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  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    One drug bust every week, yetGoa claims theres no drugmafiaby Sep 9, 2014

    #Congress#Drug mafa#Drugs#Goa#Goa Police#Hashish#Kishen Kumar#LSD#Manohar

    Parriar#mari!uana#Me"amphe"amine##DPS $c"#S"a"es#Sunil

    Kau"hanar#%ha"s&us"'rong#%# Mohan



    Panaji:With almost Sabbath like regularity, a drug den or a drug dealer is busted almost

    once week in Goa, according to state police records

    !mid controversial statements made by the state"s top cop and top politician in the recent

    past that there is no drug mafia in eistence in Goa, police records on drug raids accessed by

    $irstpost from %&'' to %&'( seem to suggest otherwise) that police drug*busts in the narco*

    tourism paradise occur once every week

    ( $n an"i)*rugs +anner $-P

    +olice statistics show that in %&'', ( cases were registered under the -arcotics .rugs and

    +sychotropic Substances /-.+S0 !ct, were registered in %&'% and in %&'(, & cases were

    registered under the same act 1n all '2 cases were registered from %&''*%&'(, which

    amounts to almost one case booked every week

    Over ''3 1ndian nationals were arrested in the last three years for possession and

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    attempting to sell drugs ranging from natural drugs like hashish and mari4uana to eotic

    synthetic drugs like 5S. and 6etamphetamine also known as 6.6!

    1nterestingly, statistics also show that more than a third of the drug sei7ures, involved

    foreign nationals, mainly -igerians 8hirty*four -igerians were busted during the '2 drugraids from %&''*'(, which effectually means that every fourth raid conducted by state police

    station raiding teams and the elite !nti*-arcotics 9ell of the Goa +olice netted one -igerian

    national for possession or selling dope

    .rug war involving -igerian nationals, including some linked to drug trade and a local drug

    gang operating from the notorious coastal village of 9hapora, % km north of +ana4i, had

    spilled on the streets in October last year 8he protesting -igerians had flung a corpse of a

    slain compatriot allegedly murdered by local drug dealers on the -ational :ighway ';,

    blocking traffic for hours, even beating policemen and local bystanders present on the


    1sraelis, '>& kg0 in October last year Gary *year*old

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    distribution of drugs in the stateB

    8he 9ongress has alleged that such statements despite overwhelming statistics showed

    something was fishy and reflected badly on the police force who were cracking down on the

    drug industry players B1t is a slap on the face of those honest police officers and people whoare fighting against the drug mafia in Goa,B says 9ongress spokesperson Sunil Cauthankar

    ! legislative committee report has indicted former home minister =avi -aik and his son =oy

    for their alleged links to the 1sraeli drug mafia operating in Goa 8he same report had also

    called 6ohan"s predecessor, .G+ Cishen Cumar the BkingpinB as far as providing police

    protection to the drug mafia operating in the state is concerned

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    6afia wars rule drug trade in Goa"s beach belts8-- D.ec %3, %&'%, &'(>!6 1S8

    9!5!-GE8@F6!+ES!) !lthough a number of drug mafias are said to be operating

    in the tourism hotspots of -orth Goa"s coastal areas, the police have only managed

    to crackdown on the -igerian cartel operating in the 9alangute area Out of the &*

    odd drug raids all over Goa this year, the maimum*';*have taken place in

    9alangute, while areas like !n4una, 6or4im and !rambol, considered strongholds of

    the drug mafia, have seen only a handful of raids @ven these raids have only netted

    the small fish, with the =ussian, 1sraeli and local drug lords apparently en4oying

    immunity, allegedly due to a police*drug mafia neus

    8he =ussians and 1sraelis deal in drugs like 6.6!, ecstasy and charas, according to

    sources 8he -igerians allegedly control the cocaine rackets ! former police

    inspector at the !n4una police station, !shish Shirodkar, along with si other

    policemen, has already been arrested and suspended for his role in the drug mafia*

    police neus which was first eposed around two years ago

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    most of them -igerians, since the new

