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Page 1: Operations and Productivity 3

Unit 1

Concepts of Managing Operations

Chapter 1: Operations and Productivity

Lesson 1: Operations function & evolution of POM

Learning Objectives

After reading this lesson you will be able to understand

Operations system in manufacturing and service organizations

Conversion process

Historical evolution of POM

Good Morning students, today we are going to embark on a journey to understand and

appreciate the meaning and significance of operations function in a contemporary organization.

We are going to trace the evolution of POM briefly.

I welcome you all and hope you have an eminently enjoyable and enriching experience.

With that, I seek your permission to get on with the proceedings.

Here we go.

An Overview

To put the things in the right perspective, let me start by giving you an overview—the shape of

things to come.

At the onset of the 1980s, while Japan's productivity continued its healthy surge the leaders of

business and government worldwide were alarmed that productivity" stagnating in the United States.

What had happened to the giant of commerce and industry?

What led to its lethargy?

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What have we learned in the ensuing years?

What can be done to restore its stately posture?

Answers to these questions reside in the way we manage our organizations and their operations.

While U.S. productivity waned, Americans grew increasingly concerned about other related

issues: maintaining adequate energy sources, protecting the environment and meeting the demand for

goods and services at home and abroad. These facts continue to impose complex demands on our

organizations. Today management faces unparalleled challenges from a society more educated,

affluent, demanding, and concerned than ever before, and from international competition keener than

ever before. Never before have this challenges-and the costs of failure-been greater.

What is operations system?

Let us now turn our attention to an operation system.

Can you define it?

Well ,essentially two characteristics

Part of an organization.

Produces the organization’s physical goods and services

Let us first understand the reasons for what many feel over-emphasis on operations management.

The complexities of our contemporary world have heightened our dependence on organizations and

the people who manage them, yet often we fail to understand and appreciate the process of

management. Moreover, as we've learned from foreign competitors, we have seriously neglected the

operations of our organizations. We have taken for granted our preeminence as capable producers. No

longer can we afford to do so. We need to reexamine the processes by which goods and services are

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created and to revitalize the ways that we manage the human and material resources for doing so. This

book aims to meet these needs. It presents the concepts, terminology, problems, and opportunities that

comprise operations management.

What is conversion process?

All of us, I am sure, are aware of the conversion process.

Can we say it is a:

Change process.

Changes/ converts inputs into outputs.

Inputs are- land, labour, capital (Others?)

Output is-well, goods and services, what else?

Time to consider an example.

Can you tell me how the operations system works for let’s say a farm?

Start thinking, Organize your thoughts and Focus on the components, one by one.

(Got it? Good.)

Inputs-what are they going to be?

Well, quite a few. i.e.


Farmer labor





Management skills of farmer

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On a farm the operations system is the transformation that occurs when the farmer's inputs (land,

equipment, labor, etc.) are converted into such outputs as corn, wheat, or milk. The exact form of the

conversion process varies from industry to industry, but it is an economic phenomenon that exists in

every industry. Economists refer to this transformation of resources into goods and services as the


Inputs go into what you call, Transformation/conversion process. But there would be something

called Random fluctuations. Can you think of examples of Random fluctuations?

How about:



Equipment breakdown

Government controls

Would these suffice?

o.k. then.

Let’s define Random fluctuations.

What are these? Any ideas?

It is unplanned or uncontrollable environmental influences.

What do they do?

It causes planned and actual output to differ.

It creates a bit of problem. Does not it?

Moving over to outputs.

Tell me the produce of a farm.

Outputs of farm are easy to comprehend i.e.


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Meat products

while in others it is a service (insurance, health care for the, elderly) What do such diverse organization

Taken in this context, the operations system (function) of an organization is the part that produces

the organization's products. In some organizations the product is a physical good (refrigerators,

breakfast cereal), while in others it is a service (insurance, health care for the elderly).

On the other hand,

Can you guess the pertinent aspects of Service-oriented businesses such as say, a dental health


There is a custom-tailored conversion.

Inputs would be the unique combination of:



Customer situations

Professional skills.

What would be the output?

Obviously, optimal dental care for the patient.

Let’s now turn our attention to:

Distinction between Manufacturing and service organizations

A conversion process that includes manufacturing (or production) yields a tangible output: a product.

In contrast, a conversion process that includes service yields an intangible output:

A deed,

A performance,

An effort.

