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  • 8/4/2019 Online Detection of Feed Demand in High Cell Density Cultures of e.coli by Measurement of Changes in Dissolved


    Online Detection of Feed Demand in HighCell Density Cultures of Escherichia coli byMeasurement of Changes in DissolvedOxygen Transients in Complex Media

    Victoria S. Whiffin,1 Michael J. Cooney,2 Ralf Cord-Ruwisch1

    1School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Murdoch University, SouthStreet, Murdoch 6150, Western Australia; telephone: +61 8 9360 2403;fax: +61 8 9310 7084; e-mail: [email protected] Natural Energy Institute, University of Hawaii at Manoa,Honolulu, Hawaii

    Received 13 January 2003; accepted 9 July 2003

    Published online 2 January 2003 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/bit.10802

    Abstract: A starvation-based dissolved oxygen (DO)transient controller was developed to supply growth-limiting substrate to high cell density fed-batch culturesof recombinant Escherichia coli. The algorithm adjusted apreexisting feed rate in proportion to the cultures oxygendemand, which was estimated from transients in the DOconcentration after short periods of feed interruption. Inthis manner, the addition of glucose feed was preciselycontrolled at a rate that did not exceed the acetateproduction threshold, thus preventing acetate accumula-tion. In comparison to exponential feed algorithmscommonly used in industry, the implementation of thenew feeding strategy increased the final cell density from32 to 44 g (dry cell weight).L1, with less than 16 mMacetate accumulated, producing an ideal culture for

    subsequent induction. Despite a constant starvation leveland relatively low levels of acetate, experimental culti-vations still tended to produce acetate towards the end ofthe process. The use of a simple Monod model providedan explanation as to why this may occur in high celldensity cultivations and suggests how it may be over-come. B 2004 Wiley Periodicals Inc.

    Keywords: Escherichia coli; high cell density culture;acetate; dissolved oxygen transients; fed batch; feedingstrategy


    High cell density cultivation techniques have been

    developed to achieve high final biomass and productyields in industrial cultivation (Lee, 1996). In order to

    achieve high cell density, the stresses that usually limit

    cell growth and recombinant protein expression must be

    removed, thus allowing continued growth and maximumexpression of recombinant products (Lee, 1996; Riesen-

    berg and Guthke, 1999). For cultivation of Escherichia

    coli, the most significant of these stresses is the production

    of acetate, which accumulates when the acetyl-CoA

    degrading pathways (e.g., TCA cycle) have reached their

    capacity, forming a metabolic bottleneck (Akesson et al.,

    1999; Bech Jensen and Carlsen, 1990; Lee, 1996; Luli and

    Strohl, 1990; van de Walle and Shiloach, 1998). Previous

    approaches to limit the accumulation of acetate have

    included genetic engineering to provide the organisms with

    acetate degrading enzymes (Bermejo et al., 1998), acetate

    detection using sophisticated analytical equipment such as

    high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and

    acetate removal by dialysis membrane technologies (Land-

    wall and Holme, 1977; Saucedo and Karim, 1996;

    Schugerl et al., 1996; Turner et al., 1994). These

    approaches have had limited use in industrial-scale

    fermentations because of their complexity and limited

    usability under sterile conditions.

    An ideal industrial controller is simple, robust, and as

    nonintrusive as possible. It should be sensitive enough to

    accurately provide the required amount of feed in the

    presence of nonlinear growth and complex media such as

    yeast extract and tryptone. A commonly used industrial

    approach is to control the cultures growth rate by themetered addition of a growth-limiting substrate (i.e., fed-

    batch cultivation) (Lee, 1996). A number of substrate

    delivery strategies have been proposed, which can be

    broadly grouped into two categories; those that operate

    independently of the reactor predictive control, and those

    that operate in communication with the reactorfeedback

    control (Hangos and Cameron, 2001). Although predictive

    controllers are useful for fixed and well-established

    processes, they are unable to respond to process

    B 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    Correspondence to: Ralf Cord-Ruwisch

    Contract grant sponsors: CSL Limited (Melbourne, Australia)

    Murdoch University (Perth, Australia)

  • 8/4/2019 Online Detection of Feed Demand in High Cell Density Cultures of e.coli by Measurement of Changes in Dissolved


    disturbances, new media compositions, or strain substitu-

    tions and hence have limited application in a changing

    industrial environment.

