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Page 1: OER Authoring and Delivery Platforms

OER Authoring and Delivery


Clint Lalonde, BCcampus

Judy Einstein & Etienne Pelaprat, Courseload, Inc

Domi Enders, Open Assembly

April 8, 2015, 10:00 am PSTUnless otherwise indicated, this presentation is licensed CC-BY 4.0

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Collaborate Window Overview

Audio & Video



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Page 4: OER Authoring and Delivery Platforms


Please introduce yourself in the chat window

Clint Lalonde

Open Ed Manager


Judy Einstein

VP Business Dev


Moderator: Una Daly

Director of Curriculum Design & College Outreach

Open Education Consortium

Etienne Pelaprat

User Design Director


Domi Enders

CEO & Founder

Open Assembly

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• CCCOER Overview

• Courseload Delivery Platform

• The Pressbooks Authoring Tool

• Open Assembly Platform

• Q & A

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• Expand access to high-

quality materials

• Support faculty choice

and development

• Improve student success

Community College Consortium



Come In, We're Open gary simmons

cc-by-nc-sa flickr

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250+ Colleges in 21 States

& Provinces

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OER Authoring &

Delivery Platforms

• Faculty need easy-to-use authoring tools

• Institutions need to integrate OER into existing CMS infrastructures

• Students need easy search and access to OER

• Leverage the inherent shareability of OER to build communities of interest

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Judy EinsteinVP Business Dev.

Etienne PelapratUX Director

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Strictly Confidential

Courseload’s role in OER success

1. Deliver OERs alongside other course materials in a

seamless, unified content experience.

2. Focus on content-enhancement tools that benefit

instruction and learning.

3. Enable institutional content and metadata management.

4. Flexible, customizable discovery and adoption capabilities.

5. System integrations: LMS, SIS, catalogs, content


6. Business models that meet institutional needs.

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Strictly Confidential

Courseload Engage

Diverse content

• OER (text-based)

• Video

• Journal articles, library content

• Proprietary content

• Upload content

Features & apps

• Accessible web application

(508(c), WCAG 2.0AA+, ARIA, etc.)

• Native mobile apps

• Offline access


• Seamless LMS integration

• Content preparation and


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Strictly Confidential

Courseload Engage

• Exceptional content / mobile delivery

• Clean, sleek, attractive, usable

• Day 1 access to students

• Class-wide content enhancements

• Instructionally oriented – scaffold, Q&A, etc.

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Strictly Confidential

Ingest & Curate

• Harvest content.

• Ingest diverse catalogs and


• Generate custom content

catalogs for your institution,

program, department, etc.

• OER-specific catalogs.

• Metadata curation capabilities

via custom tools.

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Strictly Confidential

Discover & Adopt

• Expose catalogs of content to

federated search tools.

• Integrate with campus systems

(e.g., SIS) to facilitate specific

content discovery.

• Ordering tools to acquire new or

custom content.

• Faculty freedom to peruse

catalog offerings and adopt

them for their courses and


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Strictly Confidential

Content analytics

• Content-use data to drive

adoption and ordering


• Request custom publisher

textbooks to reduce costs.

• Generate course packs based

on common use patterns.

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Strictly Confidential

Student analytics

• Real-time, class-wide reading


• Real-time, class-wide content

interaction data.

• Correlate to outcomes.

• Map data to various content

enhancement strategies.

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BCcampus Pressbooks

Clint LalondeOpen Education Manager

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Open Textbook Authoring withPressBooks Textbook

Clint LalondeManager, Open Education, BccampusCCCOER Webinar April 8, 2015

Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Feel free to use, modify and/or distribute any or all of this presentation, with attribution.

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Connect the expertise, programs, and resources of all BC post-secondary

institutions under a collaborative service delivery framework

• Promote & support the development & use of Open Educational Resources

• System wide initiatives to facilitate the enhancement of a high quality teaching & learning


Open Education & Professional Learning

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The BC Open Textbook Project

40 free & open textbooks for highest

enrolled 1st & 2nd year post-secondary

subjects in BC

2014 – 20 for skills & training

First province in Canada

2014 – AB & SASK MOU

$1 million

2014 - $1 million

Visual notes of John Yap announcement, Giulia Forsythe Used under

CC-SA license

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Don’t reinvent it by Andrea Hernandez released under CC-BY-NC-SA and based on Wheel by Pauline Mak released under CC-BY license