Consider McDonnell Douglas Corporation (MDC), an aerospace firm and the United States' largest

defense contractor. Subsidiary Douglas Aircraft Company produces airplanes, clearly a product. Yet,

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other MDC components, such as the Information Systems Group (ISG), provide services. ISG, for

example, delivers computer services to hospitals, architects, and other businesses-services such as

programming, data analysis, and data storage using ISG's computers. Other MDC components launch

spacecraft, provide contract research services, assemble missiles, and design and manufacture fighter

aircraft. This mixture of service and manufacturing is typical of most aerospace firms.

What points assume importance in this regard?

The relevant points are:

Nature of output (Tangible/Intangible?)

Consumption of output

Nature of work/jobs

Degree of consumer contact

Customer participation in conversion

Measurement of performance

The conversion of inputs into outputs varies considerably with the technology used. By technology,

we mean the level of scientific sophistication in plant, equipment, skills, and product (or service) in

the conversion (transformation) process. A soft-drink bottling operation, for example, features a

highly mechanized, capital-intensive conversion process. A scientific research laboratory utilizes

highly trained, professional scientists and specialized equipment. Other industries use low-skilled

labor, minimal equipment, and simple processes to provide products and services.

We have already seem above how a Service-oriented businesses such as dental health clinic utilizes

custom-tailored conversion of the unique combination of tools, chemicals, customer situations, and

professional skill that provide the output of quality dental care for the patient.

To oversimplify, manufacturing is characterized by tangible outputs (products), Outputs that

customers consume over time, jobs that use less labor and more equipment, little customer contact, no

customer participation in the conversion process (in production), and sophisticated methods for

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measuring production activities and resource consumption, as products are made.

Service, on the other hand, is characterized by intangible outputs, outputs that customers consume

immediately, jobs that use more labor and less equipment, direct customer contact, frequent customer

participation in the conversion process, and elementary methods for measuring conversion activities

and resource consumption. Some service is equipment-based-computer programming services,

railroad services, and telephone services-whereas other service is people-based-tax accounting

services, hair styling and golf instruction.

Let's look a little closer at the extent to which customers participate in the conversion process. In

service operations, managers sometimes find it useful to distinguish between output and throughput

types of customer participation. Output is a generated service; throughput is an item going through the

process. In a pediatrics clinic the output is the medical service to the child who by going through the

conversion process. is also the throughput. At a fast-food restaurant, in contrast the customer does not

go through the conversion process. The outputs are hamburgers and french fries served in a hurry

(both goods and services). While the throughputs are the food items as they are prepared and

converted, the customer is neither a throughput nor an output. Both the clinic and the restaurant

provide services, even though the outputs and throughputs differ considerably.

Let us now take a brief and systematic journey in the evolution of POM.

Historical evolution of POM

Till 1930s: scientific management & F.W.Taylor

1930s-50s: Production management

1970s: Operations management

For over two centuries operations management has been recognized as an important factor in a

country's economic well being. Progressing through a series of names - manufacturing

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management, production management, and operations management-all of which describe the same

general discipline, the evolution of the term reflects the evolution of modern operations

management. The traditional view of manufacturing management began in the eighteenth century

when Adam Smith recognized the economic benefits of specialization of labor. He recommended

breaking jobs down into subtasks and reassigning workers to specialized tasks in which they would

become highly skilled and efficient. In the early twentieth century, Frederick W. Taylor

implemented Smith's theories and crusaded for scientific management throughout the vast

manufacturing complex of his day. Till about 1930, the traditional view prevailed, and many

techniques we still use-- today were developed.

Production management became the more widely accepted term from the 1930s through the

1950s. As Frederick Taylor's-work became more widely known, managers developed techniques

that focused on economic efficiency in manufacturing. Workers were "put under a microscope"

and studied in great detail to eliminate wasteful efforts and achieve greater efficiency. At this

same time, however, management also began discovering that workers have multiple needs, not

just economic needs. Psychologists, sociologists, and other social scientists began to study people

and human behavior in the work environment. In addition, economists, mathematicians, and

computer scientists contributed newer, more sophisticated analytical approaches.

