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Page 1: October 2015 - E-GRID · IEEE GRID is published as the GRID Online Edition residing at GRID.net, in a handy printable GRID.pdf edition at the end of each month, and also as the e-GRID

Au g u s t 20 15 V i s i t us a t w w w . e - G R I D . n e t P a g e 1

October 2015 Computer History Museum Dedication pages 6&7

Tom Coughlin's Welcome to Region 6 - page 8 CHAPTER MEETINGS

SCV-PHOT - 11/2 | High-Capacity Optical Communications Using Multiplexing of Multiple Orbital-Angular-Momentum Modes - potential and the challenges to OAM-based optical communication systems, including transmission, turbulence compensation, link design, and switching ... (Intel, Santa Clara, 5:30 pm)

SCV-CNSV - 11/4 | Power in Consumer Electronics: The New Model - Power delivery for power engineers and curious consumers, power landscape, power integrity, signal integrity, intelligent power management, global system efficiency ... (Hewlett-Packard Co., Palo Alto, 7:00 pm)

OEB-PEL Student Chapter - 11/4 | Power Electronics Seminar: New Generation of Power Electronics Based on Very High Switching Frequencies - very high switching frequencies, providing energy savings, extremely small size, and reduced electrical noise, automotive and similar harsh environments ... (UC Berkeley, 6:30 pm)

SCV-CS - 11/4 | A Tale of Two Worlds: Cyber Meets Physical - embedded systems, IoT, controls, networking, distributed computing ... (Stanford, 5:30 pm)

SCV-SPS - 11/5 | Scalable Approaches to New Large-Scale Neuroscience - neural response in retinal ganglion cells, estimation of large neuronal networks from calcium imaging data ... (AMD, Sunnyvale, 6:30 pm)

SCV/OEB/SF-TEMS - 11/5 | OMG! We're out of control! And that's a good thing - Eliminate top-down control and replaced it with a common shared outcome, Aida Compass Framework ... (AMD, Sunnyvale, 6:00 pm)

Career Development

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES Besser Associates - RF and Wireless Training UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley - Engineering Classes Ozen Engineering, Inc. - ANSYS training

UPCOMING CONFERENCES Podcar City Conference (PCC9), November 4-6, Mountain View, California Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers November 8-11, Pacific Grove Rock Stars of Tech Startups , November 10, 2015, San Francisco AnDevCon, December 1-3, 2015, Santa Clara SDI Summit December 1-3, 2015, Santa Clara Convention Center IEEE-ITherm May 31 - June 3, 2016, Las Vegas

SCV-REL - 11/5 | Software Reliability Best Practices - advanced look into what the new standard will discuss, applicability and use of these recommended practices to hardware reliability engineering ... (Qualcomm, Santa Clara, 6:00 pm)

BAMMF - 11/5 | BAY AREA MULTIMEDIA FORUM (BAMMF) - Multimedia and the future of knowledge, Perceptual Coding: Hype or Hope?, Next Generation Entertainment: More, Faster, Better and Perceptually Quantized Pixels, Deriving Knowledge from Environmental Audio ... Prysm Theater, San Jose, 1:00 pm)

Page 2: October 2015 - E-GRID · IEEE GRID is published as the GRID Online Edition residing at GRID.net, in a handy printable GRID.pdf edition at the end of each month, and also as the e-GRID

Au g u s t 20 15 V i s i t us a t w w w . e - G R I D . n e t P a g e 2

Your Networking Partner

® IEEE-SFBAC ©2015

IEEE GRID is the monthly newsmagazine of the San Francisco Bay Area Council of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. As a medium for news for technologists, managers and professors, the editorial objectives of IEEE GRID are to inform readers of newsworthy IEEE activities sponsored by local IEEE units (Chapters, Affinity Groups) taking place in and around the Bay Area; to publicize locally sponsored conferences and seminars; to publish paid advertising for conferences, workshops, symposia and classes coming to the Bay Area; and advertise services provided by local firms and entrepreneurs. IEEE GRID is published as the GRID Online Edition residing at www.e-

GRID.net, in a handy printable GRID.pdf edition at the end of each month, and also as the e-GRID sent by email twice each month to more than 33,000 Bay Area IEEE members and other professionals. You may also install our Android and iOS Apps from their stores, for your tablet or smartphone.

