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Page 1: OECD FOREIGN BRIBERY REPORT · OECD FOREIGN BRIBERY REPORT 4 OECD 2014 With this report, I challenge governments, business and society to change the incentives. The corrupt must be

OECD FOREIGN BRIBERY REPORTAn analysis of the crime of bribery of foreign public officials

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Corruption, and the perception of corruption, erodes trust in governments, businesses and

markets. In the aftermath of the greatest financial crisis of our time, we need to rebuild that

trust more than ever before. Corruption also undermines growth and development. On the

one hand, businesses forego innovation and competitiveness for bribery. On the other hand,

individuals within governments divert funds for their own personal use that should be used to

promote the well-being of people. By ending impunity and holding corrupt people to account,

we can begin to restore faith in our institutions and industries.

The OECD has an arsenal of legal instruments and recommendations for fighting corruption

in its many forms, including through criminalising bribery in international business, promoting

responsible business conduct, protecting whistleblowers and insisting on integrity and

transparency in public procurement processes. The OECD Convention on Combating Bribery

of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions is the cornerstone of OECD

efforts to combat corruption. Accession to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention obligates its

41 State Parties to make bribery in international business a serious crime, and to enforce it, thus

tackling head on this scourge on economic growth and development.

However, in order to fight corruption and win, we have to know our enemy. Until now, there

have been very few successful attempts to measure this complex and covert crime. We have

been fighting in the dark. Often disguised through a series of offshore transactions, multiple

intermediaries and complex corporate structures, the detection, investigation and sanctioning

of foreign bribery requires expertise, time and co-operation.

The OECD Foreign Bribery Report brings us, for the first time, face to face with our foe. This

report endeavours to measure, and to describe, transnational corruption based on data from

the 427 foreign bribery cases that have been concluded since the entry into force of the OECD

Anti-Bribery Convention in 1999. We have learned that bribes are being paid across sectors to

officials from countries at all stages of economic development. Corporate leadership is involved,

or at least aware, of the practice of foreign bribery in most cases, rebutting perceptions of bribery

as the act of rogue employees. Intermediaries, both agents and corporate vehicles, are used in

most corrupt transactions while the majority of bribes are paid to obtain public procurement

contracts. With bribes averaging 10.9% of the total transaction value, and combined monetary

sanctions ranging from 100 to 200% of the proceeds of the corrupt transaction in 41% of cases,

the business case against corruption is clear.


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With this report, I challenge governments, business and society to change the incentives. The

corrupt must be brought to justice; the prevention of business crime should be at the centre

of corporate governance policies; and public procurement needs to be synonymous with

integrity, transparency and accountability. Collective action is needed to win the war against

corruption and we are now better equipped than ever to prevent, detect and punish this crime

and give the fight against foreign bribery the priority it deserves.

Angel Gurría

OECD Secretary-General

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Methodology 11

Enforcement of the foreign bribery offence 13

How is foreign bribery detected? 15

How is foreign bribery punished? 18

Foreign bribery: the who, what, where, why and how 21

n Who is bribing? 21

n Who is receiving the bribe? 22

n What is the cost of a bribe? 25

n How are bribes being paid? 28

n Where are bribes being paid? 29

n Where are the bribers being punished? 31

n Why are bribes being paid? 32


Preliminary conclusions 33

n Availability of information on foreign bribery cases 33

n Detection and reporting 33

n Timeframes 34

n Sanctions 34

n Settlements 34

n Compliance programmes 34

n Public procurement 35

Next steps 36





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Parties to the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and members of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group have committed to combat foreign bribery. The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention is the first and only international, legally binding instrument focused exclusively on the supply of bribes by individual entrepreneurs and companies to foreign public officials. Parties to the Convention must make it illegal for their citizens and businesses to bribe foreign public officials while doing business abroad and G20 countries have committed to adhere to these standards. Making foreign bribery a crime is an important step forward to holding businesses responsible for this particularly insidious form of corruption.

The starting point for the research behind the OECD Foreign Bribery Report was therefore to address the enforcement challenge, by illustrating the crime of foreign bribery in real terms. Drawing on cases of bribery of foreign public officials by individuals and companies concluded between the entry into force of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention on 15 February 1999 and 1 June 2014, this report provides a clearer picture of a crime that, until now, we have only been able to talk about in general terms.

The report was prepared by Ms. Leah Ambler, Legal Analyst, OECD Anti-Corruption Division, with the assistance of Ms. Samantha Bloch and Mr. Martin Grande, Research Assistants, OECD Anti-Corruption Division and Dr. Caroline Roulet, Economist, OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs. This report is intended to form the basis of ongoing work as additional foreign bribery cases are concluded and made public, providing further information for analysis.

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The OECD Foreign Bribery Report presents an

analysis of all foreign bribery1 enforcement actions

that have been completed since the entry into force

of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of

Foreign Public Officials in International Business

Transactions (OECD Anti-Bribery Convention). In

presenting data obtained from law enforcement

authorities in the seventeen countries that have

successfully concluded a foreign bribery case in

their jurisdiction to date, this report seeks to paint

a clearer picture of the crime of foreign bribery.

It demonstrates that enforcement of anti-bribery

laws has drastically increased since the entry into

force of the Convention. This report not only tells

the story of how bribes are paid, where they are

paid, and to whom, but also who is being sanc-

tioned for this offence and how.

This report has been prepared with the aim of assisting the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International

Business Transactions (OECD WGB) and the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group (G20 ACWG) in their

efforts to combat transnational bribery. The OECD WGB is made up of representatives from the 41 Parties

to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. Sixteen OECD WGB members are also members of the G20 ACWG.

The report also supports G20 countries’ “determination to combat domestic and foreign bribery”, as expressed

in the September 2013 St. Petersburg Leaders’ Declaration, and the G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan 2013-2014.

Consistent with the St. Petersburg Strategic Framework for the G20 ACWG, the report aims to “develop,

promote and support rigorous standards in anti-corruption legislation, regulation and policy and continue to

focus on closing the implementation and enforcement gap, including for high-risk sectors”.2

The report outlines trends in enforcement of the foreign bribery offence which will be useful for anti-

corruption policymakers, law enforcement agencies and private sector actors across G20 governments and

B20 (business) and C20 (civil society) stakeholders. It concludes with a set of preliminary conclusions and

suggestions for a more targeted approach to preventing, detecting and punishing this crime. It is hoped that

this report will be the first of a series of future editions as additional foreign bribery cases are concluded

and made public, providing further information for analysis.

DEFINITION OF FOREIGN BRIBERYFor the purposes of this report, foreign bribery is defined in accordance with Article 1 of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, as “to offer, promise or give any undue pecuniary or other advantage, whether directly or through intermediaries, to a foreign public official, for that official or for a third party, in order that the official act or refrain from acting in relation to the performance of official duties, in order to obtain or retain business or other improper advantage in the conduct of international business.”


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The following statistics are based on analysis of the information contained in enforcement actions against

263 individuals and 164 entities for the foreign bribery offence (a total of 427 cases) concluded between the

entry into force of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention (15 February 1999) and 1 June 2014. The data was not

always available for all categories in all cases; therefore some percentages may be from a reduced data set.

Please refer to the relevant section of the report for a detailed description of the data set for each category.










Two-thirds of the foreign bribery cases occurred in four sectors:

extractive (19%); construction (15%); transportation and storage

(15%); and information and communication (10%).

Almost half of the cases involved bribery of public officials from countries

with high (22%) to very high (21%) levels of human development.3

In 41% of cases management-level employees paid or authorised the

bribe, whereas the company CEO was involved in 12% of cases. In

one case, a congressman was convicted of conspiracy to bribe foreign

public officials.

Intermediaries were involved in 3 out of 4 foreign bribery cases.

These intermediaries were agents, such as local sales and marketing

agents, distributors and brokers, in 41% of cases. Another 35% of

intermediaries were corporate vehicles, such as subsidiary companies,

local consulting firms, companies located in offshore financial

centres or tax havens, or companies established under the beneficial

ownership of the public official who received the bribes.

Bribes were promised, offered or given most frequently to employees

of public enterprises4 (State-owned or controlled enterprises, SOEs)

(27%), followed by customs officials (11%), health officials (7%) and

defence officials (6%).

In the majority of cases, bribes were paid to obtain public procurement

contracts (57%), followed by clearance of customs procedures (12%).

On average, bribes equalled 10.9% of the total transaction value and

34.5% of the profits.

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One in three cases came to the attention of authorities through self-

reporting by defendant companies or individuals. The next most

common sources were investigations initiated directly by law

enforcement authorities (13%) and foreign bribery cases that came

to light in the context of formal or informal mutual legal assistance

between countries (13%). Whistleblower reports and media coverage

very rarely instigated a foreign bribery investigation (2% and 5%,


Companies that self-reported became aware of the foreign bribery in

their international operations primarily through internal audits (31%)

and merger and acquisition due diligence procedures (28%).

