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Page 1: OCGOP "Truth" Mailing - Shawn Nelson for Supervisor

A Member Communication by the Republican Party of Orange County 1422 Edinger Ave., Ste. 110, Tustin, CA 92780


An URGENT message from the Republican Party of Orange County...



This message brought to you by the Republican Party of Orange County.

Government Employee Unions are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to jam local mailboxes full of negative hit pieces that falsely attack the

officially endorsed Republican candidate for Supervisor, Shawn Nelson.

Don’t be deceived!

The false union charges are all part of a scheme to elect their hand-picked candidate – Harry Sidhu – and to force taxpayers to pay more for pensions and benefits.

The selfish Union demands are bankrupting Orange County – but they don’t care.

Say NO to the Selfish Unions. Say NO to Harry Sidhu.

Page 2: OCGOP "Truth" Mailing - Shawn Nelson for Supervisor

The Truth About


Republicans: Reject Sidhu.

Sidhu promised Orange County Republicans that he would NOT ACCEPT campaign money from the public employee unions whose demands are bankrupting local government.

NOW – those same unions are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to elect SIDHU and attack the officially endorsed Republican candidate – while Sidhu sits silently by and accepts their sleazy help. Ask yourself – what did Sidhu promise the unions?

Sidhu is a carpetbagger.

In order to be eligible to run, Sidhu had to “carpetbag” his way into our district. He registered to vote at a small place just 100 feet inside our district lines – and miles away from his mansion in Yorba Estate.

Sidhu’s Extreme Ambition for political office gets the best of him.

In just the last three years, Harry Sidhu has run, or sought to run, for eight different political offices – including Senate, Assembly, County Clerk, Supervisor and City Council. Sidhu has even launched false and negative “hit pieces” against Republicans, then turned around and held press conferences to denounce negative campaigns.




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