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  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    Opening Title Sequence


    The Ouija Board

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    This is our second opening title sequence, the final cut. We

    felt that we made a large improvement over our last opening

    title sequence. We addressed the key issues such as lighting,

    continuity, match on action, the 180-degree rule and weshortened the sequence down to the length that was

    required. We fixed the lighting problem with the use of the

    lamp, which helped to reduce the noise and showed more

    details of the characters faces, as before it was too dark to

    recognise the faces. The setting of the scene inside thebuilding could also be seen more clearly now and helped give

    the audience a better view of where the characters are going

    to play the Ouija board. We also improved the shakiness of

    the camera with the use of a tripod and we used a greater

    range of shot types. We have also added a background sound

    track, which builds up the audiences tension.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the first shot (0-5sec), we had an establishing shot of the two characters walking towards the isolated building and

    having a random conversation. This shot also shows that the characters are friends and have the same social standing,as they are wearing similar clothes, such as jeans and a hoody. In our last establishing shot in the first opening title

    sequence attempt, we included a fast forward motion effect to speed up the shot of the characters walking towards

    the building, however this time we decided not to include it because it didnt give the desired effect and looked

    unprofessional. At 00:01 we included our first credit which was the name of the production studio, called

    IndependentStudios. This is tells the audience the name of the production company of this film. We also aligned the

    credit to flow with the angle of the pavement, in order to create a uniformed look. We used the titles on IMovie called

    SoftEdge, which we then edited by changing the font to Baskerville and made it plain white. We thought this font

    stood out in the shots, as the contrast allows the text to stand out clearly. Because we started filming out of focus atthe beginning, it made the titles even clearer and draws the audiences attention to who the producers of the film are.

    At the end of the shot, the title splits the two words Independent & Studios into two and they flow in opposite

    directions, sliding off the screen. The sound track we used in this shot is diegetic, as the characters are able to hear it.

    This sound used consisted of unpleasant sounds of weather.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the second shot (6-8sec), we had a close up shot of the boy holding

    and carrying the Ouija board. This gives the audience a sort of clue to

    indicate that the two boys are going to paly the Ouija board. We

    reused this shot from our previous opening title sequence, because

    we thought that it work well and lets the audience know what is

    about to happen next, as they will be playing the Ouija board. We

    also used a tripod in this scene in order to make the shot more stable,

    this made it have a more professional look.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the third shot (9-23sec), we had a low angle tilt shot of the two characters climbing up the

    ladder to enter the building. We showed continuity here by showing their journey to the building

    so they dont randomly appear. The tilt shot allowed us to show the height of the building and

    shows that it is dangerous. We also showed good framing by placing the characters in the centre

    to draw the focus on them by making them the main focal point. The colour of the building gives

    off a reddish effect to indicate danger, because when you think of red, you think of blood. At00:08, the title Directed by Rachel Whitewood appeared. This shows the audience who the

    director of the film is. We made the credits flow in the direction of the character climbing up the

    ladder to emphasize where he is going. The credits also start to fade away the higher the character

    climbs. We thought the credits worked well, as they flowed in the direction of the tilt shot. The

    fade of the credits was also used to indicate the presence of ghosts and spirits.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the fourth shot (23-27sec), we had a close up shot of the one

    character forcefully opening the door. We reused this shot from our

    first rough cut, as we thought the framing was good because the boys

    hand was centred and was the main focus and showed how he opened

    the lock. Before the character opened the door, there was a low level ofnoise and when he started banging the door and that gave off a loud

    and creepy effect with an echo. As the characters were forcefully

    opening the door it strongly suggests to the audience that the

    characters are breaking in and trespassing.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the fifth shot (28-36sec), we had a long shot of the character slamming the door open from the interior of

    the building. This shot shows the characters facial expressions as they first look inside the building. This shot

    was an improvement from our rough cut, as we used a tripod to make the shot stable and to get the framing

    right. The characters are also placed in the middle of the frame to make them the focal point of the shot and

    to show their expressions of surprise and shock. This shot also shows that there is natural daylight outside,

    which is high key lighting and in the inside of the building the lighting is very low key. We wanted to give off

    this effect of low-key lighting to show that the characters will be playing the Ouija board in a very dark,creepy and dangerous environment. This relates well to our genre and it communicates how people get

    scared at night because they think of ghosts, spirits, etc. So the audience expect something disturbing to

    happen next. At 00:28 we had credits appearing saying Starring Marc Jordan & Joshua Bentley. This is to

    credit the actors and to let the audience know who the actors or main characters of the film are. We

    positioned the credits in the shadows, out of the characters view. This was done intentionally because we

    wanted to suggest that something else was present in the room. Placing the credits in the shadows also

    made them stand out more, because it created a contrast between light and dark.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the sixth shot (36-51sec), we had a long shot of the characters entering

    the building. As the characters enter, the shot becomes a tracking shot in

    order to follow the characters entering to have continuity. As the characters

    enter, there is only a silhouette to be seen of them, this shows how low the

    lighting is in the building. This also indicates a kind of danger, as the

    characters have never been in the building and they cant see, so they dontknow what to expect and what the surrounding environment inside is like.

