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I/ibrary of Congress, Reading Room

v" ' 3 N° - L ___ ISSUED MONTHLY ' Whole No. 251

Washington, 1). C., Month of Aquarius, Jan, 20-Fob. 19. 1901



Price $1.00 per yearPostage paid to any part of the World

Published by Chas. W. Smiley, May Building, Washington, I). C,Entered at the Poet-office in Washington, D. C., an aecond-claee matter.


A monthly magazine hinting at Divine Alchemy or that wisdom v and those mysteries which alone can be understood by initiates.

“ Etre toujours Philosophe.”



v. Entered at the Post-office in Washington, D. C., as second class matter.

Vol. 3, No. 1. AQUARIUS, JAN. 20,1901. $1 per Year.



K f'ew people grasp, as true, the statement that every k c t attributed to men is not by men but by the Infinite "Wisdom. It is only necessary, however, to persist in looking at each act until God is revealed therein. This can always be done by patience and an inquiring mind. Here are illustrations that will make this clear and en able others to do likewise.B pT H E A c f —Entering a public audience, I noticed a yacant s e a t beside a woman, and moved towards it with th e i d e a p f occupying ilii The woman looked up, saw m e approaching, and deliberately moved into the va c a n t seat w i t h t h e apparent purpose of keeping me from s i t t i n g there a n d perhaps crowding her.? T h e H u m a n OE i T f e l i o one l iv in g in m o r ta l m ind

and s e e in g the a c t c o u ld h e lp f e e l in g t h a t sh e w a s a se lf

ish creature, u t t e r l y in d is p o s e d to a cco m m o d a te ; j u s t as we so o f te n s e e w o m e n s p r e a d t h e i r c lo th in g in s t r e e t

cars with t h e v ie w to h a v in g p le n ty o f room . T h is is

done, too, b y the very w o m e n w h o e n te r in g c ro w d ed

cars look at all the s e a te d m e n w i th th e e x p e c ta tio n

that one w ill give h e r his seat. O f c o u rse , in d ig n a tio n


may arise in mortal mind and sometimes show itself at such a rude act as. I have described. Many people will try to force such people into decent behavior. Some will watch the opportunity to reprove these seemingly self ish people, who are nearly always women, please ob serve.

T h e D iv in e o e I t . — I had no mqrtal mind at that moment and quite ignored the seeming- impoliteness. I said to myself : “God has moved that woman for my benefit and I will know w hy.” So I remained close by for five minutes and watched for the reason to appear. The exercises upon the stage went on. Soon a ten- year-old boy, sitting- to the left of the seat in questipn, beg-an to whisper to his mother at his left. H is whis pers grew into low talk and then a smaller'girl on the other side of the mother joined in the whispering. The mother once or twice told the boy to be quiet,, but he paid no attention thereto. Several people in the vi cinity began to look at the mother and two children, in surprise that none of them knew how jfco behave inm.: public audience. The woman, who had moved sparer to the boy so as to prevent my coming in between, be gan to discover that she had made an uncomfortable job of it. It thus became clearly revealed! to me that God moved the selfish woman in order to tell me as plainly as possible that if I had taken that seat I should have regretted it. The case was all the .stronger be cause I could not have got out again without consider able trouble, owing to the difficulty of approach and retreat. I should probably have.had* to grin and bear the disturbances throughout the rest of the entertain ment.

T h e O u t c o m e .— B e in g f u l ly 's a t i s f ie d as to why God h a d to ld m e n o t to t r y to s i t th e r e , I moved along to an o th e r p a r t o f th e h o u se , e a s i ly d ro p p e d in to a seat near g e n tle m e n a n d la d ie s , h a d p le n t y o f room a n d enjoyed


the evening’ very much. All this is the result and al ways will be the result of seeing Omnipotence every where.

I n t u i t i o n .—The fact that women are more intui tional than men is well recognized. That woman was intuitional enough to feel and to heed God’s prompting to move. A man in the same circumstances would never have done it,—“ hardly ever.” His mortal mind would have teemed with self respect and that would have de terred him from such a spectacle. To a woman’s abil ity to hear God’s voice telling her to move and so shut me out was due my escape from the disturbances made by the children.

A Sin g u l a r Ca s e .—One evening, a group of people, among the number the daughter of a retired Justice of . the Supreme Court and myself, came out of a church service and we boarded the Connecticut avenue car. I made myself the last of the group to enter the car. I saw twelve people seated on one side and eleven on the Opposite side. A twelfth seat was beside this daugh ter of Judge S. I moved towards it. She spread her self jinfo the vacancy, a polite hint to me to stand. So I took position by the door and stood. At the very next

s tree t, the car stopped. A negress, clad almost filthi ly, weighing about 250 pounds, and carrying a market basket, boarded the car, she walked right up to Miss S. and forced her great,' fat, greasy, ill-smelling carcass into the spot where Miss S—g was unwilling a neatly clad gentleman, ju st out of the same church she had attended* should sit. I t was a terrible dose for Miss S~g to take, but she rode in torture all the way down the avenue ; and I,--well I did not laugh boisterously., but I have smiled within from that day to this, I have told the story on Miss S—g and given her name quite a number of times, and guess I will mail her a copy of this magazine. She helped me to find Truth.


Whenever anyone goes to exhibiting “selfishness ” or any other “evil” in my presence, I know there is fun for me and so I WILL PERSIST in watching the situa tion till God has told me all about what he is doing. And he always tells me a splendid story. These illus trations will show to any reflecting person, how to con vert insult, lies, robbery and all other “evils” into the most beautiful events.T a l k .—When you hear uncivil or unbecoming talk,

consider God and not an individual as speaking ; and furthermore, God may say some very severe things of an individual whose lips are in motion. The individu al, in his insanity, imagines himself as speaking. If a listener harbors a similar delusion, he may consider said language as addressed to him. Then he may be offended. Usually, it is God speaking to him whose lips are in motion, and one can have much fun observing such occurences. Some days ago, as a street preacher finished preaching, I said to him : “May I ask you if you ever feel a sense of sin since you have been saved.He evaded and so I asked him again. He evaded again. When a third time, I pressed for a reply, he appeared offended and his lips spoke these words : “I knew you were a quibbler from the time you first opened your mouth.” God thus spake to him the precise truth re garding himself. As for myself, I saw instantly that such a label could not fit me, and had not been spoken to me, though the saved street preacher fooled himself -with the idea that he was talking, not God, and was talking to me. Whoever remembers this law can see fun everywhere. God tells him things that are “hid den from the world.” Men’s lips describe to you their character without their suspecting how. Even strang ers reveal hidden secrets in this manner. Do not for get for an instant that God, not the creature, is talking and let intuition be the silent interpreter.


