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  • 7/30/2019 One Eye Profile


    One-Eye Profile

    Public name: One-Eye

    Aliases: Logan Ragnar, Ragnark, Armageddon, Moridin Areson, Richter, Megiddo,

    Gog, Magog, too many others to list here.

    Real name: None officially, however was colloquially referred to as Alpha andHeracles by his creators

    Sex: Male

    Species: Beowolf (physiologically appears to be an anthropomorphic digitigrade grey


    Height: 6'8" (can vary through use of an alien device; natural height is 134)

    Weight: 2,580 lbs (1.17 metric tons) at 6'8" (this can actually vary through the same

    device, however this is proportionate to his natural weight at his natural size)

    Build: Built like a brick shithouse

    Age: True age known only to himself; generally known to be over 1,000 years old

    Quote:"That which does not kill me has made a grievous tactical error."


    Vast Superhuman Strength:

    It is exceptionally difficult to gauge the full limit of One-Eyes strength; however he has

    been certifiably tested to be capable of exerting sufficient strength to effectively dead-lift

    100,000 metric tons in the relatively recent past. Obviously it is rare to be able to

    actually exert this level of strength, as bearing 100 kilotons on a single pair of feet would

    cave in virtually all forms of ground or flooring. It is unknown how much this has

    increased since then, due to the unique manners in which One-Eye can increase hisstrength, both temporarily as well as permanently.

    Exceptional Metahuman Speed:

    As with his strength, this factor is also dependent on how much of his bio-energy he

    directs into rapid movement. Assuming a standard combat balance, he is generally

    known to run up to 200 MPH (322 KPH) in bipedal stance; 350 MPH (563 KPH) in

    quadrupedal stance. However, One-Eye has been observed to be capable of moving in

    excess of 7,000 MPH (11,256 KPH), and the upper limit is not known. As with lifting

    strength, this factor is also dependent on the environment, most prominently the nature of

    the surface over which he is moving, as One-Eye is not capable of controlled flight.

    Superhuman Reflexes:

    As a completely unnatural creature, One-Eye benefits from many advantages over those

    who have merely evolved. Rather than simplistic chemical signals, his nervous system

    uses a biological system which monitors the phase-coherency of a series of atoms, which

    are changed when other molecules linked to them are altered by his brain. As a result the

    transmission of information to his limbs is literally instantaneous, allowing him to react

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    faster then he can actually move, and far faster then even those many times his own


    Action at a Distance:

    The above mentioned aspect of their nervous system provides an additional benefit:

    beowolves do not need, nor have, a spinal cord to physically connect their body to theirbrain. Every muscle in their body instead operates through the phase-coherency method.

    Thusly, even if a limb were somehow severed from their body (a feat in and of itself) they

    are perfectly capable of manipulating that limb independently, so long as the muscles in

    the severed limb possess sufficient bio-energy to do so. This will obviously be quite

    limited, as the vast majority of their bio-energy is stored in the core of their body,

    conveyed to their limbs through various multiple redundant mechanisms. This also

    means that beowolves do not have nerve clusters as naturally-evolved beings do, meaning

    that this vulnerability is nonexistent.

    While they do still posses a spinal column, necessary for structural integrity, it is in factlocated centrally within their skeletal structure, rather than being located along the back

    side as with natural vertebrates. It is also very heavily reinforced, necessary to support

    the massive weights that their muscles are capable of lifting.

    Vast Superhuman Senses:

    One-Eye's senses are among the most complex aspects of his genetically-engineered

    system, and for ease of comprehension can be broken down as follows:

    Vision: One-Eye can see at all times in the full bandwidth of the infrared, visible and

    ultraviolet spectra simultaneously, all the way to the furthest extremes on either end. Thisis his normal vision. Thusly he sees a great deal more in everything he looks at than most

    other beings. This includes the ability to see in virtually all kinds of darkness. He can

    further shift his field of perception above or below this 'block' of the electromagnetic

    spectrum, from being able to 'see' radio waves all the way up to gamma. Only the level

    of darkness which comes from directly blocking the entirety of the EM spectrum (such as

    being exceptionally deep underground with no energy sources whatsoever, or magical

    darkness crafted specifically to block all forms of energy radiation) will render him truly

    blind. Further, he can focus his eyes on the microscopic scale, all the way to roughly

    500,000 times smaller than a human is capable of seeing, as well as approximately

    500,000 times further. His ability to discern energy is not limited merely to the known

    EM spectrum; he can also see radiant energy in the forms of magic, astral, etheric, et

    cetera. He may not necessarily be capable of fine discernment within these fields; for

    example, he would probably not be capable of knowing what an aura of Protection from

    Good would look like in a particular world, unless he had seen it before and had deduced

    or had it explained to him.

    Additionally, whereas the human eye will actually vibrate dozens of times per second, his

    vibrate at many thousands of times per second, and while the human eye processes

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    images with an equivalent 30 frames per second, One-Eyes visual system processes

    images at many thousands of times that. This combined with the extremely advanced

    visual processing centers of his quadratic brain allows him to clearly see and follow

    objects moving many times faster than he himself is capable of, as well is easily

    following and predicting the movements of thousands of objects simultaneously.

    Another detail of note is his field of vision; where most long-nosed canines will have afield of vision of about 270 degrees, a beowolfs is actually slightly greater at 290

    degrees. This is because their eyes are set slightly further apart, and are slightly larger.

    Whats more, they do not have a blind spot, thanks to the same phenomena by which they

    control their muscles. One-Eye, of course, is blind in his left eye, however it should be

    noted that with his other sensory capabilities, he can largely compensate for this.

    Hearing: One-Eye's exceptional hearing allows him to detect sounds many thousands of

    times more quiet than the threshold for humans. He can also discern sounds ranging from

    less than 1 Hz to over 800 kHz. Further, he can separate out a single sound from a

    mixture of well over a thousand, with a differential decibel level ranging from 1 Hz to 10

    Hz, dependent on how many different sounds there are.Smell: One-Eye can discern odors as minuscule as 3 parts per 1 billion, and as with his

    hearing can pick out and track a single scent from among thousands of others.

    Taste: One-Eye's sense of taste is approximately the same as his sense of smell, giving

    him the ability to, among other things, discern the precise chemical ingredients in a food,

    and the exact quantities.

    Touch: His sense of touch is similarly acute; he is consciously aware of every strand of

    fur on his body, allowing him to detect the faint change in atmospheric pressure of a

    human-sized body traveling at speeds of as little as 0.3 meters per second as far away as

    30 meters. He can also discern ambient temperature around him to within .001 degrees

    Celsius, and can also discern the difference in temperatures of as little as .0005 degrees.Similarly, he can discern minuscule changes in the local gravimetric field, sufficient to be

    capable of discerning the presence of an adult human being within 10 meters of himself

    simply by the change is body causes in the gravity field.

