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1. Learn to read for main ideas.

2. Learn about cultural differences.

3. Enlarge vocabulary.

4. Summary listening

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The particular reading skill introduced

for this unit is reading for the main idea in

a paragraph. This skill is one of the most

useful reading skills students can develop.

Finding the main idea is necessary for the

understanding of a piece of writing.

ⅠⅠ. . Reading Skills: Reading Skills: Reading for the Main Ideas in Paragraphs


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The main idea of a paragraph is usually

stated by one of the sentences in the paragraph.

The main idea sentence is commonly known as

“a topic sentence” or “a topic statement”. It

may appear in one of several places in the

paragraph. Most frequently the first sentence

of a paragraph states the main idea, as is clear

from the following example taken from

Reading Passage A:



ⅠⅠ. . Reading Skills: Reading Skills: Reading for the Main Ideas in Paragraphs

Page 5: Objectives

The U. S. is definitely a telephone country. Almost everyone uses the telephone to conduct business, to chat with friends, to make or break social appointments, to say “Thank you,” to shop and to obtain all kinds of information. Telephones save the feet and endless amounts of time. This is due partly to the fact that telephone service is superb here, whereas the postal service is less efficient. (Para. 7, Reading Passage A, Unit 1) Main idea: The U. S. is definitely a telephone country.


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However, the main idea sentence

may also appear in other places: in the

middle or at the end of a paragraph.

Look at two more examples taken from

Reading Passage A:


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1. “We are slaves to nothing but the clock,” it has been said. Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. It is a precious resource. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. Once the sands have run out of a person’s hourglass, they cannot be replaced. We want every minute to count. (Para. 2, Reading Passage A, Unit 1)


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Main Idea: It (= Time) is a precious


    In this paragraph the main idea

appears in the middle of the paragraph.


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2. Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor. (Para. 1, Reading Passage A, Unit 1)    Main Idea: Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor. In this paragraph the main idea appears at the end of this paragraph.


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Please notice that sometimes there is

no sentence in the paragraph which

directly states the main idea. That doesn’t

mean that there isn’t a main idea in the

paragraph, only the main idea is implied.

In these cases you have to write a sentence

to sum up the main idea of the paragraph.


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ⅠⅠ. . Reading Skills: Reading Skills: Practice

For each of the following paragraphs, write down the main idea in your own words in the blank space.

1.Do you think studying in a different country is something that sounds very exciting? Like many young people who leave home to study in another country, do you think you would have lots of desirable fun? Certainly, it is a new experience, which brings the opportunity of discovering fascinating things and a feeling of freedom. (to be continued)


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In spite of these advantages, however, there are also some challenges you will encounter. Because your views may clash with the different beliefs, norms, values, and traditions that exist in different countries, you may have difficulty adjusting to a new culture and to those parts of the culture not familiar to you. This is culture shock. Evidently, at least four essential stages of culture-shock adjustment occur. (Para.1)

Main idea: Studying in a different country is a new

experience, but there are also some challenges.

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2. The first stage is called “the honeymoon”. In this stage, you feel excitement about living in a different place, and everything seems to be marvelous. You like everything, and everybody seems to be so nice to you. Also, the amusement of life in a new culture seems as though it will have no ending. (Para. 2)

Main idea: The first stage of culture-shock

adjustment is “the honeymoon”.

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3. Eventually, however, the second stage of culture shock appears. This is the “hostility stage”. You begin to notice that not everything is as good as you had originally thought it was. You become tired of many things about the new culture. Moreover, people don’t treat you like a guest anymore. Everything that seemed to be so wonderful at first is now awful, and everything makes you feel distressed and tired. (Para. 3)

Main idea: The second stage of culture shock, “the hostility stage”, eventually occurs.

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4. Usually at this point in your adjustment to a new culture, you devise some defense mechanisms to help you cope and to protect yourself against the effects of culture shock. One type of coping mechanism is called “repression”. This happens when you pretend that everything is acceptable and that nothing bothers you. Another type of defense mechanism is called “regression”. This occurs when you start to act as if you are younger than you actually are; you act like a child. (to be continued)

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You forget everything, and sometimes you become careless and irresponsible. The third kind of defense mechanism is called “isolation”. You would rather be home alone, and you don’t want to communicate with anybody. With isolation, you try to avoid the effects of culture shock, or at least that’s what you think. Isolation is one of the worst coping mechanisms you can use because it separates you from those things that could really help you. The last type of defense mechanism is called “rejection”. (to be continued)

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With this coping mechanism, you think you don’t need anybody. You feel you are coping fine alone, so you don’t try to ask for help. (Para. 4)

Main idea: At this point, some defense mechanisms are devised to protect yourself against the effects of culture shock.

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5. After you deal with your hostile feelings, recognition of the temporary nature of culture shock begins. Then you come to the third stage called “recovery”. In this stage, you start feeling more positive, and you try to develop comprehension of everything you don’t understand. The whole situation starts to become more favorable; (to be continued)

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you recover from the symptoms of the first two stages, and you adjust yourself to the new norms, values, and even beliefs and traditions of the new country. You begin to see that even though the distinctions of the culture are different from your own, it has elements that you can learn to appreciate. (Para. 6)

Main idea: The third stage of culture shock adjustment, “recovery”, starts.

