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October - December 2014




Youth at international camp discover impact of Christian television p.4

Hope Channel host delivers Father’s Day gift p.6


Message from the President

Radishes or Cherries?When I was growing up my mother planted

a garden every spring. I loved looking for the radishes! About five to six weeks after planting, discovering the crisp red and white balls of spice was an unforgettable highlight for a hungry boy. And every spring I also helped my dad plant fruit trees. My favorite was the cherry trees. I love sweet cherries!

Radishes and cherries may be similar in size, but there is one very big difference: you can harvest radishes in five to six weeks; however, you need five to six years before you can get a reasonable harvest from a cherry tree!

Many times when watching God open doors for Hope Channel, I think of the comparison of radishes and cherries.

Hope Channel is a long-term, strategic “cherry planting” that produces an increasing abundant harvest! Typically it takes two to three years before the broadcasts in a region begin to yield a harvest. But the longer the broadcasts continue the greater the harvest—just like a cherry orchard! Here’s what one viewer says:

I came across you while going through Christian channels. I am blessed to have found what I have been seeking for. My heart is so joyful it’s hard to put in words how thankful I am to have discovered Hope Channel.—Kathy

It takes time for the “seed” of the Word of God that we share every day on Hope Channel to bear fruit in the hearts of our viewers. We get many letters from viewers like Kathy that speak of how lives are being changed (see viewer comments on the next page).

There is another long-term harvest of which we see evidence. Your support and prayers have led to the growth in new Hope Channels. We started as one channel in 2003; today there are more than thirty channels that

broadcast full time in various languages around the world. The new channels in Malawi, Indonesia, and the Philippines featured on page 13 are examples of “cherry planting. This is not quick, short-term work! It has taken years of hard work, prayer, sacrifice, and the perseverance of God’s people to see these channels develop and grow.

We are so grateful for your prayer and practical support! I want to assure you that your investment in Hope Channel is not growing short-term “radishes.” Your investment is growing “cherries”—long-term, deep-rooted, strongly-established new Hope Channels that advance God’s work. As you think and pray about the blessings of God received this year, I encourage you to expand your investment in the long-term work of Hope Channel.

God is the great celestial “farmer” who has made a long-term investment in you. He has planted His seed in your heart and He will not give up on you! You may not see much growth in your life, but if you water the spiritual seed in your heart with prayer; fertilize it with God’s Word; and allow Him to “prune” you with the trials of life, God will see to it that you are ready for the great harvest of the Second Coming! Philippians 1:6 says, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.”

Thank you for your prayers and support for the long-term ministry of Hope Channel!

Your friend,

Brad Thorp

2 Q U A R T E R 4 • 2 0 1 4 | A N I N S P I R A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | H O P E L I N K

Message From the President ..................................2

Viewer Comments ...................................................3

Camporee 2014 .......................................................4

Cross Connecting with Thomas .............................6

Missions Today Pull-Out Poster .............................8

Hope Channel Program Guide .............................10

Hope Church Channel Program Guide ................11

Happenings .......................................................... 12

Heard on Facebook .............................................. 14

Hope Channel Resources .................................... 15

Help Hope. Help Yourself. ....................................16


SayingWhat Viewers are

Chairman, Board of DirectorsPardon Mwansa

PresidentBrad Thorp

Vice PresidentsDerris KrauseGideon MuteroKandus Thorp

DirectorsCable Distribution, Joe SloanCustomer Care, Susan MarcellinoFundraising, John HuynhMarketing, Fylvia Fowler Kline Production, Frenita Buddy

EditorFylvia Fowler Kline

Contributors:Sergio GonzalezCarmen McMurdyJustin Woods

DesignTravis Holman www.travisholman.com

PrintingPacific Press Publishing Association

Quarter 4October - December 2014

Product Orders and DonationsSupport this vierwer-funded television ministry with your donations.�USAPO Box 4000Silver Spring, MD 20914

Canada1148 King Street EastOshawa Ontario, L1H 1H8


Call toll-free in North America: 888-4-HOPE-TV (888-446-7388)International calls: 269-471-6050

To support Hope Channel through wills, trusts, annuities, or other planned giving instruments, please call 888-339-PLAN (7526).

Adventist® and Seventh-day Adventist® are registered trademarks of the General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists®

I started watching your program just to practice my English but the experience has been so much more! God has shown me through you that He lives, that His Word is a light in my life.


I really enjoy the Bible study programs on Hope Channel. While I’ve always been a godly person and was taught well by the church to which I belong, I’ve never felt as close to God as I do now; nor have I understood the Bible more.


