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Page 1: OCTOBER, 2013 NEWSLETTER · Reminder of AzFRW Biennial Convention — Oct. 24/26, 2013-Prescott The AzFRW Biennial Convention is scheduled to be held Oct 24, 25 and 26th at the Prescott

Briarwood Country Club — Wednesday, October 09, 2013 135th Avenue & Meeker Blvd - Sun City West, AZ.

Registration – 10:45a.m. Lunch / Meeting Begins at 11:30am

Reservation Deadline: noon on Friday before the luncheon. Event is for adults only - no children.

October Menu Choices - $20.00

Selection #1: House Salad w/raspberry/ranch dressings, Charbroiled Pork Chop,

Saffron rice, mixed vegetables, fruit cup

Selection #2 - Taco Salad

Assorted Rolls & Butter

Dessert: Lemon Meringue Pie

Beverages: Regular, Decaf Coffee; Iced Tea; Hot Tea, Water

Please make your check payable to ARW, before arriving: NO CREDIT CARDS. Any member canceling beyond the deadline

is expected to pay. Reservations must be received by the Friday prior to meeting. Please make it your responsibility to

respond to ARW email [email protected] or contact Lezlee Alexander at [email protected],

phone 602-354-5224 if you wish to attend.

Submitted by Bev Bair, ARW Newsletter Editor

[email protected] -- phone: 623.255.5352


ARW is an organization of Republican

Women of various races, ages and

creeds who believe in the Republican

philosophy of smaller government,

less taxation and more personal


Guest Speaker—Judy Burges—

Arizona State Senator

Senator Burges was appointed Senator in January, 2012. She served eight

years in the House of Representatives from 2004-2012. Senator Judy Burges

is very highly respected and a true conservative who fights for border security

and is an activist against Agenda 21.

Note: Briarwood has a dress code that prohibits the wearing of any jeans but since our theme for

October is “Roundup” they are foregoing the enforcement of this rule for this month only.

Page 2: OCTOBER, 2013 NEWSLETTER · Reminder of AzFRW Biennial Convention — Oct. 24/26, 2013-Prescott The AzFRW Biennial Convention is scheduled to be held Oct 24, 25 and 26th at the Prescott

A Message From our President — Bonnie Hochberg

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October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Did you know that about one in eight women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point during her life? After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. The good news is that most women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early. If you are age 40 to 49, talk to your doctor about when to start getting mammograms and how often to get them. Women ages 50 to 74 need mammograms every two years. Mammograms can help detect breast cancer at its earliest stage and enable more treatment options. Understanding the risk factors associated with developing breast cancer is helpful in knowing how to potentially prevent it. Age is the most important risk factor for breast cancer. Breast cancer is more common in women over 60 and is diagnosed less in women under 40. In addition to age, there are

other factors that can increase the risk of breast cancer: personal or family history of breast cancer certain breast changes found on biopsy certain genetic changes menstrual periods before age 12 or menopause after age 55

having a first child after age 30 or never having a child long-term use (more than 5 years) of menopausal hormone therapy dense breast tissue radiation therapy to the chest before age 30 alcohol use having taken the drug DES during pregnancy obesity lack of exercise Breast cancer is no longer a death sentence. Talk to your friends, sisters, mothers, and daughters about early detection. Get your mammograms and perform monthly self-exams. Live long and be healthy!

Bonnie Hochberg, Three Year Cancer Survivor

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I was absolutely honored to receive the Arizona Capitol Times 2013 Leader of the Year in Public Policy award at the Phoenician on September 24th! Other award winners included Governor Brewer, Secretary of State Ken Bennett, and Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio. My award was given in the Legislative category and was based on my legislation that reforms Arizona’s sales tax system in Arizona. In more local news, I have decided to introduce legislation that will allow golf car drivers to drive on the right side of the road whether there are white lines or not. This decision was made after meeting with the Sun City HOA, PORA (Sun City West’s HOA), County Supervisor Clint Hickman, the Maricopa County Department of Transportation, the Sheriff’s Department, and the Posse. Sun City Grand’s HOA was invited but chose not to attend. At the meeting it was determined that the Department of Trans-portation and the Sheriff’s Department have different interpretations of the law, thus my legislation will allow golf car drivers to do what they have already been doing for years. My legislation will cover Sun City and Sun City West along with other age-restricted communities in unincorporated Maricopa County. The Sheriff’s department agreed to stop giving out citations on this issue until my legislation becomes law. Prior to that decision, the Sheriff’s department had given out five citations to golf car driv-ers for driving in the white lined right hand area of the road. I will introduce the legislation in January 2014 when the legislative session resumes. Then I have to convince a majority of the transportation committee members and at least 30 other legislators in the House and 16 legislators in the Senate to support my legislation. I may need your help contacting legislators when that time comes since most other legislators have no idea how important this issue is to Sun City and Sun City West. I look forward to serving as a Delegate for the Arrowhead Republican Women at the state’s Re-publican Women’s convention in Prescott. I’m excited to attend. Ladies, thank you for everything you do not only for Republican causes, but for our community and nation! You are truly an inspiration. Please feel free to contact me anytime at 602-926-5413 or [email protected]

