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OER, Open Access and Scholarshipin Portuguese Higher Education

Paula Cardoso

Doctoral ProgrammeDistance Education and eLearning

November 19-21, 2014 : Washington, DC

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Research questions

What are faculty’s attitudes towards OER and Open Access

in the context of their teaching and research practice?

What is the level of awareness of faculty regarding OER,

open licensing and Open Access publishing?

What are the main incentives perceived in sharing open

educational resources and openly publishing research



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Research questions

What are the main values perceived in sharing open

educational resources and openly publishing research


What are the main constraints perceived in sharing open

educational resources and openly publishing research


What are the relationships among faculty’s awareness,

attitudes, incentives, constraints and values perceived

concerning OER and Open Access?


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Superior School of Tourism and Maritime TechnologyPolytechnic Institute of Leiria – Peniche, Portugal

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HIGHER EDUCATION – Disruptive waves

Develop and improve curriculum

Invest in quality

Adapt to different learning environments

Connect with broader community

Promote students’ employability

Take care of financial health

Rising costs

Decreasing resources




Emerging technologies


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Main Entrance – University of Coimbra, Portugal

Community ofexperts

Storehouse ofknowledge

Certificationof knowledge

Research TeachingPublic




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Multidimensional nature of Scholarship


(Boyer, 1990)






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Technology and Scholarship

Canon of scholarly resources

Technological innovation

Access to a larger group

“Outdated thinking reinforcedby law” (Wiley, 2010)






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Monasteries andchurches

Printing Press

Amateur andprofessional scholars

Technology and Scholarship – 15th century9

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Higher EducationInstitutions

Internet and its affordances

Growing demand onaccess to Higher Education

Technology and Scholarship – 21st century10

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(Oblinger, 2010)


(Burton, 2009, Pearce et al.,



(Weller, 2011, Pearce et al.,



(Cohen, 2007,

Greenhow, 2009)


(Veletsianos, 2010)

Social scholarship “use ofsocial tools is an integral partof the research andpublishing process [and ischaracterized by] openness,conversation, collaboration,access, sharing andtransparent revision”(Cohen, 2007)

Networked Participatory Scholarship is theemergent practice of scholars’ use ofparticipatory technologies and online socialnetworks to share, reflect upon, critique,improve, validate and further their scholarship(Veletsianos & Kimmons, 2011)

Digital scholarship is “embracing theopen values, ideology and potential oftechnologies born of peer-to-peernetworking and wiki ways of working inorder to benefit both the academy andsociety” (Pearce et al., 2010)

Scholarship in the digital age11

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Scholarship in the digital age


• Easily discovered, easily accessible abundant information

• Networking

• Sharing of digital data

• Open access, open data, open research


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Scholarship in the digital age


• Increased collaborative work

• Networking

• Sharing

• Open access and open publication


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Scholarship in the digital age


• New ways of public engagement

• Sharing

• Networked communities


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Scholarship in the digital age


• Easily reproduced and shared digital resources

• Collaboration and co-creation of resources

• Increased emphasis on openness

• Open educational resources


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Traditional scholarly communication cycle(Czerniewicz et el., 2014)16

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Changing scholarly communication cycle(Czerniewicz et el., 2014)17

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Scholarship and Openness

Education is, first and foremost, an enterprise of sharing. In fact,

sharing is the sole means by which education is effected (Wiley &

Green, 2012)


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Openness is “a trend, both in terms of the production and sharing

of educational materials, as well as making research publications

(and even research data) freely available” (Conole & Alevizou,


Open scholarship to refer to teaching and research practices that

espouse openness (Veletsianos & Kimmons, 2012)

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Concept Definition Source

Open bibliography “systematic efforts to create and maintain stores of Openly

accessible, machine-readable bibliographic data”

Jones et al. (2011)

Open content “… a collective name for creative work published under a

non-restrictive licence that explicitly permits the work to be

copied and – depending on the particular licence chosen

– to also be adapted and distributed.”

