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Qualitative study to conceptualisea model of interprofessionalcollaboration between pharmacistsand general practitioners to supportpatients’ adherence to medication

Adam P Rathbone,1,2 Sarab M Mansoor,1 Ines Krass,1 Kim Hamrosi,1

Parisa Aslani1

To cite: Rathbone AP,Mansoor SM, Krass I, et al.Qualitative study toconceptualise a model ofinterprofessionalcollaboration betweenpharmacists and generalpractitioners to supportpatients’ adherence tomedication. BMJ Open2016;6:e010488.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010488

▸ Prepublication history andadditional material isavailable. To view please visitthe journal (http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010488).

APR and SMM are joint firstauthors.

Received 14 November 2015Revised 9 February 2016Accepted 22 February 2016

1Faculty of Pharmacy, TheUniversity of Sydney, Sydney,New South Wales, Australia2School of Medicine,Pharmacy and Health,University of Durham,Stockton-on-Tees, UK

Correspondence toProfessor Parisa Aslani;[email protected]

ABSTRACTObjectives: Pharmacists and general practitioners(GPs) face an increasing expectation to collaborateinterprofessionally on a number of healthcare issues,including medication non-adherence. This study aimedto propose a model of interprofessional collaborationwithin the context of identifying and improvingmedication non-adherence in primary care.Setting: Primary care; Sydney, Australia.Participants: 3 focus groups were conducted withpharmacists (n=23) and 3 with GPs (n=22) working inprimary care.Primary and secondary outcome measures:Qualitative investigation of GP and pharmacistinteractions with each other, and specifically aroundsupporting their patients’ medication adherence. Audio-recordings were transcribed verbatim and transcriptsthematically analysed using a combination of manualand computer coding.Results: 3 themes pertaining to interprofessionalcollaboration were identified (1) frequency, (2)co-collaborators and (3) nature of communicationwhich included 2 subthemes (method ofcommunication and type of communication). While thefrequency of interactions was low, the majority wereconducted by telephone. Interactions, especially thoseconducted face-to-face, were positive. Only a fewrelated to patient non-adherence. The findings arepositioned within contemporary collaborative theoryand provide an accessible introduction to models ofinterprofessional collaboration.Conclusions: This work highlighted that successfulcollaboration to improve medication adherence wasunderpinned by shared paradigmatic perspectives andtrust, constructed through regular, face-to-faceinteractions between pharmacists and GPs.

INTRODUCTIONMedication non-adherence remains a signifi-cant issue for patients, prescribers and

healthcare systems across the globe.1

Interprofessional collaboration is a growingtrend that sees health practitioners from dif-ferent backgrounds coming together to offerpatient services or interventions.2 3 Complexinterventions to improve adherence areoften based within a collaborative interpro-fessional setting, yet little is known abouthow the collaboration functions and the opi-nions of those involved.1 4 Currently there-fore there is no formal structure in primarycare to facilitate patient–prescriber collabor-ation in identifying and addressing non-adherence in patients on chronic therapy.The only structured form of pharmacist

collaboration in Australia is seen in theHome Medicines Review (HMR). An HMRmay be initiated for an at-risk patient byreferral from a general practitioner (GP) toan accredited HMR pharmacist who thenvisits the patient in their home to conduct an

Strengths and limitations of this study

▪ This study is the first to have qualitatively investi-gated mediators of interprofessional collabor-ation between community pharmacists andgeneral practitioners (GPs) to support patients’adherence to medications in primary care.

▪ Secondary thematic analysis was carried out ontranscribed data without a priori knowledge ofthe focus group discussions, and analysis wasconducted using a combination of manual andcomputer coding to ensure robust data analysis.

▪ Participants were recruited via a market researchcompany from a pool of GPs and communitypharmacists who had agreed to take part inresearch. The findings are limited in generalis-ability to the broader pharmacist and GPpopulations.

