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Page 1: On the occasion of his 50 Anniversary · May 15, 2016 -First Confession - Solemn Communion June 4, 2016 -8-th grade Graduation ... Хресна Дорога та Сорокоусті

To be a community in the Holy Spirit glorifying God by

Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm.

Telephone Numbers

Rectory - 313 893-1710

Fax - 313 893-2160

White House - (313) 610 1764

IC IC Schools - 586 574 2481

www.icschools.org www.icchurch.online.com

Sacraments -For the Sacrament of healing call the rectory at any time.

-To arrange for Baptism, Funerals & other Sacraments call the Church office between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday).

- For weddings call the Pastor at least 6 months in advance.

IC CHURCH & MONASTERY 11700 McDougall Street Hamtramck MI 48212 www.icchurch-osbm.com Pastor & Superior Fr. Daniel Schaicoski, OSBM Cell Phone 586 907 8552 [email protected] Assistant Fr. Roman Hykavy, OSBM Cellphone (313) 610 1764 Divine Liturgies Summer Schedule Saturdays: Ukr. 8am & Eng. 4pm Sundays: in Ukrainian 8:30 & 10:00 am in English 12 noon Weekdays: 8:00 am Confessions: before all Divine Liturgies or at any time by calling (313) 893 1710.

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church


Церква Непорочного Зачаття


April 3, 2016 Sunday Readings Acts 5:12 - 30 Mk. 20:19-31

Thomas Sunday

Congratulations to Father Roman Hykavy, OSBM On the occasion of his 50 Anniversary

Page 2: On the occasion of his 50 Anniversary · May 15, 2016 -First Confession - Solemn Communion June 4, 2016 -8-th grade Graduation ... Хресна Дорога та Сорокоусті

Церква Непорочного Зачаття

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church

April 3, 2016. pg. 2.

Calendar of Events April 17, 2016 - Ladies Tea - St Josaphat Banquet Hall May 1, 2016 - Easter (Julian Calendar) May 15, 2016 - First Confession - Solemn Communion June 4, 2016 - 8-th grade Graduation

Календар подій

17 квітня 2016 - Чайочок для пань 1 травня 2016 - Великдень (юліянський календар) 15 травня 2016 - Перша сповідь – Святе Причастя 4 червня, 2016 - Градуація учнів 8-го класу


Великопосні Відправи за «Старим» Юліянським Календарем

Хресна Дорога та Сорокоусті відправи кожної суботи о 7:00 вечора, від 19-го березня до 23-го квітня. Просимо подавати імена померлих до церковного офісу з відміткою на конверті "Сорокоусті відправи" За добровільний податок (просемо подати ваші намірення до 18-го березня).


Українські Школи Непорочного Зачаття ПРОВОДЯТЬ РЕЄСТРАЦІЮ

Передшкілля Програма для дітей 3-4 літньої вікової групи

на 2016-2017 навчальний рік. Садочку і учнів 1-8 класів

на 2016-2017 навчальний рік. Зацікавлених відвідати нашу школу запрошуємо

звернутись у шкільне бюро чи дзвонити по тел. (586) 574 – 2480 з 9:00 ранку до 3:00 вечора.

Свій до свого по своє

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Schools 29500 WESTBROOK WARREN, MI 48092

586-574-2480 “Where academic excellence and traditional values thrive” Now accepting registrations for the 2016/2017 School Year


GRADES 1-8 Visit our school by calling 586-574-2480 between the hours of

9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

========== Щому на Великдень читаємо євангелії різними мовами? Святу Літургію в день Пасхи служать дуже урочисто. Євангеліє читають кількома мовами. Зазвичай Грецькою і Латинською мовами читання Євангелія різними мовами означає що Христова наука голоситься всіма мовами та поміж усіма народами.


On the Sunday of the Resurrection of our Lord the Gospel in our Churches is read in different languages (When Priest are availa-ble) especially Latin and Greek since those are the languages in

which the Gospels where first written. The Gospel is also read in various languages, proclaiming the Good News of Resurrection

all over the universe, go and preach the Good News to all nations.