    There might be dangerous objects that they can harm themselves on. It also

    builds up the audiences tension, as they dont know what to expect next.

    The sound inside the building has an echoed effect. As the characters

    entered the camera tilted upwards slightly, which indicates that there may

    be a spirit present.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the seventh shot (52-57sec), we had a long shot tracking the characters as they

    enter the building. In this shot the camera was handheld and taken from behind a

    wooden beam to indicate that a spirit was watching the characters. The characters

    in this shot are only seen as silhouettes, which also shows the extremely low-key

    lighting. As the character on the right walks in he looks hesitant, stopping in his

    tracks slightly and walking slowly, which also shows that he is nervous and scared

    about playing the Ouija board and being in such a dark environment. At 00:53, we

    have credits appearing saying Sound by Marc Jordan. This lets the audience know

    was responsible for the sound in this film. The credit also appears in the

    darkness/shadows to make it stand out more. The credit also moves half way across

    the screen to the right and then mystically fades away, which also indicates orrelates to ghosts and spirits, as they also mystically disappear.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the eight shot (58sec-01:05min), we had a close up

    shot of the lamp, which the characters are busy turning

    on, as it is too dark for them to see. The glowing of the

    lamp places a red tint on the characters hands to signify

    danger. The lamp has a candle like glow to it, which is

    often associated with spirits and paranormal activities.

    The diegetic sound of the lamp indicates how quiet it is in

    the room and it gives off a creepy roaring-like sound. The

    framing of the lamp is centred and draws attention to the

    bright and radiant lamp.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the ninth shot (01:06-01:20min), we had a long shot that tracks the

    characters walking towards the place where they will be playing the Ouija

    board. This shot also shows that the further the characters walk into the

    building, the darker it gets. This could show how the film will have the

    tension build up gradually, as the characters get close to danger. At 01:18

    we had credits appearing saying Produced by Rachel Whitewood. Thislets the audience know who the producer of the film is. The credit also

    moves in the direction of the tilting of the shot. It adds a professional

    look because the movement the shot is going and the words of the credit

    flow in the same direction, this also creates an emphasis of what the

    characters are doing.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the tenth shot (01:20-01:22), we had

    a shot reverse shot of the one character

    asking the other character whether

    they should set up the candles. The

    light from the lamp shining up at his

    face was used intentionally to create a

    creepy effect. The directional lighting is

    also a convention often used in horror

    movies, so this reinforces to the

    audience that our movie is in this


    In the eleventh shot (01:22-01:25min),

    we had a close up shot of the second

    character answering the other

    characters question. The same lighting

    is used in this shot, as in the shot

    before to also give off a creepy effect.

    The framing in this shot was used well,because it clearly shows the audience

    that both characters are having a

    conversation, because they are looking

    in the other characters direction.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the twelfth shot (01:26-01:50min), we had a high angle shot

    showing the characters setting up the Ouija board and lighting

    the candles. This shot is also a good example of how we

    improved the lighting over the rough cut because you can see

    more detail and what is happening. One of the characters also

    asks do you think this is a good idea, this shows that the

    character is hesitant and having doubts about playing the Ouija

    board and he is worried about the spirits. The other character

    however is more confident.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the thirteenth shot (01:51-02:01min), we had a

    medium shot of the characters placing their hands on the

    Ouija board and playing the game. The natural daylight

    coming in from outside the door indicates that it is a sort

    of escape for the characters. Tension is being built up, as

    the characters hands are placed on the Ouija board for a

    while. The audience will be left in suspense, as they will

    wonder what will happen next.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the fourteenth shot (02:01-02:02min), we had a close up

    shot of blood randomly dripping on the characters hands and

    the board. This gives the characters and the audience a sudden

    freight, because they werent expecting it. The sudden scream

    in this shot is diegetic sound, as the characters can hear the

    scream in the background.

  • 7/30/2019 Opening Title Sequence Final Analysis


    In the fifteenth shot (02:03-02:09min), we had a long shot of the characters reacting to the sudden

    scream and the blood randomly dripping onto their hands. This shot also shows the characters

    getting up and trying to escape, however they get locked in, as the door suddenly closes by itself.

    This creates an enigma in the audiences mind whether they are going to get out or not and what is

    going to happen next. The lighting in this shot was very low key in order to show that the

    characters were getting closer to the spirits. The low-key lighting also adds a eerie atmosphere and

    also builds up the audiences tension. At 02:07, we had credits appearing saying The Ouija Board,

    which indicates what the film is called. By making the word Ouija red and adding a different font,

    which has a cracked effect, indicates clearly what the film is about and the Ouija board is

    responsible for the events that happened to the characters by provoking the spirits by playing the

    Ouija board. The ellipsis also creates a feeling that the film is going to continue and makes the

    audience find out what will happen next.

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