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Online evaluation of the metabolic activityof Ustilago maydis on (poly)galacturonicacidMarkus Jan Müller1,3, Sarah Stachurski1, Peter Stoffels2,3, Kerstin Schipper2,3, Michael Feldbrügge2,3 andJochen Büchs1,3*


Background: Pectin is a rather complex and highly branched polysaccharide strengthening the plant cell wall. Thus,many different pectinases are required for an efficient microbial conversion of biomass waste streams with a highpectin content like citrus peel, apple pomace or sugar beet pulp. The screening and optimization of strains growing onpectic substrates requires both, quantification of the residual substrate and an accurate determination of the enzymaticactivity. Galacturonic acid, the main sugar unit of pectin, is an uncommon substrate for microbial fermentations. Thus,growth and enzyme production of the applied strain has to be characterized in detail to understand the microbialsystem. An essential step to reach this goal is the development of online monitoring tools.

Results: In this study, a method for the online determination of residual substrate was developed for the growth ofthe plant pathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis on pectic substrates such as galacturonic acid. To this end, an U. maydisstrain was used that expressed a heterologous exo-polygalacturonase for growth on polygalacturonic acid. The growthbehavior on galacturonic acid was analyzed by online measurement of the respiration activity. A method for the onlineprediction of the residual galacturonic acid concentration during the cultivation, based on the overall oxygenconsumption, was developed and verified by offline sampling. This sensitive method was extended towardspolygalacturonic acid, which is challenging to quantify via offline measurements. Finally, the enzymatic activity in theculture supernatant was calculated and the enzyme stability during the course of the cultivation was confirmed.

Conclusion: The introduced method can reliably predict the residual (poly)galacturonic acid concentration based onthe overall oxygen consumption. Based on this method, the enzymatic activity of the culture broth of an U. maydisstrain expressing a heterologous exo-polygalacturonase could be calculated. It was demonstrated that the method isespecially advantageous for determination of low enzymatic activities. In future, it will be applied to U. maydis strains inwhich the number of produced hydrolytic enzymes is increased for more efficient degradation.

Keywords: Pectin degradation, Ustilago maydis, Oxygen transfer rate, Galacturonic acid, Exo-polygalacturonase,Enzymatic activity, Online measurement

BackgroundThe sugars required as a carbon source during thefermentation of agricultural waste streams usually originatefrom lignocellulosic biomass that is, e.g., thermochemicallypretreated and enzymatically hydrolyzed [1–3]. The mainfractions of all biomasses are cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin

and pectin. However, the share of the fractions in the rawmaterial depends on the origin of the biomass [4, 5]. For acomplete breakdown of the raw material, numerouscarbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes, [6]) for each com-ponent are required [7–9]. Since the commercial enzymecocktails represent the main running cost of a biorefinery,the importance of screening for and microbial productionof hydrolytic enzymes for biomass breakdown has in-creased in the last decades [8–11]. An important methodo-logical challenge during the screening for new CAZyme

* Correspondence: [email protected] – Biochemical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Jochen Büchs,Forckenbeckstr. 51, 52074 Aachen, Germany3Bioeconomy Science Center (BioSC), 52426 Jülich, GermanyFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Müller et al. Journal of Biological Engineering (2018) 12:34 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13036-018-0128-1

producers is the reliable determination of residual polymericsubstrate and of the enzymatic activity in the culture broth.Strains of the family of Ustilaginaceae are promising

candidates for the production of intrinsic or heterol-ogous CAZymes [12, 13]. The best-characterizedmember of this family, Ustilago maydis, is a suitableworkhorse in a biorefinery concept due to severalreasons. The genome is fully sequenced and themethodology for genetic engineering is highly devel-oped [14–17]. Furthermore, U. maydis has the cap-ability of unicellular and non-filamentous growth witha high resistance to hydromechanical stress. Thismakes U. maydis favorable over established filament-ous strains, as hydromechanical stress is usually ele-vated in stirred tank reactors [3, 18].Originally, U. maydis was isolated as a phytopatho-

genic fungus, which provokes corn smut disease. Duringthe nonpathogenic stage, U. maydis grows unicellular bybudding with a haploid genome [19]. In response toplant cues, U. maydis cells fuse and grow as dikaryoticfilaments which invade the maize tissue [15, 20, 21]. Forefficient invasion, the fungus encodes a distinct set ofhydrolytic enzymes that are required for traversing theplant cell wall [14, 22–24]. In addition, U. maydis pro-duces diverse metabolites that can serve as valuableproducts in a consolidated bioprocess. Organic acids orglycolipids have been produced successfully in U. maydis[12, 13, 18, 25–28]. Overall, this organism can autono-mously both, break down complex carbohydrate poly-mers and, simultaneously, convert the liberated sugarsinto high value products.Beside containing cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin,

specific biomass waste streams such as apple pomace,citrus peel or sugar beet pulp are also rich in pectin[1, 29, 30]. Pectin is a complex and branched hetero-polysaccharide that reinforces the structure of plantcell walls [31, 32]. The most abundant polymer inpectin is homogalacturonan. It consists of linear, 1,4α-D-linked galacturonic acid units that are partiallymethylated or acetylated [33, 34]. Polygalacturonicacid has a similar linear structure, but it lacks esterifi-cations. For quantification of the released monomers,polysaccharides are usually hydrolyzed. In case of pec-tic polymers, the degradation by acid hydrolysis is un-favorable due to several reasons. Even harsh andelongated treatments do not completely degrade thepectic polymers [35]. Also, the hydrolysis rate stronglydepends on pH, temperature and the degree ofmethylation of the hydrolyzed pectins [36]. Finallygalacturonic acid monomers irreversibly form lactonesunder the conditions of hydrolysis what disables thesubsequent analysis of the released sugars [37]. Thus,methods for complete degradation of pectic polymersusually combine physical and enzymatic hydrolysis

with high-performance anion-exchange chromatography[38, 39]. To fully convert pectin-rich biomass wastestreams enzymatically, a diverse set of hydrolytic enzymesis required [7, 40]. Few pectinolytic enzymes (includingendo-polygalacturonase, pectin lyase and pectin methyles-terase) have been annotated in the U. maydis genome [16,24]. Polygalacturonic acid could act as a model substrate inthis context as it shows, compared to homogalacturonan orpectin, a good accessibility for degradation into monomericgalacturonic acid by endo- or exo-polygalacturonases [41].Several cellulase and xylanase genes have been shown

to be present but silent in the yeast-like growth form ofU. maydis [24]. Geiser et al. [22] successfully activatedthose enzymes by promoter exchange and demonstratedthe capability of U. maydis to degrade certain plant cellwall components even in the unicellular growth form.Additionally, complementing the repertoire with heterol-ogous enzymes was successful and resulted, e.g., in astrain that grows on polygalacturonic acid (Stoffels, Müller,et al. unpublished data). To this end, the codon-optimizedgene for a heterologous exo-polygalacturonase PgaX origin-ating from Aspergillus tubingensis was integrated into theU. maydis genome under the control of the strong pro-moter Poma [42, 43]. This led to constitutive secretion ofactive exo-polygalacturonase for polygalacturonase degrad-ation (Stoffels, Müller, et al. unpublished data). The mainadvantage of using the U. maydis expression system withinthis study was the unique presence of one CAZyme in theculture supernatant. This helped to gain a well-de-fined environment for the hydrolytic cleavage of poly-galacturonic acid.The Respiration Activity Monitoring System (RAMOS)

enables the online monitoring of oxygen transfer rate(OTR), carbon dioxide transfer rate (CTR) and respira-tory quotient (RQ) in eight parallel shake flask cultiva-tions [44, 45]. This technique can be applied to monitorthe metabolic activity of CAZyme producing organisms.The production of CAZymes enables the expressingorganism to grow on the corresponding polymeric sub-strate. Thus, the metabolic activity of the organismgrown on those polymeric substrates indicates theCAZyme activity. During cultivation, the overall oxygenconsumption (OT) can be determined by integrating theOTR. Antonov et al. [46] recently analyzed the digest-ibility of different types of cellulose by online monitoringof the respiration activity of T. reesei Rut-C30. Alterna-tive cellulase producers were subsequently investigatedusing this methodology, demonstrating its high potential[47]. The general concept of correlating metabolic activ-ity during growth on a polymeric substrate with the en-zymatic activity of the corresponding hydrolase wasfurther investigated in this study for the activity of aheterologous exo-polygalacturonase acting on polygalac-turonic acid.