    Feedback control strategies are designed to detect real,

    online changes in the system that indicate overfeeding or

    underfeeding and couple these changes to an adjustment in

    feed rate. The primary parameters used for feedback

    control in E. coli fed-batch cultivations are pH (Lee, 1996;

    Lee and Chang, 1993, Robbins and Taylor, 1989; Suzuki

    et al., 1990), dissolved oxygen (DO) (Bauer and Shiloach,

    1974; Cutayar and Poillon, 1989; Kleman et al., 1991;

    Konstantinov et al., 1990; Konstantinov and Yoshida,

    1990; Shiloach et al., 1996), glucose (Kleman et al., 1991;

    Luli and Strohl, 1990), or acetate data (Turner et al., 1994).

    Because of its sensitivity, versatility, and online avail-

    ability, oxygen-based feedback controllers are widely used.

    Oxygen-based feedback strategies have been developed

    from the observation that the depletion of substrate causes

    a sharp increase in DO (Bauer and Shiloach, 1974; Cutayar

    and Poillon, 1989; Kleman et al., 1991; Konstantinov and

    Yoshida, 1990; Shiloach et al., 1996). More recently,

    Akesson et al. (2001) proposed a pulse feeding strategy

    that applied periodic up- and down-pulses to the feed rateto recombinant cultures of E. coli grown in defined

    media. By evaluating the DO response to the pulses, the

    presence or absence of glucose in the medium was in-

    ferred. For example, an increase in DO in response to a

    25% decrease (down-pulse) in the feed rate signified

    glucose limitation. Concomitantly, a decrease in DO in

    response to a 25% increase (up-pulse) in feed rate signified

    glucose starvation (Akesson et al., 1999). More recently,

    Johnston et al. (2002, 2003) considered the application of

    periodic up pulses (i.e., feed-up DO transient control) to

    medium and high cell density cultures of recombinant

    E. coli grown in complex media. These results showed that

    complex media provides a difficult environment for

    aggressive acetate threshold tracking and suggested that

    controllers attempting to track the acetate threshold in

    complex media should avoid using algorithms that ag-

    gressively probe (i.e., exceed) the threshold as a means to

    improve performance.

    By contrast, the approach taken in this study tracks the

    acetate production threshold by providing sufficient

    glucose feed to cells only when they are starved and

    therefore are fully able to respire the added feed. This

    feed on demand pulse strategy approach first probes

    the cultures ability to respire substrate and then provides

    extra substrate only when the cells have shown a demandfor it.

    We have built upon the feed on demand approach

    originally presented by Akesson et al., (2001) to develop a

    simple, industrially useful feeding strategy that is capable

    of producing high cell density cultures of E. coli in

    complex media, while preventing the unwanted acetate

    production that occurs with more aggressive probing

    controllers and avoiding the consequent reduced efficiency

    of recombinant production (Johnston et al., 2003).


    Operating Principle of the StarvationDO-Transient Controller

    In order to specifically provide feed on demand, a

    measurement is necessary that evaluates the bacterial

    starvation level (i.e., substrate limitation or saturation).

    This measurement can be obtained by briefly interrupting

    the feed supply; a substrate-limited culture will immedi-

    ately lower its oxygen uptake activity, resulting in anincrease in DO, while a substrate-saturated culture will

    not respond. For sustained growth at high rates without

    causing oversupply of substrate and hence acetate

    accumulation, the bacterial cells should always be kept

    under substrate limitation.

    It is not sufficient to simply consider absolute changes

    in DO to feed interruptions as an indicator of sub-

    strate limitation in the reactor. For example, if the

    microbial oxygen uptake rate (OUR) changes from 240

    to 200 mg.L1.h1, the resulting change in steady-state

    DO will be from 1 to 2 mg.L1 (DO change = 1 mg.L1)

    or from 5 to 5.33 mg.L


    (DO change = 0.33 mg.L


    ).This is because the microbial DO consumption rate is not

    linearly correlated to changes in DO concentration, due to

    the variable rate of oxygen transfer into the solution,

    which is DO concentration-dependent. As long as the kLa

    is constant, the bacterial OUR can be obtained from the

    Figure 1. Boolean schematic of DO_transient strategy used to control

    fermentations (FR = feed rate; DOT = dissolved oxygen transient). Three

    adjustable parameters are available: 1) feed off duration, 2) starvation level

    between DOT(1) and DOT(2), and 3) feed on duration.


