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Page 1: Open Door | Sales Solution Sales Management Tools

If you’ve ever managed sales teams in the field you know the challenges – understanding where and when your reps are selling and dealing with the flood of paperwork for leads and orders. We struggled with these challenges ourselves, and that’s why we created the Open Door Sales Solution.

pen Door is a turn-key sales

management system that uses

mobile technology to solve an age-old

problem. We created the system specifically

for door-to-door sales teams and other types

of geographically dispersed sales teams. It’s

a mobile sales force automation tool that

feeds into an efficient order management

system. That’s an industry leading

combination you won’t find anywhere else.

Sales Management Tools

Easy and Fast, Map-Based Lead Management and Assignment

Open Door allows you to remove paper lead sheets from your process. As a sales manager, you distribute all leads electronically, and you can:

• Import large amounts of leads into the system and view them on a map.

• Assign leads to reps by outlining an area on the map and automatically assigning all leads within the selected area. Or place a point on the map and assign all leads within a specified radius.

• Push leads out immediately to a sales rep’s mobile device in the field.

• Ensure leads are worked to completion before assigning new turf.

• Assign an entire team’s leads at one time.

• Group leads by marketing objectives (High, Medium, Low propensity to buy) and quickly assign “Hot” leads to reps in the field.

Open the Door to a Streamlined Sales Management Process

© 2011 Realtime Results

GPS Track Sales Rep Performance in the Field

Powerful GPS tracking tools let you monitor your sales reps as they work. Using the tool you can:

• See where reps are selling in real time on an interactive map. Review a history of leads and sales activity for reps on specific days.

• Review individual stops on the map. See how long a rep spends at a particular location and whether or not they make a sale.

• Monitor sales locations; see where a rep is when they submit a sale or disposition a lead.

• Track the time a sales rep works with an integrated Clock-in/Clock-out feature.

• Setup Geofences to map and assign sales territories. Also receive automatic notification if a sales rep enters or exits their assigned turf.


Open Door | Sales Solution

Page 2: Open Door | Sales Solution Sales Management Tools

Open Door is a unified system where data is captured in the field on mobile devices and consolidated in a Web-accessible system for reporting and management. Using the system you can:

• Leverage custom designed electronic sales forms that are easily modified to reflect current campaigns or offerings.

• Define custom lead dispositions and outcomes for each door knocked or home passed.

• Enforce sales rep workflow such as making multiple attempts at an address.

• Setup and keep records for return appointments.

• Capture and store detailed copies of order information.

• Email PDF versions of order forms to a customer at the time a sale is submitted.

Contact Us To Learn How to Power Up Your Door-to-Door Sales Staff:Tom Brockhaus

Vice President of Business Development & Client ServicesPh: 888-770-7158

Email: [email protected] www.RealtimeResults.com

© 2011 Realtime Results

Capture and Store Data Electronically to Gain Valuable Insights

Open Door puts detailed information at your fingertips that you can use to track and analyze your sales activities. Through the reporting features you can:

• Capture marketing and competitive data at the door.

• Generate reports on rep-level sales and door knock activity.

• Track overall market and program-specific sales totals

• Analyze individual sales rep effectiveness.

Detailed Activity Reporting

Key Features:

• Electronic lead management, distribution and tracking

• GPS tracking and map views of reps in the field

• Custom designed electronic forms that are easily modified to reflect current campaigns

• Photo and signature capture

• Inbound or Outbound order processing and back-office support

• Valuable marketing data gathered at each door

• Reporting and management analysis tools

Device & Carrier Support:

• Compatible with Blackberry, Android and Windows Mobile devices

• Runs on mobile phones, Android tablets and netbooks

• Deploy using any of the major cellular carrier networks

Sales Management ToolsOpen Door | Sales Solution

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