    Sonic Shock:

    Beowolves have a tri-partite voice box allowing them to emit sounds in three separate

    wavelengths simultaneously. They can also amplify their own voice prodigiously; in

    One-Eyes case he can amplify his voice to over 300 decibels. The beowolves were all

    implanted with detailed knowledge of how the human central nervous system functions,

    allowing them to form a very precise combination of three harmonic wavelengths which

    combined can cause various effects at will, from temporary paralysis to instant death

    from massive neurological trauma. Over a thousand years of experience has given One-

    Eye the same knowledge of a vast array of non-humans as well. The tri-partite vocal

    chords also allows him to mimic a huge number of different sounds with great accuracy,

    including a human (or other) voice so precisely that even advanced computer analysis

    will be unable to tell the difference. And, of course, he can mimic three sounds


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    Super-heavy Armored Body:

    The super-heavy armored body of the beowolves is the single most expensive and

    difficult to engineer aspect of their creation. Integrated into every cell of their body at a

    biomolecular level is a trio of alien alloys. The density of these alloys in their body

    varies according to location; in order of increasing density these locations are: musclesand flesh tissue; outer epidermal layers; fur; and claws, bones and teeth. The primary

    reason for this is of course to allow them comprehensive endurance on the battlefield,

    dealing with weaponry such as gravity-warping Vortex cannons and coherent plasma

    projectors, without needing to wear bulky and constricting powered armor, which would

    also require support and maintenance. The secondary reason for this particular design of

    the beowolf body is to enable them to be able to support the inordinate level of strength

    of their own muscles, as well as actually support the immense objects they are capable of

    lifting, without damaging themselves in the process. These three alloys are broken down

    as follows:

    Omnium: Omnium is a metal alloy unique for its superinsulative properties, and near

    immunity to phase change regardless of the amount of energy absorbed. Once it has been

    formed, not even the extreme temperatures that can be found at the core of a white dwarf

    star are capable of melting it. It is however quite soft and malleable, and by itself is

    unsuitable for applications other than as insulation for superconducting wires.

    Vibranium: Vibranium is actually an artificially created element, and a very strange one.

    As its name implies, vibranium can be said to vibrate at an atomic level. This vibration

    effectively blocks any and all interphasic and related effects (this includes immaterial

    objects such as ghosts or other beings or objects which are normally capable of phasingthrough a solid object, as well as such things as neutrinos and other particles which

    normally are able to pass through a solid object). It also blocks the application of

    penetrating energies, ranging from simple x-rays to the much more complex suite of

    standard starship active sensor arrays. This effects extends into the quantum level, make

    it extremely difficult for coherent focused applications of magical energy to affect them.

    Perhaps the most unusual aspect of vibranium is that even at true absolute zero it will still

    continue to vibrate without slowing down at all.

    Xentronium: Xentronium is the most alien, and the most complex and expensive of the

    three alloys to manufacture in even small quantities, as well as the most difficult to

    integrate on a biomolecular level. The specific details are beyond the scope of this paper;

    suffice to say that xentronium is roughly as strong as neutronium, while being

    considerably less massive. Even so, it is still exceptionally dense, and is the primary

    reason why the beowolves weigh so much. Indeed, with one exception all of the

    beowolves' bones are hollow, as in avians, utilizing a complex honeycomb design to

    allow them to support massive weights and gravities while still being light enough to be

    able to walk on the deck of a starship without damaging it.

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    Additionally, their skeletal structure is very heavily reinforced in a number of areas to

    provide additional protection in a combat situation. For example, their larynx is

    protected by additional layers of armored bone and cartilage, as well as their clavicles.

    Their torso does not have a normal rib cage, but rather is a solid mass of armored

    cartilage reinforced by bands of bone (their ribs). The cartilage allows for the flexibilitynecessary for fluid movement while still providing additional protection for their vital

    organs. Their hearts (they have two) are further protected by an additional layer of

    armored bone which forms protective chambers within which they rest. Their ribs are

    actually ovoid in shape, as their spinal columns are located in the center of their body,

    and this armored cartilage extends downward to cover the vulnerable space between their

    bottom rib and their hips. Their internal organs within the torso are also each protected

    by an additional sheath of the same armored cartilage. Their eyes are also protected by a

    third eyelid with variable translucency, which adjusts instantaneously according to the

    amount of light striking their eyes; while they are quite capable of gazing openly at the

    surface of a star, this third eyelid is used when the eyes are struck by much morepowerful bursts of coherent radiation (such as a high intensity laser). The third eyelid

    also provides an additional layer of armored protection. Additionally, the male

    beowolves have internally-carried gonads, which are further protected by a sheath of

    armored bone and cartilage.

    Extreme Flexibility:

    Every joint in a beowolfs body is triple-jointed, allowing them to move in entirely

    unnatural ways. Combined with their conscious control over every individual muscle in

    their body, this means they have an unparalleled degree of flexibility (even One-Eye,

    whose body is particularly bulky due to the much more powerful muscles). This alsoenables them to twist their heads around a full 360 degrees on their shoulders.

    Camouflage and Shroud:

    The beowolves all have a very unique feature built into their fur. Each strand

    incorporates a number of highly-refractive crystals, which can alter their internal

    structure considerably. These crystals serve several purposes. The first is defensive in

    nature. Because of their highly-refractive nature they are extremely resistant to focused

    coherent energy weapons of many kinds, with an up to 97% reduction in the power of

    most types ranging from the infrared to ultraviolet range, and less at higher frequencies

    (for example, an x-ray laser would be reduced by 71%). This is only the standard

    configuration; the beowolves have the ability to adjust the crystals to optimize for a

    different range of frequencies, with of course a subsequent reduction in efficiency in

    other frequencies. However, this is not the extent of the usage of the crystals. They can

    further modify the crystals to bend all visible, infrared and ultraviolet light around them,

    effectively rendering them invisible, aside from a visible warping effect at close range.

    However, this cloak effect has no effect on any clothing or items they wear or carry, and

    thus is of limited use. However, by focusing their own bio-energy through their fur, they

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    can cause the crystals to emit a cloaking field that surrounds them at close range. The

    range is extremely limited, only to encompass most objects they wear or carry, going no

    further than approximately meters from any point on their body. The primary

    drawback to this is that it consumes a significant amount of their bio-energy, and thus can

    only be maintained for limited periods of time.

    Healing Factor:

    The beowolf healing factor and immune system is second to none. They are effectively

    immune to all known types of poison and toxins, whether artificial or natural. This also

    includes drugs, from simple alcohol to the more complex tailored bioweapons of the 25th

    century. Further, they have an extremely rapid healing system, allowing them to

    regenerate even mortal wounds within a matter of minutes to no more than a few hours,

    depending on the extent of the injuries. For example, early in their testing one beowolf

    was directly struck by a planetary defense Vortex cannon; it required a full three hours for

    him to fully recover, primarily because essentially every bone in his body was either

    cracked or shattered. In essence, unless they are killed outright, by utterly annihilatingtheir entire body, they can recover from very nearly any wound, eventually, even if

    reduced to a skeleton (although such a comprehensive reconstruction would leave them

    with a nearly debilitating hunger; see details on their metabolism). The other alternative

    is to simply overwhelm their bodys energy needs; given a sufficient duration of

    operation at or in excess of peak performance profiles including suffering and

    regenerating significant bodily damage, without an opportunity to refuel will eventually

    cause their system to collapse. It should be noted, of course, that it would require a

    significantly powerful opposition.