ⅠⅠ. . Reading Skills: Reading Skills: Practice

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Imagine: You’re so lucky to get an opportunity to study abroad. It’s the first time you come to the country. Definitely, you may experience Culture Shock.

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happy, good,

curious, excellent …

I. Honeymoon StageI. Honeymoon Stage

Find some adjectives to describe your feeling.


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II. Hostility StageII. Hostility Stage

1.1. Can you describe the emotionsCan you describe the emotions in this stage?in this stage?

TipsTips … become tired of … , … makes sb. feel …Everything is …, I feel …awfullonelyindifferenthomesickdistressed


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2. What will you do ?2. What will you do ?I may devise some defense mechanismsto cope with the effects of culture shock,such as:






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Regression:Regression:act like a child, forget everything, sometimes become careless and irresponsible

Repression:Repression:pretend that everything is acceptable and that nothing bothers you

Isolation:Isolation:don’t want to communicatewith any people, would rather be at home alone

Rejection:Rejection:think that you’re coping fine alone,

you don’t need anybody’s help

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They’re _________; on the contrary, they can really _____ you, because they prevent you from _________________________the new culture.

not helpfulhurt

making necessary adjustments to

3. Are these mechanisms helpful?3. Are these mechanisms helpful?

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You start feeling _____________ and adjust yourself to the new _______, _______, _______ and___________.

more positive

norms values beliefstraditions

III. Recovery StageIII. Recovery Stage

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You have reached a point where you actually feel ______ . The things that initially made you feel _____________, or ________ are now things that you ___________. Now you feel _____________; you have adjusted to the new culture.



IV. AdjustmentIV. Adjustment

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Word Study

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1. What’s Culture Shock (title)?

It means strong feelings of discomfort,

fear, or anxiety, which people may have

when they enter another culture.



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2.Because your views may clash with the different beliefs, norms, values, and traditions that exist in different countries, you may have difficulty adjusting to a new culture and to those parts of the culture not

familiar to you. (L5)

Because … (Because … (adverbial clause of cause), ), and traditions that … (and traditions that … (attributive clause),),you may have difficulty adjusting … (you may have difficulty adjusting … (main clause).).


Because your views may be in contrast with or opposite to

the beliefs, norms, values, and traditions that exist in

the countries you’re going to visit, you may have difficulty in adapting to a new culture with which you’re not familiar.




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3.In this stage, you start feeling more positive,

and you try to develop comprehension of

everything you don’t understand. (L37)

In this stage, you begin to feel more active, and you try to understand everything that you didn’t understand in the past.




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2. 他们没费多少劲就在家乡找到了他们出生的那幢房子。


2. They had no difficulty (in) finding the house where they had been born in their hometown.

2. They had no difficulty (in) finding the house where they had been born in their hometown.

1. 他的英语很糟糕 , 我很难听懂他。1. 他的英语很糟糕 , 我很难听懂他。1. His English is very bad and I have great

difficulty (in) understanding him.

1. His English is very bad and I have great

difficulty (in) understanding him.

have difficulty (in) doing sth: be unable to do sth. easily 做某事有困难



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2. 迪克很能适应香港的生活。2. 迪克很能适应香港的生活。2. Dick adjusted well to Hong Kong.2. Dick adjusted well to Hong Kong.

1. 人体能很快地自行调节以适应气温的变


1. 人体能很快地自行调节以适应气温的变


1. The body quickly adjusts itself to

changes in temperature.

1. The body quickly adjusts itself to

changes in temperature.

adjust to: become or make suited (to new

conditions) 使适应(新环境),适应



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2. 这些事实是每个小学生都熟悉的。2. 这些事实是每个小学生都熟悉的。2. The facts are familiar to every pupil. 2. The facts are familiar to every pupil.

1. 他谈论其他文化时仿佛他对其他文化比对自己的文化还要熟悉。

1. 他谈论其他文化时仿佛他对其他文化比对自己的文化还要熟悉。

1. He talked of other cultures as if they

were more familiar to him than his own.

1. He talked of other cultures as if they

were more familiar to him than his own.

be familiar to: well known to; often seen well known to; often seen or heard or heard 为为 ······ ······ 所熟悉的,常见(听所熟悉的,常见(听)到的)到的


例句例句 >>>more>>>more

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2. 我当然熟悉你的工作。2. 我当然熟悉你的工作。2. I am of course familiar with your work.2. I am of course familiar with your work.

1. 拉金不但汉语讲得好,他还通晓中国古代史。

1. 拉金不但汉语讲得好,他还通晓中国古代史。

1. Larkin not only speaks Chinese well, but

also is familiar with early Chinese


1. Larkin not only speaks Chinese well, but

also is familiar with early Chinese


be familiar with: know or understand weknow or understand we

ll ll (某人)熟悉(某物),通晓(某人)熟悉(某物),通晓



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2. 这动物走路的样子好像是伤了腿似的。2. 这动物走路的样子好像是伤了腿似的。2. The animal was walking as though (as if)

it had had its leg hurt.