Müller et al. Journal of Biological Engineering (2018) 12:34 Page 2 of 17

Results and DiscussionThe applied measurement principle for growth of U. maydison polygalacturonic acid is shown in Fig. 1. U. maydis isgrown in RAMOS shake flasks with polygalacturonic acidas carbon source. If pectinases are available to degrade thepolymeric substrate to monomers, monomeric galacturo-nic acid is consumed by U. maydis. The consumption ofgalacturonic acid correlates with the uptake of oxygen andthe release of carbon dioxide in a specific molar ratio.Thus, by online measurement of the OTR and CTR, thepectinolytic activity of the produced enzymes in the cul-ture broth can be determined. Furthermore, the relationbetween the amount of overall consumed oxygen and theresidual substrate concentration in the culture super-natant was investigated. The resulting method for predic-tion of the residual substrate concentration was appliedfor monomeric galacturonic acid but, more importantly,also for polygalacturonic acid that cannot be quantifiedeasily by offline measurement.

Online monitoring of U. maydis growth on galacturonicacidAs first step, the growth of the protease deficient strainU. maydis AB33P5ΔR on galacturonic acid was charac-terized by online monitoring of the metabolic activity.AB33 is known to grow in a stable unicellular statemaking it applicable up to fermenter scale [48]. Fur-thermore, the strain produces less lipids compared toother U. maydis strains like MB215 [49]. This providesthe potential to achieve high carbon fluxes towards adesired product. The specific quintuple protease dele-tion strain, previously generated by Sarkari et al. [50],was chosen to gain a higher enzyme stability in the cul-ture supernatant.The mineral medium described by Geiser et al. [22]

was adapted for the cultivation on pectic substrates. Ni-trogen limitation is known to induce itaconic acidproduction in certain U. maydis strains, but significantlyreduces growth [3, 51–53]. As this study focuses on thegrowth on complex substrates, the ammonium chlorideconcentration was elevated from 0.8 to 4.0 g/L to pre-vent a secondary substrate limitation. The vitamin solu-tion was omitted, as no advantageous effect was visibleduring the cultivation (see Additional file 1). Lowamounts of glucose have previously been used to achievean exponential growth of the culture before entering thesecond growth phase on the main carbon source [46].Thereby, the overall cultivation time is decreased signifi-cantly. A reference cultivation of U. maydis demonstrat-ing the slow growth on galacturonic acid withoutaddition of glucose is shown in Additional file 2. Cultiva-tion on pure galacturonic acid also results in lower mea-sured OTR values. This is unfavorable as thesignal-to-noise ratio decreases resulting in a lower data

quality. Therefore, 4 g/L glucose and 20 g/L galacturonicacid were used as carbon sources. The pH value was ex-pected to increase when U. maydis consumes an acidiccarbon source. To prevent a strong pH shift towardsbasic values, the originally reported 0.1 M MES bufferwas replaced with 0.2 M MOPS buffer. MOPS buffer(pKa = 7.2) provides a larger buffer capacity towardshigher pH values compared to MES buffer (pKa = 6.1).Figure 2a shows the OTR and CTR over time of an

U. maydis AB33P5ΔR cultivation in the modified min-eral medium containing glucose (4 g/L) and galacturonicacid (20 g/L) as carbon sources. In each experiment, bio-logical duplicates of the cultivation conditions were investi-gated. The variation between the duplicates was very low,indicating a high reproducibility. The first exponentialgrowth phase of U. maydis AB33P5ΔR was characterized

Fig. 1 Process scheme of polygalacturonic acid (PolyGalA)degradation. U. maydis produces pectinases that degrade dissolvedPolyGalA to monomeric galacturonic acid (GalA). GalA and oxygen areconsumed in a fixed stoichiometric ratio while carbon dioxide isreleased. Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide release aremeasured online. This concept enables the investigation of PolyGalAdegradation by pectinolytic enzymes based on online monitoring ofthe metabolic activity

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by consumption of glucose as preferred carbon source. Themaximal OTR of 10 mmol/L/h was reached after 10.5 h.With the depletion of glucose, the OTR decreased to 3.5mmol/L/h at 11.5 h, indicating a metabolic adaption of theorganisms for the second growth phase. Depletion of glu-cose was also verified by offline sampling as depicted in Fig.2b (first vertical grey dashed line). During the first growthphase, no galacturonic acid was consumed. The opticaldensity increased from 0.2 to 2.8. The pH slightly decreasedfrom 6.52 to 6.25 due to ammonia consumption [54, 55].During the second growth phase, the culture con-

sumed galacturonic acid until substrate depletion after43 h (second vertical grey dashed line). The OTR in-creased at a lower rate when compared to growth onglucose, indicating a poorer metabolization rate of galac-turonic acid. This slow growth on galacturonic acid ischaracteristic for U. maydis and these results are con-sistent with previous reports [23]. The OTR increasedtowards a maximal OTR of 11.8 mmol/L/h after 41 h.The finally measured optical density was 9.0. The end ofthe cultivation was characterized through a steep des-cent of the OTR after 43 h. At this point, all galacturo-nic acid was consumed. The pH increased during thegalacturonic acid consumption phase to 7.1. This behav-ior is typical during the consumption of acidic carbonsources as they cross the cell membrane only in theirprotonated form [56]. At the end of the cultivation, 1.45g/L ammonium chloride remained in the culturesupernatant, indicating that the elevated concentration

of 4 g/L ammonium chloride was sufficient to preventnitrogen limitation.The RQ describes the ratio of CTR to OTR. It is known

as a central parameter to characterize the metabolic activ-ity of microorganisms during growth on multiple sub-strates of different degree of reduction [45].Additional file 3b shows the RQ over time for thecultivation on galacturonic acid. During growth onglucose, OTR and CTR are identical, which results ina RQ of about 1. Similar RQ values were obtained byothers for the growth of U. maydis and yeasts whilegrowing on glucose [3, 45]. During the growth ongalacturonic acid, the CTR values are higher than theOTR, resulting in an RQ of 1.3 to 1.4. Finally, afterdepletion of galacturonic acid, the RQ drops below 1,indicating that for maintenance internal reduced stor-age compounds like, e.g., lipids are consumed.To understand the different distinct levels of the RQ, a

carbon balance was developed for the cultivation on glu-cose and galacturonic acid. Assuming pure biologicalcombustion of the substrate for energy metabolism, thesubstrate is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water as de-scribed by Eq. (1).

