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Page 1: 中國大陸 調調整整休休漁期漁期規規定因應作為定因應作為 · 生澎湖籍6艘漁船遭大陸漁政船押返處罰案例,一度引 發本國漁民強烈非議,謹就海洋巡防總局因應作為,摘










PRC government makes some changesresponding to “Marine Conservation Period”

文|劉紹松 ◇Article|Liu Shao-song ◇

Part I. Preface

The PRC (People's Republic of China) government has an-

nually imposed the "Marine Conservation Period" (which most

major fi shing activities are prohibited) in order to protect marine

resources. Since its implementation, there were 6 Penghu-regis-

tered fi shing boats penalized in 2007, by fi shing administration

ships of PRC government. This incident once sparked complaints

from Taiwanese fi shermen. Thus, Maritime Patrol Directorate

General has made the followings to respond the situation.

Part II. Regulations of Marine Conservation

I. PRC Marine Conversation Regulation in 2009

海 洋 論 壇海 洋 立 國 . 台 灣 出 發

18 Vol.40―2009 海巡雙月刊

海海sssssssssss t r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot or n g n g n g n g n g n g n g n g n g n ggg g m a rm a rm a rm a rm a rm a rm a rm a rm a rrm i n ei n ei n ei n ei n ei n ei n ei n ei n en ei n en en n a n ann a n a n a n a n an an a n a t i ot i ot i ot i ot i ot i oot i ot i ot i ot i oi ot i n , n , n , n ,n , n , n ,n ,n , nn , Ta iTa iTa iTa iTa iTa iiTTa iTa iTa ia w a nw a nw aw a nw a nw aw a nw a nw a nw a nw a nw aw s e s es e s e s es es e s e s e s ees es t s t s t s t s t st s t s t s t sst ss S a iS a iS a iS a iS a iS a iS a iS a iS a iiS aS aa lllllllllB u i l d id iiiiii n g n gn g n g n g n gn gn g n g gn ggg a sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa

國 . 台 灣 出 發海 洋 立

MMaritime aritime FForumorum

Page 2: 中國大陸 調調整整休休漁期漁期規規定因應作為定因應作為 · 生澎湖籍6艘漁船遭大陸漁政船押返處罰案例,一度引 發本國漁民強烈非議,謹就海洋巡防總局因應作為,摘

休漁海域 Areas 休漁時間 Period 天 數 Days

北緯35度以北的渤海和黃海海域North of 35 degree Northern Latitude, around the maritime of the Bohai Sea and the Huanghai Sea (also known as the Yellow Sea)

6月1日12時至9月1日12時12 am, June 1st to 12 am, September 1st

92天92 days

北緯35度至26度30分的黃海和東海海域Between 35 and 26.30 degree Northern Latitude, around the maritime of the Yellow Sea and the East Sea

6月1日12時至9月16日12時12 am, June 1st to 12 am, September 16th

107天107 days


The East Sea maritime that is south of 26.30 Northern Latitude, up to the marine boundary between Fujian and Guangdong

5月16日12時至8月1日12時12 am, May 16th to 12 am, August 1st

78天78 days

北緯12度以北至「閩粵海域交界線」的南海海域The South Sea maritime that is north of 12 degree Northern Latitude, up to the marine boundary between Fujian and Guangdong

5月16日12時至8月1日12時12 am, May 16th to 12 am, August 1st

78天78 days

(一) 自民國84年起,中國大陸農業部每年定期公告漁船全面禁止捕撈、作業及限制漁船進出港作業,違者予以強力取締。


a. Starting from 1995, Ministry of Agriculture of PRC has annually announced the prohibition of major fi shing activities based on regular schedule. The ones that violate this rule, including sailing fi shing boat on the sea, will be strictly penalized.

b. Maritime areas of Taiwan Strait that is affected by the " Marine Conservation " regulations are: (a) South of 26.30 degree Northern Latitude, up to the marine boundary between Fujian and Guangdong. (b) The South Sea maritime area that is north of 12 degree Northern Latitude.