    This healing factor has a secondary effect, of giving them a lifetime that is effectively

    indefinite. While they can be killed by external forces, they do not age whatsoever, andwill never die of natural causes (fitting, for an unnatural creation).


    The beowolf claws are also quite unique. Unlike natural wolves, theirs are semi-

    retractable, like a fox, so they may use a computer console without damaging it. As with

    their bones, their claws contain a very high density of the alien alloys, making them

    exceptionally strong, and they are formed to a monatomic point. They are also controlled

    at their bases by a highly complex web of muscles, allowing them to vibrate at hundreds

    of thousands of times per second, much like many insects are capable of (if of course on a

    rather greater scale). Between their exceptional hardness, their monatomic points, their

    extreme vibration, and the natural strength of the beowolves, this results in a truly

    prodigious damage capacity. And with One-Eye's own natural strength, it is even greater.

    Carving through starship armor is not particularly difficult for even the weakest of them.

    There is a second aspect to their claws. At their base, nestled in with the vibratory

    muscles are glands which produce and secrete a powerful and mildly caustic

    anticoagulant chemical. This is only activated when the beowolf activates the vibratory

    muscles. These chemicals are capable of completely preventing healing from occurring

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    in almost any known living being; even the healing factor of the beowolves themselves

    must fight for an extended time to overcome it. In essence, someone who is wounded by

    their claws and yet somehow survives (which could only happen with the most powerful

    of power armor) is most likely to die anyway from blood loss. Only a very highly

    advanced medical facility (class eight or greater, available only on core worlds) is capable

    of dealing with it where the medical staff do not have detailed information on the natureof the chemical compound itself.

    Poisoned Bite:

    Beowolf jaws are particularly powerful; even as powerful as a wolf's jaws are naturally,

    theirs are enhanced to a considerable degree, able put down more pressure relative to

    their size than even a crocodile can. In One-Eye's case this is very nearly 1,500 megatons

    per square inch. As with his claws, his teeth are all very dense with the alien alloys, and

    are formed to monomolecular points. And it doesn't end there. Positioned at the top and

    the bottom of all beowolf mouths are a pair of glands, each with a duct that leads to their

    canine fangs, each of which is in fact hollow. The top pair of glands can inject apowerful paralytic nerve toxin, one which is powerful enough to paralyze the entire body

    of a brontosaur for several hours with a single gram. The bottom pair is capable of

    injecting an even more powerful killing nerve toxin. A rough estimate of the potency of

    this venom would place it at having an LD50 of .00002 mg/kg. That is to say, a single

    gram of the venom would be capable of killing approximately 2,000 adult human males

    with 50% surety. This is of course merely an estimate. Further, the beowolves have

    complete conscious control over their internal biology, and are capable of manufacturing

    additional substances to mix in with the venoms, such as truth serums, hallucinogenic

    substances, or even the same acids and enzymes that are used in their stomach, along

    with their own bio-nanites. For one who has been bitten by a beowolf, death isguaranteed without the aid of an advanced medical facility which can not only neutralize

    the venom but also rebuild their entire cardiovascular system, and even then the victim is

    generally not the same again.

    Form Shifting:

    All beowolves have another ability in common, that of being able to shift forms. Their

    entire body is infused with organic nanites; they function precisely the same way as

    synthetic ones, but are formed of organic molecules from their own body. These are used

    for many things, primarily in their regeneration and ability to withstand a massive array

    of foreign substances being introduced to their bodies without effect. There is another

    use for them, however, in that it allows them to alter their bodies to one of two alternate

    forms. The first is one called by the scientists who created them the 'Lupin' form. This

    form is purely non-morphic. The handpaws become strictly paws with no fingers, and

    their muscles shift considerably in both external configuration and internal. This form is

    strictly for advanced running, increasing the running speed three-fold. In One-Eye's case,

    being the second slowest of the beowolves, this increases his maximum running speed to

    1,050 MPH (1,690 KPH), or roughly Mach 1.4. However this also reduces their general

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    strength by 80% (biting strength is unaffected), giving One-Eye a "maximum lift" of

    approximately 20,000 metric tons (22,045 standard tons), although this metric can only

    be used as a gauge of his ability to pull a weight (such as grabbing a section of a land

    vehicle with his jaws and pulling it backwards). The second form is known by the same

    scientists as the 'Berserker' form. In this form their overall size is increased by 15%,

    although much of this is due to the fact that their digigrade form becomes purelyplantigrade, making their form more that of a werewolf. This form significantly increases

    their strength, trebling it while reducing their running speed to 1/5 normal. For One-Eye

    this would mean that his maximum lift is 1.2 metric megatons (1.32 standard megatons),

    while his running speed is reduced to a mere 40 MPH (64 KPH). Due to the purely

    plantigrade form, running on all fours is simply not an option. Also, as with the Lupin

    form, biting strength is unaffected. And finally, in both cases energy use is significantly

    increased, and thus either form can only be used for a limited duration unless sources of

    food are readily available.

    Head Like a Hole:The beowolf brain is particularly unusual. First and foremost, it is divided into four

    quadrants, rather than two hemispheres. Each of the quadrants is fully capable of

    operating independently of the other three, although a beowolf still has only one mind.

    Each is exceptionally advanced, capable of performing calculations even faster than the

    most advanced individual planetary fortification computer cores of the 25th century.

    Further, each can operate on its own while the others 'rest', thus allowing a beowolf to

    operate literally indefinitely without sleep in the sense that other species utilize it. The

    other unique aspect is simply that the beowolf mind operates on entirely different

    principles from other races, as well as having been engineered to block psionic and

    telepathic fields of all kinds. As such it is extremely difficult, nigh impossible in fact fortelepaths to read their minds, much less affect them. Conversely, they do not have any

    psionic potential whatsoever of their own, as the simple ability would open a path to

    make it easier to invade their minds. Similarly, beowolves experience emotions very

    differently from other species. For example, they do not experience pain the same

    manner as other species. Rather, they experience pleasure in its place. The more severe

    the pain would be, the more intense the pleasure. They are fully capable of

    differentiating the pain pleasure from conventional pleasure, however. As well, they do

    not experience fear either, but rather exhilaration. This works in the same manner as

    pain. As one of the scientists was once overheard to say, "If you see one of these things

    totally geeked out, I strongly suggest you unass the A.O."


