr ibut ion/Balance P0282 Cyl inder 8 In jector Ci rcui t Low P0283 Cyl inder 8 In jector Ci rcui t High P0284 Cyl inder 8 Contr ibut ion/Balance P0285 Cyl inder 9 In jector Ci rcui t Low P0286 Cyl inder 9 In jector Ci rcui t High P0287 Cyl inder 9 Contr ibut ion/Balance P0288 Cyl inder 10 In jector Ci rcui t Low P0289 Cyl inder 10 In jector Ci rcui t High P0290 Cyl inder 10 Contr ibut ion/Balance P0291 Cyl inder 11 In jector Ci rcui t Low P0292 Cyl inder 11 In jector Ci rcui t High P0293 Cyl inder 11 Contr ibut ion/Balance P0294 Cyl inder 12 In jector Ci rcui t Low P0295 Cyl inder 12 In jector Ci rcui t High P0296 Cyl inder 12 Contr ibut ion/Balance P0298 Engine Oi l Over Temperature P0300 Random/Mul t ip le Cyl inder Misf i re Detected P0301 Cyl inder 1 Misf i re Detected P0302 Cyl inder 2 Misf i re Detected P0303 Cyl inder 3 Misf i re Detected P0304 Cyl inder 4 Misf i re Detected P0305 Cyl inder 5 Misf i re Detected P0306 Cyl inder 6 Misf i re Detected P0307 Cyl inder 7 Misf i re Detected P0308 Cyl inder 8 Misf i re Detected P0309 Cyl inder 9 Misf i re Detected P0310 Cyl inder 10 Misf i re Detected P0311 Cyl inder 11 Misf i re Detected P0312 Cyl inder 12 Misf i re Detected P0313 Misf i re Detected With Low Fuel P0314 Single Cyl inder Misf i re (cyl inder not speci f ied) P0320 Igni t ion/Distr ibutor Engine Speed Input Circui t P0321 Igni t ion/Distr ibutor Engine Speed Input Circui t Range/Performance P0322 Igni t ion/Distr ibutor Engine Speed Input Circui t No Signal P0323 Igni t ion/Distr ibutor Engine Speed Input Circui t In termit tent P0325 Knock Sensor 1 Circui t (Bank 1 or S ingle Sensor) P0326 Knock Sensor 1 Circui t Range/Performance (Bank 1 or S ingle Sensor) P0327 Knock Sensor 1 Circui t Low Input (Bank 1 or S ingle Sensor) P0328 Knock Sensor 1 Circui t High Input (Bank 1 or S ingle Sensor) P0329 Knock Sensor 1 Circui t Input Intermit tent (Bank 1 or S ingle Sensor) P0330 Knock Sensor 2 Circui t (Bank 2) P0331 Knock Sensor 2 Circui t Range/Performance (Bank 2) P0332 Knock Sensor 2 Circui t Low Input (Bank 2) P0333 Knock Sensor 2 Circui t High Input (Bank 2) P0334 Knock Sensor 2 Circui t Input Intermit tent (Bank 2) P0335 Crankshaf t Posi t ion Sensor "A" Circui t P0336 Crankshaf t Posi t ion Sensor "A" Circui t Range/Performance P0337 Crankshaf t Posi t ion Sensor "A" Circui t Low Input P0338 Crankshaf t Posi t ion Sensor "A" Circui t High Input P0339 Crankshaf t Posi t ion Sensor "A" Circui t In termit tent P0340 Camshaf t Posi t ion Sensor Circuit P0341 Camshaf t Posi t ion Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0342 Camshaf t Posi t ion Sensor Circuit Low Input P0343 Camshaf t Posi t ion Sensor Circuit High Input P0344 Camshaf t Posi t ion Sensor Circuit In termit tent P0350 Igni t ion Coi l Pr imary/Secondary Circui t

P0351 Igni t ion Coi l "A" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P0352 Igni t ion Coi l "B" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P0353 Igni t ion Coi l "C" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P0354 Igni t ion Coi l "D" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P0355 Igni t ion Coi l "E" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P0356 Igni t ion Coi l "F" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P0357 Igni t ion Coi l "G" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P0358 Igni t ion Coi l "H" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P0359 Igni t ion Coi l " I" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P0360 Igni t ion Coi l "J" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P0361 Igni t ion Coi l "K" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P0362 Igni t ion Coi l "L" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P0370 T iming Reference High Resolut ion Signal "A" P0371 T iming Reference High Resolut ion Signal "A" Too Many Pulses P0372 T iming Reference High Resolut ion Signal "A" Too Few Pulses P0373 T iming Reference High Resolut ion Signal "A" Intermit tent /Errat ic Pulses P0374 T iming Reference High Resolut ion Signal "A" No Pulses P0375 T iming Reference High Resolut ion Signal "B" P0376 T iming Reference High Resolut ion Signal "B" Too Many Pulses P0377 T iming Reference High Resolut ion Signal "B" Too Few Pulses P0378 T iming Reference High Resolut ion Signal "B" Intermit tent /Errat ic Pulses P0379 T iming Reference High Resolut ion Signal "B" No Pulses P0380 Glow Plug /Heater Circui t "A" P0381 Glow Plug /Heater Indicator Circui t P0382 Glow Plug /Heater Circui t "B" P0385 Crankshaf t Posi t ion Sensor "B" Circui t P0386 Crankshaf t Posi t ion Sensor "B" Circui t Range/Performance P0387 Crankshaf t Posi t ion Sensor "B" Circui t Low Input P0388 Crankshaf t Posi t ion Sensor "B" Circui t High Input P0389 Crankshaf t Posi t ion Sensor "B" Circui t In termit tent P0400 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion F low P0401 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion F low Insuf f ic ient Detected P0402 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion F low Excessive Detected P0403 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion Circui t P0404 EGR Open Valve Pint le Error P0404 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion Circui t Range/Performance P0405 EGR Sensor Signal Low P0405 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion Sensor "A" Circui t Low P0406 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion Sensor "A" Circui t High P0407 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion Sensor "B" Circui t Low P0408 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion Sensor "B" Circui t High P0410 Secondary Air In ject ion System P0411 Secondary Air In ject ion System Incorrect Flow Detected P0412 Secondary Air In ject ion System Switching Valve "A" Circui t P0413 Secondary Air In ject ion System Switching Valve "A" Circui t Open P0414 Secondary Air In ject ion System Switching Valve "A" Circui t Shorted P0415 Secondary Air In ject ion System Switching Valve "B" Circui t P0416 Secondary Air In ject ion System Switching Valve "B" Circui t Open P0417 Secondary Air In ject ion System Switching Valve "B" Circui t Shorted P0418 Secondary Air In ject ion System Relay "A" Circui t P0419 Secondary Air In ject ion System Relay "B" Circui t P0420 Cata lyst System Ef f ic iency Below Threshold (Bank 1) P0421 Warm Up Catalyst Ef f ic iency Below Threshold (Bank 1) P0422 Main Cata lyst Ef f ic iency Below Threshold (Bank 1) P0423 Heated Cata lyst Ef f ic iency Below Threshold (Bank 1) P0424 Heated Cata lyst Temperature Below Threshold (Bank 1) P0425 Cata lyst Temperature Sensor (Bank 1) P0426 Cata lyst Temperature Sensor Range/Performance (Bank 1) P0427 Cata lyst Temperature Sensor Low Input (Bank 1) P0428 Cata lyst Temperature Sensor High Input (Bank 1) P0429 Cata lyst Heater Contro l Ci rcui t (Bank 1) P0430 Cata lyst System Ef f ic iency Below Threshold (Bank 2) P0431 Warm Up Catalyst Ef f ic iency Below Threshold (Bank 2) P0432 Main Cata lyst Ef f ic iency Below Threshold (Bank 2) P0433 Heated Cata lyst Ef f ic iency Below Threshold (Bank 2) P0434 Heated Cata lyst Temperature Below Threshold (Bank 2) P0435 Cata lyst Temperature Sensor (Bank 2)

P0436 Cata lyst Temperature Sensor Range/Performance (Bank 2) P0437 Cata lyst Temperature Sensor Low Input (Bank 2) P0438 Cata lyst Temperature Sensor High Input (Bank 2) P0439 Cata lyst Heater Contro l Ci rcui t (Bank 2) P0440 Evaporat ive Emission Control System P0441 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Incorrect Purge F low P0442 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Leak Detected (smal l leak) P0443 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Purge Contro l Valve Circui t P0444 Evaporat ive Emission Contro l System Purge Contro l Valve Circui t Open P0445 Evaporat ive Emission Contro l System Purge Contro l Valve Circui t Shorted P0446 Evaporat ive Emission Contro l System Vent Contro l Circui t P0446 Evaporat ive Emission Contro l System Vent Contro l Circui t P0447 Evaporat ive Emission Contro l System Vent Contro l Circui t Open P0447 Evaporat ive Emission Contro l System Vent Contro l Circui t Open P0448 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Vent Contro l Circui t Shorted P0448 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Vent Contro l Circui t Shorted P0449 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Vent Valve /Solenoid Circui t P0450 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Pressure Sensor P0451 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Range/Performance P0452 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Low Input P0453 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Pressure Sensor High Input P0454 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Intermit tent P0455 Evaporat ive Emission Contro l System Leak Detected (gross leak) P0456 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Leak Detected (very smal l leak) P0460 Fuel Level Sensor Circui t P0461 Fuel Level Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P0462 Fuel Level Sensor Circui t Low Input P0463 Fuel Level Sensor Circui t High Input P0464 Fuel Level Sensor Circui t In termit tent P0465 Purge F low Sensor Circui t P0466 Purge F low Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P0467 Purge F low Sensor Circui t Low Input P0468 Purge F low Sensor Circui t High Input P0469 Purge F low Sensor Circui t In termit tent P0470 Exhaust Pressure Sensor P0471 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Range/Performance P0472 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Low P0473 Exhaust Pressure Sensor High P0474 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Intermit tent P0475 Exhaust Pressure Contro l Valve P0476 Exhaust Pressure Contro l Valve Range/Performance P0477 Exhaust Pressure Contro l Valve Low P0478 Exhaust Pressure Contro l Valve High P0479 Exhaust Pressure Contro l Valve Intermit tent P0480 Cool ing Fan 1 Control Ci rcui t P0481 Cool ing Fan 2 Control Ci rcui t P0482 Cool ing Fan 3 Control Ci rcui t P0483 Cool ing Fan Rat ional i ty Check P0484 Cool ing Fan Circui t Over Current P0485 Cool ing Fan Power /Ground Circui t P0491 Secondary Air In ject ion System (bank 1) P0492 Secondary Air In ject ion System (bank 2) P0500 Vehic le Speed Sensor P0501 Vehic le Speed Sensor Range/Performance P0502 Vehic le Speed Sensor Circui t Low Input P0503 Vehic le Speed Sensor Intermit tent / Errat ic / H igh P0505 Id le Control System P0506 Id le Control System RPM Low er Than Expected P0507 Id le Contro l System RPM Higher Than Expected P0510 Closed Throt t le Posi t ion Sw itch P0512 Star ter Request Ci rcuit P0520 Engine Oi l Pressure Sensor /Sw itch Circui t P0521 Engine Oi l Pressure Sensor /Sw itch Range/Performance P0522 Engine Oi l Pressure Sensor /Sw itch Low Vol tage P0523 Engine Oi l Pressure Sensor /Sw itch High Vol tage P0524 Engine Oi l Pressure Too Low P0530 A/C Refr igerant Pressure Sensor Circui t

P0531 A/C Refr igerant Pressure Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P0532 A/C Refr igerant Pressure Sensor Circui t Low Input P0533 A/C Refr igerant Pressure Sensor Circui t High Input P0534 A/C Refr igerant Charge Loss P0550 Power Steer ing Pressure Sensor Circui t P0551 Power Steer ing Pressure Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P0552 Power Steer ing Pressure Sensor Circui t Low Input P0553 Power Steer ing Pressure Sensor Circui t High Input P0554 Power Steer ing Pressure Sensor Circui t In termit tent P0560 System Vol tage P0561 System Vol tage Unstable P0562 System Vol tage Low P0563 System Vol tage High P0565 Cruise Control On Signal P0566 Cruise Contro l Of f S ignal P0567 Cruise Control Resume Signal P0568 Cruise Control Set S ignal P0569 Cruise Contro l Coast S ignal P0570 Cruise Control Accel S ignal P0571 Cruise Contro l / Brake Sw itch "A" Circui t P0572 Cruise Contro l / Brake Sw itch "A" Circui t Low P0573 Cruise Contro l / Brake Sw itch "A" Circui t High P0574 Cruise Contro l System - Vehic le Speed Too High P0575 Reserved for Cruise Codes P0576 Reserved for Cruise Codes P0577 Reserved for Cruise Codes P0578 Reserved for Cruise Codes P0579 Reserved for Cruise Codes P0580 Reserved for Cruise Codes P0600 Ser ia l Communicat ion L ink P0601 Internal Control Module Memory Check Sum Error P0602 Control Module Programming Error P0603 Internal Contro l Module Keep Al ive Memory (KAM) Error P0604 Internal Contro l Module Random Access Memory (RAM) Error P0605 Internal Contro l Module Read Only Memory (ROM) Error P0606 ECM/PCM Processor P0608 Control Module VSS Output "A" P0609 Control Module VSS Output "B" P0615 Star ter Relay Circui t P0616 Star ter Relay Circui t Low P0617 Star ter Relay Circui t High P0620 Generator Contro l Ci rcui t P0621 Generator "L" Terminal Control Ci rcui t P0622 Generator "F" Terminal Control Ci rcui t P0630 VIN Not Programmed or Mismatch - ECM/PCM P0631 VIN Not Programmed or Mismatch - TCM P0645 A/C Clutch Relay Circui t P0650 Malfunct ion Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Ci rcui t P0654 Engine RPM Output Circui t P0655 Engine Hot Lamp Output Contro l Ci rcui t P0656 Fuel Level Output Circui t P0700 Transmission Control System (w i l l show up as PCM code, but is a l l TCM Related) P0701 Transmission Control System Range/Performance P0702 Transmission Control System Electr ica l P0703 Torque Converter /Brake Sw itch "B" Circuit P0704 Clutch Sw itch Input Circui t P0705 Transmission Range Sensor Circui t (PRNDL Input ) P0706 Transmission Range Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P0707 Transmission Range Sensor Circui t Low Input P0708 Transmission Range Sensor Circui t High Input P0709 Transmission Range Sensor Circui t In termit tent P0710 Transmission F lu id Temperature Sensor Circui t P0711 Transmission F lu id Temperature Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P0712 Transmission F lu id Temperature Sensor Circui t Low Input P0713 Transmission F lu id Temperature Sensor Circui t High Input P0714 Transmission F lu id Temperature Sensor Circui t In termit tent P0715 Input /Turbine Speed Sensor Circui t

P0716 Input /Turbine Speed Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P0717 Input /Turbine Speed Sensor Circui t No Signal P0718 Input /Turbine Speed Sensor Circui t In termit tent P0719 Torque Converter /Brake Sw itch "B" Circuit Low P0720 Output Speed Sensor Circui t P0721 Output Speed Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P0722 Output Speed Sensor Circui t No Signal P0723 Output Speed Sensor Circui t In termit tent P0724 Torque Converter /Brake Sw itch "B" Circuit High P0725 Engine Speed Input Circui t P0726 Engine Speed Input Circui t Range/Performance P0727 Engine Speed Input Circui t No Signal P0728 Engine Speed Input Circui t In termit tent P0730 Incorrect Gear Rat io P0731 Gear 1 Incorrect Rat io P0732 Gear 2 Incorrect Rat io P0733 Gear 3 Incorrect Rat io P0734 Gear 4 Incorrect Rat io P0735 Gear 5 Incorrect Rat io P0736 Reverse Incorrect Rat io P0737 TCM Engine Speed Output Circui t P0738 TCM Engine Speed Output Circui t Low P0739 TCM Engine Speed Output Circui t High P0740 Torque Converter Clutch Circui t P0741 Torque Converter Clutch Circui t Per formance or Stuck Of f P0742 Torque Converter Clutch Circui t Stuck On P0743 Torque Converter Clutch Circui t E lectr ica l P0744 Torque Converter Clutch Circui t In termit tent P0745 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" P0746 Pressure Contro l Solenoid "A" Performance or Stuck Of f P0747 Pressure Contro l Solenoid "A" Stuck On P0748 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" Electr ica l P0749 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" Intermit tent P0750 Shif t Solenoid "A" P0751 Shif t Solenoid "A" Performance or Stuck Off P0752 Shif t Solenoid "A" Stuck On P0753 Shif t Solenoid "A" Electr ica l P0754 Shif t Solenoid "A" Intermit tent P0755 Shif t Solenoid "B" P0756 Shif t Solenoid "B" Performance or Stuck Off P0757 Shif t Solenoid "B" Stuck On P0758 Shif t Solenoid "B" Electr ica l P0759 Shif t Solenoid "B" Intermit tent P0760 Shif t Solenoid "C" P0761 Shif t Solenoid "C" Performance or Stuck Off P0762 Shif t Solenoid "C" Stuck On P0763 Shif t Solenoid "C" Electr ica l P0764 Shif t Solenoid "C" Intermit tent P0765 Shif t Solenoid "D" P0766 Shif t Solenoid "D" Performance or Stuck Off P0767 Shif t Solenoid "D" Stuck On P0768 Shif t Solenoid "D" Electr ica l P0769 Shif t Solenoid "D" Intermit tent P0770 Shif t Solenoid "E" P0771 Shif t Solenoid "E" Performance or Stuck Off P0772 Shif t Solenoid "E" Stuck On P0773 Shif t Solenoid "E" Electr ica l P0774 Shif t Solenoid "E" Intermit tent P0775 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" P0776 Pressure Contro l Solenoid "B" Performance or Stuck Of f P0777 Pressure Contro l Solenoid "B" Stuck On P0778 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" Electr ica l P0779 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" Intermit tent P0780 Shif t P0781 1-2 Shi f t P0782 2-3 Shi f t P0783 3-4 Shi f t

P0784 4-5 Shi f t P0785 Shif t /T iming Solenoid P0786 Shif t /T iming Solenoid Range/Performance P0787 Shif t /T iming Solenoid Low P0788 Shif t /T iming Solenoid High P0789 Shif t /T iming Solenoid Intermit tent P0790 Normal /Per formance Switch Circui t P0791 Intermediate Shaf t Speed Sensor Circui t P0792 Intermediate Shaf t Speed Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P0793 Intermediate Shaf t Speed Sensor Circui t No Signal P0794 Intermediate Shaf t Speed Sensor Circui t In termit tent P0795 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" P0796 Pressure Contro l Solenoid "C" Performance or Stuck Of f P0797 Pressure Contro l Solenoid "C" Stuck On P0798 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" Electr ica l P0799 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" Intermit tent P0801 Reverse Inhibi t Contro l Ci rcui t P0803 1-4 Upshif t (Skip Shi f t ) Solenoid Contro l Circui t P0804 1-4 Upshif t (Skip Shi f t ) Lamp Contro l Ci rcuit P0805 Clutch Posi t ion Sensor Circui t P0806 Clutch Posi t ion Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P0807 Clutch Posi t ion Sensor Circui t Low P0808 Clutch Posi t ion Sensor Circui t High P0809 Clutch Posi t ion Sensor Circui t In termit tent P0810 Clutch Posi t ion Control Error P0811 Excessive Clutch Sl ippage P0812 Reverse Input Circui t P0813 Reverse Output Circui t P0814 Transmission Range Display Circui t P0815 Upshi f t Sw itch Circui t P0816 Downshi f t Sw itch Circui t P0817 Star ter Disable Circui t P0820 Gear Lever X-Y Posi t ion Sensor Circui t P0821 Gear Lever X Posi t ion Circui t P0822 Gear Lever Y Posi t ion Circui t P0823 Gear Lever X Posi t ion Circui t In termit tent P0824 Gear Lever Y Posi t ion Circui t In termit tent P0825 Gear Lever Push-Pul l Sw itch (Shif t Ant ic ipate) P0830 Clutch Pedal Sw itch "A" Circui t P0831 Clutch Pedal Sw itch "A" Circui t Low P0832 Clutch Pedal Sw itch "A" Circui t High P0833 Clutch Pedal Sw itch "B" Circui t P0834 Clutch Pedal Sw itch "B" Circui t Low P0835 Clutch Pedal Sw itch "B" Circui t High P0840 Trans Pressure Sw itch Solenoid C Circuit P0841 Trans Pressure Sw itch Solenoid C Circuit Stuck Open P0842 Trans Pressure Sw itch Solenoid C Circuit Stuck Closed P0843 Trans Pressure Sw itch Solenoid C Circuit High P0845 Trans Pressure Sw itch Solenoid D Circuit P0846 Trans Pressure Sw itch Solenoid D Circuit Stuck Open P0847 Trans Pressure Sw itch Solenoid D Circuit Stuck Closed P0848 Trans Pressure Sw itch Solenoid D Circuit High P1101 Induct ion Air Measurement - Cross-check Out of Range P1105 Secondary Vacuum Sensor Circuit P1106 MAP Sensor Signal In termit tent High P1107 MAP Sensor Signal In termit tent Low P1108 MAP to BARO Corre lat ion P1109 Secondary Port Throt t le System P1110 Engine High Intake Air Temperature Condi t ion P1111 Intake Air Temperature Circui t In termit tent High P1112 Intake Air Temperature Circui t In termit tent Low P1114 Engine Coolant Temperature - C i rcui t Low Input Intermit tent P1115 Engine Coolant Temperature - Ci rcui t High Input intermit tent P1116 Engine Coolant Temperature Signal Unstable or Intermit tent P1117 Engine Coolant Temperature Signal Out -Of -Range Low P1118 Engine Coolant Temperature Signal Out -Of -Range High P1119 Engine Coolant Temperature Signal Out -Of -Range w ith Transmission Temperature

P1120 Throt t le Posit ion Sensor "A" Circui t P1121 Throt t le Posit ion Circui t S ignal In termit tent High P1122 Throt t le Posit ion Circui t S ignal In termit tent Low P1125 Mult ip le Throt t le /Pedal Posi t ion Sensor P1127 Open Loop CO Adjust Circui t P1130 Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Var iance (Bank 1 - Sensor 1) P1131 Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Var iance (Bank 1 - Sensor 2) P1132 Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Var iance (Bank 2 - Sensor 1) P1133 Oxygen Sensor System - Too Few O2S R/L and L /R Switches . (Bank 1 - Sensor 1) P1134 Oxygen Sensor Circui t - Transi t ion Sw itch T ime Rat io (Bank 1 - Sensor 1) P1135 Oxygen Sensor Circui t - Mean Vol tage Level Lean (Bank 1 - Sensor 1) P1136 Oxygen Sensor Circui t - Mean Vol tage Level Rich (Bank 1 - Sensor 1) P1137 Oxygen Sensor System Moni tor - Lean System or Low Vol tage. (Bank 1 - Sensor 2) P1138 Oxygen Sensor System Moni tor - R ich System or High Vol tage. (Bank 1 - Sensor 2) P1139 Oxygen Sensor System - Too Few O2S R/L and L /R Switches. (Bank 1 - Sensor 2) P1140 Oxygen Sensor Circui t - Transi t ion Sw itch T ime Rat io (Bank 1 - Sensor 2) P1141 Oxygen Sensor Circui t - Mean Vol tage Level Lean (Bank 1 - Sensor 2) P1142 Oxygen Sensor Circui t - Mean Vol tage Level Rich (Bank 1 - Sensor 2) P1143 Oxygen Sensor System Moni tor - Lean System or Low Vol tage. (Bank 1 - Sensor 3) P1144 Oxygen Sensor System Moni tor - R ich System or High Vol tage. (Bank 1 - Sensor 3) P1145 Oxygen Sensor System - Too Few O2S R/L and L /R Switches. (Bank 1 - Sensor 3) P1153 Oxygen Sensor System - Too Few O2S R/L and L /R Switches. (Bank 2 - Sensor 1) P1154 Oxygen Sensor Circui t - Transi t ion Sw itch T ime Rat io (Bank 2 - Sensor 1) P1155 Oxygen Sensor Circui t - Mean Vol tage Level Lean (Bank 2 - Sensor 1) P1156 Oxygen Sensor Circui t - Mean Vol tage Level Rich (Bank 2 - Sensor 1) P1157 Oxygen Sensor System Moni tor - Lean System or Low Vol tage. (Bank 2 - Sensor 2) P1158 Oxygen Sensor System Moni tor - R ich System or High Vol tage. (Bank 2 - Sensor 2) P1159 Oxygen Sensor System - Too Few O2S R/L and L /R Switches. (Bank 2 - Sensor 2) P1163 Oxygen Sensor System Moni tor - Lean System or Low Vol tage. (Bank 2 - Sensor 3) P1164 Oxygen Sensor System Moni tor - R ich System or High Vol tage. (Bank 2 - Sensor 3) P1165 Oxygen Sensor System - Too Few O2S R/L and L /R Switches. (Bank 2 - Sensor 3) P1166 Oxygen Sensor System - Low Vol tage Dur ing Power Enr ichment (Bank 1 - Sensor 1) P1167 Oxygen Sensor System - High Vol tage Dur ing Decel Fuel Cut Off (Bank 1 - Sensor 1) P1168 Oxygen Sensor System - Low Vol tage Dur ing Power Enr ichment (Bank 2 - Sensor 1) P1169 Oxygen Sensor System - High Vol tage Dur ing Decel Fuel Cut Off (Bank 2 - Sensor 1) P1170 Bank to Bank Fuel Tr im Offset P1171 Pr imary Fuel Pump Insuf f ic ient / No Fuel Flow P1172 Secondary Fuel Pump Insuf f ic ient / No Fuel F low P1173 L imitat ion of In ject ion Quant i ty P1180 Engine High Fuel Temperature Condi t ion P1190 Engine Vacuum Leak P1191 Intake Air Duct Air Leak P1195 Engine Low Oi l Pressure Condi t ion P1200 In jector Circui t P1201 Secondary Mass Air F low Range/Performance P1202 Secondary Mass or Volume Air F low Circui t Low Input P1203 Secondary Mass or Volume Air F low Circui t High Input P1211 Mass Air F low Circui t In termit tent High P1212 Mass Air F low Circui t In termit tent Low P1214 In ject ion Pump Timing Offset Error P1215 GFD Indicat ion P1216 Fuel Solenoid Response T ime Too Short P1217 Fuel Solenoid Response T ime Too Long P1218 In ject ion Pump Cal ibrat ion Resistor Error P1219 Throt t le Posit ion Sensor Reference Vol tage Error P1220 Throt t le Posit ion Sensor "B" Circui t P1221 Throt t le Posit ion Sensor "A/B" Range/Performance P1222 In jector Circui t In termit tent - Cyl inder 1 P1225 In jector Circui t In termit tent - Cyl inder 2 P1228 In jector Circui t In termit tent - Cyl inder 3 P1231 In jector Circui t In termit tent - Cyl inder 4 P1234 In jector Circui t In termit tent - Cyl inder 5 P1237 In jector Circui t In termit tent - Cyl inder 6 P1240 In jector Circui t In termit tent - Cyl inder 7 P1243 In jector Circui t In termit tent - Cyl inder 8 P1245 Intake Plenum Sw itchover Valve Circui t P1246 Intake Resonance Sw itchover Va lve Circui t

P1257 Supercharger - Overboost P1258 Engine Coolant Over - Temperature Protect ion P1260 Fuel Pump Speed Contro l Ci rcui t P1270 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor A/D Converter Error P1271 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensors 1 & 2 Corre lat ion Error P1272 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensors 2 & 3 Corre lat ion Error P1273 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensors 1 & 3 Corre lat ion Error P1274 In jectors Wired Incorrect ly P1275 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 1 Circui t P1276 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 1 Circui t Per formance P1277 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 1 Circui t Low Vol tage P1278 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 1 Circui t High Vol tage P1279 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 1 Circui t In termit tent P1280 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 2 Circui t P1281 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 2 Circui t Per formance P1282 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 2 Circui t Low Vol tage P1283 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 2 Circui t High Vol tage P1284 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 2 Circui t In termit tent P1285 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 3 Circui t P1286 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 3 Circui t Per formance P1287 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 3 Circui t Low Vol tage P1288 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 3 Circui t High Vol tage P1289 Accelerator Pedal Posi t ion Sensor 3 Circui t In termit tent P1310 Igni t ion Coi l Pr imary/Secondary Current Sense System P1311 Igni t ion Coi l "A" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P1312 Igni t ion Coi l "B" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P1313 Igni t ion Coi l "C" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P1314 Igni t ion Coi l "D" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P1315 Igni t ion Coi l "E" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P1316 Igni t ion Coi l "F" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P1317 Igni t ion Coi l "G" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P1318 Igni t ion Coi l "H" Pr imary/Secondary Circui t P1320 Dist r ibutor S ignal In terrupt P1321 DIS Faul t L ine P1322 DIS EST (Extra or Missing) P1323 Loss of High Resolut ion RPM Informat ion P1324 Crank RPM Too Low P1326 Combust ion Qual i ty Circui t P1336 Crankshaf t Posi t ion System Var ia t ion Not Learned P1340 Igni t ion System Cyl inder Ident i f ier P1345 Crankshaf t /Camshaf t Corre lat ion Error P1350 Bypass L ine Moni tor P1351 EST Output High or Pulses Detected w hen Grounded - Cyl inder 1 P1352 EST Output High or Pulses Detected w hen Grounded - Cyl inder 2 P1353 EST Output High or Pulses Detected w hen Grounded - Cyl inder 3 P1354 EST Output High or Pulses Detected w hen Grounded - Cyl inder 4 P1355 EST Output High or Pulses Detected w hen Grounded - Cyl inder 5 P1356 EST Output High or Pulses Detected w hen Grounded - Cyl inder 6 P1357 EST Output High or Pulses Detected w hen Grounded - Cyl inder 7 P1358 EST Output High or Pulses Detected w hen Grounded - Cyl inder 8 P1359 Igni t ion Control Ci rcui t Group A (cyl inders N, N, N, N ) P1360 Igni t ion Control Ci rcui t Group B (cyl inders N, N, N, N ) P1361 EST Not Toggl ing Af ter Enabled - Cyl inder 1 P1362 EST Not Toggl ing Af ter Enabled - Cyl inder 2 P1363 EST Not Toggl ing Af ter Enabled - Cyl inder 3 P1364 EST Not Toggl ing Af ter Enabled - Cyl inder 4 P1365 EST Not Toggl ing Af ter Enabled - Cyl inder 5 P1366 EST Not Toggl ing Af ter Enabled - Cyl inder 6 P1367 EST Not Toggl ing Af ter Enabled - Cyl inder 7 P1368 EST Not Toggl ing Af ter Enabled - Cyl inder 8 P1370 Too Many Low Resolut ion Pulses P1371 Too Few Low Resolut ion Pulses P1372 Crankshaf t Posi t ion Sensor Circui ts Per formance P1374 Crank to Low Resolut ion Corre lat ion P1375 No Crank Sensor A or B P1376 Reference Low Vol tage Out of Range P1377 CAM To Reference Corre lat ion

P1380 ABS Prevent ing Rough Road/Misf i re Diagnost ic P1381 Ser ia l Communicat ion Prevent ing Rough Road/Misf i re Diagnost ic P1382 ABS Control Module Performance (Used for 1997 Model Year only) P1390 Wheel Speed Sensor "A" / G-Sensor Circui t P1391 Wheel Speed Sensor "A" / G-Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P1392 Wheel Speed Sensor "A" / G-Sensor Circui t Low Input P1393 Wheel Speed Sensor "A" / G-Sensor Circui t High Input P1394 Wheel Speed Sensor "A" / G-Sensor Circui t In termit tent P1395 Wheel Speed Sensor "B" / G-Sensor Circui t P1396 Wheel Speed Sensor "B" / G-Sensor Circui t Range/Performance P1397 Wheel Speed Sensor "B" / G-Sensor Circui t Low Input P1398 Wheel Speed Sensor "B" / G-Sensor Circui t High Input P1399 Wheel Speed Sensor "B" / G-Sensor Circui t In termit tent P1403 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion Solenoid Low P1404 EGR Closed Valve Pint le Error P1404 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion System - Closed Valve Pint le Error P1405 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion Solenoid High P1406 EGR Pint le Posi t ion Error P1406 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion System Pint le Posi t ion Error P1407 P1408 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion Vacuum System P1409 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion Vacuum System Leak/Low Supply P1410 Exhaust Gas Recirculat ion Vacuum System Restr ic t ion P1415 Secondary Air In ject ion - Bank 1 P1416 Secondary Air In ject ion - Bank 2 P1420 Intake Air Low Pressure Sw itch Circui t Low Vol tage P1421 Intake Air Low Pressure Sw itch Circui t High Vol tage P1422 Intake Air High Pressure Sw itch Circui t Low Vol tage P1423 Intake Air High Pressure Sw itch Circui t High Vol tage P1431 Fuel Level Sensor Circui t Range/Performance (Secondary Tank) P1432 Fuel Level Sensor Circui t Low Input (Secondary Tank) P1433 Fuel Level Sensor Circui t High Input (Secondary Tank) P1441 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Cont inuous Open Purge F low P1442 Purge Solenoid Diagnost ic Vacuum Sw itch P1443 Evaporat ive Emission Control System Purge Contro l Valve 2 Circui t P1445 Fuel Heated Cata lyst System Bank 1 P1450 Cata lyst Heater Diagnost ic P1451 Cata lyst Heater Diagnost ic P1452 Cata lyst Heater Diagnost ic P1453 Cata lyst Heater Diagnost ic P1454 Cata lyst Heater Diagnost ic P1455 Cata lyst Heater Diagnost ic P1456 Cata lyst Heater Diagnost ic P1457 Cata lyst Heater Diagnost ic P1458 Cata lyst Heater Diagnost ic P1459 Cata lyst Heater Diagnost ic P1483 Engine Cool ing System Performance P1501 Vehic le Speed Sensor Intermit tent P1504 Aux Vehic le Speed Output Circui t P1505 Star ter Relay Circui t P1506 Star ter Relay Circui t Low P1507 Star ter Relay Circui t High P1508 Id le Control System Low/Closed P1509 Id le Control System High/Open P1510 Throt t le Contro l System - In L imi tat ion P1511 Throt t le Contro l System - Backup System Performance P1512 Throt t le Contro l System - Minimum Throt t le Posi t ion P1513 EBTCM to PCM Drag Reduct ion Request Input Circui t P1514 Throt t le Actuator Contro l (TAC) System MAF Corre lat ion Error P1515 Command vs. Actual Throt t le Posi t ion Corre lat ion (PCM) Error P1516 Command vs. Actual Throt t le Posi t ion Corre lat ion (TAC Module) Error P1517 Throt t le Actuator Contro l (TAC) Module Processor P1518 PCM to TAC Module Ser ia l Data Circui t P1519 Throt t le Actuator Contro l (TAC) Module P1520 Park /Neutra l Discrete Error P1521 P/N to D/R at High Throt t le Angle P1522 P/N to D/R at High RPM