I am from a country where Christianity is restricted and sometimes media and emails are intercepted. So I thank God that today I am able to send you a thank you note to say that we always enjoy watching Hope Channel streamed live on our computer. Please continue praying for people like us.


I watch and study with ya’ll daily after work. In fact, if it wasn’t for Hope Channel, TV wouldn’t be worth watching! Here is my gift of $10. It’s all I have to contribute at this time. I hope and pray that you accept it and add it to His ministry and cause.


I am a 73-year-old widow. I stay home most of the time and watch TV for company. I especially like Hope Channel and several programs you present. I am sending a donation of “a widow’s mite.” May God bless and increase this small amount . Keep broadcasting your good programs


My marriage was falling apart. In desperation, I googled for help to be a better husband and friend to my wife. And I found Hope Channel. That was three years ago. We are happy now and I am a better person.


2 Q U A R T E R 4 • 2 0 1 4 | A N I N S P I R A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | H O P E L I N K H O P E L I N K | A N I N S P I R A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | Q U A R T E R 4 • 2 0 1 4 3

camporee 2014

A gathering that occurs every five years in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the International Pathfinder* Camporee this year was attended by

more than 45,000 from all over the world. Australians travelled some 9,000 miles and Kenyans 7,000! But, regardless of the miles traveled by each club, the level of excitement and blessings was an equal high for all.

Two teams from Hope Channel were also at the camporee —one produced the daily, live broadcast of the event and the other manned a booth to raise awareness of the impact of television ministry around the world.

Drama, Music, and a Powerful Message At the end of every day filled with activities, games, and classes, the youth gathered for worship and praise. Under the theme “Forever Faithful,” boys and girls learned lessons from the life of Daniel. The main feature every evening was a dramatic presentation of the book of Daniel with original music and lyrics, handmade costumes and professional actors. Next, daily sermons by pastor Sam Leonor con-nected Daniel to the practical issues faced by young people today. In response to the messages and to God’s calling, many were baptized every day. All this was captured by the Hope Channel team in the daily broadcast. And thousands of people across the world who could not be there watched the event as it was streamed live.

The Tag Hunting ExperienceWhile the production team was busy interviewing people and chasing down stories for the evening broadcast on Hope Church Channel, the marketing team at the Hope Channel exhibit debuted the game Tag Hunter, a scavenger hunt that combines fun activities with Hope

Channel’s mission to change lives around the world with God’s good news. The game was so popular that triple lines snaked out of the exhibit area for about an eighth of a mile.

Starting with a Tag Hunter app or logbook, “hunters” began a quest for seven silicone dog tags that represent the seven continents where Hope Channel is changing lives with the message of God’s love and grace. The game challenged hunters to unravel clues and participate in events, honors classes, and activities around the campgrounds—all of which led to the acquisition of tags. Hunters who found all seven tags, not only got to keep their limited-edition collection, but were also entered to win one of two iPad minis.

When the camporee was over and clubs headed home in cars and buses and planes, one could still see signs of tag hunters. In rest stops and airport lounges Pathfinders were spotted wearing colorful tags. Like everything else at the camporee, the experience and memories of tag hunting will not only be reminiscent of fun times with friends but also an affirmation of being part of a church focused on sharing God’s good news.

Years from now, when these Pathfinders are adults, when they hear of the television ministry of Hope Channel, surely they will remember a warm week in Oshkosh when they scrambled to “tag” each continent with God’s Word.

*A Seventh-day Adventist club similar to the Scouts.

changing livesaround the world

youth discover the impact of hope channel television ministry

4 Q U A R T E R 4 • 2 0 1 4 | A N I N S P I R A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | H O P E L I N K

camporee 2014

Photo courtesy of Joe Sloan

Bryan Davis, PMC Evergreens ClubThe club associated with the Pioneer Memorial Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan, is large with 79 children. Eight-year-old Bryan plans on owning a sheep farm when he grows up. But for now, he’s going to work on finding ways to share his iPad mini with his older brother. With Bryan are his mom Marlyce, and his sister who is also named Marlyce.

Hector Leyva Rodriguez, Doulos Mexico Club There are 125 young people in Hector’s club and he was one of the fortunate 46 who attended the Camporee. The iPad mini was an extra special win for him because he loves Apple products and wants to be a systems engineer one day. Next to Hector is Hiram Ruiz, youth pastor at Montemorelos University.


H O P E L I N K | A N I N S P I R A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | Q U A R T E R 4 • 2 0 1 4 5

It was a week before Father’s Day and Jesse was pacing the hallway of the emergency room.