Prison sentences were handed down to 80 individuals who were found

guilty of foreign bribery. The longest combined prison sentence

imposed to date in a case involving a conviction for conspiracy to

commit foreign bribery is 13 years for one individual.5 Another 38

individuals received suspended prison sentences.

In total, there were 261 fines imposed on individuals and companies

with the highest combined fine against a single company totalling

EUR 1.8 billion. The highest monetary sanction imposed against an

individual in a foreign bribery case was a forfeiture order amounting

to USD 149 million.6

In 69% of foreign bribery cases, sanctions were imposed by way of

settlement, using procedures including corporate probation

(Canada); section 153(a) of the Criminal Procedure Code (Germany);

Patteggiamento (Italy); Penalty Notice (Norway); Réparation under article

53 of the Penal Code (Switzerland); Non-Prosecution Agreements (NPAs),

Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) and Plea Agreements (US).

The United States has sanctioned individuals and entities for the foreign

bribery offence in connection with 128 separate foreign bribery

schemes since the entry into force of the OECD Anti-Bribery

Convention. Germany has sanctioned individuals and entities for

the foreign bribery offence in connection with 26 separate schemes,

Korea in connection with 11 and Italy, Switzerland and the United

Kingdom in connection with 6.












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This report provides an analysis of data emerging from cases of bribery of foreign public officials in

international business transactions by individuals and entities, concluded7 between 15 February 1999 (date

of entry into force of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention) and 1 June 2014. Enforcement actions terminated

during this period where the relevant facts occurred beforehand are also included in this analysis. The report

is based on research into enforcement actions from all countries that have enacted the offence of bribery of

foreign public officials in their domestic criminal law (both members and non-members of the G20 ACWG

and OECD WGB). The case information is therefore separate but complementary to the OECD WGB’s Data

on Enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.8

The data in the report is the result of an analysis of 427 enforcement actions,

referred to as cases, (involving 263 individuals and 164 entities), which have

been investigated, prosecuted and reached a final law enforcement outcome for

the specific crime of bribery of foreign public officials in international business

transactions, as set out in Article 1(1) of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention9

and replicated in Parties’ domestic legislation. Sanctions for preparatory and

participatory offences such as conspiracy, attempt, aiding and abetting foreign

bribery are also included. This report does not examine foreign bribery-related

offences (such as accounting and auditing, money laundering, trafficking in

influence, fraud, commercial bribery, violation of duty of supervision, failure to

prevent bribery) nor UN sanctions violations or other economic crimes.10

The figures in this report relate to the number of sanctioned individuals or entities, although it is important

to bear in mind that a number of related companies and/or related individuals can be involved in a single

foreign bribery scheme (see Figure 19 for the number of foreign bribery schemes sanctioned, per country).

Likewise, in some cases the same individual or corporate defendant may have been sanctioned in multiple

jurisdictions for the same foreign bribery scheme, whether for foreign bribery or other offences. Since the

level of enforcement differs between the countries, caution should be exercised in extrapolating trends. Any

reference to “case” in this report refers to a single enforcement action or sanction by a law enforcement

agency,11 rather than a specific foreign bribery scheme which may have involved several companies and

individuals. Where parent companies undertook to pay combined penalties for the acts of their subsidiaries,

this was counted as one case.





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Case information was collected from a variety of sources, including: court

decisions and settlement agreements available on the websites of national law

enforcement authorities; information provided by national authorities in the

context of Phase 3 and follow-up evaluations by the OECD WGB and following

bilateral requests by the OECD Secretariat; and open source research including

the TRACE Compendium, Transparency International Progress Reports and

World Bank website.12 Where available, preference has been given to information

contained in official court decisions or settlement agreements; this was available

in 58% of cases. In another 40% of cases, despite official judgments not being

made available, national authorities provided summaries or verified case

information in the context of their Phase 3 and follow-up evaluations by the

Working Group on Bribery. In 2% of cases, media or other third party reporting had to be relied upon with

no official information or verification provided by the sanctioning country. Case information was not always

complete, which explains the frequent “unknown” values in many of the data sets in this report. Due to the

confidential nature of some of the information provided by national authorities, the report includes only an

aggregate analysis of case information.

The following elements were extracted from the facts of each case (depending on the availability of case

information) to present the findings of this report and allow for cross-analysis:

n date of the last criminal act in the foreign bribery scheme (i.e. the date when

the crime was completed)

n year of the final decision of the adjudicating court, or date of settlement if there

was no criminal trial

n sector of the individual/company involved in the bribery (e.g., extractive industry,

construction industry)

n function of the public official who received the bribe (e.g. employee of public

enterprise, tax official, customs official)

n role of the individual who bribed or authorised or approved the bribe within

the company

n level of development of the country whose officials were bribed

n value of the bribes promised, offered or given

n the purpose of the bribe (e.g. public procurement process, access to confidential

information, customs clearance)

n business advantage obtained (total transaction value and/or profits) by the briber

n how the case was brought to the attention of law enforcement authorities

(e.g. self-reporting to authorities, media coverage)

n how companies that self-reported to the authorities became aware that bribes had

been paid in their international business operations (e.g. whistleblower reports,

internal audit)




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n nature of the entity that engaged in the bribery (i.e. whether or not it was a small

and medium-sized enterprise

n use of an agent or intermediary and the nature of that intermediary

(e.g. agent, corporate vehicle)

n enforcement outcome (e.g. fine, imprisonment, confiscation, compensation)

n use of settlement procedures

n enforcing country

While the report has been prepared with the greatest of care, it does not purport to be exempt from possible

errors of fact or analysis on specific cases, particularly where original judgments were not published or made

available. However, this does not alter the very clear general trends and conclusions highlighted in the report.


This section of the report provides an overview of yearly trends in enforcement actions for the offence of

bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions between the entry into force of the

OECD Anti-Bribery Convention on 15 February 1999 through 31 December 2013.










1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


1 N/A 4 3 4 16 10 11 32 47 56 68 78 43 42

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 31/12/2013

Figure 1. Number of foreign bribery cases concluded per year

Figure 1. Number of foreign bribery cases concluded per year

Figure 1 shows the total number of enforcement actions concluded against both individuals and entities for

the foreign bribery offence per year, in all countries, for the 415 cases for which data was available. The

year in which the sanction was imposed was unspecified for five cases and the seven cases that had been

concluded in the first half of 2014 were not counted. Although some countries sanctioned individuals and

entities prior to the entry into force of the Convention under their national laws criminalising bribery of

foreign public officials, these data are not within the scope of this report.

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While there was a steady increase in sanctions from 2003, peaking in 2011,

enforcement appears to have since declined. This trend should be interpreted

alongside Figure 2, which shows that the average time taken (in years) to

conclude foreign bribery cases has steadily increased over time, peaking at an

average of 7.3 years taken to conclude the 42 cases in 2013. The fact that cases

are taking longer to bring to a close could be attributable to a number of factors,

including the time taken to lodge and hear appeals of convictions or acquittals

in foreign bribery cases or increased sophistication of bribery techniques,

requiring more resources and time-intensive investigations. This increase could

also corroborate anecdotal evidence that companies and individuals are less

willing to settle foreign bribery cases and that settlement procedures are taking

longer as a result.

Regardless of the apparent decline in concluded enforcement actions, it is

important to bear in mind that the OECD WGB’s Data on Enforcement13 counts

approximately 390 foreign bribery-related investigations currently ongoing in 24

(out of 41) Parties to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.Figure 2. Foreign bribery cases are taking longer to conclude

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 31/12/2013










2.0 years


1.8 years

1.3 years

2.0 years

1.3 years

2.7 years

3.7 years

3.9 years

3.7 years

4.4 years

4.0 years

4.3 years

5.5 years

7.3 years

Figure 2. Foreign bribery cases are taking longer to conclude

Figure 2 shows the timeframes involved between the last criminal act in the

corrupt transaction (i.e. the time when the offence was completed) and the

imposition of the sanction in each case. These timeframes also take into account

additional delays involved in the nine cases where the foreign bribery conviction

was confirmed on appeal. The time delays between the first procedural act (i.e.

the opening of an investigation) and the imposition of the sanction are of course


IN 2013




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shorter. However, it was decided to measure the

time delay from the last criminal act firstly because

this is the starting date for the calculation of statu-

tory limitation periods in many countries and sec-

ondly because the date of the first procedural act

was not always available. As the date of the last

criminal act varied depending on the role played by

the individual defendant in each case, data was pro-

cessed on the basis of each sanctioned entity rather

than the overarching fact scenario. Information was

available in relation to 374 out of the 427 defend-

ants. The seven cases that had been concluded in

the first half of 2014 were not counted.