P1523 Throt t le Actuator Contro l Return Performance P1524 Throt t le Posit ion Sensor Out of Adjustment P1525 Throt t le Body Service Required P1526 TPS Learn Not Done Af ter Reprogramming P1527 Transaxle Range/Pressure Sw itch Compar ison P1528 Governor P1529 Heated Windshie ld Request P1530 Throt t le Contro l System - Ampl i f ier Adjustment P1531 A/C Temperature Sensor Circui t P1532 A/C Low Side Temperature Sensor Low Input P1533 A/C Low Side Temperature Sensor High Input P1534 A/C High Side Temperature Sensor Low Input P1535 A/C High Side Temperature Sensor High Input P1536 A/C Coolant Over Temperature P1537 Very Low Refr igerant Pressure P1538 A/C Request Shorted High P1539 High Side Pressure Sw itch or A/C Relay Shorted P1540 A/C High Pressure Condi t ion P1541 A/C High Side Over Temperature P1542 A/C High Discharge Temperature /Pressure P1543 Low Refr igerant Condit ion P1544 Very Low Refr igerant Condi t ion P1545 A/C High Pressure Sw itch or A/C Clutch Relay Circui t P1546 A/C Clutch Status Circui t Open P1547 A/C System Performance Degraded P1548 A/C "Mode" Circui t Low P1549 A/C "Mode" Circui t High P1554 Stepper Motor Cruise P1555 Electronic Var iable Or i f ice Output P1558 Cruise Contro l - Servo Indicates Low P1559 Cruise Contro l - Power Management Mode P1560 Cruise Contro l - Transmission not in Dr ive P1561 Cruise Control - Vent Solenoid Fai lure P1562 Cruise Control - Vacuum Solenoid Fai lure P1563 Cruise Contro l - Vehic le Speed and Set Speed Di f ference Too High P1564 Cruise Contro l - Vehic le Accelerat ion Too High P1565 Cruise Control - Servo Posi t ion Sensor Fai lure P1566 Cruise Contro l - Engine RPM Too High P1567 Cruise Contro l - Auto Brake Contro l Disengage P1568 Cruise Contro l Servo Stroke Greater than Commanded in Cruise P1569 Cruise Contro l Servo Stroke High Whi le not in Cruise Control P1570 Tract ion Control Act ive Whi le in Cruise P1571 Tract ion Control PWM Link P1572 Tract ion Contro l Act ive Too Long P1573 Loss of ABS Ser ia l Data P1574 Brake Pedal Posi t ion Switch P1575 Addi t ional Brake Input Diagnost ic P1576 Shorted Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor Circui t P1577 Open Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor Circui t P1578 Brake Booster Vacuum Too Low P1579 High Throt t le Angle on P/N to D/R Transi t ion P1580 Cruise Contro l Move Circui t - Low P1581 Cruise Contro l Move Circui t - H igh P1582 Cruise Contro l Di rect ion Circui t - Low P1583 Cruise Contro l Di rect ion Circui t - H igh P1584 Cruise Control Disabled P1585 Cruise Inhib i t Contro l Ci rcui t P1586 Brake Sw itch Circui t Number 3 P1599 Engine Sta l l Detected P1601 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 1 (PCM, Pow ert ra in Control Module) P1602 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 2 (ABS, Ant i lock Brake System) P1603 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 3 (S IR, Supplementa l In f la table Restra int ) P1604 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 4 ( IPC, Instrument Panel Cluster) P1605 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 5 (HVAC, Heat ing Vent i la t ion and Air Condi t ioning) P1606 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 6 (E&C BUSS, Enter ta inment and Comfort ) P1607 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 7 (MRD, Magnet ic Rotat ion Device) P1608 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 8 (CCM, Centra l Contro l Module)

P1609 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 9 (TCS, Tract ion Control System) P1610 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 10 (PZM, Plat form Zone Module) P1611 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 11 (CVRTD, Cont inuously Var iable Real T ime Dampening) P1612 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 12 ( IPM, Instrument Panel Module) P1613 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 13 (DIM, Dr iver Informat ion Module) P1614 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 14 (RIM, Radio Interface Module) P1615 Ser ia l Communicat ion w ith Device 15 (VTD, Vehic le Thef t Deterrent ) P1617 Engine Oi l Leve l Sw i tch Circui t P1618 Ser ia l Per iphera l In terface (SPI ) PCM Internal Communicat ion Error P1619 Oi l Change - Input P1620 Low Coolant Circui t P1621 Tota l EEPROM Fai lure P1622 Cyl inder Select Error (OBD1 w as code 41) P1623 Transmission Temp Pul l -up Resistor P1624 Customer Snapshot Requested P1625 PCM System Reset P1626 Ant i -Thef t Fa i lure P1627 A/D Fai lure P1628 Engine Coolant Temperature Pul l -Up Resistor Fai led P1629 Ant i -Thef t Device - Cranking Signal P1630 PCM in Thef t Learn Mode P1631 Ant i -Thef t Device - PCM/ IPC Passw ord Error P1632 Ant i -Thef t Device - Fuel Disabled P1633 PCM Igni t ion Input "A" P1634 PCM Igni t ion Input "B" P1635 5 Vol t Reference "A" Low P1636 PCM Stack Overrun P1637 Generator "L" Terminal Control Ci rcui t P1638 Generator "F" Terminal Control Ci rcui t P1639 5 Vol t Reference "B" Low P1640 Add on heater , Ci rcui t (Ci rcui t 1) P1641 Add on heater , Ci rcui t (Ci rcui t 2) P1642 QDM / ODM "A" - Output 2 P1643 Wait to Start Lamp Contro l Ci rcui t P1644 QDM / ODM "A" - Output 4 P1645 QDM / ODM "A" - Output 5 P1646 5Vol t Reference "C" Circui t P1647 QDM / ODM "A" - Output 7 P1648 Ant i -Thef t Device - Wrong Secur i ty Code P1649 Ant i -Thef t Device - No Key/Secur i ty Code Programmed P1650 QDM / ODM "B" P1651 QDM / ODM "B" - Output 1 P1652 Chassis Pi tch Status Contro l Ci rcui t P1653 Engine Oi l Leve l "Low " Lamp Control Ci rcuit P1654 Service Throt t le Soon Lamp Control Ci rcui t P1656 Second Gear Star t Lamp Control Ci rcui t P1657 QDM / ODM "B" - Output 7 P1659 Engine Over speed Lamp Control Ci rcui t P1660 High Id le Lamp Control Ci rcui t P1661 Check Gages Lamp Contro l Ci rcui t P1662 Cruise Contro l Lamp Control Ci rcui t P1663 Engine Oi l L i fe /Change Lamp Control Ci rcui t P1664 Service Vehic le Soon Lamp Control Ci rcui t P1665 Engine Oi l Pressure Gage Output Circui t P1666 Engine Shutdow n Alarm Contro l Ci rcui t P1667 QDM / ODM "C" - Output 7 P1670 QDM / ODM "D" P1671 QDM / ODM "D" - Output 1 P1672 QDM / ODM "D" - Output 2 P1673 QDM / ODM "D" - Output 3 P1674 QDM / ODM "D" - Output 4 P1675 QDM / ODM "D" - Output 5 P1676 QDM / ODM "D" - Output 6 P1677 QDM / ODM "D" - Output 7 P1680 Control Module Performance - APP system P1681 Control Module Performance - TP system

P1682 Contro l Module Performance - Igni t ion Circui t P1689 Del ivered Torque Output Circui t P1690 ECM Loop Overrun P1691 Coolant Gage Circui t - Low P1692 Coolant Gage Circui t - H igh P1693 Tachometer Circui t - Low P1694 Tachometer Circui t - H igh P1695 Remote Keyless Entry Circui t - Low P1696 Remote Keyless Entry Circui t - H igh P1697 PZM Disabled Fuel P1698 Class I I Down Disabled Fuel P1699 In Fai l Enable Mode P1701 Pressure Sw itch "C" Circui t P1702 Pressure Sw itch "C" Stuck Open / Per formance P1703 Pressure Sw itch "C" Circui t Low / Stuck Closed P1704 Pressure Sw itch "C" Circui t High P1705 Pressure Sw itch "D" Circui t P1706 Pressure Sw itch "D" Stuck Open / Per formance P1707 Pressure Sw itch "D" Circui t Low / Stuck Closed P1708 Pressure Sw itch "D" Circui t High P1709 Pressure Sw itch "E" Circui t P1710 Pressure Sw itch "E" Stuck Open / Per formance P1711 Pressure Sw itch "E" Circui t Low / Stuck Closed P1712 Pressure Sw itch "E" Circui t High P1713 Pressure Sw itch "Reverse" Circui t P1714 Pressure Sw itch "Reverse" Stuck Open / Per formance P1715 Pressure Sw itch "Reverse" Circui t Low / Stuck Closed P1716 Pressure Sw itch "Reverse" Circui t High P1717 Incorrect 6 th Gear Rat io P1718 Incorrect Neutra l Gear Rat io P1720 Solenoid "A" Contro l led Clutch Not Engaged P1721 Solenoid "B" Contro l led Clutch Not Engaged P1722 Manual Selector Valve Contro l led Clutch Not Engaged P1723 Solenoid "A" Contro l led Clutch Engaged P1724 Solenoid "B" Contro l led Clutch Engaged P1725 Manual Selector Valve Contro l led Clutch Not Engaged P1730 Retarder Circui t P1731 Retarder Circui t Low P1732 Retarder Circui t High P1733 Retarder Temperature Sensor Low P1734 Retarder Temperature Sensor High P1735 Retarder Over Temperature P1736 Service Brake Input "ON" With VSS Indicated P1737 Kick Dow n Circui t P1740 NSBU Mode "A" Circuit P1741 NSBU Mode "A" Circuit Low P1742 NSBU Mode "A" Circuit H igh P1743 NSBU Mode "B" Circuit P1744 NSBU Mode "B" Circuit Low P1745 NSBU Mode "B" Circuit H igh P1746 NSBU Mode "P" Circui t P1747 NSBU Mode "P" Circui t Low P1748 NSBU Mode "P" Circui t High P1749 NSBU Park /Neutra l Sw itch Compare P1760 TCM Supply Vol tage P1780 MIL Requested By TCM P1781 TCM MIL Request Contro l Ci rcui t P1782 MIL Requested By TCM - Data Inval id P1785 Shif t Lock Solenoid Circui t - Low Vol tage P1786 Shif t Lock Solenoid Circui t - H igh Vol tage P1790 TCM Checksum Error P1791 TCM Loop Error P1792 TCM Reprogrammable Memory Error P1793 TCM Stack Overrun P1800 Transmission Pow er Relay Control Ci rcui t P1801 Performance Selector Switch (MLP) Fai lure P1804 Ground Contro l Relay

P1810 Pressure Sw itch Manifo ld P1811 Maximum Adapt and Long Shi f t P1813 Torque Control P1814 Torque Converter Overstressed P1815 Transmission Range Switch Start in Wrong Range P1816 Transmission Range Switch P/N W/Dr ive Rat io P1817 Transmission Range Switch Rev W/Dr ive Rat io P1818 Transmission Range Switch Dr ive W/Rev Rat io P1820 Transmission Range Internal Mode Sw itch "A" Circuit Low P1821 Internal Mode Sw itch Mode "B" Circui t Low P1822 Internal Mode Sw itch Mode "A" Circui t High Vol tage P1823 Internal Mode Sw itch Mode "P" Circui t Low Vol tage P1824 Internal Mode Sw itch Mode "P" Circui t High Vol tage P1825 Internal Mode Sw itch I l legal Range P1826 Ser ia l Communicat ion - DKI Fai lure P1827 Ser ia l Communicat ion - DKP Short to Ground P1828 Ser ia l Communicat ion - DKP Shorted High P1829 Ser ia l Communicat ion - T I S ignal L ine Open P1831 Pressure Control /Shi f t Lock Solenoids Power Contro l Ci rcui t - Low Vol tage P1832 Pressure Control /Shi f t Lock Solenoids Power Contro l Ci rcui t - H igh Vol tage P1833 TCC/Shi f t Solenoid Power Contro l Ci rcui t - Low Vol tage P1834 TCC/Shi f t Solenoid Power Contro l Ci rcui t - H igh Vol tage P1835 Kick-Dow n Switch P1836 Kick-Dow n Switch - Fai led Open P1837 Kick-Dow n Switch - Fai led Short P1842 1-2 Shi f t Solenoid Circui t - Low Vol tage P1843 1-2 Shi f t Solenoid Circui t - H igh Vol tage P1844 TCS Torque Reduct ion Request Circui t P1845 Torque L imi ter P1846 2-3 Shi f t Solenoid Circui t - Low Vol tage P1847 2-3 Shi f t Solenoid Circui t - H igh Vol tage P1850 Brake Band Apply Solenoid P1851 Brake Band Apply Solenoid Range/Performance P1852 Brake Band Apply Solenoid Low P1853 Brake Band Apply Solenoid High P1857 3-2 Solenoid Circui t Low Vol tage P1858 3-2 Solenoid Circui t High Vol tage P1860 Torque Converter Clutch PWM Solenoid Circui t P1862 TCC Enable Solenoid Circui t Low Vol tage P1863 TCC Enable Solenoid Circui t High Vol tage P1864 Shif t Solenoid 4-5 Circui t Low Vol tage P1865 Shif t Solenoid 4-5 Circui t High Vol tage P1868 Transmission F lu id L i fe P1870 Transmission Component Sl ipping P1873 Torque Converter Stator Temperature Sw itch Circui t Low P1874 Torque Converter Stator Temperature Sw itch Circui t High P1875 4 Wheel Dr ive Lo Sw itch Circui t P1887 Torque Clutch Converter Release Sw itch Circui t P1890 P1891 Throt t le Posit ion Sensor PWM Signal Low Input P1892 Throt t le Posit ion Sensor PWM Signal High Input P1893 Engine Torque Signal Low Input P1894 Engine Torque Signal High Input P1895 TCM to ECM Torque Reduct ion Circui t P1896 Transmission Dow nshi f t Sw itch Circui t P1897 Transmission Upshi f t Sw itch Circui t P1898 Manual Shi f t Mode Sw itch Circui t B0000 Vehic le speed informat ion c i rcui t mal funct ion B0001 Vehic le speed informat ion c i rcui t range/per formance B0002 Vehic le speed informat ion c i rcui t low B0003 Vehic le speed informat ion c i rcui t h igh B0004 Vehic le speed informat ion c i rcui t open B0005 In "Park" sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B0006 In "Park" sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B0007 In "Park" sw itch c i rcui t low B0008 In "Park" sw itch c i rcui t h igh B0009 In "Park" sw itch c i rcui t open

B0012 RF/Passenger f ronta l deployment loop (stage 2) res istance low B0013 RF/Passenger f ronta l deployment loop (stage 2) open B0014 RF/Passenger f ronta l deployment loop (stage 2) vol tage out of range B0015 RF/Passenger f ronta l deployment loop res istance h igh B0016 RF/Passenger f ronta l deployment loop (s ingle stage or s tage 1) res istance low B0017 RF/Passenger f ronta l deployment loop (s ingle stage or s tage 1) open B0018 RF/Passenger f ronta l deployment loop (s ingle stage or s tage 1) short to ground/vo l tage B0019 RF/Passenger f ronta l impact deployment loop short to bat tery B0021 LF/Dr iver f ronta l deployment loop res istance h igh B0022 LF/Dr iver f ronta l deployment loop (s ingle stage or stage 1) res istance low B0024 LF/Dr iver f ronta l deployment loop (s ingle stage or stage 1) short to ground/vol tage o B0025 LF/Dr iver f ronta l impact deployment loop short to bat tery B0026 LF/Dr iver f ronta l deployment loop (s ingle stage or stage 1) open B0027 RF/Passenger s ide deployment loop res istance h igh B0028 RF/Passenger s ide deployment loop res istance low B0029 RF/Passenger s ide deployment loop open B0030 RF/Passenger s ide deployment loop short to ground/vo l tage out of range B0032 RF/Passenger s ide impact deployment loop short to bat tery B0034 Side a i rbag deployment commanded B0035 ADS c losed/shorted to ground B0036 ADS open/missing/shorted to bat tery B0037 AUX sw itch c losed/shorted to ground B0038 AUX sw itch open/shorted to bat tery B0039 LF/Dr iver s ide deployment loop res istance h igh B0040 LF/Dr iver s ide deployment loop res istance low B0041 LF/Dr iver s ide deployment loop open B0042 LF/Dr iver f ronta l deployment loop (stage 2) res istance low B0043 LF/Dr iver f ronta l deployment loop (stage 2) vo l tage out of range B0044 LF/Dr iver f ronta l deployment loop (stage 2) open B0045 LF/Dr iver s ide deployment loop short to ground/vol tage out of range B0046 LF/Dr iver s ide deployment loop short to bat tery B0047 Deployment commanded c i rcui t mal funct ion B0048 Deployment commanded c i rcui t low B0049 Deployment commanded c i rcui t h igh B0050 Deployment commanded c i rcui t open B0051 Deployment commanded B0052 Passenger f ronta l a i rbag suppressed B0053 Deployment commanded w ith loop mal funct ions present B0054 Passenger s ide a i rbag suppressed B0055 Passenger pre- tensioner suppressed B0056 RF/Passenger pre- tensioner deployment loop res istance h igh B0057 RF/Passenger pre- tensioner deployment loop res istance low B0058 RF/Passenger pre- tensioner deployment loop open B0059 RF/Passenger pre- tensioner deployment loop short to ground/vo l tage out of range B0060 RF/Passenger pre- tensioner impact deployment loop short to bat tery B0061 Supplemental deployment loop #3 res istance low B0062 Supplemental deployment loop #3 open B0063 LF/Dr iver pre- tensioner deployment loop res istance high B0064 LF/Dr iver pre- tensioner deployment loop res istance low B0065 LF/Dr iver pre- tensioner deployment loop open B0066 LF/Dr iver pre- tensioner deployment loop short to ground/vol tage out of range B0067 LF/Dr iver pre- tensioner impact deployment loop short to bat tery B0068 Supplemental deployment loop #3 vol tage out of range B0069 Supplemental deployment loop #4 res istance low B0070 Supplemental deployment loop #4 open B0071 Supplemental deployment loop #4 vol tage out of range B0072 Supplemental deployment loop #1 res istance h igh B0073 Supplemental deployment loop #1 res istance low B0074 Supplemental deployment loop #1 open B0075 Supplemental deployment loop #1 short to ground/vol tage out of range B0076 Supplemental impact deployment loop #1 short to bat tery B0077 LF/Dr iver S IS mal funct ion B0078 RF/Passenger SIS mal funct ion B0079 Incorrect LF/Dr iver S IS insta l led B0080 Discard LF/Dr iver SIS B0081 Incorrect RF/Passenger SIS insta l led B0082 Discard RF/Passenger SIS

B0083 RF/Passenger seat posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B0084 LF/Dr iver seat posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B0085 Supplemental deployment loop #2 res istance h igh B0086 Supplemental deployment loop #2 res istance low B0087 Supplemental deployment loop #2 open B0088 Supplemental deployment loop #2 short to ground/vol tage out of range B0089 Supplemental impact deployment loop #2 short to bat tery B0090 Act ive sw itch vol tage out of range B0091 Act ive sw itch: w rong state B0092 Suppression sensor #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion B0093 Suppression sensor #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion B0094 AOS lamp c i rcui t #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion B0095 AOS lamp c i rcui t #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion B0096 RF/Passenger seat be l t sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B0097 LF/Dr iver seat be l t sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B0098 AOS control ler ECU mal funct ion B0099 AOS contro l ler opt ion conf igurat ion error B0100 Electronic f ront end sensor #1 mal funct ion B0101 Discard e lectronic f ront end sensor #1 B0102 Incorrect e lectronic f ront end sensor #1 insta l led B0103 Electronic f ront end sensor #2 mal funct ion B0104 Discard e lectronic f ront end sensor #2 B0105 Incorrect e lectronic f ront end sensor #2 insta l led B0125 Air f low posi t ion command #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0126 Air f low posi t ion command #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t range/performance B0127 Air f low posi t ion command #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t low B0128 Air f low posi t ion command #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t h igh B0129 Air f low posi t ion command #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t open B0130 Air f low posi t ion feedback #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0131 Air f low posi t ion feedback #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t range/performance B0132 Air f low posi t ion feedback #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t low B0133 Air f low posi t ion feedback #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t h igh B0134 Air f low posi t ion feedback #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t open B0135 Air f low posi t ion command #2 (passenger) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0136 Air f low posi t ion command #2 (passenger) c i rcui t range/performance B0137 Air f low posi t ion command #2 (passenger) c i rcui t low B0138 Air f low posi t ion command #2 (passenger) c i rcui t h igh B0139 Air f low posi t ion command #2 (passenger) c i rcui t open B0140 Air f low posi t ion feedback #2 (passenger) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0141 Air f low posi t ion feedback #2 (passenger) c i rcui t range/performance B0142 Air f low posi t ion feedback #2 (passenger) c i rcui t low B0143 Air f low posi t ion feedback #2 (passenger) c i rcui t h igh B0144 Air f low posi t ion feedback #2 (passenger) c i rcui t open B0145 Air f low posi t ion command #3 ( rear ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0146 Air f low posi t ion command #3 ( rear ) c i rcui t range/performance B0147 Air f low posi t ion command #3 ( rear ) c i rcui t low B0148 Air f low posi t ion command #3 ( rear ) c i rcui t h igh B0149 Air f low posi t ion command #3 ( rear ) c i rcui t open B0150 Air f low posi t ion feedback #3 ( rear ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0151 Air f low posi t ion feedback #3 ( rear ) c i rcui t range/performance B0152 Air f low posi t ion feedback #3 ( rear ) c i rcui t low B0153 Air f low posi t ion feedback #3 ( rear ) c i rcui t h igh B0154 Air f low posi t ion feedback #3 ( rear ) c i rcui t open B0155 A/C ref r igerant under pressure B0156 A/C ref r igerant overpressure B0157 B0158 Outs ide a i r temperature sensor c ircui t mal funct ion B0159 Outs ide a i r temperature sensor c ircui t range/per formance B0160 Outs ide a i r temperature sensor c ircui t low B0161 Outs ide a i r temperature sensor c ircui t h igh B0162 Outs ide a i r temperature sensor c ircui t open B0163 Passenger compartment temperature sensor #1 (s ingle sensor or LH) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0164 Passenger compartment temperature sensor #1 (s ingle sensor or LH) c i rcui t range/per fo B0165 Passenger compartment temperature sensor #1 (s ingle sensor or LH) c i rcui t low B0166 Passenger compartment temperature sensor #1 (s ingle sensor or LH) c i rcui t h igh B0167 Passenger compartment temperature sensor #1 (s ingle sensor or LH) c i rcui t open B0168 Passenger compartment temperature sensor #2 (RH) c i rcui t mal funct ion

B0169 Passenger compartment temperature sensor #2 (RH) c i rcui t range/performance B0170 Passenger compartment temperature sensor #2 (RH) c i rcui t low B0171 Passenger compartment temperature sensor #2 (RH) c i rcui t h igh B0172 Passenger compartment temperature sensor #2 (RH) c i rcui t open B0173 Output a i r temperature sensor #1 (upper; s ingle or LH) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0174 Output a i r temperature sensor #1 (upper; s ingle or LH) c i rcui t range/per formance B0175 Output a i r temperature sensor #1 (upper; s ingle or LH) c i rcui t low B0176 Output a i r temperature sensor #1 (upper; s ingle or LH) c i rcui t h igh B0177 Output a i r temperature sensor #1 (upper; s ingle or LH) c i rcui t open B0178 Output a i r temperature sensor #2 ( low er; s ingle or LH) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0179 Output a i r temperature sensor #2 ( low er; s ingle or LH) c i rcui t range/per formance B0180 Output a i r temperature sensor #2 ( low er; s ingle or LH) c i rcui t low B0181 Output a i r temperature sensor #2 ( low er; s ingle or LH) c i rcui t h igh B0182 Output a i r temperature sensor #2 ( low er; s ingle or LH) c i rcui t open B0183 Solar load sensor #1 (s ingle sensor or LH) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0184 Solar load sensor #1 (s ingle sensor or LH) c i rcui t range/performance B0185 Solar load sensor #1 (s ingle sensor or LH) c i rcui t low B0186 Solar load sensor #1 (s ingle sensor or LH) c i rcui t h igh B0187 Solar load sensor #1 (s ingle sensor or LH) c i rcui t open B0188 Solar load sensor #2 (RH) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0189 Solar load sensor #2 (RH) c i rcui t range/per formance B0190 Solar load sensor #2 (RH) c i rcui t low B0191 Solar load sensor #2 (RH) c i rcui t h igh B0192 Solar load sensor #2 (RH) c i rcui t open B0193 Blower motor #1 (main /pr imary/ f ront ) speed c i rcui t mal funct ion B0194 Blower motor #1 (main/pr imary/ f ront ) speed c i rcui t range/performance B0195 Blower motor #1 (main/pr imary/ f ront ) speed c i rcui t low B0196 Blower motor #1 (main /pr imary/ f ront ) speed c i rcui t h igh B0197 Blower motor #1 (main/pr imary/ f ront ) speed c i rcui t open B0198 Blower motor #1 (main/pr imary/ f ront ) power c i rcui t mal funct ion B0199 Blower motor #1 (main/pr imary/ f ront ) power c i rcui t range/performance B0200 Blower motor #1 (main/pr imary/ f ront ) power c i rcui t low B0201 Blower motor #1 (main /pr imary/ f ront ) power c i rcui t h igh B0202 Blower motor #1 (main /pr imary/ f ront ) power c i rcui t open B0203 Blower motor #1 (main/pr imary/ f ront ) ground c i rcui t mal funct ion B0204 Blower motor #1 (main/pr imary/ f ront ) ground c i rcui t range/per formance B0205 Blower motor #1 (main/pr imary/ f ront ) ground c i rcui t low B0206 Blower motor #1 (main/pr imary/ f ront ) ground c i rcui t h igh B0207 Blower motor #1 (main/pr imary/ f ront ) ground c i rcui t open B0208 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) speed c i rcui t mal funct ion B0209 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) speed c i rcui t range/performance B0210 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) speed c i rcui t low B0211 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) speed c i rcui t h igh B0212 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) speed c i rcui t open B0213 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) power c i rcui t mal funct ion B0214 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) power c i rcui t range/per formance B0215 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) power c i rcui t low B0216 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) power c i rcui t h igh B0217 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) power c i rcui t open B0218 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) ground c i rcui t mal funct ion B0219 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) ground c i rcui t range/per formance B0220 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) ground c i rcui t low B0221 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) ground c i rcui t h igh B0222 Blower motor #2 (aux/secondary/ rear ) ground c i rcui t open B0223 Recirc posi t ion command c i rcui t mal funct ion B0224 Recirc posi t ion command c i rcui t range/performance B0225 Recirc posi t ion command c i rcui t low B0226 Recirc posi t ion command c i rcui t h igh B0227 Recirc posi t ion command c i rcui t open B0228 Recirc posi t ion feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B0229 Recirc posi t ion feedback c i rcui t range/performance B0230 Recirc posi t ion feedback c i rcui t low B0231 Recirc posi t ion feedback c i rcui t h igh B0232 Recirc posi t ion feedback c i rcui t open B0233 Air f low contro l (general /s ingle contro l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0234 Air f low contro l (general /s ingle contro l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B0235 Air f low contro l (general /s ingle contro l ) c i rcui t low

B0236 Air f low contro l (general /s ingle contro l ) c i rcui t h igh B0237 Air f low contro l (general /s ingle contro l ) c i rcui t open B0238 Air f low contro l #1 (defrost ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0239 Air f low contro l #1 (defrost ) c i rcuit range/per formance B0240 Air f low contro l #1 (defrost ) c i rcuit low B0241 Air f low contro l #1 (defrost ) c i rcuit h igh B0242 Air f low contro l #1 (defrost ) c i rcuit open B0243 Air f low contro l #2 (heater ) c i rcuit mal funct ion B0244 Air f low contro l #2 (heater ) c i rcuit range/per formance B0245 Air f low contro l #2 (heater ) c i rcuit low B0246 Air f low contro l #2 (heater ) c i rcuit h igh B0247 Air f low contro l #2 (heater ) c i rcuit open B0248 Air f low contro l #3 (b lend defog/ f loor ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0249 Air f low contro l #3 (b lend defog/ f loor ) c i rcui t range/per formance B0250 Air f low contro l #3 (b lend defog/ f loor ) c i rcui t low B0251 Air f low contro l #3 (b lend defog/ f loor ) c i rcui t h igh B0252 Air f low contro l #3 (b lend defog/ f loor ) c i rcui t open B0253 Air f low contro l #4 (b lend face/ f loor ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0254 Air f low contro l #4 (b lend face/ f loor ) c i rcui t range/per formance B0255 Air f low contro l #4 (b lend face/ f loor ) c i rcui t low B0256 Air f low contro l #4 (b lend face/ f loor ) c i rcui t h igh B0257 Air f low contro l #4 (b lend face/ f loor ) c i rcui t open B0258 Air f low control #5 (vent ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0259 Air f low contro l #5 (vent ) c i rcuit range/performance B0260 Air f low contro l #5 (vent ) c i rcui t low B0261 Air f low contro l #5 (vent ) c i rcui t h igh B0262 Air f low contro l #5 (vent ) c i rcui t open B0263 Air f low contro l #6 (A/C) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0264 Air f low contro l #6 (A/C) c i rcui t range/performance B0265 Air f low contro l #6 (A/C) c i rcui t low B0266 Air f low contro l #6 (A/C) c i rcui t h igh B0267 Air f low contro l #6 (A/C) c i rcui t open B0268 Air f low contro l #7 ( rec irc) c i rcuit mal funct ion B0269 Air f low contro l #7 ( rec irc) c i rcuit range/performance B0270 Air f low contro l #7 ( rec irc) c i rcui t low B0271 Air f low contro l #7 ( rec irc) c i rcui t h igh B0272 Air f low contro l #7 ( rec irc) c i rcuit open B0273 Air f low contro l #8 ( rear defog a i r f low ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0274 Air f low contro l #8 ( rear defog a i r f low ) c i rcui t range/per formance B0275 Air f low contro l #8 ( rear defog a i r f low ) c i rcui t low B0276 Air f low contro l #8 ( rear defog a i r f low ) c i rcui t h igh B0277 Air f low contro l #8 ( rear defog a i r f low ) c i rcui t open B0278 Air f low contro l #9 (dual zone) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0279 Air f low contro l #9 (dual zone) c i rcui t range/per formance B0280 Air f low contro l #9 (dual zone) c i rcui t low B0281 Air f low contro l #9 (dual zone) c i rcui t h igh B0282 Air f low contro l #9 (dual zone) c i rcui t open B0283 Electr ic rear defrost c ircui t mal funct ion B0284 Electr ic rear defrost c ircui t range/per formance B0285 Electr ic rear defrost c ircui t low B0286 Electr ic rear defrost c ircui t h igh B0287 Electr ic rear defrost c ircui t open B0288 A/C request c i rcui t mal funct ion B0289 A/C request c i rcui t range/per formance B0290 A/C request c i rcui t low B0291 A/C request c i rcui t h igh B0292 A/C request c i rcui t open B0293 Contro l head #1 (main/ f ront ) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B0294 Contro l head #1 (main/ f ront ) feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B0295 Contro l head #1 (main/ f ront ) feedback c i rcui t low B0296 Contro l head #1 (main/ f ront ) feedback c i rcui t h igh B0297 Contro l head #1 (main/ f ront ) feedback c i rcui t open B0298 Contro l head #2 (passenger) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B0299 Contro l head #2 (passenger) feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B0300 Contro l head #2 (passenger) feedback c i rcui t low B0301 Contro l head #2 (passenger) feedback c i rcui t h igh B0302 Contro l head #2 (passenger) feedback c i rcui t open