νSC6H10O7 þ νOO2➔νCCO2 þ νHH2O ð1Þ

ν: stoichiometric coefficients for substrate galacturo-nic acid (S), oxygen (O), carbon dioxide (C) andwater (H)

Fig. 2 Cultivation of U. maydis AB33P5ΔR on galacturonic acid. The strain was grown on glucose (4 g/L) and galacturonic acid (20 g/L) as carbonsources. Vertical grey dashed lines indicate depletion of glucose (11.5 h) and galacturonic acid (43 h). a Biological duplicates of oxygen transferrate and carbon dioxide transfer rate, represented each as line and dashed line. b Concentrations of galacturonic acid and glucose, OD600 andpH. The blue dotted line represents the assumed course of galacturonic acid concentration since the OTR indicates galacturonic acid depletionafter 43 h. Culture conditions: modified Verduyn medium, 0.2 M MOPS, initial pH 6.5, 250 mL flask, filling volume 20 mL, shaking frequency 300rpm, shaking diameter 50 mm, initial OD600 = 0.2, T = 30 °C

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The corresponding theoretical RQ value (RQtheo)can be calculated from the stoichiometric coefficientsas described by Eq. (2). They are 1.0 and 1.2 forglucose and galacturonic acid respectively as listed inTable 1.

RQtheo ¼νCνO


RQtheo: theoretical respiratory quotient [-]However, to represent conditions that are more realis-

tic, Eq. (1) has to be extended with the formation ofbiomass and the consumption of ammonia as describedin Eq. (3).

νSC6H10O7 þ νNNH3 þ νOO2➔νXX þ νCCO2 þ νHH2O

ð3Þν: stoichiometric coefficients for ammonia (N) and

biomass (X)Balancing of Eq. (3) requires the stoichiometric

coefficient νX. The elemental composition of U. maydisunder N-unlimited conditions was previously deter-mined to be CH1.826O0.579N0.145 [3]. Based on the de-termination of the cell dry weight and measurement ofthe residual substrate concentration by HPLC, a yieldcoefficient for biomass formation (YX/S) of 0.51 and0.27 gX/gS was calculated according to Eq. (4) for glu-cose and galacturonic acid, respectively. The results arelisted in Table 1.



YXS: yield coefficient [gX/gS]ΔX, ΔS: change of biomass (X) or substrate (S)

concentrations between sampling points [g/L]YXS was used to define νX as described in Eq. (5).



MWX, MWS: molecular weight of biomass (X) or sub-strate (S) [g/mol]Using the experimental value for νX in Eq. (3) results

in stoichiometric coefficients and the RQtheo values forcombined combustion and biomass formation as givenin Table 1. The calculated RQtheo values of 1.10 and 1.38

for glucose and galacturonic acid, respectively, matchedthe experimentally determined data (Additional file 3b).This indicates that no relevant carbon fluxes other thancombustion to carbon dioxide for energy generation andcell growth occur. Thus, the carbon balance is closed forthe cultivation on glucose and galacturonic acid.

Correlation of oxygen uptake with consumedgalacturonic acidOne aim of this study is to provide a method for predict-ing the residual concentration of galacturonic acid fromthe OT during the galacturonic acid consumption phase.The correlation developed in this section will later beapplied on the growth of U. maydis AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaXon polygalacturonic acid. For consistence with the laterapplication, this strain was already used for the develop-ment of the correlation introduced within this chapter.For experimentally developing a correlation of the OT

with the galacturonic acid supplemented in the medium,the concentration of galacturonic acid was varied from 0to 34.6 g/L. As the pH is increasing during the con-sumption of galacturonic acid, the buffer concentrationwas increased in proportion to the substrate concentra-tions with a minimal buffer concentration of 0.1 M. Fig-ure 3a shows the OTR over time of U. maydisAB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX in media containing glucose (4 g/L)and varied concentrations of both, galacturonic acid (0to 34.6 g/L) and MOPS buffer (0.1 to 0.4 M). Comparedto Fig. 2a, the same two growth phases on glucose (last-ing for 10 to 12 h) and galacturonic acid can be distin-guished. The growth on glucose was only slightly sloweddown at elevated galacturonic acid and buffer concentra-tions due to increased osmolarity. In line with this, pre-vious studies reported the high robustness of U. maydisunder elevated osmolarities while not remaining totallyunaffected [3, 57]. As expected, the OTR of the controlcultivation without galacturonic acid dropped down to abasal level already after 10 h. All other cultivationsshowed the typical two-stage growth behavior. Galac-turonic acid was depleted after different cultivationtimes, according to the initially supplemented substrateconcentration. The corresponding OTs for the galacturo-nic acid consumption phases are indicated in Fig. 3a bythe shaded areas under the curves.In Fig. 4 (squares), the OT during the galacturonic

acid consumption phase (see also shaded areas in

Table 1 Stoichiometric coefficients and respiratory quotient for carbon balance

Conditions C-source Sum formula νS νN νO νX νC νH RQtheo YX/S

Pure combustion Glc C6H12O6 1 - 6 - 6 6 1.00 -

Pure combustion GalA C6H10O7 1 - 5 - 6 5 1.20 -

Combustion and biomass formation Glc C6H12O6 1 0.53 2.13 3.65 2.35 3.46 1.10 0.51

Combustion and biomass formation GalA C6H10O7 1 0.29 2.92 1.97 4.06 3.63 1.38 0.27

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Fig. 3a) was plotted against the initial galacturonic acidconcentration. The linear regression of the data points(red dashed line) demonstrates the excellent correlation ofthe two parameters. Thus, the reciprocal value of the ex-perimental calibration factor νO

νScan be used to predict the

residual substrate concentration GalAcalc during the entirecultivation according to Eq. (6).

Polyð ÞGalAcalc ¼ MWGalA c Polyð ÞGalA0−νSνO


� �ð6Þ

(Poly)GalAcalc: calculated residual (poly)galacturonicacid concentration [g/L]MWGalA: molecular weight of (poly)galacturonic acid


: initial (poly)galacturonic acid concentration[mol/L]OT: overall oxygen consumption during (poly)galac-

turonic acid consumption phase [mol/L]GalAcalc is shown for all cultivations in Fig. 3b (dashed

lines). The predicted GalAcalc is in very good agreementwith offline measured concentrations of galacturonicacid (GalAmeas, Fig. 3b, symbols). This verifies the highreliability of the predicted concentrations. Furthermore,the predicted depletion of substrate correlates well withthe sharp drop in the OTR.

The carbon balancing introduced in the previouschapter requires experimental values for YX/S. Onlinemonitoring of the metabolic activity (OTR) enabled sam-pling right after glucose was depleted and shortly afterdepletion of galacturonic acid. Fig. 4 (triangles) showsthe data that was used to calculate the yield coeffi-cient YX/S as described by Eq. (4). As expected, thecell dry weight increases with increasing galacturonicacid concentrations as more biomass is formed. Thegood agreement of the data points with a linear fitindicates a cultivation that is not limited by othersubstrates than the carbon source. Compared to theyield coefficient on glucose, determined from the firstgrowth phase with YX/S = 0.51 gX/gS, U. maydis doesproduce less biomass from galacturonic acid (YX/S =0.27 gX/gS). This can partially be explained by the de-gree of reduction as a parameter for the energycontent of the substrate. For galacturonic acid, thedegree of reduction is 3.33 per carbon atom. Com-pared to that, glucose shows a degree of reduction of4 per carbon atom. Thus, the energy content of galac-turonic acid is lower than of glucose. This is also inaccordance with the lower growth rate on galacturo-nic acid compared to glucose, as the increase of theOTR during growth on galacturonic acid is not expo-nential (Fig. 2a) [23].Comparing the different OTR profiles in Fig. 3a, it

should be noted that the increase in the OTR becomes

Fig. 3 Cultivation of U. maydis AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX with varying galacturonic acid and buffer concentrations. The medium was supplemented withglucose (4 g/L) and varying amounts of initial galacturonic acid (GalA0) and MOPS buffer. 0, 4.5, 8.8, 12.8, 16.9, 21.7, 26.1 and 34.6 g/L GalA0 wassupplemented with 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3 and 0.4 M MOPS, respectively. a Oxygen transfer rate. The galacturonic acid consumption phaseis indicated by the shaded area below the OTR curve for each cultivation. b Dashed lines represent the predicted residual substrate concentrationin the culture medium (GalAcalc) according to Eq. (6). Symbols represent offline measured values (GalAmeas). Culture conditions: modified Verduynmedium, initial pH 6.5, 250 mL flask, filling volume 20 mL, shaking frequency 300 rpm, shaking diameter 50 mm, initial OD600 = 0.65, T = 30 °C

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less steep for the cultivation with 34.6 g/L galacturonicacid towards the end of the cultivation. This might beassociated with a slight shift in the cultivation pH (finalpH: 7.3, see also Additional file 4). U. maydis is usuallycultivated at pH values of 5.5 to 6.5 [13]. Cultivationsabove that optimal range can reduce the specificgrowth rate.

