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  • JANUARY 10, 2021

    PARISH STAFF & INFO Deacon Jeff Prickette

    Pastoral Leader 920-468-5718 x106 cell 920-858-6020

    [email protected] ~~~~~~

    Father Dennis Ryan Priest Celebrant


    Deacon Bill Burkel cell 920-615-7420

    [email protected] ~~~~~~

    Deacon Dennis Kozlovsky cell 920-680-0422

    [email protected] ~~~~~~

    Deb Wegner-Hohensee Pastoral Associate 920-468-5718 x105 cell 920-265-9768

    [email protected] ~~~~~~

    Kathy Pelnar Office Coordinator 920-468-5718 x110 [email protected]


    Leah Jarocki Rel. Ed. Coordinator/Grades 1-6

    920-468-5718 x104 [email protected]


    Amy Ertman Rel. Ed. Coordinator/Grades 7-12

    920-468-5718 x103 [email protected]


    Kim Hermans Bookkeeper

    920-468-5718 x102 [email protected]


    Diane Fidler Administrative Assistant

    920-468-5718 x101 [email protected]


    Marsha Loritz Administrative Assistant

    920-468-5718 x101 [email protected]


    Rachel “Red” Sember Web/Media Consultant

    [email protected] ~~~~~~

    Ken Miller Maintenance Coordinator

    cell 920-639-4680 [email protected]


    Bob Seering Parish Custodian


    3425 Willow Rd, Green Bay, WI 54311

    (920)468-5718 -email: [email protected]

    Visit our website: www.popgb.org

    Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-4pm and Friday 8am-Noon

    Mission Statement Prince of Peace is a welcoming and engaged Catholic community

    dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through prayerful worship and sharing our gifts of charity, compassion and service.

  • Page 2 Prince of Peace Parish

    The Sanctuary Candle will burn Jan. 10th –Jan. 16th in memory of:

    Elizabeth Spotts

    The Marian Candle will burn Jan. 10th –Jan. 16th in memory of:

    Cliff & Ceil Loritz

    If you would like to schedule the Sanctuary Candle or Marian Candle, please contact the Parish Office at 920-468-5718.

    Monday January 11 -No Mass

    Tuesday January 12 7:30 am † Stephen L Zipperer Wednesday January 13 7:30 am † Deceased members of the Skarda and Zipperer families Thursday January 14 7:30 am † Cliff and Ceil Loritz Friday January 15 –No Mass

    Saturday January 16 4:30 pm † Deanna Czechanski Lector: Lori Juza

    Sunday January 17 8:00am - Living & Deceased members of Catholic Financial #307 Lector: Sharon Basten

    10:00am † Emma & Louis Charlier - P.O.P. Parish Family Lector: Barb Delforge

    Readings for the Week of January 10, 2021

    Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10 [11b]/Acts 10:34-38/Mk 1:7-11 or Is 55:1-11/Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 [3)]/1 Jn 5:1-9/Mk 1:7-11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6/Ps 97:1 and 2b, 6 and 7c, 9 [cf. 7c]/Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12/Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9 [cf. 7]/Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 [8a]/Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14/Ps 95:6-7c, 8-9, 10-11 [8]/Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11/Ps 78:3 and 4bc, 6c-7, 8 [cf. 7b]/Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 [cf. Jn 6:63c]/Mk 2:13-17 Next Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 [8a, 9a]/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42 (©Liturgical Publications Inc)

    Deacon Jeff’s Corner

    One of the most important items that often goes unlooked by the media during this pandemic is the emotional/mental health of individuals. In their November survey, a Gallup poll showed that persons who attended religious services weekly (either in-person or virtually) actually showed an increase in “excellent” mental health in 2020. The survey showed 42% of weekly church goers said their mental health was excellent in 2019 and that number increased to 46% in 2020. Compare that to those who said they attended church nearly weekly or monthly where 35% said their mental health was excellent, which was down 12% from 2019. Most notably, those who said they attended church seldom or never had a 13% decrease in excellent mental health in 2020, down to only 29%. It’s hard to draw any definitive conclusions from a survey like this but I would boldly say that having God in our lives changes our attitude. In my opinion, gathering as a community to worship God and especially as Catholics to receive Jesus in the Eucharist has brought some sanity to the madness of this pandemic in my humble opinion.