B0303 Contro l head #3 ( rear) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B0304 Contro l head #3 ( rear) feedback c i rcui t range/performance B0305 Contro l head #3 ( rear) feedback c i rcui t low B0306 Contro l head #3 ( rear) feedback c i rcui t h igh B0307 Contro l head #3 ( rear) feedback c i rcui t open B0308 Electr ic w indshie ld c i rcui t mal funct ion B0309 Electr ic w indshie ld c i rcui t range/per formance B0310 Electr ic w indshie ld c i rcui t low B0311 Electr ic w indshie ld c i rcui t h igh B0312 Electr ic w indshie ld c i rcui t open B0313 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #1 (Of f ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0314 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #1 (Of f ) c i rcui t range/per formance B0315 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #1 (Of f ) c i rcui t low B0316 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #1 (Of f ) c i rcui t h igh B0317 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #1 (Of f ) c i rcui t open B0318 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #2 (A/C) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0319 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #2 (A/C) c i rcui t range/per formance B0320 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #2 (A/C) c i rcui t low B0321 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #2 (A/C) c i rcui t h igh B0322 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #2 (A/C) c i rcui t open B0323 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #3 (Recirc /Max) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0324 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #3 (Recirc /Max) c i rcui t range/per formance B0325 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #3 (Recirc /Max) c i rcui t low B0326 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #3 (Recirc /Max) c i rcui t h igh B0327 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #3 (Recirc /Max) c i rcui t open B0328 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #4 (Vent ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0329 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #4 (Vent ) c i rcui t range/performance B0330 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #4 (Vent ) c i rcui t low B0331 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #4 (Vent ) c i rcui t h igh B0332 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #4 (Vent ) c i rcui t open B0333 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #5 (Defrost ) c i rcuit mal funct ion B0334 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #5 (Defrost ) c i rcuit range/performance B0335 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #5 (Defrost ) c i rcui t low B0336 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #5 (Defrost ) c i rcui t h igh B0337 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #5 (Defrost ) c i rcui t open B0338 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #6 (Warmer) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0339 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #6 (Warmer) c i rcui t range/performance B0340 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #6 (Warmer) c i rcui t low B0341 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #6 (Warmer) c i rcui t h igh B0342 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #6 (Warmer) c i rcui t open B0343 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #7 (Cooler) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0344 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #7 (Cooler) c i rcui t range/performance B0345 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #7 (Cooler) c i rcui t low B0346 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #7 (Cooler) c i rcui t h igh B0347 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #7 (Cooler) c i rcui t open B0348 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #8 (Blend #1; Face/Floor) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0349 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #8 (Blend #1; Face/Floor) c i rcui t range/per formance B0350 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #8 (Blend #1; Face/Floor) c i rcui t low B0351 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #8 (Blend #1; Face/Floor) c i rcui t h igh B0352 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #8 (Blend #1; Face/Floor) c i rcui t open B0353 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #9 (Blend #2; Defog/F loor) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0354 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #9 (Blend #2; Defog/F loor) c i rcui t range/per formance B0355 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #9 (Blend #2; Defog/F loor) c i rcui t low B0356 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #9 (Blend #2; Defog/F loor) c i rcui t h igh B0357 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #9 (Blend #2; Defog/F loor) c i rcui t open B0358 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #10 (Auto Contro l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0359 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #10 (Auto Contro l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B0360 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #10 (Auto Contro l ) c i rcui t low B0361 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #10 (Auto Contro l ) c i rcui t h igh B0362 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #10 (Auto Contro l ) c i rcui t open B0363 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #11 (Dual Zone) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0364 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #11 (Dual Zone) c i rcui t range/per formance B0365 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #11 (Dual Zone) c i rcui t low B0366 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #11 (Dual Zone) c i rcui t h igh B0367 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch #11 (Dual Zone) c i rcui t open B0368 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch assembly c i rcui t mal funct ion B0369 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch assembly c i rcui t range/performance

B0370 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch assembly c i rcui t low B0371 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch assembly c i rcui t h igh B0372 Cl imate contro l se lect ion sw itch assembly c i rcui t open B0373 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #1 (Of f ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0374 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #1 (Of f ) c i rcui t range/per formance B0375 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #1 (Of f ) c i rcui t low B0376 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #1 (Of f ) c i rcui t h igh B0377 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #1 (Of f ) c i rcui t open B0378 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #2 (A/C) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0379 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #2 (A/C) c i rcui t range/per formance B0380 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #2 (A/C) c i rcui t low B0381 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #2 (A/C) c i rcui t h igh B0382 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #2 (A/C) c i rcui t open B0383 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #3 (Vent ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0384 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #3 (Vent ) c i rcui t range/per formance B0385 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #3 (Vent ) c i rcui t low B0386 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #3 (Vent ) c i rcui t h igh B0387 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #3 (Vent ) c i rcui t open B0388 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #4 (Warmer) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0389 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #4 (Warmer) c i rcui t range/per formance B0390 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #4 (Warmer) c i rcui t low B0391 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #4 (Warmer) c i rcui t h igh B0392 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #4 (Warmer) c i rcui t open B0393 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #5 (Cooler ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0394 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #5 (Cooler ) c i rcui t range/per formance B0395 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #5 (Cooler ) c i rcui t low B0396 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #5 (Cooler ) c i rcui t h igh B0397 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #5 (Cooler ) c i rcui t open B0398 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #6 (Auto Contro l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0399 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #6 (Auto Control ) c i rcui t range/performance B0400 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #6 (Auto Control ) c i rcui t low B0401 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #6 (Auto Control ) c i rcui t h igh B0402 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch #6 (Auto Control ) c i rcui t open B0403 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch assembly c i rcui t mal funct ion B0404 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch assembly c i rcui t range/per formance B0405 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch assembly c i rcui t low B0406 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch assembly c i rcui t h igh B0407 Rear c l imate contro l select ion swi tch assembly c i rcui t open B0408 Temperature contro l #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0409 Temperature contro l #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t range/per formance B0410 Temperature contro l #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t low B0411 Temperature contro l #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t h igh B0412 Temperature contro l #1 (main/ f ront ) c i rcui t open B0413 Temperature contro l #1 (main/ f ront ) feedback c i rcuit mal funct ion B0414 Temperature contro l #1 (main/ f ront ) feedback c i rcuit range/per formance B0415 Temperature contro l #1 (main/ f ront ) feedback c i rcuit low B0416 Temperature contro l #1 (main / f ront ) feedback c i rcuit h igh B0417 Temperature contro l #1 (main / f ront ) feedback c i rcuit open B0418 Temperature contro l #2 (passenger) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0419 Temperature contro l #2 (passenger) c i rcui t range/per formance B0420 Temperature contro l #2 (passenger) c i rcui t low B0421 Temperature contro l #2 (passenger) c i rcui t h igh B0422 Temperature contro l #2 (passenger) c i rcui t open B0423 Temperature contro l #2 (passenger) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B0424 Temperature contro l #2 (passenger) feedback c i rcuit range/per formance B0425 Temperature contro l #2 (passenger) feedback c i rcuit low B0426 Temperature contro l #2 (passenger) feedback c i rcuit h igh B0427 Temperature contro l #2 (passenger) feedback c i rcuit open B0428 Temperature contro l #3 ( rear) c ircui t mal funct ion B0429 Temperature contro l #3 ( rear) c ircui t range/per formance B0430 Temperature contro l #3 ( rear) c ircui t low B0431 Temperature contro l #3 ( rear) c ircui t h igh B0432 Temperature contro l #3 ( rear) c ircui t open B0433 Temperature contro l #3 ( rear) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B0434 Temperature contro l #3 ( rear) feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B0435 Temperature contro l #3 ( rear) feedback c i rcui t low B0436 Temperature contro l #3 ( rear) feedback c i rcui t h igh

B0437 Temperature contro l #3 ( rear) feedback c i rcui t open B0438 Auxi l iary heater g low plug c i rcui t mal funct ion B0439 Auxi l iary heater g low plug c i rcui t range/performance B0440 Auxi l iary heater g low plug c i rcui t low B0441 Auxi l iary heater g low plug c i rcui t h igh B0442 Auxi l iary heater g low plug c i rcui t open B0443 Auxi l iary heater fuel pump c i rcui t mal funct ion B0444 Auxi l iary heater fuel pump c i rcui t range/performance B0445 Auxi l iary heater fuel pump c i rcui t low B0446 Auxi l iary heater fuel pump c i rcui t h igh B0447 Auxi l iary heater fuel pump c i rcui t open B0448 Auxi l iary heater b lower fan c i rcui t mal funct ion B0449 Auxi l iary heater b lower fan c i rcui t range/performance B0450 Auxi l iary heater b lower fan c i rcui t low B0451 Auxi l iary heater b lower fan c i rcui t h igh B0452 Auxi l iary heater b lower fan c i rcui t open B0453 Auxi l iary heater coolant sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B0454 Auxi l iary heater coolant sensor c i rcui t range/performance B0455 Auxi l iary heater coolant sensor c i rcui t low B0456 Auxi l iary heater coolant sensor c i rcui t h igh B0457 Auxi l iary heater coolant sensor c i rcui t open B0458 Auxi l iary heater overheat sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B0459 Auxi l iary heater overheat sensor c i rcui t range/performance B0460 Auxi l iary heater overheat sensor c i rcui t low B0461 Auxi l iary heater overheat sensor c i rcui t h igh B0462 Auxi l iary heater overheat sensor c i rcui t open B0463 Auxi l iary heater f lame sensor c ircui t mal funct ion B0464 Auxi l iary heater f lame sensor c ircui t range/per formance B0465 Auxi l iary heater f lame sensor c ircui t low B0466 Auxi l iary heater f lame sensor c ircui t h igh B0467 Auxi l iary heater f lame sensor c ircui t open B0468 Auxi l iary heater coolant pump c i rcui t mal funct ion B0469 Auxi l iary heater coolant pump c i rcui t range/performance B0470 Auxi l iary heater coolant pump c i rcui t low B0471 Auxi l iary heater coolant pump c i rcui t h igh B0472 Auxi l iary heater coolant pump c i rcui t open B0473 Auxi l iary heater passenger compt . fan contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B0474 Auxi l iary heater passenger compt . fan contro l c i rcui t range/performance B0475 Auxi l iary heater passenger compt . fan contro l c i rcui t low B0476 Auxi l iary heater passenger compt . fan contro l c i rcui t h igh B0477 Auxi l iary heater passenger compt . fan contro l c i rcui t open B0478 F lame of f f rom minimum power B0479 F lame of f f rom medium power B0480 F lame of f f rom maximum power B0481 Overheat detected: sof tw are leve l B0482 Overheat detected: hardw are level B0483 Overheat possib le B0484 Auxi l iary heater system locked B0485 Auxi l iary heater s tar t counter overrun B0486 Auxi l iary heater cold b low t ime exceeded B0487 Auxi l iary heater temp sw itch HS: no connect ion B0488 Auxi l iary heater overheat counter overrun B0489 Passenger temp. contro l "Cooler" or "Cooler /Warmer" sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B0490 Passenger temp. contro l "Cooler" or "Cooler /Warmer" sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B0491 Passenger temp. contro l "Cooler" or "Cooler /Warmer" sw itch c i rcui t low B0492 Passenger temp. contro l "Cooler" or "Cooler /Warmer" sw itch c i rcui t h igh B0493 Passenger temp. contro l "Cooler" or "Cooler /Warmer" sw itch c i rcui t open B0494 Passenger temp. contro l "Cooler" or "Cooler /Warmer" sw itch feedback ci rcui t mal f B0495 Passenger temp. contro l "Cooler" or "Cooler /Warmer" sw itch feedback ci rcui t range/per B0496 Passenger temp. contro l "Cooler" or "Cooler /Warmer" sw itch feedback ci rcui t low B0497 Passenger temp. contro l "Cooler" or "Cooler /Warmer" sw itch feedback ci rcui t h igh B0498 Passenger temp. contro l "Cooler" or "Cooler /Warmer" sw itch feedback ci rcui t open B0499 Passenger temp. contro l "Warmer" sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B0500 Passenger temp. contro l "Warmer" sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B0501 Passenger temp. contro l "Warmer" sw itch c i rcui t low B0502 Passenger temp. contro l "Warmer" sw itch c i rcui t h igh B0503 Passenger temp. contro l "Warmer" sw itch c i rcui t open

B0504 Passenger temp. contro l "Warmer" sw itch feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B0505 Passenger temp. contro l "Warmer" sw itch feedback c i rcui t range/performance B0506 Passenger temp. contro l "Warmer" sw itch feedback c i rcui t low B0507 Passenger temp. contro l "Warmer" sw itch feedback c i rcui t h igh B0508 Passenger temp. contro l "Warmer" sw itch feedback c i rcui t open B0509 Output a i r temperature sensor #3 (upper RH) c i rcuit mal funct ion B0510 Output a i r temperature sensor #3 (upper RH) c i rcuit range/per formance B0511 Output a i r temperature sensor #3 (upper RH) c i rcuit low B0512 Output a i r temperature sensor #3 (upper RH) c i rcuit h igh B0513 Output a i r temperature sensor #3 (upper RH) c i rcuit open B0514 Output a i r temperature sensor #4 ( low er RH) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0515 Output a i r temperature sensor #4 ( low er RH) c i rcui t range/per formance B0516 Output a i r temperature sensor #4 ( low er RH) c i rcui t low B0517 Output a i r temperature sensor #4 ( low er RH) c i rcui t h igh B0518 Output a i r temperature sensor #4 ( low er RH) c i rcui t open B0519 Output a i r temperature sensor #5 (s ingle rear output ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0520 Output a i r temperature sensor #5 (s ingle rear output ) c i rcui t range/performance B0521 Output a i r temperature sensor #5 (s ingle rear output ) c i rcui t low B0522 Output a i r temperature sensor #5 (s ingle rear output ) c i rcui t h igh B0523 Output a i r temperature sensor #5 (s ingle rear output ) c i rcui t open B0525 RH turn s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion B0526 RH turn s ignal c i rcui t range/performance B0527 RH turn s ignal c i rcui t low B0528 RH turn s ignal c i rcui t h igh B0529 RH turn s ignal c i rcui t open B0530 LH turn s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion B0531 LH turn s ignal c i rcui t range/performance B0532 LH turn s ignal c i rcui t low B0533 LH turn s ignal c i rcui t h igh B0534 LH turn s ignal c i rcui t open B0535 Headlamp high beam indicator c ircui t mal funct ion B0536 Headlamp high beam indicator c ircui t range/per formance B0537 Headlamp high beam indicator c ircui t low B0538 Headlamp high beam indicator c ircui t h igh B0539 Headlamp high beam indicator c ircui t open B0540 Speedometer c i rcui t mal funct ion B0541 Speedometer c i rcui t range/performance B0542 Speedometer c i rcui t low B0543 Speedometer c i rcui t h igh B0544 Speedometer c i rcui t open B0545 MPH/km/h indicator c ircui t mal funct ion B0546 MPH/km/h indicator c ircui t range/per formance B0547 MPH/km/h indicator c ircui t low B0548 MPH/km/h indicator c ircui t h igh B0549 MPH/km/h indicator c ircui t open B0550 Season odometer c i rcui t mal funct ion B0551 Season odometer c i rcui t range/per formance B0552 Season odometer c i rcui t low B0553 Season odometer c i rcui t h igh B0554 Season odometer c i rcui t open B0555 Tr ip odometer c i rcui t mal funct ion B0556 Tr ip odometer c i rcui t range/performance B0557 Tr ip odometer c i rcui t low B0558 Tr ip odometer c i rcui t h igh B0559 Tr ip odometer c i rcui t open B0560 Tachometer c i rcui t mal funct ion B0561 Tachometer c i rcui t range/per formance B0562 Tachometer c i rcui t low B0563 Tachometer c i rcui t h igh B0564 Tachometer c i rcui t open B0565 Coolant temperature indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0566 Coolant temperature indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0567 Coolant temperature indicator c i rcui t low B0568 Coolant temperature indicator c i rcui t h igh B0569 Coolant temperature indicator c i rcui t open B0570 Low coolant indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0571 Low coolant indicator c i rcui t range/performance

B0572 Low coolant indicator c i rcui t low B0573 Low coolant indicator c i rcui t h igh B0574 Low coolant indicator c i rcui t open B0575 Fuel leve l indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0576 Fuel leve l indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0577 Fuel leve l indicator c i rcui t low B0578 Fuel leve l indicator c i rcui t h igh B0579 Fuel leve l indicator c i rcui t open B0580 Low fuel indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0581 Low fuel indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0582 Low fuel indicator c i rcui t low B0583 Low fuel indicator c i rcui t h igh B0584 Low fuel indicator c i rcui t open B0585 Al ternate fuel indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0586 Al ternate fuel indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0587 Al ternate fuel indicator c i rcui t low B0588 Al ternate fuel indicator c i rcui t h igh B0589 Al ternate fuel indicator c i rcui t open B0590 Turbocharger /supercharger boost indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0591 Turbocharger /supercharger boost indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0592 Turbocharger /supercharger boost indicator c i rcui t low B0593 Turbocharger /supercharger boost indicator c i rcui t h igh B0594 Turbocharger /supercharger boost indicator c i rcui t open B0595 Fasten seatbel t indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0596 Fasten seatbel t indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0597 Fasten seatbel t indicator c i rcui t low B0598 Fasten seatbel t indicator c i rcui t h igh B0599 Fasten seatbel t indicator gage c ircui t open B0600 Door #1 (LF) a jar indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0601 Door #1 (LF) a jar indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0602 Door #1 (LF) a jar indicator c i rcui t low B0603 Door #1 (LF) a jar indicator c i rcui t h igh B0604 Door #1 (LF) a jar indicator c i rcui t open B0605 Door #2 (RF) a jar indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0606 Door #2 (RF) a jar indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0607 Door #2 (RF) a jar indicator c i rcui t low B0608 Door #2 (RF) a jar indicator c i rcui t h igh B0609 Door #2 (RF) a jar indicator c i rcui t open B0610 Door #3 (LR pass. car or LH van s l id ing) a jar indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0611 Door #3 (LR pass. car or LH van s l id ing) a jar indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0612 Door #3 (LR pass. car or LH van s l id ing) a jar indicator c i rcui t low B0613 Door #3 (LR pass. car or LH van s l id ing) a jar indicator c i rcui t h igh B0614 Door #3 (LR pass. car or LH van s l id ing) a jar indicator c i rcui t open B0615 Door #4 (RR pass. car or RH van s l id ing) a jar indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0616 Door #4 (RR pass. car or RH van s l id ing) a jar indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0617 Door #4 (RR pass. car or RH van s l id ing) a jar indicator c i rcui t low B0618 Door #4 (RR pass. car or RH van s l id ing) a jar indicator c i rcui t h igh B0619 Door #4 (RR pass. car or RH van s l id ing) a jar indicator c i rcui t open B0620 Hood a jar indicator c ircui t mal funct ion B0621 Hood a jar indicator c ircui t range/per formance B0622 Hood a jar indicator c ircui t low B0623 Hood a jar indicator c ircui t h igh B0624 Hood a jar indicator c ircui t open B0625 Trunk/hatch (pass. cars) a jar indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0626 Trunk/hatch (pass. cars) a jar indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0627 Trunk/hatch (pass. cars) a jar indicator c i rcui t low B0628 Trunk/hatch (pass. cars) a jar indicator c i rcui t h igh B0629 Trunk/hatch (pass. cars) a jar indicator c i rcui t open B0630 Tai lgate (p ickup or ut i l ) a jar indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0631 Tai lgate (p ickup or ut i l ) a jar indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0632 Tai lgate (p ickup or ut i l ) a jar indicator c i rcui t low B0633 Tai lgate (p ickup or ut i l ) a jar indicator c i rcui t h igh B0634 Tai lgate (p ickup or ut i l ) a jar indicator c i rcui t open B0635 Cargo door #1 (LH of doubles) a jar indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0636 Cargo door #1 (LH of doubles) a jar indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0637 Cargo door #1 (LH of doubles) a jar indicator c i rcui t low B0638 Cargo door #1 (LH of doubles) a jar indicator c i rcui t h igh

B0639 Cargo door #1 (LH of doubles) a jar indicator c i rcui t open B0640 Cargo door #2 (RH double) a jar indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0641 Cargo door #2 (RH double) a jar indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0642 Cargo door #2 (RH double) a jar indicator c i rcui t low B0643 Cargo door #2 (RH double) a jar indicator c i rcui t h igh B0644 Cargo door #2 (RH double) a jar indicator c i rcui t open B0645 L i f t g lass a jar indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0646 L i f t g lass a jar indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0647 L i f t g lass a jar indicator c i rcui t low B0648 L i f t g lass a jar indicator c i rcui t h igh B0649 L i f t g lass a jar indicator c i rcui t open B0650 Fuel f i l ler door a jar indicator c ircui t mal funct ion B0651 Fuel f i l ler door a jar indicator c ircui t range/per formance B0652 Fuel f i l ler door a jar indicator c ircui t low B0653 Fuel f i l ler door a jar indicator c ircui t h igh B0654 Fuel f i l ler door a jar indicator c ircui t open B0655 Brake (hydraul ics and/or park brake) indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0656 Brake (hydraul ics and/or park brake) indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0657 Brake (hydraul ics and/or park brake) indicator c i rcui t low B0658 Brake (hydraul ics and/or park brake) indicator c i rcui t h igh B0659 Brake (hydraul ics and/or park brake) indicator c i rcui t open B0660 Auto Park (Med. Truck) indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0661 Auto Park (Med. Truck) indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0662 Auto Park (Med. Truck) indicator c i rcui t low B0663 Auto Park (Med. Truck) indicator c i rcui t h igh B0664 Auto Park (Med. Truck) indicator c i rcui t open B0665 Service ABS indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0666 Service ABS indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0667 Service ABS indicator c i rcui t low B0668 Service ABS indicator c i rcui t h igh B0669 Service ABS indicator c i rcui t open B0670 Inf la table rest ra int system indicator #1 (main indicator ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0671 Inf la table rest ra int system indicator #1 (main indicator ) c i rcui t range/performance B0672 Inf la table rest ra int system indicator #1 (main indicator ) c i rcui t low B0673 Inf la table rest ra int system indicator #1 (main indicator ) c i rcui t h igh B0674 Inf la table rest ra int system indicator #1 (main indicator ) indicator c i rcui t open B0675 Inf la table restra int system indicator #2 ( redundant /secondary) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0676 Inf la table restra int system indicator #2 ( redundant /secondary) c i rcui t range/performance B0677 Inf la table restra int system indicator #2 ( redundant /secondary) c i rcui t low B0678 Inf la table restra int system indicator #2 ( redundant /secondary) c i rcui t h igh B0679 Inf la table restra int system indicator #2 ( redundant /secondary) indicator c i rcui t open B0680 Passenger a i rbag d isabled indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0681 Passenger a i rbag d isabled indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0682 Passenger a i rbag d isabled indicator c i rcui t low B0683 Passenger a i rbag d isabled indicator c i rcui t h igh B0684 Passenger a i rbag d isabled indicator c i rcui t open B0685 Secur i ty system indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0686 Secur i ty system indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0687 Secur i ty system indicator c i rcui t low B0688 Secur i ty system indicator c i rcui t h igh B0689 Secur i ty system indicator c i rcui t open B0690 Brake To Shi f t indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0691 Brake To Shi f t indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0692 Brake To Shi f t indicator c i rcui t low B0693 Brake To Shi f t indicator c i rcui t h igh B0694 Brake To Shi f t indicator c i rcui t open B0695 Low oi l leve l indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0696 Low oi l leve l indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0697 Low oi l leve l indicator c i rcui t low B0698 Low oi l leve l indicator c i rcui t h igh B0699 Low oi l leve l indicator c i rcui t open B0700 Oi l temperature indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0701 Oi l temperature indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0702 Oi l temperature indicator c i rcui t low B0703 Oi l temperature indicator c i rcui t h igh B0704 Oi l temperature indicator c i rcui t open B0705 Oi l pressure indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion

B0706 Oi l pressure indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0707 Oi l pressure indicator c i rcui t low B0708 Oi l pressure indicator c i rcui t h igh B0709 Oi l pressure indicator c i rcui t open B0710 Change oi l indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0711 Change o i l indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0712 Change o i l indicator c i rcui t low B0713 Change o i l indicator c i rcui t h igh B0714 Change o i l indicator c i rcui t open B0715 Message d isplay system (dot matr ix , reconf ig . TT, e tc . ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0716 Message d isplay system (dot matr ix , reconf ig . TT, e tc . ) c i rcui t range/per formance B0717 Message d isplay system (dot matr ix , reconf ig . TT, e tc . ) c i rcui t low B0718 Message d isplay system (dot matr ix , reconf ig . TT, e tc . ) c i rcui t h igh B0719 Message d isplay system (dot matr ix , reconf ig . TT, e tc . ) c i rcui t open B0720 PRNDL indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0721 PRNDL indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0722 PRNDL indicator c i rcui t low B0723 PRNDL indicator c i rcui t h igh B0724 PRNDL indicator c i rcui t open B0725 P indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0726 P indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0727 P indicator c i rcui t low B0728 P indicator c i rcui t h igh B0729 P indicator c i rcui t open B0730 R indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0731 R indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0732 R indicator c i rcui t low B0733 R indicator c i rcui t h igh B0734 R indicator c i rcui t open B0735 N indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0736 N indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0737 N indicator c i rcui t low B0738 N indicator c i rcui t h igh B0739 N indicator c i rcui t open B0740 OD indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0741 OD indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0742 OD indicator c i rcui t low B0743 OD indicator c i rcui t h igh B0744 OD indicator c i rcui t open B0745 D indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0746 D indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0747 D indicator c i rcui t low B0748 D indicator c i rcui t h igh B0749 D indicator c i rcui t open B0750 L indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0751 L indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0752 L indicator c i rcui t low B0753 L indicator c i rcui t h igh B0754 L indicator c i rcui t open B0755 Low washer f lu id indicator #1 (pr imary/ f ront ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0756 Low washer f lu id indicator #1 (pr imary/ f ront ) c i rcui t range/performance B0757 Low washer f lu id indicator #1 (pr imary/ f ront ) c i rcui t low B0758 Low washer f lu id indicator #1 (pr imary/ f ront ) c i rcui t h igh B0759 Low washer f lu id indicator #1 (pr imary/ f ront ) c i rcui t open B0760 Low washer f lu id indicator #2 (secondary/ rear ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B0761 Low washer f lu id indicator #2 (secondary/ rear ) c i rcui t range/per formance B0762 Low washer f lu id indicator #2 (secondary/ rear ) c i rcui t low B0763 Low washer f lu id indicator #2 (secondary/ rear ) c i rcui t h igh B0764 Low washer f lu id indicator #2 (secondary/ rear ) c i rcui t open B0765 Service AWD/4WD indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0766 Service AWD/4WD indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0767 Service AWD/4WD indicator c i rcui t low B0768 Service AWD/4WD indicator c i rcui t h igh B0769 Service AWD/4WD indicator c i rcui t open B0770 AWD/4WD indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0771 AWD/4WD indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0772 AWD/4WD indicator c i rcui t low

B0773 AWD/4WD indicator c i rcui t h igh B0774 AWD/4WD indicator c i rcui t open B0775 4HI indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0776 4HI indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0777 4HI indicator c i rcui t low B0778 4HI indicator c i rcui t h igh B0779 4HI indicator c i rcui t open B0780 4LO indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0781 4LO indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0782 4LO indicator c i rcui t low B0783 4LO indicator c i rcui t h igh B0784 4LO indicator c i rcui t open B0785 2HI indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0786 2HI indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0787 2HI indicator c i rcui t low B0788 2HI indicator c i rcui t h igh B0789 2HI indicator c i rcui t open B0790 Transfer case Neutra l indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0791 Transfer case Neutra l indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0792 Transfer case Neutra l indicator c i rcui t low B0793 Transfer case Neutra l indicator c i rcui t h igh B0794 Transfer case Neutra l indicator c i rcui t open B0795 Transmission temperature indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0796 Transmission temperature indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0797 Transmission temperature indicator c i rcui t low B0798 Transmission temperature indicator c i rcui t h igh B0799 Transmission temperature indicator c i rcui t open B0800 Transmission shi f t mode (Norm/Perf ) indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0801 Transmission shi f t mode (Norm/Perf ) indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0802 Transmission shi f t mode (Norm/Perf ) indicator c i rcui t low B0803 Transmission shi f t mode (Norm/Perf ) indicator c i rcui t h igh B0804 Transmission shi f t mode (Norm/Perf ) indicator c i rcui t open B0805 One-To-Four shi f t mode (ZF manual t rans.) indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0806 One-To-Four shi f t mode (ZF manual t rans.) indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0807 One-To-Four shi f t mode (ZF manual t rans. ) indicator c i rcui t low B0808 One-To-Four shi f t mode (ZF manual t rans. ) indicator c i rcui t h igh B0809 One-To-Four shi f t mode (ZF manual t rans. ) indicator c i rcui t open B0810 Upshi f t indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0811 Upshi f t indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0812 Upshi f t indicator c i rcui t low B0813 Upshi f t indicator c i rcui t h igh B0814 Upshi f t indicator c i rcui t open B0815 Service t ract ion contro l system indicator c ircui t mal funct ion B0816 Service t ract ion contro l system indicator c ircui t range/per formance B0817 Service t ract ion contro l system indicator c ircui t low B0818 Service t ract ion contro l system indicator c ircui t h igh B0819 Service t ract ion contro l system indicator c ircui t open B0820 Tract ion contro l system act ive indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0821 Tract ion contro l system act ive indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0822 Tract ion contro l system act ive indicator c i rcui t low B0823 Tract ion contro l system act ive indicator c i rcui t h igh B0824 Tract ion contro l system act ive indicator c i rcui t open B0825 Tract ion contro l system of f indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0826 Tract ion contro l system of f indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0827 Tract ion contro l system of f indicator c i rcui t low B0828 Tract ion contro l system of f indicator c i rcui t h igh B0829 Tract ion contro l system of f indicator c i rcui t open B0830 Second gear s tart indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0831 Second gear s tart indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0832 Second gear s tart indicator c i rcui t low B0833 Second gear s tart indicator c i rcui t h igh B0834 Second gear s tart indicator c i rcui t open B0835 Cruise control system act ive indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0836 Cruise control system act ive indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0837 Cruise control system act ive indicator c i rcui t low B0838 Cruise control system act ive indicator c i rcui t h igh B0839 Cruise control system act ive indicator c i rcui t open

B0840 Check gages indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0841 Check gages indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0842 Check gages indicator c i rcui t low B0843 Check gages indicator c i rcui t h igh B0844 Check gages indicator c i rcui t open B0845 Water in fuel indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0846 Water in fue l indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0847 Water in fuel indicator c i rcui t low B0848 Water in fuel indicator c i rcui t h igh B0849 Water in fue l indicator c i rcui t open B0850 Wai t /Glow plugs indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0851 Wai t /Glow plugs indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0852 Wai t /Glow plugs indicator c i rcui t low B0853 Wai t /Glow plugs indicator c i rcui t h igh B0854 Wai t /Glow plugs indicator c i rcui t open B0855 Bat tery vol tage indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0856 Bat tery vol tage indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0857 Bat tery vol tage indicator c i rcui t low B0858 Bat tery vol tage indicator c i rcui t h igh B0859 Bat tery vol tage indicator c i rcui t open B0860 Bat tery vol tage h igh/ low indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0861 Bat tery vol tage h igh/ low indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0862 Bat tery vol tage h igh/ low indicator c i rcui t low B0863 Bat tery vol tage h igh/ low indicator c i rcui t h igh B0864 Bat tery vol tage h igh/ low indicator c i rcui t open B0865 Amperage indicator c ircui t mal funct ion B0866 Amperage indicator c ircui t range/per formance B0867 Amperage indicator c ircui t low B0868 Amperage indicator c ircui t h igh B0869 Amperage indicator c ircui t open B0870 Low t i re pressure indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0871 Low t i re pressure indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0872 Low t i re pressure indicator c i rcui t low B0873 Low t i re pressure indicator c i rcui t h igh B0874 Low t i re pressure indicator c i rcui t open B0875 Service low t i re pressure system indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0876 Service low t i re pressure system indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0877 Service low t i re pressure system indicator c i rcui t low B0878 Service low t i re pressure system indicator c i rcui t h igh B0879 Service low t i re pressure system indicator c i rcui t open B0880 Chime system c i rcui t mal funct ion B0881 Chime system c i rcui t range/per formance B0882 Chime system c i rcui t low B0883 Chime system c i rcui t h igh B0884 Chime system c i rcui t open B0885 Chime rate 0 (s low) indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0886 Chime rate 0 (s low) indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0887 Chime rate 0 (s low) indicator c i rcui t low B0888 Chime rate 0 (s low) indicator c i rcui t h igh B0889 Chime rate 0 (s low) indicator c i rcui t open B0890 Chime rate 1 (medium) indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0891 Chime rate 1 (medium) indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0892 Chime rate 1 (medium) indicator c i rcui t low B0893 Chime rate 1 (medium) indicator c i rcui t h igh B0894 Chime rate 1 (medium) indicator c i rcui t open B0895 Chime rate 2 (h igh) indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0896 Chime rate 2 (h igh) indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0897 Chime rate 2 (h igh) indicator c i rcui t low B0898 Chime rate 2 (h igh) indicator c i rcui t h igh B0899 Chime rate 2 (h igh) indicator c i rcui t open B0900 Chime rate 3 (s ingle chime) indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0901 Chime rate 3 (s ingle chime) indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0902 Chime rate 3 (s ingle chime) indicator c i rcui t low B0903 Chime rate 3 (s ingle chime) indicator c i rcui t h igh B0904 Chime rate 3 (s ingle chime) indicator c i rcui t open B0905 Body computer systems indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0906 Body computer systems indicator c i rcui t range/performance

B0907 Body computer systems indicator c i rcui t low B0908 Body computer systems indicator c i rcui t h igh B0909 Body computer systems indicator c i rcui t open B0910 Steer ing assist system (EVO, MSVA, etc . ) indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0911 Steer ing assist system (EVO, MSVA, etc . ) indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0912 Steer ing assist system (EVO, MSVA, etc . ) indicator c i rcui t low B0913 Steer ing assist system (EVO, MSVA, etc . ) indicator c i rcui t h igh B0914 Steer ing assist system (EVO, MSVA, etc . ) indicator c i rcui t open B0915 Cata lyt ic converter over temperature (export ) indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0916 Cata lyt ic converter over temperature (export ) indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0917 Cata lyt ic converter over temperature (export ) indicator c i rcui t low B0918 Cata lyt ic converter over temperature (export ) indicator c i rcui t h igh B0919 Cata lyt ic converter overtemperature (export ) indicator c i rcui t open B0920 Overspeed (export ) indicator c ircui t mal funct ion B0921 Overspeed (export ) indicator c ircui t range/per formance B0922 Overspeed (export ) indicator c ircui t low B0923 Overspeed (export ) indicator c ircui t h igh B0924 Overspeed (export ) indicator c ircui t open B0925 Reconf igurable Tel l ta le Temperature (RTT) out of range B0926 Service AHLD indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0927 Service AHLD indicator c i rcui t range/performance B0928 Service AHLD indicator c i rcui t low B0929 Service AHLD indicator c i rcui t h igh B0930 Service AHLD indicator c i rcui t open B0931 Compass sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B0932 Compass sensor c i rcui t range/per formance B0933 Compass sensor c i rcui t low B0934 Compass sensor c i rcui t h igh B0935 Compass sensor c i rcui t open B0936 Coolant leve l sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B0937 Coolant leve l sensor c i rcui t range/per formance B0938 Coolant leve l sensor c i rcui t low B0939 Coolant leve l sensor c i rcui t h igh B0940 Coolant leve l sensor c i rcui t open B0941 Level contro l system indicator c ircui t mal funct ion B0942 Level contro l system indicator c ircui t range/per formance B0943 Level contro l system indicator c ircui t low B0944 Level contro l system indicator c ircui t h igh B0945 Level contro l system indicator c ircui t open B0946 Suspension contro l se lect ion indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B0947 Suspension contro l se lect ion indicator c i rcui t range/per formance B0948 Suspension contro l se lect ion indicator c i rcui t low B0949 Suspension contro l se lect ion indicator c i rcui t h igh B0950 Suspension contro l se lect ion indicator c i rcui t open B0951 Headlamps on indicator c i rcui t mal funct ion B1000 ECU mal funct ion B1001 Opt ion conf igurat ion error B1002 Improper shutdow n B1004 KAM reset B1013 Cal ibrat ion ROM checksum error B1014 Program ROM checksum error B1015 VIN informat ion error B1016 VIN informat ion not programmed B1017 QDM / ODM 1 mal funct ion B1018 QDM / ODM 2 mal funct ion B1020 Auxi l iary ECU mal funct ion B1021 SIM card mal funct ion B1022 Emergency SIM card mal funct ion B1025 Audio [+] output #1 (LF) mal funct ion B1026 Audio [+] output #1 (LF) c i rcui t range/per formance B1027 Audio [+] output #1 (LF) c i rcui t low B1028 Audio [+] output #1 (LF) c i rcui t h igh B1029 Audio [+] output #1 (LF) c i rcui t open B1030 Audio [ - ] output #1 (LF) mal funct ion B1031 Audio [ - ] output #1 (LF) c i rcui t range/performance B1032 Audio [ - ] output #1 (LF) c i rcui t low B1033 Audio [ - ] output #1 (LF) c i rcui t h igh