Page 4: OCTOBER, 2013 NEWSLETTER · Reminder of AzFRW Biennial Convention — Oct. 24/26, 2013-Prescott The AzFRW Biennial Convention is scheduled to be held Oct 24, 25 and 26th at the Prescott

Reminder of AzFRW Biennial Convention — Oct. 24/26, 2013-Prescott

The AzFRW Biennial Convention is scheduled to be held Oct 24, 25 and 26th at the Prescott Resort &

Conference Center. Block of rooms with special rates attached expire Oct 4th but if you still want

to make late reservations at the Prescott Resort call 800-967-4637.

A thank-you from September guest speaker Lisa Benson:

Dear Arrowhead Republican Club – New Friends! I would like to thank you for having me speak to your group on 9-11. It was such an honor to be with you, speak with you, meet you and hopefully educate & motivate you on national security issues, on the 9-11 Anniversary. Per your request, I have added your name to the weekly (Sunday) newsletter. Watch for it in your email on Sunday mornings. CHECK YOUR SPAM FILE IF YOU DO NOT SEE IT. It will be the Sunday broadcast announcement, and the LISA BENSON REPORT on a weekly relevant national security topic. My program, Lisa Benson Radio for National Security, airs on KKNT 960 AM ~ Salem Communica-tions ~ on Sunday’s @ 2pm Phoenix time. There is a world-wide audience and I would value your interest in listening to the program and telling your friends to listen as well. Only through SEEKING THE TRUTH, SHARING THE TRUTH, and BEING THE TRUTH on the border issues, national security issues and foreign policy can we stop COMMON CORE CURRICULUM (a national security issue) and the penetration of an insidious enemy knocking on our doorstep! Below is my Personal Facebook Page. I encourage all to use Facebook as a tool to gain information …as social media is the tool that is driving the narrative of our opponents. Tomorrow, my guest on the air is ERICK STAKELBECK, AUTHOR OF THE BROTHERHOOD. Please tune in on radio, on computer (www.960thepatriot.com) or with your SMARTPHONE APP to KKNT 960 The Patriot. https://www.facebook.com/Lisaebenson Lisa E. Benson

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By: 3RD Vice President, Jan Martinson

A Senate report this week determined that Obama’s EPA has “pursued a path of obfuscation, oper-

ating in the shadows, and out of the Sunlight.” EPA ‘s leadership has abandoned the historic model of

specialized public servant who seeks to fairly administer the law and has instead embraced a number of

controversial tactics to advance a secretive agenda. Obama’s appointees at the EPA are dodging the truth

— furiously working to overhaul our entire culture based on sketchy climate change lies. This rogue politi-

cal agency is bringing us a new world order. They are operating in the shadows so American citizens will

not know they are handing down draconian regulations, taxes and fines and destroying the economy in

the name of junk global warming science. They are a purely political arm of the Obama administration

carrying out his agenda with absolutely no oversight or Congressional direction….an assault on drilling,

businesses drowning in paperwork. Our citizens are crushed by taxes, and lost jobs. EPA policies discour-

age energy exploration, buried job creators under red tape, deliberately hid information from the public. I

think they are engaging in environmental terrorism! It is noted that the EPA “has gathered personal infor-

mation about tens of thousands farmers and the locations of their operations. ”The EPA’s dangerous

renewable fuel standards are also coming our way. The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) mandate requires

that certain amounts of ethanol be blended with gasoline every year. Our fuel demands are decreasing as

ethanol requirements are increasing. This leaves us with bio-fuel blends known as E-15 that will be so ex-

cessive they will damage our engines and void our warranties. The E-15 blend can cause serious injury or

death. The automobile industry is warning us that our warranties will be voided because our vehicles can

not handle the new blend! They will be and are using the corn that was meant to feed our families. This is

terrorism which is killing our world and our people. Obama surely is doing a good job of destroying the

America we love.