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Page 3: 中國大陸 調調整整休休漁期漁期規規定因應作為定因應作為 · 生澎湖籍6艘漁船遭大陸漁政船押返處罰案例,一度引 發本國漁民強烈非議,謹就海洋巡防總局因應作為,摘




2、98年: 5月16日12時起至8月1日12時止,



1、 往年:與台灣海域交接處,劃定一特別休


至N23°30’, E117°至E120°)。

2、 98年:取消原先「閩粵交界海域」,將名



E117°31’至N21°54’, E120°50’)。


II. Differences in the new regulation that affects the maritime

boundary between Taiwan and Mainland China:

(I) Difference in Timing

1. Previous years: 12 am, June 1st to 12 am, August 1st.

2. 2009: 12 am, May 16th to 12 am, August 1st, which is two weeks


(II) Different in coverage

1. In previous years: a maritime zone located along the marine

boundary between Taiwan and Mainland China had been des-

ignated to be under special marine conservation management

known as "Maritime Boundary between Fujian and Guang-

dong" (22"30 to 23"30 Northern Latitude, 117 to 120 Eastern


2. In 2009, the previous designated "Maritime Boundary between Fu-

jian and Guangdong" has been renamed as "The Marine Bound-

ary Line between Fujian and Guangdong", which extends from

the provincial boundary between Fujian and Guangdong up to

Er-Rwang Bee, the southern end of Taiwan. (N23°09’,E117°31’to

N21°54’,E120°50’) (N = Northern Latitude, E = Eastern Longitude)

(III) Differences shown in the fi gures

N26°30’∼N23°30’ 海域 6/1 12時∼8/1 12時. 61天26.30 ~ 23.30 degree Northern Latitude, 12 am, June 1st, to 12 am, August 1st, lasting 61 days.

N12°以北海域6/1 12時∼8/1 12時. 61天north of 12 degree Northern Lati-tude, 12 am, June 1st, to 12 am, August 1st, lasting 61 days.

閩粵交界海域(E117°∼120°, N22°30’∼23°30’)6/1 12時∼8/1 12時. 61天The marine boundary between Fu-jian and Guangdong: E 117 ~ 120, N 22.30 ~ 23.3(117 ~ 120 degree Eastern Longitude and 22.30 ~ 23.30 degree Northern Latitude), 12 am, June 1st, to 12 am, August 1st, lasting 61 days.v

往年大陸休漁期規定Marine Conservation Periods by the PRC Government in the past years:

N26°30’∼N23°30’∼閩粵交界海域 5/16 12時至8/1 12時. 78天from 26.30 Northern Latitude to The marine boundary between Fu-jian and Guangdong, 12 am, May 16th to 12 am, August 1st, lasting 78 days

N12°以北海域5/16 12時至8/1 12時. 78天12 degree Northern Latitude, 12 am, May 16th to 12 am, August 1st, lasting 78 days.

98年大陸休漁期規定Marine Conservation Periods by the PRC Government in the past years:

海 洋 論 壇海 洋 立 國 . 台 灣 出 發

20 Vol.40―2009 海巡雙月刊

海海sssssssssss t r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot or n g n g n g n g n g n g n g n g n g n ggg g m a rm a rm a rm a rm a rm a rm a rm a rm a rrm i n ei n ei n ei n ei n ei n ei n ei n ei n en ei n en en n a n ann a n a n a n a n an an a n a t i ot i ot i ot i ot i ot i oot i ot i ot i ot i oi ot i n , n , n , n ,n , n , n ,n ,n , nn , Ta iTa iTa iTa iTa iTa iiTTa iTa iTa ia w a nw a nw aw a nw a nw aw a nw a nw a nw a nw a nw aw s e s es e s e s es es e s e s e s es es e t s t s t s t s t st s t s t s t sst ss S a iS a iS a iS a iS a iS a iS a iS a iS a iiS aS aa lllllllllB u i l d id iiiiii n g n gn g n g n g n gn gn g n g gn ggg a sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa

國 . 台 灣 出 發海 洋 立

MMaritime aritime FForumorum

Page 4: 中國大陸 調調整整休休漁期漁期規規定因應作為定因應作為 · 生澎湖籍6艘漁船遭大陸漁政船押返處罰案例,一度引 發本國漁民強烈非議,謹就海洋巡防總局因應作為,摘






(一) 休漁期期間:大陸漁船常越界至台灣海域集




(二) 休漁期前後:為彌補損失,大陸漁船頻頻進













III. Taiwan Maritime under the regulation

The R.O.C. government has already announced the ma-

rine zones around Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matzu, That are

prohibited for major fi shing activities. However, the PRC gov-

ernment has annually designated maritime of Taiwan under its

marine conservation regulation and administration.