    Beowolves possess a single cybernetic capability: a biological data bus which is built into

    the ring finger on their right handpaw. Built into the claw is a series of thousands of

    nanofibers which can extend several meters, and penetrate most conductive surfaces. By

    inserting their claw into any data access port of a computer, they can mentally interface

    with that computer. It does not have to be a particularly advanced system; any system

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    which runs on digital signals can be interfaced, whether those signals are conveyed or

    stored by electrons, photons, positrons, or even quantum bits. Through this system a

    beowolf can effectively extend their consciousness into a computer system and control it

    directly. While this is similar in concept to a cyberdeck, the primary difference is that

    this is control hardware, not software. And, of course, through the hardware a beowolf

    can manipulate the associated software. This means that a beowolf could hold a 20thcentury hard drive in his hand and rewrite the data inside (the power for the device can be

    delivered along the same nanofibers); he could not, however, do the same to a simple

    storage medium which did not have an attached read/write control mechanism, such as a

    floppy disk or CD.

    The Ultimate Environmentalist:

    The beowolves have all been engineered to operate and survive in the most extreme

    environments, where most other forms of life in the universe are incapable of existing.

    The following is a partial list of the engineering specs at the time of his creation:

    Temperature: 0 ~5,000,000 Kelvin indefinitely, or significantly higher for shorterdurations.

    Acceleration: 4.6 million meters/sec for 60 seconds. This is roughly comparable to

    500,000 Gs based on Earth standard gravity.

    Radiation: 500 Sievert/day, or exponentially higher with shorter exposure. In the

    Beowolf bodyN(a variable used in calculating Siervert rating) for the overall body is

    0.0000027; by comparison a humans overall body rating is 1). Beyond this point the

    beowolfs ability to rebuild his cellular structure would be overwhelmed. Even so, they

    are still capable of operating at significant percentages of their total operational capacity

    even with massive cellular degradation for a limited time.

    As a point of reference, the approximate levels of radiation in the immediate area of theChernobyl reactor #4 shortly after the explosion has been rated at roughly ~10-300 Sv/hr.

    Note that this calculation is structured for human exposure; for a beowolf, this would

    equal 0.81 mSv.

    Pressure: 0 3000 Gpa (billion Pascals for reference carbon nanotubes have a

    theoretical rating of 100 Gpa). This is the point at which their skin and internal organs

    are likely to fail. Their skeletal structure is capable of withstanding significantly greater


    Superhuman Metabolism:

    The beowolf metabolism is actually one of the hallmarks of their creation. A beowolfs

    stomach is significantly larger proportionally than a humans, and of course has the same

    incredibly powerful muscles. For digestive purposes their stomach releases a

    combination of specially engineered acids and enzymes, as well as bio-nanites which are

    engineered specifically to rapidly break down any substance the acid cannot immediately

    dissolve. As with other Terran beings, the stomach merely serves to break down the food,

    while true digestion takes place in the intestines. However unlike natural evolved beings,

    in a beowolf there is no waste product. In the large intestine the remains of the

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    substances consumed is taken apart at the atomic level by specialized bio-nanites, and

    reassembled into whatever the beowolf needs; at times it is reassembled into more sugars

    for the muscles to burn, at other times it is reassembled into the alien metal alloys that

    form their body so they can regenerate their wounds. They can also incorporate unique

    alloys and elements into their body if these prove to be useful in areas which their own

    bodies do not already possess. This process is extremely rapid; a beowolf could consumea human in 25th century powered armor and fully digest them in under an hour. For softer

    things (such as an unarmored or otherwise protected human) the digestion process is

    significantly faster, at only a few minutes. A beowolf could quite literally eat nonstop for

    many hours consecutively.

    Beowolves are capable of completely breaking down matter into its component atoms

    through their bionanites, and then re-engineering the matter into other forms as required

    to repair their bodies. They are also capable of transmuting the matter that they digestinto energy through minuscule amounts of antimatter, which is also produced through

    their energy/matter conversion processes. Any excess matter or energy is stored in their

    bodies in an extremely energy hyper-dense form of fat which layers their internal organs

    and forms their subcutaneous layer in the same manner as for naturally-evolved beings.

    This layer forms yet another additional layer of armor for their internal organs, and also

    allows them to store massive amounts of energy for later use, such as in combat

    situations. They can then covert this energy into matter to help repair and rebuild their

    bodies as necessary. It is this matter-to-energy conversion which produces the antimatter

    that they store in the depths of their gut (where the lower intestines and bowels would be

    on mammals) to use in converting extraneous matter which they consume into energy.This process is wholly self-contained, with excess energy being stored in their body fat

    which grows in density. While there is a limit to the level of density which their body fat

    can reach, they would have to consume truly massive amounts of matter while

    simultaneously not engaging in combat situations for an extensive period of time. This is

    in fact part of what drives beowolves to engage in as much combat as they can, seeking

    out the most powerful and dangerous opponents and situations that they can find; it's not

    merely a matter of engineered instinct, but also a necessity to maintain equilibrium with

    their instinct to devour living beings. It is also important to note that just as they can re-

    engineer matter that they can consume (for example, transmuting lead into aluminum)

    they can also change the form of energy that is contained within their bodies, such as

    from heat to x-ray, or to subatomic, or to kinetic. It should also be noted that they are not

    designed for the emission of coherent radiation (IE, lasers); however they can radiate it

    broadly at will through their fur. This is directly related to their ability to 'shroud'

    themselves and effectively disappear entirely from virtually all forms of active sensory


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    As one might surmise, this inordinate level of strength requires vast amounts of energy

    simply to maintain. A standard model beowolf burns over 2.8 million Calories per day

    while at rest. One-Eye has significantly higher energy needs, burning approximately 11.5

    billion Calories per day at rest and of course significantly higher still during combatoperations. To put it into 21st century comparative terms, this is roughly 1000 times the

    energy output of a single MOAB (Mother of All Bombs) detonation; put another way, it

    is approximately the same energy output as the Itaipu hydro dam in Brazil, which at the

    beginning of the 21st century was the largest power generation plant on the planet,

    capable of powering over 13 million average American homes. It is primarily for this

    reason that the beowolf digestive system has been designed with such high efficiency; {.

    0036 grams of matter/energy?} Capable of converting matter to energy with 0.004%

    efficiency, compared to a humans efficiency of 0.000000018%, or approximately

    222,000 times greater efficiency.

    They can, of course, metabolize virtually anything to provide bio-energy, and such things

    as power cells for advanced energy weapons are even more useful to keep them going. A

    beowolfs core body temperature runs at an average of 90 Celsius (roughly 194


    Beowolves can also absorb more than merely nutrients. When breaking down a living

    being they can absorb some of their genetic memories, as well as most of their most

    recent surface thoughts and memories. Long-term memories are somewhat more difficult

    to access and less reliable. Nonetheless, a beowolf can usually devour a security guard,

    and thus acquire a usable level of knowledge of the security system, such as immediatenames and ranks, some passwords, and the like.

    One-Eye in particular has a further unique aspect to his metabolism. He can effectively

    absorb physical characteristics related to strength and incorporate them into his body.