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    oxygen steady-state concentration. Because true oxygen

    steady-state concentrations never establish in our system,

    we introduce the term DO-transient as an approximation

    of the OUR [Eq. (1)]:

    DOT kLa cL cS 1

    Where DOT is the DO-transient (mg.L1.h1); kLa is the

    mass transfer coefficient (h1); (cS cL) is the oxygen

    saturation deficit (mg.L1) where cS is the dissolved

    oxygen concentration at saturation and cL is the current

    dissolved oxygen concentration. The DOT is closely relatedbut not identical to OUR, as the steady-state dissolved

    oxygen concentrations essential for proper OUR calcula-

    tions are not reached in the 30-sec feed off intervals.

    The DO-transient controller determines the appropriate

    glucose-feeding rate by quantifying the relative change in

    DO-transient immediately before (DOT(1)) and after

    (DOT(2)), a period of feed interruption. If DOT(2) is

    significantly lower than DOT(1) then the feed rate is

    increased by a specific factor (Eq. 2). Conversely, if DOT (2)is not significantly lower than DOT(1), then the feed rate is

    decreased by another factor (Fig. 1, Eq. 3):

    If DOT2 < DOT1 S then FRINC 1:01 2

    If DOT2 z DOT1 S then FRINC 0:99 3


    Where DOT is dissolved oxygen transient; S is starvation

    level; FR is feed rate; FRINC is feed rate increment.

    The DO-transient controller has three adjustable parame-

    ters: Feed off duration equals the interval of short feed

    interruption during which flow rate of glucose to the culture

    is equal to zero, Starvation level equals the percent

    difference that is tolerated between DOT(1) and DOT(2) to

    determine a yes or no decision by the controller, and Feed

    on duration equals the time interval between feedinterruptions (Fig. 1). In all trials using the DO-transient

    controller, the feed off duration was 0.5 min, the feed rate

    increment was 1%, and the feed on duration was 2 min. The

    starvation level was variable between trials.


    The microorganism used was recombinant E. coli BL21

    DE3 (CSL, Victoria, Australia). To ensure genetic stability,

    a working seed bank was established and stored at 80jC

    in 15% (v/v) glycerol stabilised cryogenic vials.

    Inoculum and Media

    Seed inocula were prepared by inoculating a vial taken

    from the working seed bank into 100 ml of SL broth

    (Table I ) and grown overnight at 37jC on a 200 rpm orbital

    flat bed shaker for 18 h. The entire 100-ml culture was then

    aseptically transferred to the bioreactor. The medium for

    fed-batch cultivation was complex (Table I). Kanamycin

    was added to all media to maintain selective pressure for

    the recombinant plasmid.

    Fed-Batch Cultivations

    Bioreactor and Processing Parameters

    Fed-batch cultivations were conducted in a 1-L bioreactor

    (B. Braun Biolab, Melsungen, Germany, mini-fermenter).

    Reactor conditions were: liquid volume 700 750 ml, initial

    stirring speed 150 rpm, which was varied in discrete steps

    (150, 200, 300, 400, and 500 rpm) whenever the dissolved

    oxygen went below 2 mg.L1, 37jC, oxygen supplied as

    100% O2, automated pH control with 5M NH4OH and lower

    set-point of 6.8, and antifoam control by Antifoam C

    Emulsion (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, Cat. A 8011). Feeding was

    commenced and regulated by the DO-transient controller

    after a 2-h batch phase. The DO-transient controller was

    designed in-house and coded in LabViewy (National

    Instruments, Baltimore, MD, v. 3.1.1) to automate

    the fed-batch addition of substrate. Data logging of

    dissolved oxygen and pH data from the reactor was

    sent to the DO-transient controller, which used theinformation to perform an appropriate control deci-

    sion, and returned an altered voltage signal to a vari-

    able speed drive substrate pump (Watson Marlow

    313U). Precise automated addition of substrate was

    aided by online detection of weight changes of the sub-

    strate vessel.

    Table II. Comparison of cultivation outcome baseline data trial and

    DO-transient control trials.