B1034 Audio [ - ] output #1 (LF) c i rcui t open B1035 Audio [+] output #2 (RF) mal funct ion B1036 Audio [+] output #2 (RF) c i rcui t range/per formance B1037 Audio [+] output #2 (RF) c i rcui t low B1038 Audio [+] output #2 (RF) c i rcui t h igh B1039 Audio [+] output #2 (RF) c i rcui t open B1040 Audio [ - ] output #2 (RF) mal funct ion B1041 Audio [ - ] output #2 (RF) c i rcui t range/performance B1042 Audio [ - ] output #2 (RF) c i rcui t low B1043 Audio [ - ] output #2 (RF) c i rcui t h igh B1044 Audio [ - ] output #2 (RF) c i rcui t open B1045 Audio [+] output #3 (LR) mal funct ion B1046 Audio [+] output #3 (LR) c i rcui t range/per formance B1047 Audio [+] output #3 (LR) c i rcui t low B1048 Audio [+] output #3 (LR) c i rcui t h igh B1049 Audio [+] output #3 (LR) c i rcui t open B1050 Audio [ - ] output #3 (LR) mal funct ion B1051 Audio [ - ] output #3 (LR) c i rcui t range/performance B1052 Audio [ - ] output #3 (LR) c i rcui t low B1053 Audio [ - ] output #3 (LR) c i rcui t h igh B1054 Audio [ - ] output #3 (LR) c i rcui t open B1055 Audio [+] output #4 (RR) mal funct ion B1056 Audio [+] output #4 (RR) c i rcui t range/performance B1057 Audio [+] output #4 (RR) c i rcui t low B1058 Audio [+] output #4 (RR) c i rcui t h igh B1059 Audio [+] output #4 (RR) c i rcui t open B1060 Audio [ - ] output #4 (RR) mal funct ion B1061 Audio [ - ] output #4 (RR) c i rcui t range/performance B1062 Audio [ - ] output #4 (RR) c i rcui t low B1063 Audio [ - ] output #4 (RR) c i rcui t h igh B1064 Audio [ - ] output #4 (RR) c i rcui t open B1065 Audio [+] output #5 (TBD) mal funct ion B1066 Audio [+] output #5 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1067 Audio [+] output #5 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1068 Audio [+] output #5 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1069 Audio [+] output #5 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1070 Audio [ - ] output #5 (TBD) mal funct ion B1071 Audio [ - ] output #5 (TBD) c i rcui t range/performance B1072 Audio [ - ] output #5 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1073 Audio [ - ] output #5 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1074 Audio [ - ] output #5 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1075 Audio [+] output #6 (TBD) mal funct ion B1076 Audio [+] output #6 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1077 Audio [+] output #6 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1078 Audio [+] output #6 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1079 Audio [+] output #6 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1080 Audio [ - ] output #6 (TBD) mal funct ion B1081 Audio [ - ] output #6 (TBD) c i rcui t range/performance B1082 Audio [ - ] output #6 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1083 Audio [ - ] output #6 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1084 Audio [ - ] output #6 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1085 Audio [+] output #7 (TBD) mal funct ion B1086 Audio [+] output #7 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1087 Audio [+] output #7 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1088 Audio [+] output #7 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1089 Audio [+] output #7 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1090 Audio [ - ] output #7 (TBD) mal funct ion B1091 Audio [ - ] output #7 (TBD) c i rcui t range/performance B1092 Audio [ - ] output #7 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1093 Audio [ - ] output #7 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1094 Audio [ - ] output #7 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1095 Audio [+] output #8 (TBD) mal funct ion B1096 Audio [+] output #8 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1097 Audio [+] output #8 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1098 Audio [+] output #8 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1099 Audio [+] output #8 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1100 Audio [ - ] output #8 (TBD) mal funct ion

B1101 Audio [ - ] output #8 (TBD) c i rcui t range/performance B1102 Audio [ - ] output #8 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1103 Audio [ - ] output #8 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1104 Audio [ - ] output #8 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1105 Audio [+] output #9 (TBD) mal funct ion B1106 Audio [+] output #9 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1107 Audio [+] output #9 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1108 Audio [+] output #9 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1109 Audio [+] output #9 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1110 Audio [ - ] output #9 (TBD) mal funct ion B1111 Audio [ - ] output #9 (TBD) c i rcui t range/performance B1112 Audio [ - ] output #9 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1113 Audio [ - ] output #9 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1114 Audio [ - ] output #9 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1115 Audio [+] output #10 (TBD) mal funct ion B1116 Audio [+] output #10 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1117 Audio [+] output #10 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1118 Audio [+] output #10 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1119 Audio [+] output #10 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1120 Audio [ - ] output #10 (TBD) mal funct ion B1121 Audio [ - ] output #10 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1122 Audio [ - ] output #10 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1123 Audio [ - ] output #10 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1124 Audio [ - ] output #10 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1125 Audio [+] output #11 (TBD) mal funct ion B1126 Audio [+] output #11 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1127 Audio [+] output #11 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1128 Audio [+] output #11 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1129 Audio [+] output #11 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1130 Audio [ - ] output #11 (TBD) mal funct ion B1131 Audio [ - ] output #11 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1132 Audio [ - ] output #11 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1133 Audio [ - ] output #11 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1134 Audio [ - ] output #11 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1135 Audio [+] output #12 (TBD) mal funct ion B1136 Audio [+] output #12 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1137 Audio [+] output #12 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1138 Audio [+] output #12 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1139 Audio [+] output #12 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1140 Audio [ - ] output #12 (TBD) mal funct ion B1141 Audio [ - ] output #12 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1142 Audio [ - ] output #12 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1143 Audio [ - ] output #12 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1144 Audio [ - ] output #12 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1145 Audio [+] output #13 (TBD) mal funct ion B1146 Audio [+] output #13 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1147 Audio [+] output #13 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1148 Audio [+] output #13 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1149 Audio [+] output #13 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1150 Audio [ - ] output #13 (TBD) mal funct ion B1151 Audio [ - ] output #13 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1152 Audio [ - ] output #13 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1153 Audio [ - ] output #13 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1154 Audio [ - ] output #13 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1155 Audio [+] output #14 (TBD) mal funct ion B1156 Audio [+] output #14 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1157 Audio [+] output #14 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1158 Audio [+] output #14 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1159 Audio [+] output #14 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1160 Audio [ - ] output #14 (TBD) mal funct ion B1161 Audio [ - ] output #14 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1162 Audio [ - ] output #14 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1163 Audio [ - ] output #14 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1164 Audio [ - ] output #14 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1165 Audio [+] output #15 (TBD) mal funct ion B1166 Audio [+] output #15 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1167 Audio [+] output #15 (TBD) c i rcui t low

B1168 Audio [+] output #15 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1169 Audio [+] output #15 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1170 Audio [ - ] output #15 (TBD) mal funct ion B1171 Audio [ - ] output #15 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1172 Audio [ - ] output #15 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1173 Audio [ - ] output #15 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1174 Audio [ - ] output #15 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1175 Audio [+] output #16 (TBD) mal funct ion B1176 Audio [+] output #16 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1177 Audio [+] output #16 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1178 Audio [+] output #16 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1179 Audio [+] output #16 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1180 Audio [ - ] output #16 (TBD) mal funct ion B1181 Audio [ - ] output #16 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1182 Audio [ - ] output #16 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1183 Audio [ - ] output #16 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1184 Audio [ - ] output #16 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1185 Audio [+] output #17 (TBD) mal funct ion B1186 Audio [+] output #17 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1187 Audio [+] output #17 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1188 Audio [+] output #17 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1189 Audio [+] output #17 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1190 Audio [ - ] output #17 (TBD) mal funct ion B1191 Audio [ - ] output #17 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1192 Audio [ - ] output #17 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1193 Audio [ - ] output #17 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1194 Audio [ - ] output #17 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1195 Audio [+] output #18 (TBD) mal funct ion B1196 Audio [+] output #18 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1197 Audio [+] output #18 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1198 Audio [+] output #18 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1199 Audio [+] output #18 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1200 Audio [ - ] output #18 (TBD) mal funct ion B1201 Audio [ - ] output #18 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1202 Audio [ - ] output #18 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1203 Audio [ - ] output #18 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1204 Audio [ - ] output #18 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1205 Audio [+] output #19 (TBD) mal funct ion B1206 Audio [+] output #19 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1207 Audio [+] output #19 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1208 Audio [+] output #19 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1209 Audio [+] output #19 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1210 Audio [ - ] output #19 (TBD) mal funct ion B1211 Audio [ - ] output #19 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1212 Audio [ - ] output #19 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1213 Audio [ - ] output #19 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1214 Audio [ - ] output #19 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1215 Audio [+] output #20 (TBD) mal funct ion B1216 Audio [+] output #20 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1217 Audio [+] output #20 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1218 Audio [+] output #20 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1219 Audio [+] output #20 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1220 Audio [ - ] output #20 (TBD) mal funct ion B1221 Audio [ - ] output #20 (TBD) c i rcui t range/per formance B1222 Audio [ - ] output #20 (TBD) c i rcui t low B1223 Audio [ - ] output #20 (TBD) c i rcui t h igh B1224 Audio [ - ] output #20 (TBD) c i rcui t open B1225 Tape p layer ON s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion B1226 Tape p layer ON s ignal c i rcui t range/per formance B1227 Tape p layer ON s ignal c i rcui t low B1228 Tape p layer ON s ignal c i rcui t h igh B1229 Tape p layer ON s ignal c i rcui t open B1230 CD player ON s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion B1231 CD player ON s ignal c i rcui t range/per formance B1232 CD player ON s ignal c i rcui t low B1233 CD player ON s ignal c i rcui t h igh B1234 CD player ON s ignal c i rcui t open

B1235 Ampl i f ier ON s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion B1236 Ampl i f ier ON s ignal c i rcui t range/per formance B1237 Ampl i f ier ON s ignal c i rcui t low B1238 Ampl i f ier ON s ignal c i rcui t h igh B1239 Ampl i f ier ON s ignal c i rcui t open B1240 CD player not responding B1241 CD player t racking mal funct ion B1242 CD player focus mal funct ion B1243 CD player load/unload mal funct ion B1244 CD player d isk upside dow n B1245 CD changer not responding B1246 CD changer t racking mal funct ion B1247 CD changer focus mal funct ion B1248 CD changer load/unload mal funct ion B1249 CD changer disk upside down B1250 Casset te tape s low B1251 Casset te tape fast B1252 Casset te not responding B1253 Casset te head c leaning required B1254 Audio system secur i ty c i rcui t mal funct ion B1255 Audio system secur i ty c i rcui t range/performance B1256 Audio system secur i ty c i rcui t low B1257 Audio system secur i ty c i rcui t h igh B1258 Audio system secur i ty c i rcui t open B1259 Antenna ground c i rcui t mal funct ion B1260 Antenna ground c i rcui t range/per formance B1261 Antenna ground c i rcui t low B1262 Antenna ground c i rcui t h igh B1263 Antenna ground c i rcui t open B1264 Sw itched antenna mal funct ion B1265 Sw itched 14 vol t mal funct ion B1266 Sw itched internal bat tery mal funct ion B1267 16 vo l t mal funct ion B1268 Cassette t ight tape B1269 Casset te load/unload error B1270 Casset te cut tape B1271 Thef t Locked B1325 Device pow er #1 ( low current #1) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1326 Device pow er #1 ( low current #1) c i rcui t range/performance B1327 Device pow er #1 ( low current #1) c i rcui t low B1328 Device pow er #1 ( low current #1) c i rcui t h igh B1329 Device pow er #1 ( low current #1) c i rcui t open B1330 Device pow er #2 ( low current #2) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1331 Device pow er #2 ( low current #2) c i rcui t range/performance B1332 Device pow er #2 ( low current #2) c i rcui t low B1333 Device pow er #2 ( low current #2) c i rcui t h igh B1334 Device pow er #2 ( low current #2) c i rcui t open B1335 Device pow er #3 (h igh current #1) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1336 Device pow er #3 (h igh current #1) c i rcui t range/performance B1337 Device pow er #3 (h igh current #1) c i rcui t low B1338 Device pow er #3 (h igh current #1) c i rcui t h igh B1339 Device pow er #3 (h igh current #1) c i rcui t open B1340 Device pow er #4 (h igh current #2) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1341 Device pow er #4 (h igh current #2) c i rcui t range/performance B1342 Device pow er #4 (h igh current #2) c i rcui t low B1343 Device pow er #4 (h igh current #2) c i rcui t h igh B1344 Device pow er #4 (h igh current #2) c i rcui t open B1345 Device ground #1 (chassis gnd #1) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1346 Device ground #1 (chassis gnd #1) c i rcui t range/performance B1347 Device ground #1 (chassis gnd #1) c i rcui t low B1348 Device ground #1 (chassis gnd #1) c i rcui t h igh B1349 Device ground #1 (chassis gnd #1) c i rcui t open B1350 Device ground #2 (chassis gnd #2) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1351 Device ground #2 (chassis gnd #2) c i rcui t range/performance B1352 Device ground #2 (chassis gnd #2) c i rcui t low B1353 Device ground #2 (chassis gnd #2) c i rcui t h igh B1354 Device ground #2 (chassis gnd #2) c i rcui t open

B1355 Device ground #3 (s ignal gnd #1) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1356 Device ground #3 (s ignal gnd #1) c i rcui t range/performance B1357 Device ground #3 (s ignal gnd #1) c i rcui t low B1358 Device ground #3 (s ignal gnd #1) c i rcui t h igh B1359 Device ground #3 (s ignal gnd #1) c i rcui t open B1360 Device ground #4 (s ignal gnd #2) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1361 Device ground #4 (s ignal gnd #2) c i rcui t range/performance B1362 Device ground #4 (s ignal gnd #2) c i rcui t low B1363 Device ground #4 (s ignal gnd #2) c i rcui t h igh B1364 Device ground #4 (s ignal gnd #2) c i rcui t open B1365 Device igni t ion 0 (UNLOCK/ON/START) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1366 Device igni t ion 0 (UNLOCK/ON/START) c i rcui t range/per formance B1367 Device igni t ion 0 (UNLOCK/ON/START) c i rcui t low B1368 Device igni t ion 0 (UNLOCK/ON/START) c i rcui t h igh B1369 Device igni t ion 0 (UNLOCK/ON/START) c i rcui t open B1370 Device igni t ion 1 (ON/START) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1371 Device igni t ion 1 (ON/START) c i rcui t range/per formance B1372 Device igni t ion 1 (ON/START) c i rcui t low B1373 Device igni t ion 1 (ON/START) c i rcui t h igh B1374 Device igni t ion 1 (ON/START) c i rcui t open B1375 Device igni t ion 3 (ON) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1376 Device igni t ion 3 (ON) c i rcui t range/per formance B1377 Device igni t ion 3 (ON) c i rcui t low B1378 Device igni t ion 3 (ON) c i rcui t h igh B1379 Device igni t ion 3 (ON) c i rcui t open B1380 Device igni t ion ACC c i rcui t mal funct ion B1381 Device igni t ion ACC c i rcui t range/per formance B1382 Device igni t ion ACC c i rcui t low B1383 Device igni t ion ACC c i rcui t h igh B1384 Device igni t ion ACC c i rcui t open B1385 Device igni t ion START ci rcui t mal funct ion B1386 Device igni t ion START ci rcui t range/per formance B1387 Device igni t ion START ci rcui t low B1388 Device igni t ion START ci rcui t h igh B1389 Device igni t ion START ci rcui t open B1390 Device vol tage reference input #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion B1391 Device vol tage reference input #1 c i rcui t range/performance B1392 Device vol tage reference input #1 c i rcui t low B1393 Device vol tage reference input #1 c i rcui t h igh B1394 Device vol tage reference input #1 c i rcui t open B1395 Device vol tage reference output #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion B1396 Device vol tage reference output #1 c i rcui t range/performance B1397 Device vol tage reference output #1 c i rcui t low B1398 Device vol tage reference output #1 c i rcui t h igh B1399 Device vol tage reference output #1 c i rcui t open B1400 Device vol tage reference input #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion B1401 Device vol tage reference input #2 c i rcui t range/performance B1402 Device vol tage reference input #2 c i rcui t low B1403 Device vol tage reference input #2 c i rcui t h igh B1404 Device vol tage reference input #2 c i rcui t open B1405 Device vol tage reference output #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion B1406 Device vol tage reference output #2 c i rcui t range/performance B1407 Device vol tage reference output #2 c i rcui t low B1408 Device vol tage reference output #2 c i rcui t h igh B1409 Device vol tage reference output #2 c i rcui t open B1410 Device vol tage reference input #3 c i rcui t mal funct ion B1411 Device vol tage reference input #3 c i rcui t range/performance B1412 Device vol tage reference input #3 c i rcui t low B1413 Device vol tage reference input #3 c i rcui t h igh B1414 Device vol tage reference input #3 c i rcui t open B1415 Device vol tage reference output #3 c i rcui t mal funct ion B1416 Device vol tage reference output #3 c i rcui t range/performance B1417 Device vol tage reference output #3 c i rcui t low B1418 Device vol tage reference output #3 c i rcui t h igh B1419 Device vol tage reference output #3 c i rcui t open B1420 Device vol tage mal funct ion B1421 Device vol tage range/per formance

B1422 Device pow er moding mal funct ion B1423 Device pow er and/or ground c i rcui t mal funct ion B1424 Device #1 vol tage low B1425 Device #1 vol tage h igh B1426 Device #2 vol tage low B1427 Device #2 vol tage h igh B1428 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion B1429 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #1 c i rcui t range/performance B1430 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #1 c i rcui t low B1431 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #1 c i rcui t h igh B1432 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #1 c i rcui t open B1433 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion B1434 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #2 c i rcui t range/performance B1435 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #2 c i rcui t low B1436 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #2 c i rcui t h igh B1437 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #2 c i rcui t open B1438 IPC high vol tage output overcurrent to CCP B1439 Intermit tent device vol tage range/per formance B1440 Power mode master input c i rcui ts mismatch B1441 Device igni t ion OFF/RUN/CRANK ci rcui t mal funct ion B1442 Device igni t ion OFF/RUN/CRANK ci rcui t low B1443 Device igni t ion OFF/RUN/CRANK ci rcui t h igh B1444 Device backup pow er mal funct ion B1445 Device vol tage output #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion B1475 Reta ined accessory power c i rcui t mal funct ion B1476 Reta ined accessory power c i rcui t range/per formance B1477 Reta ined accessory power c i rcui t low B1478 Reta ined accessory power c i rcui t h igh B1479 Reta ined accessory power c i rcui t open B1480 Bat tery rundow n protect ion c i rcui t mal funct ion B1481 Bat tery rundow n protect ion c i rcui t range/per formance B1482 Bat tery rundow n protect ion c i rcui t low B1483 Bat tery rundow n protect ion c i rcui t h igh B1484 Bat tery rundow n protect ion c i rcui t open B1485 Generator L- terminal c i rcui t mal funct ion B1486 Generator L- terminal c i rcui t range/per formance B1487 Generator L- terminal c i rcui t low B1488 Generator L- terminal c i rcui t h igh B1489 Generator L- terminal c i rcui t open B1490 F- terminal c i rcui t mal funct ion B1491 F- terminal c i rcui t range/per formance B1492 F- terminal c i rcui t low B1493 F- terminal c i rcui t h igh B1494 F- terminal c i rcui t open B1495 Exter ior lamp power c i rcui t mal funct ion B1496 Exter ior lamp power c i rcui t range/per formance B1497 Exter ior lamp power c i rcui t low B1498 Exter ior lamp power c i rcui t h igh B1499 Exter ior lamp power c i rcui t open B1500 Low power contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B1501 Low power contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B1502 Low power contro l c i rcui t low B1503 Low power contro l c i rcui t h igh B1504 Low power contro l c i rcui t open B1505 High pow er contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B1506 High pow er contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B1507 High pow er contro l c i rcui t low B1508 High pow er contro l c i rcui t h igh B1509 High pow er contro l c i rcui t open B1510 Storage mode entered B1511 Bat tery vol tage low - - generator mal funct ion B1512 AD pow er c i rcui t mal funct ion B1513 Charging system vol tage low B1514 Charging system vol tage h igh B1550 Mirror LF/RF select sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1551 Mirror LF/RF select sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B1552 Mirror LF/RF select sw itch c i rcuit low

B1553 Mirror LF/RF select sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1554 Mirror LF/RF select sw itch c i rcui t open B1555 LF/RF mirror contro l sw itch assembly c i rcui t mal funct ion B1556 LF/RF mirror contro l sw itch assembly c i rcui t range/per formance B1557 LF/RF mirror contro l sw itch assembly c i rcui t low B1558 LF/RF mirror contro l sw itch assembly c i rcui t h igh B1559 LF/RF mirror contro l sw itch assembly c i rcui t open B1560 Mirror r ight contro l sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1561 Mirror r ight contro l sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B1562 Mirror r ight contro l sw itch c i rcuit low B1563 Mirror r ight contro l sw itch c i rcuit h igh B1564 Mirror r ight contro l sw itch c i rcui t open B1565 Mirror le f t contro l sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1566 Mirror le f t contro l sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1567 Mirror le f t contro l sw itch c i rcui t low B1568 Mirror le f t contro l sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1569 Mirror le f t contro l sw itch c i rcui t open B1570 Mirror up contro l sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1571 Mirror up contro l sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1572 Mirror up contro l sw itch c i rcui t low B1573 Mirror up contro l sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1574 Mirror up contro l sw itch c i rcui t open B1575 Mirror dow n contro l sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1576 Mirror dow n contro l sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1577 Mirror dow n contro l sw itch c i rcui t low B1578 Mirror dow n contro l sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1579 Mirror dow n contro l sw itch c i rcui t open B1580 LF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B1581 LF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance B1582 LF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low B1583 LF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh B1584 LF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open B1585 LF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B1586 LF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B1587 LF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t low B1588 LF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t h igh B1589 LF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t open B1590 LF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B1591 LF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/performance B1592 LF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low B1593 LF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh B1594 LF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open B1595 LF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B1596 LF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B1597 LF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t low B1598 LF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t h igh B1599 LF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t open B1600 LF mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1601 LF mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/performance B1602 LF mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B1603 LF mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B1604 LF mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B1605 LF mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1606 LF mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B1607 LF mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t low B1608 LF mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t h igh B1609 LF mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t open B1610 RF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B1611 RF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance B1612 RF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low B1613 RF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh B1614 RF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open B1615 RF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B1616 RF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B1617 RF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t low B1618 RF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t h igh B1619 RF mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t open

B1620 RF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B1621 RF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/performance B1622 RF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low B1623 RF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh B1624 RF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open B1625 RF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B1626 RF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B1627 RF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t low B1628 RF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t h igh B1629 RF mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t open B1630 RF mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1631 RF mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/performance B1632 RF mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B1633 RF mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B1634 RF mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B1635 RF mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1636 RF mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B1637 RF mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t low B1638 RF mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t h igh B1639 RF mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t open B1640 LF mirror heater c i rcui t mal funct ion B1641 LF mirror heater c i rcui t range/per formance B1642 LF mirror heater c i rcui t low B1643 LF mirror heater c i rcui t h igh B1644 LF mirror heater c i rcui t open B1645 RF mirror heater c i rcui t mal funct ion B1646 RF mirror heater c i rcui t range/per formance B1647 RF mirror heater c i rcui t low B1648 RF mirror heater c i rcui t h igh B1649 RF mirror heater c i rcui t open B1650 LF mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t mal funct ion B1651 LF mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t range/performance B1652 LF mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t low B1653 LF mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t h igh B1654 LF mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t open B1655 RF mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t mal funct ion B1656 RF mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t range/performance B1657 RF mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t low B1658 RF mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t h igh B1659 RF mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t open B1660 Inside rearview mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B1661 Inside rearview mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance B1662 Inside rearview mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low B1663 Inside rearview mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh B1664 Inside rearview mirror ver t ica l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open B1665 Inside rearview mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B1666 Inside rearview mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B1667 Inside rearview mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t low B1668 Inside rearview mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t h igh B1669 Inside rearview mirror ver t ica l posi t ion feedback c i rcui t open B1670 Inside rearview mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B1671 Inside rearview mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance B1672 Inside rearview mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low B1673 Inside rearview mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh B1674 Inside rearview mirror hor izonta l posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open B1675 Inside rearview mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback ci rcui t mal funct ion B1676 Inside rearview mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback ci rcui t range/per formance B1677 Inside rearview mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback ci rcui t low B1678 Inside rearview mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback ci rcui t h igh B1679 Inside rearview mirror hor izonta l posi t ion feedback ci rcui t open B1680 Inside rearview mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1681 Inside rearview mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B1682 Inside rearview mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B1683 Inside rearview mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B1684 Inside rearview mirror motor #1 (s ingle motor or ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B1685 Inside rearview mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1686 Inside rearview mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t range/performance

B1687 Inside rearview mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t low B1688 Inside rearview mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t h igh B1689 Inside rearview mirror motor #2 (hor izonta l ) c i rcui t open B1690 Inside rearview mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t mal funct ion B1691 Inside rearview mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t range/per formance B1692 Inside rearview mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t low B1693 Inside rearview mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t h igh B1694 Inside rearview mirror t ransmission reverse gear c i rcui t open B1695 Mirror le f t -up contro l sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1696 Mirror le f t -up contro l sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1697 Mirror le f t -up contro l sw itch c i rcui t low B1698 Mirror le f t -up contro l sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1699 Mirror le f t -up contro l sw itch c i rcui t open B1700 Mirror le f t -down control sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1701 Mirror le f t -down control sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1702 Mirror le f t -down control sw itch c i rcui t low B1703 Mirror le f t -down control sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1704 Mirror le f t -down control sw itch c i rcui t open B1705 Mirror r ight -up contro l sw itch c ircui t mal funct ion B1706 Mirror r ight -up contro l sw itch c ircui t range/per formance B1707 Mirror r ight -up contro l sw itch c ircui t low B1708 Mirror r ight -up contro l sw itch c ircui t h igh B1709 Mirror r ight -up contro l sw itch c ircui t open B1710 Mirror r ight -dow n contro l sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1711 Mirror r ight -dow n contro l sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B1712 Mirror r ight -dow n contro l sw itch c i rcui t low B1713 Mirror r ight -dow n contro l sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1714 Mirror r ight -dow n contro l sw itch c i rcui t open B1715 Mirror pow er fo ld contro l sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1716 Mirror pow er fo ld contro l sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B1717 Mirror pow er fo ld contro l sw itch c i rcui t low B1718 Mirror pow er fo ld contro l sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1719 Mirror pow er fo ld contro l sw itch c i rcui t open B1720 Mirror up/down control sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1721 Mirror le f t / r ight contro l sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1722 Mirror pow er fo ld contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B1723 Mirror motor contro l c i rcui t #1 mal funct ion B1724 Mirror motor contro l c i rcui t #2 mal funct ion B1725 LF/Dr iver seat assembly up sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1726 LF/Dr iver seat assembly up sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B1727 LF/Dr iver seat assembly up sw itch c i rcui t low B1728 LF/Dr iver seat assembly up sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1729 LF/Dr iver seat assembly up sw itch c i rcui t open B1730 LF/Dr iver seat assembly dow n swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1731 LF/Dr iver seat assembly dow n swi tch c i rcui t range/per formance B1732 LF/Dr iver seat assembly dow n swi tch c i rcui t low B1733 LF/Dr iver seat assembly dow n swi tch c i rcui t h igh B1734 LF/Dr iver seat assembly dow n swi tch c i rcui t open B1735 LF/Dr iver seat f ront up sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1736 LF/Dr iver seat f ront up sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1737 LF/Dr iver seat f ront up sw itch c i rcui t low B1738 LF/Dr iver seat f ront up sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1739 LF/Dr iver seat f ront up sw itch c i rcui t open B1740 LF/Dr iver seat f ront down sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1741 LF/Dr iver seat f ront down sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B1742 LF/Dr iver seat f ront down sw itch c i rcui t low B1743 LF/Dr iver seat f ront down sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1744 LF/Dr iver seat f ront down sw itch c i rcui t open B1745 LF/Dr iver seat rear up sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1746 LF/Dr iver seat rear up sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1747 LF/Dr iver seat rear up sw itch c i rcui t low B1748 LF/Dr iver seat rear up sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1749 LF/Dr iver seat rear up sw itch c i rcui t open B1750 LF/Dr iver seat rear down sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1751 LF/Dr iver seat rear down sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1752 LF/Dr iver seat rear down sw itch c i rcui t low B1753 LF/Dr iver seat rear down sw itch c i rcui t h igh

B1754 LF/Dr iver seat rear down sw itch c i rcui t open B1755 LF/Dr iver seat assembly forw ard sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1756 LF/Dr iver seat assembly forw ard sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1757 LF/Dr iver seat assembly forw ard sw itch c i rcui t low B1758 LF/Dr iver seat assembly forw ard sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1759 LF/Dr iver seat assembly forw ard sw itch c i rcui t open B1760 LF/Dr iver seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1761 LF/Dr iver seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1762 LF/Dr iver seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t low B1763 LF/Dr iver seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1764 LF/Dr iver seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t open B1765 LF/Dr iver seat motor #1 (ass'y. ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1766 LF/Dr iver seat motor #1 (ass'y. ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B1767 LF/Dr iver seat motor #1 (ass'y. ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B1768 LF/Dr iver seat motor #1 (ass'y. ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B1769 LF/Dr iver seat motor #1 (ass'y. ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B1770 LF/Dr iver seat motor #2 (ass'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1771 LF/Dr iver seat motor #2 (ass'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcui t range/performance B1772 LF/Dr iver seat motor #2 (ass'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcui t low B1773 LF/Dr iver seat motor #2 (ass'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcui t h igh B1774 LF/Dr iver seat motor #2 (ass'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcui t open B1775 LF/Dr iver seat motor #3 ( f ront ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1776 LF/Dr iver seat motor #3 ( f ront ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B1777 LF/Dr iver seat motor #3 ( f ront ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B1778 LF/Dr iver seat motor #3 ( f ront ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B1779 LF/Dr iver seat motor #3 ( f ront ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B1780 LF/Dr iver seat motor #4 ( rear ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1781 LF/Dr iver seat motor #4 ( rear ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B1782 LF/Dr iver seat motor #4 ( rear ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B1783 LF/Dr iver seat motor #4 ( rear ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B1784 LF/Dr iver seat motor #4 ( rear ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B1785 LF/Dr iver seat motor #5 ( rec l ine) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1786 LF/Dr iver seat motor #5 ( rec l ine) c i rcui t range/performance B1787 LF/Dr iver seat motor #5 ( rec l ine) c i rcui t low B1788 LF/Dr iver seat motor #5 ( rec l ine) c i rcui t h igh B1789 LF/Dr iver seat motor #5 ( rec l ine) c i rcui t open B1790 LF/Dr iver seat motor #6 ( lumbar; s ingle motor or hor izonta l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1791 LF/Dr iver seat motor #6 ( lumbar; s ingle motor or hor izonta l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B1792 LF/Dr iver seat motor #6 ( lumbar; s ingle motor or hor izonta l ) c i rcui t low B1793 LF/Dr iver seat motor #6 ( lumbar; s ingle motor or hor izonta l ) c i rcui t h igh B1794 LF/Dr iver seat motor #6 ( lumbar; s ingle motor or hor izonta l ) c i rcui t open B1795 LF/Dr iver seat motor #7 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1796 LF/Dr iver seat motor #7 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B1797 LF/Dr iver seat motor #7 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t low B1798 LF/Dr iver seat motor #7 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t h igh B1799 LF/Dr iver seat motor #7 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t open B1800 LF/Dr iver seat motor #8 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1801 LF/Dr iver seat motor #8 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B1802 LF/Dr iver seat motor #8 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B1803 LF/Dr iver seat motor #8 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B1804 LF/Dr iver seat motor #8 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B1805 LF/Dr iver seat motor #9 (s ide bolster) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1806 LF/Dr iver seat motor #9 (s ide bolster) c i rcui t range/per formance B1807 LF/Dr iver seat motor #9 (s ide bolster) c i rcui t low B1808 LF/Dr iver seat motor #9 (s ide bolster) c i rcui t h igh B1809 LF/Dr iver seat motor #9 (s ide bolster) c i rcui t open B1810 LF/Dr iver seat motor #10 ( th igh bolster) c i rcui t mal funct ion B1811 LF/Dr iver seat motor #10 ( th igh bolster) c i rcui t range/per formance B1812 LF/Dr iver seat motor #10 ( th igh bolster) c i rcui t low B1813 LF/Dr iver seat motor #10 ( th igh bolster) c i rcui t h igh B1814 LF/Dr iver seat motor #10 ( th igh bolster) c i rcui t open B1815 LF/Dr iver rec l ine forw ard sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1816 LF/Dr iver rec l ine forw ard sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B1817 LF/Dr iver rec l ine forw ard sw itch c i rcui t low B1818 LF/Dr iver rec l ine forw ard sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1819 LF/Dr iver rec l ine forw ard sw itch c i rcui t open B1820 LF/Dr iver rec l ine rearward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion

