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Page 1: OpenSAP s4h2 Week 4 Transcript (1)

openSAP SAP S/4HANA – Deep Dive


00:00:15 Welcome to course Week 4 of the openSAP course SAP Business Suite for SAP HANA -

Deep Dive

00:00:21 The topic for this week is Migration, Consulting and Support.

00:00:26 My name is Alex Diehl and I am a Global Service Offering Manager for SAP Services.

00:00:31 I will start this week with the unit Services - Part 1.

00:00:38 One critical factor as you approach S/4HANA is from where you will start your journey.

00:00:45 Our S/4HANA implementations take this into consideration

00:00:49 and are modeled against the various starting points.

00:00:54 There are various options, and SAP can help you identify the business benefits and plan your


00:01:00 So we have chosen to look at three typical example paths to S/4HANA.

00:01:06 For each situation, the customer has a full choice of deployment options

00:01:11 between cloud, on-premise and even hybrid scenarios.

00:01:15 Starting point A is a customer with SAP Business Suite on any DB.

00:01:21 Moving to S/4HANA for a typical existing SAP ERP 6 customer

00:01:27 will require a move to the latest enhancement package,

00:01:31 and a database migration from any database to SAP HANA

00:01:36 combined with the deployment of the simplification package,

00:01:40 which we previously called exchange innovations,

00:01:44 where current code is replaced by the new one and new data structures are adjusted

00:01:49 and new functionality is being implemented.

00:01:54 Starting point B is a customer with SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA already.

00:02:00 Moving to SAP S/4HANA for an existing SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA


00:02:06 is even faster as only the deployment of the simplification package is required

00:02:12 where, as I said, current code is replaced with the new one.

00:02:17 Starting point C is a new customer.

00:02:21 This covers the new implementation of an S/4HANA system.

00:02:25 And for this starting point my colleague Paul Smith will guide you

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00:02:29 through the details in the next unit of this course.

00:02:33 In essence, SAP Business Suite customers can take advantage of S/4HANA in a non-

disruptive way.

00:02:41 Partners and SAP will provide a defined path for customers to move to SAP S/4HANA

00:02:48 with pre-defined migration and deployment packages for quick time to value.

00:02:55 Now, most customers that already run SAP ECC on premise,

00:03:00 and who wish to stay on premise, will be at the starting point A.

00:03:05 The journey to S/4HANA begins with a careful analysis of the business scenarios,

00:03:10 starting with a value identification workshop.

00:03:15 Then planning services will help to prioritize which part of the landscape will be upgraded first.

00:03:21 And we will jointly with the customer define a roadmap

00:03:25 when to implement what and what are the steps that need to be taken

00:03:30 and all the details that a customer and SAP need to know for a seamless migration.

00:03:37 What also has to be looked at is custom code that a customer might have.

00:03:42 The custom code needs to be checked, and potentially it has to be migrated that it runs on


00:03:50 Then the first technical step is to bring ECC 6 to Enhancement Pack 7 if this was not already


00:03:58 And if a customer is not using Unicode data types, this must also be implemented.

00:04:05 At this point then, the database is ready to be migrated to SAP HANA.

00:04:11 And upgrade and migration can be combined in one step

00:04:15 to reduce the downtime and to guarantee for a seamless migration.

00:04:20 After the migration to SAP HANA is completed, now the customer is ready to install the

simplification packages,

00:04:27 previously called, as I said, innovation exchange.

00:04:32 That is the new code that will bring the benefits described earlier in this course,

00:04:37 for example, a simplified data model and new business functionality.

00:04:42 The first package that is available is Simple Finance,

00:04:47 which is then followed in late 2015 by Simple Logistics.

00:04:54 They key is this: Once the customer is migrated to SAP HANA,

00:04:58 then, as a new package for the suite is made available

00:05:02 you can simply repeat step 4 after acquiring the necessary S/4HANA license.

00:05:08 And by that way you then implement the new functionality that is being made available.

00:05:15 And at each step of the journey, there are services and support options available

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00:05:19 to assist customers by SAP or by our partners.

00:05:24 And as said, identifying the key business scenarios is the first really important step to go,

00:05:31 and then we can go into the planning and define the further roadmap to move to S/4HANA.

00:05:41 Now for customers who have already invested in running the Business Suite on SAP HANA,

00:05:47 they are in an ideal position to benefit from S/4HANA right away.

00:05:52 I think there is really no reason to wait.

00:05:56 For these customers, all the prerequisites of upgrading ECC to EhP 7,

00:06:01 the Unicode data types, and the migration to HANA are already done.

00:06:06 Custom code has been checked. It's already running on HANA.

00:06:10 So these customers are absolutely ready to install the simplification packages right away.

00:06:17 Again, the simplification packages provide the new code that will bring the benefits described

earlier in the course,

00:06:24 the simplified data model and new business functionalities, for example.

00:06:29 Again, the first package that is available is Simple Finance,

00:06:33 and it's followed in late 2015 by Simple Logistics for those customers as well.

00:06:42 And again, as each part of the Business Suite is made available, a new package is being

made available,

00:06:50 those customers would basically repeat step 2 and upgrade to that new package.

00:06:59 For each step of the journey, again, service and support options are available

00:07:04 from SAP and their partners to assist our customers.

00:07:08 And again, I think, starting with a value identification workshop is the best way

00:07:14 to define the key business scenarios und to define the roadmap to SAP S/4HANA.

00:07:22 Let's have a quick look at the package supporting the migration to the SAP HANA database.

00:07:29 The rapid database migration of SAP Business Suite to SAP HANA enables customers

00:07:36 to replace the underlying relational database of their SAP business system with SAP HANA,

00:07:44 and customers are able to combine the required EhP upgrade, as I just mentioned,

00:07:52 and the database migration into one step, which reduces downtime

00:07:56 and provides a simple and seamless migration to SAP S/4HANA.

