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  • OCS Reopening PlanBoard Presentation – 10/21/20

  • Presentation Objectives

    Health & Wellness Reopening Metrics

    School Reopening Plan


  • School Reopening

    Two Scenarios


    Phased Reopening

    All Schools Reopening


  • School Reopening Recommendation


    Phased Reopening

  • Phased Reopening - Why? ….


    1. Current state trends are stable/worsening2. Ensure health and wellness of students and staff3. Maintain control of the reopening process & expenditures4. Complexity - OCS is four schools in one, in close proximity with

    different academic realities 5. B23 construction through early December

    a. Early all-building reopening will require B21 & B23 student transitions

    6. Availability of resources and personnel (reassignment/contracting)

    7. Budget consideration

  • Surveys - Parents (1687*)



    Remote In-Person Total In-Person as % Total

    LOWER 178 316 494 63.97%

    INTERMEDIATE 160 244 404 60.40%

    MIDDLE 166 233 399 58.40%

    HIGH 81 94 175 53.71%

    TOTAL 585 887 1472 60.26%

    39.74% 60.26%


    ● 1 DAY 61%● 2 DAYS 61%● 4 DAYS 53%

    * Includes some duplicate responses

  • Campus Population Density

    25% 50%




  • Surveys - Staff (166 of 258)


    Row Labels Response Count Response %

    I would come into the building and work as required. 131 78.92%

    I would not come into the building due to Child's School or Place of Care has been closed or unavailable for reasons related to COVID-19.

    3 1.81%

    I would not qualify for options #2, #3, or #4 but am not returning to the building. 15 9.04%

    I would request ADA Accommodations (and provide the required medical documentation). 12 7.23%

    I would request FMLA Leave (and provide the required medical documentation). 5 3.01%

    Grand Total 166 100.00%

    School Summary Total Remote● Lower 7 of 25● Intermediate 3 of 25● Middle 7 of 20● High 6 of 18● Multiple Grades 5 of 13● SPED 4 of 17● Student Supports 1 of 17● Admin/Operations 2 of 31

    Totals 35 of 166 (21%)

  • Since Activity

    • August Food Drive, Uniform Sales

    • September Driver's Education, Beep & Greet,Material Pickup, Flu shotsELL & Special Ed. Student Assessments

    • October B23 Construction, Sports (Volleyball,

    Soccer, Cross Country), 10th Grade

    Health Screenings, Ellinomatheia Exams, Academic and After School Activities (e.g. 2nd grade soil activity, Girls Go Green, etc.)

    Campus Reopening Activities


  • Reopening Recommendation

    10(1) In person is for opt-in parents/students(2) Virtual learning option will be extended throughout reopening phases

    Original Proposed Reopening Timeline

    Early February 2021Hybrid Reopening of School

    Phase 1: November● On campus activities● Complex needs students (31) and teachers● Live therapies wherever possible● All staff on campus by 11/30● Virtual Cafe for staff students

    Phase 2: December - Phase 1 + ● Need-based academic small groups● K-12 Virtual Cafe (2 cohorts/2 days) 25% of grade level● All schedules will have a flex Wednesday

    ○ Virtual and Virtual Cafe students

    Phase 3: Early January - Phase 2 +● 50% of K-5 in person instruction (2 cohorts/2 days)● Expand 6-12 Virtual Cafe (2 cohorts/2 Days) based on interest and

    space capacity (

  • Gatekeeping

    Health & Wellness Academic & Equity Operations & Services

    1. Governor SOE & DPH Guidelines2. Current Campus Access Protocols3. New Access Protocols as Needed

    1. Academic Equity for Students2. Staffing

    1. Infrastructure2. Services3. Staffing4. Costs


  • Health and Wellness Working Group


    Chairpersons: Brittney Henning & Adriane Rodriguez

  • Health & Wellness - State COVID-19 Trends


  • Health & Wellness Reopening Metrics:

    To bring students on campus in Phases 3 & 4 we propose:

    New Cases, % of persons tested positive, average daily hospitalizations and R factor are downward trending for a period of 2 weeks on at least 2 measures.