He ran every possible scenario in his mind, and none of them gave him any consolation. This was his father on the other side of the heavy doors, this was the man who had given him so much. If only there were something Jesse could give him to show his father Thomas how much he loved him, cared for him.

So Jesse prayed. For the past few years, he and his fam-ily had become a praying family. They had stumbled upon Hope Channel and had started watching Cross Connection together as a family.

While Jesse fervently prayed, he had a crazy thought—and hurriedly sent off this email to the Cross Connection team.

A practical young man, Jesse didn’t expect a quick response to his email. But he felt better about having tried to do something special for Thomas. The next day the family was

told that the stroke was not as serious as they initially had thought and that Thomas could go home. Jesse, his mother Anne, and his brother Isaiah were grateful for God’s angels watching over Thomas. Happy and relieved, they took him home.

Jesse’s happiness was doubled that day, though, when he received an email from Cross Connection host Oleg who, as soon as he got the email, had already started making plans to visit Thomas the following weekend! Over the next few days, Jesse and Oleg worked on details of how to make the visit a surprise for Thomas.

On Saturday, the day before Father’s Day, Oleg and his wife Julia drove three and a half hours to surprise Thomas who, of course, had no clue that his favorite television personality was going to be walking into his living room any minute.

Jesse was waiting for Oleg and Julia on the front porch. He led Oleg into the house where Thomas, Anne, and Isaiah were watching a soccer game on television. Following closely behind was Julia trying to unobtrusively catch the meeting on video using her phone.

“Thomas immediately recognized me,” says Oleg, “It was such a pleasure to see so much joy in his eyes. It felt like we had known each other forever.”

For the next three hours Oleg and Julia listened to fam-ily stories over coffee and Anne’s freshly-baked brownies. Thomas has been watching Hope Channel for about five years through DirecTV. There are many religious options on DirecTV, but the family only watches two channels. “We watch Hope Channel because Hope Channel people know their Bible and know what they talk about,” said Thomas. “And we also watch EWTN because we are Catholic.”

While they were brought up Catholic, Thomas and Anne stopped attending any kind of church a long time ago. “Cross Connection is our church,” says Anne. “Every Tues-day night at nine the family gathers around the television to watch another episode of Cross Connection.”

This message is for Oleg, but I doubt he’ll read it because he’s probably too busy. My dad and I watch your show religiously, no pun intended. We are both huge fans. Recently things have been pretty rough on him unfor-tunately. He’s been battling stroke problems for a couple years now. If there’s one thing I know that would put a smile on his face it would be seeing you in person! However, money is pretty tight in our household so there’s no way he’d be able to come anywhere you’d ever be to see you. So I’m asking you if you’d be interested in performing a miracle and reaching out to my father in person by coming to my small town in Pennsylvania to spend some precious time with him and pray with him.

He’d be the jolliest old man in the world.

Your friend regardless,



To: [email protected]


6 Q U A R T E R 4 • 2 0 1 4 | A N I N S P I R A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | H O P E L I N K

Just as one usually knows the people one worships with at church—those who always sit behind you and the pastor who greets you at the door—Thomas knows everyone on Cross Connection. “It was exciting to hear Thomas send his greetings to regular guests on the show. He even recognized Julia who has only been on the show a few times,” says Oleg remembering how surprised he was at the knowledge Thomas has of the show.

Thomas knew details of his favorite episodes that even Oleg had forgotten about, and asked about when the Gospel of Luke would be studied. This was a man whose intense appe-tite for God’s Word has been satiated by Hope Channel.

Oleg, who had made the journey primarily to make a sick man happy, was unprepared to see just how much God’s hand is at work in Hope Channel’s everyday ministry. “It was a humbling experience to see how God can use televi-sion to touch people’s hearts. Thomas, Anne, Jesse, and Isaiah are a big part of the Cross Connection community that seeks to know Jesus better through the study of the Gospel,” comments Oleg on seeing the link between this family in Pennsylvania and the mission of Cross Connection. “For three years the Cross Connection team has been trying to help people fall in love with Jesus and dig deeper into the greatest story ever told, the story of Jesus. We studied the Gospels of Matthew, John, and Mark together with our viewers. In every episode we discovered how the story of Jesus never stops to surprise those whose seek Him. Every chapter of the Gospels presents hidden treasures of grace and hope.”

And here, in this home, was proof of a man who met Jesus all over again through the Word of God and Cross Connection.

Oleg and Julia drove back to their home that Saturday totally in awe of being used in such a personal way by God. The email from Anne the next day only confirmed their thoughts and experience on that unforgettable road trip to Pennsylvania.