Part III. Analysis of Current Situations

I. Violations still exist during the Marine Conservation


(I) During the Marine Conservation Period, fi shing boats from

the Mainland China have still crossed the boundary to ma-

rine zone of Taiwan for fi shing operation, and frequently,

they prolong their stays. It is because they can not only avoid

being banned by the PRC government, but also gather fi sh-

ing resource. However, their actions seriously damage the

marine ecology and marine resources.

(II) Before/after the Marine Conservation Period: to cover the

loss arising from Marine Conservation Periods, Chinese

fi sh boats frequently entered maritime of Taiwan for fi sh-

ing, and even sell their stocks to unlawful Taiwanese fi sh-

ermen illegally. Thus, fi shing resource in Taiwan marine

zones has hardly recovered.

II. Fishing competition makes the resources scarce

Fishery resource is incredibly rich in Taiwan's maritime,

where many different types of fi shes are bred. March to May ev-

ery year has remained as the high season for fl ying fi shes from the

three islands in the north to hatch eggs. Since the Marine Conser-

vation Period has been made earlier, starting from May 16, there

will be a lot of Chinese fi shing boats fl ooding into the marine

zones of the three islands in the north to catch fl ying fi shes eggs.

It may possibly cause the fl ying fi sh eggs running short.

III. Taiwanese fi sh boats detained for crossing the bound-


The PRC government has put the maritime of Taiwan un-

der its regulation and sent patrol boats to the middle of the Cross

Strait. If there are more Taiwanese fi shing boats detained by Chi-

nese patrolling ships, it will cause negative impact on the PRC

- R.O.C. relation.

Part IV.Enforcement Performance

Enforcement Performance for 2007 ~ 2008 Marine Conser-

vation Periods (including the before/after):

According to the chart above, there were 373 boats penal-

ized and 1,305 ones got driven away in the May ~ August marine

conservation period in 2007. In the same period of 2008, 586 boats

were penalized and 2,764 ones were expelled. It was obvious that

2009 2009 • • Vol.Vol.4040 ⇥ 海 巡 雙 月 刊

2009―Vol.40 海巡雙月刊 21

Page 5: 中國大陸 調調整整休休漁期漁期規規定因應作為定因應作為 · 生澎湖籍6艘漁船遭大陸漁政船押返處罰案例,一度引 發本國漁民強烈非議,謹就海洋巡防總局因應作為,摘
















Number of the

Penalized (in boats)

108 86 109 70 373 185 172 113 116 586


Number of the

Expelled (in boats)

374 253 290 388 1,305 753 404 397 1,210 2,764














(一) 每日由空偵機定時至相關海域執行空中巡




(二) 勤前利用雷情系統查察大陸船舶集結或作業




the performance was highly improved in 2008. Besides

showing the determination of Maritime Patrol Director-

ate General, the number of Chinese fi sh boats prolonging

their staying not willing to return seems to be increasing

and it deserves more attention.

Part V. Improvement Methods

I. Integrated Manpower for more constant Wiping

up of unlawful fi shing boats

Each coast fl otilla must make full preparation before/

after the marine conservation period. All the fl otillas

have to carry on "Power Wipe Up" regularly, based on

each fl otilla's sector. On the other hand, the Maritime

Patrol Directorate General is planning the integrated

and expanded version of "Power Wipe Up", which will

be largely based on penalizing. The coast guards will

seize fi shing equipments, fi shery stocks and cut the net

hauler from the violators, and the ones who have violat-

ed the regulation for more than once will be detained.