    Downward trend is defined as:

    • A decrease of 0.5% for new cases• % of persons tested positive less than 4.5% • Average daily hospitalizations decreasing • R factor is on a downward trend on a Monday-Monday/ week review).

    At 75 new cases per day with 1930 students that is 1.5 students per day testing positive

    New cases positive = or less than 50 would represent one student a day testing positive

    *The Health & Wellness Committee recognizes that this is a recommendation and School Leadership and the Board of Directors will issue a final decision


  • Health & Wellness - State COVID-19 Trends


    New Calc

  • Percent of Persons Testing Positive

    14 Day Chart


    90 Day Chart


  • Current Hospitalizations

    14 Day Chart 90 Day Chart


  • Health & Wellness Protocols● Continue to follow

    ○ State, DOE and DPH guidelines○ Daily Temperature screening protocols for Staff/ Adults / Visitors ○ Students will be assessed prior to arrival by parents/guardian with the possible use of:

    ■ Use of School Pass platform and App. https://share.vidyard.com/watch/JqbK45hHJDF4JTyf4myEZi

    ■ KINSA Program available for access to thermometers ● Several charter schools implementing negative COVID-19 test for all staff (and

    students) returning to campus○ Increased availability of at home testing ○ Requirement would need MOU with OCSEA

    ● Immediate and Specific Case Review ○ A positive COVID-19 test result (student/staff): Nursing will discuss case with DPH -

    information will be communicated to SLT to inform immediate actions/ decision making

    ○ Multiple positive results may require quarantining of the school/building population, or the school as a whole

    ○ Once reopened, must inform staff and community of positive cases at school18


  • Maintaining Safety Standards

    ● Minimize student movement in hallways● 6 ft social distancing will be used for furniture placement● Limited student movement in classrooms● Lunches to be eaten in classrooms or other smaller setting● Mask Use 100% of the time

    ○ Only time mask may be removed is while actively eating while seated at a desk/table

    ● No use of lockers


  • Academic & Equity Working Group


    Chairpersons: Jackie McCutchon & Juliana Sheehan

  • Academic and Equity - Phase 1


    Phase 1: Early November● On campus activities● Complex needs students (31) and teachers● Live therapies wherever possible● All staff returns no later than November 30th● Virtual cafe for staff students

  • Academic & Equity – Phase 1: Complex Needs Setting Logistics

    Logistics● 31 total students● 18 students K-5

    ○ Located in the Intermediate School○ Three cohorts○ Two teachers

    ● 10 students 6-8○ Located in the Middle School○ Two teachers

    ● 3 students 9-12○ Located in the High School○ Two teachers

    ● Live therapies○ 1:1 schedules per student


    Schedule● 7:45 am - 2:45 pm● Inclusive of small group instruction

    ○ Based on academic need○ Based on cohort size

    ● Lunch & Recess (as appropriate)● Synchronous & Asynchronous instruction

    ○ Based on setting● Virtual Cafe available for non small-setting


    Virtual Cafe: Space for students to come and work virtually in the school buildings. This will not change the delivery of instruction. This will alter where students are receiving synchronous instruction and completing asynchronous work.

  • Academic and Equity - Phase 2

    Phase 2: Early December - Phase 1 + ● Need-based in-person academic small groups● K-12 Virtual Cafe● All schedules will have a “Flex Wednesday”

    • Both for Virtual and Virtual Cafe students


  • Academic & Equity – Phase 2: K-12 Virtual Cafe Logistics


    Virtual Cafe: Space for students to come and work virtually in the school buildings. This will not change the delivery of instruction. This will alter where students are receiving synchronous instruction and completing asynchronous work.

