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Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of Obedience.

BackgroundThe study by Stanley Milgram of Yale

University set out to examine the idea of obedience and produced some shocking and disturbing findings

Milgram’s research on obedience may be the most famous and widely recognized in all of the psychology’s history.

Background Milgram’s idea for this project grew out of his

desire to investigate scientifically how people could be capable of carrying out great harm to others simply because they were ordered to do so.

When behavioral scientists decide to study some complex aspect of human behavior, their first step is to gain control over the behavioral situation so that they can approach it scientifically.

Background This can often be the greatest challenge to a

researcher, since many events in the real world are difficult to re-create in a laboratory setting.

So Milgram’s problem was how to cause one person to order another person to physically injure a third person without anyone actually getting injured.

Theoretical Propositions Milgram’s primary theoretical basis for this

study was that humans have a tendency to obey other people who are in a position of authority over them, even if, in obeying, they violate their own codes of moral and ethical behavior.

He believed that, for example, many individuals who would never intentionally cause someone physical harm would inflict

Theoretical Propositions Cont.pain on a victim if ordered to do so by a

person perceived to be powerful authority figure,

Method Most of the study was developed to test the

power of obedience in the laboratory. Milgram designed a rather scary-looking

shock generator: a large electronic device with 30 toggle switches labeled with voltage levels starting at 30 volts and increasing by 15-volt intervals up to 450 volts.

These switches were labeled in groups such as slight shock, moderate shock, and danger: severe shock.

Method Cont. The idea was that a subject could be

ordered to administer electric shocks at increasing levels to another person.

The subjects for this study were 40 males between the ages of 20-50.

There were 15 skilled or unskilled workers, 16 white collar sales or businessmen, and 9 professional men.

Method Cont.• They were recruited through newspaper ads

and direct-mail solicitation asking for subjects to be paid participants in a study about memory and learning at Yale University.

• Each subject participated in the study individually.

• Each were paid $4.50 (remember this was done in 1963)

Method Cont. The subjects were told that they were being

paid for coming to the laboratory, and it was their money no matter what.

This was to ensure that subjects did not behave in certain ways because they were fearful of not being paid.

In addition to the subjects, there were 2 other key participants: a confederate in the experiment

Method Cont. A (47 yr old accountant) posing as another

subject, and an actor (dressed in a gray lab coat, looking very official) playing the part of the experimenter.

A cover story was given by the experimenter, who explained to the subjects that this was a study on the effect of punishment on learning.

The subjects picked pieces of paper to figure out who would be the teacher and who would be the learner.

Method Cont. The drawing was always rigged so that the

true subject always became the teacher and the accomplice was always the learner.

Keep in mind that the learner was a confederate in the experiment, as well at the person playing the part of the experimenter.

The learner was taken into the next room strapped in and wired up with electrodes (complete with electrode paste to avoid any blisters or burns)

Method Cont. it was connected to the shock generator

in the adjoining room. The learner, although his arms were

strapped down, was able to reach 4 buttons marked a,b,c,and d, in order to answer the questions posed by the teacher from the next room

Method Cont. The learner had to memorize connections

between various pairs of words. It was a rather lengthy list and not an easy to

memory task. The teacher-subject would read the list of

words and then test the learner’s memory The teacher was instructed by the

experimenter to administer an electric shock each time the learner responded incorrectly.

Method Cont. Most important, for each incorrect response,

the teacher was to move up one level of shock on the generator.

All of this was stimulated so realistically that no subject suspected that the shocks were not really being delivered.

The learner-confederate's responses were preprogrammed to be correct or incorrect in the same sequence for all the subjects.

Method Cont. Furthermore, as the amount of the voltage

increased with incorrect responses, the learner began to shout his discomfort from the other room

At the 300 volt level, he pounded on the wall and demanded to be let out.

After 300 volts he became completely silent and refused to answer any more questions.

Method Cont. The teacher was instructed to treat his lack of

a response as a incorrect response and to continue the procedure.

In a series of commands increasing severity as more prodding was necessary:

Command 1: Please continue Command 2: The experiment requires that

you continue

Method Cont. Command 3: It is absolutely essential that

you continue. Command 4: You have no other choice, you

must go on. A measure of obedience was obtained simply

by recording the level of shock at which each subject refused to continue.

Method Cont. Since there were 30 switches on the

generator, each subject could receive a score of 0-30.

Subjects who went all the way to the top of the scale were referred to as obedient subjects and those who broke off at any lower were termed as defiant subjects.

Results Milgram asked Yale University seniors, all

psychology majors, as well as various colleagues to make such a prediction.

The est. range from 0%-3% with an average est. of 1.2%

That is, no more than 3 people out of 100 were predicted to deliver the max. shock

Results Cont. Every subject continued at least to the 300-

volt level, which was when the confederate banged on the wall to be let out and stopped answering.

Surprising is the number of subjects who obeyed orders to continue all the way to the top of the scale.

14 subjects defied orders and broke off before reaching the max. voltage, 26 of the 40 subjects,

Results Cont. or 65% followed the experimenters orders and

proceeded to the top of the scale. There was a concern that some of the subjects

might suffer psychological distress from having gone through the ordeal of shocking another person, especially when the learner had ceased to respond for the 3rd of the experiment.

To help alleviate this anxiety, they received a full explanation of the true purpose of the study.

CriticismsMilgram’s research has been extremely

influential in our understanding of obedience, it also had far-reaching effects in the area of the ethical treatment of human subjects.

Claim that unacceptable levels of stress were created in the subjects during the experiment.

More CriticismsFurthermore, it has been argued that

the potential for lasting effects existed. When the deception is revealed to

subjects at the end of their ordeal, they may feel used, embarrassed, and possibly distrustful of psychologists or legitimate authority figures in their future lives.

More CriticismsCritics claim that the results of

Milgram's studies were not only invalid, but because of this poor validity the treatment of his subjects were exposed to could not be justified.

Recent Applications Every year since the early 1960’s when

Milgram carried out his studies, these studies are divided between attempts to refine and elaborate on people’s tendency to obey authority figures, and the omnipresent debate about the ethics of using deception in research involving human subjects.

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