By Jan Buchkowski, Chairman

The “Caring for America” committee has some new and exciting projects this year! Here is October’s: “NAILS”. We are only giving you a hint (albeit a pretty big one!), of what it involves. More details will be given at the meeting. There will be something for everyone!

We are asking the ladies to bring any of the following to our Oct. mtg.: Paper emery boards (multi. ones in a pkg.), 100% pure acetone remover. NEW reds, beige, coral, clear, rose, preferred color nail polish all must be new. Insta–dry nail polish dryer by Sally Hansen Make-up remover pads. Nail tattoos – flowers, rhinestones, etc. (The latest styles!) Vinyl or nitrile (latex-free) gloves (sizes SM and Med) Q-tips Paper towels Brown/white paper lunch sacks Fragrance-free hand lotion

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By: Lezlee Alexander, 2nd V.-P.


Is everyone ready for another Renewal RoundUp? RoundUp will officially begin with our October

luncheon. This is a special event for our RETURNING members! We’ll offer TWO chances to win a $20 ARW

luncheon in a drawing January 2014 if you renew before December 31. We’ll offer ONE MORE chance for a

free luncheon February 2014 for those that pay their 2014 dues before January 31 – and we’ll INCLUDE all

of those that did NOT win in the January drawing this time! So, if you renew by December 31st, you’ll actu-

ally have THREE chances to win (better than waiting ‘til January)!

As part of the RoundUp celebration, your Executive Committee has decided a “theme” party for

our October lunch will be a fun kick-off. A very special dispensation has been granted by Briarwood for this

ONE LUNCHEON – you may wear your NICE jeans or jean skirts to the event! Howdy-do! How about THAT?

So y’all come for some Western fun – bandanas, boots, denim, and hats – plan on a fun time! Applications

will be available at the check-in table – dues are $30 for full membership, $10 for associate membership.

Dues cover club, state, AND National membership!

For those that like numbers, I’m excited to report ARW boasts 130 members right now! WOW!

That includes 15 associate members (thank you for being here!) and 115 FULL members! This number also

includes 21 NEW MEMBERS ready to ROLL! (thank you for taking advantage of our early membership offer

carrying you through the “dark” summer months!)

I need to take a moment to thank your ARW Membership Committee for their hard work and

diligence with a committee project we’ve had running the past few months. Committee members have

been combing “old” membership binders and contacting folks that aren’t currently members – touch

bases, how’ve you been, we miss you, won’t you consider joining us again. These ladies have handled

changed phone numbers and e-mails, even cranky folks, while forging onward and have successfully found

a few of our friends to re-join us! Many thanks, ladies, and CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done!

We wouldn’t have as many new members if it weren’t for YOU, members, bringing your friends

and family to our luncheons! Thank you so much for your support of club activities to be willing to share it

with others. That TOTALLY needs a prize! I’ll be ready for the luncheon to award a SPECIAL prize for the

member that’s sponsored the Most New Members in our new 2014 batch! Yes, I’ll INCLUDE you if you

brought Associate members – very important in the fight for conservative principles as well and valued

members of our club. And we’ll have our usual Most Guests prize at the October luncheon.

See you in October for the ROUNDUP!!

All dues payments must be accompanied by a

completed registration form which is located on the

next page of this newsletter.


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ZIP CODE + 4 for NFRW________________________

HOME PHONE________________________WORK OR CELL_____________________________

E- MAIL ADDRESS__________________________________(By providing my E-mail, I author-

ize release of my Email address to ARW, AzFRW and NFRW)

ARW SPONSER___________________________ARE YOU A PRECINCT COMMITTMAN_____

AZ Legislative District #________Congressional District #_______ Supervisory District

#_______Other Political Activities _________________________________________

Committees on which you would like to serve: Please check.

___Accounting ___Fund Raising ___Publicity

___Americanism ___Hospitality/Greeter ___Scholarships

___Awards ___Legislation/Political Education ___Scrapbook/Photography

___Bylaws ___Library/Literacy Project ___Telephone

___Campaign Activities ___Membership ___Youth Projects

___Caring For America ___Newsletter ___Other


I am a registered Republican in the State of Arizona____________________

PRINT NAME AS REGISTERED_________________________________________________________

DUES: Yearly - $30.00 Full Membership

Associate Member - $10.00 (No voting rights), Men who are registered Republicans may be an associate member.