A W ell-A u th en tica ted A stra l Appearance.

For many years prior to the night of November 7th, 1877, there had resided on a farm in Denton, Texas, a widow, M rs. L aura Jones, her two nearly-grown sons named Frank and John, and several smaller children. Frank had left home in September to search for some lost cattle, had reported his movements from time to time by letter, a t last accounts being 200 miles south of Denton still engaged in the search. On that night, after all were in bed, John heard steps, on the front porch, which approached the door. Then the door knob was turned, the door opened letting in a draft of cold air which John felt so th a t he raised himself upon his elbow. A fire th a t had been burning in the wide stone chimney had not yet gone out and, in the quite dim light, John saw the outlines of a man. Reaching for a re volver, he called : “ W ho’s th ere?” The familiar voice of his brother answered, while F rank came and sat down on the foot of John’s bed. They conversed in low tones for some time. Then John told Frank that his bed in another room was ready for him, being just as he had le ft it six weeks before. The dim outlines and retreating footsteps vanished through the opposite doorway and all w as still. John soon fell asleep happy over his brother’s return. In the morning he arose, started the kitchen fire for his mother, and went to the barn to care for his brother’s horse and the other ani mals. T he horse w as not in his accustomed stall, nor in the pasture outside. He returned to the house, when his mother who had heard the voices asked : “ What were you talk ing about last night ?” “ Why, I was talking w ith Frank, who came in last n ight,” replied the son. An examination of Frank’s room, however, showed no one and no signs of occupancy. He return ed to the kitchen and told his mother a part of what Frank had said to him in the night. She, of course,

a OdOlTliT tfRUtfHS.

was very sceptical about the story,' but John’s earnest ness led her to feel that something* was wrong*. That day they hitched up a team and taking* the children, drove to the house of “ Uncle Bob Saunders,” and, of course, the strang*e occurrences were related to him. He discredited the whole affair but concluded to accom pany John to the telegraph office to see what trace could be g*ot of the missing brother. While crossing the pub lic square of Denton, they were hailed by the Sheriff of Denton County, who showed a telegram that he had just received from S. P. Williams, County Judge, dated McDade, Texas, November 8, 1877, and reading : “Man found dead near here last night. Papers disclosed identity of Prank Jones of your county. Notify his p eo p le |||||

A year later, this Bob Saunders, who was adminis trator of the estate left by-the father of the Jones fami ly, decided to sell a tract of Jones’ land in the southern part of the state. John strenously objected, at first refusing to say why, but finally, being ptherwise una ble to carry his point, he said that on the night of No vember 7th, when Prank appeared to him, Prank told him that he had found the lost animals near the town of Stellar,in a pasture owned by Mrs. Mary Williams, a widow who had a large cattle ranch there ; that she had told Prank of her desire to purchase the Jones tract of land near by ; that he, Prank, knowing the danger from Indians and horse-thieves to stock on that land had decided to sell, had sold it to her as well as the stock which Prank had found there, that she had pai,d him the entire amount of purchase money, that he had promised her to send the necessary deed and other papers upon his return home and that Prank had urged shim (John) to make and forward the papers.

John now acknowledged that he had not sooner re ported this part of the nightly interview, because so


much incredulity and even ridicule had met his other statem ent. B u t now, rather than see the administra tor go and sell the land in question, he had told all.

Accordingly, a le tte r was sent to Mrs. Williams ask ing .what she knew about Prank Jones’ movements. She came to Denton in person (as she had never received any deed) and exhibited to Administrator Saunders a bill of sale for the stock in the handwriting of Prank and also a receipt for the money paid to him. Her story agreed in every respect w ith the report John had given of, the fac ts as described by his visitor on the night of November 7. John Jones later went before the county court of Denton county and made affidavit, which is a m atter of public record, th a t his brother Prank had de tailed to him th is trade w ith the widow Williams and th a t the A dm inistra tor of his father’s estate was bound to give her a deed to th is property. Had John conceal ed the fac ts and le t Saunders sell the land, John as one

the heirs would have profited a considerable sum of money thereby. He proved the certainty of his confer ence'had w ith P ran k , a t a time when P rank’s dead body lay 200 miles away, by a legal oath and caused ,the issue of the deed in question to the widow Williams. If the disbelievers in a s tra l forms and in astral bodies separable from physical bodies refuse to credit this ac count, w h a t would they ever credit of other people’s experiences ? (There are hundreds of such well-authen ticated sta tem ents on record and have been in all ages from the days of Homer until now.

V C o n ce n tr a te on O ne Id e a and H old it.

A nervous person is so because of constantly chang ing opinions and beliefs. I f he would settle upon one opinion or belief and never vacillate from it, no matter w hether it be r ig h t or wrong, his condition would rap idly improve. W e w ill not attem pt to help people till


they are sick of running1 here and there to try every de vice or nostrum invented. When the person in trouble g*ets ready to follow our advice to the exclusion of all others we begin to enforce concentration on one idea : Healing* and uplifting1 power is right in%your own house. There is no god in all the universe for you to concern yourself about, except what exists right inside your own soul. From no other source did ever any good come to you or ever will. So soon as one discovers what a fountain of truth, of health and of joy goes everywhere his body goes and stays wherever this body stays, so soon will his whole mental attitude chang'e. Follow ing this, the whole bodily condition will change also. Meanwhile, he is blind and deaf to the living powers within him. His conceit blinds him. He thinks he knows what is in him, when truly he does not. There is a veil between his soul and his brain. He lives in brain action or mortal mind, which is soul-less.

You have already been in the only hell there is (mor tal mind and delusions), and heaven is a condition—not a place. Pessimistic thoughts bring hell. To see all as good is heaven. Make whichever you prefer. Fvery time one complains of anything, he has planted hell seed, and it can sprout in about thirty minutes. Do it all you like. No one can prevent it. Since there is an interval of thirty minutes between growls and grief, try to fool your mind with the suggestion that one is not the cause of the other. Most people do so.