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    Ecstasy, honey-traps and the mafia the Goan party

    becomes deadlyNovember 08, 2013

    $ s"a"e no.n /or "ourism is no. in/es"e* .i"h *rug car"els

    a!i3 %heo*ore

    #' DLH56 %hin "ourism an* "he image o/ Goa loom large %he pe"i"e pic"ure

    pos")car* s"a"e on 5n*ia7s .es" coas" is +lesse* .i"h pris"ine +eaches, *a88ling

    sunshine an* a roman"ic monsoon, no" "o spea o/ "he eo"ic local cuisine 5" has

    al.as +een a ge"a.a /or "he 5n*ian an* "he /oreign "ouris" alie

    u" "o*a s"a"is"ics ha3e a *i:eren" s"or "o "ell %he "ourism minis"r7s annual

    repor" o/ 2012 *oes no" ha3e Goa +eing men"ione* an.here in "he 20 page

    *ocumen" Despi"e i"s 1000 plus *e*ica"e* char"er ;igh"s, Goa shares less "han

    10< o/ /oreign "ouris" "ra=c Mean.hile, a legisla"i3e repor" on "he police)*rug

    mafa neus in Goa has 3ir"uall rein/orce* "he s"a"e7s repu"a"ion as "he "op narco)

    "ourism *es"ina"ion in "he coun"r, a popular percep"ion "ha" "he s"a"e is /as"

    "ring "o shrug o:

    $ repor" o/ "he commi""ee, chaire* + legisla"or -rancisco alias Mic Pacheco o/

    "he Goa >ias Par", eposes "he *eepl en"renche* *rug mafa +lesse* + "he

    police an* poli"ical echelons %he role o/ police in /os"ering "he *rug "ra*e in "he

    s"a"e came "o ligh" "hree ears ago a/"er S.e*ish mo*el Luc -armhouse

    uploa*e* a 3i*eo on ?ou%u+e "ha" sho.e* her /ormer 5sraeli *rug *ealer +o/rien*

    ?ani3 enaim alias $"ala o/ +oas"ing o/ his connec"ions .i"h "he police an*


    #o. .hen ou pu" "he /alling "ouris" le3els an* "he rise o/ "he *rug car"els

    "oge"her, a pic"ure emerges @"ha" o/ a *eca*en" s"a"e in "he grip o/ mafa car"els

    %he recen" mur*er o/ A+ina Paul, a #igerian, all /all in"o place lie a !ig sa. pu88le

    Securi" o=cials in Goa "al a+ou" ho. "he #igerian *rug car"el .as a.are o/ an

    eminen" police crac*o.n on "hem an* s"age manage* "his mur*er as a mo3e "o

    *is"rac" a""en"ion a.a /rom "hem %hrough "his ac", "he car"el ha* ensure* "ha"

    "his .oul* lea* "o pro"es"s an* la"er a *iploma"ic "ussle Paul is sai* "o ha3e +een

    one o/ "he moles .ho in/orme* "he narco"ic cell lea*ing "o a sei8ure o/ *rugs .or"h

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    upees one crore %he *rug car"el ha* /ace* man such losses in "he pas",

    especiall a/"er Kar"hi Kashap "oo o3er as "he an"i)narco"ic chie/ in Goa

    A=cials also sa "ha" "he mafa, .i"h "his illing, also .an"e* "o con3e a message

    "o "he moles an* also +ring a+ou" *iploma"ic pressure "o sa/eguar* #igerian

    ci"i8ens li3ing in "he s"a"e

    5n /ac" "his is eac"l .ha" happene* $ series o/ 3iolen" pro"es"s, /ollo.e* + a

    *iploma"ic ro. .i"h #igeria 5n "urn, "he $/rican na"ion has issue* a no" so 3eile*