    Trial Baseline 2% DOT 5% DOT 2 7 % DOT

    Biomass (g (DCW).L1) 33 45 51 44

    Accumulated acetate (mM) 48 620 63 16

    Glucose added (mM) 727 800 753 600

    Residual glucose (mM) 1 1.8 2 0.5

    SGUR (mmol.gX.h1) 5 4 4 3 3 1.3 1.8 1.6

    SAPR (mmol.gX.h1) 0.5 1.5 2 5 0.3 f0

    Biomass yield (gX.gS1) 0.25 0.31 0.39 0.40

    Fermentation time (h) 12 12 15.4 17

    Biomass productivity (gX.h1) 2.75 3.75 3.31 2.59

    Starvation level 2% 5% 2 7%

    Table I. Media and feed composition.

    SL broth Batch media (g.L1) Feed solutio n ( g.L1)

    Glucose 500.0

    Tryptone 26.8 160.8

    Yeast extract 21.4 128.4

    NaCl 8.5

    MgSO4.7H2O 0.9

    K2HPO4 5.4

    NaH2PO2.2H2O 1.6

    Kanamycin 0.05


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    Samples (5 ml) were periodically removed from the

    reactor through a sample port, immediately centrifugedat 13,500 rpm, and the supernatant frozen for subse-

    quent analysis.

    Biomass dry weights were determined by correlating

    optical density (600 nm) measurements against a calibra-

    tion curve. Calibration curves were generated by creating

    serial dilutions (taken from biomass samples at the end of a

    cultivation) in which the optical density was measured and

    known volumes were transferred into preweighed test

    tubes, centrifuged, the clear supernatant discarded, and the

    tubes left to dry overnight (12 h) at 80jC. After cooling in a

    desiccator, the tubes were reweighed and the differenceused to calculate dry cell weights.

    Analytical Methods

    Residual Glucose

    Residual glucose in the culture broth was measured by

    enzymatic analysis [Yellow Springs Instruments, Youngs-

    Figure 3. Cultivation profile for fast linearly fed trial using conventional exponential feeding algorithm until hour 6 and then switched to maintain a

    linear feed rate of 44 mM glucose.h1 for the rest of the cultivation. Total glucose added (mM) (.), residual glucose in the reactor (mM) (o), acetate (mM)

    (5), biomass (g (DCW).L1) (E).

    Figure 2. Cultivation profile for baseline data trial using conventional exponential feeding algorithm. Total glucose added (mM) (.), residual glucose in

    the reactor (mM) (o), acetate (mM) (5), biomass (g (DCW).L1) (E).


  • 8/4/2019 Online Detection of Feed Demand in High Cell Density Cultures of e.coli by Measurement of Changes in Dissolved


    town, OH (YSIy) 2700 Select]. Frozen samples were

    completely thawed and vortexed to ensure sample homo-

    geneity. Standards were injected every 10 measurements to

    ensure the baseline had not shifted.


    Acetate was measured by gas chromatography (Varian, San

    Fernando, CA, Star 3400 Gas Chromatograph). The GC was

    set up with an Econo-cap EC1000 (FFAP) 15 m 0.53 mmcolumn (Alltech, Deerfield, IL), a flame ionisation detector

    (FID), a splitless injector set at 230jC, high purity nitrogenas a carrier gas, and the following column temperature

    program: initial column temperature 80jC, ramped to 140jC

    at a rate of 40jC per minute, 140jC for 1 min, ramped to

    230jC at a rate of 50jC per minute, and held at 230jC for

    2 min for column flushing. The total program was complete

    in 6.5 min. Standards were injected every 10 measurements

    to ensure the absence of baseline shift.

    Where necessary, samples were diluted with deionised

    water to concentrations between1 20 mM (0.06 1.2 gl1).All samples were acidified with 10% formic acid before

    analysis to convert dissociated free acetate ions (CH3COO-)

    to acetic acid (CH3COOH).


    Exponential Feed Rate

    To generate baseline data against which other cultivations

    could be compared, a batch cultivation using a conventional

    exponential feeding algorithm was conducted. The algo-

    rithm determined the appropriate glucose feed rate at any

    time according to an assumed constant yield coefficient and

    a desired specific growth rate by the following equation:

    Feed rate X0A


    et 5

    Where X0 = biomass inoculated (g); A = specific growth rate

    desired (h1); Y = biomass yield coefficient (g biomass.g

    substrate1); t = fermentation time (h).

