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Download - Oct. 30 2011

Page 1: Oct. 30 2011


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Catholic Church & School

215 Second Street West + Chaska, Minnesota + www.gachaska..org + (952) 227-4000

Mass Times for

This Week

Monday, October 31st ~ 8 a.m. Tuesday, November 1st ~ 8 a.m., Saturday, November 5th ~ 9:20 a.m. (at Auburn Manor) 9:20 a.m. & 5 p.m. 7 p.m. Sunday, November 6th ~ 8 a.m., Wednesday, November 2nd ~ 7 p.m. 10 a.m., Thursday, November 3rd ~ 5:30 p.m. 12 noon (in Spanish) & Friday, November 4th ~ 9:20 a.m. 6:15 p.m.

Page 2: Oct. 30 2011

Church & School Staff Listed Alphabetically

E-Mails for Staff: [email protected] Example: [email protected]

Fr. Doug Ebert, Pastor 227-4000 Sara Anderson, Bookkeeping/Music Assistant 227-4000 Rev. Mr. Jim Bauhs, Deacon 227-4092 Amy Gallus, School Principal 227-4010 Fr. Thomas Joseph, Sacramental Minister within the Latino Community 227-4093 Emily Klinker, Director of Faith Formation 227-4007 Maria Koehn, Latino Administrative Assistant 227-4015 Lori Reznick, School Administrative Assistant 227-4010 Jean Rief, Pastoral Associate 227-4095 Miguel Salinas, Parish Analyst/Room Scheduling 227-4004 Jennifer Salwei, Accounting 227-4001 Teresa Schmidt, Director of Worship 227-4084 Gary Van Eyll, Parish Director 227-4002 Paul Meger, Maintenance Supervisor 227-4013

Lay~Leadership Positions TRUSTEES Steve Rasmussen 448-5922 Mark Sanda 277-4283 Bill Meyer, Trustee Emeritus PARISH COMMUNITY COUNCIL Jeoff Will 361-3024 FINANCE COUNCIL Travis Olson 448-5113 FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION Ed Hajek, [email protected] 960-4940 SCHOOL COMMISSION Tom Tierney, [email protected] 239-8799WORSHIP COMMISSION Gerry Olsen 442-4361 PASTORAL CARE COMMISSION Becky Porspakka 546-1190 PARISH LIFE COMMISSION Linda Forner 448-3312 ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION Paul Meger 448-6912 PRAYER LINE, Jessica Oberpriller 361-3165 or [email protected]

This Week at G.A. -Monday, October 31, 2011 - Sunday, November 6, 2011-

Mass Intentions

Monday (8 a.m.) Priest Intention Thursday (5:30 p.m.) Jerome Kelzer ┼ Friday (9:20 a.m.) - - - - - Saturday (9:20 a.m.) Daughters of Isabella members -at Auburn Manor and their families Saturday (5 p.m.) Carol Wolf ┼ Sunday (8 a.m.) Parishioners of Guardian Angels Sunday (10 a.m.) Tony Dolski ┼ Sunday (6:15 p.m.) Corey Jensen ┼

Next Weekend’s Readings (November 6th) First Reading — Wisdom is easily discerned by those who love her (Wisdom 6:12-16). Psalm — My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God (Psalm 63). Second Reading — Since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have died (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 [13-14]). Gospel — Stay awake! You know neither the day nor the hour (Matthew 25:1-13).

Knights of Columbus Calendar Raffle Results

Congratulations! Please call Steve at 952-448-3127 to collect your winnings.

Lay Minister Schedule

November 5th & 6th

Hospitality after this Sunday’s Masses are sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.

Next Sunday’s coffee & donuts are sponsored by the Catholic Aid Society.