    "hrea" "ha" "he 5n*ians "here .oul* no" +e spare* i/ a crac*o.n happens in 5n*ia

    Goa has one o/ "he mos" po.er/ul *rug car"els an* mafa in "he en"ire .orl* .hich

    is con"rolle* + "he ussians, 5sraelis an* "he #igerians %he #igerians ha3e "aen

    o3er a consi*era+le amoun" o/ con"rol o3er "he *rug car"el in Goa .i"h e

    opera"ions in Calangu"e, $n!una, $ram+ol an* Mor!im, accor*ing "o "he an"i)

    narco"ic cell

    %he *rugs "hemsel3es are ca"egori8e* amongs" car"els in or*er o/ a3aila+ili" in

    GoaBcocaine is .i"h "he #igerians, "he ussians ha3e mari!uana an* charas .hile

    "he 5sraelis *eal .i"h cs"as

    %he +igges" e3i*ence "o "he *rug "ra*e in Goa .as .hen a 3i*eo o/ ?ani3 enaim

    $"ala, "he mos" po.er/ul 5sraeli *rug lor*, .en" up on "he 5n"erne" .here he speas

    a+ou" "he manner in .hich "he Goan police an* "op poli"icians ho+no+ .i"h "hesecar"els

    %his ha* le* "o "he arres" o/ se3eral cops, inclu*ing an inspec"or a" $n!una, $shish

    Shiro*har 5" has also re3eale* ho. "he neus .ore* %he *rug *ealers frs"

    suppl *rugs "o /oreign "ouris"s an* "hen gi3e ou" in/orma"ion a+ou" "hem "o "he

    police %he police in "urn con*uc" "he rai* an* *eman* huge sum o/ mone in

    *ollars %he are "hen gi3en immuni" .hich in "urns allo.s "he *rug pe**lers "o

    "ra*e .i"hou" "he /ear o/ ge""ing caugh"

    %he an"i)narco"ic o=cials sa "ha" "he *rug "ra*e in Goa is .or"h s 000 crore

    per ear an* mos" o/ "he *rugs are source* /rom $/ghanis"an an* Pais"an $ll "he

    *rugs lan* in an unmanne* area o/ a Goan coas" Mos" o/ "he s"a"e7s coas" s"ill

    remaine* unpro"ec"e*, unlie "he res" o/ "he coas" in "he coun"r, .hich ha3e

    s"eppe* up opera"ions a/"er "he a""acs o/ 211 $ccor*ing "o in3es"iga"ions,

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    nearl 90 per cen" o/ "he *rugs arri3e + sea .hile "he res" are +rough" in mainl

    + "he ussian mafa in char"ere* ;igh"s

    Police poin" "o "he poli"ician)mafa neus %here are se3eral legisla"ors .i"h .hose

    +lessings "hese car"els /unc"ion %he +igges" *ra. /or "he *rug car"els are "he ra3e

    par"ies an* "his is .here mos" o/ "he *rugs sell a3e par"ies normall organi8e*

    on +eaches ha3e "he pro"ec"ion o/ "he local legisla"ors

    Au" o/ "he 1E rai*s "ha" .ere con*uc"e* in "he pas" ear, i" has +een /oun* "ha"

    "here .ere a" leas" F0 *rug pe**lers, all /rom #igeria, opera"ing in #or"h Goa

    Man o/ "he #igerians .ere o3er s"aing in Goa e3en a/"er "heir 3isas ha* epire*

    %he *namics o/ *rug "ra*e in Goa6 "he ussians are "he ol*es" in "his pro/ession

    %he, ho.e3er, a*here "o a s"ric" co*e %he suppl *rugs onl "o "heir na"ionals

    an* "here is a sense o/ loal" .hich helps "hem sur3i3e %he nearl 0,000

    ussians .ho arri3e in Goa each ear is enough clien"ele "o eep "heir +usiness

    in"ac" %he #igerians relie* ho.e3er on o"her na"ionali"ies "o pe**le *rugs .hich

    le* "o ma!or crac*o.ns %he ussians normall use real es"a"e +usiness as a

    /ron" /or *rugs

    %he mo*us operan*i o/ "he 5sraelis has +een "he hone "raps "o lure in "heir

    cus"omers %his car"el o/"en pe**les so/" *rugs, .hich coul* +e ecs"as or "he *a"e

    rape 3arie" %he rel on .omen as "heir carriers .ho opera"e mainl a" $n!una

    an* par"s o/ Sou"h Goa .ho pic up men an* sell "hem *rugs cos"ing an"hing+e".een 100 "o F00 *ollars

    Goa7s *rug scene has e3ol3e* /rom "he 0s)E0s, .hen na"ural *rugs lie hashish

    an* grass .ere "he "oas" o/ "he "imes, along .i"h "he occasional aci* "rips *uring