B1821 LF/Dr iver rec l ine rearward sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B1822 LF/Dr iver rec l ine rearward sw itch c i rcui t low B1823 LF/Dr iver rec l ine rearward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1824 LF/Dr iver rec l ine rearward sw itch c i rcui t open B1825 LF/Dr iver rec l ine sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B1826 LF/Dr iver rec l ine sensor c i rcui t range/performance B1827 LF/Dr iver rec l ine sensor c i rcui t low B1828 LF/Dr iver rec l ine sensor c i rcui t h igh B1829 LF/Dr iver rec l ine sensor c i rcui t open B1830 LF/Dr iver lumbar forward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1831 LF/Dr iver lumbar forward sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B1832 LF/Dr iver lumbar forward sw itch c i rcui t low B1833 LF/Dr iver lumbar forward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1834 LF/Dr iver lumbar forward sw itch c i rcui t open B1835 LF/Dr iver lumbar rearward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1836 LF/Dr iver lumbar rearward sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1837 LF/Dr iver lumbar rearward sw itch c i rcui t low B1838 LF/Dr iver lumbar rearward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1839 LF/Dr iver lumbar rearward sw itch c i rcui t open B1840 LF/Dr iver lumbar up sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1841 LF/Dr iver lumbar up sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1842 LF/Dr iver lumbar up sw itch c i rcui t low B1843 LF/Dr iver lumbar up sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1844 LF/Dr iver lumbar up sw itch c i rcui t open B1845 LF/Dr iver lumbar down sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1846 LF/Dr iver lumbar down sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1847 LF/Dr iver lumbar down sw itch c i rcui t low B1848 LF/Dr iver lumbar down sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1849 LF/Dr iver lumbar down sw itch c i rcui t open B1850 LF/Dr iver lumbar hor izonta l sensor mal funct ion B1851 LF/Dr iver lumbar hor izonta l sensor range/per formance B1852 LF/Dr iver lumbar hor izonta l sensor low B1853 LF/Dr iver lumbar hor izonta l sensor h igh B1854 LF/Dr iver lumbar hor izonta l sensor open B1855 LF/Dr iver lumbar hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B1856 LF/Dr iver lumbar hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B1857 LF/Dr iver lumbar hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t low B1858 LF/Dr iver lumbar hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t h igh B1859 LF/Dr iver lumbar hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t open B1860 LF/Dr iver lumbar ver t ica l sensor mal funct ion B1861 LF/Dr iver lumbar ver t ica l sensor range/per formance B1862 LF/Dr iver lumbar ver t ica l sensor low B1863 LF/Dr iver lumbar ver t ica l sensor h igh B1864 LF/Dr iver lumbar ver t ica l sensor open B1865 LF/Dr iver lumbar ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B1866 LF/Dr iver lumbar ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B1867 LF/Dr iver lumbar ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t low B1868 LF/Dr iver lumbar ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t h igh B1869 LF/Dr iver lumbar ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t open B1870 LF/Dr iver head restra int up sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1871 LF/Dr iver head restra int up sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B1872 LF/Dr iver head restra int up sw itch c i rcui t low B1873 LF/Dr iver head restra int up sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1874 LF/Dr iver head restra int up sw itch c i rcui t open B1875 LF/Dr iver head restra int dow n swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1876 LF/Dr iver head restra int dow n swi tch c i rcui t range/per formance B1877 LF/Dr iver head restra int dow n swi tch c i rcui t low B1878 LF/Dr iver head restra int dow n swi tch c i rcui t h igh B1879 LF/Dr iver head restra int dow n swi tch c i rcui t open B1880 LF/Dr iver head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1881 LF/Dr iver head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1882 LF/Dr iver head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t low B1883 LF/Dr iver head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1884 LF/Dr iver head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t open B1885 LF/Dr iver head restra int rearward sw itch c ircui t mal funct ion B1886 LF/Dr iver head restra int rearward sw itch c ircui t range/per formance B1887 LF/Dr iver head restra int rearward sw itch c ircui t low

B1888 LF/Dr iver head restra int rearward sw itch c ircui t h igh B1889 LF/Dr iver head restra int rearward sw itch c ircui t open B1890 LF/Dr iver head restra int hor izonta l sensor mal funct ion B1891 LF/Dr iver head restra int hor izonta l sensor range/per formance B1892 LF/Dr iver head restra int hor izonta l sensor low B1893 LF/Dr iver head restra int hor izonta l sensor h igh B1894 LF/Dr iver head restra int hor izonta l sensor open B1895 LF/Dr iver head restra int hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B1896 LF/Dr iver head restra int hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t range/performance B1897 LF/Dr iver head restra int hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t low B1898 LF/Dr iver head restra int hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t h igh B1899 LF/Dr iver head restra int hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t open B1900 LF/Dr iver head restra int ver t ica l sensor mal funct ion B1901 LF/Dr iver head restra int ver t ica l sensor range/performance B1902 LF/Dr iver head restra int ver t ica l sensor low B1903 LF/Dr iver head restra int ver t ica l sensor h igh B1904 LF/Dr iver head restra int ver t ica l sensor open B1905 LF/Dr iver head restra int ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B1906 LF/Dr iver head restra int ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t range/performance B1907 LF/Dr iver head restra int ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t low B1908 LF/Dr iver head restra int ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t h igh B1909 LF/Dr iver head restra int ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t open B1910 LF/Dr iver seat heater sw itch #1 (whole system or " low") c i rcui t mal funct ion B1911 LF/Dr iver seat heater sw itch #1 (whole system or " low") c i rcui t range/per formance B1912 LF/Dr iver seat heater sw itch #1 (whole system or " low") c i rcui t low B1913 LF/Dr iver seat heater sw itch #1 (whole system or " low") c i rcui t h igh B1914 LF/Dr iver seat heater sw itch #1 (whole system or " low") c i rcui t open B1915 LF/Dr iver seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t mal funct ion B1916 LF/Dr iver seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t range/per formance B1917 LF/Dr iver seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t low B1918 LF/Dr iver seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t h igh B1919 LF/Dr iver seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t open B1920 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) t imer c i rcui t mal funct ion B1921 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) t imer c i rcui t range/per formance B1922 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) t imer c i rcui t low B1923 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) t imer c i rcui t h igh B1924 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) t imer c i rcui t open B1925 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) sensor malfunct ion B1926 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) sensor range/per formance B1927 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) sensor low B1928 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) sensor h igh B1929 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) sensor open B1930 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B1931 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B1932 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) feedback c i rcui t low B1933 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) feedback c i rcui t h igh B1934 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or seat cushion) feedback c i rcui t open B1935 LF/Dr iver seat back heater mal funct ion B1936 LF/Dr iver seat back heater range/per formance B1937 LF/Dr iver seat back heater low B1938 LF/Dr iver seat back heater h igh B1939 LF/Dr iver seat back heater open B1940 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster in swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1941 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster in swi tch c i rcui t range/per formance B1942 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster in swi tch c i rcui t low B1943 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster in swi tch c i rcui t h igh B1944 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster in swi tch c i rcui t open B1945 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster out sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1946 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster out sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1947 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster out sw itch c i rcui t low B1948 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster out sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1949 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster out sw itch c i rcui t open B1950 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster in c i rcui t mal funct ion B1951 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster in c i rcui t range/per formance B1952 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster in c i rcui t low B1953 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster in c i rcui t h igh B1954 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster in c i rcui t open

B1955 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster out c ircui t mal funct ion B1956 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster out c ircui t range/per formance B1957 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster out c ircui t low B1958 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster out c ircui t h igh B1959 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster out c ircui t open B1960 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster sensor mal funct ion B1961 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster sensor range/per formance B1962 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster sensor low B1963 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster sensor h igh B1964 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster sensor open B1965 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B1966 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B1967 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster feedback c i rcui t low B1968 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster feedback c i rcui t h igh B1969 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster feedback c i rcuit open B1970 RF/Passenger seat assembly up sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1971 RF/Passenger seat assembly up sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1972 RF/Passenger seat assembly up sw itch c i rcui t low B1973 RF/Passenger seat assembly up sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1974 RF/Passenger seat assembly up sw itch c i rcui t open B1975 RF/Passenger seat assembly down sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1976 RF/Passenger seat assembly down sw itch ci rcui t range/per formance B1977 RF/Passenger seat assembly down sw itch ci rcui t low B1978 RF/Passenger seat assembly down sw itch ci rcui t h igh B1979 RF/Passenger seat assembly down sw itch ci rcui t open B1980 RF/Passenger seat f ront up sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1981 RF/Passenger seat f ront up sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B1982 RF/Passenger seat f ront up sw itch c i rcui t low B1983 RF/Passenger seat f ront up sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1984 RF/Passenger seat f ront up sw itch c i rcui t open B1985 RF/Passenger seat f ront dow n swi tch c i rcuit mal funct ion B1986 RF/Passenger seat f ront dow n swi tch c i rcuit range/per formance B1987 RF/Passenger seat f ront dow n swi tch c i rcuit low B1988 RF/Passenger seat f ront dow n swi tch c i rcuit h igh B1989 RF/Passenger seat f ront dow n swi tch c i rcuit open B1990 RF/Passenger seat rear up sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1991 RF/Passenger seat rear up sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B1992 RF/Passenger seat rear up sw itch c i rcui t low B1993 RF/Passenger seat rear up sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1994 RF/Passenger seat rear up sw itch c i rcui t open B1995 RF/Passenger seat rear dow n sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B1996 RF/Passenger seat rear dow n sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B1997 RF/Passenger seat rear dow n sw itch c i rcui t low B1998 RF/Passenger seat rear dow n sw itch c i rcui t h igh B1999 RF/Passenger seat rear dow n sw itch c i rcui t open B2000 RF/Passenger seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2001 RF/Passenger seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2002 RF/Passenger seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t low B2003 RF/Passenger seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2004 RF/Passenger seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t open B2005 RF/Passenger seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2006 RF/Passenger seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2007 RF/Passenger seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t low B2008 RF/Passenger seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2009 RF/Passenger seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t open B2010 RF/Passenger seat motor #1 (ass'y. ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2011 RF/Passenger seat motor #1 (ass'y. ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/performance B2012 RF/Passenger seat motor #1 (ass'y. ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B2013 RF/Passenger seat motor #1 (ass'y. ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B2014 RF/Passenger seat motor #1 (ass'y. ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B2015 RF/Passenger seat motor #2 (ass'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2016 RF/Passenger seat motor #2 (ass'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B2017 RF/Passenger seat motor #2 (ass'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcui t low B2018 RF/Passenger seat motor #2 (ass'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcui t h igh B2019 RF/Passenger seat motor #2 (ass'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcui t open B2020 RF/Passenger seat motor #3 ( f ront ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2021 RF/Passenger seat motor #3 ( f ront ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/performance

B2022 RF/Passenger seat motor #3 ( f ront ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B2023 RF/Passenger seat motor #3 ( f ront ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B2024 RF/Passenger seat motor #3 ( f ront ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B2025 RF/Passenger seat motor #4 ( rear ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2026 RF/Passenger seat motor #4 ( rear ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/performance B2027 RF/Passenger seat motor #4 ( rear ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B2028 RF/Passenger seat motor #4 ( rear ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B2029 RF/Passenger seat motor #4 ( rear ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B2030 RF/Passenger seat motor #5 ( rec l ine) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2031 RF/Passenger seat motor #5 ( rec l ine) c i rcuit range/per formance B2032 RF/Passenger seat motor #5 ( rec l ine) c i rcuit low B2033 RF/Passenger seat motor #5 ( rec l ine) c i rcuit h igh B2034 RF/Passenger seat motor #5 ( rec l ine) c i rcuit open B2035 RF/Passenger seat motor #6 ( lumbar; s ingle motor or hor izonta l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2036 RF/Passenger seat motor #6 ( lumbar; s ingle motor or hor izonta l ) c i rcui t range/perform B2037 RF/Passenger seat motor #6 ( lumbar; s ingle motor or hor izonta l ) c i rcui t low B2038 RF/Passenger seat motor #6 ( lumbar; s ingle motor or hor izonta l ) c i rcui t h igh B2039 RF/Passenger seat motor #6 ( lumbar; s ingle motor or hor izonta l ) c i rcui t open B2040 RF/Passenger seat motor #7 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2041 RF/Passenger seat motor #7 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t range/performance B2042 RF/Passenger seat motor #7 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t low B2043 RF/Passenger seat motor #7 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t h igh B2044 RF/Passenger seat motor #7 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t open B2045 RF/Passenger seat motor #8 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2046 RF/Passenger seat motor #8 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/performance B2047 RF/Passenger seat motor #8 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B2048 RF/Passenger seat motor #8 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B2049 RF/Passenger seat motor #8 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B2050 RF/Passenger seat motor #9 (s ide bolster) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2051 RF/Passenger seat motor #9 (s ide bolster) c i rcui t range/performance B2052 RF/Passenger seat motor #9 (s ide bolster) c i rcui t low B2053 RF/Passenger seat motor #9 (s ide bolster) c i rcui t h igh B2054 RF/Passenger seat motor #9 (s ide bolster) c i rcui t open B2055 RF/Passenger seat motor #10 ( th igh bolster) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2056 RF/Passenger seat motor #10 ( th igh bolster) c i rcui t range/performance B2057 RF/Passenger seat motor #10 ( th igh bolster) c i rcui t low B2058 RF/Passenger seat motor #10 ( th igh bolster) c i rcui t h igh B2059 RF/Passenger seat motor #10 ( th igh bolster) c i rcui t open B2060 RF/Passenger rec l ine forw ard sw itch c i rcuit mal funct ion B2061 RF/Passenger rec l ine forw ard sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2062 RF/Passenger rec l ine forw ard sw itch c i rcui t low B2063 RF/Passenger rec l ine forw ard sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2064 RF/Passenger rec l ine forw ard sw itch c i rcuit open B2065 RF/Passenger rec l ine rearw ard swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2066 RF/Passenger rec l ine rearw ard swi tch c i rcuit range/per formance B2067 RF/Passenger rec l ine rearw ard swi tch c i rcuit low B2068 RF/Passenger rec l ine rearw ard swi tch c i rcuit h igh B2069 RF/Passenger rec l ine rearw ard swi tch c i rcuit open B2070 RF/Passenger rec l ine sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B2071 RF/Passenger rec l ine sensor c i rcui t range/per formance B2072 RF/Passenger rec l ine sensor c i rcui t low B2073 RF/Passenger rec l ine sensor c i rcui t h igh B2074 RF/Passenger rec l ine sensor c i rcui t open B2075 RF/Passenger lumbar forw ard sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2076 RF/Passenger lumbar forw ard sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2077 RF/Passenger lumbar forw ard sw itch c i rcui t low B2078 RF/Passenger lumbar forw ard sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2079 RF/Passenger lumbar forw ard sw itch c i rcui t open B2080 RF/Passenger lumbar rearw ard swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2081 RF/Passenger lumbar rearw ard swi tch c i rcui t range/per formance B2082 RF/Passenger lumbar rearw ard swi tch c i rcui t low B2083 RF/Passenger lumbar rearw ard swi tch c i rcui t h igh B2084 RF/Passenger lumbar rearw ard swi tch c i rcuit open B2085 RF/Passenger lumbar up sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2086 RF/Passenger lumbar up sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2087 RF/Passenger lumbar up sw itch c i rcui t low B2088 RF/Passenger lumbar up sw itch c i rcui t h igh

B2089 RF/Passenger lumbar up sw itch c i rcui t open B2090 RF/Passenger lumbar dow n sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2091 RF/Passenger lumbar dow n sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2092 RF/Passenger lumbar dow n sw itch c i rcui t low B2093 RF/Passenger lumbar dow n sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2094 RF/Passenger lumbar dow n sw itch c i rcui t open B2095 RF/Passenger lumbar hor izonta l sensor mal funct ion B2096 RF/Passenger lumbar hor izonta l sensor range/performance B2097 RF/Passenger lumbar hor izonta l sensor low B2098 RF/Passenger lumbar hor izonta l sensor h igh B2099 RF/Passenger lumbar hor izonta l sensor open B2100 RF/Passenger lumbar hor izonta l feedback ci rcui t mal funct ion B2101 RF/Passenger lumbar hor izonta l feedback ci rcui t range/per formance B2102 RF/Passenger lumbar hor izonta l feedback ci rcui t low B2103 RF/Passenger lumbar hor izonta l feedback ci rcui t h igh B2104 RF/Passenger lumbar hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t open B2105 RF/Passenger lumbar ver t ica l sensor mal funct ion B2106 RF/Passenger lumbar ver t ica l sensor range/per formance B2107 RF/Passenger lumbar ver t ica l sensor low B2108 RF/Passenger lumbar ver t ica l sensor h igh B2109 RF/Passenger lumbar ver t ica l sensor open B2110 RF/Passenger lumbar ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2111 RF/Passenger lumbar ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B2112 RF/Passenger lumbar ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t low B2113 RF/Passenger lumbar ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t h igh B2114 RF/Passenger lumbar ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t open B2115 RF/Passenger head restra int up sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2116 RF/Passenger head restra int up sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2117 RF/Passenger head restra int up sw itch c i rcui t low B2118 RF/Passenger head restra int up sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2119 RF/Passenger head restra int up sw itch c i rcui t open B2120 RF/Passenger head restra int down sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2121 RF/Passenger head restra int down sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2122 RF/Passenger head restra int down sw itch ci rcui t low B2123 RF/Passenger head restra int down sw itch ci rcui t h igh B2124 RF/Passenger head restra int down sw itch ci rcui t open B2125 RF/Passenger head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2126 RF/Passenger head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2127 RF/Passenger head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t low B2128 RF/Passenger head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2129 RF/Passenger head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t open B2130 RF/Passenger head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2131 RF/Passenger head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2132 RF/Passenger head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t low B2133 RF/Passenger head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2134 RF/Passenger head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t open B2135 RF/Passenger head restra int hor izonta l sensor mal funct ion B2136 RF/Passenger head restra int hor izonta l sensor range/per formance B2137 RF/Passenger head restra int hor izonta l sensor low B2138 RF/Passenger head restra int hor izonta l sensor h igh B2139 RF/Passenger head restra int hor izonta l sensor open B2140 RF/Passenger head restra int hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2141 RF/Passenger head restra int hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B2142 RF/Passenger head restra int hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t low B2143 RF/Passenger head restra int hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t h igh B2144 RF/Passenger head restra int hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t open B2145 RF/Passenger head restra int ver t ica l sensor mal funct ion B2146 RF/Passenger head restra int ver t ica l sensor range/per formance B2147 RF/Passenger head restra int ver t ica l sensor low B2148 RF/Passenger head restra int ver t ica l sensor h igh B2149 RF/Passenger head restra int ver t ica l sensor open B2150 RF/Passenger head restra int ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2151 RF/Passenger head restra int ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B2152 RF/Passenger head restra int ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t low B2153 RF/Passenger head restra int ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t h igh B2154 RF/Passenger head restra int ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t open B2155 RF/Passenger seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t mal funct ion

B2156 RF/Passenger seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t range/per formance B2157 RF/Passenger seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t low B2158 RF/Passenger seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t h igh B2159 RF/Passenger seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t open B2160 RF/Passenger seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t mal funct ion B2161 RF/Passenger seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t range/performance B2162 RF/Passenger seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t low B2163 RF/Passenger seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t h igh B2164 RF/Passenger seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t open B2165 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) t imer c ircui t mal funct ion B2166 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) t imer c ircui t range/per formance B2167 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) t imer c ircui t low B2168 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) t imer c ircui t h igh B2169 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) t imer c ircui t open B2170 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) sensor mal funct ion B2171 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) sensor range/per formance B2172 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) sensor low B2173 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) sensor h igh B2174 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) sensor open B2175 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2176 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B2177 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) feedback c i rcui t low B2178 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) feedback c i rcui t h igh B2179 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or seat cushion) feedback c i rcui t open B2180 RF/Passenger seat back heater mal funct ion B2181 RF/Passenger seat back heater range/performance B2182 RF/Passenger seat back heater low B2183 RF/Passenger seat back heater h igh B2184 RF/Passenger seat back heater open B2185 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster in sw itch c ircui t mal funct ion B2186 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster in sw itch c ircui t range/per formance B2187 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster in sw itch c ircui t low B2188 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster in sw itch c ircui t h igh B2189 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster in sw itch c ircui t open B2190 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster out sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2191 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster out sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2192 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster out sw itch c i rcui t low B2193 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster out sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2194 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster out sw itch c i rcui t open B2195 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster in c i rcui t mal funct ion B2196 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster in c i rcui t range/performance B2197 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster in c i rcui t low B2198 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster in c i rcui t h igh B2199 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster in c i rcui t open B2200 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster out c i rcui t mal funct ion B2201 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster out c i rcui t range/per formance B2202 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster out c i rcui t low B2203 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster out c i rcui t h igh B2204 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster out c i rcui t open B2205 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster sensor malfunct ion B2206 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster sensor range/per formance B2207 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster sensor low B2208 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster sensor h igh B2209 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster sensor open B2210 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2211 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B2212 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster feedback c i rcui t low B2213 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster feedback c i rcui t h igh B2214 RF/Passenger seat s ide bolster feedback c i rcui t open B2215 LR seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2216 LR seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2217 LR seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t low B2218 LR seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2219 LR seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t open B2220 LR seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2221 LR seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance

B2222 LR seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t low B2223 LR seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2224 LR seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t open B2225 LR seat motor #1 (ass 'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcuit mal funct ion B2226 LR seat motor #1 (ass 'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcuit range/per formance B2227 LR seat motor #1 (ass 'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcuit low B2228 LR seat motor #1 (ass 'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcuit h igh B2229 LR seat motor #1 (ass 'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcui t open B2230 LR seat motor #2 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2231 LR seat motor #2 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t range/performance B2232 LR seat motor #2 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t low B2233 LR seat motor #2 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t h igh B2234 LR seat motor #2 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t open B2235 LR seat motor #3 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2236 LR seat motor #3 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B2237 LR seat motor #3 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B2238 LR seat motor #3 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B2239 LR seat motor #3 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B2240 LR head restra int up swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2241 LR head restra int up swi tch c i rcuit range/per formance B2242 LR head restra int up swi tch c i rcuit low B2243 LR head restra int up swi tch c i rcuit h igh B2244 LR head restra int up swi tch c i rcuit open B2245 LR head restra int dow n sw itch c ircui t mal funct ion B2246 LR head restra int dow n sw itch c ircui t range/per formance B2247 LR head restra int dow n sw itch c ircui t low B2248 LR head restra int dow n sw itch c ircui t h igh B2249 LR head restra int dow n sw itch c ircui t open B2250 LR head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2251 LR head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2252 LR head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t low B2253 LR head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2254 LR head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t open B2255 LR head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2256 LR head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2257 LR head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t low B2258 LR head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2259 LR head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t open B2260 LR seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t mal funct ion B2261 LR seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t range/per formance B2262 LR seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t low B2263 LR seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t h igh B2264 LR seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t open B2265 LR seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t mal funct ion B2266 LR seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t range/performance B2267 LR seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t low B2268 LR seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t h igh B2269 LR seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t open B2270 LR seat heater sensor mal funct ion B2271 LR seat heater sensor range/performance B2272 LR seat heater sensor low B2273 LR seat heater sensor high B2274 LR seat heater sensor open B2275 LR seat heater feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2276 LR seat heater feedback c i rcui t range/performance B2277 LR seat heater feedback c i rcui t low B2278 LR seat heater feedback c i rcui t h igh B2279 LR seat heater feedback c i rcui t open B2280 RR seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2281 RR seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2282 RR seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t low B2283 RR seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2284 RR seat assembly forward sw itch c i rcui t open B2285 RR seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2286 RR seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2287 RR seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t low B2288 RR seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t h igh

B2289 RR seat assembly rearward sw itch c i rcui t open B2290 RR seat motor #1 (ass 'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcuit mal funct ion B2291 RR seat motor #1 (ass 'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcuit range/per formance B2292 RR seat motor #1 (ass 'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcuit low B2293 RR seat motor #1 (ass 'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcuit h igh B2294 RR seat motor #1 (ass 'y. hor izonta l ) c i rcuit open B2295 RR seat motor #2 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2296 RR seat motor #2 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t range/performance B2297 RR seat motor #2 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t low B2298 RR seat motor #2 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t h igh B2299 RR seat motor #2 (head restra int hor izonta l ) c i rcui t open B2300 RR seat motor #3 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2301 RR seat motor #3 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B2302 RR seat motor #3 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B2303 RR seat motor #3 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B2304 RR seat motor #3 (head restra int ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B2305 RR head restra int up swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2306 RR head restra int up swi tch c i rcuit range/per formance B2307 RR head restra int up swi tch c i rcuit low B2308 RR head restra int up swi tch c i rcuit h igh B2309 RR head restra int up swi tch c i rcuit open B2310 RR head restra int dow n sw itch c ircui t mal funct ion B2311 RR head restra int dow n sw itch c ircui t range/per formance B2312 RR head restra int dow n sw itch c ircui t low B2313 RR head restra int dow n sw itch c ircui t h igh B2314 RR head restra int dow n sw itch c ircui t open B2315 RR head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2316 RR head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2317 RR head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t low B2318 RR head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2319 RR head restra int forward sw itch c i rcui t open B2320 RR head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2321 RR head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2322 RR head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t low B2323 RR head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2324 RR head restra int rearward sw itch c i rcui t open B2325 RR seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t mal funct ion B2326 RR seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t range/per formance B2327 RR seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t low B2328 RR seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t h igh B2329 RR seat heater sw itch #1 (w hole system or " low ") c i rcui t open B2330 RR seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t mal funct ion B2331 RR seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t range/performance B2332 RR seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t low B2333 RR seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t h igh B2334 RR seat heater sw itch #2 ("h igh") c i rcui t open B2335 RR seat heater sensor mal funct ion B2336 RR seat heater sensor range/performance B2337 RR seat heater sensor low B2338 RR seat heater sensor high B2339 RR seat heater sensor open B2340 RR seat heater feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2341 RR seat heater feedback c i rcui t range/performance B2342 RR seat heater feedback c i rcui t low B2343 RR seat heater feedback c i rcui t h igh B2344 RR seat heater feedback c i rcui t open B2345 Front seat heater d isable mal funct ion B2346 Front seat heater d isable range/per formance B2347 Front seat heater d isable low B2348 Front seat heater d isable h igh B2349 Front seat heater d isable open B2350 Rear seat heater d isable mal funct ion B2351 Rear seat heater d isable range/per formance B2352 Rear seat heater d isable low B2353 Rear seat heater d isable h igh B2354 Rear seat heater d isable open B2355 LF/Dr iver f ront ver t ica l sensor mal funct ion

B2356 LF/Dr iver f ront ver t ica l sensor range/performance B2357 LF/Dr iver f ront ver t ica l sensor low B2358 LF/Dr iver f ront ver t ica l sensor h igh B2359 LF/Dr iver f ront ver t ica l sensor open B2360 LF/Dr iver f ront ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2361 LF/Dr iver f ront ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t range/performance B2362 LF/Dr iver f ront ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t low B2363 LF/Dr iver f ront ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t h igh B2364 LF/Dr iver f ront ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t open B2365 LF/Dr iver rear ver t ica l sensor mal funct ion B2366 LF/Dr iver rear ver t ica l sensor range/performance B2367 LF/Dr iver rear ver t ica l sensor low B2368 LF/Dr iver rear ver t ica l sensor h igh B2369 LF/Dr iver rear ver t ica l sensor open B2370 LF/Dr iver rear ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2371 LF/Dr iver rear ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t range/performance B2372 LF/Dr iver rear ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t low B2373 LF/Dr iver rear ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t h igh B2374 LF/Dr iver rear ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t open B2375 LF/Dr iver seat assembly hor izonta l sensor mal funct ion B2376 LF/Dr iver seat assembly hor izonta l sensor range/per formance B2377 LF/Dr iver seat assembly hor izonta l sensor low B2378 LF/Dr iver seat assembly hor izonta l sensor h igh B2379 LF/Dr iver seat assembly hor izonta l sensor open B2380 LF/Dr iver seat assembly hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2381 LF/Dr iver seat assembly hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t range/performance B2382 LF/Dr iver seat assembly hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t low B2383 LF/Dr iver seat assembly hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t h igh B2384 LF/Dr iver seat assembly hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t open B2385 RF/Passenger f ront ver t ica l sensor mal funct ion B2386 RF/Passenger f ront ver t ica l sensor range/per formance B2387 RF/Passenger f ront ver t ica l sensor low B2388 RF/Passenger f ront ver t ica l sensor h igh B2389 RF/Passenger f ront ver t ica l sensor open B2390 RF/Passenger f ront ver t ica l feedback c i rcuit mal funct ion B2391 RF/Passenger f ront ver t ica l feedback c i rcuit range/per formance B2392 RF/Passenger f ront ver t ica l feedback c i rcuit low B2393 RF/Passenger f ront ver t ica l feedback c i rcuit h igh B2394 RF/Passenger f ront ver t ica l feedback c i rcuit open B2395 RF/Passenger rear ver t ica l sensor mal funct ion B2396 RF/Passenger rear ver t ica l sensor range/per formance B2397 RF/Passenger rear ver t ica l sensor low B2398 RF/Passenger rear ver t ica l sensor h igh B2399 RF/Passenger rear ver t ica l sensor open B2400 RF/Passenger rear ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2401 RF/Passenger rear ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B2402 RF/Passenger rear ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t low B2403 RF/Passenger rear ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t h igh B2404 RF/Passenger rear ver t ica l feedback c i rcui t open B2405 RF/Passenger seat assembly hor izonta l sensor mal funct ion B2406 RF/Passenger seat assembly hor izonta l sensor range/per formance B2407 RF/Passenger seat assembly hor izonta l sensor low B2408 RF/Passenger seat assembly hor izonta l sensor h igh B2409 RF/Passenger seat assembly hor izonta l sensor open B2410 RF/Passenger seat assembly hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2411 RF/Passenger seat assembly hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B2412 RF/Passenger seat assembly hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t low B2413 RF/Passenger seat assembly hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t h igh B2414 RF/Passenger seat assembly hor izonta l feedback c i rcui t open B2415 LF/Dr iver seat motor #11 ( lumbar , ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2416 LF/Dr iver seat motor #11 ( lumbar , ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/performance B2417 LF/Dr iver seat motor #11 ( lumbar , ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low B2418 LF/Dr iver seat motor #11 ( lumbar , ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B2419 LF/Dr iver seat motor #11 ( lumbar , ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B2420 RF/Passenger seat motor #11 ( lumbar , ver t ica l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2421 RF/Passenger seat motor #11 ( lumbar , ver t ica l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B2422 RF/Passenger seat motor #11 ( lumbar , ver t ica l ) c i rcui t low

B2423 RF/Passenger seat motor #11 ( lumbar , ver t ica l ) c i rcui t h igh B2424 RF/Passenger seat motor #11 ( lumbar , ver t ica l ) c i rcui t open B2425 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or cushion) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2426 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or cushion) c i rcui t range/per formance B2427 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or cushion) c i rcui t low B2428 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or cushion) c i rcui t h igh B2429 LF/Dr iver seat heater (whole seat or cushion) c i rcui t open B2430 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or cushion) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2431 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or cushion) c i rcui t range/per formance B2432 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or cushion) c i rcui t low B2433 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or cushion) c i rcui t h igh B2434 RF/Passenger seat heater (w hole seat or cushion) c i rcui t open B2435 LF/Dr iver seat back heater sensor mal funct ion B2436 LF/Dr iver seat back heater sensor range/performance B2437 LF/Dr iver seat back heater sensor low B2438 LF/Dr iver seat back heater sensor h igh B2439 LF/Dr iver seat back heater sensor open B2440 RF/Passenger seat back heater sensor mal funct ion B2441 RF/Passenger seat back heater sensor range/per formance B2442 RF/Passenger seat back heater sensor low B2443 RF/Passenger seat back heater sensor h igh B2444 RF/Passenger seat back heater sensor open B2445 LF/Dr iver th igh bolster sensor mal funct ion B2446 LF/Dr iver th igh bolster sensor range/performance B2447 LF/Dr iver th igh bolster sensor low B2448 LF/Dr iver th igh bolster sensor h igh B2449 LF/Dr iver th igh bolster sensor open B2450 Cel lu lar phone handset ( in -vehic le) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2451 Cel lu lar phone handset ( in -vehic le) c i rcui t range/per formance B2452 Cel lu lar phone handset ( in -vehic le) c i rcui t low B2453 Cel lu lar phone handset ( in -vehic le) c i rcui t h igh B2454 Cel lu lar phone handset ( in -vehic le) c i rcui t open B2455 Cel lu lar phone microphone c i rcui t mal funct ion B2456 Cel lu lar phone microphone c i rcui t range/per formance B2457 Cel lu lar phone microphone c i rcui t low B2458 Cel lu lar phone microphone c i rcui t h igh B2459 Cel lu lar phone microphone c i rcui t open B2460 Navigat ion antenna selector c i rcui t h igh current B2461 Navigat ion ECU synchronous s ignal error B2462 GPS s ignal error B2463 Navigat ion CD player - no d isk B2464 Navigat ion CD player - decoding error B2465 Navigat ion CD player - data error B2466 Navigat ion VICS memory error B2467 Cel lu lar phone portable handset mal funct ion B2468 Navigat ion Display Uni t mal funct ion B2469 Cel lu lar phone uni t mal funct ion B2470 Cel lu lar phone antenna c i rcui t mal funct ion B2471 Automat ic d ia l ing mal funct ion B2472 Road assistance request sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2473 Redundant road assistance request sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2474 NDH backl ight ing mal funct ion B2475 NDH auxi l iary input mal funct ion B2476 Cel lu lar phone select service sw itch mal funct ion B2477 Supplemental heater enable c i rcui t mal funct ion B2478 Secur i ty system status c i rcui t mal funct ion B2525 Front foglamps c i rcui t mal funct ion B2526 Front foglamps c i rcui t range/per formance B2527 Front foglamps c i rcui t low B2528 Front foglamps c i rcui t h igh B2529 Front foglamps c i rcui t open B2530 Front foglamps contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B2531 Front foglamps contro l c i rcui t range/performance B2532 Front foglamps contro l c i rcui t low B2533 Front foglamps contro l c i rcui t h igh B2534 Front foglamps contro l c i rcui t open B2535 Rear foglamps c i rcui t mal funct ion