00:08:02 The package provides a step-by-step documentation

00:08:06 with work breakdown structure, an accelerated project methodology,

00:08:11 a step-by-step guide and other tools that are available to support you with that migration.

00:08:18 And with that, SAP provides a guided process to migrate your database

00:08:23 leveraging SAP documentation, project accelerators and SAP Best Practices.

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00:08:30 The package and the related services are offered from SAP and from qualified partners.

00:08:39 The service Installation and data transition for Financials add-on covers then

00:08:44 the installation process for the Financials add-on for SAP Business Suite powered by SAP


00:08:50 and it also includes the necessary activities to transform the financial data into the new


00:08:59 The service identifies first the changes needed to support a data transition,

00:09:04 estimates the effort involved, and configures the system as required.

00:09:09 Within a short time companies can transition their data.

00:09:13 The installation is executed by SAP experts together with customer IT.

00:09:18 The data transition is then planned, prepared, and executed by the SAP team.

00:09:23 By that way, the service offers a quick installation and data transition

00:09:28 with two rehearsals and one productive transition in the end.

00:09:33 In addition, post go-live support is included.

00:09:37 And on top of that, SAP can also support the customer with data cleansing activities

00:09:43 which might be required, and also can support them with change management

00:09:48 around the introduction of the new or changed business processes

00:09:53 provided by this new simplification package.

00:09:58 I'd like to provide a short overview how this journey looks for SAP MaxAttention customers.

00:10:05 If you are a MaxAttention customer, you get all the services mentioned around S/4HANA

00:10:12 included in your MaxAttention engagement.

00:10:15 These services cover the full customer lifecycle from advise to implement,

00:10:20 learn, extend, run and, at the end, the optimization phase.

00:10:24 So, for example, the value identification workshop and the planning services I just have


00:10:31 will be delivered as part of your MaxAttention engagement.

00:10:36 There are various roles that support customers in a MaxAttention engagement:

00:10:41 The Engineering Architect is responsible for establishing

00:10:46 a collaborative and customized strategy for the delivery.

00:10:51 The Technical Quality Manager or TQM provides oversight of the execution of that

MaxAttention strategy

00:10:59 and also provides specialized expertise during the engagement.

00:10:05 And the engagement is supported by various entities in SAP.

00:10:11 First there is the Innovation Control Center, which helps to build SAP like a factory,

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00:10:18 based on best practices, which is conducted onsite at the customer,

00:10:24 supporting the roadmap and the implementation phases until go-live.

00:10:31 The Operations Control Center supports to run SAP like a factory then,

00:10:36 also onsite at the customer, where SAP supports regular operations, upgrades,

00:10:42 optimizations and, in the end, the continuous improvement process.

00:10:47 And finally, there is the Mission Control Center with experts at SAP

00:10:53 that are supporting our customers remotely.

00:10:57 A detailed session focusing on the support services will follow later this week

00:12:02 and will give you much more details around the MaxAttention engagements

00:12:06 and our support models.

00:12:11 This now concludes the first unit of Week 4.

00:12:14 In the next unit my colleague Paul Smith will present you the second part of the services topic,

00:12:20 looking at new implementations for S/4HANA.

00:12:23 We hope to see you there again. Thanks for listening in, and have a great day.

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00:00:13 Hello and welcome to Week 4, Unit 2.

00:00:16 My name is Paul Smith, and I am a Global Service Offering Manager for SAP Services.

00:00:21 In this unit I continue with the second part of the Service topic,

00:00:25 which my colleague Alexander Diehl started in the previous unit.

00:00:31 The roadmap to S/4HANA will vary according to different business and IT drivers,

00:00:35 and of course on where the customer is starting from.

00:00:39 For example, the customer may already be on Suite on HANA,

00:00:42 or they could be a new SAP customer, or they may have a mature SAP landscape.

00:00:47 They may want to roll out S/4HANA as quick as possible,

00:00:50 or try in a specific geography or business unit,

00:00:54 or they may want to implement Central Finance as a Shared Service Center.

00:01:00 In addition, they may want to implement S/4HANA on premise or in the cloud.

00:01:05 SAP can help the customer to identify the business benefits and plan the roadmap.

00:01:10 We have chosen to explain three example paths to S/4HANA.

00:01:15 Starting points A and B, which are existing customers migrating to S/4HANA,

00:01:21 were covered in the previous unit by Alexander Diehl.

00:01:26 The starting point C, this is what we will cover today,

00:01:29 and this is a new implementation of S/4HANA

00:01:31 where the journey is defined by a net new implementation of an S/4HANA system,

00:01:35 for either an existing customer who is looking to implement in a new business unit

00:01:41 or an existing customer who wants to re-implement to move to a standardized solution,

00:01:45 taking advantage of all the S/4HANA innovation or a completely net new customer to SAP.

00:01:55 For a new customer deploying on-premise, there are three key steps to build the SAP

S/4HANA solution.

00:02:00 Firstly, to plan and scope the implementation and the migration from the existing legacy


00:02:07 SAP have a planning service called Roadmap Definition for Simple Finance

00:02:11 which should be offered as the first step.

00:02:14 The service involves several workshops with the customer to help answer questions such as:

00:02:19 What is Simple Finance? What is in it from a business and CxO perspective?

00:02:23 And: What do I need to do from a technical perspective?

00:02:27 There is also a Technical and Strategic Design Service for HANA Database

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00:02:31 for those customers wanting the on-premise HANA edition.

00:02:37 Once the planning has taken place, the second step is to install the SAP solution,

00:02:42 leveraging SAP Best Practices to lay the foundation for S/4HANA.

00:02:46 Once the SAP Best Practices have been installed, the Simple Finance 2.0 solution can be


00:02:54 At that point the customer now has an S/4HANA Best Practices Solution.