Just wanted to say a special thank you to you and your lovely wife, Julia, for spend-ing the day with us yesterday. What a won-derful surprise and blessing it was for my husband for Father’s Day! You truly made the holiday for him and I do consider it a blessing because, as you know, he’s in poor health and your visit really lifted his spirits! I think it’s even more of a bless-ing that my son contacted you...that child will never cease to surprise me!! He thought you were a “cool dude” and he’s still beam-ing today!

We are all excited that you want to share this story and look forward to doing what we can to help you spread the Word of Jesus. You are an inspiration and truly an example of what I believe Jesus’ message is all about. The fact that you took time from your life to spend a few hours with my family, complete strangers, just to uplift us and ease our burden for awhile is utterly amaz-ing. I thank you again from the bottom of my heart and hope we remain in touch. May God watch over you and bless you always.... I am crying tears of joy and thankfulness right now because of you!!


Watch the video Julia shot at: www.hopetv.org/thomas

To: [email protected]

Join co-hosts Oleg and Sergio on Hope

Channel for Cross Connection

Tuesdays, 9 p.m., E.S.T and P.S.T.

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Now on television!Stories from our mission team members and the people they reach.

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12:00am 1:00amLife and Teachings of Jesus

Lifestyle Magazine Experience the Power Walter Pearson

2:00am 3:00am12:30am 1:30am Life's Beat Cliff! Unhooked Creation Health 2:30am 3:30am1:00am 2:00am New Perceptions

Dwight Nelson3:00am 4:00am

1:30am 2:30am 3:30am 4:30am2:00am 3:00am Everlasting Gospel

Doug BatchelorAmazing Discoveries

Mark FinleyRevelation Speaks Hope Pastor Brian McMahon

Experience the Power Walter Pearson

Revelation: Hope, Meaning & Purpose It is Written: Revelation Today Everlasting Gospel

Doug Batchelor4:00am 5:00am

2:30am 3:30am 4:30am 5:30am3:00am 4:00am It is Written

Daily HopeIt is Written 5:00am 6:00am

3:30am 4:30am Breath of Life Adventist News 5:30am 6:30am4:00am 5:00am Amazing Discoveries

Mark FinleyMy Story, My Song (Part B - concert)

Hope Sabbath School6:00am 7:00am

4:30am 5:30am Letters From a Lonely Isle Master’s Brush Footsteps of Jesus Scenic Praise Unhooked 6:30am 7:30am5:00am 6:00am Higher Ground Breath of Life God?

David AsscherickAmazing Discoveries

Mark FinleyDisclosure: The Future

Declassified Let’s Pray!Mission 360 7:00am 8:00am

5:30am 6:30am Cliff! Ministry in Motion Scenic Praise 7:30am 8:30am6:00am 7:00am Revelation: Hope,

Meaning & Purpose Heart Quest/Life Quest It is Written: Revelation Today Cross Connection Beginnings Experience the Power

Walter PearsonBreath of Life 8:00am 9:00am

6:30am 7:30am Jesus 101 Sabbath School U 8:30am 9:30am7:00am 8:00am

Hope Sabbath School Daily Hope Hope Sabbath School9:00am 10:00am

7:30am 8:30am 9:30am 10:30am8:00am 9:00am Breath of Life Real Family Talk Cookin' Up Good Health

Let’s Pray! Naturally Gourmet Natural Lifestyle Cooking

New Perceptions10:00am 11:00am

8:30am 9:30am It is Written Ministry in Motion Jesus 101 Remodel Your LifeSeeds of Greatness

10:30am 11:30am9:00am 10:00am Experience the Power

Walter PearsonGlobal Faith & Freedom AWR - Making Waves Natural Lifestyle Cooking Mad About Marriage Breath of Life 11:00am 12:00pm

9:30am 10:30am Adventures in Mission Janice’s Attic Club Zone Lighthouse Adventures Parker’s Puzzle It is Written 11:30am 12:30pm10:00am 11:00am Everlasting Gospel

Doug Batchelor New Perceptions12:00pm 1:00pm

10:30am 11:30am 12:30am 1:30pm11:00am 12:00pm Beginnings

Go Healthy…For Good!Sabbath School U God?

David Asscherick1:00pm 2:00pm

11:30am 12:30pm Breath of Life Adventures in Mission 1:30pm 2:30pm12:00pm 1:00pm It is Written IIW Canada

Hope Sabbath SchoolIt is Written IIW Oceania Scenic Praise 2:00pm 3:00pm

12:30pm 1:30pm Jesus 101 Mission Today Global Faith & Freedom Sabbath School U Amazing Facts Presents Animal Encounters 2:30pm 3:30pm1:00pm 2:00pm God?