    ● Cafe hours: 7:30 am - 2:20 pm● Students will be offered grab-and-go breakfast● Students will be served lunch● Recess as appropriate● Students will be grouped based on grade-bands● Families electing to participate would be split into two cohorts for two days

    ○ Monday/Tuesday○ Thursday/Friday○ Wednesday will become “Flex Wednesday” with no students in the building

    ● Space for Virtual Cafe would be based on numbers● Facilitators will be used to monitor learning● Location of cafe will be in large spaces throughout the campus

    ○ Maintaining health and wellness recommendations

  • Academic & Equity – Phase 2: In-Person Small Group Logistics


    ● On-campus small group instruction● Based on need

    ○ Examples:■ Students in RTI■ Academically struggling■ In danger of failing

    ● Pre-scheduled during asynchronous time○ Different based upon virtual schedules○ Would not be meeting daily

  • Academic and Equity - Phase 3

    Phase 3: Early January - Phase 2 +● 50% of K-5 in person instruction (2 cohorts/2 days)● Expand 6-12 Virtual Cafe (2 cohorts/2 Days) based on interest and

    space capacity (

  • Academic & Equity – Phase 3: K-5 StructureStructure: ● Each grade-level would be split into two cohorts of in-person students

    ○ Each cohort would be in-person for two days ■ Instructional times 8:15am - 11:50am

    ● Students will be offered grab-and-go breakfast● Students will be served lunch

    ■ Students could be picked up half day ■ Virtual Cafe would be offered in the afternoon

    ○ Remaining two days would be synchronous learning online in the afternoon■ Join in with the virtual cohort■ Instructional times 1:00pm - 3:40pm

    ● Each grade-level would have one cohort of virtual students○ Students would be receiving synchronous instruction four days a week○ Instructional times 1:00pm - 3:40pm

    ● One day per week would be a flex day Wednesday○ Allowing for the building to have a day with no students○ Teachers will continue to hold small group instruction as needed○ Students are able to complete their asynchronous work and synchronous small group as needed

    Example:● Cohort A would be in the building on Monday/Tuesday and virtual on Thursday/Friday● Cohort B would be virtual on Monday/Tuesday and in the building on Thursday/Friday● Cohort C would be virtual on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 27

    All students are receiving the same instruction over the

    course of the four days

  • Academic and Equity - Phase 3: K-5 Teacher Weekly Schedule


    Monday Tuesday Flex Wednesday Thursday Friday

    AMCohort A

    (in person)Cohort A

    (in person)Faculty Meeting

    Cohort B (in person)

    Cohort B (in person)

    PMCohort B/C

    (Zoom)Cohort B/C


    Cohort A/C (Zoom)

    Cohort A/C (Zoom)

    Small Groups (as needed)

  • Academic & Equity – Phase 3: K-5 Student In-Person Schedule (Cohort A - In Person)


  • Academic & Equity – Phase 3: K-5 Student In-Person Schedule (Cohort B - In Person)


  • Academic & Equity – Phase 3: K-5 Student Virtual Schedule (Cohort C - Virtual)


  • Academic & Equity – Phase 3: K-4 In-Person Student Daily Schedule (FLES) Example


  • Academic & Equity – Phase 3: K-3 Student Daily Schedule (Immersion) Example


  • Academic & Equity – Phase 3: 5th Grade Student Daily Schedule Example


  • Academic & Equity – Phase 3: 6-12 Virtual Cafe

    6-12 Virtual Cafe

    ● Times 7:30am - 2:20pm● Virtual Cafe: Space for students to come and work virtually in the school buildings. This will not

    change the delivery of instruction. This will alter where students are receiving synchronous instruction and completing asynchronous work.

    ● Students will be offered grab-and-go breakfast● Students will be served lunch● Families electing to participate would be split into two cohorts for two days

    ○ Monday/Tuesday○ Thursday/Friday

    ● Space for Virtual Cafe would be based on numbers● Facilitators will be used to monitor learning


  • Academic and Equity - Phase 4

    Phase 4: Early February - Phase 3 +● 50% of 6-12 (2 cohorts/2 days)


  • Academic & Equity – Phase 4: Middle School Structure

    Structure: ● Each grade-level would be split into two cohorts of in-person students

    ○ Each cohort would be in-person for two days ○ Remaining two days would be synchronous learning

    ● Each grade-level would have one cohort of virtual students○ Students would be receiving synchronous instruction four days a week

    ● Instructional times 8:00 am - 2:12 pm○ Students will be offered grab-and-go breakfast○ Students will be served lunch○ Transitions are included○ Break time for virtual students

