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Page 1: OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NW With the support of the LLL programme of the European Union French LLP Agency and Bologna.

OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NWWith the support of the LLL programme of the European Union

French LLP Agency and Bologna experts workshop on validation Paris (FR), 17 October 2013

Françoise de VIRONVice-President of EUCEN

Université de Louvain (BE) - Project Associate Partner

KA1 Networks project 2011-2013

Page 2: OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NW With the support of the LLL programme of the European Union French LLP Agency and Bologna.

OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NWWith the support of the LLL programme of the European Union


• Project coordinated by EUCEN between 2007 - 2010• Funded by the Leonardo da Vinci programme• 28 partners from 25 different European countries• Main outcome of the project was the collection of over

100 documents on Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning (VNIL) issues and the creation of an observatory where all these documents were classified by country, including 25 country profiles.

Page 3: OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NW With the support of the LLL programme of the European Union French LLP Agency and Bologna.

OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NWWith the support of the LLL programme of the European Union


Findings of the OBSERVAL project:

Main barriers

• Excessive reliance on quality assurance mechanisms

• Distrust of flexible evaluation methods and structural lack of flexibility in accessing HE, along with a weak or inexistent tradition of adult education/ 3rd sector presence

These factors need to be strengthened These factors need to be minimized

Common conditions of countrieswith successful VNIL policies

• Local partnerships• Devolved governance• A strong tradition in VET and in

adult education• A system / framework /

network to share best practices and guidance

Page 4: OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NW With the support of the LLL programme of the European Union French LLP Agency and Bologna.

OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NWWith the support of the LLL programme of the European Union

The OBSERVAL-Net Project idea

• To bring together the public sector, enterprises and educational institutions together in a sustainable network

• To promote VNIL in 3 sectors:• Working life• Educational Institutions• Civil Society

Page 5: OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NW With the support of the LLL programme of the European Union French LLP Agency and Bologna.

OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NWWith the support of the LLL programme of the European Union

Aims and Objectives of OBSERVAL-Net

• Creation of transversal networks • Development of coherent, comprehensive and flexible

models for VNIL practices and recommendations • Mainstreaming these practices

• Creation of 3 transversal thematic groups• Analysis of materials • Production of three comprehensive thematic reports• Development of flexible and comprehensive materials• Involvement of key policy makers

Consolidation of a European stakeholder Network on VNIL

Page 6: OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NW With the support of the LLL programme of the European Union French LLP Agency and Bologna.

OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NWWith the support of the LLL programme of the European Union


Full partners: Austria


Czech Republic







Associate partners:



3 at university/HE level5 at vocational level8 Ministries

OBSERVAL-Net: 16 partners + 15 associate partners = 23 EU Member States.

Page 7: OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NW With the support of the LLL programme of the European Union French LLP Agency and Bologna.

OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NWWith the support of the LLL programme of the European Union

The methodology (1)

• A transversal analysis on 3 themes (topic partners):o ‘Bottom up approach’

Set of recommendations for enhancing VNIL through the involvement of grass-root initiatives

o ‘The New Profession’

Competence framework for VNIL practitionerso ‘Work Based Competence Development and


Menu of success factors for work-place competence development and recognition

Page 8: OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NW With the support of the LLL programme of the European Union French LLP Agency and Bologna.

OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NWWith the support of the LLL programme of the European Union

The methodology (2)

• A Policy reflection: Representatives of public authorities (regional and national)

o ‘policy consultants’ to contribute with their regional/national insights.

European VNIL Manifesto• Advocacy Pack: Guidelines for stakeholders about how to

communicate concerns to policy-makers

• Sustainability

The OBSERVAL-Net project aims not only to build a practice-sharing network, but a coalition of organisations consistently supporting VNIL over the long-term.

Page 9: OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NW With the support of the LLL programme of the European Union French LLP Agency and Bologna.

OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NWWith the support of the LLL programme of the European Union

Why is OBSERVAL-Net interesting for HEIs?

• Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning (VNIL) is still not a high priority on the agenda of most HEI, nor HE ministries in European countries,

• So the proposal for a COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the validation of non-formal and informal learning (05/09/2012) indicates:« The Council Conclusions on the modernisation of higher education of 28 and 29 November 2011 called upon Member States to develop clear routes into higher education from vocational and other types of education, as well as mechanisms for recognising prior learning and experience gained outside formal education and training, especially by tackling challenges related to the implementation and use of national qualification frameworks linked to the European Qualification Framework »   (P 11)

VNIL requires a better “inter-knowledge” from all kind of organisations in the the field of education and the participation to OBSERVAL-Net could bring this facility.

Page 10: OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NW With the support of the LLL programme of the European Union French LLP Agency and Bologna.

Cases of Best practice - Examples

• Bottom up approacho 3 cases from Austria (innovative portfolio, competence

porfolio, new approach)• The new profession

o Finland (training programme), Switzerland (shared approach), Denmark (training courses)

• Work-base competenceo Netherlands (promoting Validation with staff through HRM),

Czech Republic (qualification for security guards), Switzerland (family management in SMEs)

Issues, methods, tools, …

Page 11: OBSERVAL-NET - Project number 519426-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-KA1-KA1NW With the support of the LLL programme of the European Union French LLP Agency and Bologna.

An invitation

Register in the new Observatory www.observal-net.eu Send materials Join the next on-line Debate starting 28 October Get involved in the new LinkedIn Discussion group on VNIL

For any questions or help contact [email protected]

Thank you for your attention

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