With the 1970s emerge two distinct changes in our views. The most obvious of these, reflected in

the new name-operations management-was a shift in the service and manufacturing sectors of the

economy. As the service sector became more prominent, the change from "production" to

"operations" emphasized the broadening of our field to service organizations. The second, more

subtle change was the beginning of an emphasis on synthesis, rather than just analysis, in

management practices. Spearheaded most notably by Wickham Skinner, American industry was

awakened to its ignorance of the operations function as a vital weapon in the organization's overall

competitive strategy. Previously preoccupied with an intensive analytical orientation and an

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emphasis on marketing and finance, managers had failed to integrate operations activities

coherently into the highest levels of strategy and policy. Today, the operations function is

experiencing a renewed role as a vital strategic element. Consequently, organizational goals are

better focused to meet consumers' needs throughout the world.

Table 1: Historical Summary of OM

Year Concept Tool Originator

1910s Principles of scientific


Industrial psychology

Moving assembly line

Economic lot size

Formalized time-study

and work-study concepts

Motion study

Activity scheduling chart

EOQ applied to

inventory control

Frederick W. Taylor (U S.)

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth (U.S.)

Henry Ford and Henry L. Gantt


F. W. Harris (U.S.)

1930s Quality control

Hawthorne studies of

worker motivation

Sampling inspection and

statistical tables for

quality control

Activity sampling for

work analysis

Walter Shewhart, H. F. Dodge, and

H.G. Roming (U.S.)

Elton Mayo (U.S.) and L. H. C.

Tippett (England)

1940s Multidisciplinary team

approaches to complex

system problems

Simplex method of

linear programming

Operations research groups

(England) and George B. Dantzig




Extensive development

of operations research


Simulation, waiting-line

theory, decision theory,


programming, project

Many researchers in the U.S. and

Western Europe

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scheduling techniques of


1970s Widespread use of

computers in business

Service quality and


Shop scheduling,

inventory control,

forecasting. Project

management, MRP

Mass production in the

service sector

Led by computer manufacturers, in

particular, IBM; Joseph Orlicky and

Oliver Wight were the major MRP

innovators (U.S.)

McDonald’s restaurants

1980s Manufacturing strategy


JIT, TQC, and factory




Manufacturing as a

competitive weapon

Kanban, poka-yokes,


robots, etc.

Bottleneck analysis,

OPT, theory of


Harvard Business School faculty


Tai-Ichi Ohno of Toyota Motors

(Japan), W. E. Deming and J. M.

Juran (U.S.), and engineering

disciplines (U.S., Germany, and


Eliyahu M. Goldratt (Israel)

1990s Total quality


Baldrige quality award,

ISO 9000, quality

function development,

value and concurrent

engineering continuous

improvement paradigm

Radical change


National Institute of Standards and

Technology. American Society of

Quality Control (U. S.), and

International Organization for

Standardization (Europe)

Michael Hammer and major

consulting firms (U.S.)

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Business process


Electronic enterprise

Supply chain


Internet, World Wide


SAP/R3, client/server


U.S. government, Netscape

Communication Corporation, and

Microsoft Corporation

SAP (Germany), Oracle (U.S.)

2000s E-commerce Internet, World Wide


Amazon, eBay, America Online,


Systems view of operations

Before we focus our attention on the systems view, let us first attempt to define a system:

What is a system?

Collection of objects related by regular interaction and interdependence.

What is operations management?

Management of conversion processes.

Converts inputs into outputs (as explained earlier)

Classical school

Scientific management

Process orientation

Behavioral school

Human relations

Social systems

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Modeling school


Systems theory

Mathematical modeling.

What then is a system?

In a very general sense, a system is a collection of objects related by regular interaction and

interdependence. Systems can vary from the large-nationwide communications networks, for

example--a system for processing paperwork in an office, to help people communicate about a

system, proper systems are required to be installed in place.

A systems model of the organization identifies the subsystems, or subcomponents, that make up the

organization. A business firm might well have finance, marketing, accounting, personnel, engineering,

purchasing, and physical distribution systems in addition co the operations system. These systems are

not independent but are interrelated co one another in many vital ways. We have chosen to show

production/operations with major interactions between finance and marketing and lesser interactions

with other functions. Decisions made in the production/ operations subsystem often affect the

behavior and performance of other subsystems. Finally, we should understand that the boundaries

separating the various subsystems are not clear and distinct.

Where do the responsibilities of production/operations end and those of physical distribution


The answers to such questions are often unclear and sometimes never resolved.

What is mathematical modeling all about?

You all know very well what modeling is all about and what a model really is? Some of you might

also be aware of the effect it has on others.

What do you think should be the characteristic of a good model?