00:03:00 Obviously, the business needs to validate the solution fit,

00:03:03 and identify and implement any customer differentiating processes as with any new


00:03:11 The third major step is data migration.

00:03:13 This could be a significant effort for very large customers, or it may be a smaller effort.

00:03:19 SAP offers tools and best practices to support this activity,

00:03:23 including the rapid deployment solution Data Migration for SAP Solutions.

00:03:30 This rapid deployment solution includes the installation of data services,

00:03:34 and around a 100 pre-defined data migration objects, for example, open items and master


00:03:44 Following SAP's Assemble to Order methodology,

00:03:47 using Pre-Assembly of Best Practices followed by Solution Validation

00:03:51 rather than the traditional design and build approach will accelerate the time to value

00:03:54 and ensure a more standardized solution with ultimately a lower cost, a lower TCO.

00:04:00 SAP Best Practices are available for country-specific baselines, containing country legal and

tax requirements,

00:04:08 and also for different industries, containing industry-specific needs.

00:04:12 Once the relevant Best Practices have been installed,

00:04:15 the customer should implement SAP Fiori Best Practices, which include role-based Fiori apps,

00:04:21 including all the Fiori apps required for Simple Finance.

00:04:25 Simple Finance 2.0 needs to be installed and the Finance processes,

00:04:30 code and tables transitioned to the new Simple Finance solution.

00:04:38 SAP strongly recommends the use of SAP Best Practices to accelerate the implementation,

00:04:43 and ultimately lower the TCO via having a more standardized solution.

00:04:47 SAP Best Practices are not just limited to the ERP baseline,

00:04:52 there are also Best Practices for integration with SAPs cloud solutions,

00:04:57 such as SuccessFactors, Arriba and hybris.

00:05:01 There are also Best Practices for both, database migration to HANA

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00:05:05 and also for data migration as previously explained.

00:05:10 There are other Best Practices available, for example, for Fiori apps and other solutions.

00:05:17 We have planned Best Practices also for S/4HANA Foundation Baseline in late 2015,

00:05:23 which will include the Simple Finance solution,

00:05:27 removing the need for the migration step for net new implementations.

00:05:35 For MaxAttention Service and Support customers:

00:05:40 If you are a MaxAttention customer you get all the S/4HANA Services embedded in the

MaxAttention engagement.

00:05:46 There are Services covering the full customer lifecycle

00:05:50 from Advise to Implement to Learn, Extend, Run and finally Optimize.

00:05:57 For MaxAttention customers there are two key roles who support the customers throughout the


00:06:04 The first is the Engineering Architect, responsible for establishing a collaborative and

customized strategy for delivery,

00:06:11 and of course there are the Technical Quality Managers,

00:06:13 providing the oversight of the execution of the MaxAttention strategy

00:06:17 and providing the specialized expertise during the engagement.

00:06:22 How is it organized? There is an Innovation Control Center

00:06:27 where the focus is on building SAP like a factory, using Best Practices.

00:06:33 The services are usually provided onsite at the customer,

00:06:36 supporting the roadmap and implementation phase until go-live.

00:06:40 There is the Operations Control Factory which is focused on the run phase.

00:06:45 So running SAP like a factory, again mainly onsite at the customer.

00:06:51 SAP supports the regular operations, upgrades, optimizations and continuous improvement.

00:06:56 And then there is the Mission Control Center with SAP experts providing 24x7 remote support.

00:07:06 This concludes the second unit of the course Services - Part 2.

00:07:11 In the next unit, Marcus Blaesi will discuss with you where to get the appropriate support.

00:07:17 Hope to see you there.

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00:00:12 Hello and welcome to Week 4, Unit 3. My name is Marcus Blaesi.

00:00:17 I am a Chief Expert in the Global Maintenance Go-To-Market, Strategy and Business

Development team of SAP SE.

00:00:24 In the previous units, Alexander Diehl and Paul Smith provided insights

00:00:28 about the service aspects related to SAP S/4HANA.

00:00:32 Also the previous units provided you an overview

00:00:35 of the different deployment options of SAP S/4HANA.

00:00:40 In this unit I will outline the support offerings available for SAP S/4HANA.

00:00:49 But before we talk about the details of the available support offerings for SAP S/4HANA,

00:00:55 let me start with a short recap of the available S/4HANA editions or deployment options.

00:01:03 S/4HANA is available in terms of two editions:

00:01:07 First, SAP S/4HANA on-premise edition.

00:01:11 And second, SAP S/4HANA cloud edition.

00:01:16 The SAP S/4HANA on-premise edition includes the full scope of SAP ERP,

00:01:26 SAP Simple Finance, and full simple logistic capabilities,

00:01:32 and also integrates with SuccessFactors Employee Central, Fieldglass,

00:01:37 SAP hybris Marketing, Concur, and Ariba Network.

00:01:43 On the other side the SAP S/4HANA cloud edition focuses on key process scenarios,

00:01:49 including embedded ERP scenarios.

00:01:53 And also here the cloud edition integration with SuccessFactors Employee Central,

00:01:58 Fieldglass, SAP hybris Marketing, Concur, and the Ariba Network is availabe.

00:02:06 Now, following SAP's ONE Support principle and our target to drive more

00:02:11 value and simplicity to our customers across all solutions and deployment options,

00:02:17 SAP provides a consistent support experience for both editions,

00:02:22 on premise and cloud, based on Enterprise Support.

00:02:27 For the on-premise edition, SAP Enterprise Support is the recommended support offering.

00:02:33 Existing support offerings known from the on-premise SAP Business Suite

00:02:38 are available as well as requested by our customers.

00:02:42 The SAP S/4HANA cloud edition includes already SAP Enterprise Support for

00:02:49 SAP S/4HANA cloud edition, already embedded in subscription fees.

00:03:02 Now, what actually is SAP Enterprise Support?

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00:03:08 SAP's core business has always been on premise. That's no secret.

