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Page 1: One Simple, Powerful System for Creating Total WellNESMaterial/US/NESBrochure... · miHealth device retrains your body and stimulates healing by communicating specifically with the

One Simple, Powerful System for Creating

Total WellNESNES Health

Page 2: One Simple, Powerful System for Creating Total WellNESMaterial/US/NESBrochure... · miHealth device retrains your body and stimulates healing by communicating specifically with the

NES Health and any of its products do not claim to diagnose,

cure, prevent or treat disease. If you have a medical condition or

concern, please consult an appropriate health care professional.

NES and its claims have not been evaluated by the FDA and any

government agency or regulatory organization.


Page 3: One Simple, Powerful System for Creating Total WellNESMaterial/US/NESBrochure... · miHealth device retrains your body and stimulates healing by communicating specifically with the

“Ask anybody what the physical world is made of, and you are likely told matter and energy.

Yet, if we have learned anything from engineering, biology, and physics, information

is just as crucial an ingredient.”Physicist Jacob D. Bekenstein


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Have you ever considered that in a state of total wellness, the body’s cells and organs always know what to do,

and do it perfectly? The latest science is revealing the mechanisms that allow the body’s optimal functioning,

and also what can cause it to lose resilience and efficacy, and to even malfunction.

All of the science, along with our extensive research and testing, has demonstrated that the root cause of

malfunction – as well as the source of optimal functioning – exists beneath the physiology of the body. We must

look to the physics underlying our biochemistry.

For this reason, scientists have identified 3 critical factors for health that must be addressed if we are to reclaim

the body’s total wellness and optimal functioning.

NES Health is the only system that addresses all three critical factors for human health and total wellness, allowing you to correct all aspects of the body: its information, energy and physiology.

While traditional healthcare has primarily focused on physiology, we are now seeing that energy and information

control biology. In fact, frontier science proves that there is a regulating field of energy and information that

operates in the physical body at the subcellular level. At NES Health, we call this the Human Body-Field (HBF), and

we have researched its functions and structures for more than 30 years. In that time we have discovered that the

root causes of physical problems are distortions and blockages in the body-field, which serves as a master control

system for all physiological function.

For this reason, we have developed a powerful Total WellNES System, which includes our suite of solutions – NES

ProVision, NES miHealth, NES Infoceuticals, and NEStrition – to correct these distortions and address the 3 critical

factors for health in proper sequence, holistically restoring the body and its functioning back to optimal well-


By looking at and correcting all three aspects of the body – its energy, information and physiology — we can

reverse any downward spiral in a person’s health and build momentum in an upward spiral towards total wellness.

The Total WellNES System helps to restore health using our proprietary 4-step process, which also represents the

recommended approach to therapy that can be incorporated into a healthcare practice:

1. (Re)Assess with NES ProVision Advanced Analysis Software

2. Rejuvenate with the NES miHealth Handheld Device

3. Re-Imprint with NES Infoceutical Liquid Drops

4. Rebuild the body with NEStrition Food Supplements

NES Health: Pioneering the Revolutionary Science & System For Total Wellness in Healthcare

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The Total WellNES System – A superior suite of solutions in the hands of a wide range of professionals

Any qualified healthcare practitioner can use the Total WellNES System and is eligible to become a Certified

NES Practitioner. Over 4500 medical doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths, nurses, nutritionists, certified massage

therapists, acupuncturists and other types of healthcare providers are currently using the Total WellNES System

and its component products to complement their existing practices.

NES Practitioners are the visionaries of healthcare. Comfortable on the cutting-edge of science, they are also

enthusiastic about bringing their clients the latest advances to achieve optimal well-being. If this describes you,

give yourself the advantage and find out how easy it is to include the Total WellNES System in your service offerings.

Page 6: One Simple, Powerful System for Creating Total WellNESMaterial/US/NESBrochure... · miHealth device retrains your body and stimulates healing by communicating specifically with the

NES Health – An Introduction

NES Health is the culmination of 30+ years of research into the Human Body-Field (HBF) by the company’s former

Chief Scientific Officer, the late Peter Fraser – a former acupuncture expert and practitioner of traditional Chinese

medicine – and visionary and entrepreneur, Harry Massey.