Distinctly realize all the time, that there is no god be yond the stars, nor in some sky-heaven, nor elsewhere, for you to dream of. Only inside one’s every thought can he look for a creator. Where the Creator is, can be no evil, no sin, no wrong ; see, therefor, the Creator within your every word, act, thought. I t’s there wheth er recognized or not. Refusing to recognize your neigh bor, does not blot him out of existence ; nor does ref us-


ingf to see w ithin your soul, the centre of all life, prove it is not there.

I know th is and am in bliss. You don’t know whether it is true or not and are in misfortune. Is it not bet ter to hold an error which gives bliss than be agnostic with unhappiness ? Concentrate all thought and en ergy along these lines,and when pain and nervousness are gone,you will know th a t it was a wise risk to take. Do you know th a t there is not a human being on earth more highly favored than you are ? And yet your pes simism tells you of others, and dupes ypu to believe others are more highly favored. Why believe the lie, the believing of which brings sorrow ? Only the de luded'suffer. T h e wise never suffer. If you suffer, you are in delusion. T h e suffering is for the purpose of call ing your a tten tion to your condition, so that you can get out.

But you cannot g e t out without help ? Well, within three feet of you, goes, wherever you go, a guardian angel. ' A bout the same practice a babe needs to learn to talk , w ill enable you to learn to talk with this angel. Every question may receive its appropriate answer, not in words b u t in solar-plexus feeling. But you would not concentrate on th is practice as long and as fully as a babe does on g e ttin g language ; so, of course, you g*o on ignoring* the presence of th is wonderful creature of whom Solomon w rote in his songs.

A n O ccu lt T r a g ed y .

Among the earliest subscribers to this periodical, was a wife and m other of th ree children, living" west of the Mississippi river. She entered a t once upon the new life and made very good progress. She failed in all her efforts to in te rest her husband, and the family was sometimes in s tra its because of his unwise life. In July last, she w rote me for advice upon a delicate subject,


being* placed in a quandary between violating* her own ideas of a pure life and gratifying him. For weeks, I was kept from answering. At length, I wrote that she must secure harmony through self sacrifice, but that by so doing, serious changes would be brought about which would relieve her from such self-sacrifice. This letter, 1 mislaid and it did not get mailed. Still the in formation was all psychically communicated into her subconsciousness, and she acted accordingly, as I know also psychically.

I am now in receipt of news that the husband, while far from home, was recently crushed under the railroad car wheels and instantly killed. In the . dead man’s pocket was found a letter which he had just previous ly written to his wife. In it, he stated that during the previous night he had had serious forebodings of ap proaching calamity. He said the misfortune was to be upon him or his family and so he exhorted her to unu sual care of the family during his absence.

The wife writes, that had she been a mere Christian she does not see how she could sustain the shock of this event, but that the teachings of “Occult T ruths’’ have so prepared her for it, that she is calm and peaceful. Though out of the body, she felt ps)Tchically his pres ence for three or four days and nights after the event. Providence then changed her environments. She went among people who had never loved him,and so of course he was driven off. This is best, for he has to sleep and quiet down the terrible vibrations of his earth life. She should now forget him and bid him rest in peace. Any thought of him disturbs that peace.

The most important feature of the case is the awful and over-powering consequence to the offender, when the innocent one pursues absolute non-resistance and makes harmony at all cost: “But I say unto you, that ye resist not evil. Vengeance is mine : it w ill I repay,


saith the L o rd .” T her e is no evil and no vengence ex cept in appearance. The meaning1 is that we should not resist w hat has an evil appearance and that the con sequences w ill fall not upon us, as it would seem, but upon the one who violates our sense of right or asks us to do w hat we would not do voluntarily.

M ira cu lo u s P ow ers.

In M a t th e w X : 1-10, w e find th e follow ing w o rd s : “A nd w hen he h a d ca lle d u n to h im h is tw e lv e d isc ip les, he gave th em p o w e r a g a in s t u n c le a n s p ir i t s , to c a s t them out, and to hea l a ll m a n n e r o f s ic k n e s s a n d all m an n e r of d isease. T h e s e tw e lv e , J e s u s s e n t fo r th an d com m anded them say ing, A s y e go , p re a c h , s a y in g , T h e k ingdom of heaven is a t hand. H e a l th e s ic k , c le a n se th e le p e rs , ra ise th e dead

cast o u t d e v ils ; f r e e ly y e h a v e rece iv ed , fre e ly g ive. P ro vide n e i th e r g o ld , n o r s i lv e r , n o r b r a s s in y o u r p u r s e s .”

These a p o s t le s p r e p a r e d fo r th e w o rk an d w ere s e n t out into the world to te a c h ; th e y w e re to ld th a t a s th e y had re

ceived freely, th e y w e re e x p e c te d to g iv e free ly .They were n o t to ld to s e c u r e a su ita b le location, o rgan

ize a church, and a s so o n a s p o ss ib le e re c t a m agnificent edifice costing th o u s a n d s o f d o lla rs , a n d th e n in s is t th a t the members o f this c h u r c h s u b s c r ib e la rg e am o u n ts of money

for the maintenance o f th e c h u rc h a n d th e p reach e r .The Episcopal church claims apostolic succession, i. e.

that their clergy are direct successors to the apostles. Let us see how worthy they are to be so called.

The Apostles were told to state that the kingdom of heaven was at hand; the clergy teach, that, if you walk in the way they prescribe, the kingdom of heaven may pos sibly be reached after death—but they are not at all cer tain of this. As to obsession, the majority of the clergy decline to believe such a thing possible, so they can hardly be expected to exorcise an unclean spirit.

Regarding the healing of the sick, let me as a physician assure you that they have no power whatever in this direc tion, for every clergyman of my acquaintance consults a legally qualified Doctor of Medicine whenever his physical


health is impaired. As they cannot dissipate the minor ills of the physical body, it would be out of the question for them to attack a disease such as leprosy ; indeed, I doubt if many of them could be induced to get within hailing-dis tance of a camp of lepers, so great is their fear of the dis ease. Merely mention “raising- of the dead” and the clergy will tell you “that the age of miracles has passed.”