Liturgical Services Schedule

April 3 - Thomas Sunday

8:30am - + Nadia Bluj Stasiw - Stephan Stasiw

10:00am - God’s blessings for our Parishioners

God’s blessings and good health for Tetiana, Ivan,

Svitlana - Nadia

God’s blessings and good health for Olexandra,

Andrij, Tetiana, Volodymyr - Tetiana Dumna

Monday, April 4 - St. Joseph 8:00am - + Daniel Rubacha - Rubacha family + Ann Pierce - Irene Krasicky Tuesday, April 5 - St. Theodotus 8:00am - + John and Katherine Nakalsky, with Panakhyda - family + Ivan, with Panakhyda - mother + Mychajlo Bliss - Mary Bliss Wednesday, April 6 - St. Methodius 8:00am - + Irene Tarnavsky - Roma Dyhdalo +Joseph and Anastasia Tymchyshyn - Gloria Duzey Thursday, April 7 - St. George 8:00am - + Vasyl, Stefania and Nadia - Tetiuk family Friday, Aptil 8 - St. Herodion 8:00am - + Souls in Purgatory Saturday, April 9 - St. Eupsichius

8:00am - + Yaroslaw, with Panakhyda (40-th day)

4:00pm - God’s blessings and good health for Anastasia

- Jerry Grenda

7:00pm Хресна дорога - Молитви за покійних

April 10 - Sunday of Myrrh-bearing Women

8:30am - + Rozalia and all deceased members of her family

- Nadia Burda

10:00am - God’s blessings and good health for our Parishioners

God’s blessings and good health for Denys and

Devid - family

God’s blessings and good health for Taras, Natalia,

Roman and all other family members - Volodymyra


Церковні таїнства Тайна Хрещення - просимо звертатися до о. Пароха 586 907 8552. Тайна Подружжя "шлюби" - просимо звертатися до о. Пароха не менше як 6 місяців до дати шлюбу. Відвідини хворих - просимо телефонувати до церковного офісу в будь який час, тел. 313 893 1710.

========== Good Health and God's Blessings for Walter Charewych on the occasion of his 91st Birthday. Mhohaya Lita! - Petro, Natalia, and Zenko Lewyckyj

Page 3: On the occasion of his 50 Anniversary · May 15, 2016 -First Confession - Solemn Communion June 4, 2016 -8-th grade Graduation ... Хресна Дорога та Сорокоусті

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church April 19, 2014, pg. 2.

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic CHURCH April 3, 2016, pg. 3.

Церква Непорочного Зачаття

IC Church Restoration

We are celebrating the Centennial of Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Parish. The cornerstone of our first Church in Hamtramck was blessed on December 25, 1913, and the building was completed and blessed in 1914. Therefore, it is fitting for us to celebrate this very important milestone of our Ukrainian-America Community in 2014. To preserve Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church, its beautiful icons, murals, paintings, and the artistry of Mr. Mychajlo Dmytrenko is the responsibility of our Parishioners and our Detroit Ukrainian-American community. Working together, we will secure our beautiful Church for future generations. Here they will be baptized, have their first communion, have their marriage blessed, and receive their final blessing at the time appointed by God. At this time, we are reinitiating the fundraising campaign for the Third Phase of the IC Church restoration project. We ask you to once again be zealous and generous in your dona-tions. The estimated cost of this next phase is $175,000. It is a significant cost. As was the

case with the first phase of this project, it is achievable if we all do our part. We ask you to consider making another effort, another sacrifice, and help us restore our beautiful Church. This will help to preserve a historic place of worship for future generations of Ukrainian-American families in the metropolitan Detroit area. You can help our church by making a donation to the "IC Church Restoration Fund" Future Credit Union account number 13194 S20. At Selfreliance Credit Union, account number 17263.