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interview during which the patients’ medicines are dis-cussed and inspected. After the review, the pharmacistprepares a report for the patient’s GP with recommen-dations for improving medicine management. Thepharmacist and GP should discuss the findings in thereport, and the GP should develop a medicine manage-ment plan for the patient. In practice, research hasshown that the final step of communication betweenpharmacist and GP is often omitted. Moreover, theaccredited pharmacist conducting the review may beindependently contracted by the GP.5

Several conceptual models of interprofessional collab-oration between physicians and pharmacists have beendeveloped.6–16 An American model of collaborativeworking relationship was proposed by McDonough andDoucette.6 Their model of collaboration describes‘context characteristics’ that is, the environmentalsetting of professional interactions, ‘individual character-istics’ relating to the personality and demographics ofcollaborators, and ‘exchange characteristics’ whichincludes trustworthiness, roles, relationship initiationsand ‘norm development’.6 McDonough and Doucette’smodel was expanded by Bradley et al,7 based on qualita-tive interviews with GPs and community pharmacists.Their approach describes a multilayered model of inte-gration, and stratifies collaborations according to sevenmediators (‘locality’, ‘service provision’, ‘trust’, ‘knowingeach other’, ‘communication’, ‘professional roles’ and‘professional respect’). In Hudson’s model (cited inLeathard (1994))9 four pillars of interprofessional col-laboration are conceptualised and include ‘communica-tion’, ‘coordination’, ‘co-location’ and ‘commissioning’.Hudson argued that multiple levels of collaborationexisted between collaborators, with collaborators movingthrough stages of collaboration. Hudson’s work dichoto-mises collaboration in optimistic and pessimistic models,concluding that ‘the scope of professional integration isgreater than tends to be assumed’ suggesting there aremany opportunities for collaboration.10 A model devel-oped by Van et al11–14 describes collaboration from theperspective of the pharmacist and physician, citing‘interactional’, ‘environmental’ and ‘practitioner deter-minants’ as predictors of collaboration and highlightingthe importance of frequent or historical interactionsduring training years.Hughes and McCann15 identified barriers to inter-

professional collaboration in Northern Ireland. Theyidentified a key barrier as the ‘shopkeeper’ image ofpharmacists, arguing that the conflict between provid-ing health services and running a business limited thewillingness of GPs to collaborate with pharmacists. Thegatekeeping role of GP secretaries was also identifiedas barrier to collaboration.15 A recent review by Bardetet al17 concluded additional core determinants of‘trust’, ‘perceptions and expectations of other health-care professionals’ were essential for collaboration,highlighting the importance of the physicians’ socialperception of the pharmacist. Howard et al16 identified

‘role expectation’ as an issue for family physicians andpharmacists who took part in a trial in which theyworked together to optimise medicines managementfor patients over 65 years. The professionals involved inthe trial had differing perspectives of what pharmacistswere able to do—suggesting shared perspectivesmay be the key to developing trust and successfulcollaboration.As far as the authors are aware, models of interprofes-

sional collaboration have not been presented within thecontext of improving medication adherence. A recentreview concluded that behavioural interventions deliv-ered by multiprofessional teams ‘offered the best oppor-tunity to improve adherence’.4 As such, this study aimedto conceptualise a model of interprofessional collabor-ation within the context of improving medicationadherence.

METHODSA qualitative study using focus group discussions withGPs and community pharmacists was undertaken toaddress the study aim. The participants were registeredpharmacists in community practice and GPs, over theage of 21 years and who spoke English fluently.

RecruitmentTo maximise the number of respondents, communitypharmacists and GPs were recruited using a marketresearch company (J&S Research Services, Cremorne,Australia). The company has a database of pharmacistsand GPs who have agreed to take part in research.However, a response rate (ie, how many were contactedand how many refused to participate) was not recordedby the company. Participants were reimbursed for theirinvolvement in the focus groups at $150 for the pharma-cists and $200 for GPs, based on current rates used bythe market research company. Forty-eight eligible parti-cipants were recruited, with 45 participating in six focusgroups, between June 2013 and February 2014.Participant demographics are shown in table 1.