“Provide neither gold nor silver,” and your minister will either go elsewhere or give up preaching and seek another occupation. The Episcopal church teaches that the twelve Apostles possessed miraculous powers, that they used them freely, and, that the Episcopal clergy are not only; follow ers, but, their legitimate and direct successors j yet they do not possess one vestige of the powers ascribed to the Apostles. However, if anyone will crush the ego,rdrop per sonality, learn and obey occult laws, he will not only open the way to acquirement of all these miraculous powers, but, find indeed, that The Kingdom of Heavenlls a,t liandgft W i l l i a m C. D o b s o n .

I l lu s tr a t io n o f H o w th e U n s e e n U a w s W o r k .

I went into a bakery to purchase a loaf of bread. ^The fresh bread had been sold. As it was quite a distance to another bakery, I exclaimed : “Oh ! I wish you had just one loaf.” She looked at the shelf and said, here is a stale loaf you can have. I was glad to get it, and offered to pay for it the same price as for the fresh, but she would take nothing. A few days after, as I was going into the same store, a young girl preceeded me, and was waited upon first. She presented a five dollar bill and as the baker counted out the change he made a mistake. As the girl was about to pick|up the money, I said : “You have given too much money there.” He counted it over again and found that he had given ten cents too much. After the girl had left, he thanked me. I said you need not thank me, it is the Law of Karma and then I told him of his wife giving me the bread and accept ing no pay for it. My arriving there just at that moment was no accident. It was Law and Eight t



T o th o s e W h o H a v e In te r e s t in Counterparts.

I have been so fortunate as to find for you a very in teresting- s tory , or “ romance” as it has to be called, out of concession to public foolishness, of a painter who came into soul-reunion w ith his counterpart. This book of 131 pages, ju s t published, I can send you and m . w ill increase the in terest which our little tract has .aroused w ith in you. T he author is an intuitive teacher and le c tu re r whose classes in W ashington have been highly appreciated . T he book teems with the highest ideas, save th a t these people submitted to a marriage Ceremony w hich is regarded as both silly and useless. 'W hat God h a th joined together needs no endorsement by civil au th o rity . B u t the book comes up such a long way tow ards my ideals th a t I know you will be bene fited as w ell as intensely interested in the story. Send $1.00 for “ A n to n .”

S a v e d b y t h e B lood o f J e su s .

: The ritual of the Episcopal church continually refers to Jesus of Nazareth as the “Christ” and “The Only Son of God.” Every prayer and supplication is made to “Almighty God,” through the mediation of this same Jesus of Naza reth. At the close of nearly every prayer offered by the clergy, we hear the words : “This we ask through the med iation of Thine Only Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.” The Catholics go fu rther in homo-worship and address their prayers to Mary, the Mother of God. An important part of their doctrine is that Jesus of Nazareth, being the Al mighty personal God, died upon a cross to save sinners, and, that the shedding of his blood made redemption of all mankind possible. In other words, the crucifixion of Jesus redeemed the mortgage placed upon humanity by its sinful actions, and satisfied the anger of an offended God.

Even if we could admit this as fact, the redemption ap pears to be of little value, for this church teaches that un less their members live upto a certain standard prescribed


by the doctrine of the church, their souls will be eternally lost. The words, “redeemed by the blood of Jesus,” are spoken, read and sung- at every service, and yet they mean very little of a practical nature. They say Jesus was nail ed to a cross to save sinners I This is the “plan of salva- tion” and they call it divine. This doctrine is a travesty of the mystical truths concealed where theology cannot find them. Ye will not live the life which ye say Jesus taught.

Since the clergy admit Jesus to have been an humble, guileless, faithful teacher of great tru ths—would it not have been better for humanity, had he lived to continue his work for many years, than to have been crucified at the age of thirty-three, after less than two years work ? Further, we know that Jesus of Nazareth was not Christ, and that Christ is the Son of God only in a figurative sense, Jesus, of Naz areth was undoubtedly the name used to partially describe an ideal mystic endowed with miraculous powers; while Christ, The Christ o r the Christos divine principle can be brought to consciousness in each one of us by preparation and willingness fo r it to come to us.

I t w as n o t n e c e s s a ry th a t J e s u s of N a z a re th be th e only Son of G od, in o rd e r to p o s s e s s m ira c u lo u s powers, for all o th e r s w ho w ill “ live th e li fe ” w ill find “ th e w a y ” to these sam e m iracu lo u s p o w ers an d becom e S o n s of G od a s John in h is g e n e ra l e p is tle sa id : “ N o w a re w e th e S ons of God.” —W illiam C. Dobson.

Q uestions and A n sw ers.

Subscribers are invited to send in questions.7 9 .—H ow can a m an and a wom an be as close companions as y o u sa y

counterparts become, liv in g , working, and actin g as one when they have not been m a rried under c iv i l lazv ? F . P . B .—If you w ere not ig n o rant Of the infin ite perfection pervading a ll God’s w orks, you w ould not have to ask that. You seem to have forgotten th at c iv il m ar riage is licensed licen tiousness, w ith com pulsion to stand the co n se quences. No man who has recovered a spark o f h is d iv in e b ir th r ig h t w ants any such license. A y o u n g m an o f tw en ty years told m e the other day that he never had and never could have a n y m ore resp ect for the woman who had once pandered to h is nervous system , be sh e w ife or harlot. Carnality in side or outside o f m arriage, destroys se lf respect and respect for the partner. C ounterparts have no d raw in gs


to th is fo o lish b u sin ess and need seek no licenses at law. But how about ch ildren ? Counterparts w ill aw ait the tim e of immaculate conception. W hen th at comes they w ill consider and we w ill advise about th e le g a l r ig h ts of the offspring.

i So.—H o w is i t th a t the m ore I try to keep m y tem per, the more angry t g e t 1 A . V . G., T exas. Because, if it is in your soul, it MUST vent itse lf . “ R es ist not e v il .” I f you are angry, give it vent so as to be rid o f it and do n ot com plain when some one in turn gets angry with •you. Y ou can no more keep anger pent up in your soul, than you can keep filth p en t up in your body. People always “feel better af ter th ey have i t o u t.” T h e trouble lies in people thinking the evil w hich produces th e anger. N ever think evil and you will never feel angry. S tr ik e a t the root o f the tree by seeing all to be good, which

jJt is . I f you th in k your w ife being angry is wrong or evil, that w ill create an g er in you w h ich w ill m anifest itse lf after a few hours. If you see th a t her a n ger w as good, as the explosion and discharge of her u n w ise th o u g h ts, you w ill not sow seeds o f anger in your soul. Y ou w ill la u g h over the exp losion and be glad it is done with. Tell her how to g e t a n g ry a g a in i f she w ants to, but when she knows, she w ill n o t do it . T h u s know ledge becomes our Saviour.