The average time taken in years to conclude foreign

bribery cases has steadily increased over time,

peaking at an average of 7.3 years between crime

and punishment in the 42 enforcement actions con-

cluded in 2013. The longest time taken to reach a

final sentence in a foreign bribery case was 15 years

(against four defendants);14 the shortest period was

less than one year (against six defendants). Almost

half of all cases (46%) took between five and 10

years to bring to a conclusion, highlighting the

need for effective implementation of Article 6 of

the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention which requires

Parties to “allow an adequate period of time for the

investigation and prosecution of this offence.” This

standard does not necessarily correspond to a need

for long limitation periods. It can instead be satisfied

by putting in place effective procedures to interrupt

or suspend the running of the limitation period for

the execution of certain procedural acts, such as

seeking evidence through requests for mutual legal

assistance. This report does not take into account

cases that were closed due to the expiry of the

applicable limitation period, an area that could

benefit from additional analysis.15

Financial intelligence unit

Law enforcement

Investigation into other offence



Report from public




International organisation












Figure 3. How were foreign bribery cases brought to the attention of authorities?

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014

Mutual legal assistance

Figure 3. How were foreign bribery cases brought to the attention of law enforcement authorities?


Foreign bribery is a crime that is complex and covert

by its very nature. Bribery schemes often involve a

series of offshore transactions, multiple intermedi-

aries and complex corporate structures. Detecting

foreign bribery cases is therefore one of the major

obstacles to effective enforcement of anti-bribery

legislation. This section explores how the foreign

bribery cases concluded to date have come to light.

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Figure 3 illustrates how the foreign bribery schemes were brought to the

attention of law enforcement authorities in all 427 enforcement actions, noting

that in 29% of cases the source was unspecified. Defendants self-reported

or voluntarily disclosed their involvement in foreign bribery to relevant law

enforcement authorities in almost one third of cases. This could be an indication

of willingness on the part of companies to self-report in countries whose legal

systems permit voluntary disclosure, especially when such behaviour leads to

mitigated sanctions. Law enforcement agencies such as police and customs and

border protection authorities were the next most significant source for foreign

bribery reports (13%) alongside cases that came to light in the course of formal

and informal mutual legal assistance (MLA) between countries for related criminal

investigations (13%).16 Media coverage and investigative journalism initiated

foreign bribery law enforcement actions in just 5% of cases. The OECD WGB

continues to apply pressure to Parties to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention

to investigate credible foreign bribery allegations revealed in the media, which

remain an important but untapped source of information.

A very small number of cases arose from internal or third party whistleblowers

reporting directly to law enforcement authorities (2%), underlining the importance

of establishing strong and effective public and private sector whistleblower

protection mechanisms, as described in the OECD/G20 Study on Whistleblower

Protection Frameworks, Compendium of Best Practices and Guiding Principles

for Legislation.17 Other international organisations, namely the World Bank and

the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), referred foreign bribery allegations to

national law enforcement authorities in 2% of cases (“IO referral”).

The Independent Inquiry into the UN Oil-for-Food Programme18 was also a source of information relating to

the bribery that took place in the context of the former regime in Iraq between 1996 and 2003 (1%).

There were negligible detection rates by financial intelligence units (FIUs), tax authorities and embassy

officials, whose functions imply regular exposure to foreign bribery allegations and therefore a potential to

regularly detect and report. Suspicious transaction reports from FIUs involving foreign bribery-based money

laundering were the origin of only six cases, one case was brought to light by a report from a tax agency

that detected bribes in the context of a tax audit and another case was reported by an overseas embassy.

This low rate of detection shows the need for greater cooperation between law enforcement authorities and

other government agencies in suspected foreign bribery cases and could be an area for future work between

the OECD and Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

Figure 4 illustrates how self-reporting companies discovered the foreign bribery in their international business

operations which led them to report it to law enforcement authorities. Data were available in relation to 137

cases. The two main sources of detection for companies were internal audits (31%) and due diligence in the

context of mergers and acquisitions where foreign bribery was detected in the target company (M&A DD; 28%).








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These figures demonstrate the vital role played by

the accounting and auditing profession in detecting

suspected bribery. Consistent with the 2009 OECD

Recommendation for Further Combating Bribery of

Foreign Public Officials in International Business

Transactions, accountants and auditors should be

required to report such suspicions to management and

corporate monitoring bodies and to consider reporting

to independent law enforcement authorities.19

Whistleblowers notified the corporate hierarchy of the

foreign bribery in 17% of cases. These notifications

took the form of reports to the audit committee or

board by members of the corporate executive (e.g.

Executive Vice-President; Finance Director); a call

to a company’s “Ethics Complaint hotline”; and

a civil action by an employee following dismissal

after refusing to be complicit in a bribery scheme. In

one case, following the failure of a company’s CEO

to respond to an internal audit department report

indicating corrupt practices and recommending an

internal investigation and voluntary disclosure, a

whistleblower leaked information on the corrupt

conduct to the press. The only company to self-

report following a whistleblower alert that had in

place an ethics or compliance system at the time

of the corrupt acts, was the company that received

a report to its hotline. This case demonstrates the

importance of encouraging and enabling employees

to bring concerns about corporate misconduct to the

attention of management without fear of reprisals. An

effective compliance programme that incorporates

strong whistleblower protection mechanisms will enable the company to elicit early, bona fide information

on misconduct that could potentially save the company from both the risk of corruption and the costs

involved in exposure and sanctioning.

Other instances of foreign bribery were revealed by employees undergoing company training on foreign

bribery (2%) or in the course of due diligence prior to listing on the US stock exchange (Pre-listing DD; 3%).

In some cases, the company became aware of the foreign bribery in the course of unrelated civil suits (1%)

or criminal investigations (1%). Companies also self-reported foreign bribery following the outcome of the

Independent Inquiry into the UN Oil-for-Food Programme (1%). The source of information for self-reporting

companies was unspecified in 16% of cases.

Figure 4. How do self-reporting companies become aware of foreign bribery in their business operations?

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014

Internal audit

M&A due diligence


Pre-listing due diligence



Civil action

Criminal investigation











Figure 4. How did self-reporting companies become aware of foreign bribery in their business operations?

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OECD © 201418


The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention requires Parties

to provide for “effective, proportionate and dissuasive”

sanctions for the offence of bribery of foreign public

officials. It also requires Parties to confiscate the

instrument of the bribe and its proceeds, or property

of equivalent value. This section provides an overview

of how countries have implemented these standards

in practice in foreign bribery cases.

Figure 5 charts the types of sanctions imposed in

foreign bribery cases to date. Data was available in

relation to all 427 cases. Values noted in Figure 5 are

per category, not per case (i.e. it may be that several

types of sanctions were imposed in a single case).

For further information on each category of sanction,

please refer to the Glossary of Terms. Of particular

interest is the “Compensation” category, which includes

compensation for civil damages, compensation to the

State for costs related to the case (e.g. pre-judgment

interest) and compensation to the victims of the crime,

in particular under the provisions for Réparation under

article 53 of the Swiss Penal Code. Eleven defendants

have been ordered to pay a total of approximately USD

43.7 million in compensation since the entry into force

of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. This compen-

sation was either paid to NGOs designated by the law

enforcement authority or as restitution to the govern-

ment of the country where the bribery took place. To

date, a total of USD 5.4 billion has been imposed in

monetary sanctions (including fines, confiscation and


Confiscation was applied in only 13% of cases where

information was available, despite the requirement in

Article 3(3) of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention that

Parties confiscate the instrument of the bribe and its

proceeds or property of equivalent value. This low

proportion of confiscation could be explained by the

fact that in many cases the company or companies

involved paid “disgorgement” or had the proceeds of

the foreign bribery confiscated, whereas the individuals

in question were either fined or received suspended or

actual prison sentences. The highest amount forfeited

by an individual in a foreign bribery case to date is

USD 149 million.20

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014

Figure 5. Sanctions imposed per category

Suspended prison sentence38

Civil/criminal �ne261








Figure 5. How is foreign bribery punished?

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19OECD © 2014

“Debarment” relates to the additional, non-automatic sanction of provisional

exclusion from participation in national public procurement processes for a set

period. This sanction is usually applied to companies; however one individual

was subject to permanent professional debarment due to his involvement in

bribery of foreign public officials. There is an extremely low number of sanctions

involving debarment from national public procurement contracting, imposed

against only two defendants. This is despite the 2009 OECD Recommendation

for further combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International

Business Transactions encouragement to suspend from competition for public

contracts or other public advantages, enterprises determined to have bribed

foreign public officials in contravention of national laws (Recommendation XI). In addition, European

Union Member Countries are required to implement Directive 2014/24/EU21 (repealing a similar Directive

from 2004), which requires mandatory exclusion of economic operators that have been found guilty of

corruption. The 2014 EU Anti-Corruption Report22 highlights the significant risks of corruption in the context

of public procurement, owing to deficient control mechanisms and risk management in EU Member States.