With more than three decades of research as its solid foundation, and a flourishing global community of highly-

trained expert practitioners, NES Health leads the world in energy and informational healthcare.

In his research, Fraser uncovered a system of dynamic, structured energy and information fields that inform the

physical body, and thereby regulate physiology. Defining it as the Human Body-Field (HBF), Fraser painstakingly

correlated thousands of body-field functions to the physical body, achieving a true integration of ancient

Chinese Medicine with modern biology, anatomy and physiology. With that as our basis, we are poised to shape

the future of healthcare.


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In 2000, our founder Harry Massey suffered from severe chronic fatigue syndrome

which left him bed-ridden for seven years. In that time he tried numerous healing

approaches, both conventional and alternative, but nothing provided long-

lasting symptom relief, let alone a permanent cure.

Then, as a result of his own research, he met a visionary scientific thinker named

Peter Fraser. And everything changed. As an acupuncture expert, Peter had

invested more than 20 years researching what he called the ‘human body-

field’ and developing remedies based on his discovery. Harry volunteered to try

them and, amazingly, over the next two years he made a full recovery.

Peter and Harry worked in close collaboration, combining Peter’s stunning

research with Harry’s entrepreneurial skills and savvy technological insights.

Together they founded NES Health (then called Nutri-Energetics Systems)

to develop practical applications based on the new understanding that

information and energy make up the body-field.

They created the Total WellNES System, the world’s first practical system for

‘reading’ the body-field and then correcting it. The Total WellNES system and its

components – NES ProVision, NES Infoceuticals, NEStrition and NES miHealth are

everyday essentials for more than 4,500 doctors and healthcare practitioners in

25 countries around the globe.

NES HealthOur Origins Lie In A Journey Of Healing

NES Health: Into The Future… On The Leading Edge


Harry Massey

Peter Fraser

The Total WellNES System allows medical and alternative health practitioners to

quickly and easily restore client health using our proprietary 4-step process:

• (Re)Assess

• Rejuvenate

• Re-Imprint

• Rebuild

While achieving powerful results to restore well-being in patients and clients

experiencing a multitude of challenges, our approach to wellness also reinforces

their long-term relationship and loyalty to their practitioner.

Additionally, though the ordered sequence of the Total WellNES System is

important, its effectiveness also stems from its simple ongoing repetition. Every

month, you again re-assess the body and deliver what it needs most in that

current moment. We include comprehensive practitioner training & resources as

well, so that you can employ the system with confidence.

Here’s a look at the component solutions included in the Total WellNES System…

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(Re)Assess the body in just seconds for a detailed analysis addressing the three critical factors for health within the body — its information, energy and physiology.

NES ProVision Advanced Analysis Software is a beautifully designed, incredibly comprehensive health assessment

tool that probes the human body-field to identify the bio-energetic and bio-informational distortions that may

underlie physical, mental or emotional issues.

Your client simply places his or her hand on a scanning device and in moments the software returns more than 150

results about the body and body-field in anatomically-correct and extremely detailed graphical representations

that include:

Energetic Analysis: Identify energy blockages in the body’s musculoskeletal system.

Nutritional Analysis: Highlight challenges in absorption and metabolic processes and identify sensitivities,

malabsorption, and intolerance to certain foods. Provides recommendations on supplementation.

Environmental Analysis: Detect functional damage to the body-field via specific environmental factors, toxins

and electromagnetic frequencies and the body’s resultant ability to handle their impact when present.

Emotional and Mental Analysis: Identify core emotions, beliefs, and even challenges that are most prominent or

potentially problematic. Also identify past shock and trauma that may still be presenting as conflicts or which are

stored in the body-field as tissue, cellular or energetic memory.

Body-field Structures, including:

• Energetic Drivers—the fields that power the organs and organ systems

• Energetic Integrators—the channels that regulate information transfer within the body-field and to the body

NES ProVision also identifies the NES miHealth therapy functions, NES Infoceuticals and the NEStrition imprinted

food supplements that can best correct body-field distortions and restore the body’s own self-healing capacities,

providing detailed recommendations for healing protocols as you move into rejuvenating, re-imprinting and

rebuilding the body and its bio-field.