Editor: Sandra Winkler IEEE GRID PO Box 2110 Cupertino CA 95015-2110


Santa Clara Valley Ed Aoki

Joseph Wei

Oakland East Bay Catherine Jenkins

Bill DeHope

San Francisco Michael Butler

Jonathan Burrows

OFFICERS Chair: Johnathan Burrows (SF)

Secretary: Ramesh Ramadoss (SCV)

Chair: Kate Jenkins Secretary: Jonathan Burrows Treasurer: Bill DeHope (OEB)


Cupertino, CA 95015-2110


SCV-CPMT - 11/10 | Embedded micro devices:A new way to build low cost, 3D, integrated MEMS devices - IoT, post-semiconductor manufacturing processes PSM), including packaging and printed circuit board (PCB) technologies, can be used to manufacture MEMS for sensing and actuation applications ... (TI, Santa Clara, 5:45 pm)

SCV-EMC - 11/10 | Power Integrity Methodology Evolution - new PI approach applicable for the pre-layout design, when many product parameters are not yet finalized. New noise and power induced jitter effects revealed in modern nm-devices ... (CETECOM Inc., Milpitas, 5:30 pm)

SCV-EDS - 11/10 | CMOS Image Sensors for True-Color Photography - progress towards high-resolution photography, essential to sample true color at every point in the image, Foveon X3 technology ... (TI, Santa Clara, 6:00 pm)

SCV-ED - 11/10 | Electrostatic Nano Electromechanical Switches (NEMS) for Energy-Efficient Digital Systems - system application, FPGAs, fabricating lateral (in-plane) electrostatically actuated, multi-terminal switches on top of CMOS ... (101X Auditorium, Stanford University, 6:30 pm)

SCV-PV - 11/11 | Can a one cent zip tie break the financial return on a $100M PV Asset? - uncertainty attached to potential risks or returns, solar energy industry, issues faced by a range of financial stakeholders, new solutions and presents sample economic return analyses ... (PARC, Palo Alto, 6:30 pm)

SCV-MTT - 11/12 | New Frontiers in Terahertz Technology - photoconductive, plasmonic antennas, more than three orders of magnitude increase, heterodyne spectrometers, single-photon detection sensitivities ... (National Instruments, Santa Clara, 6:00 pm)

Page 3: October 2015 - E-GRID · IEEE GRID is published as the GRID Online Edition residing at GRID.net, in a handy printable GRID.pdf edition at the end of each month, and also as the e-GRID

Au g u s t 20 15 V i s i t us a t w w w . e - G R I D . n e t P a g e 3

SCV-COMSOC - 11/16 | IEEE 5G Silicon Valley Summit - industry leaders, innovators, and researchers from the industry and academic community to collaborate and exchange ideas ... (Google, Mountain View, 8:00 am)

SCV-CAS - 11/16 | Chip and IP block-level verification of ESD networks in the ESDi product (with Live Demo) - ESDi imports the full-chip layout from GDSII, identifies all the IO-pads/bumps, then extracts parasitic interconnect resistances, electro-migration checks ... (QualComm, Santa Clara, 6:30 pm)

SF-NANO - 11/17 | Biomimetic Nanotechnology - Half-day (afternoon) symposium - Everywhere in nature, nanoscale features enable macro-scale phenomena. The answer is specialized nanostructures! Learn about fascinating examples of biomimicry on the nanoscale ... (TI, Santa Clara, 12:15 pm)

SVEC - 11/17 | Silicon Valley Engineering Council Open House 2015 - complimentary Annual Open House event!, light buffet, Keynote: "Future of IOT(Internet of Things): Industrialize and Automate Everything", "Boy Scouts Engineering Explorer Post at Lockheed" ... (Google, Sunnyvale, 5:30 pm)

SF-IAS - 11/17 | Distribution Transformers Efficiencies - Department of Energy Efficiency standard, manufacturers will go about meeting these requirements, potential cost impact versus benefit ... (Pier 2 Sinbad's Restaurant, San Francisco, 5:30 pm)

SCV-CS - 11/17 | The Computing Earthquake: Neural Networks, Cognitive Layers, and Energy-Driven Computer in Electronic Systems - Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, AI, Embedded Systems ... (Cadence, 6:30 pm)