    Baseline data were obtained using the following

    parameters: X0:1.2 g; A: 0.2 h1; and Y: 0.4 gg1. Due

    to the presence of complex nutrients, the actual specific

    growth rate was higher than the desired specific growth rate

    and varied between 0.5 and 0.2 h1 (Fig. 3). Residual

    glucose in the reactor was maintained at f1 mM and a

    final biomass concentration of 33 g (DCW).L1 was

    produced. Despite the relatively low residual glucose level,

    acetate accumulated during the fermentation, reaching high

    concentrations of up to 48 mM by the time biomass growth

    had ceased (Fig. 2).

    Microscopy indicated that cells were suspended in the

    early stages of the cultivation with no tendency for floc

    formation, while after 4 h [6 g (DCW).L1] the culture

    began to form long filaments, which developed into large,

    fast-settling flocs by 6 h [12 g (DCW).L1

    ]. The large flocsremained for the rest of the cultivation. Cell growth after

    floc formation was almost linear even though glucose was

    supplied exponentially (Fig. 2).

    Modification of Exponential Feed Rate

    To better match the supply glucose according to cell

    requirements, a combination of exponential and constant

    feeding was used, with exponential feeding until hour 6,

    Figure 4. Cultivation profile from slow linearly fed trial fed at a linear feed rate of 20 mM glucose.h1 for the entire cultivation. Total glucose added

    (mM) (.), residual glucose in the reactor (mM) (o), acetate (mM) (5), biomass [g (DCW).L1] (E).


  • 8/4/2019 Online Detection of Feed Demand in High Cell Density Cultures of e.coli by Measurement of Changes in Dissolved


    followed by a constant feed rate of 44 mM glucose.h1 for

    the rest of the cultivation to match the linear growth

    pattern. Despite being fed glucose at a slower rate than the

    baseline trial, acetate accumulated with no extra gain in

    final biomass concentration (Fig. 3).

    Constant Feed Rate

    Feeding the culture at a constant rate of 20 mM.h1 for the

    entire 70-h cultivation caused a temporary acetate accu-

    mulation over the first 20 h (150 mM), but avoided the high

    final levels of acetate and resulted in a final biomass

    concentration of 49 g (DCW).L1 (Fig. 4). This indicated

    that the present strain was capable of growing to high cell

    density when the acetate was kept low during the latter

    stages of exponential growth.

    Implementation of the Starvation-BasedDO-Transient Controller

    To assess the effectiveness of the starvation-based

    DO-transient controller for minimising acetate accumu-

    Figure 5. Measured dissolved oxygen transients in response to feed interruptions in DO-transient trial with a starvation level of 2%. The solid lines at the

    top of the figure indicate feed addition. DOT(1) is calculated immediately before the feed interrupt and DOT(2) is calculated at the end of the interruption

    period. The new feed rate, based on the comparison of DOT (1) and DOT(2) is then implemented for the next period.

    Figure 6. Cultivation profile from 2% DO-transient trial, which had a constant starvation level of 2%. Total glucose added (mM) (.), residual glucose in

    the reactor (mM)(o),acetate (mM) (5), biomass (g (DCW).L1) (E).


  • 8/4/2019 Online Detection of Feed Demand in High Cell Density Cultures of e.coli by Measurement of Changes in Dissolved


    lation, a trial was conducted using a constant imposed

    starvation level of 2%. This meant that in order to

    increase the feed rate the controller required at least a

    2% decrease in DO-transient in response to the 30-sec

    feed interrupt.

    Over the first 3 h of the 2% DO-transient trial, the culture

    responded with an immediate increase in DO as soon as the

    feed flow was interrupted, indicating that glucose limitation

    was achieved using our algorithm (DOT(1); Fig. 5).

    Immediately after resumption of the feed, a decrease in

    oxygen concentration was evident as the microbial uptake

    of oxygen again resumed in order to metabolise the

    available glucose (DOT(2); Fig. 5). This trial successfully

    kept the residual glucose concentration below 2 mM and

    produced 37% more final biomass than the baseline trial

    but acetate still accumulated quickly after hour 5 (Fig. 6).

    To further control acetate accumulation, a second DO-

    transient trial was conducted using an increased starvation

    level of 5%. This trial produced a final biomass density of

    50.8 g (DCW).L1 (Fig. 7), an improvement of 60% more

    than achieved in the baseline trial. The acetate concen-

    tration remained low over the first 9 h of cultivation, but

    Figure 7. Cultivation profile from 5% DO-transient trial, which had a constant starvation level of 5%. Total glucose added (mM) ( .), residual glucose in

    the reactor (mM) (o), acetate (mM) (5), biomass [g (DCW).L1] (\scale 125%E).