    Many have accused me of threatening people’s health by encouraging them to come to Mass, when what I have said over and over is that if you are medically compromised or have other conditions where being with others could threaten your health, please stay home and watch us or some other Mass virtually. We must stay connected to our faith for our spiritual and physical health and our salvation!

    The week of Christmas, my wife, Mary, and I were feeling what I would describe as not 100%. Some congestion, a little cough, but in any other time nothing more than a minor cold. We decided to be tested and gratefully were negative, but we did watch the Jan. 1 Solemnity of the Mary, Mother of God Mass on our Facebook page live. It’s the first time we had done this during the pandemic and I would say this about the experience: Tim Decker and company have done a wonderful job of making the feel of watching the Mass on our Facebook page or YouTube site as good as it can possibly be. Thanks to all of them! However, it simply does not and cannot replace the experience of physically being here as a family and receiving Jesus’ body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist instead of spiritually. Those were the things we missed so badly as we watched from home.

    For those of you who need to stay home, I understand and pray for you. I hope that you will watch and take part in the Mass from home at least once a week. For those of you who can be here, please come for your physical, spiritual and emotional health. Together and with God’s unfailing help, we will get through this! Deacon Jeff

  • Green Bay, WI Page 3

    Prayer Network For prayer requests please call: Rita Boucher: 468-7060 Shirley Skaletski: 468-6655 Lori Horkman: 863-8391 We can use e-mail or direct phone calls to carry out the message. Anyone interested in being a member of the Prayer Network either by phone or e-mail, please contact one of the leaders. Looking to update all e-mail addresses for the members of the Prayer Network. PLEASE e-mail updates to Shirley Skaletski at [email protected]

    For the most current Events... See our online calendar at: www.popgb.org

    Mass Times Rosary Tues, Wed, Thurs -7:30am Tues, Wed, Thurs -7:05am 1st Friday 11:00am (October –May) Saturday 4:30pm Sunday 8:00am & 10:00am

    Reconciliation Holy Day Masses Saturday 3:30pm-4:00pm (see below)

    Diocesan Holy Hour 1st Friday 10:00am (Oct-May) & 9am (June-Sept) Please Note: Changes will be listed below.

    January 10 6:30pm Rel. Ed.-Confirmation Class 11 6:30pm Know Your Faith Series 13 6:00pm No Rel Ed Class-Catechist In-Service 14 6:00pm Worship Committee Meeting 14 6:30pm Education Committee Meeting 17 6:30pm Rel. Ed.-Confirmation Class 18 Blood Drive– appointments only 18 6:30pm Building & Grounds Meeting 18 6:30pm Know Your Faith Series 19 6:30pm Knights of Columbus Meeting

    Calendar of Events

    Scrip Skip the line - Shop Online!

    Go to www.popgb.org/Get Involved/Scrip Orders must be emailed by Noon on Wednesday.

    Scrip is available: M/W/F mornings, 8:30am - Noon, Parish Office After weekend Masses in the Gathering Space

    Scrip will be sold in the Gathering Space after Mass on the following dates: Volunteers: Jan. 16th/17th, 2021 Saturday 4:30pm - Kevin & Laura Rukamp Sunday 8:00am - Sue Kaminski & Volunteer Sunday 10:00am - Diana Hoelter & Volunteer

    Scrip Profit 1/4/21 -$237.29 Next Scrip order date(s): January 18th

    Weekly Financial Report

    Prince of Peace Parish Parish Support December 26, 2020 –January 1, 2021

    Description_________________________________ Amount

    Envelopes $ 11,829.92 Direct Deposits $ - Faith Direct $ - Loose Collection $ 1,837.20 Estate Donation $ 407.82 Long Range Needs $ 1,360.00 Wish List Donation $ 3,740.00 RE Tuition $ - Miscellaneous $ 214.25 TOTAL WEEKEND COLLECTION $ 19,389.19 TOTAL BUDGETED WEEKLY NEED $ 18,425.00 YTD BUDGETED NEED $479,050.00 YTD ACTUAL COLLECTION $496,856.19 Fiscal YTD Surplus/Deficit $ 17,806.19

    Live-streaming Mass Days and times we live-stream Mass:

    Saturdays at 4:30pm

    Tuesday-Thursday at 7:30am Find us on Facebook.

