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  • 1.

2. Time spent Learning?
3. Where is education headed? Sir Ken Richardson mentions the unpredictability of it in a TED conference on How we Learn.
4. Computing Technology Growth
5. Born Digital Generation
6. Ubiquitous Technologies
7. Meeting New Needs
8. Age of Information
9.Many voices, many ideas converging . . .
10. Working Together, building, modifying and rebuilding knowledge.
11. Multilingual and multicultural tools powered by individuals.
12. Knowledge is Socially Constructed
Jean Piaget (1926)
Lev Vygotsky (1962)
13. Global Knowledge Base
14. Open Source forging many connections
15. Worldwide Collaborative Learning
16. Connexions
17. MIT FREE Course Materials
18. Sites for collaborative education
19. OWL Institute
20. Interactive Open Education
21. Putting it all Together, Together
22. The Universe is a big Place to Observe
23. Costs of Technology
24. Give Open Source a Chance!
Saying no to:
Saying yes to:
25. Socialist vs. Capitalist Models
26. Knowledge as a Stock?
27. Knowledge as a Commodity?
28. Collaboration and Social Justice
Karl Marx
Thomas Dewey
29. Looking Forward Building New Identities
30. Open Source Social Systems
31. Knowledge comes from every level in every direction
32. Technology within us
33. Technology inside of our brains cells, networked to the entire world of knowledge, communicating and collaborating with others at an unimaginable pace!
34. Human Synapses Connecting to Global Social Networks
35. Wireless Access to the Brain
36. Final Note
How we shape and engineer the technology, tools, organization of knowledge, and virtual communities on the expanding Internet information infrastructure will directly affect the potential productivity, roles, and equity of opportunity of young people in the near and distant future, and thereby will affect the kind of society into which we evolve (Hunter and Richards,2003, p.11).

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