Women who hold active membership in another Arizona club or who are registered Republicans in another state may be an

associate member.

Name of AZ Club_________________________________City ___________________________________



Please return form and check (payable to ARW, Lezlee Alexander, 4345 W Sandra Circle, Glendale, 85308,


FOR ARW: Date dues were paid________________________ Check #__________Cash_________

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President Hochberg has requested my assistance with luncheon reservations, and I’m honored to

be of service. Miss Cindy needed to step down from the position sooner than the change of offices – she

has our MANY thanks for her time and assistance this past year!

As we transition the reservations coverage yet again, we have to remember that just 3 years ago

all reservations were made by PHONE. Now – we’re nearly all on the computer for reservations thanks to

Cheryl and Penny’s efforts while calls continue to be made to some members thanks to the efforts of Res-

ervations Team member Judi Bourd.

A reminder about deadlines – PLEASE help us serve YOU best by having your order and any

GUESTS entered by Friday at 5p the week before the luncheon! The timing of our meeting process does-

n’t change – please help us be good guests of Briarwood by helping them to prepare. Briarwood DOES

allow us a FEW late entries, but only 10%. For our typical 50 attendance, that doesn’t leave much wiggle

room. Thank you for helping us to help you!

Hi ARW Members

Just a quick reminder to be sure to let me know who is not feeling well, family member passed or

just going through a rough time. Cards are always welcome from friends and this applies to members

of AzFRW and NFRW.

Bev Bair, ARW’s newsletter gal had sinus surgery and healed nicely.

Marilyn Sage, ARW’s treasurer, had surgery to remove a large cyst.

Our Past President, Gail Salter and her husband Doug, lost their son recently.

This is a very difficult time for them both and our prayers go out to them.

Cindy Benson, ARW’s Luncheon Chair, and her husband have not been well.

Cindy has had to resign as Luncheon Co-Chair and we wish them a speedy recovery.

Mary Hoyt, a long standing member of Cactus Wren now known as Central Republic

Women of Phoenix, is not doing well and is staying with her daughter in Phoenix.

We wish her the best and our prayers are with her.

Shirley McFerran, Corresponding Secretary

623-322-9336 (Home phone) - 602-803-8635 (Cell) E-mail: [email protected]

By Lezlee Alexander, 2nd V.-P. (Membership)

Page 9: OCTOBER, 2013 NEWSLETTER · Reminder of AzFRW Biennial Convention — Oct. 24/26, 2013-Prescott The AzFRW Biennial Convention is scheduled to be held Oct 24, 25 and 26th at the Prescott

A few photos from last month’s meeting:

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Arrowhead Republican Women

Club Meeting Minutes

Briarwood Country Club—September 11, 2013

Call to Order: President Bonnie Hochberg called the meeting to order at 11:30 A.M.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: Chaplain Gayle gave the Invocation and State Representative Deb-bie Lesko led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America.

Guests were introduced and Past President Shirley McFerran was welcomed back after a lengthy absence.

Treasurer’s Report: There were no corrections to the treasurer’s report and it was filed.

Minutes: There were no corrections to the minutes and they were accepted as written.

Ratification Recommendation: Secretary Gayle Salter submitted a recommendation to the members to ratify an addition to the ARW Standing Rules. The EC Board recommends a one year membership qualifi-cation to serve on the Nominating Committee. The rationale being this gives the member the time to know, and the time to become knowledgeable regarding the qualifications of any member being consid-ered for this position. The members voted to ratify this addition.

Programs: 1st VP Judy Blackburn included State Representative Debbie Lesko as one of speakers for to-days meeting, and reminded members that Senator Judy Burges would speak in October.

Membership: 2nd VP Lezlee Alexander advised ARW has a 3rd quarter membership of 93 members. She was happy to announce that 19 new members have already been signed up for 2014. Those re-joining by December 31 will be entered in to a raffle for 2 gifts. Those re-joining by January 31, will be combined with the losers in December for a raffle for 1 gift. Bonnie Hochberg, Cindy Hodgson, Peggy Walmsley, Anna Morrison and Lois Smith all brought guests.

Members were reminded that October Membership Roundup starts next month and asked members to wear cowboy hats and scarves if they have them.

Ways & means: 3rd VP Jan Martinson advised those attending the AzFRW Convention in Prescott will have their $150.00 registration paid by ARW and attendees will turn in a copy of their registration to Treasurer Marilyn Sage. In addition, a clipboard was passed to sign up to assist at the jewelry table at the convention.