    Search popgb54311 to get connected.

    Moved, changed your phone number or your e-mail address?

    Please contact the parish office at (920)468-5718 or

    e-mail Diane at: [email protected] or

    e-mail Marsha at: [email protected]

    Mass Intentions/Presentation of Gifts

    If you scheduled the 1st Mass Intention and plan on presenting the gifts at Mass, please arrive a little

    earlier and let the ushers know you are here. If they are not told, they will ask someone else. Prior to presenting the gifts, use the hand sanitizer that is

    provided at the presentation table.

  • New Parishioners October -December 2020 Chris Pritzl Jeff & Michelle Kapinos Kathryn Kugel Terry & Mary Fameree Bradley & Jamie Beck Mark & Vicki Shefchik Thom & Sandy Cody Dennis McLean & Alison Winiecki Ed & Jean Rueckl Bill Roddy & Joyana Aiello Ben & Laura Young

    Baptisms Recorded at Prince of Peace 10/11 Tanner Lukas John Wolosek, son of Jacob & Jessica 10/18 Addison Marie Pieschek, daughter of Matthew & Mariah 11/01 Kal Norman Klarkowski, son of Zachary & Sara 11/08 Sloane Kenni Jergenson, daughter of Jamie Jergenson 12/05 Reese Kathryn VandenLangenberg, daughter of Tyler & Bailey 12/20 Savannah Grace VanRite, daughter of John & Nicole 12/27 Violet Janette Marie DeNoble, daughter of Kevin & Jennifer

    Weddings Recorded at Prince of Peace 10/17 Jonathan Olson & Mercedes Schuchardt 11/07 Kyle Lemmens & Kristen Malewiski 12/05 Joel Tineo & Karen Kudick

    Deaths Recorded at Prince of Peace 10/11 Michael Oudenhoven 11/18 John Schneider 10/17 Stanley “Butch” Kielpikowski 11/25 Francis “Frank” Radosevich 11/05 John “Brian” Dachelet 11/28 Evelyn Peer 11/06 Alvan George Ourada 12/15 Joseph “Joe” Ripp 11/16 Ronald “Ron” C Brice 12/16 Janice M Thiry

  • Our Holy Martyrs/Prince of Peace Cemetery and Columbaria both have

    availability. The Columbaria has 96 niches for cremation burials and

    the Cemetery has a new section available.

    For more information, please contact Jack Rentmeester, Cemetery Sexton

    at (920) 217-2204 or [email protected]

    Holy Martyrs Cemetery

    745 Erie Road Green Bay, WI 54311

    4 Drawer Fire Proof File Cabinet $2,000 ($1200 Received) Barrier Post w/retractable belt (6) $1,350 ($500 Received) Funeral Pall $1,300 (Received) Easter Paschal Candle $ 400 (Received) Advent Wreath w/candles & stand $ 490 (Received) Portable DVD/CD Player $ 30 (Received) Portable Speakers indoor/outdoor $ 210 (Received) Full HD Wifi Bluetooth Projector $ 460 (Received)

    Christmas Wish List

    Paul’s Pantry Food Cabinet

    Thank you to Hank Kollross for his time and talents in making the Paul’s Pantry cabinet located in the front entry (vestibule) for

    nonperishable food items and egg carton drop-offs. If you would like to make a cash donation, there is a slot on the

    right side of the cabinet. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful

    talent in our parish!!

    Thank you!!

  • In Sympathy We extend our sympathy to the family

    and friends of Gladys Kroll. Please keep Gladys and her family in your prayers.

