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MERMAC S winches combine robustness with controllability. They are supplied

with variable speed, tension read-out and control via an integrated load cell. The

PLC on the winch controls the level wind, displays paid out length, speed and

a range of other information and alarms. It can also interface to other control


The electric driven level wind is equipped with safety features, including stop

switches at each end of the level wind to protect the cable. Optional PC software

offer computer control and fully automated profiling capabilities.

The winches can be adapted to suit various cable diameters through the PLC

controller and encoder and are also available with interchangeable drums.

Spare drums can be spooled with different cable sizes and swapped as needed

for fast and easy application changes.

• CertifiedtoDNV’sStandardforCertificationno.2.22-LiftingAppliances

• Canbedesignedto46CFR189.35ofFederalRequirementsfor

Wet Weight Handling Gear

• PreparedforaFocalelectrical/electro-opticalslipring

MERMAC Scientific Winches and Handling SystemsMERMAC S electric driven scientific winches are robust and advanced all-steel winches ideal for use with side scan sonar systems, ROV systems, ROTV systems and oceanographic instrumentation systems.


Oceanographic research system6600/8.2-16 MAC3000/10-13

Traction system

Sheaves and overboard handling system

Scientific research vessel systemsMacArtney supplies comprehensive winch equipment systems for


our launch and recovery systems, sheaves and other equipment, they

offer turnkey solutions for launching and retrieving scientific research

equipment safely and conveniently.

Traction units can be a key element of research vessel systems.

The units can be designed with several winch drum magazines that

can be swapped to serve different research equipment deployments.

The traction unit motor is a central unit that can provide power for

a number of winches in turn.


oceanographic use, including traction winches, trawling winches, deep



Oceanographic research system

• Oceanographicwinchw.5000mcombined fibre optic and electro-mechanical cable

• CombinedFibreOpticRotaryJointandElectrical Slip Ring

• Topsidecontrolanddataacquisitionsystem• CTDsystemw.24positionwatersampler

carousel and optical sensors• NEXUSfibreoptictelemetrysystem• TRIAXUSROTVw.CTDsensorpackage• Integration,terminationandspoolingofcable• FAT,installation,commissioning,SATandtraining

Entire solution supplied by MacArtney

Triaxus ROTV

Control room equipment

Water samplerNEXUS



5ooo m combined fibre optic and

electro-mechanical cable

Oceanographic winch

Slip ring

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