B2536 Rear foglamps c i rcui t range/performance B2537 Rear foglamps c i rcui t low B2538 Rear foglamps c i rcui t h igh B2539 Rear foglamps c i rcui t open B2540 Rear foglamps contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B2541 Rear foglamps contro l c i rcui t range/performance B2542 Rear foglamps contro l c i rcui t low B2543 Rear foglamps contro l c i rcui t h igh B2544 Rear foglamps contro l c i rcui t open B2545 Backup lamps c i rcui t mal funct ion B2546 Backup lamps c i rcui t range/performance B2547 Backup lamps c i rcui t low B2548 Backup lamps c i rcui t h igh B2549 Backup lamps c i rcui t open B2550 Backup lamps contro l c ircui t mal funct ion B2551 Backup lamps contro l c ircui t range/per formance B2552 Backup lamps contro l c ircui t low B2553 Backup lamps contro l c ircui t h igh B2554 Backup lamps contro l c ircui t open B2555 Passenger compartment lamp contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B2556 Passenger compartment lamp contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B2557 Passenger compartment lamp contro l c i rcui t low B2558 Passenger compartment lamp contro l c i rcui t h igh B2559 Passenger compartment lamp contro l c i rcui t open B2560 Cargo lamp contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B2561 Cargo lamp contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B2562 Cargo lamp contro l c i rcui t low B2563 Cargo lamp contro l c i rcui t h igh B2564 Cargo lamp contro l c i rcui t open B2565 Underhood lamp contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B2566 Underhood lamp contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B2567 Underhood lamp contro l c i rcui t low B2568 Underhood lamp contro l c i rcui t h igh B2569 Underhood lamp contro l c i rcui t open B2570 Trunk/hatch lamp contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B2571 Trunk/hatch lamp contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B2572 Trunk/hatch lamp contro l c i rcui t low B2573 Trunk/hatch lamp contro l c i rcui t h igh B2574 Trunk/hatch lamp contro l c i rcui t open B2575 Headlamp contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B2576 Headlamp contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B2577 Headlamp contro l c i rcui t low B2578 Headlamp contro l c i rcui t h igh B2579 Headlamp contro l c i rcui t open B2580 Headlamp high beam contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B2581 Headlamp high beam contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B2582 Headlamp high beam control c i rcui t low B2583 Headlamp high beam control c i rcui t h igh B2584 Headlamp high beam control c i rcui t open B2585 Park lamp control c i rcuit mal funct ion B2586 Park lamp contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B2587 Park lamp control c i rcuit low B2588 Park lamp control c i rcui t h igh B2589 Park lamp control c i rcui t open B2590 LH corner ing lamp c i rcui t mal funct ion B2591 LH corner ing lamp c i rcui t range/per formance B2592 LH corner ing lamp c i rcui t low B2593 LH corner ing lamp c i rcui t h igh B2594 LH corner ing lamp c i rcui t open B2595 RH corner ing lamp c i rcui t mal funct ion B2596 RH corner ing lamp c i rcui t range/per formance B2597 RH corner ing lamp c i rcui t low B2598 RH corner ing lamp c i rcui t h igh B2599 RH corner ing lamp c i rcui t open B2600 Dayt ime running lamp contro l #1 (LH or system) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2601 Dayt ime running lamp contro l #1 (LH or system) c i rcui t range/per formance B2602 Dayt ime running lamp contro l #1 (LH or system) c i rcui t low

B2603 Dayt ime running lamp contro l #1 (LH or system) c i rcui t h igh B2604 Dayt ime running lamp contro l #1 (LH or system) c i rcui t open B2605 Dayt ime running lamp contro l #2 (RH) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2606 Dayt ime running lamp contro l #2 (RH) c i rcui t range/per formance B2607 Dayt ime running lamp contro l #2 (RH) c i rcui t low B2608 Dayt ime running lamp contro l #2 (RH) c i rcui t h igh B2609 Dayt ime running lamp contro l #2 (RH) c i rcui t open B2610 Passenger compartment d imming #1 (c luster , e tc . ) c ircui t mal funct ion B2611 Passenger compartment d imming #1 (c luster , e tc . ) c ircui t range/per formance B2612 Passenger compartment d imming #1 (c luster , e tc . ) c ircui t low B2613 Passenger compartment d imming #1 (c luster , e tc . ) c ircui t h igh B2614 Passenger compartment d imming #1 (c luster , e tc . ) c ircui t open B2615 Passenger compartment d imming #2 (dome lamp, e tc . ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2616 Passenger compartment d imming #2 (dome lamp, e tc . ) c i rcui t range/performance B2617 Passenger compartment d imming #2 (dome lamp, e tc . ) c i rcui t low B2618 Passenger compartment d imming #2 (dome lamp, e tc . ) c i rcui t h igh B2619 Passenger compartment d imming #2 (dome lamp, e tc . ) c i rcui t open B2620 Display d imming PWM input c i rcui t mal funct ion B2621 Display d imming PWM input c i rcui t range/per formance B2622 Display d imming PWM input c i rcui t low B2623 Display d imming PWM input c i rcui t h igh B2624 Display d imming PWM input c i rcui t open B2625 Display d imming PWM output c i rcui t mal funct ion B2626 Display d imming PWM output c i rcui t range/per formance B2627 Display d imming PWM output c i rcui t low B2628 Display d imming PWM output c i rcui t h igh B2629 Display d imming PWM output c i rcui t open B2630 I l luminated entry enable c i rcui t mal funct ion B2631 I l luminated entry enable c i rcui t range/performance B2632 I l luminated entry enable c i rcui t low B2633 I l luminated entry enable c i rcui t h igh B2634 I l luminated entry enable c i rcui t open B2635 I l luminated entry output c i rcui t mal funct ion B2636 I l luminated entry output c i rcui t range/per formance B2637 I l luminated entry output c i rcui t low B2638 I l luminated entry output c i rcui t h igh B2639 I l luminated entry output c i rcui t open B2640 Delayed exter ior l ight ing contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B2641 Delayed exter ior l ight ing contro l c i rcui t range/performance B2642 Delayed exter ior l ight ing contro l c i rcui t low B2643 Delayed exter ior l ight ing contro l c i rcui t h igh B2644 Delayed exter ior l ight ing contro l c i rcui t open B2645 Ambient l ight sensor c ircui t mal funct ion B2646 Ambient l ight sensor c ircui t range/per formance B2647 Ambient l ight sensor c ircui t low B2648 Ambient l ight sensor c ircui t h igh B2649 Ambient l ight sensor c ircui t open B2650 LH DRL f i lament open B2651 RH DRL f i lament open B2652 Passenger compartment d imming #3 (dome lamp, e tc . ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2653 Passenger compartment d imming #3 (dome lamp, e tc . ) c i rcui t range/performance B2654 Passenger compartment d imming #3 (dome lamp, e tc . ) c i rcui t low B2655 Passenger compartment d imming #3 (dome lamp, e tc . ) c i rcui t h igh B2656 Passenger compartment d imming #3 (dome lamp, e tc . ) c i rcui t open B2657 Igni t ion halo lamp output c i rcui t mal funct ion B2658 Igni t ion halo lamp output c i rcui t range/per formance B2659 Igni t ion halo lamp output c i rcui t low B2660 Igni t ion halo lamp output c i rcui t h igh B2661 Igni t ion halo lamp output c i rcui t open B2662 Park lamp sw itch c i rcuit mal funct ion B2663 Park lamp sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2664 Park lamp sw itch c i rcui t low B2665 Park lamp sw itch c i rcuit h igh B2666 Park lamp sw itch c i rcuit open B2667 AHLD LH servo dr iver terminal #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion B2668 AHLD LH servo dr iver terminal #1 c i rcui t range/performance B2669 AHLD LH servo dr iver terminal #1 c i rcui t low

B2670 AHLD LH servo dr iver terminal #1 c i rcui t h igh B2671 AHLD LH servo dr iver terminal #1 c i rcui t open B2672 AHLD LH servo dr iver terminal #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion B2673 AHLD LH servo dr iver terminal #2 c i rcui t range/performance B2674 AHLD LH servo dr iver terminal #2 c i rcui t low B2675 AHLD LH servo dr iver terminal #2 c i rcui t h igh B2676 AHLD LH servo dr iver terminal #2 c i rcui t open B2677 AHLD RH servo dr iver terminal #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion B2678 AHLD RH servo dr iver terminal #1 c i rcui t range/performance B2679 AHLD RH servo dr iver terminal #1 c i rcui t low B2680 AHLD RH servo dr iver terminal #1 c i rcui t h igh B2681 AHLD RH servo dr iver terminal #1 c i rcui t open B2682 AHLD RH servo dr iver terminal #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion B2683 AHLD RH servo dr iver terminal #2 c i rcui t range/performance B2684 AHLD RH servo dr iver terminal #2 c i rcui t low B2685 AHLD RH servo dr iver terminal #2 c i rcui t h igh B2686 AHLD RH servo dr iver terminal #2 c i rcui t open B2687 AHLD LH posi t ion sensor s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion B2688 AHLD LH posi t ion sensor s ignal c i rcui t range/performance B2689 AHLD LH posi t ion sensor s ignal c i rcui t low B2690 AHLD LH posi t ion sensor s ignal c i rcui t h igh B2691 AHLD LH posi t ion sensor s ignal c i rcui t open B2692 AHLD LH posi t ion sensor supply c i rcui t mal funct ion B2693 AHLD LH posi t ion sensor supply c i rcui t range/performance B2694 AHLD LH posi t ion sensor supply c i rcui t low B2695 AHLD LH posi t ion sensor supply c i rcui t h igh B2696 AHLD LH posi t ion sensor supply c i rcui t open B2697 Headlamp washer request c i rcui t mal funct ion B2700 Igni t ion shi f t in ter lock c i rcui t mal funct ion B2701 Igni t ion shi f t in ter lock c i rcui t range/performance B2702 Igni t ion shi f t in ter lock c i rcui t low B2703 Igni t ion shi f t in ter lock c i rcui t h igh B2704 Igni t ion shi f t in ter lock c i rcui t open B2705 Gearshi f t unlock c i rcui t mal funct ion B2706 Gearshi f t unlock c i rcui t range/per formance B2707 Gearshi f t unlock c i rcui t low B2708 Gearshi f t unlock c i rcui t h igh B2709 Gearshi f t unlock c i rcui t open B2710 Gearshi f t lock c i rcui t mal funct ion B2711 Gearshi f t lock c i rcui t range/performance B2712 Gearshi f t lock c i rcui t low B2713 Gearshi f t lock c i rcui t h igh B2714 Gearshi f t lock c i rcui t open B2715 Gearshi f t overr ide c i rcui t mal funct ion B2716 Gearshi f t overr ide c i rcui t range/per formance B2717 Gearshi f t overr ide c i rcui t low B2718 Gearshi f t overr ide c i rcui t h igh B2719 Gearshi f t overr ide c i rcui t open B2720 Transmission preference sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2721 Transmission preference sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2722 Transmission preference sw itch c i rcui t low B2723 Transmission preference sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2724 Transmission preference sw itch c i rcui t open B2725 ATC mode sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2726 ATC mode sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2727 ATC mode sw itch c i rcui t low B2728 ATC mode sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2729 ATC mode sw itch c i rcui t open B2730 Trunk re lease sw itch c ircui t mal funct ion B2731 Trunk re lease sw itch c ircui t range/per formance B2732 Trunk re lease sw itch c ircui t low B2733 Trunk re lease sw itch c ircui t h igh B2734 Trunk re lease sw itch c ircui t open B2735 Fuel door re lease sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2736 Fuel door re lease sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2737 Fuel door re lease sw itch c i rcui t low B2738 Fuel door re lease sw itch c i rcui t h igh

B2739 Fuel door re lease sw itch c i rcui t open B2740 Foglamp sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2741 Foglamp sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2742 Foglamp sw itch c i rcui t low B2743 Foglamp sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2744 Foglamp sw itch c i rcui t open B2745 Tract ion contro l sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2746 Tract ion contro l sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2747 Tract ion contro l sw itch c i rcui t low B2748 Tract ion contro l sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2749 Tract ion contro l sw itch c i rcui t open B2750 Horn re lay coi l c i rcui t mal funct ion B2751 Horn re lay coi l c i rcui t range/performance B2752 Horn re lay coi l c i rcui t low B2753 Horn re lay coi l c i rcui t h igh B2754 Horn re lay coi l c i rcui t open B2755 LF/Dr iver memory 1 se lect sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2756 LF/Dr iver memory 1 se lect sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2757 LF/Dr iver memory 1 se lect sw itch c i rcui t low B2758 LF/Dr iver memory 1 se lect sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2759 LF/Dr iver memory 1 se lect sw itch c i rcui t open B2760 LF/Dr iver memory 2 se lect sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2761 LF/Dr iver memory 2 se lect sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2762 LF/Dr iver memory 2 se lect sw itch c i rcui t low B2763 LF/Dr iver memory 2 se lect sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2764 LF/Dr iver memory 2 se lect sw itch c i rcui t open B2765 LF/Dr iver memory set sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2766 LF/Dr iver memory set sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2767 LF/Dr iver memory set sw itch c i rcui t low B2768 LF/Dr iver memory set sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2769 LF/Dr iver memory set sw itch c i rcui t open B2770 LF/Dr iver memory ex i t /o f f sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2771 LF/Dr iver memory ex i t /of f sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2772 LF/Dr iver memory exi t /of f sw itch c i rcui t low B2773 LF/Dr iver memory exi t /of f sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2774 LF/Dr iver memory ex i t /of f sw itch c i rcui t open B2775 RF/Passenger memory 1 se lect swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2776 RF/Passenger memory 1 se lect swi tch c i rcui t range/per formance B2777 RF/Passenger memory 1 se lect swi tch c i rcui t low B2778 RF/Passenger memory 1 se lect swi tch c i rcui t h igh B2779 RF/Passenger memory 1 se lect swi tch c i rcuit open B2780 RF/Passenger memory 2 se lect swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2781 RF/Passenger memory 2 se lect swi tch c i rcui t range/per formance B2782 RF/Passenger memory 2 se lect swi tch c i rcui t low B2783 RF/Passenger memory 2 se lect swi tch c i rcui t h igh B2784 RF/Passenger memory 2 se lect swi tch c i rcuit open B2785 RF/Passenger memory set sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2786 RF/Passenger memory set sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2787 RF/Passenger memory set sw itch c i rcui t low B2788 RF/Passenger memory set sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2789 RF/Passenger memory set sw itch c i rcui t open B2790 RF/Passenger memory ex i t /of f sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2791 RF/Passenger memory ex i t /of f sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2792 RF/Passenger memory ex i t /of f sw itch c i rcui t low B2793 RF/Passenger memory ex i t /of f sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2794 RF/Passenger memory ex i t /of f sw itch c i rcui t open B2795 Suspension contro l se lect sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2796 Suspension contro l se lect sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2797 Suspension contro l se lect sw itch c i rcui t low B2798 Suspension contro l se lect sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2799 Suspension contro l se lect sw itch c i rcui t open B2800 Suspension contro l se lect sw itch feedback mal funct ion B2801 Suspension contro l se lect sw itch feedback range/per formance B2802 Suspension contro l se lect sw itch feedback low B2803 Suspension contro l se lect sw itch feedback h igh B2804 Suspension contro l se lect sw itch feedback open B2805 Steer ing w heel contro ls HVAC switch c i rcui t mal funct ion

B2806 Steer ing w heel contro ls HVAC switch c i rcui t range/per formance B2807 Steer ing w heel controls HVAC switch c i rcui t low B2808 Steer ing w heel contro ls HVAC switch c i rcui t h igh B2809 Steer ing w heel contro ls HVAC switch c i rcui t open B2810 Steer ing w heel contro ls enterta inment c i rcui t mal funct ion B2811 Steer ing w heel contro ls enterta inment c i rcui t range/per formance B2812 Steer ing w heel contro ls enterta inment c i rcui t low B2813 Steer ing w heel contro ls enterta inment c i rcui t h igh B2814 Steer ing w heel contro ls enterta inment c i rcui t open B2815 Steer ing w heel contro ls i l legal res istance va lue B2816 Low t i re pressure system reset c i rcui t mal funct ion B2817 Low t i re pressure system reset c i rcui t range/performance B2818 Low t i re pressure system reset c i rcui t low B2819 Low t i re pressure system reset c i rcui t h igh B2820 Low t i re pressure system reset c i rcui t open B2821 Tr ip odometer reset swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2822 Tr ip odometer reset swi tch c i rcui t range/per formance B2823 Tr ip odometer reset swi tch c i rcui t low B2824 Tr ip odometer reset swi tch c i rcui t h igh B2825 Tr ip odometer reset swi tch c i rcuit open B2826 DIC fuel in fo sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2827 DIC fuel in fo sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2828 DIC fuel in fo sw itch c i rcui t low B2829 DIC fuel in fo sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2830 DIC fuel in fo sw itch c i rcui t open B2831 DIC gage sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2832 DIC gage sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2833 DIC gage sw itch c i rcui t low B2834 DIC gage sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2835 DIC gage sw itch c i rcui t open B2836 DIC reset sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2837 DIC reset sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2838 DIC reset sw itch c i rcui t low B2839 DIC reset sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2840 DIC reset sw itch c i rcui t open B2841 DIC Engl ish/Metr ic sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2842 DIC Engl ish/Metr ic sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2843 DIC Engl ish/Metr ic sw itch c i rcuit low B2844 DIC Engl ish/Metr ic sw itch c i rcuit h igh B2845 DIC Engl ish/Metr ic sw itch c i rcuit open B2846 DIC Tr ip /Season odometer sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2847 DIC Tr ip /Season odometer sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2848 DIC Tr ip /Season odometer sw itch c i rcui t low B2849 DIC Tr ip /Season odometer sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2850 Telescope forw ard sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2851 Telescope forw ard sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2852 Telescope forw ard sw itch c i rcui t low B2853 Telescope forw ard sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2854 Telescope forw ard sw itch c i rcui t open B2855 Telescope rearw ard swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2856 Telescope rearw ard swi tch c i rcuit range/per formance B2857 Telescope rearw ard swi tch c i rcui t low B2858 Telescope rearw ard swi tch c i rcuit h igh B2859 Telescope rearw ard swi tch c i rcuit open B2860 Telescope posi t ion sensor mal funct ion B2861 Telescope posi t ion sensor range/per formance B2862 Telescope posi t ion sensor low B2863 Telescope posi t ion sensor h igh B2864 Telescope posi t ion sensor open B2865 Telescope posi t ion feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B2866 Telescope posi t ion feedback c i rcui t range/per formance B2867 Telescope posi t ion feedback c i rcui t low B2868 Telescope posi t ion feedback c i rcui t h igh B2869 Telescope posi t ion feedback c i rcui t open B2870 T i l t up sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2871 T i l t up sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2872 T i l t up sw itch c i rcui t low

B2873 T i l t up sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2874 T i l t up sw itch c i rcui t open B2875 T i l t down sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2876 T i l t down sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2877 T i l t down sw itch c i rcuit low B2878 T i l t down sw itch c i rcuit h igh B2879 T i l t down sw itch c i rcuit open B2880 T i l t posi t ion sensor mal funct ion B2881 T i l t posi t ion sensor range/performance B2882 T i l t posi t ion sensor low B2883 T i l t posi t ion sensor h igh B2884 T i l t posi t ion sensor open B2885 T i l t posi t ion feedback ci rcui t mal funct ion B2886 T i l t posi t ion feedback ci rcui t range/per formance B2887 T i l t posi t ion feedback ci rcui t low B2888 T i l t posi t ion feedback ci rcui t h igh B2889 T i l t posi t ion feedback ci rcui t open B2890 T i l t & te lescope motor c i rcui t mal funct ion B2891 T i l t & te lescope motor c i rcui t range/performance B2892 T i l t & te lescope motor c i rcui t low B2893 T i l t & te lescope motor c i rcui t h igh B2894 T i l t & te lescope motor c i rcui t open B2895 T i l t & te lescope motor overcurrent B2896 T i l t & te lescope motor protect ion act ive B2897 Steer ing column lock solenoid/motor c i rcui t mal funct ion B2898 Steer ing column lock solenoid/motor c i rcui t range/per formance B2899 Steer ing column lock solenoid/motor c i rcui t low B2900 Steer ing column lock solenoid/motor c i rcui t h igh B2901 Steer ing column lock solenoid/motor c i rcui t open B2902 T i l t & te lescope 4-way posi t ion sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2903 T i l t & te lescope 4-way posi t ion sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2904 T i l t & te lescope 4-way posi t ion sw itch c i rcui t low B2905 T i l t & te lescope 4-way posi t ion sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2906 T i l t & te lescope 4-way posi t ion sw itch c i rcui t open B2925 Secur i ty system enable/arm ( local ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2926 Secur i ty system enable/arm ( local ) c i rcui t range/performance B2927 Secur i ty system enable/arm ( local ) c i rcui t low B2928 Secur i ty system enable/arm ( local ) c i rcui t h igh B2929 Secur i ty system enable/arm ( local ) c i rcui t open B2930 Secur i ty system disable /d isarm ( local ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2931 Secur i ty system disable /d isarm ( local ) c i rcui t range/per formance B2932 Secur i ty system disable /d isarm ( local ) c i rcui t low B2933 Secur i ty system disable /d isarm ( local ) c i rcui t h igh B2934 Secur i ty system disable /d isarm ( local ) c i rcui t open B2935 Secur i ty system enable/arm ( remote) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2936 Secur i ty system enable/arm ( remote) c i rcui t range/per formance B2937 Secur i ty system enable/arm ( remote) c i rcui t low B2938 Secur i ty system enable/arm ( remote) c i rcui t h igh B2939 Secur i ty system enable/arm ( remote) c i rcui t open B2940 Secur i ty system disable /d isarm ( remote) c i rcui t mal funct ion B2941 Secur i ty system disable /d isarm ( remote) c i rcui t range/per formance B2942 Secur i ty system disable /d isarm ( remote) c i rcui t low B2943 Secur i ty system disable /d isarm ( remote) c i rcui t h igh B2944 Secur i ty system disable /d isarm ( remote) c i rcui t open B2945 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) power c i rcui t mal funct ion B2946 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) power c i rcui t range/performance B2947 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) power c i rcui t low B2948 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) power c i rcui t h igh B2949 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) power c i rcui t open B2950 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) ground c i rcui t mal funct ion B2951 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) ground c i rcui t range/per formance B2952 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) ground c i rcui t low B2953 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) ground c i rcui t h igh B2954 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) ground c i rcui t open B2955 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) data c i rcui t mal funct ion B2956 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) data c i rcui t range/performance B2957 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) data c i rcui t low

B2958 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) data c i rcui t h igh B2959 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) data c i rcui t open B2960 Secur i ty system sensor (Passkey/Passlock/etc . ) data incorrect but va l id B2961 Key in igni t ion c i rcui t mal funct ion B2962 Key in igni t ion c i rcui t range/performance B2963 Key in igni t ion c i rcui t low B2964 Key in igni t ion c i rcui t h igh B2965 Key in igni t ion c i rcui t open B2966 LF door handle sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2967 LF door handle sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2968 LF door handle sw itch c i rcui t low B2969 LF door handle sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2970 LF door handle sw itch c i rcui t open B2971 LF door key sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2972 LF door key sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2973 LF door key sw itch c i rcui t low B2974 LF door key sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2975 LF door key sw itch c i rcui t open B2976 LF door a jar c i rcui t mal funct ion B2977 LF door a jar c i rcui t range/performance B2978 LF door a jar c i rcui t low B2979 LF door a jar c i rcui t h igh B2980 LF door a jar c i rcui t open B2981 RF door handle sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2982 RF door handle sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B2983 RF door handle sw itch c i rcui t low B2984 RF door handle sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2985 RF door handle sw itch c i rcui t open B2986 RF door key sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B2987 RF door key sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B2988 RF door key sw itch c i rcui t low B2989 RF door key sw itch c i rcui t h igh B2990 RF door key sw itch c i rcui t open B2991 RF door a jar c i rcui t mal funct ion B2992 RF door a jar c i rcui t range/performance B2993 RF door a jar c i rcui t low B2994 RF door a jar c i rcui t h igh B2995 RF door a jar c i rcui t open B2996 LR door a jar c i rcui t mal funct ion B2997 LR door a jar c i rcui t range/performance B2998 LR door a jar c i rcui t low B2999 LR door a jar c i rcui t h igh B3000 LR door a jar c i rcui t open B3001 RR door a jar c i rcui t mal funct ion B3002 RR door a jar c i rcui t range/performance B3003 RR door a jar c i rcui t low B3004 RR door a jar c i rcui t h igh B3005 RR door a jar c i rcui t open B3006 Hood a jar c i rcui t mal funct ion B3007 Hood a jar c i rcui t range/per formance B3008 Hood a jar c i rcui t low B3009 Hood a jar c i rcui t h igh B3010 Hood a jar c i rcui t open B3011 Trunk/ l i f tg lass/hatch a jar c i rcui t mal funct ion B3012 Trunk/ l i f tg lass/hatch a jar c i rcui t range/per formance B3013 Trunk/ l i f tg lass/hatch a jar c i rcui t low B3014 Trunk/ l i f tg lass/hatch a jar c i rcui t h igh B3015 Trunk/ l i f tg lass/hatch a jar c i rcui t open B3016 Door key sw itches (LF/RF) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3017 Door key sw itches (LF/RF) c i rcui t range/performance B3018 Door key sw itches (LF/RF) c i rcui t low B3019 Door key sw itches (LF/RF) c i rcui t h igh B3020 Door key sw itches (LF/RF) c i rcui t open B3021 Fuel enable c i rcui t mal funct ion B3022 Fuel enable c i rcui t range/per formance B3023 Fuel enable c i rcui t low B3024 Fuel enable c i rcui t h igh

B3025 Fuel enable c i rcui t open B3026 Star ter enable c i rcui t mal funct ion B3027 Star ter enable c i rcui t range/performance B3028 Star ter enable c i rcui t low B3029 Star ter enable c i rcui t h igh B3030 Star ter enable c i rcui t open B3031 Secur i ty system control ler in learn mode B3032 Secur i ty system fa i l enable entered B3033 Secur i ty system indicates tamper B3034 Secur i ty system inoperat ive B3035 Door handle sw itches (LF/RF) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3036 Door handle sw itches (LF/RF) c i rcui t range/per formance B3037 Door handle sw itches (LF/RF) c i rcui t low B3038 Door handle sw itches (LF/RF) c i rcui t h igh B3039 Door handle sw itches (LF/RF) c i rcui t open B3040 Immobi l izer -ECM communicat ion c i rcui t mal funct ion B3041 Immobi l izer -ECM communicat ion c i rcui t range/performance B3042 Immobi l izer -ECM communicat ion c i rcui t low B3043 Immobi l izer -ECM communicat ion c i rcui t h igh B3044 Immobi l izer -ECM communicat ion c i rcui t open B3045 DWA-immobi l izer c i rcuit mal funct ion B3046 DWA-immobi l izer c i rcuit range/performance B3047 DWA-immobi l izer c i rcuit low B3048 DWA-immobi l izer c i rcuit h igh B3049 DWA-immobi l izer c i rcui t open B3050 Immobi l izer external re lay c i rcui t mal funct ion B3051 Immobi l izer external re lay c i rcui t range/performance B3052 Immobi l izer external re lay c i rcui t low B3053 Immobi l izer external re lay c i rcui t h igh B3054 Immobi l izer external re lay c i rcui t open B3055 No t ransponder modulat ion/no t ransponder B3056 No t ransponder ID code programmed B3057 No secur i ty code programmed B3058 No secret key programmed B3059 No request f rom ECM/PCM received B3060 Unprogrammed t ransponder ID code received B3061 Disturbed t ransponder ID code received B3062 RF/LF door key lock sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3063 RF/LF door key lock sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B3064 RF/LF door key lock sw itch c i rcui t low B3065 RF/LF door key lock sw itch c i rcui t h igh B3066 RF/LF door key lock sw itch c i rcui t open B3067 RF/LF door key unlock sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3068 RF/LF door key unlock sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B3069 RF/LF door key unlock sw itch c i rcui t low B3070 RF/LF door key unlock sw itch c i rcui t h igh B3071 RF/LF door key unlock sw itch c i rcui t open B3072 Immobi l izer request input c i rcuit mal funct ion B3073 Immobi l izer request input c i rcuit range/performance B3074 Immobi l izer request input c i rcuit low B3075 Immobi l izer request input c i rcuit h igh B3076 Immobi l izer request input c i rcuit open B3077 F ixcode t ransponder detected B3078 Secur i ty system horn output c i rcui t mal funct ion B3079 Secur i ty system horn output c i rcui t range/per formance B3080 Secur i ty system horn output c i rcui t low B3081 Secur i ty system horn output c i rcui t h igh B3082 Secur i ty system horn output c i rcui t open B3083 Incorrect PCM secur i ty passw ord B3084 Secur i ty system exter ior lamps contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B3085 Secur i ty system exter ior lamps contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B3086 Secur i ty system exter ior lamps contro l c i rcui t low B3087 Secur i ty system exter ior lamps contro l c i rcui t h igh B3088 Secur i ty system exter ior lamps contro l c i rcui t open B3089 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ In t rusion/etc . ) s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion B3090 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ Int rusion/etc . ) s ignal c i rcui t range/per formance B3091 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ Int rusion/etc . ) s ignal c i rcui t low

B3092 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ Int rusion/etc . ) s ignal c i rcui t h igh B3093 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ Int rusion/etc . ) s ignal c i rcui t open B3094 No response f rom ECM/PCM received B3095 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ In t rusion/etc . ) pow er c i rcui t mal funct ion B3096 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ Int rusion/etc . ) pow er c i rcui t range/per formance B3097 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ Int rusion/etc . ) pow er c i rcui t low B3098 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ Int rusion/etc . ) pow er c i rcui t h igh B3099 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ Int rusion/etc . ) pow er c i rcui t open B3100 Keyless entry data l ink c i rcui t mal funct ion B3101 Keyless entry data l ink c i rcui t range/performance B3102 Keyless entry data l ink c i rcui t low B3103 Keyless entry data l ink c i rcui t h igh B3104 Keyless entry data l ink c i rcui t open B3105 Keyless entry system key fobs not programmed B3106 Keyless entry data l ink par i ty error B3107 Keyless entry inval id t ransmit ter ID B3108 Keyless entry t ransmit ter synchronizat ion fa i lure B3109 Keyless entry t ransmit ter low bat tery B3125 LF door only unlock c i rcui t mal funct ion B3126 LF door only unlock c i rcui t range/per formance B3127 LF door only unlock c i rcui t low B3128 LF door only unlock c i rcui t h igh B3129 LF door only unlock c i rcui t open B3130 Al l door unlock c i rcui t mal funct ion B3131 Al l door unlock c i rcui t range/per formance B3132 Al l door unlock c i rcui t low B3133 Al l door unlock c i rcui t h igh B3134 Al l door unlock c i rcui t open B3135 Al l door lock c i rcui t mal funct ion B3136 Al l door lock c i rcui t range/performance B3137 Al l door lock c i rcui t low B3138 Al l door lock c i rcui t h igh B3139 Al l door lock c i rcui t open B3140 LF unlock swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3141 LF unlock swi tch c i rcuit range/per formance B3142 LF unlock swi tch c i rcui t low B3143 LF unlock swi tch c i rcuit h igh B3144 LF unlock swi tch c i rcuit open B3145 RF/Passenger unlock sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3146 RF/Passenger unlock sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B3147 RF/Passenger unlock sw itch c i rcui t low B3148 RF/Passenger unlock sw itch c i rcui t h igh B3149 RF/Passenger unlock sw itch c i rcui t open B3150 LF lock sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3151 LF lock sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B3152 LF lock sw itch c i rcui t low B3153 LF lock sw itch c i rcui t h igh B3154 LF lock sw itch c i rcui t open B3155 RF lock sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3156 RF lock sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B3157 RF lock sw itch c i rcui t low B3158 RF lock sw itch c i rcui t h igh B3159 RF lock sw itch c i rcui t open B3160 LF w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3161 LF w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t range/per formance B3162 LF w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t low B3163 LF w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t h igh B3164 LF w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t open B3165 LF w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3166 LF w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t range/performance B3167 LF w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t low B3168 LF w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t h igh B3169 LF w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t open B3170 RF w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3171 RF w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t range/per formance B3172 RF w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t low B3173 RF w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t h igh

B3174 RF w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t open B3175 RF w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3176 RF w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t range/performance B3177 RF w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t low B3178 RF w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t h igh B3179 RF w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t open B3180 LR w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3181 LR w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t range/per formance B3182 LR w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t low B3183 LR w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t h igh B3184 LR w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t open B3185 LR w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3186 LR w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t range/performance B3187 LR w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t low B3188 LR w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t h igh B3189 LR w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t open B3190 RR w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3191 RR w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t range/per formance B3192 RR w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t low B3193 RR w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t h igh B3194 RR w indow up sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t open B3195 RR w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3196 RR w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t range/performance B3197 RR w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t low B3198 RR w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t h igh B3199 RR w indow dow n sw itch (a t door) c i rcui t open B3200 Rear w indow lockout swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3201 Rear w indow lockout swi tch c i rcui t range/per formance B3202 Rear w indow lockout swi tch c i rcui t low B3203 Rear w indow lockout swi tch c i rcui t h igh B3204 Rear w indow lockout swi tch c i rcui t open B3205 LF/Dr iver w indow motor c i rcui t mal funct ion B3206 LF/Dr iver w indow motor c i rcui t range/performance B3207 LF/Dr iver w indow motor c i rcui t low B3208 LF/Dr iver w indow motor c i rcui t h igh B3209 LF/Dr iver w indow motor c i rcui t open B3210 RF/Passenger w indow motor c i rcui t mal funct ion B3211 RF/Passenger w indow motor c i rcui t range/per formance B3212 RF/Passenger w indow motor c i rcui t low B3213 RF/Passenger w indow motor c i rcui t h igh B3214 RF/Passenger w indow motor c i rcui t open B3215 LR w indow motor c i rcui t mal funct ion B3216 LR w indow motor c i rcui t range/per formance B3217 LR w indow motor c i rcui t low B3218 LR w indow motor c i rcui t h igh B3219 LR w indow motor c i rcui t open B3220 RR w indow motor c i rcui t mal funct ion B3221 RR w indow motor c i rcui t range/per formance B3222 RR w indow motor c i rcui t low B3223 RR w indow motor c i rcui t h igh B3224 RR w indow motor c i rcui t open B3225 LF lock motor c i rcui t mal funct ion B3226 LF lock motor c i rcui t range/performance B3227 LF lock motor c i rcui t low B3228 LF lock motor c i rcui t h igh B3229 LF lock motor c i rcui t open B3230 RF lock motor c i rcui t mal funct ion B3231 RF lock motor c i rcui t range/performance B3232 RF lock motor c i rcui t low B3233 RF lock motor c i rcui t h igh B3234 RF lock motor c i rcui t open B3235 LR lock motor c i rcui t mal funct ion B3236 LR lock motor c i rcui t range/performance B3237 LR lock motor c i rcui t low B3238 LR lock motor c i rcui t h igh B3239 LR lock motor c i rcui t open B3240 RR lock motor c i rcui t mal funct ion