SF-PES - 11/18 | How Do Power Cable Systems Fail? Debunking the Myths and Implementing the New Paradigm - Insight into empirical evidence and lessons learned, debunk some common theories and myths, new life-cycle paradigm ... (CPUC, SF, 11:30 am)

OEB-LMAG - 11/18 | Stock Market Trading Strategies - A healthy amount of skepticism is a good thing when evaluating the next bright idea in investing, one of the latest bright ideas, see if it really works and how actually to implement it... (Applebee's Livermore, 11:30 am)

SCV-WIE - 11/18 | Lightning talks on High Performance FPGAs - Innovations in FPGA Design and Applications Topic, 8 Speakers in one hour - sounds like fun! ... (Altera, San Jose, 4:30 pm)

SCV-EMBS - 11/18 | Reimagining the Long-term Homecare Setting with Advanced, Wearable Technology - Head-mounted Activity Monitoring (HAM) System, accurate indoor tracking relying solely on the data from the MEMS sensors and machine learning algorithms ... (Rm M-114, Stanford University Medical School, 7:30 pm)

OEB-IAS - 11/19 | Managing Distributed Energy Resources on the Grid - critical smart inverter functions, research and development collaborations SolarCity is doing with utilities and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) ... (Zio Fraedos, Pleasant Hill, 5:30 pm)

SCV-CPMT - 12/8 | Packaging Materials Market Trends, Issues and Opportunities - transitions in the materials consumed in packaging, impacted the dynamics of the materials supply chain, Mobile electronics, Packaging subcontractors have emerged as key partners ... (TI, Santa Clara, 11:30 pm)

SF-PES - 12/9 | LED Adoption Perceived Barriers to Conversion - trends or fresh ideas as to what market elements that may have stifled or stalled LED conversions, common goal of reducing energy demand and CO2 emissions ... (CPUC, SF, 11:30 am)

SCV-SPS - 12/9 | Ph.D. Elevator Pitch to Professionals - Autonomous Driving, Computational Cameras, Scalable Speech Coding from Stanford, UC Santa Cruz and Santa Clara University - up-to-date on the latest hot topics and technical contributions in Signal Processing, panel of students will explain their Ph.D. contributions ... (AMD Commons, Sunnyvale, 6:00 pm)

SCV-CNSV - 12/10 | Enabling Smart Robots with Low-Power Computer Vision - neural networks, GPU-accelerated vision and voice recognition systems, enabling massive speedups on parallel hardware, Jetson developer board ... (Hewlett-Packard Co., Palo Alto, 7:00 pm)

Page 4: October 2015 - E-GRID · IEEE GRID is published as the GRID Online Edition residing at GRID.net, in a handy printable GRID.pdf edition at the end of each month, and also as the e-GRID

Au g u s t 20 15 V i s i t us a t w w w . e - G R I D . n e t P a g e 4

The Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers is a yearly Conference held on the Asilomar Grounds in Pacific Grove November 8 - 11

It provides a forum for presenting recent and novel work in various areas of theoretical and applied signal processing. General areas of interest to the forum include:

• Architecture and Implementation • Array Signal Processing • Biomedical Signal & Image Processing • Communication Systems • MIMO Communications & Signal Processing • Networks • Signal Processing & Adaptive Systems • Speech, Image & Video Processing

Recent meetings have presented a wide array of work ranging from results in blind source separation, random networks, MIMO communications, low dimensional signal models to applications of signal processing in control, wireless communications, financial engineering, smart grids, biological systems, medical imaging, and big data.

Planary Session: Fiber-optic Communication via the Nonlinear Fourier Transform, by Frank R. Kschischang, Distinguished Professor of Digital Communication in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Toronto, Canada, and an authority in information theory and coding with applications to wireline, wireless as well as optical communications.

The planary session explores some of the potential fiber-optic data transmission applications of the nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT), a signal analysis technique introduced by mathematicians and physicists in the 1970s. Just as the usual Fourier transform converts linear convolution to multiplication, the NFT transforms the action of the ideal (noiseless, lossless) nonlinear Schrodinger equation (and other integrable evolution equations) to the action of a multiplicative filter in the nonlinear frequency domain. One potential application is a nonlinear analogue of linear frequency-division multiplexing that, unlike many other fiber-optic transmission strategies, deals with both dispersion and nonlinearity unconditionally, without the need for dispersion or nonlinearity compensation methods.

