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Page 1: October 1, 2015 Thursday. Answer ALL Check Your Progress Questions Chapter 4 Section 1 pg. 106 Answer All Checkpoint questions Chapter 4 Section 2.

October 1, 2015


Page 2: October 1, 2015 Thursday. Answer ALL Check Your Progress Questions Chapter 4 Section 1 pg. 106 Answer All Checkpoint questions Chapter 4 Section 2.

Answer ALL Check Your Progress Questions Chapter 4 Section 1 pg. 106

Answer All Checkpoint questions Chapter 4 Section 2

Page 3: October 1, 2015 Thursday. Answer ALL Check Your Progress Questions Chapter 4 Section 1 pg. 106 Answer All Checkpoint questions Chapter 4 Section 2.

What political rights had England’s citizens won by 1688?

Why do you think those living in the 13 Colonies believed they were entitled to those rights?

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A- By 1688, English citizens had won the rights to a trial by jury and to own private property. The king’s power to raise taxes was also limited by Parliament.

B- The colonists living in North America believed they were entitled to these rights because they were governed by the English government and were English citizens.

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What were the Navigation Acts?

How did the Navigation Acts affect the colonial economy?

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These were a series of acts that restricted colonial trade so that the colony would benefit the parent country.

It ensured a market for goods shipped from North America and contributed to the growth of New England’s shipbuilding industry.

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Use its part of speech to help you analyze the meaning of boomed in the sentence: As a result of a law that allowed colonists to build their own ships, the shipbuilding industry in New England boomed.

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The word is used as a verb, and the context indicates it means grew rapidly.

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Based on English traditions, colonial legislatures __________.

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Passed laws

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The English Bill of Rights protected the rights of individuals, including habeas corpus _________

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A procedure which protects people against unjust detention.

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John Peter Zenger was accused of libel, _______

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Or printing statements that unjustly harm another person’s reputation

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List at least two examples from colonial society to support this main this main idea: English colonists believed they should have the same freedoms as English citizens.

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Colonists wanted the right to vote, input into lawmaking, and representation in the Parliament or a local legislature.

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Checkpoint Questions Chapter 4 Section 2

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Why was a large family useful on a farm?

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Members of a large family could each perform some of the many tasks that had to be done on a large farm.

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How did the jobs of boys and girls differ?

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Boys tended to do field work with men, and girls usually did housekeeping work alongside women. Boys sometimes also lived away from home as apprentices to learn a trade. Girls sometimes became servants in wealthy households.

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How might one become a member of the middle class?

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After completing a term as an indentured servant, one could build a successful farm, or one might be a merchant with a failing business who becomes an artisan

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