B3241 RR lock motor c i rcui t range/performance B3242 RR lock motor c i rcui t low B3243 RR lock motor c i rcui t h igh B3244 RR lock motor c i rcui t open B3245 Cargo door / l i f tgate lock motor c ircui t mal funct ion B3246 Cargo door / l i f tgate lock motor c ircui t range/per formance B3247 Cargo door / l i f tgate lock motor c ircui t low B3248 Cargo door / l i f tgate lock motor c ircui t h igh B3249 Cargo door / l i f tgate lock motor c ircui t open B3250 Power s l id ing door posi t ion c i rcui t mal funct ion B3251 Power s l id ing door posi t ion c i rcui t range/per formance B3252 Power s l id ing door posi t ion c i rcui t low B3253 Power s l id ing door posi t ion c i rcui t h igh B3254 Power s l id ing door posi t ion c i rcui t open B3255 Power s l id ing door sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B3256 Power s l id ing door sensor c i rcui t range/per formance B3257 Power s l id ing door sensor c i rcui t low B3258 Power s l id ing door sensor c i rcui t h igh B3259 Power s l id ing door sensor c i rcui t open B3260 Power s l id ing door secondary la tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3261 Power s l id ing door secondary la tch c i rcui t range/per formance B3262 Power s l id ing door secondary la tch c i rcui t low B3263 Power s l id ing door secondary la tch c i rcui t h igh B3264 Power s l id ing door secondary la tch c i rcui t open B3265 Trunk re lease output c i rcui t mal funct ion B3266 Trunk re lease output c i rcui t range/per formance B3267 Trunk re lease output c i rcui t low B3268 Trunk re lease output c i rcui t h igh B3269 Trunk re lease output c i rcui t open B3270 RF/LF door lock/unlock sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3271 RF/LF door lock/unlock sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B3272 RF/LF door lock/unlock sw itch c i rcui t low B3273 RF/LF door lock/unlock sw itch c i rcui t h igh B3274 RF/LF door lock/unlock sw itch c i rcui t open B3275 LF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) mal funct ion B3276 LF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) range/per formance B3277 LF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) low B3278 LF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) h igh B3279 LF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) open B3280 RF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) mal funct ion B3281 RF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) range/per formance B3282 RF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) low B3283 RF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) h igh B3284 RF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) open B3285 LR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) mal funct ion B3286 LR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) range/per formance B3287 LR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) low B3288 LR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) h igh B3289 LR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) open B3290 RR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) mal funct ion B3291 RR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) range/per formance B3292 RR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) low B3293 RR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) h igh B3294 RR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (a t door) open B3295 LF w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) mal funct ion B3296 LF w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) range/per formance B3297 LF w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) low B3298 LF w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) h igh B3299 LF w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) open B3300 RF w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) mal funct ion B3301 RF w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) range/per formance B3302 RF w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) low B3303 RF w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) h igh B3304 RF w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) open B3305 LR w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) mal funct ion B3306 LR w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) range/per formance B3307 LR w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) low

B3308 LR w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) h igh B3309 LR w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) open B3310 RR w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) mal funct ion B3311 RR w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) range/per formance B3312 RR w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) low B3313 RR w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) h igh B3314 RR w indow express up c i rcui t (at door) open B3315 LF w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) mal funct ion B3316 LF w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) range/performance B3317 LF w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) low B3318 LF w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) h igh B3319 LF w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) open B3320 RF w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) mal funct ion B3321 RF w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) range/performance B3322 RF w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) low B3323 RF w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) high B3324 RF w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) open B3325 LR w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) mal funct ion B3326 LR w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) range/performance B3327 LR w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) low B3328 LR w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) high B3329 LR w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) open B3330 RR w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) mal funct ion B3331 RR w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) range/performance B3332 RR w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) low B3333 RR w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) h igh B3334 RR w indow express down c i rcui t (a t door) open B3335 LR unlock swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3336 LR unlock swi tch c i rcuit range/per formance B3337 LR unlock swi tch c i rcuit low B3338 LR unlock swi tch c i rcuit h igh B3339 LR unlock swi tch c i rcuit open B3340 RR unlock swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3341 RR unlock swi tch c i rcuit range/per formance B3342 RR unlock swi tch c i rcui t low B3343 RR unlock swi tch c i rcuit h igh B3344 RR unlock swi tch c i rcuit open B3345 LR lock sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3346 LR lock sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B3347 LR lock sw itch c i rcui t low B3348 LR lock sw itch c i rcui t h igh B3349 LR lock sw itch c i rcui t open B3350 RR lock sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3351 RR lock sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B3352 RR lock sw itch c i rcui t low B3353 RR lock sw itch c i rcui t h igh B3354 RR lock sw itch c i rcui t open B3355 LF w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t mal funct ion B3356 LF w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t range/per formance B3357 LF w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t low B3358 LF w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t h igh B3359 LF w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t open B3360 RF w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t mal funct ion B3361 RF w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t range/per formance B3362 RF w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t low B3363 RF w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t h igh B3364 RF w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t open B3365 LR w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t mal funct ion B3366 LR w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t range/per formance B3367 LR w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t low B3368 LR w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t h igh B3369 LR w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t open B3370 RR w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t mal funct ion B3371 RR w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t range/per formance B3372 RR w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t low B3373 RR w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t h igh B3374 RR w indow obstruct ion sensor supply c i rcui t open

B3375 LF w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3376 LF w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t range/performance B3377 LF w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t low B3378 LF w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t h igh B3379 LF w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t open B3380 LF w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3381 LF w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcuit range/per formance B3382 LF w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcuit low B3383 LF w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcuit h igh B3384 LF w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcuit open B3385 RF w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3386 RF w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t range/performance B3387 RF w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t low B3388 RF w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t h igh B3389 RF w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t open B3390 RF w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3391 RF w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t range/per formance B3392 RF w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t low B3393 RF w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t h igh B3394 RF w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t open B3395 LR w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3396 LR w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t range/performance B3397 LR w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t low B3398 LR w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t h igh B3399 LR w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t open B3400 AHLD RH posi t ion sensor s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion B3401 AHLD RH posi t ion sensor s ignal c i rcui t range/performance B3402 AHLD RH posi t ion sensor s ignal c i rcui t low B3403 AHLD RH posi t ion sensor s ignal c i rcui t h igh B3404 AHLD RH posi t ion sensor s ignal c i rcui t open B3405 AHLD RH posi t ion sensor supply c i rcui t mal funct ion B3406 AHLD RH posi t ion sensor supply c i rcui t range/performance B3407 AHLD RH posi t ion sensor supply c i rcui t low B3408 AHLD RH posi t ion sensor supply c i rcui t h igh B3409 AHLD RH posi t ion sensor supply c i rcui t open B3410 AHLD f ront ax le sensor s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion B3411 AHLD f ront ax le sensor s ignal c i rcui t range/per formance B3412 AHLD f ront ax le sensor s ignal c i rcui t low B3413 AHLD f ront ax le sensor s ignal c i rcui t h igh B3414 AHLD f ront ax le sensor s ignal c i rcui t open B3415 AHLD f ront ax le sensor supply c i rcui t mal funct ion B3416 AHLD f ront ax le sensor supply c i rcui t range/per formance B3417 AHLD f ront ax le sensor supply c i rcui t low B3418 AHLD f ront ax le sensor supply c i rcui t h igh B3419 AHLD f ront ax le sensor supply c i rcui t open B3420 AHLD rear axle sensor s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion B3421 AHLD rear axle sensor s ignal c i rcui t range/per formance B3422 AHLD rear axle sensor s ignal c i rcui t low B3423 AHLD rear axle sensor s ignal c i rcui t h igh B3424 AHLD rear axle sensor s ignal c i rcui t open B3425 AHLD rear axle sensor supply c i rcui t mal funct ion B3426 AHLD rear axle sensor supply c i rcui t range/per formance B3427 AHLD rear axle sensor supply c i rcui t low B3428 AHLD rear axle sensor supply c i rcui t h igh B3429 AHLD rear axle sensor supply c i rcui t open B3430 AHLD low beam input c i rcui t mal funct ion B3431 AHLD low beam input c i rcui t range/performance B3432 AHLD low beam input c i rcui t low B3433 AHLD low beam input c i rcui t h igh B3434 AHLD low beam input c i rcui t open B3435 AHLD LH servo dr iver (#1 and/or #2) c i rcuit mal funct ion B3436 AHLD LH servo dr iver (#1 and/or #2) c i rcuit range/per formance B3437 AHLD LH servo dr iver (#1 and/or #2) c i rcuit low B3438 AHLD LH servo dr iver (#1 and/or #2) c i rcuit h igh B3439 AHLD LH servo dr iver (#1 and/or #2) c i rcuit open B3440 AHLD RH servo dr iver (#1 and/or #2) c i rcuit mal funct ion B3441 AHLD RH servo dr iver (#1 and/or #2) c i rcuit range/per formance

B3442 AHLD RH servo dr iver (#1 and/or #2) c i rcuit low B3443 AHLD RH servo dr iver (#1 and/or #2) c i rcuit h igh B3444 AHLD RH servo dr iver (#1 and/or #2) c i rcuit open B3445 Stoplamp c i rcui t mal funct ion B3446 Stoplamp c i rcui t range/per formance B3447 Stoplamp c i rcui t low B3448 Stoplamp c i rcui t h igh B3449 Stoplamp c i rcui t open B3450 LR w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3451 LR w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcuit range/per formance B3452 LR w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t low B3453 LR w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcuit h igh B3454 LR w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcuit open B3455 RR w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3456 RR w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t range/performance B3457 RR w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t low B3458 RR w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t h igh B3459 RR w indow up sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t open B3460 RR w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3461 RR w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcuit range/per formance B3462 RR w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcuit low B3463 RR w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t h igh B3464 RR w indow dow n sw itch (main cnt l ) c i rcui t open B3465 LF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) mal funct ion B3466 LF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) range/per formance B3467 LF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) low B3468 LF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) h igh B3469 LF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) open B3470 RF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) mal funct ion B3471 RF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) range/per formance B3472 RF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) low B3473 RF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) h igh B3474 RF w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) open B3475 LR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) mal funct ion B3476 LR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) range/per formance B3477 LR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) low B3478 LR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) h igh B3479 LR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) open B3480 RR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) mal funct ion B3481 RR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) range/per formance B3482 RR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) low B3483 RR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) h igh B3484 RR w indow express up/dow n c i rcui t (main cnt l ) open B3485 LF w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) mal funct ion B3486 LF w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) range/performance B3487 LF w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) low B3488 LF w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) h igh B3489 LF w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) open B3490 RF w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) mal funct ion B3491 RF w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) range/performance B3492 RF w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) low B3493 RF w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) h igh B3494 RF w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) open B3495 LR w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) mal funct ion B3496 LR w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) range/performance B3497 LR w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) low B3498 LR w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) h igh B3499 LR w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) open B3500 RR w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) mal funct ion B3501 RR w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) range/performance B3502 RR w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) low B3503 RR w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) h igh B3504 RR w indow express up c i rcui t (main cnt l ) open B3505 LF w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) mal funct ion B3506 LF w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) range/performance B3507 LF w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) low B3508 LF w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) h igh

B3509 LF w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) open B3510 RF w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) mal funct ion B3511 RF w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) range/performance B3512 RF w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) low B3513 RF w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) h igh B3514 RF w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) open B3515 LR w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) mal funct ion B3516 LR w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) range/performance B3517 LR w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) low B3518 LR w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) h igh B3519 LR w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) open B3520 RR w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) mal funct ion B3521 RR w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) range/performance B3522 RR w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) low B3523 RR w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) h igh B3524 RR w indow express down c i rcui t (main cnt l ) open B3525 Window lockout sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3526 Window lockout sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B3527 Window lockout sw itch c i rcui t low B3528 Window lockout sw itch c i rcui t h igh B3529 Window lockout sw itch c i rcui t open B3530 DIC Tr ip /Season odometer sw itch c i rcui t open B3531 Air f low contro l #10 ( rear ) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3532 Air f low contro l #10 ( rear ) c i rcui t range/performance B3533 Air f low contro l #10 ( rear ) c i rcui t low B3534 Air f low contro l #10 ( rear ) c i rcui t h igh B3535 Air f low contro l #10 ( rear ) c i rcui t open B3536 Oi l l i fe reset sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3537 Oi l l i fe reset sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B3538 Oi l l i fe reset sw itch c i rcui t low B3539 Oi l l i fe reset sw itch c i rcui t h igh B3540 Oi l l i fe reset sw itch c i rcui t open B3541 DRL f i lament open B3542 LF w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B3543 LF w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B3544 LF w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t low B3545 LF w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t h igh B3546 LF w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t open B3547 RF w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B3548 RF w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B3549 RF w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t low B3550 RF w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t h igh B3551 RF w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t open B3552 LR w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B3553 LR w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B3554 LR w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t low B3555 LR w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t h igh B3556 LR w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t open B3557 RR w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B3558 RR w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t range/per formance B3559 RR w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t low B3560 RR w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t h igh B3561 RR w indow obstruct ion sensor contro l c i rcui t open B3562 DIC mode sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3563 DIC mode sw itch c i rcui t range/performance B3564 DIC mode sw itch c i rcuit low B3565 DIC mode sw itch c i rcuit h igh B3566 DIC mode sw itch c i rcui t open B3567 DIC select swi tch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3568 DIC select swi tch c i rcuit range/per formance B3569 DIC select swi tch c i rcui t low B3570 DIC select swi tch c i rcui t h igh B3571 DIC select swi tch c i rcuit open B3572 Tr ip odometer A/B ( t r ip odo 1 & 2) se lect sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3573 Tr ip odometer A/B ( t r ip odo 1 & 2) se lect sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B3574 Tr ip odometer A/B ( t r ip odo 1 & 2) se lect sw itch c i rcui t low B3575 Tr ip odometer A/B ( t r ip odo 1 & 2) se lect sw itch c i rcui t h igh

B3576 Tr ip odometer A/B ( t r ip odo 1 & 2) se lect sw itch c i rcui t open B3577 Suspension contro l se lect sw itch contact mal funct ion B3578 Output a i r temperature sensor #6 ( rear upper) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3579 Output a i r temperature sensor #6 ( rear upper) c i rcui t range/per formance B3580 Output a i r temperature sensor #6 ( rear upper) c i rcui t low B3581 Output a i r temperature sensor #6 ( rear upper) c i rcui t h igh B3582 Output a i r temperature sensor #6 ( rear upper) c i rcui t open B3583 Output a i r temperature sensor #7 ( rear lower) c i rcui t mal funct ion B3584 Output a i r temperature sensor #7 ( rear lower) c i rcui t range/per formance B3585 Output a i r temperature sensor #7 ( rear lower) c i rcui t low B3586 Output a i r temperature sensor #7 ( rear lower) c i rcui t h igh B3587 Output a i r temperature sensor #7 ( rear lower) c i rcui t open B3588 Rear foglamp sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3589 Rear foglamp sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance B3590 Rear foglamp sw itch c i rcui t low B3591 Rear foglamp sw itch c i rcui t h igh B3592 Rear foglamp sw itch c i rcui t open B3700 Intermit tent w iper delay input c i rcui t mal funct ion B3701 Intermit tent w iper delay input c i rcui t range/per formance B3702 Intermit tent w iper delay input c i rcui t low B3703 Intermit tent w iper delay input c i rcui t h igh B3704 Intermit tent w iper delay input c i rcui t open B3705 Front w asher motor input c i rcui t mal funct ion B3706 Front w asher motor input c i rcui t range/per formance B3707 Front w asher motor input c i rcui t low B3708 Front w asher motor input c i rcui t h igh B3709 Front w asher motor input c i rcui t open B3710 Rear washer motor input c i rcui t mal funct ion B3711 Rear washer motor input c i rcui t range/per formance B3712 Rear washer motor input c i rcui t low B3713 Rear washer motor input c i rcui t h igh B3714 Rear washer motor input c i rcui t open B3715 Front w iper re lay dr ive c i rcui t mal funct ion B3716 Front w iper re lay dr ive c i rcui t range/performance B3717 Front w iper re lay dr ive c i rcui t low B3718 Front w iper re lay dr ive c i rcui t h igh B3719 Front w iper re lay dr ive c i rcui t open B3720 Rear w iper re lay dr ive c i rcui t mal funct ion B3721 Rear w iper re lay dr ive c i rcui t range/per formance B3722 Rear w iper re lay dr ive c i rcui t low B3723 Rear w iper re lay dr ive c i rcui t h igh B3724 Rear w iper re lay dr ive c i rcui t open B3725 LF/Dr iver seat assembly ver t ica l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3726 LF/Dr iver seat f ront ver t ica l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3727 LF/Dr iver seat rear ver t ica l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3728 LF/Dr iver seat assembly hor izonta l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3729 LF/Dr iver seat rec l ine contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3730 LF/Dr iver seat lumbar hor izonta l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3731 LF/Dr iver seat lumbar ver t ica l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3732 LF/Dr iver seat head restra int hor izonta l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3733 LF/Dr iver seat head restra int ver t ica l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3734 RF/Passenger seat assembly ver t ica l control sw itch mal funct ion B3735 RF/Passenger seat f ront ver t ica l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3736 RF/Passenger seat rear ver t ica l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3737 RF/Passenger seat assembly hor izonta l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3738 RF/Passenger seat rec l ine contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3739 RF/Passenger seat lumbar hor izonta l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3740 RF/Passenger seat lumbar ver t ica l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3741 RF/Passenger seat head restra int hor izonta l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3742 RF/Passenger seat head restra int ver t ica l contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3750 DIC on/of f s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion B3751 DIC on/of f s ignal c i rcui t range/performance B3752 DIC on/of f s ignal c i rcui t low B3753 DIC on/of f s ignal c i rcui t h igh B3754 DIC on/of f s ignal c i rcui t open B3755 Air f low contro l #1 (defrost ) feedback c i rcuit mal funct ion B3756 Air f low contro l #1 (defrost ) feedback c i rcuit low

B3757 Air f low contro l #1 (defrost ) feedback c i rcuit h igh B3758 Air f low contro l #2 (heater ) feedback c i rcuit mal funct ion B3759 Air f low control #2 (heater ) feedback c i rcuit low B3760 Air f low control #2 (heater ) feedback c i rcuit h igh B3761 Air f low contro l #3 (b lend defog/ f loor ) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B3762 Air f low contro l #3 (b lend defog/ f loor ) feedback c i rcui t low B3763 Air f low contro l #3 (b lend defog/ f loor ) feedback c i rcui t h igh B3764 Air f low contro l #4 (b lend face/ f loor ) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B3765 Air f low contro l #4 (b lend face/ f loor ) feedback c i rcuit low B3766 Air f low contro l #4 (b lend face/ f loor ) feedback c i rcuit h igh B3767 Air f low contro l #5 (vent ) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B3768 Air f low contro l #5 (vent ) feedback c i rcui t low B3769 Air f low contro l #5 (vent ) feedback c i rcui t h igh B3770 Air f low contro l #6 (A/C) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B3771 Air f low contro l #6 (A/C) feedback c i rcui t low B3772 Air f low contro l #6 (A/C) feedback c i rcui t h igh B3773 Air f low contro l #7 ( rec irc) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B3774 Air f low contro l #7 ( rec irc) feedback c i rcui t low B3775 Air f low control #7 ( rec irc) feedback c i rcui t h igh B3776 Air f low contro l #8 ( rear defog a i r f low ) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B3777 Air f low contro l #8 ( rear defog a i r f low ) feedback c i rcui t low B3778 Air f low contro l #8 ( rear defog a i r f low ) feedback c i rcui t h igh B3779 Air f low contro l #9 (dual zone) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B3780 Air f low contro l #9 (dual zone) feedback c i rcui t low B3781 Air f low contro l #9 (dual zone) feedback c i rcui t h igh B3782 Air f low contro l #10 ( rear ) feedback c i rcui t mal funct ion B3783 Air f low contro l #10 ( rear ) feedback c i rcui t low B3784 Air f low contro l #10 ( rear ) feedback c i rcui t h igh B3785 Blower Motor #1 (main/pr imary/ f ront ) Relay Contro l Circui t Mal funct ion B3786 Blower Motor #1 (main /pr imary/ f ront ) Relay Control Circui t Range/Performance B3787 Blower Motor #1 (main /pr imary/ f ront ) Relay Control Circui t Low B3788 Blower Motor #1 (main /pr imary/ f ront ) Relay Control Circui t H igh B3789 Blower Motor #1 (main /pr imary/ f ront ) Relay Control Circui t Open B3790 LF/Dr iver seat s ide bolster contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3791 LF/Dr iver seat th igh bolster contro l sw itch mal funct ion B3792 LF/Dr iver seat sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3793 Front w iper speed select c i rcui t mal funct ion B3794 Cruise control funct ion request c ircui t mal funct ion B3795 Lef t / r ight turn s ignal feedback ci rcui t mal funct ion B3796 Door lock motors c i rcui t mal funct ion B3797 Al l door dead lock c i rcui t mal funct ion B3798 RF / Passenger door unlock c i rcui t mal funct ion B3799 Front / rear washer rear w iper se lect c i rcui t mal funct ion B3800 Lef t / r ight turn s ignal request c ircui t mal funct ion B3801 Passenger compartment lamp request c i rcui t mal funct ion B3802 Park lamps request c i rcui t mal funct ion B3803 Al l w indow s up c i rcui t mal funct ion B3804 LF / Dr iver door handle posi t ion inval id B3805 Al l door unlock crash sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B3806 Headlamps highbeam and f lash to pass select c i rcui t mal funct ion B3807 Headlamp posi t ion contro l PWM circui t mal funct ion B3808 Rear door lock re lay c i rcui t mal funct ion B3809 Rear door unlock re lay c i rcui t mal funct ion B3810 Headlamp washer re lay c i rcui t mal funct ion B3811 Rear washer re lay c i rcui t mal funct ion B3812 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ Int rusion/etc . ) ground c i rcui t mal funct ion B3813 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ In t rusion/etc . ) ground c i rcui t range/per formance B3814 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ Int rusion/etc . ) ground c i rcui t low B3815 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ Int rusion/etc . ) ground c i rcui t h igh B3816 Content thef t system sensor (Shock/ Int rusion/etc . ) ground c i rcui t open B3817 Door lock status c i rcui t mal funct ion B3818 Door unlock status c i rcui t mal funct ion B3819 Lef t rear w indow up contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B3820 Lef t rear w indow dow n contro l c ircui t mal funct ion B3821 Lef t rear w indow re lay pow er c i rcui t mal funct ion B3822 Right rear w indow up contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion B3823 Right rear w indow down contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion

B3824 Right rear w indow re lay pow er c ircui t mal funct ion B3825 Cargo door / l i f tgate lock request c i rcui t mal funct ion B3826 Cargo door / l i f tgate unlock request c i rcui t mal funct ion B3827 Front w iper status c i rcui t mal funct ion B3828 LF/Dr iver bel t tower up sw itch c ircui t mal funct ion B3829 LF/Dr iver bel t tower down sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion B3830 LF/Dr iver bel t tower ver t ica l sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion B3831 LF/Dr iver be l t tower ver t ica l sensor c i rcuit range/per formance C0000 Vehic le speed informat ion c i rcui t mal funct ion C0001 Vehic le speed informat ion c i rcui t range/per formance C0002 Vehic le speed informat ion c i rcui t low C0003 Vehic le speed informat ion c i rcui t h igh C0004 Vehic le speed informat ion c i rcui t open C0005 In "Park" sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion C0006 In "Park" sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance C0007 In "Park" sw itch c i rcui t low C0008 In "Park" sw itch c i rcui t h igh C0009 In "Park" sw itch c i rcui t open C0035 LF wheel speed sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0036 LF wheel speed sensor c i rcui t range/performance C0037 LF wheel speed sensor c i rcui t low C0038 LF wheel speed sensor c i rcui t h igh C0039 LF wheel speed sensor c i rcui t open C0040 RF wheel speed sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0041 RF wheel speed sensor c i rcui t range/performance C0042 RF wheel speed sensor c i rcui t low C0043 RF wheel speed sensor c i rcui t h igh C0044 RF wheel speed sensor c i rcui t open C0045 LR wheel speed sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0046 LR wheel speed sensor c i rcui t range/performance C0047 LR wheel speed sensor c i rcui t low C0048 LR wheel speed sensor c i rcui t h igh C0049 LR wheel speed sensor c i rcui t open C0050 RR wheel speed sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0051 RR wheel speed sensor c i rcui t range/performance C0052 RR wheel speed sensor c i rcui t low C0053 RR wheel speed sensor c i rcui t h igh C0054 RR wheel speed sensor c i rcui t open C0055 Rear w heel speed sensor (both wheels) c i rcui t mal funct ion C0056 Rear w heel speed sensor (both wheels) c i rcui t range/per formance C0057 Rear w heel speed sensor (both wheels) c i rcui t low C0058 Rear w heel speed sensor (both wheels) c i rcui t h igh C0059 Rear w heel speed sensor (both wheels) c i rcui t open C0060 LF ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0061 LF ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t range/per formance C0062 LF ABS solenoid/motor / #1 c i rcui t low C0063 LF ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t h igh C0064 LF ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t open C0065 LF ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0066 LF ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t range/per formance C0067 LF ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t low C0068 LF ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t h igh C0069 LF ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t open C0070 RF ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0071 RF ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t range/per formance C0072 RF ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t low C0073 RF ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t h igh C0074 RF ABS solenoid /motor #1 c i rcui t open C0075 RF ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0076 RF ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t range/per formance C0077 RF ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t low C0078 RF ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t h igh C0079 RF ABS solenoid /motor #2 c i rcui t open C0080 LR ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0081 LR ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t range/per formance C0082 LR ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t low C0083 LR ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t h igh

C0084 LR ABS solenoid /motor #1 c i rcui t open C0085 LR ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0086 LR ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t range/per formance C0087 LR ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t low C0088 LR ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t h igh C0089 LR ABS solenoid /motor #2 c i rcui t open C0090 RR ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0091 RR ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t range/per formance C0092 RR ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t low C0093 RR ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t h igh C0094 RR ABS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t open C0095 RR ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0096 RR ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t range/per formance C0097 RR ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t low C0098 RR ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t h igh C0099 RR ABS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t open C0100 Rear ABS (both w heels) solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0101 Rear ABS (both w heels) solenoid /motor #1 c i rcui t range/performance C0102 Rear ABS (both w heels) solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t low C0103 Rear ABS (both w heels) solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t h igh C0104 Rear ABS (both w heels) solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t open C0105 Rear ABS (both w heels) solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0106 Rear ABS (both w heels) solenoid /motor #2 c i rcui t range/performance C0107 Rear ABS (both w heels) solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t low C0108 Rear ABS (both w heels) solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t h igh C0109 Rear ABS (both w heels) solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t open C0110 Pump motor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0111 Pump motor c i rcui t range/performance C0112 Pump motor c i rcui t low C0113 Pump motor c i rcui t h igh C0114 Pump motor c i rcui t open C0115 Pump motor mal funct ion C0116 Pump motor re lay c i rcui t mal funct ion C0117 Pump motor re lay c i rcui t range/per formance C0118 Pump motor re lay c i rcui t low C0119 Pump motor re lay c i rcui t h igh C0120 Pump motor re lay c i rcui t open C0121 Valve re lay c i rcui t mal funct ion C0122 Valve re lay c i rcui t range/per formance C0123 Valve re lay c i rcui t low C0124 Valve re lay c i rcui t h igh C0125 Valve re lay c i rcui t open C0126 Low brake f lu id c i rcui t mal funct ion C0127 Low brake f lu id c i rcui t range/performance C0128 Low brake f lu id c i rcui t low C0129 Low brake f lu id c i rcui t h igh C0130 Low brake f lu id c i rcui t open C0131 ABS/TCS system pressure c i rcuit mal funct ion C0132 ABS/TCS system pressure c i rcui t range/per formance C0133 ABS/TCS system pressure c i rcuit low C0134 ABS/TCS system pressure c i rcui t h igh C0135 ABS/TCS system pressure c i rcui t open C0136 Base brake system pressure c i rcui t mal funct ion C0137 Base brake system pressure c i rcui t range/per formance C0138 Base brake system pressure c i rcui t low C0139 Base brake system pressure c i rcui t h igh C0140 Base brake system pressure c i rcui t open C0141 LH TCS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0142 LH TCS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t range/per formance C0143 LH TCS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t low C0144 LH TCS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t h igh C0145 LH TCS solenoid /motor #1 c i rcui t open C0146 LH TCS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0147 LH TCS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t range/per formance C0148 LH TCS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t low C0149 LH TCS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t h igh C0150 LH TCS solenoid /motor #2 c i rcui t open

C0151 RH TCS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0152 RH TCS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t range/per formance C0153 RH TCS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t low C0154 RH TCS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t h igh C0155 RH TCS solenoid/motor #1 c i rcui t open C0156 RH TCS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0157 RH TCS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t range/per formance C0158 RH TCS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t low C0159 RH TCS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t h igh C0160 RH TCS solenoid/motor #2 c i rcui t open C0161 ABS/TCS brake sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion C0162 ABS/TCS brake sw itch c i rcui t range/performance C0163 ABS/TCS brake sw itch c i rcui t low C0164 ABS/TCS brake sw itch c i rcui t h igh C0165 ABS/TCS brake sw itch c i rcui t open C0166 TCS pr iming l ine va lve c i rcui t mal funct ion C0167 TCS pr iming l ine va lve c i rcui t range/performance C0168 TCS pr iming l ine va lve c i rcui t low C0169 TCS pr iming l ine va lve c i rcui t h igh C0170 TCS pr iming l ine va lve c i rcui t open C0171 TCS pi lot va lve c i rcui t mal funct ion C0172 TCS pi lot va lve c i rcui t range/per formance C0173 TCS pi lot va lve c i rcui t low C0174 TCS pi lot va lve c i rcui t h igh C0175 TCS pi lot va lve c i rcui t open C0176 System thermal mal funct ion C0177 System thermal range/per formance C0178 System thermal low C0179 System thermal h igh C0180 System thermal open C0181 Throt t le reduct ion motor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0182 Throt t le reduct ion motor c i rcui t range/per formance C0183 Throt t le reduct ion motor c i rcui t low C0184 Throt t le reduct ion motor c i rcui t h igh C0185 Throt t le reduct ion motor c i rcui t open C0186 Latera l accelerometer c i rcui t mal funct ion C0187 Latera l accelerometer c i rcui t range/performance C0188 Latera l accelerometer c i rcui t low C0189 Latera l accelerometer c i rcui t h igh C0190 Latera l accelerometer c i rcui t open C0191 4wd/AWD reference accelerometer c i rcui t mal funct ion C0192 4wd/AWD reference accelerometer c i rcui t range/per formance C0193 4wd/AWD reference accelerometer c i rcui t low C0194 4wd/AWD reference accelerometer c i rcui t h igh C0195 4wd/AWD reference accelerometer c i rcui t open C0196 Yaw rate c i rcui t mal funct ion C0197 Yaw rate c i rcui t range/per formance C0198 Yaw rate c i rcui t low C0199 Yaw rate c i rcui t h igh C0200 Yaw rate c i rcui t open C0201 ABS enable re lay contact c i rcui t mal funct ion C0202 ABS enable re lay contact c i rcui t range/per formance C0203 ABS enable re lay contact c i rcui t low C0204 ABS enable re lay contact c i rcui t h igh C0205 ABS enable re lay contact c i rcui t open C0206 ABS enable re lay coi l c i rcui t mal funct ion C0207 ABS enable re lay coi l c i rcui t range/performance C0208 ABS enable re lay coi l c i rcui t low C0209 ABS enable re lay coi l c i rcui t h igh C0210 ABS enable re lay coi l c i rcui t open C0211 LF ESB mal funct ion C0212 LF ESB w i l l not hold motor C0213 RF ESB mal funct ion C0214 RF ESB w i l l not hold motor C0215 Rear ESB (both w heels) mal funct ion C0216 Rear ESB (both w heels) w i l l not hold motor C0217 LF ABS channel w i l l not move

