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INTEGRATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 Smarteam Database ............................................................................................................................................... 3

Using of Smarteam tool : « Smarteam Data Model Designer » ............................................................................................ 3

Class Creation for a SEE Document ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Class Creation for Appended Document .............................................................................................................................. 8 Define Class Attributes ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Composition Rule Setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 12

Smarteam Environment ....................................................................................................................................... 14

File Type Definition ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 Synchronization between a See document and a Smarteam document ............................................................................... 21

SEE Environment ................................................................................................................................................. 25

Data Model ......................................................................................................................................................................... 26 SmarTeam Synchronization ........................................................................................................................................... 26 Smarteam Class Used ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 File Type Management ................................................................................................................................................... 28 Advanced Settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 28

Attribute Mapping .............................................................................................................................................................. 29 Synchronization between Paired Attributes when Opening SEE Project within Smarteam ........................................... 30 Synchronization between Paired Attributes at Saving SEE Project within Smarteam.................................................... 30

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In order for the SEE SEE SEE SEE –––– Smarteam IntegrationSmarteam IntegrationSmarteam IntegrationSmarteam Integration process to work flawlessly, a certain degree of customization

of both the SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam database, script and the SEE environment is necessary.

Smarteam DatabaseSmarteam DatabaseSmarteam DatabaseSmarteam Database

UsingUsingUsingUsing ofofofof Smarteam tool :Smarteam tool :Smarteam tool :Smarteam tool : «««« Smarteam Data Model DesignerSmarteam Data Model DesignerSmarteam Data Model DesignerSmarteam Data Model Designer »»»» To modify a Database already existing. Launch the Smarteam tool “Smarteam Data Model Designer”

You enter the login name and password (or you enter “joe” without password on the SmDemo database)

To integrate See in Smarteam, we have to modify the database structure. For this, in the first window you click on “File” and after you click on the option “Modify Database Structure” (see the following window)

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� You select the database to modify

� Click Next

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Class Creation Class Creation Class Creation Class Creation for a SEE Documentfor a SEE Documentfor a SEE Documentfor a SEE Document

� In “Define Class”, it’s here that you create the Classes for See Electrical Expert, one for the documents See, and another for the appended files. In the part “Documents” you have the possibility to create a specific branch for See (It’s not obligatories). In the following window I

create a Class “IGE” (In fact this class it’s a folder where I’m going to create the two others classes)

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� Under the class "IGE" you create the first class

You can create a new class for a document See and name it as follows,

Class Name = See Electrical Expert See Electrical Expert See Electrical Expert See Electrical Expert DocDocDocDocumentumentumentument

Display Name = See Electrical Expert See Electrical Expert See Electrical Expert See Electrical Expert DocDocDocDocumentumentumentument


Make sure the ““““Add as Top LevelAdd as Top LevelAdd as Top LevelAdd as Top Level”””” option is checked.

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You can also specify an icon for this new class.

Class Creation for Appended DocumentClass Creation for Appended DocumentClass Creation for Appended DocumentClass Creation for Appended Document � Always under the class "IGE" you create the second class

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You can create a new class for the appended files and name it as follows,

• Class Name = See Appended FileSee Appended FileSee Appended FileSee Appended Filessss

• Display Name = See Appended FileSee Appended FileSee Appended FileSee Appended Filessss


Make sure the ““““Add as Top LevelAdd as Top LevelAdd as Top LevelAdd as Top Level”””” option is checked.

You can also specify an icon for this new class.

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Define Class AttributesDefine Class AttributesDefine Class AttributesDefine Class Attributes � After to have created the classes, The next window allows to define the attributes for each Classes.

If you want to create specifics attributes linked with a class, click on a Class name and click on the “Attributes” icon in order to define Attributes for this Class.

In the “Sample Entities” window, add or delete Class Attributes.

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Click on an Attribute in order to define its characteristics. In the “Definition” window, define the Name, Display Name, Type, Language and Lookup table for the selected Class Attribute

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Composition Rule SetupComposition Rule SetupComposition Rule SetupComposition Rule Setup

In left part, search and click on the link class “Document Tree” , in the middle part you have four tabs,

Click on the “Composition” tab. In the Composition window, select a Class in order to define its sons,

meaning which objects can be added as a son to the selected Class.