Thanks to Minnesota Twins for being this weeks sponsor

10/23/2011 #5266 Robert Crompton 10/24/2011 #5222 Steve Van Eyll 10/25/2011 #5224 Kathy Pearson 10/26/2011 #5070 John Klingelhutz 10/27/2011 #5368 Carla Reding 10/28/2011 #5355 Rick Nolan 10/29/2011 #5223 Kathy Pearson

5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 6:15pm Lectors Mark Sanda Debra Bates Sue Johnson Jake Richelson Eucharistic Ministers Stephen Brown Bonnie Moore Kristin Vidmar Sammie Keyport Eucharistic Ministers Kathy Setten Jim Hammers Clayton Forner ------ Eucharistic Ministers Bill VanHecke Susan Keough Don Hanninen ------ Eucharistic Ministers Steve Zugan ------ Sue Hanninen ------ Eucharistic Ministers Jason DiFuccia ------ Annette Hritz ------ Servers - Candle 1 Katie Kennedy Ellie Bergum Hogan Greenwood ------ Servers - Candle 2 Paul DiFuccia Joe Bergum Erin O'Keefe ------ Server - Cross/Incense Justin Dahl Carly Lubansky Leanne Forner ------ Server - Cross/Incense Ryan Dahl Dan Bergum Ethan Eiden ------ Server ------ ------ ------ Dallin Rosenwinkel Server ------ ------ ------ Deanna Rosenwinkel Sacristans Bill/Mary Meyer B. Moore J. Weber Mary Muhs Usher/Greeter Charlie Stacken Leo Forner Gary VanEyll Mary Muhs Usher/Greeter Leon Siegle Linda Forner Ed Seiberlich Susan Fasching Usher/Greeter Joe Lipinski Cole Carlson Dave Seiberlich Andrew Fasching Usher/Greeter Ken Hammers Glenn Goehring Ted Lubansky Vanessa Fasching Homebound ------ Joe Hansel ------ ------ Homebound ------ Connie Liestman ------ ------

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Fr Doug Last November, the pastor of St. Thomas Becket Church in Eagan wrote a bulletin article on grief that I wish I had written. I now share the contents of Fr. Bill Murtaugh’s article of November 6/7, 2010, with you. GRIEF: Webster’s dictionary defines it as an intense emotional suffering caused by loss, disaster, etc; deep sorrow. Grief is all about love. When we know and love a person, we risk having our hearts broken when our loved one passes away from us. We enter into “the Kingdom of Sadness and the Land of Tears.” We feel as though life is over, like we’re dying ourselves, that we’ll never be whole again. We can’t hide from our grief; it is like the sky above us. As painful as grief is, it is a very sacred time in our lives and no one should try to take it away from us with well-meaning words. Nor should we try to take away a person’s grief. Our best response to another’s grief is the gift of just being present to them as they grieve. Each one of us grieves in his or her own way and no two people grieve the same way. Some people need more time than others. Through all the pain, healing is possible. It is an important part of the soul’s journey. Grieving is the hardest and most important work we do as human beings. I believe that our pets grieve in their unique way, too. We don’t “get over” the loss of our loved ones—we slowly learn to live with the loss. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: “Sorrow makes us all children again—destroys all differences of intellect. The wisest know nothing.” Maybe you’ve heard this story: A little girl came home from a neighbor’s house where her little girlfriend had died. “Why did you go over there?” her mother asked her. “To comfort her mother,” replied the child. “What did you do to comfort her mother?” her own mother asked. “I climbed into her lap and cried with her,” answered the child. Jesus said “Unless you are as one of these children,” you will miss the path that leads to God’s dwelling. The goal here is not to be naïve but to be open. Children live fully in the moment. Adults are distracted by the past and concerned about the future; children live in the now. Adults focus on what is practical; children focus on what is. They are totally engaged in what is happening around them. It is easy to be intimate with children because they are so vulnerable and open. Spirituality is about intimacy—closeness and appreciation of oneself, others, and God. When we grieve the loss of a loved one, it is about that intimacy that connects us with that special person and God. RITUAL: Since the beginning of the human race there have been rituals—ceremonies, to mark birth, the coming of age, marriage, and death. Rituals are forms in which people can express and experience deep feelings. Weddings and funerals are occasions of strong feelings that can be shared. The Roman Catholic Church has been very good in developing sacred rituals, especially the fu-neral liturgy. Our sacred ritual intensifies the feeling and gives them a beginning, a middle, and an end. As human beings, we do need sacred rituals. Our society would be in bad shape if we continue to lose our important rituals. I would rather trust centuries of our rituals than contemporary, trendy fads, especially around weddings and funerals. We gather for funerals to help us with the process of grieving. We allow the scriptures and music to speak to us as mourners. No matter what their level of faith, people who assemble all live in a culture which denies the reality of faith or cosmeticizes it, dulls their senses with images that depict “reality” as new, young, and immortal; dispenses a pill to eliminate every pain; glorifies winning and sees no redemptive value in suffering and loss. In our consumer (and pleasure) oriented culture, the Christian community offers one sign—the sign of the cross— at the beginning life, throughout life, and at the end of life. At the time of death, the assembly of mourners cannot ignore, trivialize, or glamorize the cross. As disciples of Jesus, we are baptized into his suffering, death, and resurrection. On the day of death, our baptism is completed, and we enter into that new life that Jesus promises. Sometimes dying takes hours, days, weeks, months, or even years. But death always happens in the “blink of an eye.” It makes no difference whether we are rich or poor, whether we are people of great acclaim or nobodies, even whether we are saints or sinners. The mortality rate is still the same—100%. During November the Church asks us to pray for all members of the Church, family members, friends, everyone who has passed away. Say a prayer for those who have died. Someday, someone will be praying for you and me. May all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