    Figure 8. Cultivation profile from 27% DO-transient trial, which had an increasing starvation level, initiated at 2% and increasing by 1% for every

    100 mM glucose added. Total glucose added (mM) (.), residual glucose in the reactor (mM) (o), acetate (mM) (5), biomass [g (DCW).L1] (E).


  • 8/4/2019 Online Detection of Feed Demand in High Cell Density Cultures of e.coli by Measurement of Changes in Dissolved


    again accumulated over the remainder of the cultivation,

    reaching levels greater than 60 mM. The growth profile

    of this trial suggested that an even tighter control of

    feed supply was necessary, especially towards the end of

    the cultivation.

    Accordingly, a third DO-transient trial was carried out in

    which the imposed starvation was initially set at 2%.

    Thereafter, for every 100 mM of glucose added it was

    increased by an additional 1%, reaching a maximum of

    7% by the end of cultivation. For example, after 100 mM of

    glucose was added, the starvation level was increased

    23%, after 200 mM from 34%. The resulting 27% DO-

    transient trial produced 37% more biomass than the baseline

    trial, and despite slightly increasing concentrations after

    hour 9, acetate was maintained below growth inhibitory

    concentrations for the entire cultivation. As expected, the

    lowered glucose-loading rate resulted in a higher average

    biomass yield at the expense of slower growth as less

    substrate was wasted as acetate (Fig. 8). Even though a

    lower final biomass concentration was achieved (20% less

    glucose was added to the culture) this culture was deemed

    more suitable for induction due to the lower accumulated

    level of acetate.The sensitivity of this controller to changing conditions in

    the reactor was demonstrated with regard to the addition of

    antifoam. The antifoam had an inhibitory effect on the

    metabolic activity of the bacteria, which was evident from an

    immediate change in the response to feed interrupts (Fig. 9).

    Directly after the addition of antifoam, the DO-transient

    controller made several No decisions (indicating that

    the culture was no longer starved) and the feed rate was

    decreased accordingly until the culture had recovered,

    13 min later.


    General Discussion of Behaviour ofDO-Transient Controller

    The key aspect for achieving efficient industrial E. coli

    cultivation is to provide feed at a rate that guarantees a

    maximum growth rate while maintaining acetate levels

    below inhibitory concentrations. Such a feed rate is reached

    when feed is only supplied to limit the microbial activity; in

    other terms: when a measurable feed demand is established

    and the culture exhibits a minimum level of starvation.

    In line with previous work (Kleman et al., 1991;

    Konstantinov et al., 1990; Konstantinov and Yoshida,

    1990; Shiloach et al., 1996) and theoretical considerations,

    the point when a culture becomes feed-limited (starved) can

    be established from a decrease in its oxygen uptake rate.

    Using very short 30-sec feed interrupts, decreases in

    bacterial oxygen uptake rate could be detected online and

    equated to the onset of starvation. This knowledge could

    then be exploited to feed at a level that kept the culture

    continuously feed limited. As the transition from substrate

    saturation to substrate limitation is gradual, there is noabsolute value that indicates either saturation or limitation.

    Hence, an adjustable setpoint was necessary that allowed

    presetting the level of starvation (feed demand) to a value

    that prevented acetate accumulation. In our study, this

    setpoint parameter was the starvation level tolerated

    between DO-transients after a 30-sec feed interruption.

    The DO-transient controller successfully limited the

    amount of residual glucose in the reactor to less than 2 mM

    (Fig. 7). This did not, however, prevent the production of

    acetate. By increasing the starvation setting from 2 7%

    Figure 9. Effect of antifoam addition on dissolved oxygen undulations early in Constant starvation trial. Arrow indicates point of antifoam addition.

    Directly after antifoam addition, the DO-transient controller made several No decisions and the feed rate was decreased accordingly until the culture had

    recovered 13 min later.


  • 8/4/2019 Online Detection of Feed Demand in High Cell Density Cultures of e.coli by Measurement of Changes in Dissolved


    over the course of the cultivation (Fig. 8), the residual

    glucose was lowered to 0.5 mM, which significantly

    reduced acetate accumulation (Table II).