00:03:13 This is also where the SAP Enterprise Support offering has matured

00:03:17 and today provides an unprecedented customer experience.

00:03:23 Since in today's world more and more SAP customers are also considering the usage

00:03:28 of cloud solutions, they are also looking for help on their journey to the cloud.

00:03:34 And here it is good to know that they can also rely on SAP Enterprise Support.

00:03:41 Starting with the very center of the graph of this slide,

00:03:46 SAP Enterprise Support is the unified support offering across all deployment scenarios.

00:03:53 It delivers a consistent and meaningful customer support experience,

00:03:58 aligned support processes and infrastructure regardless of

00:04:04 whether you use on-premise SAP solutions, the SAP cloud portfolio,

00:04:09 or a combination of the two, a so-called hybrid deployment scenario.

00:04:16 When following the graph a little bit further towards the outside, let's take a closer look

00:04:22 on how SAP Enterprise Support exactly helps you along the way.

00:04:28 First, Implement Better: During the implementation phase, SAP Enterprise Support

00:04:34 enables you to achieve faster time to value and to set the course for successful operations.

00:04:42 Second, Operate Better: When it comes to operating your solutions,

00:04:46 SAP Enterprise Support helps you to simplify operations

00:04:51 and prepare your landscape for future innovations.

00:04:55 By increasing operational efficiency, SAP Enterprise Support helps you to reduce

00:05:01 the percentage of IT spend dedicated to keeping the lights on,

00:05:07 but leaving more resources for innovation projects.

00:05:13 That brings us to Innovate Better:

00:05:15 And as you move forward with these projects, SAP Enterprise Support is there

00:05:20 to accelerate the adoption of innovations without disrupting the business.

00:05:26 Integrate Better: SAP Enterprise Support helps you not only to

00:05:30 implement, operate, and innovate better but also to integrate better,

00:05:34 i. e. to deploy new business models and capabilities and drive value,

00:05:39 in particular, in hybrid environments as said before.

00:05:45 And last but not least, Leverage Better:

00:05:48 SAP Enterprise Support helps you to better leverage your SAP solution,

00:05:53 i.e. to unlock the business value of existing investments

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00:05:58 and to introduce innovations in a swift manner to maximize your success.

00:06:04 It also helps you to leverage your cloud solutions better

00:06:08 by providing cloud solution business users a superior experience from their SAP solution.

00:06:19 While SAP Enterprise Support accommodates the individual requirements of both,

00:06:24 on-premise and cloud deployments, it delivers our customers a consistent and meaningful

00:06:31 support experience across all deployment options, and this along four principles:

00:06:38 First, Mission Critical Support; second, Empowerment; third, Collaboration

00:06:44 as well as, fourth, Innovation & Value Realization.

00:06:48 So just to name a few aspects of this consistent support experience,

00:06:53 you see here on the slide, for example, proactive and preventive support

00:06:57 from day one on, covering the complete lifecycle, as well as

00:07:02 24x7 production down support based on service level agreements,

00:07:07 or smooth integration of cloud solutions and end-to-end supportability of hybrid landscapes,

00:07:15 faster time-to-value and accelerated adoption of innovations with minimal business disruption.

00:07:22 And in addition, customers benefit from the automation capabilities of

00:07:26 SAP Solution Manager for on-premise and hybrid scenarios.

00:07:36 While the previous slide has outlined the general fundamentals of SAP Enterprise Support

00:07:43 as a mission-critical and proactive support offering driving business outcomes

00:07:48 and val ue realization for both, SAP S/4HANA on-premise and cloud editions,

00:07:54 this slide now gives you more information about the specific deliverables of

00:07:58 SAP Enterprise Support for SAP S/4HANA, cloud edition.

00:08:04 For the SAP Enterprise Support for SAP S/4HANA, cloud edition the following is actually


00:08:11 Mission Critical Support - Service level agreements, shortly SLA, on initial response,

00:08:18 ongoing response times, and corrective action. Mission critical support gives you

00:08:25 access to a direct escalation interface and remote support for top issues.

00:08:32 Empowerment: The SAP Enterprise Support Academy provides you

00:08:39 with innovative learning assets such as the Meet-the-Expert sessions

00:08:43 where customers get direct remote access to SAP experts for best practice sharing.

00:08:50 Your company will get empowered through the SAP Enterprise Support Academy.

00:08:56 This is a unique program, combining training, support, and deployment of best practices.

00:09:01 Through this, the SAP Enterprise Support Academy enables you

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00:09:05 to obtain critical knowledge and build the skills that then build value.

00:09:11 And Collaboration: SAP Enterprise Support gives you access

00:09:16 to the SAP Support Advisory Center which is a pool of SAP experts

00:09:22 for non-incident-related advice or in cases of high urgency requests.

00:09:28 The support advisory helps you ensure your solutions run with an optimal level

00:09:35 of performance, stability, and data consistency to minimize the risk of core business


00:09:42 Furthermore, we provide support during critical projects, supporting your needs

00:09:47 and in leading the support service delivery.

00:09:51 Last but not least, Innovation & Value Realization: SAP Enterprise Support helps to

00:09:56 identify and implement innovation, concretely here through product roadmap updates.

00:10:03 SAP Enterprise Support thereby helps you to unlock business value of existing investments

00:10:10 and to introduce new innovations in a swift manner to maximize your success.

00:10:15 Now, the details related to the applicable and available support deliverables

00:10:21 are described in the respective SAP agreements and supporting materials.

00:10:29 The previous two slides, the general overview and the specific deep-dive related

00:10:33 to the SAP Enterprise Support for SAP S/4HANA, cloud edition, have shown that

00:10:39 SAP Enterprise Support not only provides a consistent support experience for both,

00:10:45 on-premise and cloud editions, along the four introduced principles of Mission Critical Support,

00:10:52 Empowerment, Collaboration, as well as Innovation & Value Realization,

00:10:58 but also drives the realization of business value

00:11:01 while implementing, configuring, and using SAP S/4HANA.