NES ProVision

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The information of the body is a bit like the software of a

computer, telling the body’s biochemistry how to organize

and structure itself. If you have perfectly operating software,

your body knows precisely what to do and can repair itself.

Essentially the body is able to work off of a blueprint or set of

information codes for optimal health and homeostasis.

NES ProVision reads the information of the body by sending

the information from our map of the human body-field (via the

NES miHealth or with a separate scanning device). Then the

software reads the response that comes back to each individual

part of the map and determines the level of distortion between

the client’s body-field and our map of optimal functioning. The

entire scan is completed in a few seconds.

Once the scan is completed, the software returns a graphical

representation of any located distortions in the body’s energy

and information, as well as a recommended protocol —

including identified NES miHealth therapy functions, NES

infoceuticals, and NEStrition supplements you can use.

How does NES ProVision work?

NES ProVision

NES ProVision –is the only software in the world that can

scan and analyze the entire human body-field, including an

energetic, nutritional, environmental, and mental/emotional analysis. It also

uniquely provides detailed correction protocols so that you can use a single system of approach for both

analyzing and correcting client problems and challenges.

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Rejuvenate the body’s energy with powerful therapies that clear blockages, release trigger points, and correct energy flow through the body.

Simple to use, the NES miHealth is a compact, hand-held,

electronic, multi-functional instrument, which can be used

both on and off the body to promote better health and


As part of our Total WellNES System, you can use NES miHealth

in-office during a client session to release any blockages or

trigger points identified during the NES ProVision scan (the

software will recommend specific therapy functions).

This prepares the body and its channels for receiving new

information and nutritional building blocks via the at-home

NES Infoceutical and NEStrition regimen your client will be


NES miHealth

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The NES miHealth device retrains your body and stimulates healing by communicating specifically with the parts

of the body with which it is in contact.

The goal is to get your body’s energy flow back to operating with maximum efficiency. Because the body can

easily get trained into “patterns” where the energy becomes sluggish or stuck, rejuvenating the body’s energy

flow is critical — not just to release any stuck pain patterns, but also to clear the way for new information and

healing messages that can re-train the body into patterns of health and wellness.

This is why we deliver miHealth therapies to clients before they begin their NES Infoceutical and NEStrition protocols.

In essence, the NES miHealth speaks the human body’s language, producing electrical impulses that direct the

body to the source location of energy blockages opening up the energetic pathways, stimulating the trigger

points and bringing the body back to its natural osciallations and preparing it to receive the new Information

from the NES Infoceuticals or NEStrition food supplements.

Another unique feature of the NES miHealth is that you can use each of its functions in both on-body or off-body

(broadcast) mode. That way, no matter what unique constellation of issues or problems your client has, you can

fully control the intensity of the therapy.

How does NES miHealth work?

NES miHealth

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Re-Imprint optimal functioning and correct distortions in the body’s information with our range of liquid remedies imprinted with proprietary bio-information.

Once the body’s energy pathways have been cleared

and energy flow restored via the NES miHealth, use

our easy-to-take Infoceuticals to deliver the precise

information that the body needs to reclaim optimal

functioning and health.

NES Infoceuticals are liquid remedies that restore

integrity to the human body-field. They are purified

water containing a minute quantity of plant-derived

micro-minerals, which are encoded with information to

help return specific aspects of the body-field to proper


Designed to be taken at home in an ongoing daily

protocol, our entire Infoceutical range allows you to

address problems beneath the biochemistry of the

body - directly impacting the physics of the body where

the physiology and its quality are determined.

Each of our NES Infoceuticals contains pure information.

Each one directly corrects specific information structures

and energy patterns in the body-field. They can be used

while your client is taking any other type of remedy,

including homeopathics, pharmaceuticals, herbs and


“I like the accuracy, the effectiveness and the simplicity, but most of all I like the safety. The safety factor is huge. There are no side effects to the Infoceuticals.”

Ron MinsonNES Practitioner

NES Health…Gives your clients the edge in experiencing ultimate health.Gives you the edge in delivering ultimate results.

NES Infoceuticals

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Cleanse, rebuild and restore the body with our carefully balanced food supplements enhanced with bio-information and our unique absorption formula.