David Asscherick It is Written: Revelation Today Experience the Power with Pastor Walter Pearson Prophecies Decoded with

Pastor Ron Clouzet

Revelation Speaks Hope Pastor Brian McMahon

Discoveries in Revelation's Prophecy My Story, My Song

3:00pm 4:00pm1:30pm 2:30pm 3:30pm 4:30pm2:00pm 3:00pm Real Family Talk Global Faith & Freedom Cliff! Natural Lifestyle Cooking

Hope Sabbath SchoolMission 360 4:00pm 5:00pm

2:30pm 3:30pm Natural Lifestyle Cooking Club Zone Lighthouse Adventures Janice’s Attic Parker’s Puzzle Mission Today 4:30pm 5:30pm3:00pm 4:00pm

My Story, My Song Lifestyle Magazine Real Family Talk Breath of Life Adventist News 5:00pm 6:00pm

3:30pm 4:30pm Remodel Your Life AWR - Making Waves Maranatha Mission Sabbath School U It is Written Animal Encounters 5:30pm 6:30pm4:00pm 5:00pm

Cross Connection Go Healthy…For Good!Animal Encounters Beginnings 6:00pm 7:00pm

4:30pm 5:30pm Adventist News Jesus 101 6:30pm 7:30pm5:00pm 6:00pm Real Family Talk

Hope Sabbath School Let's Pray! God? David Asscherick

Animal EncountersHope Sabbath School

Remodel Your Life 7:00pm 8:00pm5:30pm 6:30pm Beginnings Mission Today Maranatha Mission 7:30pm 8:30pm6:00pm 7:00pm Unhooked Soldiers of Destiny

Cross ConnectionBeginnings

It is Written: Revelation Today My Story, My Song God? David Asscherick

8:00pm 9:00pm6:30pm 7:30pm Animal Encounters Remodel Your Life Cliff! 8:30pm 9:30pm7:00pm 8:00pm Amazing Facts Presents

Go Healthy…For Good! Cross Connection Family Reunion

9:00pm 10:00pm7:30pm 8:30pm Mission Today 9:30pm 10:30pm8:00pm 9:00pm Adventures in Mission

Hope Sabbath School Let's Pray! God? David Asscherick

Animal Encounters Mission 360 10:00pm 11:00pm8:30pm 9:30pm Maranatha Mission Real Family Talk Adventist News In Focus 10:30pm 11:30pm9:00pm 10:00pm Unhooked

My Story, My Song Cross ConnectionBeginnings

It is Written: Revelation Today Central Study Hour God? David Asscherick

11:00pm 12:00am9:30pm 10:30pm Animal Encounters Cliff! 11:30pm 12:30am10:00pm 11:00pm

Hope Sabbath School Cross Connection Cross Connection New Perceptions12:00am 1:00am

10:30pm 11:30pm 12:30am 1:30am11:00pm 12:00am Fish Bowl Unhooked Footsteps of Jesus AWR - Making Waves Scenic Praise

My Story, My Song Hope Concert Series1:00am 2:00am

11:30pm 12:30am Edge TV Jesus 101 Forest Lake Church Loma Linda 360 Global Faith & Freedom 1:30am 2:30am

DIRECTV Channel 368 | Glorystar Channel 104 | Hope Channel App | Through Roku | Streaming online at hopetv.org


at hopetv.org/program-guide.

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12:00am 1:00am Seven SignsJose Rojas Life & Teachings of Christ Life on the Edge Camp Meeting Downunder Cracking the Genesis Code -

Stephen BohrEvidence from London

Dwight NelsonDiscover 2:00am 3:00am

12:30am 1:30am Cliff! 2:30am 3:30am1:00am 2:00am His Word Alive His Word Alive His Word Alive His Word Alive His Word Alive His Word Alive His Word Alive 3:00am 4:00am1:30am 2:30am Forest Lake Church Forest Lake Church Forest Lake Church Forest Lake Church Forest Lake Church Forest Lake Church Forest Lake Church 3:30am 4:30am2:00am 3:00am Experience the Power

Walter PearsonBreath of Life

Breath of Life Home Series - CD Brooks

Mind the GapBrighter Hope Hope 2010 Jesus is

Coming AgainHigher Ground 4:00am 5:00am

2:30am 3:30am Wait a Minute Pastor Happy Family Adventist News Network 4:30am 5:30am3:00am 4:00am Everlasting Gospel

Doug BatchelorEverlasting Gospel

Doug BatchelorHeart QuestMike Tucker Momentum Prophecies of Hope

Gary Gibbs It is Written: Revelation Today5:00am 6:00am

3:30am 4:30am His Word Alive 5:30am 6:30am4:00am 5:00am A Man for All Time

Mark FinleyGod?