00:11:07 Concretely, the incremental value from SAP Enterprise Support

00:11:12 on top of the functionality available through the solution itself,

00:11:16 SAP Enterprise Support allows for higher reliability of business processes and applications:

00:11:24 Proactive measures are provided to prevent business disruptions from occurring,

00:11:29 and 24x7 mission-critical support with best-in-class service level agreements

00:11:35 that gets you the attention you need at the speed you expect.

00:11:41 Second, capabilities to quickly adopt to changing business requirements:

00:11:48 Here best practices, knowledge, and skills are provided

00:11:53 to quickly adopt SAP solutions in your organization,

00:11:58 on top of guidance on innovation opportunities

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00:12:02 delivered by the SAP Enterprise Support Academy.

00:12:06 Third, efficiency through personalized collaboration with SAP:

00:12:13 This means optimized cloud usage experience through direct access

00:12:18 to the SAP Enterprise Support advisory team and platforms for social collaboration.

00:12:27 Fourth, better business outcomes from your SAP solutions:

00:12:34 That means, tools and proactive services that help in identifying

00:12:38 and realizing the business value when using SAP solutions.

00:12:44 In summary, SAP Enterprise Support represents a substantial commitment

00:12:49 for reliability, innovation, and value realization.

00:13:00 As described in the beginning of this unit, SAP provides you

00:13:04 with a consistent support experience for both,

00:13:07 on-premise and cloud editions based on SAP Enterprise Support.

00:13:13 This consistent support experience not only applies to SAP S/4HANA,

00:13:19 but also has been expanded to other SAP cloud services,

00:13:23 for example, SuccessFactors, as you can see here on the slide, further as well.

00:13:33 On top of SAP Enterprise Support, SAP MaxAttention is available for customers

00:13:42 that require an additional level of individual support, for example,

00:13:47 for solutions for business innovation and differentiation powered by the SAP HANA Platform,

00:13:54 or specific business outcomes and additional individualization through premium services.

00:14:03 Before concluding the session, please let me now summarize

00:14:08 the key aspects discussed in this unit:

00:14:13 SAP S/4HANA editions benefit from powerful SAP support services

00:14:19 for mission-critical, proactive support driving the business outcomes and value realization.

00:14:28 There is a harmonized support experience across all SAP S/4HANA editions,

00:14:35 on-premise and cloud, based on SAP Enterprise Support editions.

00:14:43 There is a seamless end-to-end support experience in hybrid SAP landscapes

00:14:48 driven by the SAP ONE Support principles embedded in SAP Enterprise Support,

00:14:55 and additional individualization through the next generation of SAP MaxAttention is available.

00:15:03 Further information related to the content of this unit

00:15:06 is available under the links stated on this page.

00:15:11 Now, thank you for listening in. This concludes Week 4, Unit 3: Support.

00:15:17 We hope to see you again in the next unit,

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00:15:19 when Sven Denecken will show you Customer Examples & Scenarios.

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00:00:13 Hello and welcome to Unit 4, Customer Examples & Scenarios.

00:00:18 In the previous unit we provided information

00:00:21 where to find the appropriate support for SAP S/4HANA.

00:00:25 In this unit I will show you different customer examples and scenarios

00:00:29 that might help you to find your individual best area to digitally transform your business.

00:00:35 Of course, these examples are based on real co-innovation and customer examples,

00:00:40 though due to time we focused on the most impressing examples

00:00:45 for business value, innovation, and unique value seen in projects.

00:00:50 Let’s get started!

00:00:54 The use case example, real-time process enables soft close anytime:

00:01:00 This is relevant across all industries. Let’s have a look into it.

00:01:05 A traditional measurement for the finance organization is the speed

00:01:08 at which companies close their books.

00:01:11 In benchmarking studies, SAP Value Engineering found

00:01:15 that the top quartile-performing companies achieve

00:01:20 the annual financial close in 26% fewer days than their peers,

00:01:25 resulting in 61% lower general ledger and closing costs.

00:01:31 The business value of S/4HANA brings here is clear.

00:01:35 And here are some highlights: A universal journal for both,

00:01:40 financial accounting and controlling data;

00:01:43 aggregation on the fly of transactional activities and tables;

00:01:48 central finance to consolidate many back ends, even from several vendors.

00:01:54 And the innovation, you might ask? It’s real-time oversight of the close progress,

00:02:00 it’s real-time insight into financial results, and it’s continuous intra-month processes,

00:02:06 so finance and business are in lock-step. So the unique value is obvious:

00:02:12 Drive one common view of your financial data to ensure

00:02:17 enterprise-wide consistency to minimize reconciliation;

00:02:22 enable real-time processes for instant insight to make timely and relevant decisions;

00:02:27 use prediction, simulation, and analysis to evaluate

00:02:33 financial implications of strategic business choices.

00:02:38 And want some quantified value? Let’s look at SAP itself:

00:02:42 400 hours cut from period-end close; 86% faster real-time analytics;

00:02:48 2.5 faster cost postings and now heading to soft close every day.

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00:02:57 Let’s go to the next use case example with the business process planning

00:03:02 and predictive finance which, again, is relevant cross-industry.

00:03:07 How to best obtain instant financial analytics

00:03:10 across multiple dimensions of finance and operations?

00:03:14 And even further, how to best employ modeling and prediction

00:03:19 to evaluate the financial implications of strategic business options.

00:03:25 And as well, use planning and what-if simulations for both:

00:03:30 a backward- and a forward-looking perspective on your business.

00:03:35 This is what S/4HANA enables better than any other solution.

00:03:40 The business value will be huge, especially the ability for rapidly building of models,

00:03:47 real-time predictions and simulations, and comparison of dimensions.