Select the See Electrical Expert See Electrical Expert See Electrical Expert See Electrical Expert DocDocDocDocuuuumentmentmentment class from the Class tree view and make sure the See See See See AppendedAppendedAppendedAppended FileFileFileFilessss class is checked, in order to allow appended files to be created as children of SEE documents.

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Smarteam Smarteam Smarteam Smarteam EnvironmentEnvironmentEnvironmentEnvironment

File Type DefinitionFile Type DefinitionFile Type DefinitionFile Type Definition You need to define a new file type for a SEE document, allowing SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam to associate SEE with this file


Within the Smarteam EditorSmarteam EditorSmarteam EditorSmarteam Editor, click on “Tools / Configuration Options / Lookup Tables…”

The following dialogue box is displayed:

Select “File TypeFile TypeFile TypeFile Type “ and click the “Values” button.

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The following dialogue box is displayed. Click on the button “Modify” and

In the NameNameNameName field, delete the text which already exist and type in “See Electrical Expert V4” and in the

DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescription field, type in “See Electrical Expert V4”.

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Click the “Add” button. You can now close the windows.

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Within the Smarteam EditorSmarteam EditorSmarteam EditorSmarteam Editor, click on “Tools / Application Setup ”

The following dialogue box is displayed, Scroll down until you find the SeeSeeSeeSee ElectricalElectricalElectricalElectrical ExpertExpertExpertExpert V4V4V4V4 file type

(created in the previous step). And you Select it.

click “Tools”. The following window is displayed:

From the ToolsToolsToolsTools section, click the “ Add “ button.

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The following window is displayed:

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Inform the different fields

Click “OK”

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As you make your selection, many other fields will be automatically filled in. Leave them with their default values.


Then click on the Embedded ViewerEmbedded ViewerEmbedded ViewerEmbedded Viewer tab.

From the ToolsToolsToolsTools section, click the AddAddAddAdd button.

The following window is displayed:

Fill in the values as shown in this previous dialog image and click OKOKOKOK.

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Click CloseCloseCloseClose.

Synchronization between a See document and a Smarteam Synchronization between a See document and a Smarteam Synchronization between a See document and a Smarteam Synchronization between a See document and a Smarteam documentdocumentdocumentdocument

It is necessary to connect a specific Smarteam script (delivered by IGE+XAO) on different operation.

• In the directory ToolsToolsToolsTools\\\\Smarteam integrationSmarteam integrationSmarteam integrationSmarteam integration\\\\scriptscriptscriptscript there is two scripts SetDesc_IGE.bsSetDesc_IGE.bsSetDesc_IGE.bsSetDesc_IGE.bs and sync_SMARTtoSEE.bssync_SMARTtoSEE.bssync_SMARTtoSEE.bssync_SMARTtoSEE.bs, , , , (this file is installed by the See Electrical Expert setup). Copy this file in the directory scriptscriptscriptscript\\\\ of Smarteam installation directory (by default it’s “C:\Program Files\Smarteam\Scripts”).

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• In Admin Console of Smarteam, launch the Smarteam tools “Script Maintenance”Script Maintenance”Script Maintenance”Script Maintenance”

• Click on the class See Electrical Expert Document See Electrical Expert Document See Electrical Expert Document See Electrical Expert Document and double click in the column “After” of the operation ““““Life Cycle Stage 2Life Cycle Stage 2Life Cycle Stage 2Life Cycle Stage 2””””

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• At this window you select with a double click the script sync_SMARTtoSEE.bssync_SMARTtoSEE.bssync_SMARTtoSEE.bssync_SMARTtoSEE.bs (in the first part “file name”), the script appear in the second part (Functions) and in the third part we have the code. Click the button OK to validate the window.