    Thus, the more powerful of an opponent he consumes the greater the increase to his

    strength. This is the primary means by which he has increased his strength to such vastly

    higher levels than he was originally created with; at creation his maximum lift was a

    mere 14,400 metric tons (~16,000 standard tons) at his natural height. He has also

    incorporated a limited ability to absorb kinetic impacts and add them to his own strength,

    although at a significantly reduced efficiency vis--vis the original being which possessed

    this capability until he was devoured; for every 100 tons of kinetic impact One-Eyes

    strength is temporarily improved by approximately 1 ton of lift.

    Calories burned at rest: 60,000,000 (251,040,000,000 joules)

    MOAB (Mother of all Bombs) detonation: 50,000,000,000 joules

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    Acid Spit:

    The acids and enzymes in a beowolfs stomach can also be used as an external weapon,

    in one of two different ways. A beowolf can belch the acids produced by his stomach

    in a conical, short-ranged spray that covers a target in a large dose over a wide surface

    area, which is generally sufficient to dissolve most opponents in seconds, or minutes for

    extremely tough substances (such as the powered armor of the 25th century world inwhich he was created). As an alternative, he can form the acid into a bolus and project it

    with a blast of air from his lungs. This concentration of acids in a smaller location can be

    highly effective when targeting specific locations. In both cases the concoction of acids,

    enzymes and bio-nanites is extremely sticky and difficult to remove, although it can be

    done if one is fairly creative. Beowolves themselves have little difficulty with this, as the

    vibranium in their fur also prevents things such as glues, paints, and other sticky

    substances from adhering.

    The Ultimate Predator:

    If there is a weakness in the beowolf design, it is that they are literally driven to consumeliving beings. This is actually a psychological drawback rather than physical,

    deliberately-engineered at the genetic level as they were created specifically to be

    effectively the ultimate form of predator. As such they fully believe that they must

    consume other living beings in order to live. If they go more than a couple days

    (relatively speaking based on Terran standard, as they do not sleep) without devouring at

    least a large (~100-200 lbs) living creature of some kind their mental condition starts to

    deteriorate. This could be portrayed as essentially an addiction, as it has many of the

    same characteristics. Within a week their mental condition will have sufficiently

    deteriorated such that they would be little more than a wild animal, driven to consume

    anything and everything around them. A standard model beowolf would be driven insaneby the end of the second week, and will probably die after a third, or at least involuntarily

    fall into a hibernative coma. One-Eye, with his greater strength of will, has been able to

    maintain functional coherency (after a fashion) for a full month, but has never tried to go


    Background & Character

    Favorite Food: For obvious reasons, One-Eye prefers warm, bloody meat above all other

    foods, preferably still living. In general he is willing to go along with most things in

    social situations so as to blend in. Particularly fond of intense flavors, especially spices

    (as one might imagine, he is quite capable of consuming pure capsaicin and enjoying it).

    Not generally fond of sweet foods, but there is no food he cannot or will not eat.

    Favorite Drink: Anything strong, which is often either alcoholic, or some form of coffee

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    or otherworldly analog. Intense, bitter or sour flavors are often his preference. He does

    actually prefer blood above all, but this is often considered socially untenable in the vast

    majority of cases, even when predation on ones fellow beings is considered acceptable;

    and One-Eye often prefers to go along with general social mores in most cases.

    Favorite Movies: Anything violent, or which provokes deep thinking (these two are

    often mutually exclusive, of course). One-Eye tends to lose patience with flagrantlymindless movies, even when there is plenty of violence, particularly when the violence

    and the situations leading to it are excessively absurd.

    Favorite Music: Generally, anything violent. He does not tend to categorize his

    preferences by genre, but the vast majority of his preferred music fits into heavy metal

    and variants thereof. He is not particularly into most goth music, being as full of angst

    and melodrama as it is, although there are exceptions. There are a number of rap songs

    which he enjoys, all of which are specifically violent in theme. While One-Eye is quite

    capable of appreciating the mathematical nuances in classical music, it generally has to

    be highly energetic to keep his attention, and even then it doesnt always succeed. Is

    particularly fond of Disturbed from Earth-analogs, and Drc Kr, a Slaaneshi cultistgroup, and has a large collection of music from both groups and that which is

    mathematically similar.

    Favorite Sports: Rugby, hockey, freeform boxing (pugilism), Murderthon, Deadball,

    Juicer Football, Bloodsport, and similar derivatives from other worlds.

    Backstory (super-ultra-hyper-mega-giga-condensed abridged version):

    The beowolves are the result of a combination of two very different forces: a group of

    military scientists from a 25th century alternate Earth, and an ancient alien intelligence

    from an extremely advanced race in another galaxy.

    Hundreds of millions of years in the universes past was born one of the very first races

    ever to come to self awareness after the creation of the universe. They developed swiftly,

    and in a matter of a few millennia after they first set foot on a planet other than their own

    they had colonized, developed and explored the vast majority of their own galaxy,

    eventually going on to transcend physical existence itself.

    While the majority of them moved on to other concerns in the greater multiverse than the

    physical existence of their old home galaxy, one of them, known as Menz Agitat, took an

    interest in the various aspects of life on the physical plane. He decided that he would

    remake the entire universe as he saw fit, starting first with their home galaxy. Creating a

    new body for himself, so as to better be aware of and interact with the physical plane, he

    set about creating a great many new forms of life. Although his original intentions were

    in fact peaceful, seeking to guide and direct the process of universal evolution, over the

    eons other forms of life began to evolve and develop as the universe itself evolved.

    Eventually, these new races came into contact, and then conflict, with his creations.

    At first he preferred to distance himself from the conflicts, willing to see how events

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    would develop, and in general his own creations fared far better than those which evolved

    naturally. One species, however, had developed in a particularly brutal environment near

    the core of the galaxy, and had developed into an extremely powerful race with what

    might be colloquially referred to as the galaxys biggest chip on their shoulder. They

    took it upon themselves to become the sole source of intelligence in the galaxy, with the

    obvious requirement of wiping out all other sentient life forms.

    Although Agitats creations did marvelously well, these other beings had an advantage in

    being able to adapt to any adverse situation, and eventually over the course of over a

    thousand years of war began to systematically decimate Agitats people, driving them

    back to a single world, their original homeworld. During the course of the war Agitat had

    become more and more concerned with the events, and began taking more and more of a

    personal role. After so long in direct involvement in these matters on the physical plane,

    Menz Agitat had lost the higher perspective he had once enjoyed as an Ascended being

    (and in fact could no longer re-transcend the physical plane). When the aggressor race

    finally ignited the atmosphere of the homeworld of his prized creations, Agitat finallysnapped.

    During the final years of the conflict Agitat, whose knowledge of biology, genetics, and

    pretty much every other facet of science was far in excess of any other being on the

    physical plane, had begun working on a supervirus which would be capable of

    overcoming even these creatures prodigious ability to adapt, and as the homeworld of his

    favorite creations burned like a second sun, he unleashed this weapon on their enemies.