As the body begins to repair itself and utilize the new

information delivered via the Infoceuticals, it is vital

to support the physiological processes by providing

the nutritional building blocks required for cleansing,

rebuilding and repairing the body.

If your client’s body-field and body are not working

properly at the level of energy and information, then

any dietary supplements they take— including vitamins

and herbs—may not be absorbed properly, and they

won’t benefit from them.

NEStrition is a range of carefully-balanced nutritional

supplements made from a synergistic blend of the

highest quality ingredients. They contain no chemicals

and are made from pure, natural, and where available

organic ingredients, including botanicals, enzymes,

minerals and vitamins.

The NEStrition Difference

NEStrition are the only supplements imprinted with

corrective bio-information using our proprietary

imprinting technology to help correct energy

and information distortions at the level of the

body-field. They can uniquely direct nutrients to

the places in the body where they are precisely

needed most, while also clearing any blockages

or distortions that would prevent the body from

absorbing and utilizing those nutrients.

Because malabsorption seems to be the leading

cause of failure in supplement and nutritional

therapies, we took extra care to develop and

imprint all of our NEStrition supplements with

a special Absorption formula, designed and

demonstrated to bio-energetically increase

absorption, allowing the body to metabolize the

nutrients properly and increasing your client’s

sense of well-being and vitality.

“We integrated NES products with our clients – and have experienced remarkable results.”

Thomas Marquardt, Physiotherapist & Osteopath


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NES HealthThe Science That Supports Healthcare InnovationAt NES Health, we aim to undertake research that fuels scientific revolution and creates real impact for how we

view health and how we can approach reclaiming health for every individual. Because our focus is quantum in

nature, it is not currently seen as profitable in the marketplace and, therefore, not undertaken by commercial


The goal of our research department is to work with external organizations and individuals, or with academic

institutions to generate quality scientific evidence that supports the science behind bio-energetic and informational

therapy and which demonstrates the efficacy of the Total WellNES System and its range of component health

products and overall therapeutic approach.

We are fully committed to R&D with a focus on Clinical Trials and Documented Case Studies. Our research

portfolio includes clinical trials, cross-comparison studies and proof-of-concept R&D.

We are actively developing and continuously improving our product range, looking at the efficacy of our products

both within our in-house R&D team and collaborating with independent research institutions and academic


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Research Highlights

Accuracy of NES Provision Wellness Assessment Confirmed by Comparison to 3 Independent Energy Assessment Devices.

In a large-scale comparative study carried out by the Centre for Biofield Sciences by Dr. Thornton Streeter, 96.5%

of the 240 participants in the control group experienced a positive change, compared to 35% in the placebo


The study also demonstrated the efficacy of NES ProVision in identifying energetic distortions, in comparison to the

combined abilities of 3 energy measurement devices: PIP (polycontrast interference photography), GDV (gas

discharge visualization) and EIS (electro-interstitial scan).

NES miHealth Shows 93% Effectiveness in Outcome Study

In this study of 251 participants, 88% benefited from the NES miHealth therapy at the initial consultation. Additionally,

the positive effect on general rejuvenation was compounded on the second and third therapy sessions, with

subjects seeing an increasing trend to wellness.

NES Infoceuticals effective in Re-imprinting Leading to an Enhanced Ability to Deal with Stress in Families of Military Personnel.

In this study supervised by renowned energy medicine researcher, Dr Norman Shealy, at Holos University in the

USA, NES Infoceuticals were shown to lead to a reduction in depression scores and self-reported stress measures

in 54 subjects with immediate members of family in active service in the military.

NEStrition supplement ‘Flamese’ Increases Well-being for 90% of Participants with Chronic Inflammation.

This double-blind clinical trial researching the efficacy of the NEStrition supplement ‘Flamese’ in enhancing the

quality of life for people with chronic inflammation was carried out in Cuba, under the supervision of Dr. Maritza

Mainegra and Dr. Jorge Luis Campistrous Lavaut.

The study showed that Flamese, which helps to cleanse, restore and rebuild the physiology of the body, has a

life-enhancing effect with 90% of the participants showing positive results within 30 days.

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NES HealthYour True Partners In The Health Of Your Business

NES Health and our Total WellNES System are designed to restore health and maintain wellness for your clients.