The important work of the multilateral development banks in cross-debarring companies found to have

been involved in sanctionable practices, including corruption, in the context of bank-funded projects

contributes to addressing deficiencies in debarment at a national level.23 However, countries need to ensure

that entities and individuals found to have bribed foreign public officials in international business can

be and are debarred from participation in national public procurement contracting. Injunctions or cease-

and-desist orders enjoining defendants from future violations of anti-bribery laws were imposed against

67 defendants. In one case, the company involved in the foreign bribery transaction was dissolved as it was

proven to have operated primarily through criminal means.

In terms of sanctions imposed in specific cases, the highest amount in combined monetary sanctions imposed

in a single case totals approximately EUR 1.8 billion. The highest combined prison sentence imposed in a

case involving a conviction for conspiracy to commit foreign bribery to date is 13 years.24 It is important

to bear in mind the substantial costs of foreign bribery

enforcement actions that either cannot be quanti-

fied in monetary terms or do not constitute official

sanctions, such as: reputational damage and loss of

trust by employees, clients and consumers; legal

fees; monitorships; and remedial action within the

company, including the implementation of an effec-

tive compliance programme. Furthermore, potential

profits to be gained through research and develop-

ment are lost as bribery takes the place of innovation.

Figure 6 illustrates that in the majority of cases, sanc-

tions were imposed through settlement procedures.

Foreign bribery cases have been concluded by set-

tlement since the entry into force of the OECD Anti-

Bribery Convention using the following procedures:

Figure 6. The majority of sanctions have been imposed through settlement procedures

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014


Conviction 31%

Figure 6. The majority of sanctions have been imposed through settlement procedures




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OECD © 201420

corporate probation (Canada);25 section 153a of the Criminal Procedure Code

(Germany);26 Patteggiamento (Italy);27 Penalty Notice (Norway);28 Réparation

under article 53 of the Penal Code (Switzerland);29 Non-Prosecution Agreements

(NPAs), Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) and Plea Agreements (United

States).30 The OECD WGB has analysed settlement procedures in each of these

countries, including whether information about the settlement arrangement is

made available to the general public. This information is available in relevant

Phase 3 evaluation reports.31 Settlements should respect the principles of due

process, transparency and consistency. For this reason, and in accordance with

recommendations of the OECD WGB, the outcome of settlement negotiations

should be made public, where appropriate and in conformity with the applicable

law, especially the reasons why the settlement was appropriate, the basic facts of

the case, the legal or natural persons sanctioned, the sanctions agreed, and the

terms of the agreement.

Figure 7. Total amount imposed in combined monetary sanctions



Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 31/12/2013

0 300 600 900 1200 1500

Figure 7. Total combined monetary sanctions imposed over time



























1 308.00



1 200.90




In terms of sanctions, Figure 7 plots the total amount imposed in combined monetary sanctions (i.e. fine,

confiscation and compensation) over time. When correlated with Figure 1, the peak in sanctions (USD 1.3 billion

in 2010) corresponds with the data showing that 2010 was the year which saw the second highest number

of concluded foreign bribery cases (68). However, the second peak in sanctions (USD 1.26 billion in 2013)

took place in a year that saw only 42 cases concluded. This suggests that the average amount in sanctions

annually does not necessarily correspond with the number of enforcement actions concluded per year.

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21OECD © 2014


Thanks to the increase in global enforcement of the crime of foreign bribery, there is more information

available now than ever before on how this crime is carried out, including who is bribing and who is

receiving the bribes, what is the cost of a bribe, how bribes are being paid, where and for what reason.


The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention requires its Parties to hold their citizens and companies liable for the

crime of bribing foreign public officials in international business transactions. On the basis of the data

available for this report, 263 individuals and 164 entities were sanctioned for the crime of foreign bribery.

Figure 8 illustrates the size of companies that

have been involved in foreign bribery, or whose

representatives have bribed foreign public officials.

Only 4% of sanctioned companies were small and

medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).32 In 60% of cases,

the company associated with the corrupt transaction

had more than 250 employees. The size of the

company involved was unknown in 36% of cases.

Figure 9 illustrates the sector of activity33 of the

defendant individuals and companies sanctioned

for foreign bribery. Sectors were determined

depending on the particular role that the company

in question played in the specific case. For example,

if an engineering company worked primarily in the

extractive industry and was sanctioned for bribery

in the construction of an oil rig, then it would be

deemed to be in the extractive industry. On the basis

of this analysis, companies from the extractive (19%),34

construction (15%), transportation and storage

(15%), information and communication (10%) and

manufacturing (8%) industries have been most often sanctioned for foreign bribery. This data can be

contrasted with the 2011 Transparency International Bribe Payers’ Index (BPI)35 which ranks the public

works contracts and construction (5.3), utilities (6.1), real estate, property, legal and business services (6.1),

oil and gas (6.2) and extractive (6.3) sectors as most prone to bribery. These rankings are based on a survey

of more than 3 000 business executives worldwide of the likelihood of bribes being paid by companies in

19 different business sectors. Sectors are scored on a scale of 0 to 10 where a maximum score of 10

corresponds with the view that companies in that sector never bribe and 0 corresponds with the view that

they always do.

Figure 8. The size of the companies sanctioned

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are identified according to the EU Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC, which defines them as businesses with less than 250 employees.




Unknown 36%

Figure 8. What size were the sanctioned companies?

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OECD © 201422

Figure 10 indicates the level within the company of

the person who paid, was aware of, or authorised

the foreign bribery in question. There were often

overlaps between the categories in a single case

when numerous individuals at various levels of the

company were involved and multiple entries were

each therefore counted individually. In the majority

of cases, corporate management36 (41%) or even

the CEO (12%) was aware of and endorsed the

bribery, debunking the “rogue employee” myth and

demonstrating the need for a clear “tone from the

top” in implementing corporate anti-bribery policies,

as referred to in the OECD Good Practice Guidance

on Internal Controls, Ethics and Compliance.37

Figures 9 and 10 provide a very clear idea of which

sectors have been sanctioned most often, the level

within the company of the person who paid, was

aware of or authorised the foreign bribery and, based

on Figure 16, the common use of intermediaries

to channel the bribe.


While the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention focuses

on the supply side of bribes in international

business, it is also important to consider who is on

the receiving end of a corrupt transaction, bearing

in mind the difficult question of bribe solicitation by

public officials. This section illustrates the so-called

“demand side” of a foreign bribery transaction.

Figure 11 shows the role of the foreign public

officials who received or solicited the bribes in

these cases, and the percentage of total bribes they

received. For further information on each category

of public official, please refer to the Glossary of

Terms. The largest category of foreign public officials

who were bribed is that of employees of SOEs, or

public enterprises, who received the bribes in 27%

of cases.38 In terms of the role of the SOE official

who received the bribe, this ranged from CEO or

President-level, to management (e.g. Environment

Public administrations and defence

Agriculture, forestry and �shing

Wholesale and retail trade


Water supply

Human health


Electricity and gas



Other service activities1%


Financial and insurance activities1%

Transportation and storage15%

Information and communication10%







Figure 9. Almost two-thirds of foreign bribery cases occurred in four sectors

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014

Sectors are identi�ed with reference to the United Nations International Standard Industrial Classi�cation of All Economic Activities (UN ISIC), Rev.4 (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/cr/registry/regcst.asp?Cl=27&Lg=1).

Activities of extraterritorial organisations1%


Figure 9. Almost two-thirds of foreign bribery cases occurred in four sectors

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23OECD © 2014

Figure 10. Senior management was involved in over 50% of cases

Figure 10. Role of the briber within the company

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014








Third-party agent



Director; Finance Director; International Relations Director) and even lower-level employees. In some cases,

the SOE official had a dual role, such as transport minister or advisor to a senior government official. In

one case the SOE official was the son of a former head of state and president of a subsidiary of the national

oil company. This data raises the issue of the integrity of corporate governance practices and, relatedly,

the implementation and supervision of decision-making processes in SOEs. It highlights the importance

of effective measures for managing conflicts of interest and transparent and accountable SOE procurement

procedures.39 The next largest category involves customs officials (11%), followed by health (7%) and defence

(6%) officials. Heads of State and Ministers were bribed in a total of 5% of cases.

Figure 11 also sets out the percentage of the total bribes offered, promised or

given relative to each category of public official. This can only be a very rough

estimation, given that the case information rarely specified exactly how much

was paid and to whom. The data set also did not enable double counting when

more than one category of official was involved in a transaction. On the basis

of the available data (in 224 cases), SOE officials were bribed in 27% of cases

but received 80.11% of total bribes. Heads of State and Ministers were bribed

in a total of 5% of cases but received 11% of total bribes. This could confirm a

preconceived notion that the more powerful the official, the more s/he receives

in bribes. Customs officials were bribed in 11% of cases and received only 1.14%

of total bribes, suggesting that bribes in these cases would have been more in

the nature of “small facilitation payments”.



