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Page 1: Obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

By: Jenn Lelko

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A little bit of OCD humor to start off this slide show.

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OCD 101• Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce anxiety, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by a combination of such thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions).

• The acts of those who have OCD may appear paranoid and come across to others as psychotic

•OCD is the fourth-most common mental disorder and is diagnosed nearly as often as asthma and diabetes mellitus

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Common types of OCD•Checkers: Checkers feel compelled to check objects such as door locks and “off” settings on household appliances. They live with an excessive, irrational fear that harm will be brought to themselves or others because of a failure to check and recheck things. They often visualize horrific catastrophes in which they are to blame for a lack of responsibility. Checkers often develop elaborate checking rituals that make it difficult for them complete daily tasks.

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Washers and cleaners have an irrational fear of contamination. They compulsively avoid potential contaminants. They have obsessions regarding disease spread by dirt, germs, viruses, and foreign substances. They live with the constant dread of becoming contaminated or contaminating others. Washers and Cleaners often wash and clean their hands, clothes, and houses countless times a day, though they never feel clean or “safe” from contaminants.

Washer and Cleaners

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Orderers are focused on arranging things in the “right” way. Often, they must organize things in an exact, particular, or “perfect” way before beginning daily tasks. They become extremely distressed if their things are moved, touched, or rearranged.


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Obsessionals experience unwanted, intrusive and horrific thoughts and images of causing harm to others. Many Obsessionals engage in repetitive thoughts such as praying, counting, or repeating certain words, in order to counteract their disturbing thoughts.


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Hoarders collect insignificant items and have difficulty throwing away things most people would consider to be of no value. Hoarders often have chaotic living environments as a result of their extensive collections.


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As a person with this disorder, my type is a combination of two. I am a “checker” and a “washer”. I constantly check my doors and window before I leave, or go to bed. When I get up I the morning I wash my hands three times, as well as multiple times throughout the day.

It impacts my life daily. I have to plan and extra thirty minutes to whatever I do so I know I will have time to check all the locks and appliances.

Having a germ phobia also impacts me daily because it restricts a lot of what I do. I don’t like public facilities because I feel as if they are not cleaned properly. I avoid contact anyone at all costs, and when I do have to, I use as minimal of contact necessary.

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Many people who have OCD know that their actions often don't make sense. They may try to hide their problem from family and friends, and may have trouble keeping a job because of their actions. Without treatment, obsessions and the need to perform rituals can take over a person's life. OCD is an anxiety disorder that can be life-long. A person with OCD can also recover and then get the illness again, or relapse. This illness affects women and men in equal numbers. Most often, OCD begins during the teenage years or early childhood, although it can start in an adult

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Cause of OCD

• The exact cause of OCD is not known. Researchers are looking at differences in brain activity among people who have OCD and persons who do not, for clues about its cause.

• OCD is not caused by family problems. Nor is it caused by something in a person's childhood, such as an unusual focus on cleanliness, or a belief that certain thoughts are dangerous or wrong

• It's important to know that when a person has OCD, it's not her or his fault.

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Symptoms of OCD include: • Having upsetting thoughts or images enter your mind again and again.

•Feeling like you can't stop these thoughts or images, even though you want to.

•Having a hard time stopping yourself from doing things again and again, like counting, checking on things, washing your hands, cleaning, re-arranging objects, doing things until it feels "right," or collecting useless objects.

•Worrying a lot about terrible things that could happen if you're not careful.

•Having unwanted urges to hurt someone, but knowing you never would.

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A brain with OCD

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Having this disease has greatly impacted my life.

These are examples of the things I check before I leave my house or go to bed.

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OCD Types


Percent Comparison:

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Process of thinking

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Impact OCD has on lives:

It is estimated that between 2 and 3 million people are suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder in the United States. About one in fifty people have had symptoms of OCD at some point in their lives, with 1% suffering within the last year. OCD afflicts people of all races, faiths, nationalities, and ethnic groups. OCD causes great suffering to patients and their families, as up to 10 hours per day may be devoted to performing rituals. OCD has been classified by the World Health Organization as one the top ten causes of disability worldwide.

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Does it bother you that this slide is different from the rest?

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The End!

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