David AsscherickForest Lake Church Discoveries of a Lifetime

Mark FinleyA Man for All Time

Mark FinleyGod?

David AsscherickDiscoveries 2010

Mark Finley6:00am 7:00am

4:30am 5:30am Adventist News Network 6:30am 7:30am5:00am 6:00am

Daily Hope Hope Sabbath School Hope Sabbath School7:00am 8:00am

5:30am 6:30am 7:30am 8:30am6:00am 7:00am Everlasting Gospel

Doug Batchelor Prophecies Decoded Ron Clouzet

Encounters of JesusBill Liversidge SDA Heritage Series

Ministry in Motion Millennium of Prophecy- Doug Batchelor

Victory in Jesus 8:00am 9:00am6:30am 7:30am Adventist News Network Adventist News Network 8:30am 9:30am7:00am 8:00am Revelation Speaks Hope

Brian McMahonProphecies of Hope

Gary GibbsWahroonga Church The Appearing

Shawn Boonstra A New Song Elizabeth Talbot

New PerceptionsDwight Nelson

9:00am 10:00am7:30am 8:30am Adventist Classics Happy Family 9:30am 10:30am8:00am 9:00am Forest Lake Church

Life on the EdgeMission 360 Cracking the Genesis Code -

Stephen BohrEvidence from London

Dwight NelsonSeven SignsJose Rojas

10:00am 11:00am8:30am 9:30am Adventist News Network My Alaska Cliff! 10:30am 11:30am9:00am 10:00am New Perceptions

Dwight Nelson11:00am 12:00pm

9:30am 10:30am 11:30am 12:30pm10:00am 11:00am Breath of Life A Man for All Time

Mark FinleyGod?

David AsscherickMinistry in Motion Hope 2010 Jesus is

Coming AgainHigher Ground Experience the Power

Walter Pearson12:00pm 1:00pm

10:30am 11:30am Bible Faces Happy FamilyProphecies Decoded

Ron Clouzet

12:30pm 1:30pm11:00am 12:00pm Everlasting Gospel

Doug BatchelorHigher Ground Heart Quest

Mike Tucker Momentum Encounters of Jesus Everlasting GospelDoug Batchelor

1:00pm 2:00pm11:30am 12:30pm Victory in Jesus 1:30pm 2:30pm12:00pm 1:00pm A Man for All Time

Mark FinleyGod?

David AsscherickDiscoveries of a Lifetime

Mark Finley Discoveries ‘08Mark Finley

Discoveries of PropheciesMark Finley

Mission 360 Discoveries 2010Mark Finley

2:00pm 3:00pm12:30pm 1:30pm My Alaska 2:30pm 3:30pm1:00pm 2:00pm New Perceptions

Dwight NelsonVillage Church

Bradshaw/VendenGift of Light Bible Faces

A New Song Elizabeth Talbot

3:00pm 4:00pm1:30pm 2:30pm Ministry in Motion It is Written It is Written It is Written 3:30pm 4:30pm2:00pm 3:00pm Everlasting Gospel

Doug BatchelorEncounters of Jesus

Bill LiversidgeA Time of the End

Ken CoxBible Faces

Life on the Edge God? David Asscherick

4:00pm 5:00pm2:30pm 3:30pm Adventist News Network Victory in Jesus 4:30pm 5:30pm3:00pm 4:00pm

French Programs5:00pm 6:00pm

3:30pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 6:30pm4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm4:30pm 5:30pm Cliff! Cliff! Cliff! Cliff! Cliff!

A New Song Elizabeth Talbot

Cliff! 6:30pm 7:30pm5:00pm 6:00pm Victory in Jesus His Word Alive His Word Alive His Word Alive Bible Faces His Word Alive 7:00pm 8:00pm5:30pm 6:30pm Mission 360 Forest Lake Church Ministry in Motion Forest Lake Church Forest Lake Church Forest Lake Church 7:30pm 8:30pm6:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Hope Hope Sabbath School Encounters of JesusBill Liversidge

8:00pm 9:00pm6:30pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 9:30pm7:00pm 8:00pm Everlasting Gospel

Doug BatchelorHigher Ground Happy Family

Momentum Encounters of Jesus It is Written: Revelation TodayHigher Ground 9:00pm 10:00pm

7:30pm 8:30pm Ministry in Motion Adventist News Network Adventist News Network 9:30pm 10:30pm8:00pm 9:00pm Victory in jesus My Alaska God?