II. Patrolling on the sea and in the air

(I) The air scouts will patrol in the air everyday. Due to its na-

ture of high mobility and observing range, the air scouts can

accurately detect if there is a gathering of Chinese fi sh boats

in certain marine zones, and will inform the Maritime Patrol

Directorate General right away for law enforcement.

(II) Radars will be used before going on patrolling to detect

the actions of Chinese fi sh boats. Information provided by

radars would be useful reference for operation. If the radar

detects anything abnormal, coast guard ships will be sent


III. More Public Education for the Taiwanese Fishermen

All the fl otillas have to facilitate more public education for the

fi shermen associations and the fi shermen about the marine

conservation regulations of PRC. On the other hand, if any

Taiwanese fi sherman notices about any illegal fi shing activ-

ity or discovers any Chinese patrolling ship facilitating par-

ticular activities in Taiwan's maritime by Chinese fi sherman,

this fi sherman must inform the Maritime Patrol Directorate

General about it through either the Taiwan Fishermen's Radio

Station or the hot line 118.

IV. Patrolling Reinforcement

Since Chinese patrolling boats had penalized Taiwanese fi sh-

ing boats for violating the marine conservation regulations

of PRC, the Maritime Patrol Directorate General decides to

implement more concentrated patrolling around the marine

海 洋 論 壇海 洋 立 國 . 台 灣 出 發

22 Vol.40―2009 海巡雙月刊

海海sssssssssss t r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot r ot or n g n g n g n g n g n g n g n g n g n ggg g m a rm a rm a rm a rm a rm a rm a rm a rm a rrm i n ei n ei n ei n ei n ei n ei n ei n ei n en ei n en en n a n ann a n a n a n a n an an a n a t i ot i ot i ot i ot i ot i oot i ot i ot i ot i oi ot i n , n , n , n ,n , n , n ,n ,n , nn , Ta iTa iTa iTa iTa iTa iiTTa iTa iTa ia w a nw a nw aw a nw a nw aw a nw a nw a nw a nw a nw aw s e s es e s e s es es e s e s e s es es e t s t s t s t s t st s t s t s t sst ss S a iS a iS a iS a iS a iS a iS a iS a iS a iiS aS aa lllllllllB u i l d id iiiiii n g n gn g n g n g n gn gn g n g gn ggg a sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa

國 . 台 灣 出 發海 洋 立

MMaritime aritime FForumorum

Page 6: 中國大陸 調調整整休休漁期漁期規規定因應作為定因應作為 · 生澎湖籍6艘漁船遭大陸漁政船押返處罰案例,一度引 發本國漁民強烈非議,謹就海洋巡防總局因應作為,摘


























boundary between Fujian and Guangdong, coastal shore of

Penghu and the South Sea, to prevent potential boundary-

crossing issues. On the other hand, protect the rights of Tai-

wanese fi shermen.

V. More channels for Investigations

Due to the geographical nature of Kinmen and Matzu areas,

many of the small rafts and small fi shing boats cross bound-

aries for gathering fi shing resource, which makes it easier to

investigate. However, around the marine areas of the three

major islands in the north and Penghu, there are more of the

large, steel ships and these ships usually sneak around, which

are hard to arrest. Regarding this situation, the proper way is

video recording of the illegal fi shing activities conducted by

these ships. Then, send the recorded data to the contact offi cer

who will send it to the PRC government authorities.

Part VI. Conclusions

There are many Chinese fi shing boats intruding Taiwan's

maritime before and after the marine conservation periods for

illegal fi shing activities. Meanwhile, a considerable number of

Chinese patrolling ships would approach Taiwan's maritime

for political or performance issues. These would make negative

impression for the Cross-Strait relations. Under the principle

for protecting the rights for Taiwanese fi shermen, the Maritime

Patrol Directorate General will take on a highly more strict ap-

proach to illegal Chinese fi shing boats.

(The author is currently with the Marine Affair Section of Mari-

time Patrol Directorate General)

2009 2009 • • Vol.Vol.4040 ⇥ 海 巡 雙 月 刊

2009―Vol.40 海巡雙月刊 23

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