Lunch was served.

Program: Program Chair Judy Blackburn introduced Consultant Lisa Benson who spoke regarding the State of our Nation and State Representative Debbie Lesko spoke regarding September 11, 2001

50/50: The 50/50 in the amount of $84.00 was won by Jacklin Taylor.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 P.M.

Submitted by ARW Secretary Gayle Salter Approved_______________

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County Republican Party: 623-977-4532

State Republican Party: 602– 957-7770

If you ever are concerned about or want to know the details of any par-

ticular bill you can find out at Thomas.loc.gov and get the information.

For National Political Briefing as well as other information, log onto

National Federation of Republican Women’s web site:

Other Arizona Republican Party meetings:

Legislative District 22 - Contact: www.azld4gop.org or Eric Morganl [email protected]. Republican General meeting held every third Monday, at 6:30 PM, Westbrook Village Community Center, Peoria, 85382.

Legislative District 21 - Meets every 3rd Thursday at 7pm Plaza Del Rio Community Center, 13215 N. 94th Dr., Peoria 85381. Contact Lisa Gray 623-322-5101, [email protected], www.ld9.org. Legislative District 4 - Meets 2nd Monday of mo., 6pm social, Mimi’s Café, Avondale. Contact Rhonda King 623-640-3742, [email protected].

Sun City West Republican Club- President Jan Martinson 623--546-3753 or [email protected]; meetings first Saturday of each month, 8 AM-10AM, Quail Room of the Foundation Building, 14465 RH Johnson Blvd. Sun City Grand Republican Interest Group - Meets fourth Saturday of each month, 9AM, Chaparral Ctr.. Pima Rm. Their email is [email protected]. Contact President Dick Mayfield -

[email protected]

Sun City Republican Club - Meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm, Sundial Recreation Center,

14810 N. 103rd Ave. Contact Lisa Gray, 623.322.5101, [email protected] www.SunCityGOPClub.com.

AzFRW Biennial State Convention: Prescott, AZ.; October 25-26, 2013 — see azfrw.com for more info. NFRW National Convention: Desert Ridge Marriott - Phoenix, AZ. Year - 2015

For the latest Arizona Federation of Republican Women (AzFRW) Information, award forms, information club newsletters, event photos,

candidate profiles:




Web site Wisdom & Meeting Opportunities



Arrowhead Republican Women 623-547-6776 www.arrowheadrw.weebly.com www.arrowheadrw.weebly.com

Web site Wisdom & Meeting Opportunities


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President Bonnie Hochberg 623-547-6776 [email protected]

1st V.P. Judy Blackburn (Programs) 623.544.4348 [email protected]

2nd V.P. Lezlee Alexander (Membership 602.354.5224 [email protected]

3rd V.P. Jan Martinson (Ways & Means) 623.546.3753 [email protected]

Secretary Gayle Salter 623.975-0353 [email protected]

Treasurer Marilyn Sage 623.975-1792 [email protected]

Mem./Lrg. Bev Bair 623.255.5352 [email protected]

Mem./Lrg. Peggy Moore 623-546.7822 [email protected]

Mem./Lrg. Arlene Goldblatt 623-583-7738 [email protected]

Parliamentarian Jan Hermsmeyer 623-584-6309 [email protected]


Achievement Awards Jan Hermsmeyer 623.584.6309 [email protected]

Americanism Debbie Lesko 623-878-9761 [email protected]

ARW Auditor Pat Lutes 623.584.7326 [email protected]

Budget Committee Jan Hermsmeyer 623.584.6309 [email protected]

Bylaws Committee Jan Hermsmeyer 623.584.6309 [email protected]

Campaign 2013—Off Election Year — position not required

Caring For America Jan Buchkowski 623-322-1273 [email protected]

Chaplain Gayle Salter 623.975.0353 [email protected]

Correspd. Secretary Shirley McFerran 623.322.9336 [email protected]

50/50 Drawing Nancy Margaritas 623.322.0108 [email protected]

Historian/Photos Dora Sextro 623.214.3959 [email protected]

Legislation Debbie Lesko 623.878.9761 [email protected]

Luncheons/ Lezlee Alexander 602.354.5224 [email protected] Reservations Judi Bourd 623.433.9449 [email protected]

Newsletter Editor Bev Bair 623.255.5352 [email protected]

Parliamentarian Jan Hermsmeyer 623.584.6309 [email protected]

Maricopa RW Publicity Frosty Taylor 928.684.1221 [email protected]

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