^ 8/ . —P lease te l l m ore about a tta in in g the silence ! W. S.—To get on rapid ly you m ust cu t off com m unication with people who grumble, com plain , cr itic ise , see ev il, ta lk o f pains, o f sins, of poverty, who

^believe in creeds, in organ ized churches which need money, in socie ties, in sp ir itu a lism , in R ddyism , in T ingleyism , in drugs, patent m ed icines, quacks w ith drugs and quacks without drugs. Keep out o f th e com pany o f a ll these and be alone. S it by the open fire with

;,no one near and g e t your nerves a ll stilled . Teach them to always be p erfectly qu iet. D on’t try to think nor try not to think. Be per fec tly p a ss iv e but w ith the understanding that you are receptive only

Lto the h ig h est . M use and rest. S ay : “Peace, be st ill,” a thousand tim es. P ra c tice a s above at every opportunity. By degrees you will

( d iscover g o in g on in you th e ch an ges that convert the worm into the butterfly . Y our m ind w ill be taken a ll to pieces. Dots of rubbish w ill burn up. $T N ew and very stran ge ideas w ill come in. When you see tha t th ey g iv e splendid resu lts in your life , you w ill cease won dering at the ir stran g en ess. T a lk about them only to those who have had sim ilar exp erien ces. You are nearin g the silence. Have no fear. N o th in g can com e except a s you in v ite it. Be w illin g merely to re ceive th e d iv in e . -D esire noth ing. Do not pray. Restrain every up r is in g o f prayer and say , I ask noth ing. I patiently receive or wait as is b est. I can do n o th in g except hold the door open for the best. If I do not in v ite other than the best, no other can come. Calmly re fuse to see a n y ev il or*any opposite o f evil. Calmly accept the ADD. In th e recogn ition o f a ll as desirable, permit every impulse arising from w ith in your sou l to operate. A ffirm ; i t is not I but the A ll work-


in g w ithin me. I f trem bling or em otion or discom fort comes, look to see what you have just said or thought or done. F ind the element within it which probably caused the trem bling or em otion or discom fort. ; Understood, it w ill not recur. A n unseen power is operating within you] It furnishes a ll the m ovem ent of mind or body needed. Submit wholly to it. You w ill soon realize that the silence is dawn ing, that you have the peace which passeth entirely beyond the un derstanding of the mortal mind, that you have psychic or /soul peace and you .will see how superior it is to mere peace of m ind which you have alw ays understood.

82. —I have stud ied C hristian , D iv in e and M en ta l Science besides va ried other lessons, have taught and tr ie d to heal p e o p le ; a n d y e t J \ have received no satisfactory results. W hy? U. W., Mo.—T h is .is what ninety-nine hundredths o f them would say i f equally honest. It is because they go at such subjects w ith the idea to make money out of it. They utterly ignore what every adept te lls th em : “Ye M ust be born again .” T his.being born again is-a secret, m ystical process which I could perfectly describe,but I must not “for fear of the Jew s.” T hat is, the world will? to-day persecute, turn against, defame, lock up as insane, and scorn whoever tells the facts. Hereby know that no Christian has the rem otest conception of what th is being born again involves, for they tell all they know and more too without su f fering persecution. The matter is utterly, incredible I® you get deep ly into it, or even till you emerge as the butterfly em erges from the crysalis.

83. — Why is i t the woman cannot heal as w ell as the man ? Iy. W., Mo. She can, for man alone can do noth ing divine. The qbunter- parts must either consciously or unconsciously co-operate,; after be ing born again, and both w ill be reborn at the sam e time. T his change lets them back into the harmony of conscious divinity without which no great th ing can be done. The nature of th is can be on ly hinted at here, as it only is in the Scriptures. It is only those reborn of whom we read : “W hat God has joined together let no man think he can put asunder.” God never joined any two people in m arriage on the physical plane. Men, hunting ten dollar b ills, do that and'the courts are putting them asunder by hundreds o f thousands.

“ Some heart, although unknown,Responds unto your ow n.”


Suffering Due to Ignorance.—My potor husband served his country over four years, cannot walk and is nearly helpless. He had a pension but it has been cut down. When he heard o f it , hh broke down and cried for nearly an hour as I never saw a man cry before. He s a id : “ My heart is broken, I shall never get over th is, th is side


tke g fa v e .” E . N ., N ebr. [H ere was a case of the pulling of a tooth w hich hurt ten tim es as m uch as it would, had he been educated to un derstand th e la w s o f K arm a and of the all-good. W hen he learns the lesson o f res ig n a tio n , h is pension w ill probably be restored again. He had h um bugged h im se lf in to trusting in h is governm ent and in m oney. T h a t illu sio n had to go. Do not get illusions deeply imbed ded. T h ey w ill com e out on ly w ith intense pain.—E d i t o r .]

A d v a n c i n g .—I once thou gh t every second person I met was my sw orn en em y,b u t I have outgrow n that and now feel that everybody w ish es m e w ell. ^ fto v e everybody and w hat I once called sins, I now see as o n ly m ista k es due to ignorance. E. N ., Nebr.

S a f e in t h e S t o r m . —One o f our subscribers who was in Gal veston , T e x a s , d u rin g the great cyclone of September 8 th w rites: “ We w ere n ot aw are o f its severity un til it w as over. I was in touch w ith th e ab so lu te and c lu n g to it w ith a ll my mind and felt safe. My fa ith w as rea lly tried som e o f the tim e and w e prepared for the worst. T h e children and others w ere calm because they saw me calm. I stron g ly rea lized th e pow er and strength of spirit within. Our busi n ess w a s w recked, w e had no m oney, but the Lord provided.” A. P.

A ll i s G o o d .—F or y ea rs I have been say in g th is but I never re- alized ilflill n ow , from read in g “ Occult T ruths.” You make it per fe c t ly clear b y a p p ly in g it so m any different w ays which brings the fa ct hom e to th e heart. E . G. A ., Cal. [T his is the trouble with

^ lin e-ten th s o f th ose w ho lik e parrots have learned to say that all is '.good. Their w ords and liv e s show that they do not believe it. Many of the quack m ind-healers are am ong th is class and talk of greater good and o&ijdsser good. Som e ta lk o f positive good and negative

i good. T h is is all rubbish . Get th e realization that a ll is absolute per- ®fe'C,tion, th a t n o th in g could be any better than it is .—Editor.]