    ● One day per week would be a flex day Wednesday○ Allowing for the building to have a day with no students○ Teachers will continue to hold small group instruction as needed○ Students are able to complete their asynchronous work and synchronous small group as needed

    Example:● Cohort A would be in the building on Monday/Tuesday and virtual on Thursday/Friday● Cohort B would be virtual on Monday/Tuesday and in the building on Thursday/Friday● Cohort C would be virtual on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday


    All students are receiving the same instruction over the

    course of the four days

  • Academic & Equity – Phase 4: Middle School Teacher Weekly Schedule


    Monday TuesdayFlex

    Wednesday Thursday Friday

    8:00 am - 2:12pm

    Cohort A (in person)

    Cohort A (in person)

    Faculty Meeting,

    PLCs,Small Groups

    as Needed

    Cohort B (in person)

    Cohort B (in person)

    Cohort B/C (Zoom)

    Cohort B/C (Zoom)

    Cohort A/C (Zoom)

    Cohort A/C (Zoom)

  • Academic & Equity – Phase 4: Middle School In-Person Schedule


    Bell Schedule Class

    7:30-8:00 Arrival

    8:00-9:00 Block 1

    9:00-9:03 Transition

    9:03-10:03 Block 2

    10:03-10:06 Transition

    10:06-11:06 Block 3

    11:06-11:09 Transition

    11:09-1:09 Lunch/ Block 4

    1:09-1:12 Transition

    1:12-2:12 Block 5

    2:12-2:27 Pack up/Dismissal

    ● Students will not have access to lockers● Temperatures and health check at home● Students will need to enter the building in

    socially distanced manner○ Students will be offered grab-and-go

    breakfast● Lunch will have to be picked up in the cafeteria

    and eaten in classrooms over the course of block 4, dismissed by their classroom.

  • Academic & Equity – Phase 4: High School Structure

    Structure: ● High school would be split into two cohorts

    ○ In-person cohort (A)○ Virtual cohort receiving synchronous instruction (B)

    ● Instructional times 8:00 am - 2:20 pm - In-person or synchronous○ Students will be offered grab-and-go breakfast○ Students will be served lunch○ Transitions are included○ Break time for virtual students

    ● One day per week would be a flex day Wednesday○ Teachers will continue to hold small group instruction as needed○ Students are able to complete their asynchronous work and synchronous small group as needed

    Example:● Cohort A would be in the building on Monday and Thursday and completing asynchronous work Tuesday, Wednesday and

    Friday● Cohort B would be delivered virtual on Tuesday and Friday and completing asynchronous work on Monday, Wedensday and



  • Academic & Equity – Phase 4: High School Teacher Weekly Schedule


    Monday Tuesday Flex Wednesday Thursday FridayCohort A

    (in person)Cohort B

    (synchronous)Faculty Meeting

    Cohort A (in person)

    Cohort B (synchronous)

    Cohort B (asynchronous)

    Cohort A (asynchronous)

    PLCCohort B

    (asynchronous)Cohort A

    (asynchronous)Small Groups (as needed)

    In-person cohort (A)Virtual cohort receiving synchronous instruction (B)

  • ● Both Cohort A (in person) and Cohort B (virtual) will use this schedule in this model

    ● Students will not have access to lockers● Temperatures and health check at home● Students will need to enter the building in socially

    distanced manner○ Students will be offered grab-and-go breakfast

    ● Lunch will have to be picked up in the cafeteria and eaten in classrooms over the course of block 3, dismissed by their classroom.

    Bell Schedule Class

    7:30-8:00 Arrival/Advisory Check In

    8:00-9:20 Block 1

    9:25-10:45 Block 2

    10:50-12:55 Block 3 & Lunch

    1:00-2:20 Block 4

    2:20 Dismissal

    Academic & Equity – High School Schedule

  • Operations and Services Working Group


    Chairpersons: Kim Wolanski & Jon Stewart

  • Operations and Services Facilities (25% to 50% student density) Monthly $

    ● Custodial staff: + 12 for day and evening cleanings $23,125● Additional Supplies and Material $4,000● Hand sanitizing stations $964