Focus groupsThree focus groups were conducted with GPs andthree focus groups were conducted with pharmacistsworking in primary care in Sydney, Australia. Eachfocus group discussion consisted of 6–8 participants,and lasted for approximately 1.5 h. Owing to the quali-tative nature of this study, focus group discussions wereconducted until ‘theoretical data saturation’ had beenreached.18

Focus group discussions were conducted using a semi-structured protocol to address the study aims (see onlinesupplementary appendix1). The broad topics covered inthe discussions included GPs’ and community pharma-cists’ awareness and understanding of their patients’adherence and non-adherence to medications,current adherence interventions/services delivered by

2 Rathbone AP, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010488. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010488

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participants in their practice; and their experience ofand opinions about an interprofessional approach tosupport adherence. The face and content validity of theinterview protocol was established through pretesting ofthe protocol with a small sample of researchers whowere also pharmacists (n=3). Focus groups were con-ducted by the researchers (KH (lead facilitator), PA, IKand SMM), and handwritten notes were taken duringthe focus groups (SMM). For the purposes of this study,collaboration was defined as working together to identifynon-adherence and factors contributing to non-adherence in patients on chronic therapy, and support-ing their adherence to their medications.

Data analysisFocus groups were audio-recorded with permission ofthe participants, transcribed verbatim and transcriptsquality checked for accuracy. The validity of the findingsis embedded within the methodological approach tothe analysis. Secondary thematic analysis of the rich,qualitative data was carried out without a priori knowl-edge of the focus groups or primary analysis to ensurevalidity, rigour and avoid bias. The secondary thematicanalysis was conducted by an independent researcher(APR) who did not participate in the focus groupsusing a combination of manual coding and NVivo V.10computer software (QSR International: Melbourne,Australia). Analysis was conducted using a typicalmethod of constant comparison to identify new codesand merge similar ones.18 Similar codes were then clus-tered together to form themes. Each theme was ana-lysed within the context of current interprofessionalcollaboration models outlined above, to identify similar-ities and differences in terminology and concepts tohighlight which model and/or mediators functioned asfacilitators or barriers to collaboration to improve adher-ence. Each participant attending each session was

assigned a code. For example, participants in each focusgroup were coded as F1=female 1, F2=female 2,M3=male 3 and so on.

RESULTSA total of 45 respondents participated in the focusgroups (table 1), 22 GPs in three focus groups and afurther 23 pharmacists in another three focus groups.Three main themes were identified as mediators of

interprofessional collaboration within the context ofimproving adherence. Theme 1—frequency of contact,describes the regularity with which professionals inter-acted, which appeared to be influenced by patientsaccessing ‘multiple pharmacists and multiple doctors’,rather than a regular pharmacist and a regular doctor.Theme 2—co-collaborators, relates to perceptions of thecredibility of collaborative partners, co-location and gate-keeper issues. The final theme ‘nature of communica-tion’ amalgamates two subthemes, (1) the method ofcommunication including written, electronic, telephoneor face-to-face, and (2) the type of communication,reactive or proactive. Figure 1 shows the identifiedthemes (left) with the associated functions of successfulcollaboration (in the middle) through engenderingshared perspectives.Theme 1 —frequency of contactRespondents described the frequency of interactions

with each other as critical to successful collaboration toimprove adherence. They believed there were insuffi-cient collaborative interactions with their GP or pharma-cist counterpart that were focused on clinical issues,such as medication adherence. Participants alsoreported that patients’ frequent access to a regularpharmacist and a regular doctor was essential for health-care professional collaboration to identify and intervenewhere adherence issues were evident.

…I try to encourage them to at least have one pharma-cist that knows their history, especially when they’ve gotchronic medical conditions that can advise them on thisand that and the other. And I know that pharmacistis going to pick up the phone and call me. “[Nameof GP], do you realise Mrs Smith is taking this…”.Focus group (FG)3 General Practitioner (GP) Male(M)1

Like how do you monitor every single person who doesgo into the door, and they don’t even know if they’re theregular customers or notice if they’re regular customers,yeah. You can’t…it is impossible to track, I think, adher-ence even if you have meetings. Like what are you goingto talk about? My patients may not see you. Your patientsmay not come to us. So really that only works if yourcustomers come and see us regularly. FG6 Pharmacist(Ph) F2

Some respondents indicated they had good relationswith their local doctors or pharmacists that weremediated by regular contact, and were willing to

Table 1 Participant demographics

n=45 GPs Pharmacists

Total 22 23

Female 12 13

Male 10 10

Spoke English as first

language (at home)

16 14

Language other than English

as first language

6 9

Born in Australia 8 12

Born overseas 14 11

Education level

Tertiary 3 Tertiary 11

BPharm 14 MBBS 9

MPharm 5 Bachelor 2

Missing 1

Working hours/week

Mean (±SD) 36.6 (±9.6) 43.0 (±10.8)

Median (IQR) 38 (34–44) 40 (35–50)

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collaborate with each other to improve patients’ adher-ence to medications.