However we’ve also taken special care to design our system of care to support you in your practice, to keep

you flourishing and expanding. We believe our success is aligned with your success, and by helping practitioner

practices grow, we can better ensure global access to health for every individual.

Join the Recognized Leaders of Informational and Next-Level Healthcare

At NES Health we have been global pioneers of informational and bio-energetic medicine for more than a decade

now, with an extensive research and development team, unique cutting-edge and proprietary technologies,

and unparalleled products that have been demonstrated in clinical trials and double-blind studies to reduce

stress and anxiety, as well as to assist the body in restoring health.

Enjoy Freedom & Flexibility Supported By a Complete System of Care

Whether you are a medical doctor, chiropractor, naturopath, nurse, nutritionist, certified massage therapist,

acupuncturist and any other types of qualified healthcare practitioner, you can incorporate our complete and

integrated Total WellNES System to complement your existing practice. That means you can perform quick and

detailed analysis with NES ProVision, which will also return a recommended protocol for therapy using the NES

miHealth, NES Infoceuticals and NEStrition.

Go Global. Maintain That Personal Touch

Particularly for specialists who receive patients or clients from all over the world, we have created a variety of

therapy offerings and options that allow you to scan and analyze your client’s body-field and begin therapy right

there in your office… then recommend NES Infoceuticals, as well as NEStrition, for follow-up at home.

This empowers your clients to take ownership of their healing journey while continuing to work with you, and also

to reinforce your practice with recurring purchases of Infoceuticals and NEStrition throughout your client’s healing


Receive Support, Marketing Materials & Training

Once you’re a practitioner with NES, we will provide you extensive training in all our products via our online

training site, and also with regional live training events and an annual conference.

You will also have access to our printed and digital consumer materials, including marketing brochures,

informational pamphlets, consumer newsletters, and more. We will also maintain connection with you through our

practitioner hotline where you can always reach us, and our practitioner newsletter. You will also be authorized to

use our official NES branding and benefit from our corporate PR and media.

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Get New Clients in Our Practitioner Locator

Because our system of healthcare includes cutting-edge technologies and our own theories of biophysics, as well

as extensive research, we receive a lot of visitors to our website who are consumers seeking this kind of healing


When you join us as a NES Practitioner, you have the option to be listed in our Practitioner Locator so these

consumers can easily find you, your area of practice, and your contact information. There is no cost associated

with this, and is simply a free option to you as a NES Practitioner.

As you can see, equipping and supporting NES Practitioners is an integral part of our offerings. We make it as easy as possible to integrate our system into your existing practice to maximize the benefits for you and the success of your business.

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NES HealthRecommended Resources


Based on Peter Fraser’s decades of research and his map of the Human Body-field, NES Health has created a

first-of-a-kind audio experience through imprinting information onto music. The sounds and music are based on

both ancient and modern science from the field of sound healing and therapy.

• Body-Field Sound Healing by David Gibson and Harry Massey

• Journey Through The Matrix by David Gibson and Harry Massey

• Nad Sundarram – Beautiful Sound by Nestor Kornblum, Michele Averard & Carlos Pons,

Produced by Harry Massey


• Decoding the Human Body-Field by Peter Fraser and Harry Massey (in conjunction with Joan Parisi Wilcox)

• Energy and Information in Nature by Peter Fraser

• Healing Yourself & Others by Mastering Energy and Information by Harry Massey

• The Unturned Stone by Peter Fraser and Harry Massey

• Understanding the Universe Through Global Scaling by Rainer Viehweger


• Choice Point: Align Your Purpose - www.choicepointmovement.com

• The Living Matrix: The New Science of Healing - www.thelivingmatrixmovie.com

All recommended resources can be found at www.NESHealth.com

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Discover for yourself the Only Cohesive Healthcare System That Both Analyzes AND Corrects Health Distortions at the Source.

Want to find out more?To discuss how the NES Health Total WellNES

System, and the science behind it can

enhance your healthcare practice in

practical and measurable ways for both

you and your clients, visit our website at


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NES Health241 Kings Village Rd #66191

Scotts Valley, CA 95067

Toll Free: 888-242 5933Email: [email protected]


© Copyright NES Health 2013

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