00:03:53 The innovation provided enables real-time revenue and cost analysis,

00:03:58 the real-time liquidity forecast and continuous planning and forecasting.

00:04:05 And then unique value, only S/4HANA can bring, is especially around building representations

00:04:12 of the most likely business scenario for revenue, margin, and operational costs.

00:04:19 How to exploit patterns, trends, and variances, and correlations

00:04:24 that directly drive financial business performance and

00:04:29 anticipate cash-flow issues and take preventive actions.

00:04:34 So the quantified value includes increased forecast accuracy,

00:04:39 improved margin, and optimized cash flow. And there is another one:

00:04:46 A use case for the one-to-one digital marketing, relevant, again, cross-industry

00:04:52 because we need to cater to the segment of one.

00:04:55 Today companies need to leverage mass volumes of digital customer data

00:05:00 and engage them with information for deeper insights

00:05:05 to deliver a one-to-one personalized customer experience

00:05:10 if they want to stay relevant.

00:05:13 In fact, most businesses are already, today, influenced by the consumer directly.

00:05:19 We are living in a c-to-b economy, consumer to business.

00:05:27 SAP Value Engineering found marketing organizations that excel at cross-channel integration

00:05:34 and data-driven marketing achieve 61% greater revenue

00:05:39 from new customers and 32% lower marketing spend.

00:05:46 The business value is clear: Gain real-time insights into customer intent,

00:05:51 deliver a contextually relevant approach

00:05:55 and run marketing with speed and agility.

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00:05:59 The innovation of S/4HANA allows the blending of structured

00:06:05 and unstructured data, real-time execution at the instant of engagement

00:06:12 and real-time operational insights and collaboration.

00:06:16 And the unique value allows to leverage the real-time context

00:06:21 to drive relevant engagements with known and unknown customers.

00:06:26 To develop the full context of individual customers

00:06:30 for individualized engagements at every stage.

00:06:34 And last but not least, understanding marketing activity performance

00:06:39 to optimally plan your resources for customer advocacy and growth.

00:06:45 We have already seen quantified value in projects

00:06:50 with 24% higher revenue growth from new customers;

00:06:55 30% higher growth in market share

00:06:57 and 22% fewer full-time employees to achieve the above.

00:07:04 Now, to one of my favorites: It is the impact to manufacturing and supply chain

00:07:11 of material requirements planning, MRP, in the real-time era.

00:07:18 There is a wide range of different kinds of inventory, material receipts,

00:07:22 and material requirements that have to be considered by the MRP run.

00:07:28 Examples of different material receipts include, for example,

00:07:33 planned orders, production orders, purchase requisitions, purchase orders,

00:07:38 stock transfer, reservations, and delivery schedule lines.

00:07:40 You see it is complex. The example of material requirements include:

00:07:47 sales orders, forecast requirements, planned independent requirements,

00:07:52 dependent requirements, stock transfer requirements,

00:07:56 and, of course, subcontracting requirements. So you see again,

00:08:01 the information about material receipts and requirements

00:08:05 is stored in a huge amount of different tables and sources.

00:08:09 That creates dependencies and dependencies of dependencies.

00:08:14 So what is the use case here that is relevant across all industries as well?

00:08:20 A faster re-planning for more frequent material requirements planning runs

00:08:25 is a unique value and competitive edge for companies,

00:08:30 especially, if they can do it in shorter cycles with global information

00:08:36 and cross-plant planning where demand information is propagated faster

00:08:41 through the supply chain, and of course, including the supply network collaboration.

00:08:49 It is faster reactions to demand changes and reducing the risk of stock-outs

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00:08:55 and allow reduced safety stocks, which lets users run what-if scenarios

00:09:00 in real time to make their decisions faster.

00:09:05 There is a huge positive impact and, of course, clear business value,

00:09:10 like real-time insight into inventory postings and values,

00:09:15 increased accuracy of inventory levels and decreased need for safety stock.

00:09:23 So with S/4 HANA we’re innovating around a pre-evaluated solution proposal,

00:09:28 one-click execution of the picked proposal and real-time insight

00:09:34 into material planning KPIs, just to mention a few.

00:09:39 A unique value, that only S/4HANA can bring, are those pre-evaluated

00:09:45 solution proposals with a simulation for every proposal you want to take.

00:09:50 It’s a flexible tailoring of available capacities and receipts

00:09:55 to meet required quantities and real-time inventory monitoring

00:10:00 in automating the creation of procurement proposals.

00:10:05 We have already seen in projects quantified value with improved

00:10:10 on-time delivery, increased inventory turnover,

00:10:15 lower inventory write-offs, 50% faster production planning operations,

00:10:20 and a dramatic speed increase of more than 90%,

00:10:24 which has helped customers to improve how it manages

00:10:29 their supply chain in the reaction of the consumer.

00:10:34 The other one is the availability-to-promise, ATP, check which is an integral part

00:10:39 of the business process that determines if the required delivery quantity

00:10:44 can be met on a required delivery date - even important for a sales guy out there.

00:10:50 Imagine the world where the consumer rules your business and can walk away

00:10:56 at a click speed, you would still rely on lengthy processes to cope with that.

00:11:04 So you need real time, not just speed.

00:11:07 For this purpose the system takes into account pre-delivery activities such as

00:11:13 scheduling for picking or packing times and the time taken to produce or obtain the material.

00:11:21 It also performs several background functions such as backorder processing,

00:11:26 rescheduling, and ATP quantities.

00:11:31 So if you ever dream about catering to the segment of one,

00:11:35 check out this use case which is again cross-industry relevant.

00:11:40 The increasing complexity can limit a manufacturer’s ability

00:11:45 to provide on-time accurate order fulfillment.

00:11:49 S/4HANA provides advanced ATP and allocation checks as well as

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00:11:55 intelligent resource allocation and rescheduling in a single system for

00:11:59 real-time, accurate information and efficient resource utilization.