    This supervirus was especially terrible because it was both technological and biological

    in nature; in essence it could be transmitted both by biological and technological means.

    In a matter of a few short years it had wiped out the entire race to the very last one,

    culminating in a particularly cataclysmic event on their homeworld, which was itself

    rather well advanced technologically, and unleashed an event which caused the planet to

    detonate with the power and fury of a hundred supernovae, a rather dramatic end to a

    decidedly dramatic species (and all other life in that entire sector of the galaxy).

    But Menz Agitat was not satisfied. He decided that he would wipe out all other life in the

    galaxy, and replace it with his own. He started first by rebuilding the world which had

    been destroyed in that cataclysmic war, the one which had first housed his original

    creations. Since he was in effect starting from scratch, it was superlatively easy to create

    exactly the right conditions he wanted. But he soon tired of the evolutionary process, and

    set about turning that planet into what effectively amounted to a giant laboratory.

    Over the centuries he began to design and develop newer, more powerful, and more

    aggressive forms of life, then bred them on a massive scale before unleashing them into

    the greater galaxy. The results were quite dramatic, as was his intention. While other

    species had evolved over the intervening time to take to the stars themselves, they were

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    entirely unprepared for this galactic calamity. Wars raged over the millennia, entire

    species and planets falling to Agitats vastly superior creations.

    As the galaxy itself burned, some of those few of Agitats race who had decided to stay in

    connection with the physical plane began to become very concerned. They had stayed

    aloof and uninvolved throughout the entire war which instigated Agitats mentalbreakdown, observing his mental decay through the eons, but not taking any action.

    However as the plague of genetically-engineered super-creations began to take over the

    entire galaxy, a large number of them finally decided to act.

    They had all sworn to never become involved in any way with the physical plane while

    they themselves were Transcendent, but there was no prohibition against them taking a

    physical form as Menz Agitat himself had done, and thereby take direct action. And this

    they did, taking forms which were tailor-made to be capable of holding and channeling

    the vast amounts of power which would be necessary to fight Agitat and his creations.

    The war amongst the stars was staggering in breadth and scope, and was a conflict

    beyond any the universe had ever had to endure until that point in its lifetime. The power

    of the Interventionists was incredible, but so too were the forces which they had to

    confront. They allied themselves with the most powerful of the few remaining

    indigenous races, but even so, they fell in great numbers. It was another thousand years

    before the last five remaining individual members came to Agitats world, confronted the

    last and most powerful of his creations, and only one lived to subdue him, destroying his

    physical body and capturing his spiritual essence for conveyance to the realm of the

    Transcended. The cost of victory was staggering. Over 99% of all life in the entire

    galaxy had been utterly annihilated, and very few of those worlds which had once beencapable of supporting life of some kind were any longer capable of it. Only a few

    sentient races were left, and of those, only one had sufficient numbers and technology to

    ultimately survive and rebuild their shattered worlds. The rest eventually died out


    Menz Agitat was judged by his own people, and found guilty of crimes so horrific that

    there simply was no punishment possible that could fit the crime. The spiritual essence

    of a living sapient being, like any other form of energy cannot be destroyed, but it can be

    contained. And thus it was decided that Menz Agitat would be contained, sealed away

    from the universe to never cause it harm again. They transferred his spirit into a physical

    device, which had been filled with all manner of advanced technology sufficient to

    recreate an entire universe in digital form, such that he would have his own universe to

    rule, exactly as he wished; and then it was consigned to the core of a young star in

    another galaxy entirely, one which was beset on multiple sides by a number of

    singularities. They determined that eventually the star would be devoured by those

    singularities, and Menz Agitats prison would be ripped apart by the conflicting forces,

    and his spiritual essence would be lost in the quantum static of the universe for all time.

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    After this was done, the last of these Transcended beings left the physical plane entirely,

    never to return or even to be aware of it in any way.

    What they had not foreseen was that the extremely unlikely event, an event whose

    probability was so small that it would literally only happen once in a hundred lifetimes of

    the universe, would actually occur. Instead of being devoured, the singularitiesthemselves all dissipated within a few million years of each other, leaving behind a vast

    area of highly disturbed space where the laws of physics did not quite match the rest of

    the universe. The star itself exploded into a massive nebula, leaving behind a burnt

    cinder of a core, which itself began to become mutated by the disturbed space around it,

    and through interaction with the massive and highly energetic nebula, eventually became

    capable of supporting life. It was a weak point in the fabric between the different facets

    of the multiverse, and rapidly developed into a most hellish world.

    In the meantime, on a tiny watery world in orbit around an unremarkable yellow star in a

    backwater section of that galaxy, a new species of life emerged as the dominantintelligence. This species possessed a most terrible combination of attributes, one of

    extraordinary capacity for violence, and an insatiable inquisitiveness that could drive

    those most afflicted by it to the most astonishing levels of achievement and acts of

    courage. In truth, they also possessed a great capacity for altruism, for selfless concern

    for others. They were a race of great self-contradictions. And they coveted the stars as

    their own.

    They very nearly wiped themselves out on dozens of different occasions, but they instead

    adapted, evolved, and moved on to the next level of development. In time they came to

    dominate a small sector of the galaxy, one which had never really developed any othersentient life and which also contained Agitats Hellworld prison. This section of space

    intrigued these inquisitive beings like no other, because among other things, it completely

    negated all forms of superluminal travel by any and all means, even the semi-

    bidimensional travel technologies which these creatures, known as humans, had

    developed. It also made subluminal travel through that region exceptionally dangerous,

    and no probe which entered the region had ever survived more than a year at best. It was

    estimated that the section of space most greatly affected occupied roughly 100 light-years

    from edge to edge.

    At this point in humanitys development, they had emerged into 12 dominant empires,

    and several hundred smaller ones. The leadership of each of the larger empires could

    trace their bloodlines back to the original homeworld, all the way to pivotal individuals

    whose lives had changed the very course of humanitys development. And in truth, they

    conducted their affairs both internally and fraternally much the same as the feudal lords

    of their own distant past. One of these Great Houses eventually developed a means by

    which they could safely travel through this region of space, although it could still only be

    done at subluminal velocities. So it was that they were the first to discover the Hellworld

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    at the core, and there they perished in most terrible manner. But man cannot be quieted

    simply because something is dangerous, and this House launched a massive operation to

    explore and conquer this planet. Although they would never conquer the planet, they

    were able to explore much of it, and eventually Agitats prison was discovered, and

    brought back to the massive starbase constructed in orbit as the exploratory base camp.

    It was another fifty years before they finally figured out how to unseal the prison, andMenz Agitat was unleashed. Sort of.