Well look, I’ve got a good relationship with the pharma-cists that work around my area, notwithstanding thatsometimes they have a pharmacy…a different pharmacistcome[s] in and help[s] them out, but the ones that arethere regularly I know quite well and I’m quite happy topick up the phone and talk to them about patients’ pre-scriptions and sometimes I will ring them and check tosee if they’ve actually been dispensed as the patient saysor tells me, just to double check. FG5 GP M1

…we have quite a close working relationship with thedoctors, say if I’ve done a MedsCheck [a face-to-face con-sultation with a consumer, conducted by a pharmacist,

aimed at improving medication use] and part of it he willdo a referral letter I will also follow it up with a phonecall…After that I will tell the customer to come in andthen they might make the change once the customer isthere with them… FG2 Ph F6

The need for frequent interactions between patientsand healthcare professionals also applied to collabor-ation with other medical professionals, such as specia-lists, and primary healthcare teams, as well as with thepatient’s carer.

There is a mental health care team especially like theWebster [dose administration aid] patients who areyoung, who are on medication, [one] needs to look at

Figure 1 Model of interprofessional collaboration to identify and improve non-adherence.

4 Rathbone AP, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010488. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010488

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adherence quite closely. So the mental team is someonewho we would get in contact regularly if there’s any issuesso they will communicate which helps a lot dealing withthe customers. FG1 Ph F4

Overall, interactions between pharmacists and GPswere infrequent and irregular, and predominantlyfocused on issues not related to adherence.

I get calls from them fairly frequently when…I guess ifthere’s a concern with the compliance with the medica-tion or if they come in and there’s a long periodbetween say the finishing of one script packet and thenext one being dispensed—they’ll call me, but most ofthe calls are…to be honest, most of the calls we get or Iget from pharmacists are pharmacists that don’t know thepatient. They’re just a new patient to them. ‘I just wantedto make sure if this script is correct?’ That goes back tomy point about having a regular pharmacist. FG5 GP M1

However, when interactions were more frequent, GPsand pharmacists shared similar perspectives and trustedone another, demonstrated by becoming more comfort-able communicating out of hours to ask for favoursbased on mutual understanding. This enabled them toaddress clinical issues collaboratively.

There’s [sic] a few other doctors that we do chat on aregular basis to the point where they don’t want us to callthem doctors or by their surname. We have got eachother’s mobile phones [numbers]. It’s to the point wherethey can call me on a Sunday night and can ask me forsomething or do a favour for them. That’s the level it’sgone to. FG6 Ph M2

Theme 2—co-collaboratorsCredibility, co-location and gatekeepers were issues

that mediated with whom and when effective collabor-ation could occur to improve adherence. For example,GPs questioned the credibility of alternative healthcarepractitioners with different paradigmatic perspectives tohealthcare, such as naturopaths, whose healthcare per-spective and approach differed from traditional westernmedicine and did not consider them suitable collabora-tors in patient care. It appeared that where pharmacistsand GPs did not share similar perspectives, about eachother’s roles and goals in relation to adherence, collab-oration was more difficult as it lacked trust. As pharma-cists and GPs were exposed to each other, throughco-location, perspectives were renegotiated and alignedleading to shared perspectives and trust.