David AsscherickWahroonga Church

A New Song Elizabeth Talbot

Encounters of Jesus Bill Liversidge

Wahroonga Church 10:00pm 11:00pm8:30pm 9:30pm Mission 360 Bible Faces My Alaska Gift of Light 10:30pm 11:30pm9:00pm 10:00pm Happy Family Village Church

Bradshaw/VendenGift of Light Breath of Life Higher Ground Brighter Hope 11:00pm 12:00am

9:30pm 10:30pm Adventist News Network Happy Family It is Written It is Written It is Written Faith for Today - Tucker 11:30pm 12:30am10:00pm 11:00pm Everlasting Gospel

Doug Batchelor Prophecies Decoded Ron Clouzet

Encounters of Jesus SDA Heritage Series Life on the Edge Millennium of Prophecy- Doug Batchelor

Everlasting GospelDoug Batchelor

12:00am 1:00am10:30pm 11:30pm 12:30am 1:30am11:00pm 12:00am Revelation Speaks Hope

Brian McMahonProphecies of Hope

Gary GibbsWahroonga Church The Appearing

Shawn BoonstraForest Lake Church New Perceptions

Dwight Nelson1:00am 2:00am

11:30pm 12:30am Adventist Classics Happy Family Adventist News Network 1:30am 2:30am

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Here’s what viewers are saying about the Hope Channel series, GOD?


Change in DirecTV

Fix yourself a snack (find a recipe at gohealthy.hopetv.org) and watch two new shows this season.

While Hope Channel was part of DirecTV’s standard definition system it was available to approximately nine mil-lion viewers. Now being part of DirecTV’s high definition package, the potential viewers of Hope Channel has

increased to more than fifteen million.

Please note that Hope Channel does not receive any portion of the increase in monthly fees you may experience from this switch. We regret the inconvenience this change has caused viewers with the standard definition package.

For a limited time, “Why do Children Suffer?”, one episode from this 12-part series is being offered for FREE. You can download it here: www.hopetv.org/god/

I was simply overwhelmed by this series. —Betty

A great to show to share with my friends. —Peter

Direct, easy to understand, and interesting to anyone, regardless of one’s faith or denomination. —Mac

Asscherick’s presentation on Jesus and Darwin was remarkable. —Meg

My favorite episode in this series is “Why do Children Suffer?” It has answered so many of my questions. —Lorraine

A 30-minute reality program that takes you directly to the mission field where volunteer mission teams

are changing lives forever. The centerfold pages of this magazine are a poster about this show. Use it to tell others about Missions Today.

Delicious three-course vegan meals for your family. As a fourth course Pastor Mark Finley shares a

devotional thought on how food shows us a fresh understanding of God1s love.

12 Q U A R T E R 4 • 2 0 1 4 | A N I N S P I R A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | H O P E L I N K





July 1 was a very exciting day for Hope Channel Malawi when the studio renovations were finally

completed. Set walls, furniture, lighting, and cameras were ready to begin production in Chichewa, the re-gional language. “We call this a miracle! Just months ago we had nothing. To now have a functional studio and tape programs is incredible,” says Charles Than-galimodz, director of Hope Channel Malawi. Hope Channel Malawi will soon be broadcast nationwide on the GoTV digital platform alongside Malawi Broadcast-ing Corporation (MBC).

The renovation led by the corporate offices of Hope Channel and Kandus Thorp, Vice President, Interna-tional Development, transformed a conference room, offices, and guest bedrooms into a studio and various production rooms. The renovated area also includes a relaxing green room for guests and visitors.

The project was made possible with the help of ev-eryone at Hope Channel Malawi and many volunteers like “Jack” Aurel Cojocaiu, a long-time Hope Channel volunteer who travelled from Australia to build new set walls, install new countertops, paint, and lay car-pet. Noel Sibanda and technician Walter Ferriera from SIDmedia in Cape Town along with Gabriel Begle from Hope Channel corporate helped set up production equipment and train the local team.

The new Malawi studio

August 7 marked the inaugural opening of Hope ChannelIndonesia. Satellite space on Telkom, covering all of

Indonesia and much of Southeast Asia, has been purchased for full-time broadcast in Bahasa, the primary dialect. Offering God’s good news to the largest Muslim country in the world, this newest channel becomes the 33rd channel in Hope Channel’s global network!

In its first year of satellite broadcast, Hope Channel Philippines is on 33 cable stations throughout the country. Four high-powered stations in large cities now make God’s love available to millions. In another amazing devel-

opment, the Korean Broadcasting Corporation is partnering with Hope Channel Philippines to provide free broad-cast and digital equipment.

