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Page 1: OMS of CNJ Invite 5 16 18 - acqua-dent · 2018-05-24 · LearningObjectives: • WhatistheAll -On4Treatment Concept • 4StepsToHelpIdentifyThe RightPatient • HowToEffectivelyDiscussAll-

L e a r n i n g Ob j e c t i ve s :• Wh a t i s t h e A l l - O n - 4 T r e a tm e n t

C o n c e p t• 4 S t e p s To H e l p I d e n t i f y T h e

R i g h t P a t i e n t• H ow To E f f e c t i v e l y D i s c u s s A l l -

O n - 4 W i t h Yo u r P a t i e n t• A l l - O n - 4 M a r k e t i n g M a d e E a s y

Crown Plaza - Princeton900 Scudders Mill Rd. Plainsboro NJ, 08536

6 Credit HoursWednesday June 13th 2018BEGINNING at 8:30am - 2:30pmRegistration: 8:00amLight Breakfast and Lunch Provided

--- For ---Doctors

RSVP by 6.6.18To Joan Leatherwood

by [email protected]

Patti Williamson is presently with Nobel Biocareas the Regional Manager for New Jersey. For 12years Patti formerly served as the Eastern AreaPractice Development Specialist where sheworked with the local territory managers andtheir customers in value – added tools forpractice growth.

How YOU Can Start With TheAll On-4 Treatment Concept

Speakers: Dr. Anthony Sallustio & Patti Williamson

Sean E. Bradley, DMD Jonathon S. Sasportas, DMD, MD

Dr. Anthony Sallustio has been practicingprosthodontics and maxillofacial prosthetics since1997. He devotes his professional time to privatepractice, hospital based dentistry and dentaleducation. Dr. Sallustio was the former Presidentof the NJ Section of the American College ofProsthodontics and current member of theGreater New York Academy of Prosthodontics.

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