C0218 RF ABS channel w i l l not move C0219 Rear ABS channel w i l l not move C0220 LF ABS channel in re lease too long C0221 RF ABS channel in re lease too long C0222 Rear ABS channel in re lease too long C0223 LF ABS channel motor f ree spins C0224 RF ABS channel motor f ree spins C0225 Rear ABS channel motor f ree spins C0226 LF TCS channel w i l l not move C0227 RF TCS channel w i l l not move C0228 LR ABS channel in re lease too long C0229 RR ABS channel in re lease too long C0230 LF TCS channel motor f ree spins C0231 RF TCS channel motor f ree spins C0232 EBCM turned on red brake w arning lamp C0233 Open brake sw itch contacts dur ing decelerat ion C0234 Open brake sw itch contacts w hen ABS was required C0235 C0233 or C0234 set in previous or current igni t ion cyc le C0236 TCS RPM signal c i rcui t mal funct ion C0237 TCS throt t le posi t ion s ignal mal funct ion C0238 TCS throt t le posi t ion sensor compar ison mal funct ion C0239 TCS spark retard moni tor ing mal funct ion C0240 PCM tract ion contro l not a l low ed C0241 PCM indicated requested torque mal funct ion C0242 PCM indicated TCS mal funct ion C0243 Engine drag contro l mal funct ion C0244 PWM del ivered torque mal funct ion C0245 Wheel speed sensor f requency error C0246 Simul taneous dropout of both f ront w heel speed sensors C0247 MSVA1 actuator faul t (ohmic) C0248 MSVA1 actuator faul t (command vs . feedback current ) C0249 Lef t normal force faul t C0250 Right normal force faul t C0251 RTD indicated faul t C0252 ABC sensors uncorre lated C0253 Center ing faul t C0254 Steer ing sensor / la tera l accelerometer b ias faul t C0255 TCM to ABS/TC PWM signal mal funct ion C0256 Valve re lay contact c i rcui t mal funct ion C0257 Valve re lay contact c i rcui t range/per formance C0258 Valve re lay contact c i rcui t low C0259 Valve re lay contact c i rcui t h igh C0260 Valve re lay contact c i rcui t open C0261 Valve re lay coi l c i rcui t mal funct ion C0262 Valve re lay coi l c i rcui t range/performance C0263 Valve re lay coi l c i rcui t low C0264 Valve re lay coi l c i rcui t h igh C0265 Valve re lay coi l c i rcui t open C0266 Throt t le reduct ion motor contro l ler mal funct ion C0267 Low brake f lu id indicated C0268 Class 2 data error reported C0269 Class 2 data inval id C0300 Rear propshaf t s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion C0301 Rear propshaf t s ignal c i rcui t range/per formance C0302 Rear propshaf t s ignal c i rcui t low C0303 Rear propshaf t s ignal c i rcui t h igh C0304 Rear propshaf t s ignal c i rcui t open C0305 Front propshaf t speed sensor /system mal funct ion C0306 Motor A/B c i rcui t mal funct ion C0307 Motor A/B c i rcui t range/per formance C0308 Motor A/B c i rcui t low C0309 Motor A/B c i rcui t h igh C0310 Motor A/B c i rcui t open C0311 Motor ground c i rcui t mal funct ion C0312 Motor ground c i rcui t range/performance C0313 Motor ground c i rcui t low C0314 Motor ground c i rcui t h igh

C0315 Motor ground c i rcui t open C0316 Motor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0317 Motor c i rcui t range/per formance C0318 Motor c i rcui t low C0319 Motor c i rcui t h igh C0320 Motor c i rcui t open C0321 Transfer case lock c i rcui t mal funct ion C0322 Transfer case lock c i rcui t range/per formance C0323 Transfer case lock c i rcui t low C0324 Transfer case lock c i rcui t h igh C0325 Transfer case lock c i rcui t open C0326 Transfer case lock system mal funct ion C0327 Encoder c i rcui t mal funct ion C0328 Encoder c i rcui t range/per formance C0329 Encoder c i rcui t low C0330 Encoder c i rcui t h igh C0331 Encoder c i rcui t open C0332 Encoder power c i rcui t low C0333 Encoder ground c i rcui t h igh C0334 Encoder channel P input c i rcui t mal funct ion C0335 Encoder channel P input c i rcui t range/performance C0336 Encoder channel P input c i rcui t low C0337 Encoder channel P input c i rcui t h igh C0338 Encoder channel P input c i rcui t open C0339 Encoder channel C input c i rcui t mal funct ion C0340 Encoder channel C input c i rcui t range/performance C0341 Encoder channel C input c i rcui t low C0342 Encoder channel C input c i rcui t h igh C0343 Encoder channel C input c i rcui t open C0344 Encoder channel B input c i rcui t mal funct ion C0345 Encoder channel B input c i rcui t range/performance C0346 Encoder channel B input c i rcui t low C0347 Encoder channel B input c i rcui t h igh C0348 Encoder channel B input c i rcui t open C0349 Encoder channel A input c i rcui t mal funct ion C0350 Encoder channel A input c i rcui t range/performance C0351 Encoder channel A input c i rcui t low C0352 Encoder channel A input c i rcui t h igh C0353 Encoder channel A input c i rcui t open C0354 Park sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion C0355 Park sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance C0356 Park sw itch c i rcui t low C0357 Park sw itch c i rcui t h igh C0358 Park sw itch c i rcui t open C0359 4LO discrete output c i rcui t mal funct ion C0360 4LO discrete output c i rcui t range/per formance C0361 4LO discrete output c i rcui t low C0362 4LO discrete output c i rcui t h igh C0363 4LO discrete output c i rcui t open C0364 Front ax le contro l c i rcui t mal funct ion C0365 Front ax le contro l c i rcui t range/per formance C0366 Front ax le contro l c i rcui t low C0367 Front ax le contro l c i rcui t h igh C0368 Front ax le contro l c i rcui t open C0369 ATC re lay c i rcui t mal funct ion C0370 ATC re lay c i rcui t range/per formance C0371 ATC re lay c i rcui t low C0372 ATC re lay c i rcui t h igh C0373 ATC re lay c i rcui t open C0374 Genera l system mal funct ion C0375 Intermit tent system mal funct ion C0376 Front /Rear propshaf t speed mismatch detected C0377 Front /Rear propshaf t speed mismatch intermit tent C0378 Front ax le swi tch c i rcuit mal funct ion C0379 Front ax le system mal funct ion C0380 Mode sw itch pow er c i rcui t low C0381 Motor system mal funct ion

C0382 4LO discrete input c i rcui t mal funct ion C0383 4LO discrete input c i rcui t range/per formance C0384 4LO discrete input c i rcui t low C0385 4LO discrete input c i rcui t h igh C0386 4LO discrete input c i rcui t open C0387 Unable to complete shi f t C0450 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t mal funct ion C0451 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t range/per formance C0452 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid/motor /actuator c i rcui t low C0453 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t h igh C0454 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t open C0455 Steer ing posit ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0456 Steer ing posit ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance C0457 Steer ing posit ion sensor c i rcui t low C0458 Steer ing posit ion sensor c i rcui t h igh C0459 Steer ing posit ion sensor c i rcui t open C0460 Steer ing posit ion sensor mal funct ion C0461 Steer ing posit ion sensor range/per formance C0462 Steer ing posit ion sensor low C0463 Steer ing posit ion sensor h igh C0464 Steer ing posit ion sensor open C0465 Steer ing rate of change sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0466 Steer ing rate of change sensor c i rcui t range/performance C0467 Steer ing rate of change sensor c i rcui t low C0468 Steer ing rate of change sensor c i rcui t h igh C0469 Steer ing rate of change sensor c i rcui t open C0470 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor c i rcui t #1 mal funct ion C0471 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor c i rcui t #1 range/performance C0472 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor c i rcui t #1 low C0473 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor c i rcui t #1 h igh C0474 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor c i rcui t #1 open C0475 Electr ic s teer ing motor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0476 Electr ic s teer ing motor c i rcui t range/performance C0477 Electr ic s teer ing motor c i rcui t low C0478 Electr ic s teer ing motor c i rcui t h igh C0479 Electr ic s teer ing motor c i rcui t open C0480 Electr ic hydraul ic s teer ing motor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0481 Electr ic hydraul ic s teer ing motor c i rcui t range/performance C0482 Electr ic hydraul ic s teer ing motor c i rcui t low C0483 Electr ic hydraul ic s teer ing motor c i rcui t h igh C0484 Electr ic hydraul ic s teer ing motor c i rcui t open C0485 Electr ic hydraul ic s teer ing temperature sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0486 Electr ic hydraul ic s teer ing temperature sensor c i rcui t range/per formance C0487 Electr ic hydraul ic s teer ing temperature sensor c i rcui t low C0488 Electr ic hydraul ic s teer ing temperature sensor c i rcui t h igh C0489 Electr ic hydraul ic s teer ing temperature sensor c i rcui t open C0490 Steer ing column lock solenoid c i rcui t mal funct ion C0491 Steer ing column lock solenoid c i rcui t range/per formance C0492 Steer ing column lock solenoid c i rcui t low C0493 Steer ing column lock solenoid c i rcui t h igh C0494 Steer ing column lock solenoid c i rcui t open C0495 EVO t racking error C0496 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator feed c i rcui t mal funct ion C0497 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator feed c i rcui t range/performance C0498 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator feed c i rcui t low C0499 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator feed c i rcui t h igh C0500 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator feed c i rcui t open C0501 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator re turn c i rcui t mal funct ion C0502 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator re turn c i rcui t range/per formance C0503 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator re turn c i rcui t low C0504 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator re turn c i rcui t h igh C0505 Steer ing assist contro l solenoid /motor /actuator re turn c i rcui t open C0506 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor c i rcui t #2 mal funct ion C0507 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor c i rcui t #2 range/performance C0508 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor c i rcui t #2 low C0509 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor c i rcui t #2 h igh C0510 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor c i rcui t #2 open

C0511 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor output c i rcui t #1 mal funct ion C0512 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor output c i rcui t #1 range/performance C0513 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor output c i rcui t #1 low C0514 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor output c i rcui t #1 h igh C0515 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor output c i rcui t #1 open C0516 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor output c i rcui t #2 mal funct ion C0517 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor output c i rcui t #2 range/performance C0518 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor output c i rcui t #2 low C0519 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor output c i rcui t #2 h igh C0520 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensor output c i rcui t #2 open C0521 Steer ing posit ion & rate of change sensors uncorre lated C0550 ECU mal funct ion C0551 Opt ion conf igurat ion error C0552 Improper shutdow n C0554 KAM reset C0563 Cal ibrat ion ROM checksum error C0564 Program ROM checksum error C0565 VIN informat ion error C0575 LF solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t mal funct ion C0576 LF solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t range/per formance C0577 LF solenoid/motor /actuator c i rcui t low C0578 LF solenoid/motor /actuator c i rcui t h igh C0579 LF solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t open C0580 RF solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t mal funct ion C0581 RF solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t range/per formance C0582 RF solenoid/motor /actuator c i rcui t low C0583 RF solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t h igh C0584 RF solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t open C0585 LR solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t mal funct ion C0586 LR solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t range/per formance C0587 LR solenoid/motor /actuator c i rcui t low C0588 LR solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t h igh C0589 LR solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t open C0590 RR solenoid/motor /actuator c i rcui t mal funct ion C0591 RR solenoid /motor /actuator c i rcui t range/per formance C0592 RR solenoid/motor /actuator c i rcui t low C0593 RR solenoid/motor /actuator c i rcui t h igh C0594 RR solenoid/motor /actuator c i rcui t open C0595 LF accelerometer c i rcui t mal funct ion C0596 LF accelerometer c i rcui t range/per formance C0597 LF accelerometer c i rcui t low C0598 LF accelerometer c i rcui t h igh C0599 LF accelerometer c i rcui t open C0600 RF accelerometer c i rcui t mal funct ion C0601 RF accelerometer c i rcui t range/per formance C0602 RF accelerometer c i rcui t low C0603 RF accelerometer c i rcui t h igh C0604 RF accelerometer c i rcui t open C0605 LR accelerometer c i rcui t mal funct ion C0606 LR accelerometer c i rcui t range/per formance C0607 LR accelerometer c i rcui t low C0608 LR accelerometer c i rcui t h igh C0609 LR accelerometer c i rcui t open C0610 RR accelerometer c i rcui t mal funct ion C0611 RR accelerometer c i rcui t range/per formance C0612 RR accelerometer c i rcui t low C0613 RR accelerometer c i rcui t h igh C0614 RR accelerometer c i rcui t open C0615 LF posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0616 LF posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance C0617 LF posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low C0618 LF posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh C0619 LF posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open C0620 RF posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0621 RF posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance C0622 RF posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low C0623 RF posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh

C0624 RF posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open C0625 LR posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0626 LR posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance C0627 LR posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low C0628 LR posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh C0629 LR posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open C0630 RR posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0631 RR posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance C0632 RR posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low C0633 RR posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh C0634 RR posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open C0635 LF normal force c i rcui t mal funct ion C0636 LF normal force c i rcui t range/performance C0637 LF normal force c i rcui t low C0638 LF normal force c i rcui t h igh C0639 LF normal force c i rcui t open C0640 RF normal force c i rcui t mal funct ion C0641 RF normal force c i rcui t range/performance C0642 RF normal force c i rcui t low C0643 RF normal force c i rcui t h igh C0644 RF normal force c i rcui t open C0645 LR normal force c i rcui t mal funct ion C0646 LR normal force c i rcui t range/performance C0647 LR normal force c i rcui t low C0648 LR normal force c i rcui t h igh C0649 LR normal force c i rcui t open C0650 RR normal force c i rcui t mal funct ion C0651 RR normal force c i rcui t range/performance C0652 RR normal force c i rcui t low C0653 RR normal force c i rcui t h igh C0654 RR normal force c i rcui t open C0655 Level contro l compressor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0656 Level contro l compressor c i rcui t range/per formance C0657 Level contro l compressor c i rcui t low C0658 Level contro l compressor c i rcui t h igh C0659 Level contro l compressor c i rcui t open C0660 Level contro l exhaust va lve c i rcui t mal funct ion C0661 Level contro l exhaust va lve c i rcui t range/per formance C0662 Level contro l exhaust va lve c i rcui t low C0663 Level contro l exhaust va lve c i rcui t h igh C0664 Level contro l exhaust va lve c i rcui t open C0665 L i f t /d ive s ignal c i rcui t mal funct ion C0666 L i f t /d ive s ignal c i rcui t range/per formance C0667 L i f t /d ive s ignal c i rcui t low C0668 L i f t /d ive s ignal c i rcui t h igh C0669 L i f t /d ive s ignal c i rcui t open C0670 LF combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0671 LF combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance C0672 LF combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low C0673 LF combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh C0674 LF combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open C0675 RF combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0676 RF combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance C0677 RF combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low C0678 RF combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh C0679 RF combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open C0680 LR combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0681 LR combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance C0682 LR combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low C0683 LR combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh C0684 LR combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open C0685 RR combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0686 RR combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t range/per formance C0687 RR combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t low C0688 RR combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t h igh C0689 RR combinat ion accel /posi t ion sensor c i rcui t open C0690 Damper contro l re lay c i rcui t mal funct ion

C0691 Damper contro l re lay c i rcui t range/performance C0692 Damper control re lay c i rcui t low C0693 Damper contro l re lay c i rcui t h igh C0694 Damper contro l re lay c i rcui t open C0695 Posi t ion sensor overcurrent (8 vol t supply) C0696 Posi t ion sensor overcurrent (5 vol t supply) C0697 Level contro l accessory inf la tor sw itch c i rcui t mal funct ion C0698 Level contro l accessory inf la tor sw itch c i rcui t range/per formance C0699 Level contro l accessory inf la tor sw itch c i rcui t low C0700 Level contro l accessory inf la tor sw itch c i rcui t h igh C0701 Level contro l accessory inf la tor sw itch c i rcui t open C0702 Level contro l accessory va lve c i rcui t mal funct ion C0703 Level contro l accessory va lve c i rcui t range/per formance C0704 Level contro l accessory va lve c i rcui t low C0705 Level contro l accessory va lve c i rcui t h igh C0706 Level contro l accessory va lve c i rcui t open C0707 Excessive compressor act ivi ty C0708 Excessive compressor exhaust va lve act ivi ty C0709 Excessive compressor act ivi ty, vehic le moving C0710 Steer ing posit ion s ignal mal funct ion C0711 Level contro l a i r pressure sensor c i rcui t mal funct ion C0750 LF low t i re pressure sensor mal funct ion C0751 LF low t i re pressure sensor range/per formance C0752 LF low t i re pressure sensor low C0753 LF low t i re pressure sensor h igh C0754 LF low t i re pressure sensor c i rcui t open C0755 RF low t i re pressure sensor mal funct ion C0756 RF low t i re pressure sensor range/per formance C0757 RF low t i re pressure sensor low C0758 RF low t i re pressure sensor h igh C0759 RF low t i re pressure sensor c i rcui t open C0760 LR low t i re pressure sensor mal funct ion C0761 LR low t i re pressure sensor range/per formance C0762 LR low t i re pressure sensor low C0763 LR low t i re pressure sensor h igh C0764 LR low t i re pressure sensor c i rcui t open C0765 RR low t i re pressure sensor mal funct ion C0766 RR low t i re pressure sensor range/per formance C0767 RR low t i re pressure sensor low C0768 RR low t i re pressure sensor h igh C0769 RR low t i re pressure sensor c i rcui t open C0770 LF t i re pressure low C0771 RF t i re pressure low C0772 LR t i re pressure low C0773 RR t i re pressure low C0774 Low t i re pressure system mal funct ion C0775 Low t i re pressure system sensors not programmed C0776 Low t i re pressure system t ransmit ter synchronizat ion fa i lure C0777 Low t i re pressure system t ransmit ter ID inval id C0778 T IM sw itch c ircui t mal funct ion C0779 T IM s ignal faul t C0800 Device pow er #1 ( low current #1) c i rcui t mal funct ion C0801 Device pow er #1 ( low current #1) c i rcui t range/performance C0802 Device pow er #1 ( low current #1) c i rcui t low C0803 Device pow er #1 ( low current #1) c i rcui t h igh C0804 Device pow er #1 ( low current #1) c i rcui t open C0805 Device pow er #2 ( low current #2) c i rcui t mal funct ion C0806 Device pow er #2 ( low current #2) c i rcui t range/performance C0807 Device pow er #2 ( low current #2) c i rcui t low C0808 Device pow er #2 ( low current #2) c i rcui t h igh C0809 Device pow er #2 ( low current #2) c i rcui t open C0810 Device pow er #3 (h igh current #1) c i rcui t mal funct ion C0811 Device pow er #3 (h igh current #1) c i rcui t range/performance C0812 Device pow er #3 (h igh current #1) c i rcui t low C0813 Device pow er #3 (h igh current #1) c i rcui t h igh C0814 Device pow er #3 (h igh current #1) c i rcui t open C0815 Device pow er #4 (h igh current #2) c i rcui t mal funct ion

C0816 Device pow er #4 (h igh current #2) c i rcui t range/performance C0817 Device pow er #4 (h igh current #2) c i rcui t low C0818 Device pow er #4 (h igh current #2) c i rcui t h igh C0819 Device pow er #4 (h igh current #2) c i rcui t open C0820 Device ground #1 (chassis gnd #1) c i rcui t mal funct ion C0821 Device ground #1 (chassis gnd #1) c i rcui t range/performance C0822 Device ground #1 (chassis gnd #1) c i rcui t low C0823 Device ground #1 (chassis gnd #1) c i rcui t h igh C0824 Device ground #1 (chassis gnd #1) c i rcui t open C0825 Device ground #2 (chassis gnd #2) c i rcui t mal funct ion C0826 Device ground #2 (chassis gnd #2) c i rcui t range/performance C0827 Device ground #2 (chassis gnd #2) c i rcui t low C0828 Device ground #2 (chassis gnd #2) c i rcui t h igh C0829 Device ground #2 (chassis gnd #2) c i rcui t open C0830 Device ground #3 (s ignal gnd #1) c i rcui t mal funct ion C0831 Device ground #3 (s ignal gnd #1) c i rcui t range/performance C0832 Device ground #3 (s ignal gnd #1) c i rcui t low C0833 Device ground #3 (s ignal gnd #1) c i rcui t h igh C0834 Device ground #3 (s ignal gnd #1) c i rcui t open C0835 Device ground #4 (s ignal gnd #2) c i rcui t mal funct ion C0836 Device ground #4 (s ignal gnd #2) c i rcui t range/performance C0837 Device ground #4 (s ignal gnd #2) c i rcui t low C0838 Device ground #4 (s ignal gnd #2) c i rcui t h igh C0839 Device ground #4 (s ignal gnd #2) c i rcui t open C0840 Device igni t ion 0 (UNLOCK/ON/START) c i rcui t mal funct ion C0841 Device igni t ion 0 (UNLOCK/ON/START) c i rcui t range/per formance C0842 Device igni t ion 0 (UNLOCK/ON/START) c i rcui t low C0843 Device igni t ion 0 (UNLOCK/ON/START) c i rcui t h igh C0844 Device igni t ion 0 (UNLOCK/ON/START) c i rcui t open C0845 Device igni t ion 1 (ON/START) c i rcui t mal funct ion C0846 Device igni t ion 1 (ON/START) c i rcui t range/per formance C0847 Device igni t ion 1 (ON/START) c i rcui t low C0848 Device igni t ion 1 (ON/START) c i rcui t h igh C0849 Device igni t ion 1 (ON/START) c i rcui t open C0850 Device igni t ion 3 (ON) c i rcui t mal funct ion C0851 Device igni t ion 3 (ON) c i rcui t range/per formance C0852 Device igni t ion 3 (ON) c i rcui t low C0853 Device igni t ion 3 (ON) c i rcui t h igh C0854 Device igni t ion 3 (ON) c i rcui t open C0855 Device igni t ion ACC c i rcui t mal funct ion C0856 Device igni t ion ACC c i rcui t range/per formance C0857 Device igni t ion ACC c i rcui t low C0858 Device igni t ion ACC c i rcui t h igh C0859 Device igni t ion ACC c i rcui t open C0860 Device igni t ion START ci rcui t mal funct ion C0861 Device igni t ion START ci rcui t range/per formance C0862 Device igni t ion START ci rcui t low C0863 Device igni t ion START ci rcui t h igh C0864 Device igni t ion START ci rcui t open C0865 Device vol tage reference input #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0866 Device vol tage reference input #1 c i rcui t range/performance C0867 Device vol tage reference input #1 c i rcui t low C0868 Device vol tage reference input #1 c i rcui t h igh C0869 Device vol tage reference input #1 c i rcui t open C0870 Device vol tage reference output #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0871 Device vol tage reference output #1 c i rcui t range/performance C0872 Device vol tage reference output #1 c i rcui t low C0873 Device vol tage reference output #1 c i rcui t h igh C0874 Device vol tage reference output #1 c i rcui t open C0875 Device vol tage reference input #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0876 Device vol tage reference input #2 c i rcui t range/performance C0877 Device vol tage reference input #2 c i rcui t low C0878 Device vol tage reference input #2 c i rcui t h igh C0879 Device vol tage reference input #2 c i rcui t open C0880 Device vol tage reference output #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0881 Device vol tage reference output #2 c i rcui t range/performance C0882 Device vol tage reference output #2 c i rcui t low

C0883 Device vol tage reference output #2 c i rcui t h igh C0884 Device vol tage reference output #2 c i rcui t open C0885 Device vol tage reference input #3 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0886 Device vol tage reference input #3 c i rcui t range/performance C0887 Device vol tage reference input #3 c i rcui t low C0888 Device vol tage reference input #3 c i rcui t h igh C0889 Device vol tage reference input #3 c i rcui t open C0890 Device vol tage reference output #3 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0891 Device vol tage reference output #3 c i rcui t range/performance C0892 Device vol tage reference output #3 c i rcui t low C0893 Device vol tage reference output #3 c i rcui t h igh C0894 Device vol tage reference output #3 c i rcui t open C0895 Device vol tage mal funct ion C0896 Device vol tage range/per formance C0897 Device pow er moding mal funct ion C0898 Device pow er and/or ground c i rcui t mal funct ion C0899 Device #1 vol tage low C0900 Device #1 vol tage h igh C0901 Device #2 vol tage low C0902 Device #2 vol tage h igh C0903 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #1 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0904 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #1 c i rcui t range/performance C0905 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #1 c i rcui t low C0906 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #1 c i rcui t h igh C0907 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #1 c i rcui t open C0908 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #2 c i rcui t mal funct ion C0909 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #2 c i rcui t range/performance C0910 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #2 c i rcui t low C0911 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #2 c i rcui t h igh C0912 Igni t ion-sw itched power re lay #2 c i rcui t open C0913 Intermit tent device vol tage range/per formance U1000 Class 2 Data L ink Mal funct ion U1001 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1002 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1003 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1004 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1005 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1006 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1007 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1008 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1009 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1010 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1011 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1012 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1013 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1014 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1015 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U1016 Lost communicat ions w ith Engine Contro l System U1017 Lost communicat ions w ith Engine Contro l System U1018 Lost communicat ions w ith Engine Contro l System U1019 Lost communicat ions w ith Engine Contro l System U1020 Lost communicat ions w ith Engine Contro l System U1021 Lost communicat ions w ith Engine Contro l System U1022 Lost communicat ions w ith Engine Contro l System U1023 Lost communicat ions w ith Engine Contro l System U1024 Lost communicat ions w ith Transmission Contro l System U1025 Lost communicat ions w ith Transmission Contro l System U1026 Lost communicat ions w ith Transmission Contro l System U1027 Lost communicat ions w ith Transmission Contro l System U1028 Lost communicat ions w ith Transmission Contro l System U1029 Lost communicat ions w ith Transmission Contro l System U1030 Lost communicat ions w ith Transmission Contro l System U1031 Lost communicat ions w ith Transmission Contro l System U1032 Lost communicat ions w ith Chassis Mul t ip le Contro l System U1033 Lost communicat ions w ith Chassis Mul t ip le Contro l System U1034 Lost communicat ions w ith Chassis Mul t ip le Contro l System U1035 Lost communicat ions w ith Chassis Mul t ip le Contro l System

U1036 Lost communicat ions w ith Chassis Mul t ip le Contro l System U1037 Lost communicat ions w ith Chassis Mul t ip le Contro l System U1038 Lost communicat ions w ith Chassis Mul t ip le Contro l System U1039 Lost communicat ions w ith Chassis Mul t ip le Contro l System U1040 Lost communicat ions w ith Brake/Tract ion Contro l System U1041 Lost communicat ions w ith Brake/Tract ion Contro l System U1042 Lost communicat ions w ith Brake/Tract ion Contro l System U1043 Lost communicat ions w ith Brake/Tract ion Contro l System U1044 Lost communicat ions w ith Brake/Tract ion Contro l System U1045 Lost communicat ions w ith Brake/Tract ion Contro l System U1046 Lost communicat ions w ith Brake/Tract ion Contro l System U1047 Lost communicat ions w ith Brake/Tract ion Contro l System U1048 Lost communicat ions w ith Steer ing Contro l System U1049 Lost communicat ions w ith Steer ing Contro l System U1050 Lost communicat ions w ith Steer ing Contro l System U1051 Lost communicat ions w ith Steer ing Contro l System U1052 Lost communicat ions w ith Steer ing Contro l System U1053 Lost communicat ions w ith Steer ing Contro l System U1054 Lost communicat ions w ith Steer ing Contro l System U1055 Lost communicat ions w ith Steer ing Contro l System U1056 Lost communicat ions w ith Suspension Contro l System U1057 Lost communicat ions w ith Suspension Contro l System U1058 Lost communicat ions w ith Suspension Contro l System U1059 Lost communicat ions w ith Suspension Contro l System U1060 Lost communicat ions w ith Suspension Contro l System U1061 Lost communicat ions w ith Suspension Contro l System U1062 Lost communicat ions w ith Suspension Contro l System U1063 Lost communicat ions w ith Suspension Contro l System U1064 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1065 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1066 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1067 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1068 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1069 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1070 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1071 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1072 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1073 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1074 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1075 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1076 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1077 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1078 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1079 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1080 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1081 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1082 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1083 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1084 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1085 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1086 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1087 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Mul t ip le Control System U1088 Lost communicat ions w ith Restra ints Contro l System U1089 Lost communicat ions w ith Restra ints Contro l System U1090 Lost communicat ions w ith Restra ints Contro l System U1091 Lost communicat ions w ith Restra ints Contro l System U1092 Lost communicat ions w ith Restra ints Contro l System U1093 Lost communicat ions w ith Restra ints Contro l System U1094 Lost communicat ions w ith Restra ints Contro l System U1095 Lost communicat ions w ith Restra ints Contro l System U1096 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1097 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1098 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1099 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1100 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1101 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1102 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System

U1103 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1104 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1105 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1106 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1107 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1108 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1109 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1110 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1111 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver Informat ion & Displays Control System U1112 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1113 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1114 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1115 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1116 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1117 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1118 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1119 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1120 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1121 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1122 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1123 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1124 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1125 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1126 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1127 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l System U1128 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1129 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1130 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1131 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1132 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1133 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1134 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1135 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1136 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1137 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1138 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1139 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1140 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1141 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1142 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1143 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l System U1144 Lost communicat ions w ith Mobi le Communicat ions Contro l System U1145 Lost communicat ions w ith Mobi le Communicat ions Contro l System U1146 Lost communicat ions w ith Mobi le Communicat ions Contro l System U1147 Lost communicat ions w ith Mobi le Communicat ions Contro l System U1148 Lost communicat ions w ith Mobi le Communicat ions Contro l System U1149 Lost communicat ions w ith Mobi le Communicat ions Contro l System U1150 Lost communicat ions w ith Mobi le Communicat ions Contro l System U1151 Lost communicat ions w ith Mobi le Communicat ions Contro l System U1152 Lost communicat ions w ith HVAC Contro l System U1153 Lost communicat ions w ith HVAC Contro l System U1154 Lost communicat ions w ith HVAC Contro l System U1155 Lost communicat ions w ith HVAC Contro l System U1156 Lost communicat ions w ith HVAC Contro l System U1157 Lost communicat ions w ith HVAC Contro l System U1158 Lost communicat ions w ith HVAC Contro l System U1159 Lost communicat ions w ith HVAC Contro l System U1160 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1161 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1162 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1163 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1164 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1165 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1166 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1167 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1168 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1169 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System

U1170 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1171 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1172 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1173 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1174 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1175 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1176 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1177 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1178 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1179 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1180 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1181 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1182 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1183 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1184 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1185 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1186 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1187 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1188 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1189 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1190 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1191 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l System U1192 Lost communicat ions w ith Secur i ty Contro l System U1193 Lost communicat ions w ith Secur i ty Contro l System U1194 Lost communicat ions w ith Secur i ty Contro l System U1195 Lost communicat ions w ith Secur i ty Contro l System U1196 Lost communicat ions w ith Secur i ty Contro l System U1197 Lost communicat ions w ith Secur i ty Contro l System U1198 Lost communicat ions w ith Secur i ty Contro l System U1199 Lost communicat ions w ith Secur i ty Contro l System U1300 Class 2 Data L ink Low U1301 Class 2 Data L ink High U1302 Programming request not received U1303 Programming mode act ive message not received U1304 Lost communicat ions w ith UART system(s) U1305 Class 2 Data L ink Low or High U1400 AD Link Mal funct ion U1401 Lost communicat ions betw een AD and ADG U1500 Inter -device dedicated bus mal funct ion U1601 Restra int system dedicated bus #1 mal funct ion (Suppression system bus) U1602 Restra int system dedicated bus #2 mal funct ion (EFS system bus) U1603 Restra int system dedicated bus #3 mal funct ion (SDM #2 system bus) U1650 Chassis system dedicated bus contro l ler mal funct ion U1651 Chassis system dedicated bus sensor #1 mal funct ion U1652 Chassis system dedicated bus sensor #2 mal funct ion U2000 Inval id BFC t ransmit ted SPI data U2001 Inval id IPC t ransmit ted SPI data U2002 SPI data in low U2003 SPI data in h igh U2004 SPI data out low U2005 SPI data out h igh U2006 SPI c lock out low U2007 SPI c lock out h igh U2008 General SPI mal funct ion U2050 SIR PPS/CPS Communicat ions L ink Mal funct ion U2100 CAN bus communicat ion mal funct ion U2101 Maximum l is t of contro l modules not programmed U2102 More contro l lers on bus than programmed U2103 Fewer contro l lers on bus than programmed U2104 CAN bus reset counter overrun U2105 Lost communicat ions w ith Engine Contro l System U2106 Lost communicat ions w ith Transmission Contro l System U2107 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Contro l System U2108 Lost communicat ions w ith ABS/TCS Control System U2109 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Mul t ip le Control System U2110 Lost communicat ions w ith Chassis Mul t ip le Contro l System U2111 Lost communicat ions w ith Steer ing Contro l System

U2112 Lost communicat ions w ith Suspension Contro l System U2113 Lost communicat ions w ith Restra ints Control (SDM) System U2114 Lost communicat ions w ith Restra ints Control (PPS/CPS) System U2115 Lost communicat ions w ith Restra ints Control (TBD) System U2116 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver In format ion & Displays Control ( IPC) System U2117 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver In format ion & Displays Control (DIC) System U2118 Lost communicat ions w ith Dr iver In format ion & Displays Control (TBD) System U2119 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l (DRL) System U2120 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l (AHLD) System U2121 Lost communicat ions w ith L ight ing Contro l (TBD) System U2122 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Contro l (Radio) System U2123 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Control (CDX) System U2124 Lost communicat ions w ith Enterta inment /Audio Control (TBD) System U2125 Lost communicat ions w ith Mobi le Communicat ions Contro l (TBD) System U2126 Lost communicat ions w ith Mobi le Communicat ions Contro l (TBD) System U2127 Lost communicat ions w ith HVAC Contro l ( f ront ) System U2128 Lost communicat ions w ith HVAC Contro l ( rear ) System U2129 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l (RFA) System U2130 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l (DDM) System U2131 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l (DSM) System U2132 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l (PDM) System U2133 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l (PSM) System U2134 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l (RDM) System U2135 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l (RIM) System U2136 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l (MMM) System U2137 Lost communicat ions w ith Secur i ty Contro l (VTD) System U2138 Lost communicat ions w ith Secur i ty Contro l (TBD) System U2139 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Contro l (CIM) System U2140 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Contro l (UEC) System U2141 Lost communicat ions w ith Body Contro l (REC) System U2142 Lost communicat ions w ith Chassis Contro l (YRS) System U2143 Lost communicat ions w ith Steer ing Contro l (SAS) System U2144 Lost communicat ions w ith Pow ertra in Contro l (ACC) System U2145 Lost communicat ions w ith Convenience Contro l (PAS) System U2150 Navigat ion ECU Gateway Communicat ions Mal funct ion U2151 Navigat ion ECU Communicat ions Mal funct ion U2152 Navigat ion Bus Request L ine Circui t Low U2153 Navigat ion ECU - V ICS communicat ion c i rcui t mal funct ion

Note that th is l is t ing is a guidel ine only- -not to be subst i tuted for rea l Tech2 scanner d iagnost ics .

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