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OECD © 201424

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014

Figure 11. Role of the foreign public of�cial who received the bribe and the proportion of bribes paid to those in each category

Local government of�cial

SOE of�cial


Customs of�cial

Health of�cial

Defence of�cial

Resource of�cial

IO of�cial

Tax of�cial

Elected of�cial


Transport of�cial

Procurement of�cial

Family of public of�cial

Maritime of�cial

Law enforcement of�cial

Head of State

Intelligence of�cial

Diplomatic of�cial

Environment of�cial

Immigration of�cial

Education of�cial

Vice Minister

Political party

27% 80.11%

















































Figure 11. Proportion of bribes paid, per category of public official

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25OECD © 2014


A monetary figure for the value of the bribes that

were paid was available in 224 cases.40 It is important

to note that the amount of bribes indicates only

those values appearing in official judgments or

documents finalising settlements; the total amount

of bribes promised or paid in any particular case

may be consistently higher than reported. The

highest total amount offered in bribes in a single

foreign bribery scheme was USD 1.4 billion while

the smallest was USD 13.17. The total amount of

bribes paid in the 224 cases where this information

available is USD 3.1 billion. Given the very complex

and concealed nature of corrupt transactions, it is

without doubt the mere tip of the iceberg.

Information on the value of the bribe and the total

value of the transaction resulting from the bribery

was available in 55 cases. For example, one decision

stated the total value of the particular contract that

was obtained (USD 6 million) but noted that the

bribes were paid with a view to securing ongoing

contracts worth up to USD 100 million. In that

instance, both values were counted. However,

this information was not available in all cases and

it is important to bear in mind that even in cases

where the total transaction value is specified, the

defendant company or individual may have obtained

other, more significant benefits that are difficult to

quantify, for example entry into a new market or a

dominant position or monopoly in a certain sector.41

For the purposes of this report, the value of the

entire transaction has been called “transaction

value”, it is different (and greater to) to the profits

obtained by individuals and companies from foreign

bribery transactions.

Figure 12. Ninety-five percent of bribes were paid to officials in 5 categories

Figure 12. Ninety-�ve percent of bribes were paid to of�cials in �ve categories

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014.






Other categories or unknown

Head of state


Defence of�cial

Customs of�cial

80.11% SOE of�cial

Figure 12 shows that 95.1% of the bribes were paid

to public officials in only five categories. In all other

categories, the ratio was less than 1%. While not

within the scope of this report, future work could

analyse whether the public officials on the receiving

end of the bribes in these cases were brought

to justice.

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OECD © 201426

Figure 13. Bribes as a percentage of the transaction value

Figure 14. Bribes as a percentage of the transaction value*

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014. Based on the 55 cases which contained information both on the amount paid in bribes and on the transaction value.





USD 834 077 874

USD 72 921 990

USD 57 162 343

USD 88 740 000










>5% 52.7%








Figure 13 contemplates the 55 cases which contained information both on the amount paid in bribes and

on the transaction value. It shows the distribution of bribes paid as a percentage of the transaction value,

tracked against the average transaction value for each category. For most cases, the amount of bribes

promised, offered or given is up to 5% of the transaction value. These cases also involve the highest average

transaction value (USD 834 million). In eight out of 57 cases, bribes amounted to more than 25% of the

transaction value, although the average transaction value in these cases did not surpass USD 100 million. On

average, bribes equalled 10.9% of the transaction value and 34.5% of the profits.

As stated in the OECD Issues Paper on Corruption and Economic Growth, “[T]he true social cost of

corruption cannot be measured by the amount of bribes paid or even the amount of state property stolen.

Rather, it is the loss of output due to the misallocation of resources, distortions of incentives and other

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27OECD © 2014

Figure 14. Bribes as a percentage of the transaction value per sector

19%Wholesale and

retail trade


service activities

Figure 14. Bribes as a percentage of the transaction value per sector*


16%Transportationand storage


14%Human health


service activities

11%Electricity & gas


administrationand defence


and technicalactivities

5%Information andcommunication

4%Agriculture, forestry

and �shing



2%Water supply

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014. Based on the 55 cases which contained information both on the amount paid in bribes and on the transaction value.

inefficiencies caused by corruption that represent its real cost to society.”42 In this context, the average of

10.9% of the transaction value spent on bribes means that the bribing individual or company would have

to somehow recover or offset those costs. Some companies might do this by paying employees less in

countries with weaker employment laws. Others might inflate the quote for the goods or services to be

provided, therefore requiring more public money to be spent on the project than should otherwise have

been allocated. Companies might also recover costs by cutting expenses in the delivery of goods and

services. For example, cutting costs in the construction sector could result in faulty roads, bridges or public

buildings. Cutting costs in the health sector could mean out-of-date, harmful or ineffective medicines and

medical equipment. In the services sector, this could mean that citizens are required to pay more than they

otherwise should for a public service. In one case, bribes were paid in the context of a national identity card

project to influence officials to issue a decree requiring citizens to purchase the identity cards, ostensibly

in order to recover price concessions made in the corrupt procurement process. The project was ultimately

abandoned and the decree was never issued.43

Figure 14 considers this information on the basis of the sectors involved. It displays the percentage of the

total amount paid in bribes relative to the transaction value by sector, to show the relative “cost” of bribes per

sector in the 57 cases where information from both data sets was available. There was a surprising variation

between the sectors, with bribes in the water supply and education sectors each amounting to 2% of the

transaction value compared to the extractive and wholesale and retail trade sectors, where bribes amounted

to 21% and 19% of the transaction value, respectively.

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OECD © 201428

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014. Based on the 37 cases where both data sets were available.

Figure 15. Monetary sanctions imposed as a percentage of pro�ts obtained*

<50% of pro�ts 50-100% of pro�ts 100-200% of pro�ts >200% of pro�ts

17 cases 7 cases 8 cases5 cases

Figure 15. Monetary sanctions imposed as a percentage of profits obtained


It is clear from the case analysis which forms the basis of this report that in the vast majority of foreign

bribery cases, the bribery was carried out via an agent or intermediary. This report uses the definition of

intermediary as set out in the OECD Typologies on the Role of Intermediaries in International Business


…an intermediary is defined or described as a person who is put in contact with or in

between two or more trading parties. In the business context, an intermediary usually

is understood to be a conduit for goods or services offered by a supplier to a consumer.

Hence, the intermediary can act as a conduit for legitimate economic activities, illegitimate

bribery payments, or a combination of both… Both natural and legal persons, such as

consulting firms and joint ventures are included.”

Another point of interest in the “return on investment” hypothesis for corrupt transactions is the correlation

between the amount imposed in monetary sanctions and the amount obtained in profits, or proceeds, as a

result of the bribes paid. This comparison also contributes towards an evaluation of whether the monetary

sanctions imposed in a particular case are “effective, proportionate and dissuasive”, in accordance with Article

3 of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. Of course, and as mentioned above, there are other substantial

costs involved in foreign bribery enforcement actions that either cannot be quantified in monetary terms or

do not constitute official sanctions.

Figure 15 charts the distribution of total sanctions imposed as a percentage of the profits gained from the

payment of the bribe. Both sets of data were available in only 37 cases. In 46% of these cases the monetary

sanction was less than 50% of the proceeds obtained by the defendant as a result of bribing foreign public

officials. In 41% of cases, monetary sanctions ranged from 100% to more than 200% of the proceeds of

the corrupt transaction. This second data set is a consequence of the fact that in cases concluded in the

United States, representing the majority of those for which information is available, the value of the final

sanction against a company involved in a foreign bribery transaction almost always includes confiscation (or

disgorgement) of the proceeds of the foreign bribery offence.

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29OECD © 2014

Figure 16. The involvement and role ofintermediaries in foreign bribery cases*


Not involved14%


Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014. Based on the 304 cases in which intermediaries were used.

1% Accountant

2% Associate

3% Family

6% Lawyer

41% Agent

12% Other

35% Corporate vehicle


Figure 16. The involvement and role of intermediaries in foreign bribery cases

Figure 16 shows the percentage of cases where

intermediaries were involved in at least one bribe

payment. Three out of four foreign bribery cases

involved payments through intermediaries. It also

shows the role of the intermediary in the 304 cases

in which intermediaries were used. An “Agent”

was used in 41% of cases; this category includes

sales and marketing agents, distributors and brokers

based either locally in the country where the bribes

were paid, or elsewhere. Future work could con-

sider the range of “fees” charged by such agents,

and how much more this adds to the cost of the

bribe itself. The second largest category of inter-

mediaries, used in 35% of cases, is that of the

“Corporate vehicle”. This category includes subsid-

iary companies, local consulting firms, companies

located in offshore financial centres or tax havens

or companies established under the beneficial own-

ership of either the public official who received the

bribes or the individual or entity paying the bribes.

Lawyers were used as intermediaries in 6% of cases.