00:12:08 So with that the business value is absolutely clear:

00:12:11 real-time availability and allocation checks,

00:12:15 fully automated substitution and a single view on resource availability

00:12:21 in a scheduling at the time so one clicks a button on your webshop.

00:12:26 With the innovation only S/4HANA can bring you,

00:12:29 you will have that real-time scarce product allocation.

00:12:33 You will have automatic selection of substitutes by the use case.

00:12:38 And you will have an intelligent resource utilization and rescheduling.

00:12:44 And, of course, again, there are unique values achieved:

00:12:49 The utilization of a single system for advanced ATP and allocation checks:

00:12:55 It’s just one system; the automated intelligent selection of manufacturing

00:13:00 and fulfillment resources, including rescheduling;

00:13:05 the provision of more accurate and efficient product availability and allocation.

00:13:10 We have already again seen the quantified value:

00:13:15 a higher order fulfillment and on-time delivery rate;

00:13:20 a reduced inventory carrying costs and an improved plant utilization rate.

00:13:28 Let us add, in this unit, another one.

00:13:32 The backflushing of automatic accounting of material consumed for production

00:13:38 at the time of confirmation, for example, when an automobile is rolled out

00:13:44 from assembly line, most probably 4 wheels and tires are deemed to be

00:13:51 consumed and issued to production order automatically by way of backflushing by the system.

00:13:58 So in the fast digital economy, the use case of high-volume inventory backflushing

00:14:04 is very interesting, cross-industry again.

00:14:08 Traditionally, inventory status is calculated overnight, leading to

00:14:15 unplanned shortages, production delays, and missed customer orders.

00:14:21 With S/4HANA a real-time, high-volume inventory backflushing

00:14:27 dramatically increases the inventory accuracy, allows for uninterrupted production,

00:14:34 lower safety-stock levels, and the opportunity to reduce the batch sizes.

00:14:40 The availability of business value will be around merged inventory levels

00:14:46 and activity posting; real-time, high-volume processing

00:14:51 and a highly granular analysis and planning.

00:14:55 And the innovation we have at hand is real-time product availability,

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00:15:02 increased turnover of your inventory and the opportunity to reduce

00:15:08 the effort with your current production in batch sizes.

00:15:13 The unique value S/4HANA is bringing to the table is to gain that

00:15:18 instant transparency due to real-time processing of inventory consumption

00:15:24 and increased planning and forecasting accuracy

00:15:28 with highly granular inventory analysis and then improved

00:15:33 order fulfillment due to greater inventory accuracy.

00:15:37 And we have already seen that quantified value with fewer stock-outs

00:15:42 and increased turnover with improved order fulfillment

00:15:46 and lower safety-stock levels which just is very costly.

00:15:53 So let us summarize this unit with one important observation:

00:15:58 Regardless of each customer’s starting point,

00:16:02 the first step is always the same: planning

00:16:08 To assist customers with this, SAP offers a value identification workshop

00:16:12 to help to define the best place to start with the SAP S/4HANA journey.

00:16:18 These workshops are based on SAP’s Best Practices like you have seen above

00:16:23 and frameworks that are proven to accelerate adoption.

00:16:27 Your value identification workshop is ready now, so please connect with us.

00:16:35 This concludes Week 4, Unit 4, Customer Examples & Scenarios.

00:16:42 There are much more use cases already out there.

00:16:46 I trust this sample gave you some valuable insights and motivation.

00:16:51 See you in the next unit where we’ll provide an overall summary of this entire course.

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00:00:11 You did it, you made it to the final unit of this openSAP course SAP S/4HANA - the Deep Dive.

00:00:18 I hope you enjoyed following us over the past weeks,

00:00:21 learning and discussing with us about the different aspects of SAP S/4HANA.

00:00:27 As you have seen, we structured the course along the typical customer lifecycle.

00:00:32 We started with the motivation for SAP S/4HANA.

00:00:37 Then we moved to getting started and we took you on a journey to discover the solution,

00:00:43 including various lines of business, the architecture, migration, and, of course, also the service


00:00:52 Finally, we discussed service and support and in the previous unit

00:00:56 I showed you a couple of customer examples.

00:01:00 What we will do now in this summary unit is to present you my favorite key takeaways.

00:01:07 Okay, let me start with my recap of the course weeks.

00:01:14 We started with the why for SAP S/4HANA

00:01:17 because that's one thing we fundamentally need to agree.

00:01:21 Customers today are looking for ways to transform their business

00:01:26 and cater to our digitized, networked, yet complex world.

00:01:31 They need to deliver services rather than products,

00:01:34 and everything needs to happen fast, so innovation with speed is key.

00:01:40 But it is not speed only.

00:01:42 Customers are looking to improve their decisions, processes, and products next.

00:01:48 Ultimately, they need to cater towards new business models.

00:01:53 This is where we come in with simplifying the core of their business -

00:01:58 with SAP S/4HANA, the digital core.

00:02:04 From HANA to S/4HANA:

00:02:07 Let's take an example with our in-memory database and our platform SAP HANA.

00:02:14 For half a decade there has been an ongoing discussion about the value of speed.

00:02:21 If you look at it from a velocity perspective but frame the conversation within the existing


00:02:28 you end up rating the solution in best case as an accelerator for business process

00:02:35 with very limited business impact because you have a bottom-line conversation.

00:02:41 But as soon as you understand the impact of a move out-of-the-box

00:02:46 and reimagine the fundamental design of business processes,

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00:02:51 you are able to transform to new business models and impact the business outcome directly.

00:02:58 The entire modelling process can change from a push to a pull from a user perspective.

00:03:03 That is what S/4HANA is standing for: enabling the digital economy.

00:03:11 So my top 3 are: Increasing the efficiency.