    The eons had taken their toll on Agitats spirit. He had quickly come to dominate and

    control the technology which made up his prison, but could not escape it. Eventually he

    became one with his prison, unable to distinguish between it and himself, and in truth

    there really was no difference, in the end. When his prison was finally unsealed he had

    merged quite completely with it, bound at the physical level and unable to interact with

    the physical plane in any other way. Thusly, the scientists who breached his prison could

    be forgiven for thinking of him as an artificial intelligence, and he did not disabuse them

    of that notion. As he communicated with these beings, he quickly began to lay his ownplans. It was obvious that none of his former people still monitored the physical plane;

    else they would have immediately descended to prevent his release. Thus, he knew that

    he was truly free to act as he saw fit. And he hungered for the opportunity to once more

    recreate a galaxy in his image, and eventually the entire universe, becoming its ultimate


    Unfortunately, his resources for doing so were quite slim. He could only interact on the

    technological level, and the humans, while arrogant and nave, were sufficiently

    intelligent enough to keep him isolated from all of their own technological devices. As

    he became aware of their internecine conflict with their own brothers and sisters, hebegan to develop a way to turn this to his advantage. Eventually, he came to an

    agreement with them, in which he would supply them with some of his vast technological

    knowledge, in order that they might be able to create even more advanced tools than they

    possessed, and thusly he would help them to create genetically engineered weapons of

    war with which they would finally come to dominate all of their own people, and unite

    them under one leader. Agitat, of course, had no intention of letting them get that far.

    Simply to create the first of his planned multitudes of artificial life forms would be

    sufficient for his purposes. He would then use them to wipe out the humans, and take

    their tools for his own, and thusly begin on the path to godhood.

    Thus began a long period of trial and error as the human scientists assimilated the

    knowledge that Agitat parceled out to them, and attempted to make it work with the tools

    they had. There was a great deal of life on the Hellworld below them from which to take

    ideas, capture samples, and conduct experiments. Although their experiments never

    panned out, they were able to refine their tools and their knowledge over time.

    Eventually, while trying to decide just what their first viable army would be, they settled

    on using the form of an ancient predator from their own homeworld, long extinct, but

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    whose image still pervaded their collective unconscious to that day. It would be like that

    ancient predator in form only, for every aspect of it would be an artificial creation,

    superior to anything nature could ever evolve in every way, thanks to Agitats knowledge.

    It took a number of failed attempts before they finally perfected the process, and

    eventually produced a brood of their first supersoldiers. These were the beowolves.They created thirteen of them for their first brood, although this actually was the result of

    an unforeseen accident, as they had intended to create only twelve. One of the zygotes

    fissioned during development, and eventually resulted in a set of twins. It was decided

    that although this was unanticipated, it would provide valuable experimental data for

    future processes (especially because they seemed to exhibit a number of unusual aspects;

    in particular they seemed to share one mind), and so they were allowed to grow and


    One-Eye himself is one of three variants. The standard beowolf is both weaker and

    faster than he is. The variants were created primarily as proof of concepts, in order toperfect the creation process, so that they could easily create an entire army which was

    pre-adapted to a particular mission requirement. One-Eye was created as the super

    strong variant which was intended for extremely high gravity environments, beyond

    which the standard beowolves were capable of optimal operation. He is five times

    stronger than the standard beowolf, but only a third as fast. It should be noted that not

    only is he physically stronger than any other beowolf, but he also has a proportionately

    higher strength of will. The second variant was a super speed variant, which was

    intended primarily for reconnaissance missions. This beowolf, also a male, is five times

    faster than the standard beowolf (and thusly 15 times faster than One-Eye) while only a

    third as strong. He is also even more intelligent than the other beowolves; his brainsoperate with the same proportionately greater speed. He was also built much lighter, with

    less dense bones to improve agility and reactivity. The third beowolf was the super

    armored variant. While the other beowolves have hollowed bones, this one does not,

    and also has even higher concentrations of the alien alloys in its cells. This one is the

    slowest of the beowolves, even slower than One-Eye, and is nearly as strong physically,

    while being nowhere near as agile or flexible. The damage capacity, as one might

    imagine, is exponentially greater, with an even more powerful regenerative capability to


    The full details of the creation and initial life of the beowolves is documented elsewhere.

    For purposes of this discussion it is sufficient to note that during the course of their

    training and development the beowolves became aware of the intentions of both their

    human creators and their godfather Menz Agitat, whom they considered their true

    creator, and made the decision among themselves to escape from their creators and live

    their own lives. The process was not an easy one, even for beings of titanic power and

    capability as they, but in the end they were victorious over the humans, and the leader of

    their pack, known only as Alpha, clashed with Menz Agitat on his own plane of

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    existence and eventually succeeded in destroying his digital essence, albeit just barely.

    The station itself suffered immense damage during the conflicts, and would eventually

    fall from orbit into the atmosphere of the planet Hell. Fortunately the humans had

    developed a network of stargates with which the station had been connected, in order to

    allow the shipment of supplies without having to deal with the 50 light-year null zone,and the beowolves were able to use this to escape the destruction of the planet.

    Unfortunately there was insufficient time to properly tune the stargate, and this in

    combination with the disruptive effect of their bodies resulted in what can only be

    described as a quantum resonance mismatch between the bodies of the beowolves and

    the reality around them. Although this would have no effect in their own universe, the

    combination of the improperly tuned gate, the disruptiveness of the beowolves bodies

    and the thinness of the fabric of space and time in that region resulted in them being

    sent out of their own universe and into an alternate one.

    From that point onward, each of the thirteen beowolves have had to deal with beingperiodically shifted from one universe to the next, as the difference in resonances

    between their bodies and the surrounding reality built up a cascading oscillation feedback

    loop which eventually resulted in their being shifted again. And because the process was

    different for each of them (with the exception of the twins), they were all split up after

    that first world they were inserted into, each being shifted out of phase with that reality at

    a different time.

    And this has been One-Eyes fate over the course of a thousand years. Shifting from one

    universe to the next at entirely random times, he nonetheless attempts to live his own life

    according to his own desires. Naturally, as an artificial creation constructed exclusivelyfor war, his desires trend towards the martial and over a thousand years of fighting has

    taken its toll on his body. While he can regenerate wounds readily enough, replacing his

    fur is an entirely insurmountable problem, resulting in the accumulation of scars over his

    entire body, a living testament to his violent lifestyle. Although he was able to get his

    body fully repaired at one point late in his life, he has since taken a great deal of damage

    once more. Very recently (roughly 20 years ago) he has come into possession of a most

    remarkable technological device which was given to him as a reward for his service to an

    extremely advanced race of beings (ones who were nearly on par with the race of beings

    from which Menz Agitat had hailed). This device does have absolute control over space

    and time, however it is limited by One-Eyes ability to comprehend the precise

    underlying physical and mathematical principles, and ability to calculate the changes. In

    other words, in order to do a thing with the device, he must understand precisely what it

    is that he desires to do, fully and completely. One of the very first things he has done

    with this device, known as the Tacitus, is to modulate the quantum resonance feedback

    loop created between his body and the surrounding reality. Although he cannot nullify it

    completely, he can reset it, and so gain additional time in whichever reality he is in.