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Parish Calendar & Events

For the most updated calendar information for events at G.A., please check our online calendar at




8 a.m. 6:30 p.m.

Daily Mass, Church Prayer Shawl Ministry, Parish Office



8 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 6:15 p.m. 7 p.m.

All Saints Day Mass, Church All Saints Day School Mass, Church Cantor Rehearsal, Choir Loft All Saints Day Mass, Church



6:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7 p.m.

Faith Formation, School Choir Rehearsal, Choir Loft All Souls Day Mass, Church



8 a.m. 3:40 p.m. 5 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m.

Quilters, SFH Teen Cantor Rehearsal, SFH & Choir Loft AngelFest Wrap Up Meeting, SFH Daily Mass, Church Adult Choir Rehearsal, Choir Loft

FRI 9:20 a.m. 7 p.m.

Daily Mass, Church Spanish Speaking Parishioner Choir Rehearsal, Church



9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 5 p.m. 7 p.m.

First Sacrament Meeting, Sanctuary Overeaters Anonymous Group, Parish Office Spanish Baptismal Prep Class Mass at Auburn Manor Weekend Mass, Church Spanish Prayer Group, SFH



… 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:15 p.m.

Daylight Saving Time Ends .. ….SET CLOCKS BACK 1 HOUR Weekend Mass, Church Latino Heritage Celebration Event, Gym Adult Choir Rehearsal, Choir Loft Weekend Mass, Church Sunday School Faith Formation, School RCIA, School Staff Lounge Weekend Mass in Spanish, Church Fall Adult Bible Study, SFH Weekend Mass, Church Confirmation Meeting (Yr 2), Sanctuary & SFH

Mass Intentions … Mass intentions may be for the living and the departed, with a + designating in the bulletin a deceased person. There is a $10 suggested donation per Mass intention. Permission from the sick person or his/her family must be granted before a name’s inclusion in these prayers. To schedule a Mass intention, call Jean in the parish office.

Baptism … Sacramental preparation is required for all parents. Godparents and Grandparents are also encouraged to attend. Baptismal prep sessions are given every other month and Baptism Masses are held once a month. Call Jean in the parish office to schedule a child for Baptism and the parents for baptismal prep.

Prayers of the Faithful ….If you would like a name included in our Prayers of the Faithful for the sick, please call the Parish Office.

Penance...Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and anytime by appointment.

Matrimony...pre-registration required one year in advance; marriage preparation course is required.

Anointing… If you wish to receive an anointing please call the parish office.