Characterization of growth on polygalacturonic acidTo achieve metabolization of polygalacturonic acid,strain AB33 P5ΔR/AtPgaX was applied. Two referencecultivations of this strain are shown in Additional file 5.In one cultivation, 20 g/L glucose was added as singlecarbon source (black) while in the other cultivation 20g/L polygalacturonic acid without supplemented glucosewas provided (green). No growth was observed for thecultivation with pure polygalacturonic acid, indicatingthat polygalacturonic acid is not sufficient as a sole car-bon source. This behavior is contradictory to previousreports of the yeast-like growing AB33 progenitor strainFB2 that was able to metabolize polygalacturonic acid

[23]. Other reports clearly attribute CAZyme expressionto the plant invasive, filamentous growth form that wasnot part of this study [24, 41]. Differences between thestudies might occur from different medium composition,substrate suppliers or cultivation conditions and arecurrently under investigation. As the strain grows expo-nentially on glucose, the medium containing polygalac-turonic acid was supplemented with 4 g/L glucose as astarter carbon source. Such supplementation of the cul-ture medium with 4 g/L glucose was already used in theprevious section for the cultivation on monomeric galac-turonic acid to decrease the overall cultivation time byan increased cell density at the beginning of the secondgrowth phase. Glucose as a starter carbon source plays amuch more important role for cultivations on polygalac-turonic acid. In this case, glucose activates the regulatoryelements for production and secretion of hydrolyticenzymes. Previous studies on the implemented Poma pro-moter indicate a strong influence of the applied carbonsource on the expression of the target protein [20]. Thestrongest expression was achieved when glucose,fructose, sucrose or arabinose were provided as carbonsource while significantly lower expression rates wereachieved on xylose, maltose or glycerol [20]. Assuming asimilar decreased activity of the Poma promoter on(poly)galacturonic acid could explain the lack of meta-bolic activity for the U. maydis cultivation on polygalac-turonic acid as sole carbon source.To determine the ability of the new strain to grow on

monomeric galacturonic acid, a second reference culti-vation on glucose and galacturonic acid was conducted.Figure 5a shows the OTR over time for the cultivationof AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX (blue) and its progenitor strainAB33P5ΔR (olive green) on 4 g/L glucose and 20 g/Lmonomeric galacturonic acid. Both strains showed asimilar pattern of the OTR course demonstrating theircomparability during the cultivation. In contrast toAB33P5ΔR lacking the exo-polygalacturonase, AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX also showed metabolic activity when culti-vated on polygalacturonic acid (black). However, in com-parison to the cultivation on monomeric substrate, thecultivation on polygalacturonic acid behaved differently.Similar OTR patterns were previously observed for culti-vations of T. reesei on cellulose and divided into threedifferent phases [46, 47]. The cultivation of AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX on polygalacturonic acid could be divided intothe same phases. The first phase during galacturonicacid consumption (13 – 18 h) could be described by anidentical OTR for both cultivations, with polygalacturo-nic acid (black) and monomeric galacturonic acid (blue)as main carbon source. This indicates an unlimitedgrowth on the monomer in both cases. The correspond-ing RQ (Fig. 5b) showed a characteristic pattern with anRQ of 1.1 during the glucose consumption phase (< 10

Fig. 4 Correlation of overall oxygen consumption (OT, squares, redaxes) and produced biomass (X, triangles, blue axes) to initialgalacturonic acid concentration (cGalA0 and GalA0 respectively). Thecolored data points correspond to the equally colored cultivationsshown in Fig. 3. The galacturonic acid concentrations weredetermined via offline measurement. The OT is taken into accountfor the galacturonic acid consumption phase. A linear fit was plotted(dashed lines, arrows indicate corresponding axes). The reciprocalvalue of νOνS can be substituted in Eq. (6). The calibration factors and

coefficients of determination are specified in the plot

Müller et al. Journal of Biological Engineering (2018) 12:34 Page 7 of 17

h), a short kink after glucose depletion (10 to 12 h) andan increase to 1.3 -1.4 at the beginning of the galacturo-nic acid consumption phase (< 12 h). After 18 h, theOTR of the cultivation on polygalacturonic acid enteredthe second phase. A plateau of OTR = 5.7 mmol/L/hwas reached (18 to 26 h). This indicates a substrate limi-tation. The current enzymatic activity in the culturesupernatant led to a constant liberation rate of galac-turonic acid monomers. The RQ remained on a highlevel of 1.3 – 1.4, verifying that all hydrolyzed sugarunits are immediately consumed. Using the method forprediction of the residual substrate concentrationdescribed by Eq. (6) enabled the calculation of the poly-galacturonic acid concentration (PolyGalAcalc). In thiscase, the molar concentration refers to the monomericgalacturonic acid without considering the degree ofpolymerization. As the OTR of the cultivation shown inFig. 5a (black curve) remained constant, no newexo-polygalacturonase is produced by the strain. Thisplateau in the OTR correlates with the linear decrease of

PolyGalAcalc depicted in Fig. 5c (black curve). Thus, dur-ing this phase, the culture is limited due to enzymaticactivity in the supernatant, meaning that a higher en-zymatic activity would lead to a higher OTR. After 26 h,the cultivation on polygalacturonic acid entered a thirdphase. The OTR starts to decrease towards a basal level.After 42 h, the OTR of both cultures, with polygalac-turonic and monomeric galacturonic acid, ran in parallel.Previously, a decreasing OTR during the cultivation ofT. reesei on cellulose was annotated with a decreased ac-cessibility of the substrate [46]. In contrast to crystallinesuspended cellulose particles, polygalacturonic acid issolubilized in the medium. Therefore, physical inaccess-ibility could not be the reason for the decreasing OTR inthe last phase (26 to 42 h) and the incomplete substrateutilization. Looking at the overall consumed polygalac-turonic acid at the end of the cultivation (Fig. 5c, blackline), only half of the supplemented substrate was used.The decreasing OTR, thus, describes a decreasingliberation rate of galacturonic acid even under high

Fig. 5 Cultivation of U. maydis AB33P5ΔR and AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX on (poly)galacturonic acid. The strains were grown on glucose (4 g/L) andgalacturonic acid or polygalacturonic acid (20 g/L) as carbon sources. a Mean value of duplicates of oxygen transfer rate. b Mean value ofduplicates of respiratory quotient. The dotted horizontal line represents RQ = 1. c Predicted residual substrate concentration in the culturemedium (GalAcalc or PolyGalAcalc) according to Eq. (6). The RQ drops below 1 after 40 and 44 h, respectively, indicating depletion of galacturonicacid. Thus, the line for GalAcalc in Fig. 5c is dotted from that time point on. Symbols represent offline-measured values. The mean values ofbiological duplicates are shown for online measurements for better clarity. Culture conditions: modified Verduyn medium, 0.2 M MOPS, initial pH6.5, 250 mL flask, filling volume 20 mL, shaking frequency 300 rpm, shaking diameter 50 mm, initial OD600 = 0.2, temperature 30 °C