    +eachsi*e ra3es Ane o/ "he ol* "imer *rug *ealer ha* a *i:eren" s"or "o "ell

    &ames &enn, .ho .as arres"e* /or hoar*ing nearl 20 g o/ gan!a in "he earl 90s

    spoe a+ou" his li/e la"er a/"er his release He .oul* +u nearl a uin"al o/ gan!a

    /rom I"he Silen" >alle /ores"s, .hich sprea* across "hree 5n*ian s"a"es o/

    Karna"aa, Kerala an* %amil #a*u

    J5 use* "o lug a 2 g sac o/ gan!a on m +ac an* .al along $n!una, A8ran"

    an* >aga"or +each selling m s"oc Li/e .as so eas "hen, &enn claims

    %he game an* "he "ur/ has change* "o*a 5"7s +ecome a /as" changing comple

    corpora"e a:air $ccor*ing "o *uar*o -aleiro, a /ormer union minis"er o/ s"a"e /or

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    e"ernal a:airs, "he +usiness o/ narco"ics is more corpora"e orien"e* 5" is

    con"rolle* + /oreigners, .ho ha3e "heir fe* areas "o opera"e /rom, an* o/"en

    pre/er "o ca"er "o fe* na"ionali"ies

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    For Goa's drug lords, Gokarna

    is next stopMonday, 2 December 2013 - 12:28pm IST | Place: Karwar | Agency: dna

    NDPS investigators keeping a close watch on Nigerians coming to Om beach.

    The drug mafia in Goa, which fought a ruthless turf war recently, has spread

    its tentacles to neighbouring Karnataka, and has begun to operate from the

    Om beach in Gokarna.

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    Thepolicein Gokarna have spotted many Nigerians arriving in the town

    housing the religious shrine, which, according to them is a new and alarming

    trend. So far, Nigerians were not keen on visiting Om beach which is just a

    pleasant drive away from this religiously inclined township.

    The town, known for its Shiva temple and the skills of its purohits to perform

    the last rites of Hindus, is now under surveillance of the Narcotics and

    Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) sleuths.

    A senior official with the NDPS cell of the State police said they had confirmed

    reports that a fewNigerian nationals having links with drug peddlers inGoawere trying to

    operate from Karnataka, after one of them was killed during the gang war in

    the western Indian state.

    The foreigners seem to be moving to Gokarna, after failing to set up shop in

    Canacona or Palaolim, said a senior official of the NDPS cell of the state

    police. The department has also sensitized the local hotels, resorts and local

    groups of people and fishermen youths about the influx of the foreigners.

    The turf war over drugs that broke out in Goa earlier this month took the toll of

    one Nigerian national Obina Paul which brought the entire Nigerian group into

    open as they blocked the roads in the Goa and the government of Goa started

    cracking down on not just Nigerian drug mafia but also the local and Russian

    drug peddlers according to BJP functionaries in Mapusa, Majorda and Anjuna

    the MLAs of their areas have asked the local fringe groups to intensify their

    vigil against the drug peddlers.

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    Sources in the police say that patrolling has been intensified on few beaches

    of UttaraKannadaand towns like Karwar, Kumta and Gokarna. Intelligence

    exchanges between the police have also been happening in Southern

    maritime districts like Dakshina Kannada and Udupi.

    One of the threats that Nigerians have handed to the Goa government after

    Obina Paul died, was that the government should know there were number of

    Indians living in Nigeria, they have taken our jobs and some of us who were

    students cannot go back as there were no jobs, so we continue to stay here

    and try to earn money through peddling. If the government here harasses us

    think about Indians in Nigeria, this political observation made by the Nigerians

    has been viewed seriously by the Goan government. The next step will be to

    take the help of theMinistry of External Affairsto deal with the illegally

    overstaying Nigerians, which was now on the cards.

    The beaches inKarnatakawould not be easy for the foreign drug mafia to

    take over.We have posted our youth activists on all beaches right from Mazali

    to Om beach, said Sudhir Prabhu, member of the Bajrang Dal. We will not

    take law into our hands but only act as a pressure group and inform police and

    NDPS sleuths in our area about the narcotics dealers, said Prabhu.