I would have to agree it would be with people that I felttheir qualifications were really legitimate, hard earnedand stood up. I would not want a collaboration with allthe others it’s just going to turn into a dog fight but it’sgoing to turn into not a productive conversation in mymind, I might be totally wrong but they’ll be comingfrom there and we’ll be coming from here and I don’tsee much common ground ever being established

because they just want to promote their way—well that’sas I see it anyway. FG4 GP F3

Overall, pharmacists were regarded as credible health-care professionals by most of the GP participants.Pharmacists took a broader view and reported multipleco-collaborators as credible to identify and improve non-adherence, including the patient and carers.Pharmacists felt that given their more frequent contact(theme 1) with the patient/carer that they couldperform, and were responsible for adopting, an inde-pendent or gatekeeper role when collaborating to iden-tify or improve adherence. They reported that they sawpatients on chronic therapy more frequently than otherhealthcare professionals, including GPs. The impact thishas on the nature of communication betweenco-collaborators is expanded on in theme 3.

If they don’t comply, they don’t adhere, they’re not evenseeing the doctor…If you talk to the patient directly it’smore useful. Even talking to the carer, talking to thesister, talking to the mother, talking to the son are muchmore helpful because you have immediate impact. FG1Ph M1

I totally agree with that like we need to have a good inter-professional relationship even though we still need tohave a good relationship with our patients and our carersand families… FG1 Ph F4

Collaboration was mediated by co-location and gatekeepers. From the GP participants’ perspective, theirgate keeping role had been significantly eroded withpatients collaborating independently with multiple prac-titioners, therefore limiting the GP’s ability to collabor-ate with ‘a pharmacist’ to identify and intervene withnon-adherence.On the other hand, pharmacists felt that secretaries

acted as gatekeepers and reported experiences of inef-fective collaboration.

A lot of the problem with the specialists is the reception-ist. You can’t get past them. Seriously, they will not letyou speak to them. FG6 Ph F1

However, co-location was reported as a significantfacilitator of collaboration and overcoming access issuesto GPs. When gatekeeping secretaries inhibited collabor-ation, the close proximity of the GP surgery allowedgatekeepers to be bypassed.

Well there is one doctor just across the road from us. Ican never get access to him because like you said thereceptionist just blocks me, so one day I just went to thedoctor’s surgery and I actually knocked on the door, obvi-ously after the patient came out. And the doctor actuallylet me in and we had a sat down for about ten minutesdiscussing the patient, so I bypassed that receptionist butthat’s only because he’s across the road. FG6 Ph M1

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Theme 3—nature of communicationA theme relating to both frequency of contact and

co-collaborators was the nature of communication. Thiswas characterised by two subthemes. Subtheme (1)method of communication, relates to howco-collaborators actually communicated. Multiple meansof communication were utilised for interprofessional col-laboration. These included written, electronic, tele-phonic and face-to-face. Participants reported written,electronic communication as effective for minor orroutine interaction or information exchange, but all par-ticipants supported face-to-face communication as bestfor cultivating effective collaboration.

…if there is ever a problem they do actually come out oftheir office, go to the pharmacy, face to face contact andthey say, “Can you make this up? Can you give me sugges-tions?” And that definitely helps a lot… FG3 Ph F2.

Subtheme (2) type of communication emerged asboth professional groups reported a high incidence ofreactive communication, that is, contacting one anotherwhen faced with a problem, and only few examples ofproactive communication, that is, routine meetings.Reactive communication engendered a theme of‘responsibility’ where pharmacists would contact GPsreluctantly as from the pharmacists’ perspective adher-ence issues were something pharmacists were respon-sible for dealing with, leading to a reluctant nature ofcommunication with GPs.

It’s not very common that we contact the doctor abouttheir adherence at all. I mean imagine calling the doctorand saying this person is not really compliant with theirmedication. Then the next step the doctor is going to go‘what do you want me to do about it’. I think it’s more soour job description rather than the doctors job descrip-tion to make sure they’re compliant. I mean obviouslywe’re more accessible to them and when doctors givethem five repeats they’re not going to go back to thedoctor in six months’ time, so we see them more thanthey see the doctor. FG6 Ph F2

The quote above illustrates the barrier to collaborationthat exists when pharmacists and GPs do not share thesame perspectives about roles and responsibilities forimproving patients’ adherence.Interestingly, remuneration was raised as a potential

strategy. GP participants suggested that the availability ofremuneration would allow a dedicated interprofessionaladherence support strategy to be developed and imple-mented in the community setting.

