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gun control

Creating social change. Through a more open exchange of ideas. OPENbriefing

Each year in the US there are nearly:30,000 gun deaths!70,000 gun injuries!20 mass shootings

3 out of 4 !of the guns used in these instances will be legally owned

Reaching legal gun owners!is the best way to change the statistics

So we make PSAs that use fear…!guns are dangerous, and people are dying because of it

And these work great!(on people who probably weren’t going to buy a gun anyway)

But legal gun ownersdon’t personally identify with these stories

They see themselves as responsible and well-educated on safety“MY GUNS aren’t the dangerous ones”

They even think their guns makes their community safer“MY GUNS will keep us safe from the bad guys”

You aren’t going to convince a legal gun owner that his or her gun is dangerous

Because they think their guns protect them from the danger

Fact: 67% of legal gun owners bought their gun for protection

…which is just another way of sayingout of fear

because they were afraid of someone because they were afraid of something

because they didn’t think they could stand up for themselves

So, fear-based messages actually drive demand among gun owners

Let’s try something new!stop trying to take on guns, and start trying to take on fear

What are you afraid of? A gun isn’t going to solve it.

Reframe the story around gun control for legal gun owners.

PROBLEM: Legally-owned guns are used in 75% of all acts of gun violence, but legal gun owners don’t find fear-based gun control PSAs relevant.

TARGET: Reaching legal gun owners is the best way to impact gun violence statistics. They see themselves as responsible, well-educated gun owners

INSIGHT: You aren’t going to convince a legal gun owner that his or her gun is dangerous, because they think their gun protects them from danger.

MAKE SOMETHING: Reframe the conversation about guns and fear: From “you should fear guns” to ”what fear makes you want a gun?”

SOCIAL CHANGE: By shinning light on our collective fears and vulnerability, we create inclusive and honest conversations. We can tell the truth about the actual danger… or even solve issues entirely. With our fear in perspective or gone entirely, we feel safer and less in need of guns.

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