F i n e l y T h e num bers o f O. T ., are a ll n ice but the November one is so m eth in g fine. I w ould not m iss one. I take two spiritualistic papers but th e y g o back in to the shade w ith me now. C. J. B., N. Y.

Astral F ingers.—O ne ev en in g I w as s itt in g alone. A rushing cam e upon m e. M y fa ce burned. Two hands or finger tips were felt on each^side o f m y,head , m oved a ll around the ears, over the head, down each sid e o f the neck and then down the spine. I was entirely relieved o f th e p a in I w as suffering. I becam e stronger and better. It w as heavenly.y. C. J . B ., N ew York.

T he W inds and S ea O b e y .—On Nov. 2 1 , 1 w as awakened at 2 a. m ., b y r a t t lin g doors and w indow s. T he wind blew a gale, al m ost a hurricane. T h e bed rocked and the windows threatened to give w a y . I t d id look a s i f th e house m ight be blown from its found ations. It is in th e center o f th e tow n, upon a h ill and at the corner of tw o streets . T h is exposure g a v e the wind storm a clear sweep


around it. I tried concentrating upon calm ing the winds. Within two minutes the house ceased to rock and the wind was abated right there but I could still hear it howling, fairly raging a short distance away. The impression I got was thai: quiet reigned for a space of 30 or 40 feet around my house, w hile in the town the gale lasted for two hours longer. W hat ,do you think of this ? W. C. D., Ohio. [I have seen it rain heavily 100 feet away from where I was but not rain on me at a time when I concentrated against^ ^B B piTOR. 1

W isdom P led g e .—As a result of keeping this pledge, I have ex perienced improved health, more clearness of conception and better, general conditions. I have discovered within me the special breath in g which comes to the followers of thp secret instructions. J, H.F., Kansas.

%A V o ice .—One day when much troubled, I laid down and thought:

“Oh dear, it was so nice to think that all my sins were washed away by the death of Jesus on the cross, and there was a father in heaven looking down on all my troubles with sympathy. T his is a hard way trying to get all from within and being responsible for all that I say and do.” And then I heard a voice as plainly as could be s a y : “|phe flesh pots of E gypt.” I saw that I had been lazy and wanted some one to do for me what I only could do for m yself, so I took new cour age and went to work in earnest. M. U. A ., N. Y.

A V is io n .—I saw, in broad day ligh t, w ith m y eyes wide open, a cream-white banner. It had a sky-blue border and a golden dove in the centre. In its beak was an olive branch. Under the dove, and in golden letters was the word peace. At another time, when I was in the northern part of Montana, a spiritual being that watchesbthe movements of nations told me that there is going to be a great re ligious war in the U. S. and that I better work my w ay down into the southwest part of California as that would be the safest place for me. So, I am here. A. C. D., Cal.

F o lly R u n M ad.-—One Susanna Fry has got,into an office which enables her to put W. C. T . U. after her name. She writes us that she wants us to assist her “in combatting the evils o f alcoholic liquor drinking” and those physicians who prescribe it, also t f e proprieta ry medicines. We combat no “ev ils.” We know of none*. T his is God’s earth and everything in it is his. He has invented some thous ands of proprietary medicines to meet the needs of women 'as cranky as Susanna. Just so fast as we can convince people that faith is the only curative agency, God w ill retire his patent medicind&> regard less of Susanna. They w ill cease to be because people don’t need them. If she knew anything at all of God’s w ays she would'devote her time to learning more instead of exploiting the W. T . C. U. va garies. There are 550 licensed bars in W ashington. We don’t pre sume to tell God that he needs but 549. They are all his agencies for


testing1 m en’s p rincip les and for punishing drunkard’s wives for liv ing in carn a l re la tio n s w ith unprincipled men. These are all God’s beautifu l a rran g em en ts . No m a n ever ran ayrhiskeyjoint. God does ;if in every case. S usanna , you waste postage stam ps and clean paper

you think YOU sent me that letter with your name attached to it.

W h y O h W hy?—I have read upwards of fifty volumes on spir itualism , hypnotism , insp ira tion , etc., I have prayed, desired, strug gled and a ll in v a in . How shall I a tta in to the silence and to divine [ wisdom ? G. H. M., N. Y .— “ He th a t d o e t h t h e w ie e of my father • shall know of th e doctrine.” Go, do as directed in Math, v, vi, vii, 'strictly and lite ra lly . Go sell all in order to buy the pearl. There’s 'not a word in th e N. T . about buying or reading books. Prayer and ^desire a re w orse th a n useless. You need simply to b e w ie e in g , but if. you desire or p ray , you spoil th e w illingness to be or not to be,

ItMiich is th e secret. Y ou m ust ge t exact poise between desire and un§$pingness, b u t have neither. T h is is the whole m atter in a word. Get th e divine indifference w ith fa ith which is the opposite of human

ind ifference. G et i t in th e silence.

R e p e a t a n d R e p e a t .—I read and re-read the issues of Vol. II an d pm joy th em very m uch. Send Vol. 1 and continue 1901 sub

sc r ip tio n . M. P . G., 111.

F r o m a n E d ito r .—I like th e sty le and sp irit of your journal very •;nmch ir^e ed , an d am g lad to know th a t i t but reflects th e . tru ths of |kp;hroad-m inded a m an as you evidently are in practical life.—Men ta l Science, 21 W illiam S tree t, New York City.