What do you say: 36-24-36? No one could possibly disagree with you.

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Mathematical Models

Mathematical models show the functional relationships among different variables by using

mathematical symbols and equations. In any equation, x. y. and similar symbols arc used to express

precise functional relationships among the variables.

The context in which we use the term Mathematical models refers to the creation of mathematical

representations of management problems and organizations in order to determine outcomes of

proposed courses of action. In spite of their utility, we must recognize models for what they are-

artificial representations of things that are real. As such, they fall short of fully duplicating their real

world counterparts. This incompleteness of models should not be interpreted as a strictly negative

feature. In fact, it can be desirable, because it clears away extraneous elements and concentrates on the

heart of the problem. The modeling process can give us a simplified version of the situation, a

representation in which all the minor considerations have been stripped away so the major factors are

clearly visible.

Thus, Mathematical modeling refers to the creation of mathematical representations of management

problems and organizations in order to determine outcomes of proposed courses of action.

They show functional relationship among variables by using mathematical symbols and equations.

Types of mathematical models

Commonly two types of mathematical models are used:

Optimization models

Optimization Operations managers often use models to help analyze problems and suggest solutions.

To assist, they often find it helpful to use an algorithm, a prescribed set of steps (a procedure) that

attains a goal. In optimization models, for example, we want to find the best solution (the goal), and an

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optimization algorithm identifies the steps for doing so. In operations management we strive for

optimization algorithms as aids in problem solving.

Heuristic models

Heuristics In other cases, a heuristic approach is used. A heuristic is a way (a strategy) of using rules

of thumb or defined decision procedures to attack a problem. In general, when we use heuristics we do

not expect to obtain the best possible solution to a problem; instead, we hope for a satisfactory

solution quickly. Formally developed heuristic procedures are called heuristic algorithms. They are

useful for problems for which optimization algorithms have not yet been developed.

Any problems?

Well, recognize models for what they are- artificial representation of things that are real.

Hence, they fall short of fully duplicating real life counterparts.

Right perspective

You get a simplified version of the situation-a representation in which all the minor considerations

have been stripped away so the major factors are clearly visible.

Problem Classification

Since the operations analyst encounters many different kinds of problems, it is a good idea to have a

convenient starting point, or frame of reference, for initiating the analysis. Classifying problems into

different types makes it easier to select models and criteria to use in the analysis. We'll consider two

ways of classifying problems: by the degree to which the outcome is uncertain. and by the degree to

which the decisions arc interdependent.

Element of Chance and Uncertainty

When we know for sure what the outcome of each decision will be, we are dealing with a problem

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under conditions of certainty. When a decision has more than one possible outcome and we know the

likelihood of each outcome, we are dealing with a problem under conditions of risk. Finally, when a

decision has more than one possible outcome and we do not know the likelihood of each outcome, we

are dealing with a problem under conditions of uncertainty. Some examples may clarify these

conditions of certainty, risk, and uncertainty.

Focus on the systems view of a contemporary business organization given below:

Product demand

R & D and Engineering

Information systems

Human resources

Financial And Accounting

Marketing Operations


You have been working hard. Take a break now. Go to the market. Shop. Come back home.

It’s approaching suppertime. Why don’t you help mother in preparing dishes?


Now illustrate the various components of operations system of a departmental store and your

kitchen. Also draw a flow chart for the above activities.

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Points to ponder

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Why Study Operations Management?

Business Education

Systematic Approachto Org. Processes

Career Opportunities

Cross-Functional Applications


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What is Operations Management?Defined

Operations management (OM) is defined as the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm’s primary products and services

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W hat is a Production System ?Defined

A production system is defined as a user of resources to transform inputs into som e desired outputs

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Transform ations

• P hysica l--m anu facturin g

• Lo cation al--tran sp ortation

• E xch ang e--reta iling

• S torage --w areho us in g

• P hysio log ica l--h ea lth care

• In form atio nal--te lecom m u nica tio ns

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What is a Service and What is a Good?

• “If you drop it on your foot, it won’t hurt you.” (Good or service?)

• “Services never include goods and goods never include services.” (True or false?)

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Historical Development of OM

• JIT and TQC

• Manufacturing Strategy Paradigm

• Service Quality and Productivity

• Total Quality Management and Quality Certification

©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004


Historical Development of OM (cont’d)

• Business Process Reengineering

• Supply Chain Management

• Electronic Commerce

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