Family members of the public official were used

as intermediaries in 3% of cases. Accountants and

associates (including advisors) of the public official

were used in 1% and 2% of cases respectively. The

nature of the intermediary was not specified in 12%

of cases.


A common perception of bribery in international

business is that business people and companies

from the wealthiest, most developed economies

only bribe officials from least developed countries

to win lucrative contracts. The analysis in this report

suggests that this perception needs to be revisited.

Figure 17 illustrates that, among the 427 cases in this

report, the majority of bribes paid abroad were not

paid to public officials from developing countries.

In fact, almost one in two cases involved bribery of

foreign public officials from countries with high to

very-high levels of human development, based on

the UN Human Development Index (HDI) of the

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OECD © 201430

country where the bribery took place, at the time it took place. For cases that took place before 2012,

reference was made to the 2011 HDI, whereas cases added post 2012 refer to the 2013 HDI. Where bribes

were paid in multiple countries in a single case, the HDI for each country was counted.

One in five bribes was paid in countries with “very

high” human development. Figure 18 displays the

countries whose public officials received or were

offered bribes. These include 24 out of the 41

member countries of the OECD WGB and 15 out of

the 19 member countries of the G20 (the 20th member

of the Group is the European Union). There could

be many reasons for this outcome, including that

countries with higher levels of human development

may have greater capacity to cooperate in foreign

bribery investigations, such as detecting, collecting

and providing evidence to foreign law enforcement

authorities. They might also be more inclined to

share information, since they have less to lose when

a major investor pulls out of their markets. In any

case, the data certainly shows that bribes are being

paid to officials in economies at all stages of devel-

opment, not just developing economies, as many

might have believed.

Figure 17. Two-thirds of bribes were paidto of�cials in countries higher on the UN Human Development Index.

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014

Low 17%

67%High 22%

Very High 21%

Medium 24%

Unknown 16%

Figure 17. Two-thirds of bribes were paid to officials in countries higher on the UN Human Development Index

Figure 18. Where the bribes were paid: countries whose public officials received bribes in the context of international business transactions

Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Chad, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Myanmar, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen.

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014

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Figure 19 illustrates the number of foreign bribery

schemes (often involving multiple individual and

corporate defendants) sanctioned per country

since the entry into force of the OECD Anti-Bribery

Convention. The United States has sanctioned indi-

viduals and entities for the foreign bribery offence

in connection with 128 separate foreign bribery

schemes; Germany has sanctioned individuals and

entities for the foreign bribery offence in connection

with 26 separate schemes; Korea in connection with

11; and Italy, Switzerland and the United Kingdom

in connection with 6. The remaining countries have

investigated and sanctioned five or less foreign

bribery cases.

It is important to note that the concluded foreign

bribery cases do not always involve citizens and com-

panies headquartered in the sanctioning country.

Expansive jurisdictional application of anti-bribery

laws in many countries allows them to investigate

and prosecute both foreigners and nationals for the

crime of bribery of foreign public officials. In some

cases the same individual or corporate defendant

may have been sanctioned in multiple jurisdictions

for the same foreign bribery scheme, whether for

foreign bribery or other offences. Since the level of

enforcement differs between the countries, caution

should be exercised in extrapolating trends.

While the United States has concluded the highest

number of cases, the distribution of concluded

foreign bribery cases per country is not propor-

tionate to their respective importance as exporters

and outward investors, hence the risk of their

nationals and companies becoming involved in

bribery of foreign public officials. Seventeen coun-

tries have successfully sanctioned foreign bribery to

date out of the 41 Parties to the OECD Anti-Bribery

Convention. With the exception of Bulgaria, all

countries to have concluded foreign bribery cases

to date are OECD countries, whereas only eight of

the countries listed are members of the G20. This

demonstrates that there is significant scope for G20

countries to do more to effectively investigate, pros-

ecute and sanction bribery of foreign public officials.

Figure 18. Number of foreign bribery schemes sanctioned per country

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014

United Kingdom6

United States128
















Figure 19. Number of foreign bribery schemes sanctioned per country

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License / Authorisation6%

Travel visa1%

Other preferential treatment7%

Favourable tax treatment6%


Customs clearance12%

Public procurement57%

Access to con�dential information4%

Figure 20. For what purpose are bribes being paid?

Source: OECD analysis of foreign bribery cases concluded between 15/02/1999 and 01/06/2014

Figure 20. Purpose of the bribes n WHY ARE BRIBES BEING PAID?

In order to better understand and thereby combat

the crime of foreign bribery, it is important to know

the motive of those who pay bribes to win business.

The data allowed an analysis of the nature of the

advantage sought by paying the bribe.

Figure 20 sets out the categories of advantages that

were sought by individuals and companies in the

context of the bribes they paid in international busi-

ness. In the majority of cases, bribes were paid to

obtain public procurement contracts (57%), followed

by clearance of customs procedures (12%), favour-

able tax treatment (6%) and other preferential treat-

ment (7%). Bribes were paid to obtain a license or

other form of authorisation in 6% of cases, whereas

in 4% of cases, bribes were in return for access to

confidential information. Bribes were paid for travel

visas in 1% of cases. The purpose of the bribe was

unspecified in 7% of cases.

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PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS The OECD Foreign Bribery Report provides a clearer picture of the crime of foreign bribery and how it

has been committed to date. The scope of the report is limited and the conclusions found here will benefit

from further, in-depth analysis as more cases evolve. Based on the current analysis, certain preliminary

observations can be made regarding the foreign bribery cases that have been concluded since the entry into

force of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.

Foreign bribery is a complex crime. It is not surprising, therefore, that the majority of foreign bribery cases

are carried out via an agent or intermediary. It would be interesting to analyse in future work whether the

use of intermediaries is higher in foreign bribery cases than in cases involving bribery of domestic public

officials, along with the proportion by which agency “fees” inflate the already significant cost of bribery

for business.

One of the most remarkable outcomes is the fact that in foreign bribery cases concluded to date, corruption is

not, as some would believe, the scourge solely of developing economies. With almost one in two concluded

foreign bribery cases involving officials from countries with high to very-high HDI rankings, it is clear that

this is a crime that takes place in countries at all levels of development.

These preliminary findings indicate that the pressure on governments to step up their enforcement of anti-

bribery laws and to ensure that penalties for this crime are effective, proportionate, and dissuasive, is well-

placed. There has, indeed, been progress in the fight against foreign bribery, but clearly, much more must be

done to be successful in this fight. The following suggestions are designed to help attain that goal:


This report is peppered with “unknown” data, ranging from 2% to 36% depending on the particular data set.

Many of the concluded cases did not contain all the information needed to make a full analysis and were also

not publicly available. Information on concluded foreign bribery cases should be made publicly available to the

fullest possible extent. This would not only demonstrate a commitment to combating foreign bribery but also

would allow better evidence-based research and understanding of this complex and covert crime.


Tax officials, embassy officials, financial intelligence units, public procurement officials and competition

authorities are well-positioned to detect and report foreign bribery cases. The extremely low number of

concluded cases that were originally detected by these authorities suggests a need for strengthened foreign

bribery detection and reporting mechanisms within these agencies, along with greater cross-agency cooperation.


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In 17% of foreign bribery cases where companies self-reported to law enforcement authorities, the company

found out from an internal whistleblower but only one of those companies had an established compliance

programme and reporting hotline at the time. Whistleblowers reported directly to law enforcement in just

2% of cases. Introducing, strengthening and implementing whistleblower protection mechanisms in the

public and private sectors should therefore be a priority. Harmonisation of the whistleblower protection

regimes developed for different crimes would also reinforce their effectiveness.


Foreign bribery cases have continued up to 15 years after the last corrupt act, with almost half of the cases

taking between 5 and 10 years to finalise. These figures highlight the need for law enforcement authorities

to have adequate time to investigate and prosecute the foreign bribery offence, including through provisions

to suspend and interrupt the limitation period as appropriate. On the other hand, it is essential that law

enforcement authorities undertake efficient and effective investigations to avoid unnecessary delays


The report highlights the need not only to impose monetary sanctions for the foreign bribery offence, but

also to effectively confiscate the instruments and proceeds of the bribe (or property of equivalent value)

in order to meet the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention standard for “effective, proportionate and dissuasive”



The majority of foreign bribery cases concluded since the entry into force of the OECD Anti-Bribery

Convention have been settled. There are many arguments in favour of settlement procedures which appear

to be used increasingly, including by countries that were initially reluctant. However, settlement procedures

should respect the principles of due process, transparency and consistency. For this reason, the outcome

of the settlement should be made public, where appropriate and in conformity with the applicable law,

especially the reasons why the settlement was appropriate, the basic facts of the case, the legal or natural

persons sanctioned, the sanctions agreed, and the terms of the agreement.