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Students Faculty

1. Free2. Choice of formats

a. Webb. Printc. eBook

3. Can retain

1. Easy to find2. Address Quality3. Support Adapt/Create

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Beyond a “book”

“the thing that interests me most about where we are in the world of books is

imagining new and different kinds of models for book publishing. To build new

models, we need open platforms that allow people to experiment with new


Hugh McGuire http://codepoet.com/2013/08/29/hugh-mcguire-interview/

The blurring lines between books and the internet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5iNeDwve1U

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Publish Many

Write Once/Import

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Hosted, commercial service

PressBooks Plugin

Self-Hosted Open Source WP plugin

PressBooks Textbooks Plugin

Extends PB plugin


• Hosted. Need little tech support



• No control of platform

• Designed for fiction, not TB

• Cost

• Full control of entire platform

• Open source


• Designed for fiction

• Requires tech support

• Proprietary PDF engine (PrinceXML)


• Full control of entire platform

• Open Source

• Textbook specific features


• Requires tech support

• Proprietary PDF engine (PrinceXML)

BCcampus developed

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Development Cycle

BCcampus develops & contributes code

To PressBooks OS plugin

PressBooks OS plugin code merged

with PressBooks.com

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Pressbooks Textbooks PluginExtends PB plugin • Add Creative Commons licenses

• Add Textbook specific features

• Learning Outcomes, Exercises &

Key Takeaways

• Search

• Annotation (Hypothes.is)

• Added API (Application Program


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More than a book (book as application)

"An API, or "Application Program

Interface", is a set of routines and

protocols that provide building

blocks for computer programmers

and web developers to build

software applications."



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More than a book (book as application)

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What we are working on now

• Accessibility features (FLOE Project)

• Replace PrinceXML with Open Source PDF engine

• New ODT output (Word Compatible)

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Finding us

Open Textbook Project: open.bccampus.ca

PressBooks plugin: wordpress.org/plugins/pressbooks

PressBooks Textbook plugin: wordpress.org/plugins/pressbooks-textbook

PressBooks Textbooks GitHub (developers): github.com/BCcampus/pressbooks-textbook

Example of a PBTB book: opentextbc.ca/geography

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Thank You


@bccampus @clintlalonde

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Open Assembly

Domi EndersFounder & CEO

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Open Learningpowered by

Open Educational Resources

Domi Enders, Founder & CEO | www.openassembly.com

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Non-traditional students & adjunct instructors are often poorly integrated with institutions due to their circumstances, and therefore:

Less likely to be reached by OER initiatives on their campusesHave limited access to peer communities

How can we use technology and the inherent shareability of OER to increase access to resources and peer communities?

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Anytime, anywhere access to peer

communities and learning resources.

Open Learning Architecture for OER

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Anytime, anywhere access to peer

communities and learning resources.

Open Learning Architecture for OER

Personal technology owned by the adjunct or student, course to course, year to year

Modularized OER collections optimized for micro-learning and ease of adaptation

Collaborative content curation enabling every user to become a producer/curator of OER

P2P learningfacilitating connection & interaction w/ peers, within courses or groups

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Content Integration

API Integration

LMS Integration


• Plug-and-play in any LMS• Access all your learning resources in a single interface• Use analytics to personal the learning experience

Open Learning Architecture for OER

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Easy AdaptationDrag and drop remixing

Contextualized resources

CollaborativeContent Curation

Live chat


Modularized OER collections

Modularized OER collections

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Contracted pilot: 201560k students & 5k adjuncts 1,132 institutions

12.8M students644K adjuncts


Anticipated pilot: 201513k students & 1k adjuncts


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Teaching with modularized and curated OERa. Time-savings in class prep time b. Increase/decrease in OER adoptionc. Value of OER curation to

• Departments • Instructors • Students

d. Increase/decrease of instructor-student interaction via

• Use of live chat • Use of analytics• Collaborative content curation

Learning with modularized and curated OERa. Increased engagement via

• Affordability of resources• Increased opportunities for P2P learning• Increased opportunities for interaction with

faculty• Anytime anywhere access to OER

b. Improved student outcomes• Course completion• Engagement with college as community


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May 13, 10:00 am PST

See you at our next webinar!

Community College

OER Projects

Image: Quill and Modern Pen" by Digital Paradox is licensed under


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Open Education Global 2015

The theme for Open

Education Global 2015 is

Entrepreneurship and

Innovation, emphasizing the

exciting directions and

developments in open

education around the world.

Organized by OEC and

Athabasca University.

Where: Alberta, Canada

When: 22-24 April, 2015


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