    Subtotal $28,089

    ● Decontamination services - Cintas $8,400 per building● Storage containers - per unit $500 - mobilization $100● Moving services $ 5,000● PPE $TBD as per reorder points● HVAC - Bipolar Ionization system (100+ units) $130,000

    Food Services● Staff to support on-site and delivery services to remote students $0

    I.T.● Delivery and distribution of Chromebooks $0

    Transportation (Additional Needs @ 4 days per week)● 32 Buses at 12 student capacity (6 feet of social distancing) $80,640● 6 Buses at 23 student capacity (3 feet of social distancing) $18,816

    Business Office● Budget update to reflect incremental academic and operating costs resulting from reopening of school 44

  • Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

    PPE status as of 10/21/2020:


    Item Description In Stock On Order Reorder Point Reorder Amount

    Face Masks - Adult 2,000 2,500 1,000 2,000

    Face Masks - Student 300 0 100 200

    Face Shields * 300 0 100 200

    Hand Sanitizer - 1 gallon w/pump 0 80 10 50

    Disinfectant Wipes (sheets) 50,000 0 15,000 50,000

    Gloves (various sizes) 4,000 0 1,000 2,000

    Procedural Gowns * 1,000 0 100 500

    * For health and wellness (nurses)** Desk shields - $23,000 (for 1,000 units)

  • OCS Budget Implications


    Monthly Costs● Academic Staffing -

    Potential staff needs @ replacement cost of $175/day $3,675 Coverage for staff that may not be able to support virtual learning TBDVirtual Cafe staffing supports TBD

    ● Operations○ Facilities(may increase if storage is required) $28,100○ 2 deep clean - 4 buildings (pre-opening/spring break) @ $33,600○ Transportation (4 days per week, subject to run verification) $18,816 - $80,640○ Food Services $0○ I.T. $0


    Bond Covenants - Approved Budget (Ending Cash - $3,670,842)● Debt Coverage Ratio (1.13x) $29,000 per 0.01x Factor drops 0.01x - .04x/month● Days of Cash on Hand (50 days) $72,000 per Day Factor drops 0.7 - 1.5 days/ month ● Fund Balance Threshold $1.8 million

  • Reopening Recommendation

    47(1) In person is for opt-in parents/students(2) Virtual learning option will be extended throughout reopening phases

    Original Proposed Reopening Timeline

    Early February 2021Hybrid Reopening of School

    Phase 1: November● On campus activities● Complex needs students (31) and teachers● Live therapies wherever possible● All staff on campus by 11/30● Virtual Cafe for staff students

    Phase 2: December - Phase 1 + ● Need-based academic small groups● K-12 Virtual Cafe (2 cohorts/2 days) 25% of grade level● All schedules will have a flex Wednesday

    ○ Virtual and Virtual Cafe students

    Phase 3: Early January - Phase 2 +● 50% of K-5 in person instruction (2 cohorts/2 days)● Expand 6-12 Virtual Cafe (2 cohorts/2 Days) based on interest and

    space capacity (

  • Health & Wellness Reopening Metrics:

    To bring students on campus in Phases 3 & 4 we propose:

    New Cases, % of persons tested positive, average daily hospitalizations and R factor are downward trending for a period of 2 weeks on at least 2 measures.

    Downward trend is defined as:

    • A decrease of 0.5% for new cases• % of persons tested positive less than 4.5% • Average daily hospitalizations decreasing• R factor is on a downward trend on a Monday-Monday/ week review).

    At 75 new cases per day with 1930 students that is 1.5 students per day testing positive

    New cases positive = or less than 50 would represent one student a day testing positive

    *The Health & Wellness Committee recognizes that this is a recommendation and School Leadership and the Board of Directors will issue a final decision


  • Next Steps


    ● Board Guidance or Approval● Monitor Health & Wellness Landscape● Implementation Planning as per Timeline● Weekly Communication with Staff & Community

  • Appendix


  • Reopening - Some Building Challenges ….


    Removal and storage of furnitureTables to desks

    Create socially distanced classroom

    Fixed lab stations

    Alternative classroom space neededB23 - ConstructionNarrow Stairs & Hallways

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