Before renovations

12 Q U A R T E R 4 • 2 0 1 4 | A N I N S P I R A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | H O P E L I N K H O P E L I N K | A N I N S P I R A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | Q U A R T E R 4 • 2 0 1 4 13









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If God titled the story of your life, what would it be?

“Lost & Found”


“Sitting at the feet of Jesus”“Created for a Purpose”

“One Hot Mess... but I love You Anyway”


“God’s Gracious Gift Reborn”

“Rebuild in Progress”

“The Prodigal Daughter”

“A Man From the Mire”

“No Turning Back”

“Along the Journey”“Rescued”

“Welcome Home”

“An Everyday Miracle of Grace”

“Stand Still” “Victory”

“Saved by Grace”“Loved and Forgiven”

14 Q U A R T E R 4 • 2 0 1 4 | A N I N S P I R A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | H O P E L I N K

Order by Phone or Online Today! 888-4-HOPE-TV (888-446-7388)www.hopetv.org/store

Shipping and handling apply to each purchase

to Grow and Share Your FaithResources

DVD # 458035 $19.9512 DVD SET #458015 $49.95

God? by David AsscherickDavid Asscherick unravels the mystery and questions about God. Using contemporary events and writings, he explains simply and logically topics such as the importance of church, the relevance of the Bible, and the role God plays in our lives.

While full of imagery and prophecy, the book of Revelation can be synthesized into five major themes. In this series Mark Finley unveils these overarching themes and reveals the timelessness of their message even after thousands of years.

Revelation’s Great Themes

26 DVD SET #425667

Prophecies of Hope by Gary GibbsLearning Bible prophecy is easy with these informative presentations that unlock the mysteries of Revelation and help you understand the ancient prophecies that affect our day.

DVD #425870 $14.95

Metamorphosis The extraordinary process of metamorphosis, and the inability of “natural selection” to explain it, is the topic of this spectacular 1-hr DVD.

DVD #425788 $34.95 DVD #425866 $24.95

8 DVD Set #425897 $39.99

Creation Health by Mark FinleyMark Finley’s 8 motivating sessions from the Creation Health/Healthy 100 event. Four DVDs teach how to strengthen your body, mind, and spirit to live long with power, passion, and purpose.

Blessingsby Jerry D. Thomas

Book #417581 $15.95

A modern-day paraphrase of the Ellen G. White classic, Thoughts From the Mount of Blessings, this is fresh, new perspective into the words of Christ.

Book #425896 $24.95

Natural Lifestyle CookingErnestine “Teenie” Finley’s prized cooking tips can be yours! Taste-tested recipes from her popular seminars… and the Finley family kitchen! Hardcover, spiral binding, full-color pictures, and easy-to-follow recipes.

Amazing Discoveriesby Mark FinleyJoin Pastor Finley for an incredible journey through time. You will be amazed at archaeological discoveries that confirm God’s Word as truth. These fully-illustrated presentations reveal the secrets of the ancient past and their meaning for our lives today!20 DVD Set #425819 $89.95

Book #425812 $11.95

Conversations with Jesus by Jerry D. ThomasWhat would it be like to have a conversation with Jesus? What would you say to Him? More importantly, what would He say to you?

The Blessing of Adversity By Barry Black

Book #418495 $14.95

Retired U.S. Navy admiral and the 62nd chaplain of the U.S. Senate, Black offers a blueprint for removing the sting of life’s trials, showing us how to let God use our pain for His glory.

Steps to Christ in SongBased on the life-changing masterpiece, Steps to Christ, this is a perfect gift for those to whom you would like to introduce Jesus. Included,13 half-hour episodes filled with testimonies and songs and the written and audio book, Steps to Christ.

Science Lessons by Clifford GoldsteinScience is precise. The evidence either proves or disproves assumptions, hypotheses and conjectures. There’s no room for the supernatural…or is there? Cliff will be one of the most interesting teachers you’ll encounter. So, take a front seat and let class begin!





H O P E L I N K | A N I N S P I R A T I O N A L N E W S L E T T E R F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | Q U A R T E R 4 • 2 0 1 4 15

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The good news is that with a charitable gift annuity, you can receive a generous fixed income with payments made to you or your loved ones for life. Not only will you help Hope Channel further the gospel broadcast but you will also receive fixed income for your lifetime.

Now is the time to lock in a generous payout rate based on your age.

To find out more, call Dr. Al Navarro at 1-888-339-PLAN (7526).

Call 888-4-HOPE-TV or email [email protected]

PO Box 4000Silver Spring, MD 20914

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