• We must to have the following result

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• You repeat the same process, for the others functions to connect, on the different operations of the class “See Electrical Expert Document”. The final result must to be :


Add SetDescription

On Life Cycle click Check In OnLifeCycleCheckIn

On Life Cycle click Release OnLifeCycleRelease

Check In CheckIn CheckInAfter

Release Release ReleaseAfter

Edit EditFun EditAfter

View EditFun EditAfter

Life Cycle Stage 2 Sync_SMARTtoSEE

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SEE EnvironmentSEE EnvironmentSEE EnvironmentSEE Environment

It is necessary to specify, in SEE, various settings for proper synchronization with SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam.

Click Environment/MethodsEnvironment/MethodsEnvironment/MethodsEnvironment/Methods within the SEE EditorSEE EditorSEE EditorSEE Editor.

The following window is displayed:

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Data ModelData ModelData ModelData Model

Click in the left section.

This tab allows specifying the SEESEESEESEE settings to use for proper synchronisation with SmarTeamSmarTeamSmarTeamSmarTeam, ex:

SmarTeam SynchronizationSmarTeam SynchronizationSmarTeam SynchronizationSmarTeam Synchronization Make sure the proper Attribute nameAttribute nameAttribute nameAttribute name is entered in the field:

The synchronization attribute, specified in the field, is automatically updated in the SEE SEE SEE SEE Project when you open it following the execution of a Smarteam/Life Cycle/Check Out…Smarteam/Life Cycle/Check Out…Smarteam/Life Cycle/Check Out…Smarteam/Life Cycle/Check Out… or Smarteam/Life Cycle/New Smarteam/Life Cycle/New Smarteam/Life Cycle/New Smarteam/Life Cycle/New Release…Release…Release…Release… operation within the SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam Application.

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This attribute has to be created in the “project attributes”

Note See also : Synchronization between a See document and Smarteam document

The update occurs because at the execution of the referred operations, a new Document is created and consequently – a new OBJECT_ID in the SmarteSmarteSmarteSmarteamamamam Database. A special script, update the value of the synchronization attribute within SEESEESEESEE with the OBJECT_ID of the new SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam Document.

(For further information on connecting scripts with life cycles, using SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam tools, refer to the SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam Documentation.)

Smarteam Class UsedSmarteam Class UsedSmarteam Class UsedSmarteam Class Used

Make sure the proper values are entered:

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File Type ManagementFile Type ManagementFile Type ManagementFile Type Management Make sure the proper File TypeFile TypeFile TypeFile Type is defined for the SEE Document:

For each file extension you wish to be identified as an appended file, make sure the proper association is made between the file extension, the class used for this extension and the SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam file type used.

Advanced SettingsAdvanced SettingsAdvanced SettingsAdvanced Settings Normally, the default values for these settings are correct for most SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam installations. It is possible to

change them simply if you wish to allow some flexibility in case SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam has to change the system values used by the SEE SEE SEE SEE –––– Smarteam IntegrationSmarteam IntegrationSmarteam IntegrationSmarteam Integration.

Click the button.

The following window is displayed:

These settings define which SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam attributes are used for the directory information, the file name information and the file description information.


The FileFileFileFile descriptiondescriptiondescriptiondescription InformationInformationInformationInformation attribute will be the attribute used for create the name of new see document with the command “Save As” of Smarteam menu in See Electrical Expert. You can use another Smarteam attribute.

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Attribute MappingAttribute MappingAttribute MappingAttribute Mapping Within this tab you define the correspondence between SEE Project attributes and SmarTeam Document Object attributes.

““““SEE Project AttributeSEE Project AttributeSEE Project AttributeSEE Project Attribute”””” FiFiFiFieldeldeldeld

Click on the within this field to select, from the scrolling list that opens, the desired project attribute to map - you cannot type in this field.

The list contains all SEE Project Attributes listed by their names, read from the Sheet & Sheet & Sheet & Sheet & AttributesAttributesAttributesAttributes method.

““““SMARTEAM AttributeSMARTEAM AttributeSMARTEAM AttributeSMARTEAM Attribute”””” FFFFieldieldieldield

Enter manually the name of the desired Smarteam Attribute to be mapped with the selected SEE Project Attribute.

““““PriorityPriorityPriorityPriority”””” FFFFieldieldieldield

Specify, for your pair of attributes, whether and which one of the two applications – SEE or SMARTEAM – will have priority.