Communion for the Homebound...When we come together to pray at our Eucharistic liturgy, we do not forget the members of our community who are unable to be with us because of ill health. We remember them in our prayer, and we wish to include them in our Holy Communion. Members of our community bring the Blessed Sacrament to them to comfort them and to unite them with us in the Eucharist. We are not always aware of those who have this need. Please call the Parish Office to let us know if you or a member of your family would like to have Holy Communion brought to them. That way we can schedule a time for our ministers to visit and bring the Sacrament.

Hospital, Nursing Home, Homebound Visits...Churches are no longer notified by hospitals or nursing homes when a parishioner is admitted unless the family has requested it. If you or a family member are homebound, hospitalized or in a nursing home and would like a visit from a member of the pastoral ministry staff, please call Jean Rief in the parish office.

Parish Information

Stewardship Report for October 22 and 23, 2011

Week 17 of our fiscal year

GOD IS IN CHARGE “Who do you think you are?!” today’s readings demand. We are brought up short, put in our place, given a dose of reality. Who is God? Who is in charge? Who is the greatest?

We begin with a passage from the prophet Malachi, one of the latest prophets, who wrote after the Jews returned from Babylon. Calling the people to task in God’s name, he condemns the divisions and false teachings that have arisen, reminding them that all were created by the one God. Paul tells the Thessalonians the same thing, but in a positive way—praising them for remembering that it is God who is at work within them.

Finally, the Gospel presents Jesus speaking out against hypocrisy and vainglory. “You have but one teacher . . . you have but one Father” (Matthew 23:8, 9). We are firmly put in our place. God is in charge.

© Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.

Envelope offering $ 6,863 Electronic offering 6,057 Total offering $ 12,920

Page 5: Oct. 30 2011

The Holy Family Fire football team finished the regular season 7-1 with the hope to win play-off games to go to state. Go Fire!

Faith Formation

Holy Family Catholic High School

Fall Open House on November 8 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….

Guardian Angels families are invited to join Holy Family staff, students, parents and alumni at our fall open house. November 8, 2011 – 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...………….….. 6:00-6:30pm- Registration and Check-In 6:30-7:00pm- Club and Activities Fair 7:00-7:30pm- Principal's Presentation 7:30-8:30pm- Curriculum Tour

· Meet students, parents, alumni, and teachers! · See robots, artists, athletes, clubs, service groups, and —more! · Learn about our curriculum, opportunities, and the new —Leadership Institute!

Holy Family Catholic High School Coffee and Conversations

Looking for a quick introduction to Holy Family? Join us on the first Wednesday of each month (second Wednesday in April) from 7:30-8am to learn about our school and have your questions answered. Tours are available following the presentation.

We are still looking for volunteer catechists to lead our Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Children’s Liturgy is a during the 5pm Mass throughout the school year for children in kindergarten through 3rd grade. Children’s Liturgy of the Word essentially is worship, not catechesis. We do not take part in CLOW first and foremost to receive information. We do not engage in CLOW in order first of all to receive a message to put into practice in life. We take part in CLOW simply because it is what it claims to be: a liturgy—a moment of salvation in which the living God communicates life to God’s holy people and in which that people respond with adoration, praise, thanksgiving and petition.

Thank you to all the parishioners and parish groups that helped our school reach and surpass our $30,000 goal for our Rake-a-thon. By the end of the day, we had brought in over $36,000! Over a dozen local lawns and part of the City's Gazebo Park were raked during our Rake-a-thon. Even our Little Angels Preschool classes helped out by sweeping and cleaning the playground. Thank you so much--we could not have done it without you!

Guardian Angels School News Education for the Mind~Body~Spirit

Guardian Angels School Alumni/Seniors at Holy Family (Back row) Jake Richelsen, Clayton Forner & Brian Radick

(Front row) Ryan Dahl & Adam Reznick

Just a reminder… Tuesday, November 1st is All Saints Day, which is a Holy Day of Obligation.