In a number of foreign bribery cases concluded to date, the bribes have been paid or authorised by

representatives at the highest level of a company, showing the ongoing need for executives to lead by

example in implementing their companies’ anti-bribery compliance programmes. While SMEs were among

the minority of companies sanctioned (4%), companies of all sizes involved in international business should

implement measures to combat the risk of foreign bribery.

The overwhelming use of intermediaries in foreign bribery cases demonstrates the need for enhanced and

effective due diligence, oversight and application of the company’s compliance programme to third parties

(whether individuals or companies) in international business transactions. Compliance programmes should

focus specifically on due diligence with respect to agents and on verifying the rationale and beneficial

ownership of other companies involved in the transaction.

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Noting that bribes have been paid to officials from countries at various stages of development, bribery

risk assessments should focus instead on the context of the transaction, for example, whether it involves

partnering with a public company (in 27% of cases bribes were paid to SOE officials), public procurement

processes (the context of the bribery in 57% of cases), or the use of intermediaries (which occurred in 71%

of cases).

There is also scope for greater incentivising preventive anti-bribery compliance programmes, including

by recognising the existence and effectiveness of such programmes in mitigation of sanctions in foreign

bribery cases.

Anti-bribery risk assessments and compliance are equally critical on the demand side of a foreign bribery

transaction. Governments should therefore ensure that public officials that have regular contact with business

and the private sector are properly trained and informed of the risks and consequences of bribery.


The high number (57%) of cases in which bribes were paid in the context of public procurement reinforces

the need for greater integrity in public procurement processes. Raising the overall awareness of procurement

officials though tailored trainings and providing them with tools to prevent, to detect and to address corporate

crimes such as corruption, collusion and money laundering should be a government priority.

In the same vein, the fact that only 2 out of 427 cases resulted in debarment demonstrates that countries

need to do more to ensure that those who are sanctioned for having bribed foreign public officials are

suspended from participation in national public procurement contracting.

NEXT STEPSWhile this report constitutes a first attempt to measure transnational corruption, there is scope for much

more to be done, both in terms of further, in-depth analysis and additional, horizontal studies. The following

is a list of ideas for future work to build on the findings of this first OECD Foreign Bribery Report and to

reinforce efforts to better understand and combat this crime.

n The OECD Foreign Bribery Report could be a regular publication, updated annually depending

on whether there are sufficient numbers of new foreign bribery cases to generate new data or


n The data behind the OECD Foreign Bribery Report could be made public in an online data-

base to be maintained by the OECD.

n Further analysis could focus on differences in sanctions between cases concluded through

criminal trials and those that are settled. It could also compare prison sentences imposed on

individual defendants to evaluate the standard of “effective, proportionate and dissuasive”

sanctions when it comes to deprivation of liberty.

n Future work could focus on the role of SOEs or public companies as both bribe givers and

bribe takers. Areas of focus could include how many of the companies sanctioned were

wholly or partially State-owned, along with the integrity of corporate governance practices

in SOEs, namely the implementation and supervision of decision-making processes and

measures for managing conflicts of interest in SOE procurement procedures. This analysis

would feed into ongoing OECD work in the field of corporate governance of SOEs.

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n While the OECD Foreign Bribery Report has focused on the supply-side of bribery of foreign

public officials, future work could analyse the proportion of foreign bribery cases in which

the public official actively solicited the bribes and examine whether the public officials who

solicited or received the bribes were brought to justice.

n To build on OECD work in the field of bribery and official export credits and bribery and

official development assistance, future analysis could focus on cases involving bribery in the

context of projects financed by these two categories of public funds. This could be comple-

mented by an analysis of the cases involving projects funded by multilateral development


n Further analysis could contribute to broader OECD work in the field of compliance and

government policies aimed at preventing and tackling corporate crimes. Cases in which

companies have been sanctioned for various corporate offences, such as bribery, money

laundering, anti-trust, tax offences, environmental offences, fraud and UN sanctions viola-

tions could be compared and contrasted.

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1. For the purposes of this report, foreign bribery is defined in accordance with Article 1 of the

OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, as “to offer, promise or give any undue pecuniary or other

advantage, whether directly or through intermediaries, to a foreign public official, for that official or

for a third party, in order that the official act or refrain from acting in relation to the performance of

official duties, in order to obtain or retain business or other improper advantage in the conduct of

international business”.

2. Saint Petersburg Strategic Framework for the G20 ACWG.

3. Based on the UN Human Development Index (HDI).

4. A “public enterprise” is any enterprise, regardless of its legal form, over which a government, or

government may, directly or indirectly, exercise a dominant influence. This is deemed to be the case,

inter alia, when the government or governments hold the majority of the enterprises subscribed

capital, control the majority of votes attaching to shares issued by the enterprise or an appoint a

majority of the members of the enterprises administrative or managerial body or supervisory board.

Commentary 14, Commentaries on the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials

in International Business Transactions. An official of a public enterprise shall be deemed to perform

a public function unless the enterprise operates on a normal commercial basis in the relevant market,

i.e. on a basis which is substantially equivalent to that of a private enterprise, without preferential

subsidies or other privileges. Commentary 15, Commentaries on the Convention on Combating

Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.

5. This combined prison sentence was confirmed upon appeal in United States of America v.

William J. Jefferson. At the time of writing, two individuals had filed a certiorari petition with the US

Supreme Court on 14 August 2014 following confirmation of their conviction for offences under the

US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) and accompanying 15 and 7 year prison sentences

by the US Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in May 2014.

6. United States of America v. Jeffrey Tesler.

7. This includes cases concluded by conviction of the foreign bribery offence in a criminal court and

cases concluded by settlement (e.g. corporate probation (Canada); section 153(a) of the Criminal

Procedure Code (Germany); Patteggiamento (Italy); Penalty Notice (Norway); Réparation under

article 53 of the Penal Code (Switzerland); Non-Prosecution Agreements (NPAs), Deferred Prosecution

Agreements (DPAs) and Plea Agreements (United States). Cases involving convictions for other

offences fall outside the scope of the report, as do cases in relation to which an appeal has been filed

or is ongoing.

8. The OECD WGB enforcement data is available online.


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9. OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, Article 1 (The Offence of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials):

Each Party shall take such measures as may be necessary to establish that it is a criminal

offence under its law for any person intentionally to offer, promise or give any undue

pecuniary or other advantage, whether directly or through intermediaries, to a foreign

public official, for that official or for a third party, in order that the official act or refrain

from acting in relation to the performance of official duties, in order to obtain or retain

business or other improper advantage in the conduct of international business.

10. In relation to Germany, a prominent feature of Germany’s implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery

Convention is the trend of prosecuting and sanctioning foreign bribery acts as commercial bribery

offences (section 299 CC) or breach of trust (section 266 CC) rather than the offence of bribing a

foreign public official (section 334 CC). While these cases are counted as foreign bribery cases for

the purposes of evaluating Germany’s implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and

Germany’s contribution to the OECD WGB Enforcement Data, they have not been counted as foreign

bribery cases for the purposes of this report which focuses specifically on enforcement of the foreign

bribery offence across jurisdictions.

11. For example, in the case of the United States, sanctions imposed by the Securities Exchange

Commission (US SEC) and Department of Justice (US DOJ) are counted separately.

12. Please refer to the Bibliography for a complete list of open-source databases.

13. Above, note 8.

14. United States of America v. Hans Bodmer; United States of America v. Frederic Bourke Jr.;

United States of America v. Thomas Farrell; United States of America v. Clayton Lewis.

15. As highlighted by the Phase 3 reports adopted by the OECD WGB, the limitation period is an

obstacle to effective enforcement in some countries, in particular Italy.

See also (Transparency International, 2010) Timed Out: Statutes of Limitations and Prosecuting

Corruption in EU Countries.

16. For more information on the important role of MLA in foreign bribery cases, refer to the OECD

Typology on Mutual Legal Assistance in Foreign Bribery Cases.

17. (G20/OECD 2011) Protection of Whistleblowers: Study on Whistleblower Protection Frameworks,

Compendium of Best Practices and Guiding Principles for Legislation.

18. See the website of the now defunct UN Office of the Iraq Oil-for-Food Programme for official

information about the Inquiry, noting that the Inquiry’s official website is not functioning.

19. 2009 OECD Recommendation for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in

International Business Transactions (Recommendation X.B.).

20. Above, note 6.

21. Article 100, Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014

on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC.

22. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: EU Anti-Corruption Report

(COM(2014) 38 Final) Brussels, 3 February 2014.

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23. Cross debarment is carried out in accordance with the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of

Debarment Decisions dated 9 April 2010, by and among the African Development Bank (AfDB),

Asian Development Bank (ADB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD),

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the World Bank.

24. Above, note 5.

25. For a description of corporate probation in Canada, see Canada’s Phase 3 evaluation report by the

OECD WGB, paras. 60-62.

26. For a description of agreed sanctions in the context of arrangements under section 153a of

the Criminal Procedure Code in Germany, see Germany’s Phase 3 evaluation report by the

OECD WGB, paras. 98-99.