H e re is a C a s e L ike j o b .—Five years ago, I had $5,000 in cash and $1 ,0 0 0 o f Pither th in g s . I have n e ither smoked, chewed, drank, gambled nor h ad o th e r expensive hab its, but despite my best efforts, I have sfeen th e p ile g e t sm alle r and sm aller by various means. I lost some by others, dishonesty , m y b arn was struck by lightn ing, sever al cattle w ere in ju red n r killed. I also lost cattle by hydrophobia and inipther w ays. M y body becam e afflicted and all efforts have failed to cure it. |'A11, th is tim e I have tried to live righ t, and the past two years have read an d follow ed your advice. H . M., Mo. [This is a gen uine case Of alchem y 'as described in the book of Job. He will suffer gome,.more. T hen h a v in g been proven inw ardly, a ll these outward things w ill com e back w ith 100 per cent interest. In ten years he will likely be thp w ealth iest m an in the tow n where he lives and all with out a tenth of th e effort he has made to preserve w hat he had. Read thp book o f Job carefu lly . I t is the old sto ry of wandering and suf fering in the w ild ern ess . in order to k ill off the old sinners, before en . tering the land of C anaan flow ing w ith m ilk and honey. Pau l says : Whom the Lord toveth he ch asten th and scourgeth every son whom hereceiveth (Heb. x i i : 6 ). P a u l’s m etaphor is true but conveys a w rong idea. Job and H. M. have brought a ll these things,upon them-

20 acctiLT tRtrtrfiii

selves by aspiring to the divine. There is no exterior Lord in it. fi is sim ply th is : To get to the island you m ust wade the mud and swim against the tide. To get the fortune, you m ust risk the hundreds, This talk of a kind and liv in g father, I find to be all bosh.—<Ed it o r .]

B e s t o f A l l .—I take several others, but Occult T ruths is wort! more to me than all the rest. A. B. S ., So. Dak.

D iv in e ly P s y c h ic P h e n o m e n a .Psychic means soulful. The Disordered Mind can produce psychic phe

nomena ; White and black magic. Divine Spirit operating through soul cai produce today the most surprising miracles. A lly yourself with divine spirit

D espondency.—I recently had an opportunity to observe th< m inute workings of what m ight be term ed the L aw o f Despondency I had a number o f young chickens, that, desp ite good fen ces, woulc leave m y prem ises and wander in to the lo t o f a neighbor. H is wif< objected, and openly declared that sh e would “k ill those ch ick en s.” But no attention was paid to the threat. W ith in a few days, Mrs. G called at a house in the v ic in ity , for the purpose o f sen d in g word tc me that she w as “ k illin g m y ch ick en s.” On th e fo llo w in g day, learn in g that Mrs. C. had decoyed som e o f m y fo w ls from th e public stree and shut them in her coal house, I sen t a y o u n g lad y to have then released ,* the young wom an reported th at M rs. C. w a s p o s it iv e ly fu rious, in fact, had told her to leave the p lace or sh e w ould “ break hei head.” Later, on the sam e afternoon , a s I drove p ast, Mrs. C. reach ed out onto the walk, caught a you n g ch icken , shook i t a t m e then, w rung its neck and threw it in to her yard. P our or five hours aftei th is occurrence, Mrs. C. and her s is te r w ere i l l , and , th e y w ere a pail o f the m ost sick ly , d isconsolate m orta ls one ev er b e h e ld ; th ey ap peared on their back porch, ho ld in g th e ir heads, w h ich w ere wrap ped in w et tow els—and a fter e m ittin g a ser ie s o f g ro a n s and sh rieks they would indulge in a protracted course o f v o m itin g . A p h ysic ia t w as called to attend these w om en, tw ice d u rin g th e e v e n in g in ques tion and aga in on the fo llo w in g m orning. W hen ask ted he cause oi the sudden illn e ss—he replied th a t i t w a s due to “ la ck o f contro l o: a very bad tem per.” —- W i l ia m C. D obson.

T h e T w o B o d ie s .—In'the night of Feb. 18, 1901,1 awoke con scious that 1 had been dreaming and tried to recall a dream. I go out o f bed for an errand and after my return concentrated upon at effort to recall the dream. All at once, while I was still awake, I saw and felt myself in the air 2% to 3 feet above the bed on w h ich mj body still lay. The sensation was very agreeable. I saw the tw< bodies, connected by blue threads passing in straight lines from on< body to the other and extending from head to feet. These threads re tninded me of the spider’s webs “Well,” I said to m y se lf/“ w ha does this mean ; you are still awake.” So, I turned over on theothe:


side to see i f th e con d ition s would change or the threads be cut. To m y surprise, both bod ies turned and no threads were cut or entan gled. I flexed first one and then the other leg , but th is did not dis turb the con d ition s. “ W ell,” I say to m yself, “ th is is just the thing I like to do—to sen d th e other body out w hile I am perfectly awake. Shall I, can I, from now o n ? ” “ No, not y e t ,” answered the silence, “not u n til th e other body is more matured by your acts and life work.” I could n ow reca ll th e dream in which I had learned that there was a som eth in g la c k in g w hich I needed, but another influence had to mature first. A n d so th e experience o f levitation disappeared. After a w h ile I w en t to s le ep a g a in .—J. H . Suss, Cal.

Notices of New Publications.

M in d .—T h e M arch num ber is rep lete w ith articles of interest. “E x periences in A u tom atic W ritin g ” w ill attract the devotees of psychical research, w h ile th o se in terested in astro logy w ill be interested in W. S; A b b ott’s d iscu ssio n o f th e heliocentric and geocentric system s. Under th e t i t le o f “ Iyife G lim p ses,” A . A. H aines presents three par ables o f un ique ch aracter.

The S even th T ru m p e t .—One o f the in terestin g sheets that come every m onth is th is , ed ited b y D. E h lers, U nion Star, Mo. Being a German, h is E n g lis h is d ifficult to d igest, but I m ake out that he sees quite sp ir itu a lly . H e sa y s th a t A dam w as about 40 years of age when he f e l l ; th a t th e 6 , 0 0 0 y ea rs fo llo w in g are the s ix creative days of

g e n e s i s ; th a t from A d am ’s fa ll, about the year 4,088 B. C. to 1912 A. D.&I11 m ake ex a c tly 6,000 y ears or s ix days ; that he expects the seventh pr S a b b a th d a y , b e in g th e m illen n ia l 1,000 years, to begin about 1913. H e in terp rets D an ie l x i i : 11-12, as fo llo w s: “From the tim e th e daily , sa crifice sh a ll be taken a w a y ,” m eaning from the Mo ham m edan d esecra tio n o f the tem p le in A . D. 585 ; “ there shall be 1290 daypf’ b r in g s u s to 1875 A . D . ,* but “ b lessed is he that waiteth and com eth to th e 1335th d a y ” from 585 w h ich w ill be 1920 A. D. He looks for th e m a n ife s ta t io n o f th e g lo ry o f God in the years 1912 to 1920. H e correctly rega rd s th e C hristian Church as the A ntichrist and sa y s : “ T h ey h a v e perverted and fa lsified th e h o ly scriptures and have in terp olated in them the ir u n clean priestcraft, and sorcery.” We are sorry h ow ever to ack n ow led ge h is lia b ility to error, because he perm its h is m ind to se e e v il o ccasion a lly .