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We are always delighted to welcome our new members to Guardian Angels Church

Thank you to all who made our first Casserole and Salad Luncheon a tremendous success. We hope to see you again next year! ~Daughters of Isabella Circle

The best time to do something worthwhile is between

yesterday and tomorrow.

♦ Ron and Beth Bottenfield ♦ David and Emily Cory ♦ Oscar and Diana Esparza ♦ Kevin and Lois Garrison ♦ Nohemi Habeych ♦ Paul and Tina Heuer ♦ Lorraine Hoffman ♦ Michael and Cara Hoye ♦ David and Colleen Lacey ♦ Kay Meuwissen ♦ Dave and Natalie Meyer ♦ Patrick and Sherilyn Murphy ♦ Hector and Adela Osorio ♦ Paul Ray ♦ Yvonne and Javier Robles

♦ Roberto and Magdalena Romero ♦ John and Caherine Santini ♦ Michael and Amy Schulte ♦ Vachay and Sarah Sirivong ♦ Brad and Anna Squibb ♦ Cory and Sara Svobodny ♦ Paul and Amy Van Dyke ♦ James and Angela Wroblewski ♦ Jill and Nathan Liila ♦ Amanda and Jason Hammers ♦ Shawn and Susan Morrison ♦ Jae and Michelle Chong ♦ Patricia and Patrick Bloomfield ♦ Michael and Jennifer Altermatt

MN Immunization Network Initiative (MINI)

Free Flu Shots/Vacunas Contra la Gripe Gratis

WHERE/DONDE: Guardian Angels Church 215 W. 2nd St., Chaska WHEN/CUANDO: Sunday, November 20th 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. WHO/PARA QUIEN: Adults & children at least 6 mo/ Adultos y ninos mayors de 6 meses

Sponsered by: Church of the Guardian Angels and the MINI Project (St. Mary’s Health Clinics, Fairview Health Services, Homeland Health Specialists Inc, River Valley Nursing Center & MDH.

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On November 19, Guardian Angels will be having a Liturgical Ministries Workshops Day in the sanctuary for all sacristans, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, cantors, vocal soloists, ushers, greeters and those who are interested in becoming liturgical ministers.

8:30 – 9:30 a.m. for sacristans and Eucharistic ministers 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. for lectors, cantors, vocal soloists 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. for ushers and greeters

Please mark your calendars now – details to follow. Questions? Call Teresa Schmidt at 952/227-4084 or email at [email protected].

We Welcome with Joy the Newly Baptized

Urban Robert Brink ~ son of Callie and Brandon Leevi Marie Liestman ~ daughter of Megan and Ben Kate Annalisa Hammers ~ daughter of Amanda and Jason Harper Rose Weiland ~ daughter of Angela and Michael Tenley Marie Cantwell ~ daughter of Jennifer and Patrick