Thank you to everyone who helped during the celebrations of Holy week and Resurrection Sunday, also thank you to all who prepared Father Roman’s 50 Anniversary celebration. To everyone who came to make Vareniky and Easter bread in the White House during the weeks preceding the Easter celebrations. Thank you to Father Roman and Br. John and everyone who helped bring Willow tree branches for Palm Sunday to Immaculate Conception and St. Josaphat Churches. To our dedicated volunteers who helped set up the Holy Shroud on Holy Thursday and everyone who helped set up the Altar and side Altars for Resurrection Sunday. A special thank you to everyone who volunteered their time on Holy Friday, Holy Saturday and Resurrection Sunday. Special thank you to our Church choir for their beautiful singing and the Community Children’s choir. To the Ladies sodality of the Blessed mother for their dedication. Thank you to all. Fr. Daniel Schaicoski, OSBM Щира подяка Спасибі всім нашим парафіянам, хто допомагав під час святкування Страсного тижня і Воскресіння Господа нашого Ісуса Христа, а також всім тим, хто прийняв участь в підготовці cвяткування 50 - річчя від дня народження о. Романа. Дякуємо всім, хто допомагав робити вареники і пекти великодній хліб (Пасху) в Білому домі . Дякуємо о. Роману, бр. Івану і всім, хто допоміг придбати вербові гілки для Вербної неділі до Церквов Непорочного Зачаття та Св. Йосафата. Дякуємо всім наших відданим добровольцям, які допомогли поставити Плащаницю та допомагали прикрасити вівтар та бічні вівтарі до святкування Великоднього дня. Дякуємо всім, хто пожертвував свій час і допомагав в Страсну П'ятницю, Велику Суботу та Неділю Воскресіння. Велика подяка нашому церковному та Гормадському дитячому хорам за прекрасний спів, а також всім членам Марійської Дружи Церкви Непорочного Зачаття за їхну відданість нашій Парафії. Нехай Воскреслий Христос благословить всіх вас! о. Даниїл Чайковськийй, ЧСВВ

Thank you

Согласно заспіваймо,

Согласно заспіваймо, Веселімся разом днесь,

Ісуса прославляймо, Він бо із мертвих воскрес!


Христос воскрес із мертвих, | Воскрес, воскрес, воскрес із мертвих, | Смертю, смертю смерть подолав |

I тим, що в гробах, життя, життя дарував. | (2)

Мироносиці жени Ранком до гроба ідуть,

Мира на святі рани, Плачучи з собою несуть.


По дорозі питають: "Хто ж нам камінь відвалить?"

I сумують, ридають: "Хто ж нам в поміч поспішить?"


Ангел Божий наперед Камінь з гроба відвалив

I невістам возвістив, Що Ісус смерть побідив.


Page 4: On the occasion of his 50 Anniversary · May 15, 2016 -First Confession - Solemn Communion June 4, 2016 -8-th grade Graduation ... Хресна Дорога та Сорокоусті

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church April 19, 2014, pg. 2.

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic CHURCH April 3, 2016, pg. 4.

Церква Непорочного Зачаття

IC Church Restoration $1,000.00 - Wagdi and Anna Credi $500.00 - Brenton and Alexandra Galeano $300.00 - Nicholas Credi $200.00 - Michael and Carol Kowalczzuk $250.00 - I. and J.S. Melnykowycz $100.00 - William Nakalsky, Carol Nakalsky $50.00 - Bernie and Luba LePage $20.00 - Anna Dudar, Olena Dolyniuk In memory of + Emily Shindak $300.00 - John and Carol Kobasa $200.00 - Roman and Juliana Maziak $50.00 - Sharon family In memory of + Ann Pierce $1,000.00 - Pierce family $50.00 - Jason and Julie Pappas $30.00 - Thomas and Carol Lenane In memory of + Maria Jablinsky $50.00 - Garry and Judy Dombrowski $50.00 - Maria Brunec IC Church Donations $30.00 - Joann Lewkowicz In memory of + Olga Miller $250.00 - Patsy amd Leet Denton $50.00 - Tom and Pauline Tippett, FHS Retirees Club