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    Personality and Disposition:

    As has been noted in his profile above, One-Eyes thought processes are entirely different

    from any that humans would be familiar with. It would not be hyperbole to state that his

    way of thinking is utterly alien. However, the beowolves were also implanted with

    significant knowledge of human psychology during their creation. Thusly, One-Eye

    knows very well how people think and why, and how to tailor his actions and responses

    such that communication with others is as easy as between a pair of humans who share a

    common cultural and social background. Over a thousand years of experience among

    thousands of over races has given him a similar degree of insight into a great many

    different types of minds and ways of thinking.

    Although he was originally created as a weapon of war and mass destruction, the many

    years has actually tempered One-Eyes perspective. While he still enjoys nothing so

    much as a good fight, he understands the way most people tend to look at things, and canblend in quite easily into just about any culture (any culture that has humanoid wolves in

    it, or which is highly accepting of alien species, that is). It is important to note again that

    beowolves were designed rather differently from normal wolves in mind and

    temperament. Whereas naturally-evolved wolves (both wild and sapient) possess an

    instinct to go for the weakest prey, beowolves have an instinct to go after thestrongest

    opponents; the more powerful, the better. Thusly when they were turned loose on a

    military force or an enemy planet, they would automatically seek out the leaders of the

    army or the planet on which they found themselves, even without being given any orders.

    Or so the theory went amongst the scientists who created them. In truth, while the

    humans believed it to be their own idea, this is one (of many) aspects of beowolfpsychology which was actually created at the instigation of Menz Agitat.

    A side effect of this is that beowolves also seek out challenges wherever they can be

    found. If there is no challenge at hand, they would tend to feel bored and restless

    (although one may not be able to tell this simply from observing them). Towards the

    beginning of his life, when he was under the training of an ancient shaman, he came to

    the conclusion that the best challenge would be for him to fight on the side of good

    against that of evil. From his perspective, it was simply a matter of trading quantity of

    potential opponents for quality. Thusly, he can always be found seeking out evil dragons,

    or demons, or supervillains, or whatever similar sorts of opponents that he can find inwhatever world he finds himself in. This is not to say that he is always a good guy; he

    has been a villain himself on a number of occasions; however he prefers to be, at worst,

    chaotic neutral. It is important to keep in mind that One-Eye does not fight on the side of

    good because it is the right thing to do, but because he feels it is the best position for

    someone of his power to be in. He does find it enjoyable, as being a good guy does

    often have its perks. Of course, there are often many occasions when it is not overtly

    obvious which side is that of the bad guys or which side is the good guys; in such

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    cases One-Eye tends to go with Natural Law and his own experiences in making a

    judgment call. This also applies to his own predation; although he has at times preyed on

    the innocent for his food, this is not usually his general preference. He much prefers to

    prey on those who prey on others. This does not mean predatory species, but rather

    individual predators, such as politicians, nobles, lawyers and bankers, and the lesser

    predators such as thieves, muggers, rapists, and murderers. Of course, the two canfrequently be one and the same, such as in the case of many dragons or other ravenously

    predatory creatures. As one can imagine, the crime rate tends to go down significantly in

    any region in which he takes residence. Another point is that One-Eye is not particularly

    concerned about the laws created by a particular government of any kind, but rather those

    that conform to Natural Law. In other words, his concern is with justice, not law.

    In general, One-Eye is quite easy going, able to get along with nearly all kinds of peoples

    and personalities. It is quite difficult to actually anger him, although there are a very few

    hot buttons with him. One of the peculiar aspects (to an outside observer) is that he is

    highly protective of children. A cynic might point out that this is merely the attitude of apredator concerned with preserving his future food supply; said observer would not

    necessarily be wrong, but not precisely correct, either. In essence, children are the

    epitome of purity and innocence (in most cases, anyway), and it is this perspective which

    most fascinates One-Eye, and which he strives to protect at all costs. The young,

    unformed mind is free from the taint that most civilizations inflict upon them, and

    represent possibility and potential in its purest form. Thusly, abusing a child in his

    presence is quite probably the surest way to get on his shit list at transwarp speed. He has

    also been known to risk the success of a mission or contract he has been given in order to

    safeguard the lives of children, in many cases even that of a single child.

    Perhaps the single most important thing to keep in mind about One-Eye is this: One-Eye

    does nothingby accident, or involuntarily. Any expression he bears on his face, any

    statement he makes, any action he takes, is for a specific reason. He is perpetually aware

    of the effect his presence has on those around him, and will not say or do anything

    without a specific effect in mind. He may be seeking to influence a particular impression

    about himself, either positive or negative, in a particular person. It is difficult at best to

    determine just what his purpose is in any given action at any given moment. He will

    often fake vulnerability (often a lapse in judgment, perception, or intelligence, or a false

    habit) in order to lure certain person or persons into a false sense of security in their

    assessment of him. In virtually all cases, One-Eye is, in the simplest terms, not the man

    you think he is, regardless of what you think he is. One might, perhaps, get the

    impression of a predator simply blending in seamlessly with his prey, hiding in plain

    sight. If one were paranoid.

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    Although beowolves can only utilize animal meat for bio-energy to survive, they are

    capable of assimilating virtually any substance. They are fully capable of digesting a

    cubic foot of solid carbon steel in a matter of a few minutes. Beowolves do not have the

    same type of digestive system as other beings. Digestion is complete and absolute, down

    to the very last molecule. This does mean that there is no need for elimination of waste

    products, and they are not equipped for it. This supremely efficient digestive process is a

    necessity, due to their one (deliberately engineered) weakness: beowolves require vast

    amounts of food, specifically meat, in order to live. One-Eye must consume no less than

  • 7/30/2019 One Eye Profile


    100 kg of raw meat (any living being similar to Terran animals will suffice) per day

    simply to maintain his strength, and more if he exerts himself to a significant extent.

    Beowolf metabolism runs extremely hot and fast; simply going without food for a single

    day will weaken him noticeably, and it will only take about a week to die from hunger.

    This is actually prolonged somewhat by the small amounts of energy beowolves can store

    in their body fat (beowolves actually have more body fat than they appear; they have asignificant layer beneath their muscles and surrounding their internal organs, which not

    only acts as a short buffer against starvation but also provides a slim additional layer of

    armored protection, as their fat cells are infused with the same alien alloys as every other

    cell in their body). However this will only last for at most a couple more days, and will

    only prolong theirlife without offsetting the resultant weakness. Of course, even with

    99% of his strength lost One-Eye is still stronger than many superheroes, although even

    that will degenerate quickly. Beowolves, however, do possess a safeguard against death

    by starvation, in that they can instantly enter into a hibernation stasis. In this hibernation

    they consume very little energy, and can survive for an indefinite time just on their own

    body fat. Once they smell a potential victim nearby, they can then rouse themselves tohunt and regain their life.

    Tropes:Person of Mass Destruction

    Baddass Furry

    Badass Grandpa

    Lightning Bruiser

    Genius Bruiser

    Big Badass Wolf

    Animal Superhero

    Our Werewolves Are Really Damn Different

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