For more information, go to Asilomar Conference http://www.asilomarsscconf.org, on Signals, Systems, and Computers

Page 5: October 2015 - E-GRID · IEEE GRID is published as the GRID Online Edition residing at GRID.net, in a handy printable GRID.pdf edition at the end of each month, and also as the e-GRID

Au g u s t 20 15 V i s i t us a t w w w . e - G R I D . n e t P a g e 5

You've launched an innovative startup and gotten others to invest in it, but you're burning through capital fast. How do you make the leap to light speed and become the next "big tech thing" before you run out of money or get eaten by the competition? Or how can you get someone to acquire your startup to help bring it to fruition? Hear case studies where successful tech startup executives will give you clear advice and warnings. Plus, the experts who helped those startups succeed will be talking about how to find the right talent, platform, and how to manage risks. What's more, M&A leaders from Google, Intuit and Oracle will tell you what they're looking for. Don't miss this chance for direct advice and consultation.


Rock Stars of Tech Startups is your Roadmap to Success. Be in San Francisco on November 10, 2015, at the Village in San Francisco. All SFBAC Members receive a deeply discounted registration rate of $229. Use Promo Code RS-GRID to take advantage.

Cybercrime is no longer a matter of credit card breaches. Cybercriminals are now trying to take down countries as well as top companies. Keep your organization safe. Come to the premier, one-day event designed to give real, actionable solutions to these cybersecurity threats. Learn from and collaborate with the experts at Rock Stars of Cybersecurity http://www.computer.org/portal/web/Rock-Stars/Cybersecurity/#agenda October 27, 2015 at the Fairmont San Jose, 88 South 4th Street, 7th floor. All SFBAC Members receive a deeply discounted registration rate of $229. Use Promo Code RS-GRID to take advantage.

Page 6: October 2015 - E-GRID · IEEE GRID is published as the GRID Online Edition residing at GRID.net, in a handy printable GRID.pdf edition at the end of each month, and also as the e-GRID

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See photo of attendees next page.

The Santa Clara Valley Section is proudly presented this Special Citation at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View at noon on the 29th. This was the first IEEE Special Citation to be awarded in the USA under the new IEEE History Staff program. The IEEE and the Computer History Museum have an outstanding ongoing relationship for the preservation of our professional history. In attendance was an IEEE President, representatives from the IEEE Computer Society, and members of the CHM Board of Directors. Several other special awards were given. The 22-pound bronze plaque will be permanently displayed in the entry level - an area open to the public

IEEE Special Citation for the Computer History Museum, Unveiling/Celebration

October 29, 2015

Page 7: October 2015 - E-GRID · IEEE GRID is published as the GRID Online Edition residing at GRID.net, in a handy printable GRID.pdf edition at the end of each month, and also as the e-GRID

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Page 8: October 2015 - E-GRID · IEEE GRID is published as the GRID Online Edition residing at GRID.net, in a handy printable GRID.pdf edition at the end of each month, and also as the e-GRID

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Message from the new IEEE Region 6 Director IEEE Region 6 is a wide geographical area with diverse interests. As a consequence, we have many opportunities and challenges that face our members. We also have enormous resources, both physical and human, in Region 6. Over the last few years we have developed a series of annual conferences focusing on the IEEE motto of “Advancing Technology for Humanity.” These include our Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) and the Technologies for Sustainability Conference (SusTech).

Over the next couple of years we are considering expanding our collection of conferences to include an Industrial Technology Conference and a Patent and Intellectual Property Conference. We are interested in what sort of events would interest you, so please let us know. Also if you are excited about getting engaged in these events we are always looking for committee members to make them successful, so let the chairs of these Conferences know if you want to get involved.

In any case, please consider coming to these events and/or letting your friends and colleagues know about them. We hope that you can come to one or more of these events and participate in the growth and development of our IEEE Region 6.

Best wishes,

Tom Coughlin

IEEE Region 6 Director 2015-16

[email protected]



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Capturing the Besteaker: Steven Kunsman, ABB, Inc. Time:

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