    The starvation-based DO-transient controller continuously

    monitors the current starvation level of the culture and

    supplies glucose at a rate that is consistent with a desired

    starvation level. The effectiveness of the controller fordetermining starvation level is clearly illustrated in

    Figure 9. Initially, the cultures response to feed inter-

    ruption is clear and well defined and resulted in a Yes

    decision and an increase in feed rate. After the addition of

    antifoam (indicated by the vertical arrow) the culture

    response to feed interruptions are poor and five No

    decisions are made with concomitant decrease in feed rate

    before the culture recovers its capacity for respiration.

    While the physiochemical effects of antifoam addition

    cannot be entirely excluded, the biological response to

    antifoam is evident from the disruption of the characteristic

    DO response to feed interruptions. If the effect had been a

    purely physiochemical one, we would expect the biological

    response to be unchanged except for the absolute DO

    concentrations (i.e., higher if OTR is enhanced or lower of

    OTR is reduced). The disappearance of the effect within a

    short time is a further indication of it being a short-term

    biological inhibition.

    The addition of antifoam lowered the respiratory activity

    of the culture for about 13 min. Unattended, this effect

    would be likely to result in the relative oversupply of

    glucose and the onset of glucose fermentation to acetate

    and undesired culture behaviour. This example shows that

    the DO-transient controller has the capability to deal with

    temporary culture disturbances by lowering the feed supplyas requested by the culture.

    Comparison of DO-Transient Controller With OtherFeedback Controllers

    DO Stats

    DO stats provide feed when a sudden increase in DO

    indicates that the culture has degraded the previous batch

    aliquots of added substrate and a new aliquot of feed is

    needed. The problem with this method is that it provides an

    environment where the culture is saturated with feed forconsiderable periods, during which acetate accumulation

    may occur. Konstantinov and Yoshida (1990) present an

    interesting DO controller where feed is interrupted and DO is

    monitored to determine the moment of its jump, signalling

    glucose depletion. The time taken for the jump in DO to

    occur was termed the MGA (marker of glucose accumu-

    lation) and the feed rate was dynamically manipulated to

    provide a constant MGA over the cultivation. Typical values

    were about 10 sec; thus, the culture is effectively maintained

    at a glucose-saturated level (i.e., at any time the culture has

    10 sec worth of glucose present in the reactor). The MGA

    was automatically measured every 30 min. In contrast, our

    starvation DO-transient controller maintains the culture

    under strict glucose limitation most of the time, as a control

    decision is made every 2.5 min and feed supply is only

    increased as long as the culture is feed limited.

    Comparison of DO-Transient Controllers in Defined

    and Complex MediaAkesson et al. (2001) originally presented a promising

    basis for the development of feed controllers utilising DO

    transients. This controller executed preprogrammed subtle

    increases and decreases in feed rate and used the resulting

    change in DO to judge whether more or less feed needed

    to be provided over the next interval. The method worked

    well when applied to recombinant cultures of E. coli

    grown in defined media (Akesson, 1999). Mixed results

    have been reported using this strategy on complex media.

    Ramchuran et al. (2002) applied this approach successfully

    with lower concentrations of complex and amino acid

    supplemented feeds; however, the same strategy workedless effectively when applied to cultures of recombinant E.

    coli grown in media with a high complex carbon

    component because of difficulties in reoxidising acetate

    (Johnston et al., 2003).

    Controllers that apply tempered changes to the feed rate

    (e.g., 25% increase or decrease) generate fainter response

    signals than those caused by the complete interruption of

    feed used in this study. By contrast, small DO changes in

    response to substrate depletion are not easily detected in

    complex media, as the cells continue to utilise the complex

    components (Lee, 1996). A stronger response signal is

    advantageous as it extends the usefulness of the controller

    to function effectively in complex media.

    The complete suspension of feed rate provided by our

    controller allowed shorter feedback control intervals

    (2.5 min) compared to the previously described method

    (8 min). A shorter loop time in the DO-transient controller

    allows more frequent and smaller feed changes, which

    allows closer monitoring of the culture. While the

    previously described controller (Akesson et al., 2001)

    worked well in defined media, our controller may offer ad-

    vantages over others suggested for complex media (Johns-

    ton et al., 2002, Johnston, 2003) and in situations where

    frequent control loops are necessary (e.g., culture upset due

    to antifoam addition).