…I suppose one of the things would be if you got paidfor doing that then you could probably dedicate a bitmore time to it…So to be able to do the things that youare talking about here if there was some form of reim-bursement that could happen… FG2 GP M3

Participants suggested, rather than reactive communi-cation, proactive interactions facilitated by local organi-sations enabled collaboration due to their informal orsocial, face-to-face nature.

I’m with what we call a Vietnamese Health ProfessionalAssociation which with doctors, dentists, allied healthpharmacists. And it’s an organisation that started upsince ‘89 and we have functions and things like that, so itinvolves relationships with all these allied health profes-sionals. I think to be in the area with all of them it helpsbecause you’ve got that good relationship betweenhealthcare professionals and an understanding. Nowworking outside of their area it could be a bit difficultbecause you don’t get in contact with them much, but Ifind that very helpful and we do have a strong associ-ation. FG1 Ph M2

If we had face to face and occasionally that does happen.I’ve been to psychiatric meetings and there are chemists,the local chemist has turned up, same with physios [sic]and sports orthopaedic meetings. So that actually is agood thing because you meet them face to face and Ithink that personal touch does help you know to kind ofengender respect and credibility in the other person.FG4 GP F1

The quote above demonstrates how exposure to oneanother changes perspectives of credibility and respect,building trust. When perspectives are aligned andshared, GPs and pharmacists come to trust oneanother’s ability to improve adherence, and collabor-ation was described as being easier.Using the themes above a model was constructed

(figure 1) to present how the identified codes interactedand mediated interprofessional collaboration to improveadherence (figures 2 and 3). The findings point towardsa process of socialisation between pharmacists and GPs,where relationships and shared perspectives are sociallyconstructed, resulting in trust and facilitating collabor-ation (see Discussion).

DISCUSSIONOverall, this study has indicated that from the perspec-tives of pharmacists and GPs, successful collaboration wascharacterised by regular, face-to-face proactive interac-tions (figure 2) while poor collaboration occurred wheninteractions were irregular and infrequent (figure 3).The findings therefore support an interprofessionalmodel of collaboration that is mediated by regular,face-to-face interactions. This appeared to be under-pinned through trust, embodied as shared perspectivesof healthcare, adherence, professional roles and goals,credibility and respect; influencing the nature and fre-quency of communication. Participants reported written,computer-aided communication might also be helpfulfor collaboration where regular, face-to-face interaction isnot possible. Co-location enabled regular, face-to-facerelationship building, which facilitated conversation and

6 Rathbone AP, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010488. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010488

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exposure, allowing preconceived perspectives to be rene-gotiated and trust developed. This enhanced communi-cation and information exchange between theprofessional groups, improving the identification of non-adherence and enabling collaborative improvement strat-egies to be implemented.This work supports the model put forward by Bradley

et al,7 with its emphasis of the importance of ‘regularity’in relation to pharmacist and GP interactions with eachother and patients. Without regular interaction, pharma-cists and GPs reported difficulty in identifying non-adherence through an unwillingness to share informa-tion with co-collaborators or communicate. There areseveral similarities between the mediators identified intheir model and those identified in this study, forexample, ‘locality’ or co-location of collaborators.7 8 Thisstudy identified co-location as a strategy to bypass gate-keepers and increase direct, face-to-face interaction.The findings differ to work by Hudson,19 who argued

that there must be a ‘strategy of planning for jointworking’ between collaborators. However, this studyfound that successful collaboration emerged organicallythrough formal and informal social interactionsmediated by co-location or professional organisations.GPs in this study reported that collaboration would onlybe successful with co-collaborators with similar ‘healthscientific backgrounds’ which they conceptualised as‘credibility’ and underpinned by trust. This speaks toMcDonough and Doucette’s6 ‘norm development’concept and Howard et al’s16 work which argued differ-ences in ‘role expectation’ was a barrier to collaboration.Shared perspectives and paradigmatic norms about‘credibility’, ‘responsibility’ and ‘roles’ can be