In memory of + Mark Ihor Togan

IC Church Restoration $100.00 - Zenon and Sheila Czornij, Lubomyr and Lydia Jachnycky, Walter Kozar, Bohdan and Maria Lisowsky, Roman and Juliana Maziak, Peter and Helen Onyskiw, Elayne and Ron Sollars, Bernard and Roma Tobianski $50.00 - Boris and Anna Bluj, Leo and Janette Cionka, Cathe-rine Kizyma, Peter and Sonia Kushnir, Basil Sopczuk, Marion and Oksana Zarewych, Vera and Yara Zubalskyj, Roman and Zirka Zubar $40.00 - Ben and Kathy Byrski $30.00 - Victoria Hruszkewycz Koziara, Darrell and Conie Mayhugh, Leonard and Lydia Wroblewski, Nadia Lypetsky-Purnell, $ 25.00 - Vera Andrushkiw, Zenia and Yuri Brezden, Jerome and Larissa Cisaruk, Bohdan Fedorak, Luba Kytasta, Bernie and Luba LePage, Iwan and Sharon Preweda Alexander and Donna Shrubowich, Marta Sobko, Janet Tymczenko Zuyus, John and Michaeline Weigle $20.00 - Lydia Iwaschina, Vladimer and Martha Jovawovich, Matthew and Roberta Wroblewski, Jerry and Stefanie Szawron-skyj, Luba Smolij, Ihor Zajac, Irene Shumylo

Divine Liturgies Maria Piwtorak, Kachan family, Peter and Helen Onyskiw, Mykola and Nadia Hryhorchuk, Robert and Stephanie Bologna, Roma Lesiw, Rostyslaw Small, Marta Kwitkowsky, IC Class of 1963, Bohdan and Nadia

Zarewych, John and Helen Rubacha, Seit Selimi, George and Natalia Stasiw, Peter Bilyk, Roman Stefaniuk, Bohdan and Maria Lisowskyky, Bernard and Roma Tobianski. IC Schools $30.00 - Oleh Cieply Flowers Bohdan and Karen Ukrainec, Nadia and Joe Lynch Thank you very much for support and prayers on the passing of + Mark Ihor Togan The Togan family The Divine Liturgy on the 40-th day of death of + Mark Ihor To-gan will be celebrated at our church on Saturday, April 23 at 4:00 pm.

========== SLOW APOSTLES Mk.8:1-26

Every parent and every teacher knows how hard it is to get a point across. Instructions are repeated endlessly. Still the child seems dense. Again the student fails to com-prehend. It may console parents and teachers to know that Christ had the same problem with his apostles. He treats his Apostles well. The Apostles live under Christ's influence on an hourly basis, every day, month after month. He explains matters patiently. He loves them. He practices what he preaches. There is no contradiction between what he says and what he does. Yet his Apostles still miss the point of who he is and what he is doing. Jesus tells his dear apostles they are affected by the secu-lar virus and they should notice it. Instead of listening to what he was saying, they grumble about a bread shortage in their kitchen supplies. Every stymied parent and teacher can see the look on Christ's face as he ponders their incom-prehension. If Jesus ever yelled at his Apostles, it might have been at this time. Jesus in his teachings would begin with the culture of the people and used the physical signs familiar to those people to perform his miracles. We know Jesus could cure simply with a word, or even with no word as when the woman with the issue of blood touched him. But Jesus took the material world seriously. He honored the culture of those with whom he dealt. God's grace can be mediated through physical signs and cultural acts. The Church imitates Jesus in this way through the life of the sacraments and her commitment to encultura-tion in his mission work. Most miracles happened instantaneously. The cure of the blind man at Bethsaid (Mk.8:22-26) occurred in stages. Since it dealt with coming to sight, it was a symbol of the Christian's faith journey. We all come to insight slowly, yes much as the Apostles did, who still smarted from his rebukes.

Page 5: On the occasion of his 50 Anniversary · May 15, 2016 -First Confession - Solemn Communion June 4, 2016 -8-th grade Graduation ... Хресна Дорога та Сорокоусті

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church April 19, 2014, pg. 2.

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