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Rene Lalique was a major player in the Art Deco and Art Nouveau movements, with his experimental designs in jewellery, glassware and architecture.

His Inspirations that inspired his jewellery and glass-work where Snakes and swallows, pincones and orchids, ice and snow. He tried to capture the motion of movement in his works if it was the arcs of swooping swallows to the patterns of schools of fish deep beneath the ocean.

His use of unusual natural materials that where slightly deformed where placed next to the brilliant sapphires or diamonds to heighten the effect of the stones.

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New-Tenero “The City of traders” foundation was built around the natural harbours and quays that channel up into the land. It was once a town of rickety Markets and torn linen roofs mainly dealing with sea produce, as of the ability to moor a broad fleet of sizeable fishing boats. The fish markets connecting to this trade stretched up through the waterways, making the majority of this old rickety and smelly City. A population of hard grafting and down to earth civilians.

But as the Great Trade began from the countries form the east and west, the traffic of sea faring clippers and barges started to use New-Tenero due to its central location between the worlds empires. Using the huge food resources of the markets and the ability to moor there clippers in the abundance of space in the ports and rest before their treacherous journeys home.

Understanding the importance of New-Tenero, the Europeans set up a congress with the cities main market’s influential fish traders for the beginning of a world trade centre. A trading post was established where all produce could come so that the East and West Empires only had to travel half the distance. Giving the New-Tenero a Free Trade Policy, The fishermen and fishmongers could start to build their own empire trading in produce brought from their fish economy which boomed due to vast amount of ships that needed feeding.

The success of New-Tenero’s geographic position turned the Port into one of the largest and busiest in the world. Ships full of the most luxurious goods would dock each day, with the Tenero’s always first on the seen buying the best quality produce from the day, due to the free trade act they signed.

A pragmatic meeting was held to form a meritocracy council, as New-Tenero was becoming a city of riches and finery and everyone was entitled to the growing wealth and splendour. Money was poured into the city, and construction started into what is now one of the most uniquely looking and maintained cities you will ever lay eyes on.

As a new life was breathed into the city by the foresight of the Europeans. The newly formed council wanted to pay their respects for this highly lucrative opportunity and decided to style their architecture on modern European art styles so that when west Empires came they would feel at home, and not in such foreign lands.

70 years later as you are flying into the highly modern city, gazing out the window as you coming into land, you cant help but notice a sea of rusty container ships that are tethered together, that, in its self is the size of a city out at sea, all waiting for their call into port to unload. If flying in at night this could be mistaken as land due to the city of floating lights - Ironically the container ships these days are only allowed to moor up in the designated cargo dock’s when unloading.

Travelling in from the suburbs of the City, multiple tall slender objects start to loom high up into the sky, with what looks like a insignia emitting a blue glow that is so vibrant you could probably see from continents afar. One could only imagine these are lighthouses for the safe passage of the cargo ships entering the docks at night hours. Edging closer to the city, the single carriageway multiplies quickly into a vast interweaving system of highways that rise up into the air, artistically flowing around buildings in the distance like a art nouveau sculpture.

Taking a higher level carriageway, advantage of the scenery can be seen beneath you and the relaxed splendour that the city has to offer to its community. Families relaxing and enjoying themselves in botanical city parks filled with the scent of jasmine and other exotic plants from around the world, adding to the vibrant colours and smells of the city. The criss cross of Highways travel further into the heart of the city winding past the best architecture giving everyone a chance to see the spectacular aesthetic of the buildings.

The heart of this city, is the largest of the harbour’s, that was once the busiest fishing market. Though today there is not a fishing boat or market stool to be seen, However this is the residence of the “The City of traders” Parliament Building. A architectural Marvel of the European art nouveau movement, mixed with the splendour of the worlds trade of gems, glass and metals. The main structural element of the building can only be described as a titanium type of metal, not as reflective as silver but when composed with the vibrant blue and sparkle of the glass structures that the metal supports, it can only be said to be very pleasing to ones eye as the symmetrical forms blend into something that would comfortably sit in the worlds best galleries. The gardens and walkways spread out around the edges of the harbour it what seems to be a very symmetrical pattern - if seen from the air could be classed as a piece of art in itself.

One thing you notice about this area is how clean and well maintained it is. From the sparkle of the glass (not one greasy finger print) to the luscious green vegetation in the harbours parks, all is kept to an exquisite level of presentation. But this carries across the whole of the city. The architecture is not as grand but still to a very high level of craftsmanship, and as though crafted by a artist to enhance the surroundings it occupies.

As you explore into the city, you can sense how the quality of life for the residence is some what grand. New-Tenero is a shopping utopia filled with the worlds newest and finest produce. Hundreds of shopping malls all competing to have the most flamboyant entrance halls and forecourts, yet they are all interlinked though aerial walkways and underground passages filled with a mass of happy shoppers spending the riches from the cities economy. But for a tourist, even if you don’t have the money to spend on the best fashion brands or newest technology, you can admire some of the best architecture the world has to offer, the sheer brilliance of the gems and the highest grade metals, make window shopping a very enjoyable experience.

New-Tenero is the perfect rags-to-riches story.

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