The NONENONENONENONE option is filled in by default whenever you add a new SEE Project Attirbute to map.

After you define a mapping pair, a new empty line automatically appears allowing you to define the next one, if desired.

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When you open a SEESEESEESEE Project from SMARTEAMSMARTEAMSMARTEAMSMARTEAM, the values of the SMARTEAM SMARTEAM SMARTEAM SMARTEAM attributes being parts of mapping pairs for which the PriorityPriorityPriorityPriority was set to ““““SMARTEAM INTEGRATION”””” or ““““NONE”””” are transferred to the respective SEESEESEESEE Project Attributes.


You can delete a defined mapping pair by clicking within the SEE Project AttributeSEE Project AttributeSEE Project AttributeSEE Project Attribute field to select the whole line and pressing the ““““DeleteDeleteDeleteDelete”””” key of the keyboard afterwards.

Synchronization between Paired Attributes when Opening SEE Project within Synchronization between Paired Attributes when Opening SEE Project within Synchronization between Paired Attributes when Opening SEE Project within Synchronization between Paired Attributes when Opening SEE Project within SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam

When, within Smarteam, Smarteam, Smarteam, Smarteam, you open a SEESEESEESEE Project, synchronization process is performed for the paired attributes provided:

The SEESEESEESEE Project is associated to SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam

Thus, when opening the respective SEESEESEESEE Project, the Smarteam Document Object associated to this project is identified.

Pairs of the desired attributes from the two applications were defined in the Attributes Mapping Attributes Mapping Attributes Mapping Attributes Mapping tab of the SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam Method within SEE. SEE. SEE. SEE.

– If, however, one of the attributes, of which a mapping pair is composed, is missing,

synchronization is not performed for this pair.

The Priority Priority Priority Priority being set for the particular mapping pairs is ““““SMARTEAM INTEGRATION”””” or ““““NONE””””....

The SEE SEE SEE SEE Project is being opened in mode different from “for copy”.“for copy”.“for copy”.“for copy”.

If all of the above conditions are satisfied, then when you open a SEESEESEESEE Document from SMARTEAM,SMARTEAM,SMARTEAM,SMARTEAM, the values of the SMARTEAMSMARTEAMSMARTEAMSMARTEAM attributes being parts of correctly defined mapping pairs are

transferred to their respective SEE SEE SEE SEE Project Attributes associated.

Synchronization between Paired Attributes at Saving SEE Project within Synchronization between Paired Attributes at Saving SEE Project within Synchronization between Paired Attributes at Saving SEE Project within Synchronization between Paired Attributes at Saving SEE Project within SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam When, within Smarteam, Smarteam, Smarteam, Smarteam, you save a SEESEESEESEE Project by either:

– • executing the Smarteam/Save or Smarteam/Save As… commands


– closing the Project


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– performing any of the Smarteam/Life Cycle... Smarteam/Life Cycle... Smarteam/Life Cycle... Smarteam/Life Cycle... commands such as: Check In, Check Out, Release, New Release, Obsolete, Undo Check Out

Synchronization process is performed for the paired attributes provided:

The respective SEESEESEESEE Project is associated to SmarteamSmarteamSmarteamSmarteam

Thus, when opening the respective SEESEESEESEE Project, the Smarteam Document Object associated to this project is identified.

Pairs of the desired attributes from the two applications were defined in the Attributes Mapping Attributes Mapping Attributes Mapping Attributes Mapping tab of the SmarTeamSmarTeamSmarTeamSmarTeam Method within SEE. SEE. SEE. SEE.

– If one of the attributes to compose a mapping pair is missing, synchronization is not

performed for this pair.

The Priority Priority Priority Priority being set for the particular mapping pairs is ““““SEE”””” or ““““NONE””””....

If these conditions are satisfied, when saving a SEESEESEESEE Project within SMARTEAM SMARTEAM SMARTEAM SMARTEAM through any of the actions quoted above, the values of the SEE SEE SEE SEE Project Attributes being parts of correctly defined mapping pairs are transferred to their respective SMARTEAMSMARTEAMSMARTEAMSMARTEAM attributes – on the Smarteam Document Object.

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