    Principle of Acetate Overproduction

    Conventional exponential feed algorithms are designed to

    maintain growth below a critical specific growth rate,

    assuming that at faster growth rates acetate accumulation

    will occur. In line with other presentations (Akesson et al.,

    2001; Majewski and Domach, 1990; Holms, 1996), our

    approach assumes that acetate accumulation is principally


  • 8/4/2019 Online Detection of Feed Demand in High Cell Density Cultures of e.coli by Measurement of Changes in Dissolved


    the result of glucose uptake rates being higher than

    consumption rates of glycolysis metabolites (TCA cycle)

    forming a bottleneck. The growth rate is an indirect and not

    necessarily reliable indicator of this phenomenon.

    Comparison of Experimental Results to ComputerModel Predictions

    To explain the behaviour of our control algorithm on a

    pure mathematical basis, it was combined with the most

    essential algorithm of microbial growth (Monod kinetics).

    The Monod model predicts only glucose uptake and

    growth and not metabolic bottlenecks, and hence there is

    no acetate excretion. The model consisted of the following

    kinetic algorithms:

    r rmax S

    kS S6

    A Y r 7

    Where r = specific glucose uptake rate (mmol.g1.h1);

    rmax = maximum specific glucose uptake rate (4 mmol.

    g1.h1); kS = half saturation constant (0.5 mmol.L1); S =

    Figure 10. Modelled data showing opposing glucose (solid line) and oxygen (dashed line) concentration oscillations characteristic of experimental data.

    Figure 11. Modelled data with various starvation levels; 1% (), 2% (.), 4% (w), 8% (E), and 16% (5). Despite maintaining the same algorithmthroughout the cultivation, the culture always showed an increasing residual glucose concentration towards the end of the cultivation time.


  • 8/4/2019 Online Detection of Feed Demand in High Cell Density Cultures of e.coli by Measurement of Changes in Dissolved


    glucose concentration (mmol.L1); A = specific growth rate

    (h1); Y = yield coefficient (0.072 g of biomass formed per

    mol of glucose).

    General Model Behaviour

    As expected, the model showed that repeated short feed

    interruptions resulted in the pattern of DO oscillations

    typical of the E. coli experiments (Fig. 10). The fact that

    glucose levels also oscillated significantly questions the

    precision of glucose sampling. The model confirmed

    experimental findings that a higher starvation level resultedin lower residual glucose concentrations and longer

    fermentations times.

    Effect of Growth Over Short Intervals of Time

    A culture undergoing exponential growth will exhibit

    increasing levels of oxygen uptake, even over short time

    intervals of 30 sec. This is especially critical at high cell

    density. For example, at a given doubling time of 32 min

    the maximum oxygen uptake rate of the culture would

    increase by 1.55% every 30 sec. If this increase is not

    observed after a 30-sec feed interruption, indications arethat the culture is already feed-limited, meaning that even

    using an imposed starvation level of 0% would maintain the

    culture at a slightly starved level.

    Possible Reasons for Acetate Excretion Towards theEnd of the Fed-Batch

    It was interesting to note that the simple model showed

    an increasing residual glucose concentration over the

    cultivation time, even though the algorithm that determines

    the feed rate was the same. This is in accordance with

    experimental findings that acetate accumulated in the latter

    stages of exponential growth. This phenomenon can be

    explained by the fact that increasing concentrations of

    biomass can more quickly deplete the given glucose

    concentration over the 30-sec feed interruption, resulting

    in greater OUR oscillations at higher cell densities (Fig. 11),

    which the DO-transient controller interprets as an indica-

    tion of starvation. This purely mathematical shortcoming in

    our feeding algorithm could be limited by using an

    improved algorithm that automatically adjusted the starva-

    tion level to the increased biomass levels by multiplying itwith a biomass factor (0.1 * X g.L

    1). The improved DO-

    transient controller avoided glucose build-up towards the

    end of the culture (Fig. 12), but not the increased glucose

    fluctuations. These modelling results explain why gradual

    increases in the percentage of imposed starvation from

    2 7% in the laboratory controller produced the best results.

    For a future improved version of the DO-transient

    controller, this concept seems worth considering.

    The authors thank Wayne Johnston for assistance in developing the

    program in LabViewR and useful discussion.


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