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residual polygalacturonic acid concentrations. The ap-plied exo-polygalacturonase is highly specific towardsunesterified polygalacturonic acid [43, 58, 59]. Polygalac-turonic acid is not polymerized de novo but originatesfrom processed pectin or homogalacturonan. This ma-terial is likely to contain remaining esterifications, pecticside chains or rhamnose units in the backbone. As theexo-polygalacturonase is acting specifically on thenon-reducing end of the polymer chain, a single unusualpolymer unit blocks the hydrolysis of the entire polymerchain at its reducing end. Overall, this effect leads to thehigh fraction of remaining substrate in the culture. Inline with a decreasing galacturonic acid consumptionrate, the RQ deceased during this third phase towardsthe level of pure combustion indicating a decreasing bio-mass formation and increasing cell maintenance. Duringthis last phase, the cultivation could be characterized assubstrate limited. In this case, more substrate would leadto a higher OTR.During the second phase of limitation by the enzym-

atic activity, the OTR level during the linear decrease ofPolyGalAcalc could be applied as a read-out for onlinedetermination of the enzymatic activity. The constantplateau in the OTR indicates the enzymatic hydrolysis asgrowth-limiting parameter of the cultivation. All liber-ated monomeric galacturonic acid is immediately con-sumed. Eq. (7) describes the calculation of the enzymaticactivity of the culture supernatant from the plateau levelOTR*. One unit of enzyme activity is defined as theamount of enzyme required to liberate 1 μmol of galac-turonic acid per minute.

E ¼ OTR� νSνO


E: enzymatic activity [U/mL]OTR*: oxygen transfer rate at plateau [μmol/mL/min]The determined enzymatic activity in the culture

supernatant was 35.1 mU/mL. This method has severaladvantages over offline enzymatic assays. It is possible tomeasure even low activities that are hard to detect viaoffline enzymatic assays. Additionally, the method is notaffected by possible product inhibition of the enzyme, aknown issue for several pectinases or cellulases [60, 61].Finally, the determination is conducted under cultivationconditions and, thus, more reliable with regard to a laterprocess scale-up compared to artificial conditions in off-line enzyme assays.

Influence of initial glucose concentration on enzymeexpressionAs discussed above, exo-polygalacturonase is exclusivelyproduced during the growth on glucose. Elevated glu-cose concentrations elongate the enzyme productionphase and should consequently lead to an increased

enzymatic activity. After glucose depletion, during thegrowth on polygalacturonic acid, an increased enzymaticactivity should therefore correlate with a higher plateauof the OTR. To test this assumption, the glucose con-centration during cultivations on polygalacturonic acidwas varied between 4 and 20 g/L. The correspondingOTR profiles are depicted in Fig. 6a. All cultivationsstarted to grow equally on glucose. After 8.5, 13.5 and16.0 h, glucose (4, 12 and 20 g/L) was depleted, respect-ively, as indicated by the drop in the OTR. After a slightincrease while growing unlimited on galacturonic acid, aplateau was reached at an OTR of 5.4, 11.9 and 15.4mmol/L/h for 4, 12 and 20 g/L glucose, respectively.The elevated OTR plateau for higher initial glucose con-centrations indicates a higher enzymatic activity as hy-pothesized above. This is most probably due toincreased enzyme concentrations, as the cultivationswith higher glucose concentrations experienced a longerenzyme production phase. During glucose consumption,the cells do not only produce enzyme but also biomass.This leads to increasing biomass concentrations at thebeginning of the galacturonic acid consumption phasewith increased initial glucose concentrations. Balancingthe available amount of galacturonic acid with the bio-mass results in an equal cell-specific galacturonic aciduptake rate, independent of the initial glucose concen-tration. The OTR represents the sum of the metabolicactivity of all cells in the culture. The higher OTRplateau of cultures with an increased initial glucose con-centration, thus, originates from a higher biomassconcentration. An increase of the initial glucose concen-tration above 20 g/L would lead to an increased enzym-atic activity but not to an increased cell-specificgalacturonic acid uptake rate. The higher OTR indicatesboth, a higher liberation and consumption rate of galac-turonic acid. A high overall substrate metabolization rateresults in a shorter cultivation time. This can be ob-served in a shorter duration of the OTR plateau with 10h for 20 g/L initial glucose or 12.5 h for 12 g/L initialglucose, when compared to 28.5 h for 4 g/L initial glu-cose. Remarkably, the overall consumed substrate doesnot differ substantially between the different cultivations(Fig. 6c). As discussed in the previous section, a highfraction of the substrate remained unused as 8 g/L ofinitially 20 g/L substrate remain in the medium at theend of the cultivation. This is independent of elongatedgalacturonic acid consumption phases or the enzymeconcentration in the media. It underlines the hypothesisof hindered enzymatic galacturonic acid liberation bysingle heterologous or esterified polymer units in thepolygalacturonic acid chain.To validate the introduced method for online deter-

mination of the enzymatic activity, samples of culturesupernatant were drawn after 17 and 23 h of the

Müller et al. Journal of Biological Engineering (2018) 12:34 Page 9 of 17

cultivations on 4, 12 and 20 g/L glucose and 20 g/Lpolygalacturonic acid shown in Fig. 6. The enzymatic ac-tivities determined from offline measurement are clearlydifferent from the online-determined measurements ascan be seen in Fig. 7. Offline activities are in the rangeof 23 to 33 mU/mL for all glucose concentrations atboth time points (Fig. 7, blue bars). For the lowest glu-cose concentration, the online-determined enzymatic ac-tivities were in the same order of magnitude (Fig. 7, redbars). However, the online-determined activities for 12and 20 g/L glucose were up to 4-fold higher than theoffline-determined values. This discrepancy between theonline and offline enzymatic activity can be explained byexamining the enzyme kinetics. The enzyme kinetics forthe tested exo-polygalacturonase have been reported tobe very susceptible to product inhibition [43]. The en-zyme can be competitively inhibited by monomericgalacturonic acid with a kinetic inhibition coefficient ofKI = 0.3 mM. As the galacturonic acid concentration atthe beginning of the assay reaction is > 2 mM for all

offline assays (Fig. 7, hatched blue bars), it is probablethat the enzyme is inhibited during the entire offlineassay. That would explain the constant outcome for en-zymatic activity. The activities determined from onlinemeasurement are highly reliable as the product is con-stantly consumed and the enzyme is not affected byproduct inhibition. Thus, in case of a product inhib-ition, the offline determination of enzymatic activitiesunderestimates the real enzymatic activity. Previousreports on product inhibited CAZymes also recom-mend to set-up consolidated bioprocessing in order toprevent high sugar accumulation by constant con-sumption of the released sugars [22, 62, 63].The online determination of enzymatic activities for

product inhibited CAZymes provides reliable results,even at low total enzymatic activities. However, twoprerequisites have to be fulfilled for the introducedmethod. First, the expressed enzymes have to liberatefermentable sugar units. If for example endo-enzymessimply degrade the polymeric substrates into shorter