27. For a description of Patteggiamento in Italy, see Italy’s Phase 3 evaluation report by the OECD WGB,

paras. 93-98.

28. For a description of Penalty Notices in Norway, see Norway’s Phase 3 evaluation report by the OECD

WGB, paras. 63-64.

29. For a description of the Réparation provision in article 53 of the Swiss Penal Code, see Switzerland’s

Phase 3 evaluation report by the OECD WGB, paras. 38-42.

30. For a description of DPAs, NPAs and Plea Agreements in the United States, see the US Phase 3

evaluation report by the OECD WGB, paras. 108-128.

31. Above, notes 25-30.

32. Based on data available of both companies sanctioned and company employers of individuals

sanctioned in relation to all 427 defendants. Small and medium-sized enterprises are identified

according to the EU Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC, which defines SMEs as businesses

with less than 250 employees.

33. Sectors are identified with reference to the United Nations International Standard Industrial

Classification of All Economic Activities (UN ISIC), Rev.4.

34. The extractive sector includes mining, quarrying, petroleum and gas extraction and mining support

services activities.

35. (Transparency International) Bribe Payers Index 2011.

36. “Management” includes senior level management, executives at the board level, directors and lower

level management. Case data was insufficient to distinguish between these categories.

37. OECD Good Practice Guidance on Internal Controls, Ethics and Compliance.

38. See definition, note 4.

39. For more information, refer to the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned


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40. For the purposes of analysis, the values were indicated in USD. In cases where the amount of the

bribes was originally reported in USD, it was not modified. In cases where values were originally

reported in other currencies (mainly EUR, CHF, KWR, JPY), these were converted to USD using

the official OECD yearly average currency exchange rates of the year of the last criminal act in the

foreign bribery scheme. The value for cases decided in 2014 is based on the exchange rate of May

2014, in lieu of the yearly average exchange rate.

41. For a more detailed explanation, refer to Identification and Quantification of the Proceeds of Bribery:

A joint OECD-StAR analysis, OECD (2012).

42. (G20/OECD 2013) Issues Paper on Corruption and Economic Growth.

43. United States of America v. Siemens S.A, (Argentina), Information, para. 24.

44. (OECD, 2009) Typologies on the Role of Intermediaries in International Business Transactions,

Final Report.

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CEO Company president or Chief Executive Officer.

CIVIL/CRIMINAL FINE Administrative, criminal and civil fines.

COMPENSATION Includes compensation for civil damages, compensation to the State for costs

related to the case (e.g. pre-judgment interest) or to the victims

of the crime.

COMPLIANCE PROGRAMME Orders to a company to develop and implement a compliance programme,

to review or regularly report on its existing compliance programme or the

appointment of a compliance “monitor”.

CONFISCATION Includes disgorgement of profits, forfeiture and restitution.

CORPORATE VEHICLE The term “corporate vehicle” when used has the same meaning as in

the OECD report Behind the Corporate Veil – Using Corporate Entities for

Illicit Purposes. It includes corporations, trusts, partnerships with limited

liability characteristics, foundations, subsidiary companies established

to channel bribes inter alia, local consulting firms, companies located in

offshore financial centres or tax havens or companies established under the

beneficial ownership of the public official who received the bribes.

DEBARMENT The additional, non-automatic sanction of provisional debarment from

participation in national public procurement processes for a set period.

DEFENCE OFFICIAL Officers in the armed forces, employees of State-owned defence companies

and officials in ministries of defence.

DIPLOMATIC OFFICIAL Officials at overseas Embassies, Ambassadors and officials of ministries

of foreign affairs.

ENFORCEMENT (ACTION) The act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule or

obligation. In the context of this report, investigating, prosecuting and

sanctioning the offence of bribery of foreign public officials.

ENVIRONMENT OFFICIAL Officials in ministries responsible for environmental management and policy.


Financial intelligence unit referral to law enforcement authorities.

FOREIGN BRIBERY To offer, promise or give any undue pecuniary or other advantage, whether

directly or through intermediaries, to a foreign public official, for that official

or for a third party, in order that the official act or refrain from acting in

relation to the performance of official duties, in order to obtain or retain

business or other improper advantage in the conduct of international



* Explanations relate only to terms used in the context of the OECD Foreign Bribery Report. These definitions therefore do not necessarily represent official OECD definitions of the terms described.

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OECD © 201442

HEALTH OFFICIAL Officials working in Ministries of Health as well as doctors and other

employees of public hospitals.


The UN Human Development Index (HDI) is a “summary measure of

average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and

healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a decent standard of living.

The HDI is the geometric mean of normalized indices for each of the three


IMPRISONMENT Sentences of imprisonment or home detention not under appeal at the time

of writing and not subject to suspension or probation.

INJUNCTION Injunctions or cease-and-desist orders enjoining defendants from future

violations of anti-bribery laws.

INTERMEDIARY A person who is put in contact with or in between two or more trading

parties e.g. agents, sales representatives, consultants or consulting firms,

suppliers, distributors, resellers, subcontractors, franchisees, joint venture

partners, subsidiaries and other business partners including lawyers and

accountants. Both natural and legal persons, such as consulting firms and

joint ventures are included (OECD Typologies on the Role of Intermediaries

in International Business Transactions).

IO REFERRAL Referral from an international organisation or multilateral development bank

to national law enforcement authorities.

IO OFFICIAL Officials in international organisations, specific cases involved bribery of

World Bank and European Commission officials.

LAW ENFORCEMENT Investigative and prosecutorial agencies, such as investigative judges,

prosecutors, police and customs and border protection authorities.

MANAGEMENT Includes senior level management, executives at the board level, directors

and lower level management.

MEDIA Media coverage and investigative journalism.

M&A DD Due diligence in the context of mergers and acquisitions where foreign

bribery was detected in the target company.


Cases that came to light in the course of formal and informal mutual legal

assistance (MLA) between countries for related criminal investigations.

OIL-FOR-FOOD Refers to the Independent Inquiry into the UN Oil-for-Food Programme,

an independent high-level inquiry into allegations of fraud and corruption

in the administration and management of the UN Oil-for-food Programme

established pursuant to UN resolution 986 (1995) of 14 April 1995 and

subsequent relevant resolutions.

PRE-LISTING DD Due diligence prior to listing on the US stock exchange.

PROCUREMENT OFFICIAL Officials responsible for the procurement of goods and services for the

government, including procurement relating to State-funded infrastructure


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PROCEEDS/PROFITS The terms “profits” and “proceeds” are used interchangeably and have the

same meaning as in Identification and Quantification of the Proceeds of

Bribery: A joint OECD-StAR analysis. These are generic terms defining the

profits, benefits or advantages of monetary value gained by the briber as a

consequence of paying or promising a bribe or any undue advantage to

an official.


A “public enterprise” is any enterprise, regardless of its legal form, over

which a government, or governments, may, directly or indirectly, exercise

a dominant influence. This is deemed to be the case, inter alia, when

the government or governments hold the majority of the enterprise’s

subscribed capital, control the majority of votes attaching to shares issued

by the enterprise or appoint a majority of the members of the enterprise’s

administrative or managerial body or supervisory board (Commentary

14, commentaries on the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign

Public Officials in International Business Transactions). An official of a

public enterprise shall be deemed to perform a public function unless the

enterprise operates on a normal commercial basis in the relevant market, i.e.

on a basis which is substantially equivalent to that of a private enterprise,

without preferential subsidies or other privileges. Commentary 15,

Commentaries on the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public

Officials in International Business Transactions.

RESOURCE OFFICIAL Officials from agriculture, fisheries, oil or mining ministries. “Transport

official” includes officials in transport ministries, civil aviation agencies,

public airline companies or railway agencies.

SECTORS Identified with reference to the UN International Standard Industrial

Classification of All Economic Activities (UN ISIC), Rev.4


The practice, in some jurisdictions, of disclosing to law enforcement

authorities conduct that may implicate violations of laws prohibiting bribery

of foreign public officials. Voluntary disclosures are usually made with a

view to leniency, plea negotiation or civil settlement.


Identified according to the EU Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC,

which defines SMEs as businesses with less than 250 employees.


Suspended prison sentences and probation orders.

TRAINING Instances of foreign bribery revealed by employees undergoing company

training on foreign bribery.

TRANSACTION VALUE The value of the transaction or contract resulting from the foreign bribery.

It is different (and greater to) the profits obtained by individuals and

companies from foreign bribery transactions.

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OECD country reports on implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention

OECD data on enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention

Office of the Attorney-General, Switzerland

TRACE International Compendium

Transparency International Progress Reports on Enforcement of the

OECD Anti-Bribery Convention

UK Serious Fraud Office Case Report

US Department of Justice FCPA and Related Enforcement Actions

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World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms and Individuals, Integrity Vice-Presidency

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