    Jesus’ Baptism Fulfills All Righteousness by Deacon Dennis

    Water parks can be a fun, relaxing way to spend a hot day in summer. We are lucky to have some great water parks in Wisconsin that are easy to get to. Upon arriving, it seems that one or two or maybe all of the rides are calling our name: The Lazy River, The Wave pool, and the Express Tube Slide. If we get to the water park, we are sure to participate in the fun and enjoyment. In today’s gospel, John the Baptist was baptizing the faithful in the Jordan River with water, for repentance of sins. When John looked up, he saw Jesus waiting in line to be baptized. Theologians debate since Jesus is the Son of God, was it necessary that He be baptized. John knows that the power and authority of the one who is to come after him are far greater than his own. His purpose in baptizing so many was to prepare their hearts for the coming of God’s Kingdom. Jesus desired to be baptized in the Jordan by John to demonstrate His total commitment to the Kingdom. Once in the water, what John had been saying about Jesus is shown for all to see. Jesus willingly wants to be baptized at the hands of John the Baptist. He wants to participate in the joy and be the sign of the coming of God’s Kingdom. And God is joyful as well, for he declares that Jesus is His beloved Son, with whom He is well pleased. As Jesus emerges from the water, a dove, representing the Holy Spirit, descends upon Jesus . For as John indicates, while he baptizes with water, the One mightier than he will indeed baptize with the Holy Spirit. Jesus, our Redeemer, helps all of us as God’s children to be born of water and the Spirit. So the next time you find yourself at a water park,

    make sure to enjoy the fun and participate with your

    family and friends. Be all in! The person behind you in

    line as you wait your turn for the Tube Slide may just

    be Jesus!

  • Severe Weather Notice

    Weekday Mass may be cancelled in advance if bad weather is forecasted by the local TV stations. The Parish office hours may vary due to bad weather. Please call before coming to the Parish Office to verify that we are open (920)468-5718.

    Any closures and cancellations will be posted on the local TV stations or on their website (WBAY-2, WLUK-11(FOX), WFRV-5) and our POP Website and Facebook.

    You will be notified if Religious Education classes will be cancelled due to bad weather. E-mails will be sent to all families notifying them of the cancellation along with posting the cancellation on POP website, Facebook and the TV stations listed above.

    PART 2 Monday 11-Jan. DVD- Session 4 The Church and the Papacy Monday 18-Jan. DVD- Session 5 The Bible and Sacred Tradition Monday 25-Jan. DVD- Session 6 Non-Catholic Christians Monday 1-Feb. DVD- Session 7 The Sacraments - The Eucharist Monday 8-Feb. DVD- Session 8 The Sacraments - Confirmation & Baptism Monday 15-Feb. DVD- Session 9 The Sacraments - Confession & Anointing PART 3 -DVD sessions to be announced at a later date.

    Facilitator – Deacon Jeff

    Questions contact Becky Krueger at 920-680-4290 or [email protected]

    Our 2021 Breaking Bread

    Missalettes are available to pick up and purchase at the parish

    office only.

    We are asking $5 per missalette and limit of 2 books per family.

    Any question call the parish office at 468-5718.

    Prince of Peace Community Blood Drive

    3425 Willow Road, Bellevue Monday, January 18, 2021 12:00-5:00

    All donors must make an appointment. Call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767)

    or visit redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: Prince of Peace

    Sign up today to save up to three lives! Questions? Contact Jenny VandenLangenberg

    at 676-9363 or [email protected]

    End of Year Financial Statements

    End of the year financial statements will be available to all parish members, by request only.

    Please contact the parish office if you will need a statement for tax purposes. We will print statements

    on a weekly basis. They will be emailed to you or available for pick up.

    Phone: (920)468-5718 or email: [email protected]


    Adoration at 10:00 Mass at 11:00 with lunch to follow.

    2020 has been a struggle for all of us! We continue to

    incorporate safe practices in order to have First Friday Senior Luncheon. We gotten comments on how everyone felt safe enjoying some good company and a good lunch. Let us give thanks to God for all we have

    and continue to be blessed in 2021!

    Please reserve your spot so we can plan by signing up in the gathering space. Just a reminder...if you want

    “take out” put a "T" by your name. Deadline is Wed. Feb. 3rd. For more information call LeeAnn @920-465-8882

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