Fig. 6 Cultivation of U. maydis AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX on polygalacturonic acid with varying initial glucose concentrations. The strain was grown onglucose (4, 12 and 20 g/L) and polygalacturonic acid (20 g/L) as carbon sources. a Mean value of biological duplicates of oxygen transfer rate.b Mean value of biological duplicates of respiratory quotient. The dotted horizontal line represents RQ = 1. c Predicted residual polygalacturonicacid concentration in the medium (PolyGalAcalc) according to Eq. (6). The RQ drops below 1 after 29 h, indicating depletion of galacturonic acidliberation. Thus, the line for PolyGalAcalc in Fig. 6c is dotted from that time point on. The mean values of biological duplicates are shown forbetter clarity. Culture conditions: modified Verduyn medium, 0.1 M MOPS and 0.1 M MES, initial pH 6.0, 250 mL flask, filling volume 15 mL,shaking frequency 350 rpm, shaking diameter 50 mm, initial OD600 = 0.6, temperature 30 °C

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oligomers that cannot be further converted, the or-ganism shows no metabolic activity and, thus, fails togrow on the hydrolysis products. An U. maydis strainproducing the intrinsic endo-polygalacturonase would,thus, show no growth on polygalacturonic acid. Sec-ondly, too high activities of the hydrolytic enzymewould lead to a completely unlimited growth on theliberated fermentable sugar units and, thus, thesubstrate consumption rate never equals the liberationrate. Under those conditions, no linear decrease ofthe substrate concentration, as shown in Fig. 6c,could be calculated.Screening for new CAZyme producers could profit

substantially from the introduced methodology. Offlinedetermination of the enzymatic activity would sort outstrains that produce product inhibited CAZymes withhigh activities. Thus, high throughput measurement ofthe metabolic activity in small scale could help circum-vent this pitfall.

Investigation of enzyme stability by substrate pulsingA consolidated bioprocess for degradation of plant bio-mass requires highly stable CAZymes. For this study, ahaploid U. maydis strain, in which five proteases weredeleted, was used to prevent degradation of the se-creted pectinases. This strain was previously success-fully used to produce heterologous single-chain

antibodies in U. maydis [50]. To prove the enzymestability of the secreted exo-polygalacturonase and toverify the understanding of the three phases duringthe growth on polygalacturonic acid discussed previ-ously, polygalacturonic acid was pulsed at differenttime points as depicted in Fig. 8.The first time point for a polygalacturonic acid pulse

during the unlimited growth phase on galacturonic acidwas after 17.5 h (Fig. 8a, red curve). The OTR plateau at7 mmol/L/h is slightly higher compared to the referencecultivation without pulse (black curve, 6 mmol/L/h).This increase might be associated to more available totalpolygalacturonic acid substrate. During the plateauphase, the cultures run in parallel until the galacturonicacid liberation rate decreases in the reference cultivationafter about 24 h. The OTR plateau of the pulsed culturecontinues on its level of 7 mmol/L/h until the galacturo-nic acid liberation rate decreases here as well after about28 h. The course of the respiratory quotient (Fig. 8b)shows again a clear separation between the growthphases on glucose (< 17 h) and galacturonic acid (> 17h), as well as the depletion of galacturonic acid. A simi-lar behavior was observed when the pulse was added inthe OTR plateau phase after 19 h (Fig. 8a, blue curve).After the pulse, the OTR slightly increased from 6 to 7mmol/L/h and runs in parallel to the cultivation withthe earlier pulse until the end of the experiment.The reference cultivation (Fig. 8a, black curve) reached

a basal level in the OTR after 28 h. Adding a pulse inthat cultivation after 39 h (Fig. 8a, olive green curve) re-sults in an immediate increase of the OTR to 6 mmol/L/h, the level of the first plateau. This clearly demonstratesthe stability of the enzymes in culture supernatant. Evenunder starvation of the cells, the enzyme remainsfunctional.All previously pulsed cultivations were supplemented

with a second pulse after 70 h (Fig. 8a, arrows). Thispulse resulted in a similar response in all cases. The cul-tivations reached a similar OTR level. As described forthe pulse after 39 h, the OTR started to decrease rightafter the maximal OTR was reached. The RQ valuesremained below those values obtained during the firstOTR plateau. This indicates a stronger maintenance me-tabolism due to starvation.Figure 8c shows the OT. The pulsed cultivations reach

comparable final values of 315 mmol/L. The referencecultivation shows a lower final OT of 200 mmol/L. Themethod for prediction of the residual substrate concen-tration was applied to compare the overall consumptionof the supplemented polygalacturonic (Fig. 8). After thepolygalacturonic acid consumption, the reference cultureconsumed 50% of the supplemented polygalacturonicacid. All pulsed cultivations also ended up at 50% sub-strate consumption after 60 h and even after

Fig. 7 Comparison of enzymatic activity determined from offline(DNS) and online (OTR) measurements. The hydrolytic enzymaticactivity on polygalacturonic acid was determined by offline DNSassays (blue bars) or by online determination of the linear substrateconsumption shown in Fig. 6 (red bars). Samples of culturesupernatant were taken and analysed after cultivation times of 17and 23 h. For offline assays, the reaction time was 4 h and thepolygalacturonic acid concentration 4 g/L. Light blue bars show thegalacturonic acid concentration at the beginning of the offline assay

Müller et al. Journal of Biological Engineering (2018) 12:34 Page 11 of 17

consumption of the second substrate pulse (84 h).Thus, even under different cultivation conditions, thepercentage of convertible polygalacturonic acid re-mains constant. The sharp increase in the OTR afterthe pulses at 39 and 70 h indicates that the presentedcultivation system is tolerant towards short starvationtimes and the secreted exo-polygalacturonase is nei-ther degraded nor inhibited by secreted metabolites ofthe cells or by other media components.

In future, further efforts have to be made to increasethe overall consumption rate of polygalacturonic acid.This might be achieved by implementation of otherpectinases. For example, an endo-polygalacturonase wouldbe beneficial which can cleave polygalacturonic acid chainswith esterified residues at the non-reducing ends that cannotbe hydrolyzed by exo-polygalacturonases. By an intra-chaincleavage, new active sites for the exo-polygalacturonase areprovided. With such two-enzyme system, more complex

Fig. 8 Influence of polygalacturonic acid pulses on the cultivation of U. maydis AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX. The strain was grown on glucose (6.5 g/L) andpolygalacturonic acid (10 g/L) as carbon sources. Pulses of polygalacturonic acid were added at indicated time points (arrows). At 68.5 h, all culturesexcept the reference received a second substrate pulse. The values for the oxygen transfer rate (OTR), the overall oxygen consumption (OT) and thepredicted residual polygalacturonic acid concentration (PolyGalAcalc) refer to the initial filling volume. The vertical dashed line represents the beginningof polygalacturonic acid consumption. a Mean value of biological duplicates of the OTR. b Mean value of biological duplicates of RQ. The dottedhorizontal line represents RQ = 1. For clarity, the RQ is only shown for OTR > 2 mmol/L/h. c Mean value of duplicates of the OT. d PolyGalAcalcaccording to Eq. (6). The RQ drops below 1 during consumption of polygalacturonic acid, indicating depletion of accessible substrate. Thus, the line forPolyGalAcalc in Fig. 8d is dotted during that time. The mean values of biological duplicates are shown for better clarity. Culture conditions: modifiedVerduyn medium, 0.2 M MOPS, initial pH 6.5, 250 mL flask, initial filling volume 20 mL, shaking frequency 300 rpm, shaking diameter 50 mm, initialOD600 = 0.2, temperature 30 °C. The mass of polygalacturonic acid in one pulse equals the initial mass supplemented in the medium. Pulses of 5 mLpolygalacturonic acid solution (40 g/L) were added

Müller et al. Journal of Biological Engineering (2018) 12:34 Page 12 of 17

substrates might be addressed, like pectin or pectin-rich bio-mass waste-streams.In general, there are two options to achieve the simul-

taneous production of multiple different CAZymes: TheU. maydis AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX strain applied within thisstudy could be modified to overexpress multiple other en-zymes. This strategy could be inefficient because too manysimultaneously overexpressed enzymes could decrease theproduction rate for each single enzyme. A different andmore promising attempt is to generate novel strains, eachoverexpressing a different CAZyme. The latter could becultivated together in a mixed culture.