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    New modus operandi of drug smugglers


    PANJIM !he arrest of a Ni"erian and#ashmiri $b%sinessmen$ in Goa by a team ofNarcotics Control &%rea% at An'%na onSat%rday has %nearthed a ne( mod%soperandi of dr%" sm%""lers) !he case has

    bro%"ht %nder the scanner b%sinesses r%nby #ashmiris as (ell as certain party cl%bsalon" the coastal belt)

    17 Feb, 2014, 12:00AM IST

    !EAM *E+A


    PANJIM !he arrest of a Ni"erian and #ashmiri /b%sinessmen0 in Goa by a team of Narcotics Control

    &%rea% at An'%na on Sat%rday has %nearthed a ne( mod%s operandi of dr%" sm%""lers) !he case has

    bro%"ht %nder the scanner b%sinesses r%n by #ashmiris as (ell as certain party cl%bs alon" the coastal


    A "arment shop o(ner Ashi1 Shah, ori"inally hailin" from Jamm% 2 #ashmir and carryin" o%t his

    b%siness in An'%na (as arrested (ith a coc3tail of dr%"s (hich (as concealed in the clothes at his shop)

    *%ndred ecstacy tablets and 45 strips of S paper (as sei6ed (hich Shah confessed to the team (as

    s%pplied by Ni"erian 7ran3lin Eme3a%ch%l(%) !he forei"ner (as s%bse1%ently arrested (hile he (as

    deli8erin" a consi"nment to another c%stomer (orth +s 9: la3h)

    So%rces said the #ashmiri has been r%nnin" the dr%"s rac3et %nder the "arb of "arment store and sold

    dr%"s s%ch as S, Cocaine, MMA;Ecstacy and Charas to to%rists since last three years)

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    Goa Drug Mafa 5nspires High)s"rung Con"ro3ers

    By Mayabhushan Nagvenkar | IANS - PANAJI

    Published: 08th May 20! 0:2" AM

    #ast $%dated: 08th May 20! 0:2" AM


    ()% *)% (+N+ M)han,s blanket denial ) a .drug 'aia. )%erating in /)a is sn)balling int) a 'a1)r

    *)ntr)versy in the bea*h state that has earned a bad na'e as a .nar*)-t)uris' destinati)n.+

    hile a legislat)r ) the ruling BJP has la'ented that the state'ent ) the dire*t)r general ) %)li*e

    34/P5 ill )nly .e'b)lden drug 'aias. )%erating in /)a6 v)i*es )n the s)*ial 'edia have als) *)'e )ut

    str)ngly against M)han,s denial ) a ell-)iled nar*)ti*s net)rk in the *)astal state+

    .7) *an the 4/P say there is n) 'aia (here as a 'urder )utside 'y h)use be*ause ) a ight

    beteen the Nigerian 'aia and l)*al drug 'aia+ 4) the %)li*e n)t re'e'ber h) Nigerians in

    retaliati)n bl)*ked a highay by du'%ing a b)dy )n it and h) they beat u% %)li*e'en there6. asked

    Mi*hael #)b)6 h) re%resents the 9alangute *)nstituen*y6 kn)n )r its bea*hes as ell as its

    nar*)ti*s-la*ed nightlie+

    n ;riday6 M)han6 the nely-a%%)inted 4/P6 had under%layed the signii*an*e ) nar*)ti*s *)ntr)l as a

    t)%-)-the-'ind %)li*ing issue+

    .(here are drugs in /)a+++ It is still 'y )%ini)n that /)a is n)t Me?6000 *r)re illegal 'ining s*a'+

    (he asse'bly has seen 9)ngress as ell as Bharatiya Janata Party 3BJP5 'e'bers a**using ea*h )ther

    ) sheltering drug 'aias6 b)th d)'esti* and )reign+

    (he asse'bly as6 in a*t6 ad1)urned several ti'es in July 200 ater a legislative *)''ittee re%)rt

    %r)bing the ne

  • 8/9/2019 One Drug Bust Every Week


    *)ntributed t) the %)li*e-drug 'aia ne

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