00:03:15 S/4HANA allows the redesign of business processes from push to pull.

00:03:21 Data preparation and pre-designing questions is no longer required in the enterprise of the


00:03:28 Batch orientation is not directly related to the business process, this needs to change.

00:03:36 In the very moment a customer implements a solution based on a blueprint,

00:03:41 the system is built on old boundary conditions.

00:03:45 The new design allows to ask any question and get answers on the fly

00:03:50 and adapt for ongoing change quickly.

00:03:54 Second, increase effectiveness.

00:03:57 The simulation engine enables new scenarios and new and different system behavior.

00:04:03 A rule-based and instantaneous decision support guides the user

00:04:08 and text mining as well as the ability to embed structured and unstructured data

00:04:14 in one business process ensures innovative business processes and business decisions.

00:04:21 And this leads to my third, increase agility.

00:04:26 Scattered information and data duplication that create different versions of the truth

00:04:33 are complicating the decisions and make it difficult for enterprises

00:04:37 to bring good ideas to market quickly and profitably.

00:04:42 With S/4HANA this is different, of course.

00:04:47 We always said: Cloud first, but not cloud only.

00:04:52 And in fact our roadmap has clearly shown that updates in the cloud edition every quarter

00:04:58 and in the on-premise edition every 9 to 12 months -

00:05:02 both from one code line - is the right way to go.

00:05:07 But cloud qualities do benefit the on-premise edition as well.

00:05:11 Topics like configuration, automation, and extension concept are great simplifiers for


00:05:19 And clearly, you can develop a cloud solution and derive an on-premise version from it,

00:05:26 but it does not work the other way around.

00:05:31 SAP S/4HANA simplifies many lines of business.

00:05:36 In those units we have shown the distinct value of areas like

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00:05:42 Finance, Supply Chain, R&D and Engineering, Sales, Service, Manufacturing

00:05:48 Sourcing & Procurement, Asset Management, Sustainability, Marketing & Commerce,

00:05:53 and Human Resources - so you see, S/4HANA touches it all.

00:05:59 And of course, our roadmap, available on the SAP Service Marketplace for our customers,

00:06:04 does not stop here, so use the sources we provided in this course

00:06:11 and in the forum and stay in touch.

00:06:15 One critical factor as you approach S/4HANA is from where you will begin your journey.

00:06:22 Our S/4HANA implementations take this into consideration

00:06:26 and are modeled for these various starting points.

00:06:31 There are many options, and SAP can help you to identify the business benefits

00:06:35 and plan your individual roadmap.

00:06:39 We have chosen to explain three key examples and roads to S/4HANA.

00:06:45 For each situation, the customer has full choice of deployment options

00:06:50 between cloud and on-premise and even hybrid.

00:06:55 Starting points like SAP Business Suite on any database,

00:07:00 customers with the SAP Suite on HANA, and customers who want that choice and flexibility

00:07:07 but a clear point of view from us - we do have it.

00:07:11 So SAP remains committed to protect our customers' investments.

00:07:16 We recently announced that we are extending our maintenance commitment

00:07:20 for the SAP Business Suite on any DB until at least 2025.

00:07:26 So you have time, but start now.

00:07:29 We continue to deliver innovations without disruption there and, of course,

00:07:35 already a lot of customers have chosen to put this suite already on HANA.

00:07:41 However, transformational business and IT simplification require a transformational platform.

00:07:49 And this is why SAP S/4HANA runs only on SAP HANA.

00:07:55 It is the logical step for our installed base customers and the biggest step forward

00:08:00 since more than 10 years, building on the upward compatibility with their SAP Business Suite.

00:08:07 With this, SAP Business Suite customers can take advantage of S/4HANA in a non-disruptive


00:08:16 We have also shown the tools and the support we are giving to master the move to SAP


00:08:25 Partners and SAP will provide a simple path for customers to move to S/4

00:08:31 with pre-defined migration and deployment packages for a quick time to value.

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00:08:37 And of course, using your existing tools.

00:08:42 And on top of that you rightfully expect a proactive and preventive support

00:08:48 from day one covering the complete lifecycle; here it is:

00:08:53 24x7 production down support on service level agreements,

00:08:59 integration of cloud solutions and end-to-end supportability of hybrid landscapes,

00:09:05 automation capabilities of SAP Solution Manager for on-premise and hybrid scenarios,

00:09:13 and a built-in SAP ONE support with capabilities providing a consistent

00:09:20 and meaningful support experience across all deployment options.

00:09:26 Let me summarize the key takeaways for the SAP S/4HANA solution from this course:

00:09:34 You will see great new developments. You have the choice of deployment.

00:09:40 And with an unmatched user experience you can change the interaction between the system

and the users.

00:09:47 And all of this is built natively on the SAP HANA capabilities

00:09:52 while we are achieving a significant footprint reduction to tackle your TCO and free up cash.

00:10:01 So, this is the finish sprint for this course; great we had you with us.

00:10:07 But I am happy to say that the S/4HANA learning journey on openSAP does not end here.

00:10:14 We will provide more details in the near future about the diverse aspects of SAP S/4HANA

00:10:20 via use cases that we discussed here and, of course, in the previous nutshell course.

00:10:27 So please stay tuned for the upcoming openSAP course announcements.

00:10:32 If you are interested in further trainings from SAP Education, please visit training.sap.com and

the SAP Learning Hub.

00:10:43 Before I end this last unit and the course, I want to wish you good luck for the final exam

00:10:50 and that you earn sufficient points towards your record of achievement.

00:10:55 And please do not forget that you still have the opportunity to provide us feedback

00:11:01 in the discussion forum and in the I like/I wish section.

00:11:06 Please follow us in the SAP Developer Network community, SDN,

00:11:10 or myself via LinkedIn or Twitter to stay on top of the latest and greatest.

00:11:16 Thank you very much and see you again in the next openSAP course.

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