ConclusionIn this study, the metabolic activity of U. maydis grow-ing on galacturonic acid, the main component of pectin,was characterized by online monitoring tools. Thegrowth behavior was reproducible and enabled closedcarbon balancing for the growth on glucose andgalacturonic acid. The overall consumed oxygen wassuccessfully correlated with the consumed amount ofsubstrate. A method for the prediction of the residualsubstrate concentration was developed. The produc-tion of the heterologous exo-polygalacturonase PgaXin U. maydis activated this strain to grow on polyga-lacturonic acid. The developed method was applied tocalculate the enzymatic activity during the growth ofthis activated U. maydis strain on polygalacturonicacid. A comparison with offline determined enzymaticactivities showed that online measurements preventedan underestimation of the enzymatic activity due toinhibition by accumulated product. Thus, the newlyintroduced method for online determination of theenzymatic activity is highly favorable in case of prod-uct inhibited hydrolytic enzymes. Finally, the stabilityof secreted enzymes was proven over the entirecourse of fermentation by pulsing substrate at distincttimes of the cultivation.Future research aims to increase the complexity of di-

gestible substrate. For growth on pectin, sugar beet pulp,or other pectin-rich waste streams, a high number of dif-ferent enzymes such as hydrolases or monooxygenases isrequired [64]. The presented methodology to characterizethe enzyme activity of the investigated strain and to deter-mine the residual substrate concentration could thus be

transferred to, e.g., industrial production hosts. The num-ber of CAZymes could alternatively be increased by mixedculture fermentations. This approach seems promising asit mimics nature in terms of microbial cooperation fordegradation of plant biomass [65, 66].

MethodsMicroorganismsThe strains used in this study are specified in Table 2. Thegenetic modification of U. maydis AB33P5ΔR was per-formed by homologous recombination of a linearizedplasmid containing the codon-optimized exo-polygalac-turonase gene pgaX originating from A. tubingensisunder control of the constitutive strong promoter Poma

[20, 42, 43, 50, 67]. The construct was inserted in the iplocus mediating carboxin (Cbx) resistance [17].

Cultivation medium and conditionsU. maydis strains were cultivated in 250 mL shake flaskswith a filling volume of 20 mL (shaking diameter 50 mm,shaking frequency 300 rpm, T = 30 °C). All cultivationswere performed in modified Verduyn medium [68]. Theexact composition was 4 g/L NH4Cl, 0.5 g/L KH2PO4, 0.2g/L MgSO4 ∙ 7 H2O, 0.01 g/L FeSO4 ∙ 7 H2O and 1 mL/Ltrace element solution. The trace element solution in-cludes 15 g/L ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 4.5g/L ZnSO4 ∙ 7 H2O, 0.84 g/L MnCl2, 0.3 g/L CoCl2 ∙ 6H2O, 0.3 g/L CuSO4 ∙ 5 H2O, 0.4 g/L Na2MoO4 ∙ 2 H2O,4.5 g/L CaCl2 ∙ 2 H2O, 3 g/L FeSO4 ∙ 7 H2O, 1 g/LB(OH)3, 0.1 g/L KI. The medium was buffered either with39.04 g/L (0.2 M) 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid(MES) or with 41.86 g/L (0.2 M) 3-(N-morpholino)propa-nesulfonic acid (MOPS), depending on the applied carbonsource. The pH of the medium without carbon source andtrace element solution was set to 6.5 with NaOH, if notstated otherwise. The corresponding carbon source (glu-cose, galacturonic acid or polygalacturonic acid) was dis-solved separately at higher concentrations (glucose 500 g/L, galacturonic acid 200 g/L, polygalacturonic acid 40 g/L). For acidic substrates, the pH was adjusted with NaOH.Finally, the dissolved carbon source was added to themedium at varying concentrations. Galacturonic acid waspurchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, USA). Polyga-lacturonic acid was purchased form Carl Roth (Karlsruhe,Germany) at a purity of ≥ 85%. All other chemicals were

Table 2 List of applied microorganisms and their origin

Strain number Description Vector used for modification Resistance Progenitor Manipulated Locus References

UMa1391 AB33P5ΔR Phleo AB33 [50]

UMa2106 AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX pUMa3108 Phleo, Cbx UMa1391 ip (Stoffels, Müller, et al.,unpublished data)

Müller et al. Journal of Biological Engineering (2018) 12:34 Page 13 of 17

of analytical grade. Glucose, galacturonic acid, FeSO4

and buffer solutions were sterile-filtered using 0.2 μmcut-off filters (Acrodisc 32 mm, Pall, Dreieich,Germany). The other solutions were separately auto-claved (121°C, 20 min).

Cultivation with online monitoring and offline samplingAll cultivations were performed in 250 mL shake flasks,modified for usage in an in-house built RAMOS device[44, 45]. Commercial versions of the device are availablefrom Kühner AG (Birsfelden, Switzerland) or HiTecZang GmbH (Herzogenrath, Germany). The flaskswere filled with 20 mL medium and shaken with ashaking frequency of 300 rpm at a shaking diameterof 50 mm.For precultures, Verduyn medium with 20 g/L glucose

was inoculated with 500 μL cell suspension from a cryo-stock culture. The cells were grown 16 to 24 h until thecarbon source was depleted. After determination of theoptical density using a spectrophotometer (Genesys 20,Thermo Fischer Scientific, Waltham, USA), the requiredvolume of culture broth was harvested by centrifugationand the main cultures were inoculated at a definedOD600 between 0.2 and 0.65.For offline samples, cotton plug-sealed shake flasks

were cultivated in parallel to the RAMOS flasks underidentical cultivation conditions using identical inocula.

Offline analysisOptical densityBiomass during cultivation in non-turbid media (withoutpolygalacturonic acid) was determined by measuring theoptical density at 600 nm (OD600) with a spectropho-tometer using 1.5 mL micro cuvettes (PS, Plastibrand,Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany). If necessary, samples werediluted with 0.9% (w/v) NaCl solution to a final OD600 <0.3. NaCl solution was used as blank. Each sample wasmeasured in duplicates.

pH valueThe pH value of unfiltered culture broth was measuredat room temperature using a pH-meter (HI2211 pH,Hanna Instruments, Vöhringen, Germany) equippedwith a pH-electrode (InLab Easy pH, Mettler-Toledo,Giessen, Germany).

AmmoniaThe ammonium concentration of culture supernatantwas determined after dilution to appropriate concen-trations using the Spectroquant test kit (N° 114544,Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany). The sampleswere measured using a photometer (Nova 60, MerckKGaA, Darmstadt, Germany)

Quantification of carbon sourcesGlucose and galacturonic acid concentrations were de-termined from cell-free supernatant by HPLC. Aftersterile filtration with 0.2 μm filters (Rotilabo syringe fil-ters Mini-Tip cellulose acetate membrane, N° PP52.1,Carl Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany), the samples wereseparated in the HPLC (Prominence, Shimadzu AG,Kyoto, Japan) using an organic acid resin column (250 x8 mm, CS-Chromatographie Service GmbH, Langer-wehe, Germany). The separation was achieved with 1mM H2SO4 at 75°C at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min. Thecolumn was coupled to a refractometer (Shodex RI-101,Showa Denk Europe, Munich, Germany) and the datawas analyzed by the software Chromeleon 6.2 (Dionex,Germering, Germany).