renegotiated or changed through regular, social inter-action.20 Other models describe better collaborationfrom a sense of ‘knowing’ or trust, and report perceivedcredibility ‘building over time’7 17 20 21 that concordswith the findings from this study.Models developed from empiric data have also shown

that frequent exposure and interaction between profes-sionals as ‘directly influencing’ collaboration, highlight-ing the value of ‘pharmacist and physician contactduring training’.13 14 17 This supports our model asface-to-face interactions during training could lead tothe construction of shared perspectives and trust.Perceptions constructed through interaction might

also allow previously held perspectives to change andtrust to develop, overcoming barriers to collaborationsuch as the ‘shopkeeper’ stereotype.15 GPs in this studyappeared to use ‘demarcation strategies’ in an ‘attemptto reinforce medical dominance’ by denouncing thequalifications, values and credibility of practitioners thatheld a ‘different view of the world’ or when improvingadherence is linked to financial or commercial inter-ests.7 15 From the pharmacists’ perspective, there was anreluctance to contact GPs about non-adherence, adopt-ing an apologetic tone and only contacting GPs as areaction to an error, with a perception that dealing withadherence is not of interest to the GP. With increasedsocial interaction, reported as sharing mobile phonenumbers and contacting each other out of hours,attending functions together and camaraderie, theseperspectives or ‘world views’ were able to change andtrust develop.Pharmacists and GPs in this study reported the best

collaboration to improve adherence took place when

Figure 2 Facilitators of

successful collaboration to

identify and improve


Figure 3 Barriers to successful

collaboration to identify and

improve non-adherence.

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informal interactions occurred between the two profes-sional groups regularly. As pharmacists and GPs engagedin informal, face-to-face and regular interaction, colla-borations organically emerged as trust was developed asperceptions were changed and shared. This study theo-rises that shared perspectives and trust constructedthrough regular, face-to-face interaction, embedded byco-location, is essential for successful interprofessionalcollaboration to improve adherence.In light of recent funding arrangements in the UK

and proposals in Australia that will attempt to co-locatepharmacists in GP surgeries,22 23 this work provides atheoretical basis for applications by clinicians, otherhealthcare professionals or researchers seeking funding.This work also offers practitioners insight into the func-tions of collaboration. The findings may be transferableto other settings and impact approaches to collabora-tions between other professional groups in primary orsecondary care. Quantitative methods should be used toinvestigate the use of the conceptualised model as a the-oretical framework underpinning interventions forincreased and improved interprofessional collaborationto support adherence.

LimitationsIn interpreting the findings, it should be noted thatdue to the qualitative nature of the study, the resultsmay not be generalisable to a broader population ofpharmacists and physicians, specifically those in a ruralsetting (as the participants in the study worked in ametropolitan area). Furthermore, a convenience sam-pling and recruitment process was utilised, whichtogether with the reimbursement provided during thestudy, may imply that a biased sample may have partici-pated in the focus groups. However, the recruitmentensured that there were approximately equal numbersof GPs and pharmacists of both genders who worked ina range of sociodemographic areas. Additionally,data collected were self-reported, and as such arelimited by the accuracy of information provided by therespondents.

CONCLUSIONThis work presents a novel conceptualisation of media-tors of interprofessional collaboration to supportpatients’ adherence to medications. Adherence-relatedinteractions between community pharmacists and GPsdo exist, but they are infrequent and limited.Pharmacists and GPs should attempt to develop regular,face-to-face interactions with each other to foster success-ful interprofessional collaboration. These findings maybe transferable to different settings, such as collabora-tions between other healthcare professionals targetingdifferent interventions.

Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the pharmacists andGPs for taking part.

Contributors APR conducted secondary thematic analysis of data collected bySMM, PA, KH and IK. The data analysis was checked and discussed withSMM, PA and IK. APR prepared the first draft which was edited and approvedby all authors.

Funding APR was supported by Durham University and AstraZeneca Plc tovisit Australia.

Competing interests APR reports grants from AstraZeneca Plc and DurhamUniversity, during data analysis and manuscript writing, and grants fromAstraZeneca Plc, outside the submitted work.

Ethics approval University of Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee(number 2013/176).

Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Data sharing statement No additional data are available.

Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance withthe Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, providedthe original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

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