Por el Padre Doug El pasado mes de Noviembre, el Pastor de la iglesia de St. Thomas Becket, en la ciudad de Eagan, escribio un articulo en su boletin acerca de el pesame, que yo desearia haber escrito. Quiero compartir con ustedes el contenido del articulo del Padre Bill Murtaugh, escrito el 6/7 de Noviembre, de 2010. Pesar: El diccionario Webster define esta palabra como un sufrimiento intenso causado por una perdida, desastre, etc: profunda tristeza. Pesar, es tambien amor. Cuando tu amas a una persona, tomamos el riego de sentir nuestros corazones quebrantados cuando nuestro ser amado muere. Nos adentramos en el "Reino de la Tristeza y la Tierra de las lagrimas" Sentimos que todo se ha terminado en nuestra vida, como si estuvieramos muriendo nosotros mismos, como si nunca mas pudieramos estar completos de nuevo. No podemos escondernos de nuestro pesar; nos sentimos como si el cielo se hubiera caido sobre nosotros. Aun con el dolor del nuestro pesar, es un tiempo sagrado y nadie puede evitarnoslo con palabras amables. No deberiamos de tratar de evitar el sufrimiento por esta persona. Nuestra primera respuesta al pesar de otra persona es solo el hecho de estar presente mientras ellos sufren. Cada uno de nosotros tenemos nuestro propio modo de sentir el pesar, no hay dos personas que puedan sentir de igual manera. Unas personas necesitan mas tiempo que otras. A travez del pesar el alivio es posible. Es una parte importante en el caminar de nuestras almas. Sentir pesar es lo mas duro pero mas importante trabajo que los seres humanos hacemos. Creo que nuestras mascotas tambien sienten a su manera. No aceptamos la perdida de nuestos seres queridos, muy despacio aprendemos a vivir con su perdida. Ralph Waldo Emerson escribio: El pesar nos convierte en ninos otra vez, destruye las diferencias del intelecto. El mas sabio, no sabe nada. Quiza tu has escuchado esta historia: Una ninita vino a la casa de sus vecinos cuando su amiguita habia muerto. Porque fuiste para alla?, le pregunto su madre. "para consolar a su mama" contesto la nina. "Que hiciste para consolarla?", le pregunto su madre. "Me subi en sus brazos y comence a llorar con ella", contesto la nina. Jesus dijo: "A menos de que tu seas como uno de estos ninos, habras perdido el camino que guia a Dios" La meta aqui es ser una pesona abierta. Los ninos viven plenamente el momento . Los adultos estamos distraidos con el pasado y preocupados por el futuro. Los ninos vivien el "ahora". Los adultos se enfocan en lo que es practico, los ninos se enfocan en lo que es. Espiritualmente, es acerca de intimidad, estar cerca , apreciar a los demas y sentirnos unidos con Dios. Cuando sentimos un gran pesar por la perdida de nuestros seres queidos, todo es acerca de la intimidad que nos conecta con esa persona especial y Dios. RITUAL: Desde el comienzo de la raza humana ha habido rituales. Cereminias para marcar el nacimiento, para la edad, matrimoio y muerte. Los rituales son parte de las personas y es la manera de expresar sus sentimientos. Bodas y Funerales son ocasiones en que se pueden compartir los sentimientos. La Iglesia Catolica, ha sido muy buena para mostrar rituales sagrados, especialmente en la Liturgia de los Funerales. Nuestros rituales sagrados intesifican los sentimientos desde el principio, en medio y al final. Como seres Humanos, necesita-mos tener rituales. Nuestra sociedad no estaria bien si comenzaramos a perderlos. Nos reunimos en los Funerales para ayudarnos en el proceso del pesar. No importa su nivel de fe, la gente que se reune, todos viven en una cultura que niega la realidad de la Fe y la comercializa, enviandonos imagenes de "realidad" siginifica nuevo, joven e inmortal. En nuestra cultura de consumismo (y placer) , la comunidad cristiana ofrece un signo- el signo de la cruz- al comienzo, a travez y al final de la vida. En el momento de la muerte, no podemos ignorar el signo de la cruz. Como discipulos de Jesus, fuimos bautizados por su su-frimiento, muerte y resureccion. El dia de nuestra muerte, nuestro bautismo ha sido completado y entra dentro de una nueva vida por las promesas de Jesus. A veces, el morir toma horas, dias, semanas, meses y aun anos, pero la muerte siempre sucede en un "parpadear de ojo". No hay diferencia si somos ricos o pobres, no importa si no somos nadie, aun si somos santos o pecadores. El nivel de mortalidad es el mismo...100% En el mes de Noviembre la Iglesia nospide orar por todas las personas de la Iglesia, miembros de la familia, amigos, todos los que han fallecido. Digamos una oracion por aquellos que han muerto. Algun dia, alguien mas estara orando por ti y por mi. Que todos los que han creido y ya no estan con nosotros, por la misericordia de Dios, descansen en paz.