Keller & Mossink


Open courseware


“free and open digital publications of high quality college

and university-level educational materials … organized as

courses, and often include course planning materials and

evaluation tools as well as thematic content … openly

licenses, accessible to anyone, anytime via the Internet.”

OCW Consortium


Open data “Data that meets the criteria of inteligente openness. Data

must be accessible, useable, assessable and intelligible.”

Royal Society (2012)

Open development “the community-led development model found within

many successful free and open source software projects.”

Anderson (2009)

Open educational

practices (OEP)

“… collaborative practice in which resources are shared by

making them openly available, and pedagogical practices

are employed which rely on social interaction, knowledge

creation, peer-learning, and shared learning practices.”

Ehlers (2011)

Open educational


“… teaching, learning and research materials in any

medium, digital or otherwise, that reside in the public

domain or have been released under an open license that

permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution

by others with no or limited restrictions.”

UNESCO (2012)

Open phenomena in academic discourse and

practice (Corrall & Pinfield, 2014)19

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Concept Definition Source

Open innovation “the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to

accelerate internal innovation and expand the markets for

external use of innovation, respectively. …assumes that

firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal

ideas and internal and external paths to market”

Chesbrough (2006)

Open literature

review [open


“… uses a social networking space to aggregate and

collectively discuss an evolving body of literature around a

set of core research questions.”

Conole & Alevizou


Open notebook


“a form of Open Science where the laboratory notebook is

made public in as close to real time as possible”

Bradley, Owens &

Williams (2008)

Open peer review “the opposite of double blind, in which authors’ and

reviewers’ identities are both known to each other (and

sometimes publicly disclosed), but… also used to describe

other approaches, such as where the reviewers remain

anonynous but their reports are published.”

Ware (2011)

Open science “making methodologies, data and results available on the

Internet, through transparent working practices”

Lyon (2009)

Open source “…the practice that gives free access in production and

development to the source material for an end product; in

most cases, one is dealing with software.”

Mossink (2008)

Open systems “…conform to internationally agreed standards defining

computing environments that allow users to develop, run

and interconnect applications and the hardware they run

on, from whatever source, without significant conversion


Bryant (1995)

Open phenomena in academic discourse and

practice (Corrall & Pinfield, 2014)20

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Coherence of “open” initiatives(Corrall & Pinfield, 2014)21

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Openness in research and teaching

Open Access


Scholarship of teaching Scholarship of discovery


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23Portuguese context

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24Portuguese context

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Researchers in Portugal and their relationship with open access to

scientific production (Documentary Services of University of Minho, 2012)

General knowledge on theconcept of open access(97%).

High level of agreement withthe principle of open access,regarding the research withpublic funding (92%).

Significant difference betweenthe positive opinion onadhering to open accessprinciples (more than 90%) andthe effective practice of openaccess (70%).

Difference between opinionand knowledge and practice /significant lack of knowledgeregarding policies (institutionaland/or European Union) onopen access.

1249 responses

25Portuguese context

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Portuguese context26

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Portuguese context27

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Portuguese context28

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29Portuguese context

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The Open Access movement is defined and researchers

reveal general awareness and a high level of agreement

with the principle of sharing, although not so reflected in


The Open Educational Resources movement is not

defined and there is no information on awareness,

attitudes or practice.

30Portuguese context

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Faculty from Portuguese public

Higher Education Institutions

Recognised bythe Foundation of

Science andTechnology (FCT)

Social Sciencesand Humanities



- Participation in research projects

- Teaching service


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Current stage

Analysis of international OER and Open Access surveys to

identify the main dimensions for each research question.

Analysis of common grounds for comparability in the

measured dimensions.


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Doctoral ProgrammeDistance Education and eLearning

November 19-21, 2014 : Washington, DC

Thank you for your attention

Paula Cardoso

[email protected]


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