V ibration the L a w o f L ife . T h is is th e t ifle o f a new book ($1.2 5 ) by W. H . W illia m s o f'D en v er upon breath ing . It is based upon ex periences and. su c c e sse s o f h is ow n and seek s to g iv e a scientific ex position th ereo f. A ll k n ow led ge and a ll happiness*aw aits him who learns and p ra ctices th e proper b rea th ings. T h ey induce clairvoy ance, c la irau d ien ce , th e h e a lin g o f a ll d isease physical and mental. T hough there is a b so lu te ly no m ention o f the phrase “H oly Spirit”


in this book, all the results which the early C hristians are said to have derived from the Sanctus spiritus, are independently shown by Dr. Williams to be obtainable by a special breathing-. He does not however state the fact that the Greek word “pneum a” and the Eatin “spiritus” always meant breath or breathing- until later Christians undertook to make them mean Spirit in the sense of Ghost or invisi ble personality. If “pneuma” which in all other writing-s means breath were translated literally in the N. T., a wonderful mine of scientific knowledge would be unfolded thereby for those who know how to and do persistently practice this special (holy) breathing which this book describes to a certain extent and of which more is learned from other writers.

T h e H e a le r .—Francis Edgar Mason says in his November num ber : “Anthony Comstock and Rev. Mr. Parkhurst, both alleged re formers, are two of the vilest men on earth. T hey have both seen, in ten minutes, more iniquity than I have seen in 45 years.” How does Mr. Mason know that those men are vile ? Because they see what they talk about so much as vile ? T hat is surely an evidence, but we need to beware, how in proclaiming all good .we fa ll into la belling the character of others as vile ? Comstock and Parkhurst will probably, as the result of present concentration upon what they call vice, next incarnate as actual brothel inhabitants, but that will be good and of God. They seem to need such experiences to enable them to see all as divihe. Condemning Mr. Comstock as v ile is sow ing seed for reincarnating as a Comstock. See him as v ile and that will help make you vile.

Quit Robbing Dead Jew s.—This is the title of a pam phlet of 91 pages by T. L. Harvey, price 25 cents. The author l)as come out from churches and urges others to do so. He criticises them as eaten up with commercialism and as pushing m issionary work by reason of an alliance with the State rather than because God has g iven the vision: “Come over into Macedonia and help us.” He regards P aul’s statem ent: “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people o f God” as a promise to the Jews and not to the church which is called Chris tian. He accuses the latter of trying to rob the jew s of their birth right assigned to them throughout the Scriptures. If you come put of the church you will have quit robbing dead jews, according to this writer. The book is Intellectually argum entative and an effort to give interpretations of scripture in support of his position.. It may serve to induce church people to think over their grounds but w ill doubtless excite denunciation and cbunter-thrusts. It is no longer needful to antagonize them. The church, simply let alone, w ill fall of its own momentum very rapidly in each coming year. It is grati fying to see honest searchers like Mr. Harvey coming to just con clusions on the matter. Having cleared away rubbish they next may build the occult temple.

Our Fraternal Exchanges.

T hese p erid ica ls are issu ed m onth ly and the prices named are for a year’s su b scrip tion , excep t wh en otherw ise stated. For a sam ple copy send 10 cen ts. D o n ot degrade yourself to the lev e l of a tramp by ask in g so m e th in g fo r n o th in g . I f you do, you w ill not read it.

A dept. ' 50 cen ts . O ccu ltism , sym bolism , lib era l thdught. Fred erick W hitej 417 f ifth s t ., M inneapolis, M inn

A ltru ist, 25 cen st. E q u a l r igh ts; united labor, com m on property. Organ of the A ltr u is t C om m unity w hich has land a ll paid for in so. eastern Mo. on w h ich it offers a hom e and em ploym ent for life to all acceptable p erson s. S a m p le copy free. 2711 F ranklin av., St. Douis.

A ppeal to Reason. 50 cen ts. W kly. Girard, K ans

Brahm avadin. $2 V ed a n ta p h ilosop h y. T rip lican , Madras, India

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| i^Christian L ife . 50 c ts . Q tly . R ace Im provem ent. Morton Park, 111 Por 10 cents you receive Sample Copies worth more than a dollar. National Purity

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Common Sense. $ 1 A d va n ced th ou gh t,lib era l. 55 S tate st., Chicago

WjiMp-Operator. 50 c ts . W kly. C ooperative Brotherhood, Burley,W ash This is the official paper of the Co-operative brotherhood, an association incorpo

rated under the lawfc of the state of Washington for the purpose of scientifically ap plying the principles of industrial co-operation and introducing methods of wealth production and distribution that will peacefully inaugurate a social revolution. In vestigate its insurance plan.

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E qu ity . 50 cents. W k ly . S ta tio n A , T opeka, K ans This is a new weekly advance thought paper, devoted to the discussion of the

most speedy, quiet, peaceful and effectual cure of economicals which affect the mil lions who have not yet learned to exercise mind power for their own up building. It proposes to demonstrate, that an intelligent few can save the many from the bur dens imposed by ignorance and greed Sample copies free

i Flaming S w ord. $1 W k ly . K o resh a n ity and U niversology.C hicago

Fred B ury' & Journal. SO cen ts . N ew thou gh t. Toronto, Canada

Free Lance , 25 c ts . Our m o tto : R ip ’em up the back.Burnside, K y

Free Man. $1 H e a lin g an d su ccess . C. W. Close, ,Bangor, Me

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Human N ature. 50 cen ts . 1020 M arket st, San Francisco. Cal

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Life'. $1 W kly, A . P . B arton , 3332 T r o o sta v ., K an sas City, Mo

Lucifer. $1 W k ly . 1394 W . C ongress s t ., Chicago

Mental Science. $ 1 A C om m on se n se journal o f the new thought. Eugene D el M ar, 27 W illia m s t . , N ew Y ork.

M ind. $2 . E ife B u ild in g , N ew Y ork city .

Morning Star. 50 c. sacred and secret th in g s . B oudsville, Ga

Gates A jar. 25 c. Spiritualism . H F M errill, W ast Gardiner, Me

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