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Guardian Angels is one of 22 churches in Eastern Carver County that make up Love INC. You're invited to a wonderful evening at the Love INC Hope Banquet, Friday, Nov. 4th, at Hazeltine National Golf Club. What an amazing evening it will be as we hear Ray Charles' daughter, Sheila Raye, share her incredible journey from despair to hope. Also, Carol Zimmerman and some friends will provide first-class musical entertainment. You might also find a great deal at the silent auction, and bring hope and encouragement to those in need at the same time! We also believe this banquet is a great way to spread the news about what is happening through Love INC in our community to those who may not know. Why not sponsor a whole table, or a half table, and invite a few friends, neighbors, or co-workers to join you for a fantastic evening? Call 952-448-2508 or go to www.loveincecc.org to order tickets or to get more information.

Thanksgiving Day Meal Guardian Angels is once again partnering with St. John’s Church and Love INC. to provide a free Thanksgiving meal on Thanksgiving Day at St. John’s Church in Chaska from 11:30-1:00. Volunteers are needed for a number of preparation duties on Wednesday, November 23rd and for working at the event on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 24th. If you are interested in volunteering please go to www.stjohnschaska.org to sign up.

We will be decorating and selling cut-out paper turkeys for a $5 donation (the cost of a Thanksgiving meal) that will go towards the expense of food needed for the dinner. If you and/or your family would like to sell these paper turkeys at Rainbow in Chaska the weekend of November 5 -6 between the hours of 9:00-4:00 please call Jean Rief at 952-227-4095. Thank you for caring!

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Pastoral Care Ministry at Guardian Angels Pastoral Ministers at Guardian Angels focuses on visiting parishioners who have become sick or have had an accident in the short term or due to age or illness in the long term and are no longer able to come,

worship, and pray with their Church community on a regular basis. Pastoral Ministers bring the church community to them through supportive and practical ways such as visits, bringing communion, as well as supplying news of parish events through the bulletin. Pastoral care derives its name and nature from the meaning of shepherd and suggests the work of the shepherd with the flock. That is why Cannon Law speaks of Pastoral Care as a necessary service for parish life. Because of the Right to Privacy laws, Guardian Angels is not notified of parishioners who are hospitalized, homebound, or have entered a health care facility. We must hear from the parishioner, family member, or friend if they would like to be visited by a member of the pastoral care team. Please call the parish office at 952-227-4000.

New Pastoral Care Ministers Needed Guardian Angels must continue to be prepared to meet and serve the growing pastoral care needs of our parish community. Additional volunteer pastoral ministers are always needed and welcome. If you are interested in becoming a pastoral minister, contact Jean Rief at 952-227-4095 or email at [email protected]

Beatitudes for Friends of the Aged BLESSED are they who understand my faltering step and palsied hand.

BLESSED are they who know that my ears today must strain to catch the things they say. BLESSED are they who seem to know that my eyes are dim and my wits are slow.

BLESSED are they who looked away when coffee spilled at table today. BLESSED are they with a cheery smile who stop to chat for a little while. BLESSED are they who never say “You’ve told that story twice today.”

BLESSED are they who know the ways to bring back memories of yesterdays. BLESSED are they who make it known that I’m loved, respected, and not alone. BLESSED are they who know I’m at a loss to find the strength to carry the Cross.

BLESSED are they who ease the days on my journey Home in loving ways.

Pastoral Care Ministry

It is during November that the Church meditates on the Communion of Saints, which is our charitable link with the faithful who have already reached heaven (Church Triumphant), the faithful departed who are still expiating their sins in Purgatory (Church Suffering) and of the pilgrim faithful here on earth (Church Militant). "In this wonderful exchange, the holiness of one profits others, well beyond the harm that the sin of one could cause others. Thus recourse to the communion of saints lets the contrite sinner be more promptly and efficaciously purified of the punishments for sin." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1475). For the month of November the Book of Remembrance will be displayed in the back of church, near the baptismal font and paschal candle, until Advent. You are welcome to write the names of your loved ones in the book. There will be a Mass of Remembrance on Wed. Nov. 2 at 7:00 p.m. in place of 5:30 p.m. Mass for all those who have passed from this life into the next with special emphasis on those who have died in the last year. All are invited to come and show support, love and care to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are mourning the loss of a loved one.

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