2. The animal was walking as though (as if)

it had had its leg hurt.

1. 他待他姐姐如陌生人。1. 他待他姐姐如陌生人。1. He treats his elder sister as though she

were a stranger.

1. He treats his elder sister as though she

were a stranger.

as though / as if: as would be the case if;

appearing to be the case that 犹如 ;好像



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2. 如果你一件衣服穿腻了,可以换一件。2. 如果你一件衣服穿腻了,可以换一件。2. When you’re tired of one dress, change

to another.

2. When you’re tired of one dress, change

to another.

1. 你的批评我已经听烦了。1. 你的批评我已经听烦了。1. I’m tired of your negative comments. 1. I’m tired of your negative comments.

be tired of: be impatient or fed up with s

b./sth. 讨厌,不耐烦,厌烦



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词根 vis, 意思为“看见”

visa n. 签证 visible adj. 可见的 vision n. 视力 visit v. 访问 visual adj. 视觉的 visualize v. 想象 envisage v. 想象 revise v. 修订 supervise v. 监督 televise v. 播映

visa n. 签证 visible adj. 可见的 vision n. 视力 visit v. 访问 visual adj. 视觉的 visualize v. 想象 envisage v. 想象 revise v. 修订 supervise v. 监督 televise v. 播映

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2. 那男孩是在城里长大的 , 所以觉得很难区别杨树和柳树。

2. 那男孩是在城里长大的 , 所以觉得很难区别杨树和柳树。

2. Brought up in town, the boy finds it

difficult to separate a poplar from a


2. Brought up in town, the boy finds it

difficult to separate a poplar from a


1. 这个病人应该与其他患者隔离。1. 这个病人应该与其他患者隔离。1. This patient should be separated from

the others.

1. This patient should be separated from

the others.

separate from: (cause things or people to(cause things or people to

) divide ) divide 使分离,分开使分离,分开



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2. 他的残疾让他无法开车。2. 他的残疾让他无法开车。2. His disability prevents him (from)


2. His disability prevents him (from)


1. 谁阻止他们的计划不让实施 ?1. 谁阻止他们的计划不让实施 ?1. Who prevents their plans from being

carried out?

1. Who prevents their plans from being

carried out?

prevent sb. / sth. from: stop (sb. or sth.) fstop (sb. or sth.) f

rom (doing sth.) rom (doing sth.) 阻止,防止阻止,防止



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2. 他从未真正从丧妻的悲伤中恢复过来。2. 他从未真正从丧妻的悲伤中恢复过来。2. He never really recovered from the

sadness of his wife dying.

2. He never really recovered from the

sadness of his wife dying.

1.他现在已完全从震惊中恢复了过来。1.他现在已完全从震惊中恢复了过来。1. He’s now fully recovered from the shock.1. He’s now fully recovered from the shock.

recover from: return to a normal state frreturn to a normal state fr

om om 从从 ······ ······ 恢复到正常状态恢复到正常状态



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2. 新的法律通过了各个阶段的程序没有?2. 新的法律通过了各个阶段的程序没有?2. Has the new law gone through all its

stages yet?

2. Has the new law gone through all its

stages yet?

1.这个国家经历了太多的战争。1.这个国家经历了太多的战争。1. The country has gone through too many


1. The country has gone through too many


go through: experience; finish certain stexperience; finish certain st

ages ages 通过;完成(某阶段)通过;完成(某阶段)



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Summary Listening

Spot Dictation: Listen to the following Spot Dictation: Listen to the following

passage and supply the missing passage and supply the missing


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Well,_______________________, we could say that there are four stages of culture shock.

First of all, the "honeymoon" stage, to the visitor, everything seems_____________________, the food, the surroundings, the buildings. And it _________________ of euphoria: a desire to ___________________________________.The next stage is the "horror" stage, where the newness wears off, and the visitor sees the country_____________________, and often begins to ____________________, the life, and the values of the people.The next stage, we could say, is the "humor" stage, where people begin to _____________________________________ in the earlier stages.And the final stage, we could say, is the "home" stage where people______________________, and enjoy living in that foreign country.

I think generally speaking

new, quaint, and novel produces a

feelinglook around, to experiment, to explore

from a different lightcriticize the country

reflect back and laugh at their mistakes

begin to feel at home

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• 文化冲击

我认为,一般来说,文化冲击经历 4 个阶段。

首先, " 蜜月 " 阶段。对于游客来说,每样东西,如食物,环境,建筑物等,都是新鲜的,离奇的。由此而产生一种兴奋感 :一种想到处看看,想试验,想探索的冲动。

第二阶段是 " 恐惧 " 。新鲜感在消退,游客从一个不同的角度观察这个国家,并开始批评这个国家,以及人们的生活和价值观。

下一阶段是 " 幽默 " 。人们开始回顾过去,并嘲笑自己当初在前两个阶段所犯的错误。

最后的阶段是 " 家园 " ,这时人们开始感觉舒服自在,喜欢生活在异国他乡。

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