Cell dry weightFor determination of the cell dry weight, 2 mL culturebroth were collected in a dry reaction tube, centrifugedand the supernatant was discarded. After drying the cellpellet for 48 h at 80 °C, it was weighted using an analyt-ical balance (LA 254i, VWR International GmbH, Darm-stadt, Germany). All samples were measured as technicaltriplicates.

Enzymatic activity via reducing sugar assay (DNS assay)Culture broth was collected, centrifuged, and subse-quently used for offline determination of the enzym-atic activity. 4 g/L polygalacturonic acid solution in0.1 M MES buffer, pH 6.0 was used as substrate. Theassay was performed in one 2 mL reaction tube pertime point incubated in a thermoshaker at 30°C and800 rpm over a period of 24 h. At each samplingpoint, one reaction tube was heated up to 95 °C for 5min to inactivate the enzyme. After the last samplingpoint, the concentration of reducing groups was de-termined by 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) assay [69].All samples were mixed with DNS solution (10 g/LDNS, 404 g/L potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate,16 g/L NaOH) at equal volumes. The colorimetric re-action was carried out for 10 min in a thermoshakerat 95 °C and 800 rpm. Finally, the samples werecooled on ice and transferred to a 96-well microplatewith a filling volume of 300 μL per well. All sampleswere measured in technical triplicates. The absorptionat 540 nm (A540) was measured in a plate reader(Synergy 4, Biotek, Winooski, USA). As internal con-trol for turbid samples, the A630 was measured aswell as described previously [70]. The final DNS-based absorbance was determined as A540-A630. Cali-bration curves were prepared using galacturonic acidat concentrations between 0 and 20 mM. An exem-plary calibration curve is shown in Additional file 6.The enzymatic activity was calculated from the

Müller et al. Journal of Biological Engineering (2018) 12:34 Page 14 of 17

increase of reducing groups during the first 4 h. Themonomeric galacturonic acid concentration at the be-ginning of the reaction was determined from themeasured reducing groups at the reaction start.

Additional files

Additional file 1: Comparison of U. maydis AB33P5ΔR cultivation inmodified Verduyn medium with and without vitamin supplementation.The strain was grown on glucose (4 g/L) and galacturonic acid (20 g/L)as carbon sources. Biological duplicates of oxygen transfer rate. Cultureconditions: modified Verduyn medium, 0.1 M MOPS, pH 6.5, 250 mL flask,filling volume 20 mL, shaking frequency 300 rpm, shaking diameter 50mm, initial OD600 = 0.2, T = 30 °C. (TIF 145 kb)

Additional file 2: Control cultivation of U. maydis AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX ongalacturonic acid without glucose as starter carbon source. The strain wasgrown on 20 g/L galacturonic acid as carbon source. Oxygen transferrate over time for different inoculation densities between OD600 = 0.2and 2.0. Culture conditions: modified Verduyn medium, 0.1 M MOPS,initial pH 6.5, 250 mL flask, filling volume 20 mL, shaking frequency 300rpm, shaking diameter 50 mm, temperature 30 °C. (TIF 201 kb)

Additional file 3: Respiratory quotient during the cultivation of U. maydisAB33P5ΔR on galacturonic acid (same cultivation as shown in Fig. 2). Thestrain was grown on glucose (4 g/L) and galacturonic acid (20 g/L) ascarbon sources. Vertical dashed lines indicate depletion times for glucose(11.5 h) and galacturonic acid (43 h). a Biological duplicates of oxygentransfer rate and carbon dioxide transfer rate. b Biological duplicates ofrespiratory quotient. Horizontal dotted line represents RQ = 1. Cultureconditions: modified Verduyn medium, 0.2 M MOPS, pH 6.5, 250 mL flask,filling volume 20 mL, shaking frequency 300 rpm, shaking diameter 50 mm,initial OD600 = 0.2, T = 30 °C. (TIF 237 kb)

Additional file 4: Development of the pH value during the cultivationof U. maydis AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX on galacturonic acid (same cultivation asshown in Fig. 3). The medium was supplemented with glucose (4 g/L)and varying amounts of galacturonic acid (GalA0) and buffer. 0, 4.5, 8.8,12.8, 16.9, 21.7, 26.1 and 34.6 g/L galacturonic acid medium wassupplemented with 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3 and 0.4 M MOPSrespectively. a Oxygen transfer rate. b pH value determined from shakeflasks cultured in parallel. Culture conditions: modified Verduyn medium,initial pH 6.5, 250 mL flask, filling volume 20 mL, shaking frequency 300rpm, shaking diameter 50 mm, initial OD600 = 0.65, T = 30 °C. (TIF 315 kb)

Additional file 5: Control cultivation of U. maydis AB33P5ΔR/AtPgaX onglucose and polygalacturonic acid. The strain was grown on 20 g/Lglucose or 20 g/L polygalacturonic acid as single carbon source. aOxygen transfer rate. b Respiratory quotient. The dotted horizontal linerepresents RQ = 1. For clarity reasons, the RQ is only shown for OTR > 2mmol/L/h. Culture conditions: modified Verduyn medium, 0.1 M MOPSand 0.1 M MES, initial pH 6.0, 250 mL flask, filling volume 15 mL, shakingfrequency 300 rpm, shaking diameter 50 mm, initial OD600 = 0.6,temperature 30 °C. (TIF 198 kb)

Additional file 6: Exemplary calibration curve for offline DNS assay onreducing groups. Samples of 2.5 to 20 mM galacturonic acid wereincubated with DNS reagent as described in the materials and methodssection. Absorption at 540 and 630 nm was measured in triplicates in amicrotiter plate using a plate reader. Error bars represent standarddeviation of technical triplicates. The calibration factor and coefficient ofdetermination are specified in the plot. (TIF 116 kb)

AbbreviationsA. tubingensis: Aspergillus tubingensis; CAZyme: Carbohydrate-active enzyme;CTR: Carbon dioxide transfer rate mmol/L/h\; DNS: 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid;GalA: Galacturonic acid g/L; MES: 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidmol/L; MOPS: 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid mol/L; OT: Overalloxygen consumption mmol/L; OTR: Oxygen transfer rate mmol/L/h;PolyGalA: Polygalacturonic acid g/L; RAMOS: Respiration activity monitoringSystem; RQ: Respiratory quotient; T. reesei: Trichioderma reesei; U. maydis: Ustilagomaydis

AcknowledgementsNot applicable

FundingThe activities of the Bioeconomy Science Center were financially supportedby the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research within the framework ofthe NRW Strategieprojekt BioSC (No. 313/323-400-002 13), which is greatlyacknowledged.

Availability of data and materialsThe datasets supporting the conclusion of this article are included within thearticle and its additional files.

Authors’ contributionsMF, JB and KS designed the study. MM, SS and PS planned and conductedthe experiments. MM and SS conducted the data analysis. KS directed theproject. MM prepared the manuscript with input from all coauthors. Allauthors read and approved the final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1AVT – Biochemical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Jochen Büchs,Forckenbeckstr. 51, 52074 Aachen, Germany. 2Institute for Microbiology,Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf,Universitätsstr. 1, 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany. 3Bioeconomy Science Center(BioSC), 52426 Jülich, Germany.

Received: 21 September 2018 Accepted: 3 December 2018

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